Review Papaya

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Review Article International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics

Volume 3 Number 3, September - December 2015

A Review on Composition, Processed Products and Medicinal

Uses of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.)

Devaki C.S.*, Farha Samreen**, Jamuna Prakash***


Papaya is a very popular fruit grown in tropical countries and belongs to the family of Carcicaceae.
Nutritionally papaya is a rich source of carotenoids and also provides fair amounts of B complex vitamins,
ascorbic acid and minerals. Papaya can be processed to obtain many preserved products such as candy, jams
and jellies. It also can be converted to beverages such as ready-to-drink beverages and nectar. Dried and
canned papaya products are also available. By-products of papaya such as pectin and papain are useful for
the food industry. Papaya is also prized for its medicinal properties, which have been documented by many
researches. The present review focuses on the salient features of nutritional composition, processed products,
and medicinal uses of papaya.
Keywords: Production; Nutritional Composition; Flavor Components; Preserved Products; By Products.

Introduction female, or hermaphrodite, the fruits from female trees

are round whereas fruits from hermaphrodite trees
are elongated (Figure 1a) (Bruce and Peter, 2008). The
Papaya (Carica papaya L) is a rapid growing hollow fruit is melon-like, oval to nearly round, somewhat
stemmed and short lived perennial tree, belonging to pyriform, or elongated club-shaped, 15-50 cm long
the family Carcicaceae which is usually propagated and 10-20 cm thick and weighing up to 9 to 10kg.
from seeds. Because of open pollination, papaya is a Semi wild (naturalized) plants bear small fruits 2.5-
notoriously difficult crop to maintain as a pure or 15 cm in length. The skin of the fruit is waxy and thin
tree cultivar. This family includes 4 genera and about but fairly tough. When the fruit ripens it develops a
20 species of carica native to tropical and subtropical light- or deep- yellow-orange coloured skin (Figure
areas of the world (Sidhu, 2006). It may be male, 1b), while the thick wall of succulent flesh becomes

(a) Papaya Tree (b) Papaya Fruit (c) Papaya Seeds

Fig. 1: Papaya Fruit and Seeds

aromatic, yellow orange or various shades of salmon

Author’s Affiliation: *Guest Faculty, **MSc. Student,
***Professor, Department of Studies in Food Science and
or red. The ripened fruit is juicy, sweetish and
Nutrition, University of Mysore, MYSORE – 570 006. develops a characteristic papaya flavor which
resembles the flavor like a cantaloupe. Mature fruits
Corresponding Author: Jamuna Prakash, Professor, contain numerous grey-black ovoid seeds (Figure 1c)
Department of Studies in Food Science and Nutrition,
University of Mysore, Mysore– 570 006.
attached lightly to the flesh by soft, white, fibrous
E-mail: [email protected] tissue (Morton, 1987).

© Red FlowerJournal of Food,
Publication Pvt.Nutrition
Ltd. and Dietetics / Volume 3 Number 3/ September - December 2015
100 Devaki C.S. et. al. / A Review on Composition, Processed Products and
Medicinal Uses of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.)

The fruit is a popular fr uit grown more Physiology and Ripening

prominently in recent years, the volume of Papaya trees are very fast growing, prolific fruit
production being next to fruits such as mango, bearers and the first fruit is ready in 10-14 months
banana, citrus and pineapple at the global level. from the time the plants are transplanted into the
Even in India, the fruit is more common with a orchard (Sommer, 1985). In India, the fruit takes about
number of varieties. Some of the common varieties 135-155 days from pollination to fruit maturity
of papaya throughout the world are Coorg Honey (Selvaraj et al, 1982a, b). The weight and length of a
Dew, Pusa Dwarf, Pusa Giant, Pusa Majesty, Pusa fruit shows a typical double sigmoid type of growth
Delicious, Co.1, Co.2, Co.3, Co.5, Washington, Solo, curve (Selvaraj et al, 1982a, b; Ghanta et al, 1994; Ong,
Ranchi, IIHR39, IIHR54, Taiwan-785, Taiwan-786, 1983). Change of latex colour from white to watery, is
Solo, Solo Sunrise, Solo Sunset, Red Amazon, Hortus another index of maturity of papaya fruit (Akamine
Gold, Betty and Improved Peterson (National and Goo, 1973).
Horticulture Board, 2012). The fruit is given different
names in various localities throughout the world as Some researchers report that, application of
given in Table 1. Papaya is considered as one of the micronutrients during fruit growth and ripening
important fruit because it is rich source of influence the fruit quality and increase the production
antioxidants, phytochemicals, nutrients such as; of papaya fruit. Chattopadhyay and Gogoi (1992)
carotenes, vitamin C, and flavonoids, the B vitamins carried out a study on the effect of treating plant with
including folate and panthothenic acid, minerals micronutrients such as boron, zinc, copper, iron and
such as potassium and magnesium, and dietary fiber manganese on the composition of the fruit. The
(Murcia et al., 2001; Leong and Shui, 2002, Gopalan et application of boron (40ppm) increased total sugars
al., 2004). In addition, papaya is a source of digestive (7.69% versus 6.6%) and ascorbic acid (65.63 versus
enzyme papain, which is used as an industrial 60.84 mg/100g pulp). Treatment with boron, copper
ingredient in brewing, meat tenderizing, and zinc (all 40 ppm) reduced titrable acidity (TA),
pharmaceuticals, beauty products, and cosmetics. and increased carotene content was higher (2.07-2.33
The fruit is mostly consumed fresh but the immature versus 2.01 mg/100g). The researchers concluded that
fruit is also cooked or used in fruit salads, preserves, a combined foliar application of these micronutrients
sauces and pies. The fruit is characterized for its active (40 ppm of each) will result in good quality papaya
pectinolytic enzymes during ripening. A number of fruits. Lavania and Jain (1995) reported that the yield
products are prepared by drying, canning, pickling and quality of papaya fruits are greatly influenced by
and processing the raw fruit latex. Pureed papaya is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) fertilizer
a good source of â-carotene (Ncube et al, 2001). Brazil, application. They reported that the application of
Nigeria, India, Mexico, Indonesia, China and nitrogen (200g), phosphorous (50g) and potassium
Thailand are leading producers of papaya. However (100g), per tree was found to be the most effective
other countries such as USA, Taiwan, Puerto Rico, dose for increasing fruit yield and quality parameters
Peru, Bangladesh and Australia are also producing such as ascorbic acid, total soluble solids (TSS) and
sizeable quantity of this fruit (FAO, 2001). The world sugar contents of mature papaya fruits. Yunxia et al.,
production of papaya is given in Table 2. Papaya is (1995) carried out a similar study on the ripening
produced in about 60 countries, with the bulk of process of the “Sunset” papaya (Carica papaya L) fruit
production occurring in developing economies. with the treatment of calcium. The researchers
Global papaya production in 2012 was estimated at reported that the higher concentration of calcium in
an annual rate of 3.85 % between 2004 & 2012. India mesocarp was associated with slower fruit softening
is the leading papaya producer, with a 41.56% share rate when compared with a lower calcium
of the world production during 2010-2012 and the concentration. Kavitha et al., (2000 a, b) reported that
total production during 2014 (APEDA) was 5,639,310 application of boron and zinc affected the biochemical
tonnes, followed by Brazil (12.25%) and Indonesia and quality characters of papaya. The two minerals
(7.30%). Other important papaya producing countries treated samples produced higher levels of TSS, total
and their share of global production include Nigeria sugars, reducing sugars and non reducing sugars.
(6.79%), Mexico (6.18%), Ethiopia (2.34%), Democratic The TA and ascorbic acid in the mineral treated fruits
Republic of the Congo (2.12%), Colombia (2.08%), averaged approximately 0.29% and 47.1mg/g
Thailand (1.95%), and Guatemala (1.85%) (FOSTAT, respectively.
2012a, b). This review article comprises of physiology Paull and Chen (1990) studied the effect of heat
and ripening of papaya, chemical composition, processing on the softening process of the papaya at
different products prepared by papaya and the health various stages of maturity and harvest date. Mesocarp
benefits of papaya. softening during papaya ripening was impaired by
International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics / Volume 3 Number 3/ September - December 2015
Devaki C.S. et. al. / A Review on Composition, Processed Products and 101
Medicinal Uses of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.)

heating at 42ÚC for 30 mins followed by 49ÚC for 70 to controls which showed significant decay from 6th
mins. The fruit samples which were subjected to heat day onward and complete decay within 12 days of
processing failed to be softer and the researchers storage. The AG and PLEAG coated fruits maintained
observed that the disruption of the softening process their shelf life for 12 days and decayed at 16th day.
varied with the stage of maturity and harvest date. The coated fruits also maintained their colour, flavour
The treated fruits had the highest ethylene production and firmness up to 12 days of storage. An increase in
than in the non treated fruits. Camara et al., (1993) ascorbic acid content (120.2 mg/100 g) was also found
stated that the softness to touch is another indicator in coated fruits in contrast to the control (59 mg/100
used as the ripening index. Among the g). Only 27% disease incidence was observed in AG
physicochemical determinants, pH and TSS (° Brix) and 13% in PLEAG coated fruits as compared to
are very good indicators of ripening of papaya fruit. control (100%) during the storage period. The results
Calegario et al., (1997) compared the physical of this study showed that both AG and PLEAG
methods; reflectance measurement, delayed light coatings have excellent potential to be used on fresh
emission intensity, and body transmission produce to maintain quality and extend shelf-life.
spectroscopy and subjective methods; change in skin
colour to evaluate the ripening stage of the papaya
Chemical Composition
fruit and reported that the subjective method is more
useful than the physical methods. The chemical composition of papaya, viz,
Bron and Jacomino (1996) investigated about the proximate composition – moisture, protein, fat, total
effect of different maturity stages at harvest on the ash, vitamins – fat soluble: total carotenoids, water
ripening physiology and quality of ‘Golden’ papaya. soluble: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin C,
Papayas were harvested at four different maturity minerals – iron, sodium, phosphorus, potassium,
stages (Stage 0: totally green; Stage 1: up to 15% of magnesium and calcium; in different parts of the fruit
yellow skin; Stage 2: 16-25% of yellow skin; and Stage is compiled in Table 3 and flavor components in
3: 26-50% of yellow skin) and evaluated during Table 4 as reported by some of the researchers. As
ripening at 23ºC. Physical and physico-chemical (skin observed, it is noteworthy to mention that papaya is
color, pulp firmness, soluble solids, titrable acidity, a wholesome fruit rich in sugar and vitamins C, A, B1
and ascorbic acid), physiological (respiratory activity and B2. Among the carbohydrates, sugar is the major
and ethylene production), and sensorial (flavor, odor, constituents of papaya fruits but amounts vary
firmness, and appearance) characteristics were considerably depending upon the cultivar and
evaluated. The authors reported that the fruit agronomic condition. Indian cultivars have higher
harvested at stages 0, 1, 2 and 3 reached the edible sugar content (10 – 10.2% TSS) than the papaya
condition after 7, 6, 4, and 3 days respectively. There cultivars grown in the United States (5.6 – 7.1%) (Pal
was an increase in ascorbic acid concentration (20- and Subramanian, 1980; Madhav Rao, 1974). Papaya
30%) during ripening, skin hue angle and titrable is second only to mango as a source of â-carotene, a
acidity were reduced and soluble solids did not alter. precursor of vitamin A. The researchers studied the
The fruits which were harvested at stages 2 and 3 influence of various agronomic practices and planting
had superior scores for sensorial evaluation, mainly time on changes in the physicochemical quality
for flavor and appearance and the authors concluded parameters of papaya fruit, such as mean fruit weight,
that harvest at different maturity stages altered fruit pulp, yield, pulp-peel ratio, TSS as brix, vitamin C
postharvest physiology. Brishti et al., (2012) studied and total carotenoids. They reported that, September
the effect of Bio preservatives on storage life of papaya. planting produced heavier mean fruit weight (2.30
In this experiment the effect on post-harvest kg), maximum TSS (11.2°Brix), vitamin C (74.55 mg/
preservation of papaya (Carica papaya L.) fruit coated 100g) and total carotenoids (1152.50 mg/100g),
with either Aloe gel (AG; 100%) or papaya leaf extract higher pulp – peel ratio than that of the fruits
with Aloe gel (PLEAG; 1:1) was studied. To evaluate harvested from other months of planting. Selvaraj et
the role of coating on ripening behaviour and quality al, (1982a, b) and Birth et al, (1984), observed that the
of papaya, the uncoated and coated fruits were stored change in outer color of the skin of fruit is an indicator
and ripened at room temperature (25ºC - 29ºC) and of ripeness, and this change is mainly due to an
82-84% relative humidity. Physico-chemical increase in the carotene content and decrease in
properties were analyzed at 4 day intervals during chlorophyll. The authors reported that, the total
the storage period. The incidence of disease attack carotenoids contents increased manyfolds from the
was also visually observed. The overall results mature green stage to nearly about 4mg/100gm at
showed the superiority of AG and PLEAG coating in the fully ripe stage of maturity. Papaya fruits are also
lengthening the shelf-life of papaya fruit compared good source of many minerals (potassium,
International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics / Volume 3 Number 3/ September - December 2015
102 Devaki C.S. et. al. / A Review on Composition, Processed Products and
Medicinal Uses of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.)

phosphorus and magnesium) in human diet. The uniform in papaya fruit as some time the fruit become
papaya fruit belongs to the group of low acid content soft before the complete development of total soluble
fruit and the pH of pulp ranges from 5.5 to 5.9. Citric solids (Pelag, 1974). Ali et al., (1998), reported that â-
acid and malic acid are the major acids with smaller galactosidase is an important enzyme present in
quantities of ascorbic acid and á-ketoglutaric acid papaya which has the ability to depolymerize pectin
(Chan et al., 1971, 1973). The major enzymes present and hemicelluloses, which helps in softening of the
in papaya are invertase, papain esterase, myrosinase fruit. Various caroteniods such as â-carotene,
and acid phosphates, which play important role in lycopene, â-cryptoxanthin and â-zeacarotene are
the quality and stability of processed products made present in varying amount in papaya (Chan, 1983;
from papaya (Jagtiani et al, 1988). Bhaskarachary et al, 1995; Wilberg and Rodriguez,
The hydrolytic change of protopectin to pectin 1995; Cano et al., 1996; Irwig et al, 2002; Sugiura et al,
during the ripening of the fruit reduces firmness or 2002). A study conducted by Selvaraj et al, (1982a, b),
softens the fruit. During the ripening stage, the showed increase in carotenoids content (as â-
enzymatic demethylation and depolymerization of carotene) by five to ten folds in yellow fleshed cultivars.
protopectin leads to the formation of low molecular During ripening the color of papaya flesh turns yellow
weight compounds with less methoxyl group which or reddish from green unripe fruit. The major
are insufficient to maintain the firmness and thereby difference between yellow and red fleshed cultivars
it reduces structural firmness of the fruit (Kertesz, is the total absence of lycopene in the yellow fleshed
1951). The author reported that the enzymes such as papaya. Carotenoids, which are relatively heat stable,
polygalacturonase and pectin methyl esterase play showed higher retention than anthocyanins after
an important role for the textural changes of the fruit. blanching and drying in papaya fruit. Pretreatment
The chemical composition of the pectin is influenced of papaya fruits with sodium metabisulphite,
by the variety of fruit, the growing condition and the prevented the oxidation of carotenoids but caused
state of development at the time of harvest bleaching of anthocyanins while blanching (Sian and
(Lassoudiere, 1969a, b). Loss of firmness is not Soleha, 1991).
Table 1: Common names of Papaya
Sl.No Place Common names
1. Africa, Australia, and Jamaica Paw-paw, papayer and papaw
2. Arabic Fafay, babaya
3. Argentina Maman
4. Bali Gedang castela, Spanish Musa
5. Burmese Thimbaw
6. Creole Papayer, papaye
7. Cuba Fruta bomba
8. English Bisexual pawpaw, pawpaw tree, melon tree, papaya
9. Europe Tree melon
10. Filipino Papaya, lapaya, kapaya
11. French Papaya, papayer, figuier des Îles
12. German Papaya, melonenbraum
13. India Pappaiya (Bengali), papeeta (Hindi), papaya (English)
and pappali or pappayi (Tamil)
14. Indonesia Dangandangan, gedang, papaya
15. Khmer Lhong, doeum lahong
16. Lao Sino-Tibetan, houng
17. Luganda Papaali
18. Malaysia, Singapore Betik
19. Mexico, Panama Olocoton
20. Philippines Kapaya, kepaya, lapaya, tapayas and papyas
21. Sinhala Pepol
22. Spanish-speaking countries Melon zapote, payaya (fruit), papayo or papayero (the
plant), fruta bomba, mamón or mamona, figuera del
monte, papaita, lechosa
23. Swahili Mpapai
24. Thai Ma kuai thet, malakor, loko
25. Thailand Malakaw, lawkaw, teng ton
26. Tigrigna Papayo
27. USA Pawpaw, paw paw, papaw, poor man’s banana, or
hoosier banana
28. Venezuela Lechosa
29. Vietnamese Du du
30. Worldwide Papaya
Source: Silva et al., (2007); Saran and Chaudhary (2013); Roshan et al., (2014)
International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics / Volume 3 Number 3/ September - December 2015
Table 3: Chemical Composition of papaya (per 100g)

Reference Part of the Energy Moisture Carbohydrate Protein Fat Ash

plant studied (Kcals.) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Das and Pulp - 88.9 - 0.5 - 0.57
Siddappa, 1955
Fredrich and Fruit flesh 30 - 10 0.6 0.1 -
Nichols, 1975
Gopalan et al., Whole fruit 32 90.8 7.2 0.6 0.1 -
Puwastien et al., Ripe papaya - 89.1 9.5 0.9 0.1 0.51
Puwastien et al., Green papaya - 92.6 6.0 0.8 0.1 0.50
Total carotenoids (μg) Thiamine Riboflavin Niacin Vitamin C
(μg) (μg) (mg) (mg)
Das and Pulp 927 40 250 0.20 42.90
* APEDA (2014)


Siddappa, 1955




Singh and Singh, Whole fruit 1152 - - - 74.55

Gopalan et al., Whole fruit 666 40 250 0.20 57.00
Democratic Republic of Congo

Source: FAOSTAT (2012 a, b)

Munsell, 1950 Whole fruit - 25 29 0.24 -

Asenjo et al., 1950 Whole fruit - 30 38 0.40 -
Puwastien et al., Ripe papaya 7807 31 31 0.31 62.57
Puwastien et al., Green papaya 0 40 192 0.29 29.00
Iron Sodium Potassium Phosphorus Calcium Magnesium
(mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg) (mg)
Medicinal Uses of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.)

Table 2: Global Papaya Production (in metric tonnes)

Gopalan et al., Whole fruit 0.50 6.0 69 13.0 17.0 -




Hardisson et al, Whole fruit - 120.0 210 10.0 30.0 20

Munsell, 1950 Whole fruit- 0.25 110.0 - 1.8 18.3 -
Devaki C.S. et. al. / A Review on Composition, Processed Products and

Variety 1
Whole fruit- 0.42 97.0 - 15.5 17.5 -

International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics / Volume 3 Number 3/ September - December 2015
Variety 2
Puwastien et al., Ripe papaya 1.41 14.1 137 NR 16.2 25
Puwastien et al., Green papaya 0.60 21.0 203 NR 31.9 47
*NR-Not reported
104 Devaki C.S. et. al. / A Review on Composition, Processed Products and
Medicinal Uses of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.)

Table 4: Flavour Components of papaya

Reference Part of the plant studied Flavour components
Flath and Forrey, 1977 Whole fruit Linalool, β-ionone
Macleod and Pieris, 1983 Whole fruit Methyl butanoate
Mohammed et al., 2001 Whole fruit Linalool, benzaldehyde, benzenemethanol,
cyclohexane and hexanoic acid
Sheikh and Krishnamurthy, 2013 Fruit Linalool, benzylisothyocynate, cis and trans
2,6-dimethyl 3,6 epoxy-7 octen-2-ol,Alkaloid,α
carpine, benzyl-β-D gucoside,2-phenyl ehyle-
β-D gucoside,4-hydroxyphenyl-2-ehyle-β-D
Sheikh and Krishnamurthy, 2013 Juice N-butyric, n-hexanoic and n-octanoic acid,
lipid, myristic, palmitic, stearic, linoleic,
linolenic and cis-vasanic and oleic acid
Papaya Based Products al., 1990), concentrate (Siddappa and Lal, 1964; Ponting
As the papaya fruit grows faster with higher yields et al., 1966; Chan and Caveletto, 1978; Mehta and Tomar,
and as it has various varieties which are diverse in 1980a, b; Arya et al., 1983; Aruna et al., 1999; Barbaste
range, this fruit can be used for development of and Badrie, 2000; Kaleemullah et al., 2002; Mendoza
economically viable products on commercial scale, and Schmalko, 2002; Moyano et al., 2002; Kandasamy
with ample scope for blending with other fruits. and Varadharaju, 2014) on a commercial scale. The
Because of the mild flavor of the fruit, the products functional components of the papaya such as pectin
can be supplemented with other strong flavors, to content of the fruit aids in jam preparation and easy
obtain tailor made sensorial products. Besides setting. The biochemical constituents of the fruit related
consumption as a fresh fruit, a number of processed to health benefits such as reducing cholesterol and the
food products developed using papaya are used in the provision for development of wide spectrum of
form of puree (Brekke et al., 1972; Martin et al., 1972; processed products dictate the scientific merit of the fruit,
Flath and Forrey, 1977; Nath and Ranganna, 1981), jam with national and international strategies for the future.
(Parsi, 1976, Teangpook and Poasantong, 2013), jelly Varieties of papaya products developed by research with
(Yi-zhuo et al., 2013; Mie, 2013), pickle (Su and Liu, 2006; low sweetness have proved its importance in reducing
Nurul and Asmah, 2012), candied fruit (Chan and the blood sugar levels. The mature fruit, at its various
Caveletto, 1978; Cherian and Cheriyan, 2003; Ahmad et stages of ripening, can also be processed to give several
al., 2005; Jadhav et al., 2012), mixed beverages (Rodriguez products and a few are mentioned below in this review.
and George, 1971; Martin et al., 1972; Chan et al., 1975;
Salomon et al., 1977; Kalra et al., 1991; Sheeja and Prema, Papaya Candy
1995; Mostafa et al., 1997; Ukwuru and Adama, 2003;
Saravana and Manimegalai, 2001; Boghani et al., 2012; Papaya candies are fruit prepared by using high
Yadav et al., 2013), canned slices/ chunks (Lynch et al., percentage of sugar. Papaya and sugar are the main
1959; Nath and Ranganna, 1981; Dos – Amagalhaes et raw materials. The processing of papaya candy
according to Kumar (1952) is as given in Figure 2.

Fully mature but unripe fruit is hand peeled, deseeded, and cut into 0.5–1.0 cm cubes.

These cubes are soaked in 4% brine solution for 2 weeks, taken out and leached in running tap water to remove the salty

The fruit is boiled in 25o Brix syrup for a few minutes and then allowed to stand overnight.

The sugar content of syrup is increased by 10% by boiling the mixture of fruit/syrup and allowed to stand overnight.

This process is repeated for 5 days until the syrup concentration reaches between 70 and 75o Brix after standing.

Other fruit essences such as orange, pineapple, raspberry, and strawberry are added to the syrup and allowed to stand

A translucent candied papaya is obtained at this stage, which can be rolled in powder sugar to prevent stickiness.
Fig. 2: Processing of Papaya Candy
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Devaki C.S. et. al. / A Review on Composition, Processed Products and 105
Medicinal Uses of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.)

Some of research studies reported on the were added at different percentages. It was found
processing of papaya leather/ candy are as follows. that seven different samples of fruit bar had moisture
Chan and Caveletto (1978) studied the effect of (i) contents of 20.9–22.1% and total soluble solids 78.1–
drying temperature (77°C, 84°C or 94°C), (ii) storage 78.8°Brix while pH, browning index, and vitamin C
times (1, 2 or 3 months), (iii) storage temperature contents were in the following ranges, 4.3–4.50,
(18°C, 24°C or 38°C) and (iv) sulphur dioxide (SO2) 0.137–0.150 (OD), and 40.5–41. 4 mg/100 g
on the quality attributes viz (a) drying rate, (b) respectively. Jadhav et al., (2012) prepared toffee by
sensory analysis – colour, flavor, off flavor of papaya blending noni-pulp with papaya pulp at a ratio of
leather. The researchers concluded that, drying rate (i)100:0, (ii) 95:5, (iii) 93:7 and (iv) 90:10 and studied
was decreased when high SO2 levels were used. The the effect of varying pulp concentration of fruit pulp
colour of the leather was dependent on drying and on sensory quality of noni (Morinda citrifolia L). Toffee
storage temperature, and the addition of SO 2 comprising 90% noni pulp with 10% of papaya pulp
protected against darkening at high drying and and 93% noni pulp and 7% guava pulp had higher
storage temperature respectively. Cherian and overall sensory acceptability such as appearance,
Cheriyan (2003) carried out the study on sensory colour, flavor, consistency.
acceptability of papaya leather by developing 2
different products viz, papaya leather and
papaya+mango (60:40) blended leather and Papaya Jam
compared the two leathers with a control plain Jams are fruit preserves, which are 45 parts
mango leather. Ahmad et al., (2005) developed a fruit prepared fruit with 55 parts of sugar concentrate to
bar from blend of ripe papaya pulp + tomato pulp 65% or higher solids, resulting in semi solid product.
(75:25). Seven different fruit bars were developed with The processing method for the preparation of papaya
the combination of the three hydrocolloids, which jam according to Lal and Das (1956) is given in Figure 3.

Cooked slices are mashed, mixed with equal weight of sugar, and the mixture is cooked.

Citric acid at the rate of 5 g/kg of pulp is added to improve the sugar–acid ratio and it also helps in the production of
inverted sugars, which prevent sugar crystallization in jam during storage.

Cooking of fruit pulp/sugar mixture is continued until it attains a thick consistency, which usually corresponds to a TSS of
65–68o Brix.

Jam is filled hot into clean, dry, and sterilized glass jars, sealed airtight and cooled.
Fig. 3: Processing Method of Papaya Jam

Teangpook and Poasantong, (2013) developed low fruits are boiled in enough water and citric acid is
sucrose papaya jam from ripe papaya pulp and green added to extract pectin, which is then decanted and
lime juice and studied the storage stability of the jam. heated with sugar until it forms sheets or flakes when
The developed jam was comprised of papaya (32%), let down from a spoon. It is then set at cold
lime juice (8%), low ester pectin (0.55%), konjac flour temperature. Papaya jelly was optimized and
(0.5%), glucose syrup (9%), salt (0.03%) and calcium developed by Yi-zhuo et al., (2013) through single
lactate (0.01%) and consisted of 52.10% moisture, factor experiments and orthogonal tests. The results
45.61% total carbohydrate, 0% fat and 1.52% dietary showed that the best formula of papaya jelly contained
fiber. It contained 36.46% sucrose in comparison with a ratio of sodium alginate, agar and xanthan gum of
control jam which had sucrose concentration of 55%, 6:5:4 (3.0 g in total), 40g of papaya, 0.2g citric acid
46° Brix TSS and a pH of 3.22. The average sensory and 16g sugar. The papaya jelly was homogeneous
evaluation score was moderate preference and 79.31% smooth and had a good flavor. Investigation on the
of consumers liked it. best processing technology for production of health
jelly with papaya was carried out by Mei (2013).
Results showed that the optimal mixture was gum -
Papaya Jelly 1.0%, sugar - 20%, papaya juice - 30% and citric acid
Fruit jelly is preserved fruit product with - 0.25%. The product had the aroma and colour of
characteristic texture and body. The steps involved papaya, a good acidic and sweet flavor, a uniform
in jelly making is same as that for jams, but the cut texture and a smooth taste.
International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics / Volume 3 Number 3/ September - December 2015
106 Devaki C.S. et. al. / A Review on Composition, Processed Products and
Medicinal Uses of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.)

Papaya Beverages product has 15-20o brix and mild acid taste. The
Juice or nectar is obtained by blending the thin pulp method for the preparation of papaya juice and nectar
of the fruit with sugar and citric acid. The finished according to Payumo et al., (1968) is given in Figure 4.

Papaya pulp is mixed with sugar (1.5-2.0kg/kg pulp).

Citric acid (12.5-17.5g/kg pulp), color and flavour are added.

Nectar is filtered and heated to 85-88°C.

Filled in plain or lacquered cans and cooled in running water about 38°C.
Fig. 4: Processing Method of Papaya Nectar

Rodriguez and George (1971) developed a good flour (SF) and papaya pulp flour (PF) in the ratio of
quality canned papaya beverage from the pulp of (i) 100:0, (ii) 70:30, (iii) 50:50, (iv) 30:70 and (v) 0:100,
peeled and unpeeled fruit. To enhance the flavor of and fortified the above beverages with vitamin C.
the beverage, 0.4% of sliced, ripe Indian lime was Storage stability of a whey based papaya fruit juice
added before pasteurization. The beverage was ready to serve (RTS) beverage was studied by
adjusted to 15o brix and pH of 3.7 and pasteurized Saravana and Manimegalai (2005). The beverage
at 88°C and canned. The product was excellent was prepared by blending 10% papaya juice with
organoleptically even after 1 year of the storage. whey. In another study, the authors formulated
Chan et al., (1975) studied changes in ascorbic acid, mango-papaya blended squash by mixing them in
carotenoid and sensory quality of papaya puree at proportions of 50:50, 75:25 and 25:75 (Saravana
different stages of processing. About 5.5% ascorbic and Manimegalai, 2001). Boghani et al., (2012)
acid was destroyed during pulping in preparation developed a blended papaya and aloe vera ready-
of puree and 14% more was lost during vacuum to-serve beverage in concentration of 90% and 10%
concentration. There was no change in quality, flavor respectively. Blended RTS beverages were prepared
or aroma seen with alteration of the concentration. using 12% TSS, 0.3% acidity and 10% blended
Salomon et al., (1977) studied the blending of juices in blending ratio of 90% papaya juice + 10%
papaya/ passion fruit nectar. The results showed Aloe vera juice. Optimization studies on the
that the 82.5:17.5 and 87.5:12.5 blends were preferred development of blended fruit nectar, based on
to the 75:25 blends. Kalra et al., (1991) evaluated the papaya and bottle gourd were studied by Yadav et
quality of mango – papaya blended beverage. Mango al., (2013). The nectar was optimized with the
and papaya pulps were blended in ratio 1:0, 1:1, 2:1, ingredient composition (%) of papaya: bottle gourd
3:1 and 0:1 and these pulps were stored for 1 year. juice (2.47:1), sugar (20.95) and citric acid (0.30).
The stored pulp contained 15% pulp, 20% total The nectar had a pH of 3.99, acidity 0.35%, TSS of
soluble solids and 0.3% acidity, and could be 20.80 with hedonic scale sensory ratings of 7.43
and 7.18 for flavor and taste respectively.
preserved for 1 yr in glass bottle under ambient
conditions. The study indicated that 25-33% papaya
pulp could be incorporated in blended beverage Fermented Papaya Products
without affecting the quality and acceptability of the Wen-Jun and Hong (2008) studied the brewing
beverage. technology of papaya and jujube to make healthy
Formulation of different types of papaya juice wine. A method was described for preparation of
blends and nectars have been reported by different wine by fer mentat ion of papaya, jujubes,
authors. Mostafa et al., (1997) developed two powdered Eucommia extract and honey for 48
different fruit nectars from (i) papaya pulp and (ii) hours at 30-34 ° C. Lee et al., (2011) studied the
papaya and mango pulps. The two nectars impac t of amino ac i d ad d it ion on ar oma
contained, total pulp concentration of about 20, 30 compounds in papaya wine fermented with
or 40%, TSS - 15% and acidity as citric acid - 0.55%. Williopsis mrakii. The study suggested that papaya
Mango pulp was added at 0, 15, 25, 37.5 or 50% of juice fermentation with W.Saturnus mrakii in
total pulp content. A blend of 15% papaya + 15% conjunction with the addition of selected amino
mango was rated exc ellent and it was acid (L-leucine, L-isoleucine, L-valine and L-
characterized by higher acceptability. Ukwuru and phenylalanine) can be an effective way to modulate
Adama (2003) prepared beverages by blending soya the aroma of papaya wine.
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Medicinal Uses of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.)

Papaya Pickle fruits salads. Although fully ripe, soft papaya fruits
Raw papaya can be used for making salted pickles are ideal for fresh consumption, but they are not
by brine curing and adding spiced vinegar in the suitable for canning purpose. For canning only the
traditional way. Su and Liu (2006) studied the green mature or semi ripe papaya fruits are used.
processing technique of papaya pickle preparation Lynch et al., (1959) described a canning procedure for
with the addition of spices (including garlic, hot papaya chunks. Nath and Ranganna (1981)
pepper and ginger). Nurul and Asmah (2012) recommended thermal processing of 3-cm papaya
developed a papaya pickle and compared the pickle cubes in cans (hot filled with syrup at pH 3.8) at 1000C
with the fresh papaya for its total phenol (TPC), total for 16.2 mins to achieve F-value of 1.33 or D-value of
flavonoid (TFC), â- carotene, lycopene, ascorbic acid 2.5 during the canning process. For the establishment
contents and antioxidant activity. With the process of required thermal processing time for canned
of pickling the researchers found that there was a papaya puree, the use of destruction studies with
significant decrease in the above mentioned Clostridium pasteurianum was conducted by Dos-
parameters in comparison with the fresh papaya. Amangalhaes et al., (1996). Higher temperature was
used for the inactivation of the polyesterase enzyme.

Papaya Pulp
Dried Papaya Products
Papaya puree is the major semi processed product
that finds use in juices, nectars, fruit cocktails, jams, A number of low-moisture products such as fruit
jellies, and fruit leather. Earlier the processing of leather, powder, toffees, chunks, rolls, and slices have
papaya into puree was difficult, mainly due to been prepared from papaya puree, which finds their
product gelation and off-flavour development. The place in food commodity market. Siddappa and Lal
development of undesirable odours, due to the (1964) patented a process for drying mixtures of
presence of butyric, hexanoic and octanoic acids and papaya juices, previously concentrated, with sugar
their methyl esters was observed in puree prepared and other additives. A procedure for the dehydration
by commercial methods. Therefore, few studies have of ripe papaya slices after steeping in 70 o brix syrup
been carried out to rectify this problem by modifying containing 1000 ppm of SO2 was standardized to give
the processing technologies and a few are discussed the best quality product by Mehta and Tomar (1980 a,
below. Brekke et al., (1972) reported the composition b). Ponting et al., (1966) reported that pulp can also be
of Hawaii varieties of papaya puree as total soluble dried after adding 5–7.5% sugar, 0.5% citric acid, and
solids – 11.5 to 13.5%; total acid (after acidification) – 0.3% potassium metasulphite. This mixture is spread
1.05 to 1.10; ascorbic acid – 50 to 90mg%; carotenoids on greased trays in 1 cm thickness layer and dried in
– 3.5 to 3.9mg%; and moisture – 84 to 88%. The authors cabinet drier at 55–600C. The dried product developed
reported that the technology in the processing a leathery consistency; which was rolled and cut into
included preliminary steaming, the use of crusher desirable sizes. This fruit leather had a shelf life of
scrapper device and acidification. In addition to the about 8 months when stored at 24–30°C. Chan and
above study, Chan et al., (1973) also reported that Caveletto (1978) developed papaya toffee similar to
acidification and heat inactivation of enzymes fruit leather from puree. Papaya fruit bars when stored
prevented the development of the above mentioned at room temperature for 9 months retained 54%, 46%,
unpleasant flavours and odours in the papaya puree. and 43% of total carotenes, â-carotene, and vitamin
Chan et al., (1975) reported that, during the process of C, respectively, and were judged to have superior
making a puree and a concentrate from papaya, small texture and aroma with fewer physicochemical
but statistically significant losses in vitamin C had changes (Aruna et al., 1999). For cheese product
occurred. Microwave treatment of papaya puree containing fruit blends, optimal ratio of papaya puree
produced a small change in qualitative and to pineapple puree was 2:1 with 2% pectin and
quantitative composition of carotenoid pigments, processed to 77–80° Brix (Barbaste and Badrie, 2000).
without significant alterations to the original colour of Sensory analysis indicated a significant preference
the fruit puree (de Ancos et al., 1999). Parker et al., (2010) for the blended fruit cheese. Shelf life of these products
developed optimized papaya pulp nectar using a at 4–5°C was around 8 weeks. Kandasamy and
combination of irradiation and mild heat treatment. Varadharaju (2014) carried out the experiment to find
out the effect of drying air temperatures (60, 65 and
70°C), foaming agents (methyl cellulose, glycerol-
Canned Papaya Products mono-stearate and egg white) and foam thickness (2,
Canned papaya chunks or slices are some of the 4, 6 and 8 mm) on biochemical qualities of foam and
popular ingredients employed for the preparation of non-foam dried papaya powder. It was observed that
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108 Devaki C.S. et. al. / A Review on Composition, Processed Products and
Medicinal Uses of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.)

there was significant (p d” 0.05) variations in ascorbic O’Connor-Shaw et al., (1994) studied the shelf life of
acid and â-carotene content with temperatures, minimally processed (peeled, deseeded, and diced)
foaming agents and foam thickness. honeydew melon, kiwifruit, papaya, pineapple, and
cantaloupe by storing the fruits at 4°C and comparing
it with the fruits which were stored at more than 4°C.
Freeze Drying Minimal processing helped to store the fruits for
Most of the dried products prepared from papaya longer duration, where as the control fruits stored at
fruit suffer from undesirable darkening effects. To >4°C and without any processing technology showed
overcome these defects, less severe treatments have greater rate of spoilage. Lopez-Malo et al., (1994)
been tried. Freeze-drying is one such method that produced shelf-stable high-moisture minimally
produced good results to reach a moisture content of processed papaya slices. The moisture and soluble
as low as 3% in the finished papaya powder. Storage solids contents, pH, and aw remained almost constant
of freeze-dried powder in glass jars did not show in treated papaya slices during storage. Minimally
significant adverse effects on the quality or processed papaya slices had good acceptability even
composition of finished products after 3 months after 5 months of storage at 25°C. The use of vacuum
(Salazar, 1968). Carotenoids were found to be most osmotic dehydration (VOD) techniques for the
stable in freeze-dried powder at water activity of 0.33 production of high moisture minimally processed
(6–7% moisture content) and the researchers papaya has also been reported by Tapia et al., (1999).
recommended freeze drying for the storage of papaya It was possible to obtain minimally processed papaya
(Arya et al., 1983). A combination of osmotic (aw 0.98, pH 3.5) by applying (i) vacuum osmotic
dehydration and freezing was investigated for the drying for just 10 min when sucrose syrup contained
preservation of papaya slices (Moyano et al., 2002). 7.5% citric acid, or (ii) by applying pulsed VOD
Two models have been developed by Mendoza and treatment (vacuum pulses for less than 15 min
Schmalko (2002) to predict the contents of moisture followed by osmotic drying for less than 45 min) when
and sugar during osmotic drying of papaya slices. the citric acid concentration in sugar syrup was 2.5%
The osmotic (60 o brix, 60°C) and air-drying (60°C) or 5%..
methods were used for drying papaya slices.
By-Products from Papaya
Papaya Preserves
Papaya preserves are developed by washing,
peeling, deseeding papaya and then cutting into
pieces; the pieces are soaked for 1-2 days in solution Papain is the major by-product from dried latex
containing sulfite and calcium chloride. The treated derived from papaya fruit, which contains a protein
pieces are blanched in water (90ÚC), cooled, and then hydrolyzing enzyme. This enzyme has a number of
submerged in 30Ú Brix sucrose syrup. More sucrose specific technological applications such as in food,
is added to the syrup gradually until its concentration meat tenderization, beverages, and animal feeds;
reaches 45Ú Brix. The syrup-infiltrated fruit are pharmaceutical industry; textile industry and
dipped into boiling water to wash off the sugar on detergents; paper and adhesives; medical
their surface, taken out, and then dried in hot air oven, applications; sewage and effluent treatment; and
until the water activity drops to 0.75 or lower (Chen et research and analytical chemistry (Flynn, 1975;
al., 2005). Sanchez- Brambila et al., 2002; Kaul et al., 2002).
Among the food applications, the use of papain in
chill haze removal during beer clarification as well
Minimally Processed Products as in the tenderization of meat has shown a steady
Minimal processing is based on a combination of increase over the past years. There is also a belief in
mild heat treatment (blanching), aw reduction, pH some countries of Asia that eating papaya by pregnant
reduction, and addition of potassium sorbate and ladies results in abortion (Adebiyia et al., 2002). Based
sodium metabisulphite. This process is also known on rat feeding studies, the authors suggested that
as the hurdle technology and has been used for the normal consumption of ripe papaya during
preservation of fruit slices. Papaya chunks treated pregnancy may not pose any significant risk but
with increasing levels of preservatives up to 680ppm unripe or semi ripe papaya may be unsafe in
of metabisulphite and 826ppm of sodium benzoate pregnancy, as the high concentration of latex
exhibited good storage stability up to 90 days at 2°C produces marked uterine contractions. Papaya
and ambient temperature (Vijayanand et al., 2001). cultivars differ in papain yield, Red Panama
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Medicinal Uses of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.)

(Lassoudiere, 1969a, b; Foyet, 1972), CO6 (Balmohan Medicinal Values, Traditional usage and Scientific Studies
et al., 1992), CO2 (Wagh et al., 1992), and the line Since ancient times, humans worldwide have used
CP1512, CP1513, CP4 (Auxcilia and Sathiamoorthy, papaya to alleviate effects of ailments (Table 5).
1995), and CP5911 (Kanan and Muthuswamy, 1992) Thousands of plant species are used for medication
are shown to be high yielding. Other factors affecting in modern and traditional medicine systems and
the papain yield from papaya plants are fruit shape most of the world populations use them to cure
(Lassoudiere,1969a, b), stage of maturity (Singh and acute and chronic health problems. Some of the
Tripathi, 1957; Bhalekar et al.,1992), season of tapping work carried out on the scientific studies in human
(Reddy and Kohli, 1992), tapping time of the day and animal models is compiled in Table 5 which
(Lassoudiere, 1969 a, b; Foyet, 1972), pattern of shows that papaya is a promising fruit which helps
tapping (Madrigal et al., 1980), and frequency of to reduce many health disorders. The different parts
tapping (Bhutani et al., 1963). Muthukrishnan and of the plant such as latex is used as anthelmintic,
Irulappan (1985) have described the procedure for relieves dyspepsia, cure diarrhoea, pain of burns
the collection of latex as well as crude papain and topical use, bleeding haemorrhoids, stomachic,
manufacturing process using simple equipment. The whooping cough. Ripe fruits can be used as
yield of crude papain powder obtained from raw green stomachic, digestive, carminative, diuretic,
papaya is reported to be usually around 0.025% dysentery and chronic diarrhoea, expectorant,
(Nanjundaswamy and Mahadeviah, 1993). sedative and tonic relieves obesity, bleeding piles,
wounds of the urinary tract, ringworm and skin
Pectin disease psoriasis. Unripe fruits are used as diuretic,
To make papaya cultivation and papain industry laxative, dried fruit reduces enlarged spleen and
viable, the profitable use of promising fruit is essential. liver, used in snake bite to remove poison,
The green fruits, whether scarred or not, are rich source abortificient and anti implantation activity, anti
of pectin (10% pectin on dry basis), which can be bacterial activity. Seeds can be used as carminative,
extracted for use in food industry (Das et al., 1954; emmenagogue, ver mifuge, abor tific ient ,
Varinesingh and Mohammed-Maraj, 1989). Peel is counterirritant, as paste in ringworm disease,
shown to be higher in pectin content than the papaya psoriasis, antifertility agent in males and seed juice
pulp, and pectin content increases at a higher rate with helps in bleeding piles and in large liver and spleen.
fruit maturity up to a stage (Paul et al., 1998). The Root can be used as abortificient, diuretic, in
integrated processing of papaya fruits for the production checking irregular bleeding from uterus and anti
of papain and pectin has been found to be economical fungal activity, piles. Young leaves used as vegetables
(Nanjundaswamy and Mahadeviah, 1993). The process in curing jaundice, urinary complains, urinary tract
as described by the above authors reported that, it gave infection and gonorrhea, dressing wounds, anti
a papain yield of 0.25% and a pectin (jelly grade 200) bacterial activity, vermifuge in colic, fever, beriberi,
yield of 1% on fresh fruit basis. The variety of the fruit, abortion, asthma. Flowers have emmengogue,
the growing conditions, and the stage of maturity of jaundice, febrifuge and pectoral properties. And stem
fruit are all known to influence the chemical bark has jaundice, antifungal activity and
composition of pectin (Lassoudiere, 1969a, b). antihelmantic activity.
Table 5: Some of the salient works carried out by researchers on Papaya
Scientific study Part of the Report/findings References
or activity plant used
Anticancer Papaya seed Highly effective in inhibition of super oxide generation and inducing Nakamura et al.,
activity apoptosis in acute promyelocytic leukemia cell line HL-60 and the 2007.
activity was mainly contributed by benzyl isothiocyanate
Papaya fruit The benzyl isotiocyanate induced cytotoxic effect in proliferating human Miyoshi et al., 2007
extract colon CCD-18Co cells to the quiscient state
Papaya flesh The aqueous extract of papaya flesh treated with breast cancer cell line García et al., 2009
MCF7 revealed significant inhibition of cell proliferation
Papaya leaves Aqueous extract of papaya leaves shown to possess anticancer activity Morimoto et al.,
and inhibition of cell proliferation in a variety of cancer cell lines 2006.
Papaya leaves The aqueous extract demonstrated antitumor activity and Otsuki et al., 2010
immunomodulatory activity in tumor cell lines and it proved
upregulation of immunomodulatory genes by microarray studies
Aerial part Showed that petroleum extract has significant anticancer effect on MCF7 Khaled et al., 2013
(breast) cancer cells. C. papaya could be a natural source of anticancer
compounds with anti proliferative and/or apoptotic properties and as
well, due to its anticancer pharmacological effect

International Journal of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics / Volume 3 Number 3/ September - December 2015
110 Devaki C.S. et. al. / A Review on Composition, Processed Products and
Medicinal Uses of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.)
well, due to its anticancer pharmacological effect
Flesh The effects of papaya flesh extracts on the viability of breast cancer cell Garcia et al., 2009;
line MCF-7 were examined concurrently with extracts from other fruits. Jayakumar and et
In these studies, the authors also evaluated antioxidants such as β- al., 2011
carotene, polyphenols, and flavonoids in the fruits to focus on the
contribution of these antioxidants in the inhibition of proliferation
Anti- Papaya leaves The C.papaya leaf extract was examined in rats using edema, granuloma Owoyele et al.,
inflammatory and arthritis models. The extract showed significant reduction in paw 2008
activity edema, granuloma formation and reduced inflammation in rats and
proved its anti-inflammatory activity
Papaya fruit Intake of papaya fruits in healthy individuals alleviated anti- Abdullah et al.,
inflammatory response mediated through regulatory T-cells (Tregs) . 2011
Treatment for Leaves Aqueous extract of C.papaya leaves administered to a patient affected Ahmad et al., 2011
dengue fever with dengue fever twice daily for 5 consecutive days exhibited elevated
platelet count from 55x103/µl to 168x103/µl.
C.papaya Evidenced to increase in platelet and RBC count without any acute Dharmarathna et
extract toxicity after oral administration al., 2013
Leaves Supplementation of juice recorded significance increase of platelet count Subenthiran et al.,
in randomized controlled trial conducted on patients with dengue fever 2013
and dengue hemorrhagic fever
Antidiabetic Leaves The aqueous extract significantly reduced plasma blood glucose level Juárez et al., 2012;
activity and serum lipid profile in diabetic rats Maniyar and
Leaves The ethanolic extract demonstrated significant reduction in blood Sasidharan et al.,
glucose level and regeneration of the beta cells of pancreas in diabetic 2011
Unripe papaya Aqueous extract significantly inhibited the key enzymes α-amylase and Oboh et al., 2014
fruit α-glucosidase involved in type 2 diabetes and also inhibited the lipid
peroxidation in rat pancreatic cells studied in vitro
Wound healing Fruits and Extracts were evaluated for wound healing activity using wound Nayak et al., 2007;
activity seeds excision model. Diabetic rats showed significant reduction in the wound Nayak et al., 2012
area compared to untreated diabetic control. It also showed increased
granulation, elevated hydroxyproline content and deposition of collagen
in the wound area
Papaya latex Used for treatment of burns demonstrated significant increase in Gurung and
hydroxyproline content as well as wound contraction in swiss albino Skalko-Basnet,
mice 2009
Fruit Diabetic mice supplemented with fermented papaya preparation (FPP) Collard and Roy,
showed effective recruitment of monocytes and proangiogenic response 2010
by the macrophages at the wound site resulting in wound closure
Antifertility Seeds Shown to have antifertility properties in male albino rats and reduced Lohiya and Goyal,
effects the cauda epidymal and testicular sperm counts 1992
Seed Male Wistar rats treated orally with papaya seed extract (200mg/kg) Udoh et al., 2005
demonstrated hypertrophy of pituitary gonadotrophs and gradual
degeneration of germ cells, sertoli cells and leydig cells of testis thereby
drastically affecting the male reproductive functions
Seed The aqueous extract administered to male Sprague-Dawley rats Uche-Nwachi et
suppressed the steroidogenic enzymes in the testis and reversible al., 2011
changes occurred when the extract was withdrawn after 30-45 days of
Antifungal Latex The latex of papaya and Fluconazole has synergistic action on the Giordani et al.,
activity inhibition of Candida albicans growth and synergistic effect resulted in 1997
Antifungal Latex The latex of papaya and Fluconazole has synergistic action on the Giordani et al.,
activity inhibition of Candida albicans growth and synergistic effect resulted in 1997
partial cell wall degradation.
Antimalarial Rind of the raw The petroleum ether extract exhibited significant antimalarial activity. Bhat and Surolia.,
Activity papaya fruit 2001
Anti-helmenthic Latex The latex of papaya has anthelmintic efficacy against Heligmosomoides Satrija et al., 1995
activity polygyrus in experimentally infected mice, which suggests its potential
role as an anthelmintic against potent intestinal nematodes of
mammalian hosts
Antimicrobial Seed and pulp Shown to be bacteriostatic against several enteropathogens such as Osato et al., 1993
activity Bacillus subtilis, Enterobacter cloacae, Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi,
Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and
Klebsiella pneumoniae by the agar cup plate method
Ripe and Purified extracts produces very significant antibacterial activity on S. Emeruwa, 1982.
unripe fruits Journal
International aureus,
of Bacillus cereus, E. coli,
Food, Nutrition andP.Dietetics / and
aeruginosa Shigella
Volume flexneri 3/ September - December 2015
3 Number
Devaki C.S. et. al. / A Review on Composition, Processed Products and 111
Medicinal Uses of Papaya (Carica Papaya L.)

unripe fruits aureus, Bacillus cereus, E. coli, P. aeruginosa and Shigella flexneri
Anti-amoebic Seeds The cold macerated aqueous extract of matured papaya seeds has shown Tona et al, 1998
activity anti-amoebic activity against Entamoeba histolytica
Immuno- Fruit Fermented papaya preparation exerts both immunomodulatory and Rimbach et al.,
modulatory antioxidant activity in the macrophage cell line RAW 264 and it is a 2000
activity macrophage activator, which augments nitric oxide synthesis and TNF-
alpha secretion independently of lipopolysaccharides
Fruit The antioxidant cocktail derived from fermentation of unpolished rice, Aruoma et al.,
papaya and sea weeds with effective microorganisms of lactic acid 2002
bacteria, yeast and photosynthetic bacteria has shown inhibition of lipid
peroxidation in vivo, a point dependent on the concentrations of
bioactive flavonoids
Antisickling Fruit The extract was found to have the highest antisickling properties with Oduala et al., 2006
activity 93% inhibitory and 84% reversal activities.
Nephro- Seeds The aqueous seed extract of Carica papaya Linn. has been evaluated by Debnath et al., 2010
protective carbon tetrachloride induced renal injury in wistar rats as a dose and
activity time-dependent study. The study showed that Carica papaya Extract has
nephroprotective effect on Carbon tetra chloride renal injured rats, an
effect which could be mediated by any of the phytocomponents present
in it via either antioxidant and/or free radical scavenging mechanism

Summary is higher than that of other fruits and vegetables which

can help in reducing the incidence of vitamin A
Carica papaya is considered as one of the important
fruits because of its nutritional, medicinal and
neutraceutical properties. Papaya is an excellent References
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processed products developed using papaya are used IFN-ã+ CD4+ T cells in healthy human subjects.
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