G12 UP1LP4-Suppliment

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OP-Siena School System Religion Learning Plan

Dominican School of Pilar, Inc.

Binanuahan, Pilar, Sorsogon
AY: 2023-2024
CL/VE 12

Subject Grade Level Grading Period Inclusive Dates

CL/VE Grade 12 1st 2nd 3rd 4th November 9-13, 2023

Teacher Mr. Jose Dizon S. Solomon, LPT, MACDDS

Module/Topic UNIT I: God's Plan of Love for Humankind
LESSON 4: Liturgical Calendar (Suppliment)
Week no. /Duration Wk 11-12 120 minutes
Instructional Materials

Overview (Introduction)
 The lesson is all about the liturgical calendar of the Church as part of
preparation for advent.

Proclamation of the Word (Gospel of the Day /Seeing God’s message in

the Scriptures)

Sources (References, Bible, Vatican II Documents, CCC, CFC, Church’s

Teachings, Encyclicals, Pastoral Letters)

In Quest of Truth (Passion for Truth)

Christian Message: Learning Targets:

The lesson is ordered to enable the students to:
Doctrine: Know the liturgical calendar of the
 I can know the liturgical calendar of the Church.
 I can celebrate the Paschal Mystery more
Moral: Appreciate the value of time as we meaningful.
reflect on the Paschal Mystery through the
Liturgical Calendar.

Worship: Celebrate the Paschal Mystery

more meaningful.
Learner’s Attributes: Integration of Values:
Show willingness to live by the Creation Practice values of compassion and service to others
truths in everyday life such as: worship and
gratitude to God as our Creator, trust in His
divine providence, Respect for all created GA: Servant Leader
things, Respect for the dignity of the person,
being responsible steward of the earth, etc.
God - Centered (the students will worship God and pray
to the Blessed Mother to become faithful disciple of

OP-Siena Consensus Map God)

Servant Leader (the students will be able to fulfill his/

her mission as member of the Church).


Opening Prayer and Invocation

Animation/ Icebreaker https://youtu.be/ycC0xV4r9E0

Experience: (Daily Life Experience, Seeing God’s Message in my Life)

Instruct the class to do a think pair share answering the question below.
1. What do I know about the Liturgical Year?
2. What would I like to know about the Liturgical Year?


Exposition: (Discover God’s Word, Seeing God’s Message in Scriptures,

Seeking God’s Message in the Teaching, Integrating God’s Message in my
Life, Discussion, Explore, Valuing, Deepening, Integration, Our Response

The Liturgical year

 The notion of time helps us celebrate life by marking and recalling the
important dates and events in our lives.
 Ex: Birthdays, anniversaries , graduations, etc.
 Time has an important place in our spiritual life: It helps us reconnect
with God. There are two types of time:
 Chronos is the time we measure.
 Ex: hours, days, weeks, minutes
 Kairos is the Lord’s time.
 It is God’s special time.
 Kairos reveals his will for our lives.

 The Liturgical year or Church calendar helps us celebrate the life, death
and resurrection of Jesus.
 This is called the paschal mystery.
 The Paschal mystery is celebrated through specific seasons.
 There are five specific seasons in the Church’s calendar:
 Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent and Easter.

 The word liturgical comes from the Greek word liturgy.

 Liturgy meant “Public Works”
 In Church language liturgy is the public worship given to God.
 I.E. Mass and sacraments.
 Through the Liturgical Calendar Christians express their faith in Christ
their saviour.
 Each season of the Liturgical year celebrates an important aspect of
Christ’s life.

The Season of Advent
 Advent means ‘the coming’ of something.
 Advent is a period lasting FOUR Sundays (not weeks!) preparing for the
celebration of Jesus’ birth.
The first Sunday of Advent also marks the beginning of the Christian
Church's year.
 Because the celebration is such an important event, Christians want to
make themselves completely ready.

Why is the Advent Wreath so special to Christians?

Why have four candles on the Advent Wreath?


New Evangelization (New Methods, New Ardor, New Expressions,

Creative Strategies)



 In pairs think about what your themes or preparations could be for this
time/season write a list…..
 Draw around your hand on the green card
 Along each finger write one of your advent themes/preparations
 Cut out and hand in/stick on card circle to make a big class advent wreath

Assessment (Formative, Summative Assessment, Performance Task)

There ill be a 20 item quiz regarding the topic

Ad Intra ( Compassion for Humanity)

Mission /Discipleship


Prepared: Checked & Approved:

Mr. Jose Dizon S. Solomon, LPT, MACDDS Sr. Glynda P. Abello, OP

CL/VE Teacher School Director/ Principal

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