Utilization of Banana Pseudo-Stem in Food Applications: R.L. Thorat and H.P. Bobade

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A REVIEW International Journal of Agricultural Engineering | Volume 11 | Sp.

Issue | April, 2018 | 86-89

 ISSN–0974–2662 Visit us : www.researchjournal.co.in DOI: 10.15740/HAS/IJAE/11.Sp. Issue/86-89

Utilization of banana pseudo-stem in food applications

R.L. Thorat and H.P. Bobade

Received : 10.04.2018; Accepted : 13.04.2018

See end of the Paper for Abstract : The banana is one of the highly consumed fruits in the world, with a global annual
authors’ affiliation production of 114 million metric ton in 2014. The annual production of banana in india is 26.2
Correspondence to : million tons. The banana fruit, peel, and banana pseudo-stem from various species of banana have
R.L. Thorat been reported to be rich in total carbohydrates, fibre and minerals specially potassium. Banana
Department of Agricultural pseudo-stem is waste from banana plants after harvesting of the trees. It is used for preparing
Engineering, Maharashtra
Institute of Technology,
handicrafts, ropes, fabrics, Papers etc. In order to utilize this bio-waste in bioactive perspective,
Aurangabad (M.S.) India the pseudo-stem can vary well be utilized in the powder form in the number of value added food
Email : ramthorat.rt@gmail. products. It has been reported by number of researchers that banana pseudo-stem powder is well
com known remedy for urinary disorders, stomach troubles like diarrhoea, dysentery and flatulence. It
also helps for removal of stone in kidney, gall bladder and also to control obesity. Banana pseudo-
stem powder is prepared by cutting into dices and then drying into powder as varying temperatures
from 40°C to 70°C. Banana pseudo-stem powder is utilized into the different food products such as
bakery products viz., bread, biscuits, cookies and also in dairy products such as shrikhand,
paneer, cheese etc. to fortify these products with fibre, total carbohydrates and minerals. The food
products which are fortified by banana pseudo-stem powder served as nutraceutical food and
these show nutritional improvement as well as prove as medicine.
Key words : Banana pseudo-stem powder, Fibre, Potassium, Fortification, Nutraceutical

How to cite this paper : Thorat, R.L. and Bobade, H.P. (2018). Utilization of banana pseudo-stem
in food applications. Internat. J. Agric. Engg., 11(Sp. Issue) : 86-89, DOI: 10.15740/HAS/IJAE/
11.Sp. Issue/86-89.

ndia is the largest producer of banana next to mango Pseudo-stem (BPS) constitute a major part of plant
and major banana producing states are Maharashtra, biomass, which are usually left in the plantation or
Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Bihar, West Bengal, incinerated and wasted. BPS appears to be a rich in
Assam, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Banana is source of fibre, total carbohydrate and cellulose
cultivated primarily for their fruit and to a lesser extent (Saravanan et al., 2011).
to make fibre and as ornamental plants (Desai et al., The banana is an important global commodity. The
2016). stem of the each plant is of concentric sheaths with
Banana is most important fruit croup that grows all tender core at the centre. Banana plantations face the
over the tropical regions of the world and has an major problem of disposing the pseudo-stem which goes as a
commercial importance in many of these countries. The waste after harvesting of the trees. In hectare, on an
annual production of banana in india is 26.2 million tons, average about 60 to 80 tonnes is of pseudo-stem alone.
contributing about 23% of world banana production. The stem of banana, commonly known as pseudo-stem


R.L. Thorat and H.P. Bobade

is an aggregation of leaf stalk bases in cylindrical form. cellulose source. Presently, this biomass is discarded as
Pseudo-stem of Banana normally goes as waste though waste in many countries (Khan et al., 2013). In past,
it could be used in pulp and paper industries due to its some researchers have successfully demonstrated use
cellulosic content.It is also consumed as juice in fresh of banana pseudo-stem and leaves for extraction of
form. The banana central core finds use in south indian fibres on a small scale. In india, the fibres are being used
cuisine. Banana stem is a rich source of fibre and helps for preparing handicrafts, ropes etc., which otherwise
to control obesity. It also aids to detoxify the body. In can be used for making fabrics, home furnishings and
southern india, it is consumed as fresh juice to prevent good quality papers. At present, the banana pseudo-stem
kidney stones (Dawn et al., 2016b). are dumped on road side or burnt which causes
Inside the central part of the pseudo-stem is the environmental pollution. The centre core of banana is
core which edible. In many parts of India, the pith or the edible and used to prepare dish in the southern states of
tender core of the banana pseudo-stem has been used india. It is also used to prepare candies and pickles (Dawn
as food after boiling and the addition of spices. Banana et al., 2016c).
central core is rich in fibre and aids in weight loss. It In past, some researchers have successfully
helps to relieve constipation. It is also found to be rich in demonstrated use of banana pseudo-stem and leaves for
potassium and vitamin B6. It helps to detoxify the body extraction of fibres on a small scale. A part from this,
being a diuretic. It is used in the treatment of kidney the high value products viz., mordant from sap,
stones (Lakshman et al., 2015). microcrystalline cellulose powder from fibre and edible
Banana pseudo-stem is a by product of plant and products like candy from central core can also obtained
has potential for providing profitable products such as (Desai et al., 2016).
food source for human consumption. Banana pseudo- Drying is one of the most cost-effective ways of
stem flour (BPF) has good amount of several important preserving foods of all varieties which involve removal
macro minerals potassium (K), sodium (Na), calcium of water by application of heat. A variety of food sub
(Ca), magnesium (Mg) and phosphorus (P) which is types are preserved using drying which includes marine
important to maintain body health. BPF exhibits high fibre products, meat products as well as all fruits and
content (Ho et al., 2015). vegetables. Fruits, vegetables and their products are dried
Minerals play an important role in maintaining proper to enhance storage stability, minimise packaging
function and good health in the human body (Bhat et al., requirements and reduce transport weight (Sagar and
2010). According to Hendricks (1998), approximately Kumar, 2010). To analyze the drying behaviour of a food
98% of the calcium (C) and 80% of the phosphorus (P) product it is quite essential to study the drying kinetics of
in the human body are found in the skeleton. Inadequate the food (Kadam et al., 2011). Banana centre core mainly
intake of minerals in the diet is often associated with an comprises of 90 per cent moisture and hence cannot be
increased susceptibility to infectious diseases due to the kept for a long period of time. It can be converted into
weakening of the immune system. Plants, animal foods flour which is used to prepare bakery products, soup
and drinking water are an important source of essential etc. (Dawn et al., 2016c).
elements (Ho et al., 2012). The Banana pseudo-stem powder will be prepared
The surface of the banana pseudo-stem is easily by using different drying method such as sun drying, tray
subjected to browning after harvest, which will affect drying at different temperature for specific time periods.
the sensory evaluation and economic value of the banana This powder is fortified into the any food product. In
pseudo-stem made products. In order to utilize banana order to utilize banana pseudo-stem it has to be processed
pseudo-stem it has to be processed to be incorporated to be incorporated into food products to increase its value,
into food products to increase its value, including both including both nutritional and sensory characteristics.
nutritional and sensory characteristics. The effects of Now-a-days consumers demand convenience,
various treatments (microwave drying, ultrasonication quality, and innovative food products. Consumers expect
and irradiation) on physical and chemical properties of the food producers to deliver high quality products for a
banana (Jun et al., 2016). reasonable price. In addition, consumer’s tastes and
Banana pseudo-stem has been known as potential preferences are also changing. Health is considered

Internat. J. agric. Engg., 11(Sp. Issue) April, 2018 : 86-89

Utilization of banana pseudo-stem in food applications

important, but not at the expense of quality. Consumers colored pseudo-stem obtained were collected. This was
want to experience novel and interesting foods, which further cut into small pieces and was boiled for 15 min.
are fresh, convenient and tasty. Banana pseudo-stem it before being proceed to slicing (electric slicer-Robot
has to be processed to be incorporated into food products coupe, France) followed by air-drying (ventilated dryer
to increase its value, including both nutritional and Afos, Model Mini, No. CK 80520, England) at 60°C for
sensory characteristics. Hence, this study aimed at 24 h. The samples were then ground to powder and
developing a process to convert this waste into a value sieved by passing the material through a 355- ìm mesh
added product. sieve (Ho et al., 2015).

Table 1 : Mineral and ash contents of banana pseudo-stem flour Conclusion :

Nutritional components Mg/100g dry sample The Produce powder from banana pseudo-stem
Sodium 444.12+4.08 which normally considered a waste material in banana
Potassium 944.12 + 1.41 plantations. The influence of its physical, chemical and
Calcium 1,335.33 + 14.11 functional properties revealed that the powder prepared
Magnesium 255.00 + 2.83 from banana pseudo-stem sample dried in different drying
Phosphorus 137.82 + 1.89 methods such as a sun and tray dryer at different
Iron 3.31 + 0.05 temperature in and select better quality product. Drying
Zinc 8.05 + 0.05
of dried banana pseudo-stem could increase the shelf
Manganese 1.27 + 0.11
life of the quickly perishable banana waste material. It
Ash (%) 6.75 + 0.11
Ho et al. (2012)
suitable to be incorporated in various recipes and could
be expected to give health benefits. In order to utilize
Health benefits of banana pseudo-stem : this bio-waste in bioactive perspective and it can utilized
Banana stem is a rich source of fibre and helps in in the powder form in the number of value added food
weight loss (Chandrasekaran, 2012). products such as bakery products viz., bread, biscuits,
Pseudo-stem have low glycemic index and have a cookies as well as in dairy products such as shrikhand,
high content of dietary fibre and antioxidant which is paneer, cheese etc. to fortify these products with fibre,
good for diabetes (Bhaskar et al., 2011). total carbohydrates and minerals. The banana pseudo-
Banana stem is rich in potassium and vitamin B6. stem powder fortified with many food products and high
Vitamin B6 helps in production of haemoglobin and fibre content i.e. nutritional value of that product are
insulin. higher.
It improves the ability of the body to fight infection.
Potassium helps in the proper functioning of muscles, Future scope :
including the cardiac muscles. Till date all the research has done in medicinal field
It also helps prevent high blood pressure, and yet the research in food processing field have notdone.
maintain fluid balance within the body. So use banana pseudo-stem powder in this field will be a
Banana stem is said to be a diuretic and helps great opportunity for researchers in future. Banana
detoxify the body. pseudo-stem powder will be fortification in Dairy product
It is used prevent and treat kidney stones. and also in neutraceutical food product.
It has been reported that a high dietary fibre intake
has beneficial effects on human health (Dawn et al., Authors’ affiliations:
H.P. Bobade, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Maharashtra
2016a). Institute of Technology, Aurangabad (M.S.) India

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Internat. J. agric. Engg., 11(Sp. Issue) April, 2018 : 86-89


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