Chapter 1 - Fluid Characteristics DCC30122
Chapter 1 - Fluid Characteristics DCC30122
Chapter 1 - Fluid Characteristics DCC30122
• Fluid Statics
– Obviously, describes fluids at rest
• Fluid Dynamics
– Obviously, describes fluids in motion
vibrate and move freely at high speeds vibrate, move about, and slide past each
assumes the shape and volume of its assumes the shape of the part of the container
container because which it occupies because
particles can move past one another particles can move/slide past one another
compressible because not easily compressible because
lots of free space between particles little free space between particles
flows easily flows easily
ρ = Mass of fluid
Volume of fluid
ρ = (m/V) kg/m3
•ρ = ω/g 3
(kg/m )
The density of liquid may be considered constant as liquids
are mostly incompressible while the density of gases changes
with pressure and temperature.
(Ketumpatan cecair boleh dianggap malar seperti cecair kebanyakannya tak boleh
mampat manakala ketumpatan gas berubah dengan tekanan dan suhu)
ω=W/V or
ω = mg / V
ω = ρ g (N/m3)
Given Data :
Weight = 7 N
Volume = 1 L
Specific Weight ?
Density ?
Specific Gravity ?
Answer :
* 1m3 =1000L
Weight, W = 7N
* 1 L = (1/1000)m3=0.001m3
Volume, V = 1 L
Specific Weight, ω = W / V
Density, ρ = m/V
Specific Gravity, s = ρliquid
• Specific Weight, ω = W / V
= 7 N / (1 x 10-3)m3
= 7000 N/m3
● Density, ρ = m/V
So, ρ = w/g
= ( 7000 kgms-2/m3 ) / (9.81 ms-2)
= 713.558 kg/m3
• Specific Gravity, s =
s = 713.558kg/m3
1000 kg/m3
s = 0.714
Calculate the density, specific weight and weight of 1L of a specific
gravity 0.7
Given Data :
Density ?
Specific Weight ?
Weight ?
Answer :
specific gravity = 0.7
Volume, V = 1 L
Specific Weight, ω = ρ g
= 700 x 9.81
=6867 N/m3
Weight, W = ω / V * 1m3 =1000L
* 1 L = (1/1000)m3=0.001m3
= 6867 x 0.001
= 6.867 N
A container of volume 3m3 has 25.5 kN of an oil. Calculate specific weight , density
and specific gravity.
Given Data :
Weight = 25.5 kN
Volume = 3m3
Specific Weight ?
Density ?
Specific gravity?
Weight = 25.5 kN
Volume = 3m3
Specific Weight, ω = W / V = ρ g
Density, ρ = ω/g, ρ = m/V @ s x ρ water
Specific Gravity, s =
Specific Weight, ω = W / V
= 25.5 X 103 / 3
= 8500N/m3
Density, ρ = ω/g
◦ = 8500/ 9.81
◦ = 866.463 kg/m3
mass = 56.55 kg
Volume = 3300L
Weight ?
Density ?
Specific volume?
mass = 56.55 kg Volume = 3300L
Weight, W = m x g
= 56.55 x 9.81
= 554.756 N
Density, ρ = m/V
= 56.55 kg
(3300 X 0.001) m3
=17.136 kg/m3
Vs (Specific Volume)= 1
= 0.058m3/kg
1 L of liquid X has weight 15.5N. Calculate its specific weight, specific
gravity and specific volume
Given Data :
weight = 15.5 N
Volume = 1L
Specific Weight ?
Specific gravity?
Specific volume?
Specific Weight, ω = W / V
Density = ω / g
Vs (Specific Volume)= 1
Specific Weight, ω = W / V
= 15.5
(1 x 0.001)m3
= 15,500N/m3
Density, ρ = ω / g
= 15500 / 9.81
= 1580.02kg/m3
Vs (Specific Volume)= 1
= 1
Weight = 9.6 N
Volume = 1 L
Specific Weight ?
Density ?
Specific Gravity ?
Answer :
Weight, W = 9.6 N
Volume, V = 1 L * 1m3 = 1000L
* 1 L = (1/1000)m3
• Specific Weight, ω = W / V
• Density, ρ = m/V
• Specific Gravity, s = ρliquid
ω = W/V
= mg / V
ω = ρg
So, ρ = w/g
= ( 9600 kgms-2/m3 ) / (9.81 ms-2)
= 978.593 kg/m3
Example 6
• Specific Gravity, s =
s = 978.593 kg/m3
1000 kg/m3
s = 0.979
2. 1L crude oil weighs 9.6 N. Calculate its specific weight , density and specific
gravity. (ans: 9600 N/m3, 978.593 kg/m3 ,0.979)
3. A liquid has a volume of 7.5 m3 and weight of 53kN. Calculate specific weight,
density, specific gravity and specific volume
(ans: 7066.667 N/m3, 720.353 kg/m3,0.72, 1 x 388 10-3m3 /kg)
4. A fluid of 5000kg filled an open cylinder container with 150cm diameter and 300
cm height. Calculate the density of fluid and specific gravity
(ans: 943.218 kg/m3, 9252.969 N/m3)
5. The mass and volume for liquid N are 4000kg and 3.2m3 respectively. Determine
weight, density , specific weight and specific gravity
(ans: 39240N, 1250 kg/m3 ,1.25, 12262.5 N/m3)
Physical Nature and Significance of
Viscosity in Fluid Flow
Real Fluids
● Tangential or shearing forces always develop where there is motion
relative to solid body
● Thus, fluid friction is created
● Shear forces oppose motion of one particle past another
● Friction forces gives rise to a fluid property called viscosity
● A measure of a fluid's resistance to angular deformation, e.g.,
– Motor oil: high viscosity, feels sticky
– Gasoline: low viscosity, flows “faster”
● Friction forces result from cohesion and momentum interchange
between molecules.
Different materials
● In B.G. Units
● In S.I. Units
● The poise (P):
– Metric unit of viscosity
– Named after Jean Louis Poiseuille (1799-1869)
– The poise: 1 P = 0.10 N⋅s/m2
– The centipoise: 1 cP = 0.01 P = 1 mN⋅s/m2
– For water at 68.4o F (20.22o C), μ = 1 cP
– Kinematic viscosity
● Ratio of absolute viscosity to density
● Appears in many problems in fluids
● Called kinematic viscosity because it involves no force (dynamic)
● B.G. Units = ft2 /sec, S.I. Units = m2 /s
● The stoke (St) – Metric unit of kinematic viscosity – Named after Sir
George Stokes (1819-1903) – The centistoke: 1 cSt = 0.01 St = 10-6 m2 /s
– Kinematic vs. Dynamic
● μ for most fluids is virtually independent of pressure for the range of
interest to engineers ● ν for gases varies strongly with pressure
because of changes in density ( ρ )
● To determine ν at non-standard pressures, look up the pressure-
independent value of μ and calculate ν = μ/ρ.
● To calculate ρ use the perfect gas law.