Community Perception On Waste in Koto Ta F85e914d
Community Perception On Waste in Koto Ta F85e914d
Community Perception On Waste in Koto Ta F85e914d
ISSN : 2580 - 4030 ( Print ) 2580 - 1775 ( Online), Indonesia
ABSTRACT: This study aims to find out how the public perception about waste and the factors that
influence perception. This type of research is survey research, with a population of people in Koto Tangah
District, Padang City. The research sample was taken based on population density assuming the amount of
waste produced was influenced by the population. Based on the results of the study, it is known that 68% of
the people have a low perception of waste with the view that waste is a useless waste, has no economic value,
and must be disposed of immediately; and 32% of the community has a moderate perception with the view
that some waste has economic value and can be reused. Factors that influence people's perceptions of waste
management are understanding and knowledge, concern for the environment and the willingness to process
waste into products which have economic value. Community knowledge about waste management is high
about sorting and processing waste, but people have a social environment that seldom uses waste and seldom
participates in counseling on how to use waste, so that public awareness of the environment, confidence in
processing waste and the willingness to process waste become products that have economic value is also low.
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education, December, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 186-190
ISSN : 2580 - 4030 ( Print ) 2580 - 1775 ( Online), Indonesia
perception. Stimuli received by each individual are eruption hazard level; 2) the volcanic eruption
not always the same, giving rise to different vulnerability level; and 3) the capacity of handling
perceptions between individuals. The good capacity the volcano eruption of Sinabung in Karo
perception of a person towards garbage will create Regency. The volcano eruption risk level of
good behavior in managing waste, whereas low Sinabung is analyzed in each sub-district
and negative perceptions of waste will certainly administrative unit with a scooring method against
have an impact on behavior that is not good the volcanic eruption hazard indicator according to
towards waste and the environment. In addition, if the Regulation of the BNPB No. 02 of 2012 based
a negative perception of an object arises then on the danger indicator of volcanic eruption.
people tend to be resistant to the object.
Conversely if a positive perception arises then 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
someone will tend to accept or support the object
[3]. Therefore, it is very important to do a research 3.1 Community Perception of Waste
to find out how people perceive waste and the
factors that influence perceptions in Koto Tangah
Perception can be interpreted as a picture in
District, Padang City. The purpose of the research
someone's mind about an object that becomes their
is to help, prevent and even overcome the
concern. Knowing the public's perception of waste
environmental impacts that arise.
in Koto Tangah Subdistrict is very important,
because one's perception will influence their
attitudes and behavior towards waste. Perceptions
of waste can be seen from the public general view
To see the volcano eruption risk level of
towards waste.
Sinabung seen from 3 elements, i.e: 1) the volcanic
The public's view of waste can be seen from management can be seen from the following
the way of looking at the existence of garbage, the indicators:
benefits or uses of waste, and the value / value of
waste. Based on Table 1, it is known that the a. Perception of Waste Use Value
people of Koto Tangah Subdistrict as many as 109 The results showed that the majority of the
people (46.78%) were classified as low categories people in Bungo Pasang Village, Balai Gadang
(66 people (72%) were in Lubuk Buaya Village stated that they did not agree that waste is
Subdistrict) seeing waste as a waste product that a waste product that is useless, while the people in
was useless and had to be discarded. Furthermore, Lubuk Buaya Village strongly disagree that waste
124 people (53.22%) were found to be in the has a purpose. The low public perception of waste
moderate category (67 people (54%) were in is possibly due to the low understanding of the
Bungo Pasang Village) with the view that waste is community on waste use value and the low
leftover goods that can still be reused, and no willingness of the community to make waste as
respondent has a high category of views who sees something that has economic value.
waste with 3R (reuse, reduce and recycle). Koto
Tangah District community perceptions of waste
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education, December, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 186-190
ISSN : 2580 - 4030 ( Print ) 2580 - 1775 ( Online), Indonesia
No Statement Village Total
% % % %
c. Perception on the Benefits of Waste that can be reused. Organic waste can be recycled
The trash that is often found in Koto Tangah back into fertilizer, garbage that is wasted from
District is organic and inorganic waste. Based on metal can be processed into industrial materials
the type, organic and inorganic waste can be and it can be distilled dry so that it can be reused.
utilized by recycling into a tool or other material
d. Community Perception of Economic Value of waste can be used as compost. With the perception
Waste that waste can be reprocessed into something that
The results of the research conducted in Koto can be used to generate selling value, it shows that
Tangah Subdistrict indicate that waste can be there is community interest in processing waste
reprocessed so that it has economic value and into economical stuff. This is in line with the
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education, December, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 186-190
ISSN : 2580 - 4030 ( Print ) 2580 - 1775 ( Online), Indonesia
opinion [4], that the types of potential recycled that spatially the perceptions of the people in
materials at the scavenger level namely plastic Bungo Subdistrict towards the trash are classified
(polyethylene, polystyrene, polypropylene, HDPE, as better than the others. For more details the
LDPE, PVC); paper (duplex, newspaper, distribution of the data can be seen in the table
cardboard, CPO); metal (plates, cans) cloth, and below:
glass (bottles). Thus in general it can be concluded
In general, people have a low perception of the to one's own abilities that come from relationships
value of waste. This is due to people's low with aspects, mental, intelligence, and physical).
understanding and knowledge of the use of waste Thus, it can be seen that the high level of
and the willingness of the community to make public knowledge about waste management but
waste as something that has economic value. has a low perception of waste in Koto Tangah
Whereas good knowledge and perception about Subdistrict can be caused by a social environment
waste and waste management will generate good that seldom uses waste and seldom participates in
attitudes and behaviors and concerns about waste. counseling on how to use waste, so that public
awareness of the environment, confidence in
2. Factors Affecting Perception processing waste and the willingness to process
Based on the results of public perceptions in waste into economically valuable products is also
the Koto Tangah District, it is known that in low.
general the community has a low perception of the
use value or the presence of waste, high about the 4. CONCLUSION
benefits of waste (78.97%), while on the economic
value of waste (75.54%), regarding waste Based on the research findings and the
management, the community prefers to be directly discussion above, it can be concluded 1. 68% of
disposed to the Temporary Disposal Site (TPS). the community has a low perception of waste, with
The high level of public knowledge about the the view that waste is a useless waste, has no
benefits of waste, but having a low perception of economic value, and must be disposed of
the existence and use value of the waste, can be immediately, while 32% of the community has a
influenced by many factors. Such as, the social moderate perception with the view that some waste
environments that rarely use waste, so the has economic value and can be reused. 2. Factors
willingness to process waste becomes low and that influence people's perceptions of waste are
prefers to throw garbage directly into the knowledge, social environment, participation in
Temporary Disposal Sites. This is because the counseling and willingness and confidence.
fewer individuals feel the supporting factors and Community knowledge about waste management
many inhibiting factors to be able to perform a is considered high about sorting and processing
behavior, then individuals tend to perceive waste, but people have a social environment that
themselves difficult to perform these behaviors [5], seldom uses waste and seldom participates in
community perceptions can be influenced by living counseling on how to use waste, so that public
factors and participation in extension activities [6], awareness of the environment, confidence in
and cognitive components (perceptual processing waste and the willingness to process
components) related to knowledge, views, and waste become products that economic value is also
beliefs can influence how people perceive the low.
object of attitude [7]. In addition, according to [7-
10] perceptions are also influenced by external 5. REFERENCES
factors (stimuli and prominent characteristics in
the environment that lie behind the object which is [1] Chandra, Budiman. Pengantar Kesehatan
an inseparated round or unity , such as: social and Lingkungan. EGC. Jakarta. 2006
environment) and internal factors (factors related [2] Farhati, F. Sikap Ekosentrik dan
Antroposentrik Terhadap Lingkungan.
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education, December, 2019, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 186-190
ISSN : 2580 - 4030 ( Print ) 2580 - 1775 ( Online), Indonesia