DC protection calculations –
an acceptable approach
R. Leach, D. Tregay & M. Berova
Parsons Brinckerhoff Ltd, UK
As a consequence of substantial changes to the railway track layout and
implementation of a new approach to the renewal of negative bonding as part of
a Major UK Railway Signalling Infrastructure Project, the need arose for
reassessment of the existing electrical circuit impedances. This was necessary to
ensure that circuit breakers and relays, protecting the portion of the third rail DC
traction power supply network in question, had safe protection settings employed
to continue to ensure safety under electrical fault conditions.
This paper outlines the challenges that needed to be overcome in gathering,
processing and reconciling input data to arrive at a complete, coherent and
consistent set of data necessary for the calculation of the maximum fault
impedances seen from each of the circuit breakers. The paper goes on to present
the development, implementation and application of the methodology for the
calculation of the protection settings.
The process, illustrated with a flow-chart, was developed based on the
relevant railway standards and guidance documents reflecting best practice,
taking into account previous experience and the lessons learnt from other recent
Power Upgrade projects. The methodology is based on modelling the feeding
arrangement with an equivalent electrical circuit and was implemented into a
spreadsheet based calculation tool. The tool facilitates the choice of feeding
scenarios, the input and validation of data and enables sensitivity studies of the
effect of various circuit components. A particular challenge of the application of
this methodology and tool was the identification of the worst fault scenarios,
especially in large switches and crossings areas with multiple ‘Tee’ feed
connections at various points along the track. Such problems were solved by
modelling and carrying out simulations for various scenarios to determine the
worst case. The methodology and computational tool were validated for every
application by comparing the results with those obtained by an independent
computer programme.
The analysis of the protection setting calculation results demonstrated
surprising conclusions contrary to original expectations.
Keywords: power supply, DC railway, negative bonding, protection settings,
modelling, computational techniques.
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1 Introduction
As a result of a major re-signalling project in the UK the permanent way layout
and the third rail DC traction power supply infrastructure underwent substantial
change, both in terms of the switch and crossing (S&C) layouts and in the plain
line sections of the rail network. The installation of new types of running rails
and the renewal of the traction return (negative bonding cables) based on a new
technique [1] meant that existing circuit impedances needed to be revisited to
ensure that circuit breakers and relays protecting the network in question had
safe protection settings employed to continue to ensure safety under electrical
fault conditions. This necessitated carrying out protection setting calculations
for 36 electrical sections, some standard plain line and others, involving
diverging routes, resulting in complex feeding arrangements.
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hand calculations, which typically excluded cable lengths and tended to assume
connection points were adjacent to the Traction Substations (TSS’s) and Track
Paralleling Huts (TPH’s). This presented several issues to overcome:
• Hand calculations cannot readily cope with complex layouts, or
multiple changes in conductor rail and running rail types.
• With hand calculations it is easy to make mistakes and difficult to check
the calculations.
• Often the lengths of junctions are now typically much longer. This
meant that physical connection points to conductor rails and
feeder/return cables were rarely adjacent, but often a considerable
distance from the TSS or TPH resulting in greater cable lengths.
Therefore, it became apparent that cable impedances could not be
• Significant ‘Overhangs’ or ‘Tee’ feeds arising from extended junctions
were omitted from the original calculations.
• Historically, conductor rails were of smaller cross section, hence
impedance was very similar to the feeder cables and actual connection
point was not considered particularly critical.
Figures 1–3 below show the variety of configurations as typically found on
most schemes of this kind.
S/S 1 S/S 2
S/S 1 S/S 2
S/S 1 overhang
S/S 2
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As a consequence of the above, it was decided that hand calculations were not
appropriate for this project. Instead, the process was undertaken through use of a
calculation spreadsheet (PB-ProCalc) with data inputted via a customised front
end template, incorporating the relevant formulae contained within Sections 8.3
and 8.7 of the client’s process document [3]. The calculations were also
modified to take account of the client’s specific requirements within the
guidance document [4].
The main changes from the clients process document are clearly defined in
his guidance note [4]. The designer is instructed to exclude any allowance for
rail joints and bonding resistances. A 7.5% tolerance is to be added to the
settings to compensate for impedance relay tolerances. Any cables over 15m in
length are to be separately identified and included in the calculations.
In order to validate the accuracy of the spreadsheet, a full check of the
formulae within the spreadsheet was carried out using an independent Engineer
within Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB). In addition, the spreadsheet was tested
against one of the worked examples in the clients process document [3] and
against the example ‘Tee’ feed calculation results contained in the clients
Guidance document [4]. As a further means of verifying the accuracy of the
spreadsheet, a second independent set of calculations were undertaken using
Network Rail ‘Tee’ feed computer program [5] for all of the electrical sections
on the project.
The Proposed Approach was documented [6] and submitted to the client, and
formal acceptance received prior to implementation.
3.3 Modelling
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3.4 Methodology
The preparation of equivalent circuits for the positive side (conductor rails)
became relatively straightforward, although determination of actual connection
points was in some cases difficult due to imprecise record data for some areas.
The situation with regard to the negative return circuits was, however, often
quite complex.
In some instances it was far from clear which equivalent circuit should be
used for the return circuit, in particular relating to multi-track areas with
substation return connections at differing points for each track (sometimes
hundreds of metres apart) and potentially involving an ‘overhang’ situation. The
dilemma was how to determine the position/length of the ‘overhang’ in relation
to the equivalent circuit for the remainder of the main line in terms of whether a
single point for all the return connections should be assumed, or each track
worked out separately. If a single point of connection is assumed, the issue
arises of where it should be placed: at the electrical mid-point for instance; at the
closest connection point; or at the furthest point from the substation. All of these
options then impact on the length of the assumed ‘overhang’, so in the end it was
decided that all of these options should be tested and the worst case taken.
Figures 4 and 5 below illustrate two extremes at the end of an electrical
section, with a fault occurring just beyond the substation return connections.
The solid lines are assumed to be part of the fault path and included in the
calculations, whereas the dashed lines are excluded. The dashed vertical line
indicates the assumed return connection point to the tracks.
4 Detailed process
The process of carrying out the protection setting calculations is presented in the
Flow Chart illustration, Fig.6 below.
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To next S/S
To next S/S
A single track schematic diagram (Fig 7) of the positive and negative circuits
was prepared and marked up with all the information necessary for the definition
of the geometry, circuit elements (sections of rail(s), or cables) and their
dimensions and parameters, i.e. circuit references, boundaries, mileage of
important points, rail types, cable sizes, points of change of rail type and
identification of the circuit elements together with their respective lengths. The
physical circuit diagram was then used to derive the feeding arrangement
diagram (Fig 8), which was in turn converted into equivalent electrical circuit
diagram (Fig 9). The first diagram indicated the absence or presence of ‘Tee’
feed in the positive and/or negative circuits, left-hand or right-hand ‘Tee’ feed,
whilst the second identified the equivalent circuit components, used as input data
to the calculation spreadsheet summarised in Table 1. For the purpose of
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Yes No
Do the data agree?
Yes No
Error(s) found?
Figure 6: Continued.
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37M 2023c
37M 2305c
To Brighton
(T connection)
37M 2023c
37M 1795c
37M 1652c
H B bu
SU (k)
nd T
37M 2305c
37M 2387c
37M 1689c
T o
HAVANT Lo 37 10
(n) z M 8
z 12 4 c
z 38
c T
z z T
z zz TT
To Brighton
z TT
z TT
z T
37M 1038c
(o) (m) (l)
37M 1395c [2]
37M 1696c
37M 1446c
37M 2023c
37M 2221c
(+)-ve (+)-ve
L1 L2
L4 L5
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R1 R2
R4 R5
R3NEG,4&5 = Σ(LN*rRR / nrails)+rNEGCABLE
Equivalent Total
Type of circuit elements Length
Circuit Ref. length
(cable/rail) (feet)
Component (feet)
traceability and clarity the schematic diagram contained a list of all the source
drawings and documents from which the data has been extracted, together with
any assumptions made.
Following the input of data from Table 1 to the Calculation Spreadsheet (PB-
ProCalc), the sheet automatically determines if a ‘Tee’ feed exists or otherwise
and proceeds to compute the fault impedance seen by each circuit breaker
feeding each electrical section (A and B) of the two track railway (in the example
given). The result can be seen from Fig 10.
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Impedance relays and Falling Voltage Overcurrent protection were the two types
of DC traction feeder protection that existed on the portion of infrastructure
involving this project.
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conductor rail size, would logically lower the associated electrical impedances in
comparison to the existing infrastructure. Benefits may have been realised in the
form of allowing increases in (current based) protection settings, thus permitting
higher train currents in section. However, the overall impact was seen to be
minimal. This was due to a range of factors which included modifications to the
S&C layout and associated detailed electrical feeding arrangements, together
with the application of the methodology contained in the client’s process
document. This was further supplemented by the corresponding guidance note
[4], namely working within the parameters of 7.5% when undertaking the
calculations, thus allowing retention of many existing settings. If one was to stay
within parameters of 2.5%, as suggested by [3] then definite changes would have
been warranted.
Consequently, the resultant sensitivity of the calculations to the actual
negative bonding reinforcement was seen to be relatively low. Moreover, the
majority of settings calculated were noted as being close to existing and
therefore not necessitating any changes. Only in a few instances were
recommendations made to change settings (calculated impedances actually
increased). Although no major changes were perceived, this exercise was still
seen to be of great benefit in that it provides a solid basis for future applications
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The authors would like to thank Network Rail for their permission to publish this
The support of Thomas Palfreyman, Head of Electrification, PB Ltd in
developing this calculation process and spreadsheet, and in reviewing this paper,
is also recognised.
[1] Development of an Improved Traction Return System, Eur Ing Raymond
Leach and Dennis Tregay, paper Railway Engineering – 2007,
9th International Conference, London, UK, 20/21 June 2007.
[2] NR/SP/ELP/21051 ‘Calculation of Protection Settings for DC Circuit
Breakers’, Issue 2 dated Dec.2005
[3] NR/GN/ELP/27006 ‘Calculation of Protection Settings for DC Track
Feeders, Issue 2 dated April 2006
[4] Network Rail Southern Region Power Supply Upgrade Project - Guidance
Note A437-00-DC-32031 ‘DC Protection Setting Calculation’, Issue C1.0
dated 11 May 2004
[5] Network Rail Computer Programme “RUN FILE DC3.EXE”
[6] Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) Methodology for Undertaking Protection Setting
Calculations associated with re-modelling and negative bonding changes
(Issue 1 dated 07/09/06)
WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 103, © 2008 WIT Press, ISSN 1743-3509 (on-line)