Fyjc 2023-24 Syllabus Index

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Syllabus Index

FYJC 2023-24
Sr. No. Name of the Subject Page No.
1 English 1-3
2 Hindi 4
3 Marathi 5-6
4 Book keeping and Accountancy 7
5 Economics 8-9
6 Organisation of Commerce and Management 10-11
7 Secretarial Practice 12-13
8 Mathematics and Statistics I & II (Commerce) 14-15
9 Information Technology (Science & Commerce) 16-21
10 Physics 22-23
11 Chemistry 24-25
12 Mathematics and Statistics I & II (Science) 26-27
13 Biology 28-29
14 Computer Science 30
15 Electronics 31-32
16 EVS 33
17 Physical Education 34
18 Sociology 35-36

SYJC 2023-24
Sr. No. Name of the Subject Page No.
1 English 37-39
2 Hindi 40-41
3 Marathi 42-43
4 Book keeping and Accountancy 44
5 Economics 45-46
6 Organisation of Commerce and Management 47-48
7 Secretarial Practice 49-50
8 Mathematics and Statistics I & II (Commerce) 51-52
9 Information Technology (Commerce) 53-59
10 Physics 60-61
11 Chemistry 62-63
12 Mathematics and Statistics I & II (Science) 64-65
13 Biology 66-68
14 Computer Science 69-70
15 Electronics 71-72
16 Information Technology (Science) 73-78
17 EVS 79
18 Physical Education 80
19 Sociology 81
Grade: XII Subject : English
Month Sr. No. Ls .No. Topic Pg. No. Name of the Book Date of completion
1 1.1 An Astrologer's Day. 1-12 English Yuvakbharati
2 Activity 1 : Prepare a speech on Science and Superstitions.
3 2.1 Song of the Open Road. 93-98 English Yuvakbharati
4 Activity 2 : Write four to six lines of Free Verse on th topic 'The road that
leads to my college.'
Writing Skills 1 : Summary Writing : Communication is a part of our everyday life .We greet one another,smile or frown,depending on
our moods.Animals,too,communicate,much to our surprise. Just like us,interaction among animals can be both verbal and non-
verbal.Singing is one way in which animals can interact with one another. Male blackbirds often use their melodious songs to catch the
attention of the females .These songs are usually rich in notes variation,encoding various kinds of messages. Songs are also used to warb
and keep off other blackbirds from their teritory,usually a place where they dwell and reproduce. Large mammals in the ocean sing
too, according to adventurous sailors.Enormous whales groan and grunt while smaller dolphine and porpoises produce pings,whistles and
clicks.These sounds are surprisingly received by other mates as far as several hundered
kilometers away. Summarise the above paragraph in 100-150 words. (Classwork)
Writing Skills 1 : Summary Writing : Exercise in nature is very beneficial for both physical and mental health in addition to general
benefits of exercise, such as improving cardiovascular health and increasing muscle strength,outdoor activities also provide an
opportunity to experience the beauty and tranquility of nature.It can increase feelings of well being and reduce stress and anxiety. It is
important to embrace the benefits of outdoor exercise and incorporate it into your regular routine. (Homework)
Writing Skills 2 : Blog Writing : "Social Media is spoiling the spirit of Education". Prepare a blog in about 150
words . Focus on the adverse/negative effects/influence of social Media apps on the students. (Classwork)
June 8 Writing Skills 2 : Blog Writing : Neccesity of Social Awarness Regarding Cleanliness and Hygiene. Prepare a blog in about 100-150
words. (Homework)
Writing Skills 2 : Blog Writing : Man is free by Birth . Prepare a blog in about 100 -150 words. (Homework)

Writing Skills 3 : Drafting A Virtual Message : Imagine yourself as Ramesh.You are required to go to Pune to participate in national
10 level Chess Competition and hence you wont be able to attend the class test.Draft a virtual message for your friend Sanket in about 50 to 75
words asking him to convey the reason of your absence to your subject teacher. (Classwork)
Writing Skills 3 : Drafting A Virtual Message : Mr.Deshmukh: Hellow ! Iam here to submit the available sales report to the General
manager . Gopal: I am sorry but the general manager was in a meeting .Can you leave a message for him along with the reports?
11 Mr.Deshmukh : Sorry, I have to leave immediately to collect other reports .Please inform the general manager that i have to leave
immediately and i will see him the evening at 5.30pm with
other reports .Thank You . As a receptionist draft a virtual message for the general manager. (Homework)
Writing Skills 3 : Drafting A Virtual Message : Imagine you have to leave early from home for an interview.Draft a message
12 to convey the same to your friend .Give your own reason to support your message.
Writing Skills 4 : Expand the Idea : Experience is the best teacher . Expand the following idea with the help of these points.(1) It’s a
13 practical and not theoretical experience .(2) Learn from situations .(3)Direct and first hand
knowledge.(4) Real life versus bookish. (Classwork)
14 Writing Skills 4 : Expand the Idea : Knowledge is power . Expand the following idea. ( Homework)
15 Writing Skills 4 : Expand the Idea : One should eat to live, not live to eat - Franklin . Expand the following idea. (Homework)

16 Grammar: Phrases
17 Grammar: Transformation of Sentences
18 4.1 History of Novel. 173-177 English Yuvakbharati
19 Grammar: Synthesis of Sentences
20 Grammar: Prepositions
21 Grammer:Parts of speech
22 Grammar: Articles
23 1.2 On Saying "Please" 13-26 English Yuvakbharati
24 Activity 3 : Write a speech on 'Courtesy is the light of life'.
25 2.2 Indian Weavers. 99-102 English Yuvakbharati
26 Activity 4 : Describe in your own words the steps or measures that can be
taken to solve the problems of the weavers.
27 3.2 Writing Skills 5 : Do Schools Really Kill Creativity? (Mind-Mapping) 141-146 English Yuvakbharati
Writing Skills 6 : Statement of Purpose : You are so much interested in fashion designing .You have also participated in the various
competiton and have shown your talent.Your friend is assisting you to make the career in fashion designing. Draft a statemt of purpose that
will help you get the admission for the course in fashion
designing at M.Rajeshwar College,Hubli Karnataka. (Classwork)
29 Writing Skills 6 : Statement of Purpose : Imagine your college is organising a speech competition on the topic " Disappearing Birds"
Prepare words speech in 100 words with the following points (1) Role of birds (2) Causes
behind their disappearance (3) Ways tocall them back (4) Add your ideas. (Homework)
Writing Skills 6 : Statement of Purpose : Your College has organised an elocution competition .One of the topics therein is
30 "Importance of Health" .Prepare a speech in 100 words with the help of following points . (1)
Importance of exercise (2) Importance of Yoga (3) Importance of Diet. (Class Work)
Writing skills 7 : Drafting an Email : Imagine that you are a shopkeeper of article gifts. A customer had give order to purchase articles but
you have some difficulties with giving order in time due to shortage .Write an email to him or her apologising for the delay. (Classwork)
Writing skills 7 : Drafting an Email : You are looking forward to start a Computer Institute in your area.You initially need 20 Pcs .
32 Prepare/Draft an Email to the city dealer of DELL Computera demanding a moderate quotation for the same. ( In about 100-150
words) (Homework)
33 Writing skills 7 : Drafting an Email : Write an E-mail to your friend who has not contacted you for a long time in about 200-250 words.
34 Writing Skills 8 : Report Writing : Seven people killed in an accident . Write a brief report in about 100 to 120
words. (Classwork)
35 Writing Skills 8 : Report Writing : Childrens Day celebrated. Write a brief report in about 120-150 words.
Writing Skills 8 : Report Writing : You are a representative of N.S.S unit of your college .Write a brief report of your camp in which
36 various social activities including cleanliness have been conducted by all the participant.
37 4.2 To Sir, with Love. 178-188 English Yuvakbharati

38 Grammar: Active and Passive Voice
39 Grammar: Speech
40 1.3 The Cop and the Anthem. 27-34 English Yuvakbharati
41 Activity 5 : Write two paragraphs on 'Forgiveness is often better than
42 2.3 The Inchcape Rock. 103-110 English Yuvakbharati
43 Writing Skills 9 : Note-Making : Write a short paragraph about the sources of irrigation in about 120 words about the sources
of irrigation in about 120 words (1)60% Well and tube Irrigation (2) 6% Tank irrigation (3) Lift Irrigation (4) 30% Canal Irrigation.
Writing Skills 9 : Note-Making : Write a short paragraph in about 120 words on Barriers of effective communication (1)
44 Language (2) Noise (3) Discomfort with the topic (4) Lack of interest (5) Distraction (6) time
(7) distance . (Homework)
45 Writing Skills 10 : Speech Writing : Your College has organised an elocution competition .One of the topics therein is "Importance of
Health" Prepare a speech in 100 words with the help of following points . (1) Importance of exercise (2) Importance of Yoga (3)
Importance of Diet. (ClassWork)
Writing Skills 10 : Speech Writing : Imagine your college is organising a speech competition on the topic " Disappearing
August 46 Birds" Prepare words speech in 100 words with the following points (1) Role of birds (2) Causes behind their disappearance (3) Ways to
call them back (4) Add your ideas. (Homework)
47 Writing Skills 10 : Speech Writing : You are an active member of an NGO working for water conservation. Prepare a speech
for the school children/students where you invited on the eve of 'World Environment Day' to guide them about water
harvesting.Your speech should not exceed 150 words. (Home Work)
Writing skills 11 : Letter Writing : Write a letter to the commissioner of police darwing his/her attention towards the
increasing theft/crime in your locality. (Classwork)
49 Writing skills 11 : Letter Writing : Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper,drawing his attention towards the irregularity of garbage
disposal in your area. (Homework)
50 Writing skills 11 : Letter Writing : Write a letter to the manager of your local bus depot pointing out that there are very few buses on
your route in the morning and these are invariably late, thereby causing inconvenience to many junior college students and other
passengers. (Homework)
Writing Skills 12 : Drafting a review : Draft a review that you have recently watched.Prepare your review with the help of these given
51 points (1) Name of the movie/year of release (2) Producer/Director (3) Cast (4) Technical aspects: Music/Photography (5) Theme/Storyline
in Brief (6) Your Opinion. (Classwork)
Writing Skills 12 : Drafting a review : Write a review of a film which you like the most with the help of the following points (1)
52 Story/Theme (2) Producer/Director (3) Special Feature of Direction (4) characters: Conflict (5) Music/Dance/Photography etc (6) Your
Opinion. (Homework)
Unit Test I ( 21st Aug 2023 - 24th Aug 2023)
53 4.3 Around the World in Eighty Days. 189-203 English Yuvakbharati
54 Grammar: Vocabulary (formation. prefix, suffix, homographs etc.)
55 Grammar : Tenses
56 Grammar:Punctuation
57 1.4 Big Data-Big Insights. 35-42 English Yuvakbharati
58 2.4 Have you Earned your Tomorrow. 111-114 English Yuvakbharati
Writing Skills 13 : Draft Interview Questions : One of your ex students from your college has recently been selected for the
prestigious NDA(National Defence Academy).He is specially invited to motivate the aspiring students of your jr.college.Imagine
yourself as an interviewer and prepare a set of 8 questions enablng your guest to share his or her experience and opinions .You may
59 also take help of these points (1) NAME OF THE INTERVIEWEE (2) AREA OF SUCCESS AND REPUTATION
MESSAGE. (Classwork)
Writing Skills 13 : Draft Interview Questions : A well known social worker has been awarded 'National social award' for his/her
60 contribution to social work.Prepare a set of 8 questions to interview him/her focussing on hi/her contribution and activities he/she carried
out. (Homework)
Writing Skills 13 : Draft Interview Questions : Imagine that you are a journalist and you have been assigned the task of interviewing a
film actor/actress.Frame a set of 8 to 10 questions to interview him/her. (Homework)
Writing skills 14 : Preparing an Appeal : Prepare an appeal inviting the students to respond to the"Voters'Registration
Camp" specially organised by the State Election Commision on the eve of 75th Anniversary of our National Independence.
(1) Give appropriate slogan (2) Poor turn out/low awareness (3)Statement of appeal (4) Arrangement of a special Camp (5)
Guest/Time/Date/Venue. (Classwork)
Writing skills 14 : Preparing an Appeal : Prepare an appeal for eye donation with the help of the following points (1) Prepare
63 an effective slogan (2) Use a logo/picture chart (3) Advantages of eye donation (4) Make a persuasive appeal . (Homework)

Writing skills 14 : Preparing an Appeal : A student in your college seeks immediate medical help.His parents are unable to afford the
huge amount needed for the operation.Prepare an appeal to be put on your college notice board requesting the students to donate
generously. Take the help of the following points: (1) The name of the illness (2) The cost of the operation (3) How the contributions can
September be made. (Homework)
Writing skills 15 : Counter View : Read the following view section and develop a counter view section in about 120
65 words.Suggest a suitable title " Old age homes are necessary in the mordern world " (1)Elders get a stressfree life (2)Secure and
peaceful life (3) Better living conditions (4) Children working abroad have only option to keep elders in old age home. (Classwork)
Writing skills 15 : Counter View : Prepare a paragraph with an appropriate title to be used for the counter- View Section on
the following topic in about 120 words : "Facebook is a user-friendly device " (1) Everybody can successfully network through facebook
(2) Facebook allows information with people far and wide (3) Facebook
allows users to create a profile page which interrelates with friends and relatives. (Homework)
67 4.4 The Sign of Four. 204-218 English Yuvakbharati
68 Grammar: Clauses
69 Grammar: Simple, Compound and Complex sentence.
70 Grammar: Degrees of Comparison.
71 Grammar Skills: Conjuntions
72 1.5 The New Dress. 43-54 English Yuvakbharati
Activity 6 : Divide the class into groups and Discuss the role of costumes
in enhancing your personality.
74 2.5 Father Returning Home. 115-120 English Yuvakbharati
75 Activity 7 : Write a character sketch of your family member.

Writing Skills 16 : Compering : Imagine your school/jr.college has organised a farewell function for the students appearing for HSC
October 76 examination.As a compere draft a script for the whole funtion maintaining the dequence of the following points (1) Welcoming the quest
(2) Introduction (3) Felicitation (4) Important Speeches (5) Concluding remark (6) Vote of thanks . (Classwork)
Writing Skills 16 : Compering : Imagine you are given an opportunity to compere a programme organised at your college with reference
to Yoga Day. As a compere draft the whole programme script deciding the flow of overall programme. (Homework)
Writing Skills 17 : Group Discussion : Imagine yourself as a participant in a group discussion arranged by an NGO working to promote
78 swadeshi.The topic is 'Traditional food provide more nutrition to the children as compared to the junk food' There are wo more participants
and evaluator to share their views . Prepare a set of 8 dialogues. (Classwork)
Writing Skills 17 : Group Discussion : You must have discussed many things with your friends,classmates in a group. It might be for
79 going out on a picnic or selecting a gift for your teacher. Do you think some people are right some people are wrong in a group discussion?
Why? (Homework)
Sem End Exam I (14th Oct 2023 - 21st Oct 2023)
80 1.6 Into the Wild. 55-64 English Yuvakbharati
November 81 2.6 Money. 121-124 English Yuvakbharati
82 1.7 Why we Travel. 65-76 English Yuvakbharati
83 2.7 She Walks in Beauty. 125-128 English Yuvakbharati
84 1.8 Voyaging Towards Excellence. 77-92 English Yuvakbharati
December 85 Activity 8 : Discuss with your partner the different ways to travel from one place to
86 2.8 Small Towns and Rivers. 129-134 English Yuvakbharati
Jan Prelim Exam (8th Jan 2024 - 17th Jan 2024)

Grade: 12 Subject : Hindi - Govt Book
Date of
Month Ls.No. Topic Pg. No.
1 चतष्ु पदी: नवननर्माण 1-4
्वियाकलाप 1 : सर्मज कम नव ननर्माण और नवकमस नर नमरी के सहयोग से संभव है
इस नवषय पर क्षम र्ें चचमा कीनजए और अपने र्त निनिए।
2 सस्ं मरण ननरमिम भमई 5-11
19 आलेख : ब्िॉक िेिन 95-99
्ቤाकरण : रस के ्ቚकार
्वियाकलाप 2 : नकसी ्ቚनस्ቍ व्यनि पर ब्िॉग िेिन कीनजए और क्षम र्ें ्ቚस्ततु
July कीनजए।
3 नई क्विता : सच हर् नहीं, सच तर्ु नहीं 12-15
4 कहानी : आदर्ा बदिम 15-22
्ቤाकरण : अलंकार के ्ቚकार
लेखन कौश्ቡ : ्቞ॉग लेखन
महावि्ቕालय का पहला विन पर ्቞ॉग लेखन वलखखए।
मेरे भवि्ቦ में मेरा सबसे खराब अनुभि पर ्቞ॉक वलखखए।
फेसबुक पर वम्ቔता आि्ብक या अनाि्ብक विषय पर ्቞ॉग लेखन
Unit Test I (21st Aug 2023 - 24th Aug 2023)
5 पद दोह : गरुु बमनी 23-26
्वियाकलाप 3: आदर्ा बदिम कहमनी के र्ीषाक की समर्ाकतम पर क्षम र्ें चचमा
कीनजए और िेि निनिए।
6 वदं के दोहे 27-30
्वियाकलाप 4: गरुु नबनम ्ञमन नम हुई इस पनं ि पर चचमा कीनजए और अपनम र्त
्ቚकट कीनजए।
7 ्वनबध ं : पमप के चमर हनर्यमर 31-35
्वियाकलाप 5: िोगों के सनिय सहवमग से सर्मज सधु मरक कम कमया सफि हो
Oct सकतम है इस नवषय पर अपनम र्त ्ቚकट कर क्षम र्ें चचमा कीनजए।
8 नई क्विता : पेड़ होने कम अर्ा 36-40
Sem End Exam I (14th Oct 2023 - 21st Oct 2023)
9 प्ቔ : सनु ो नकर्ोरी 41-46
्वियाकलाप 6: नव्ቕमर्ी जीवन र्ें नर््ቔतम कम र्हत्व इस नवषय पर क्षम र्ें अपने
अपने र्ध्य ्ቚकट कीनजए और िेि निनिए।
10 शेर : चनु नदं म र्ेर 47-50
्ቤाकरण : वलंग के ्ቚकार
11 लेख : ओजोन नवघटन कम संकट 51-56
्वियाकलाप 7: पयमावरण र्षम र्ें आपकम क्यम योगदमन है इस नवषय पर क्षम र्ें चचमा
कीनजए और िेि निनिये।
12 अन्वु दत सा्वहत्य : कोिजमयम 57-63
13 शोधपारक लेख : ्ቚकमर् उत्पन्न करने वमिे जीव 100-104
14 लोकगीत : सनु ु रे सनिय
्वियाकलाप 8: बसंत और समर्मन ररतु जीवन के सौंदया कम अनभु व करते हैं इस
कर्न के आधमर पर कनवतम कम रसमस्वमदन कीनजए।
Dec ्ቤाकरण : सिवनाम के भेि

15 काव्य : कननु ्ቚयम 69-78
्वियाकलाप 9: व्ष की उपयोनगतम इस नवषय पर चचमा कीनजए और क्षम र्ें निि
निि कर िमइऐ ।
16 एकांकी : पल्िवन 79-84
्ቤाकरण : समाना्वी श्ቒ
्ቤाकरण : विरु्ቍा्वी श्ቒ
17 कहानी : फीचर िेिन 85-90
्वियाकलाप 10: भमरत के अतं रर्ष कमयािर् पर फीचर िेिन कीनजए और क्षम र्ें
चचमा कीनजए।
18 आत्मकथा : र्ें उ्ሾोषक 91-94
व्याकरण : महु ािरे
Prelim Exam (8th Jan 2024 - 17th Jan 2024)

Grade: 12 Subject : Physics - Govt Book
Ls.N Date of
Month Topic Pg. No.
o. Completion
June 1 Rotational Dynamics 1-25
2 Mechanical properties of fluids 26-55
3 kinetic theory of gasses and Roatation 56-74
Practical 1:1) To determine the force constant of the
July 1 4
given spring . 2) To determine the mass of the spring.
Activity 1: Derive an expression relating the torque with
angular acceleration for a rigid body
4 Thermodynamics 75-108
5 Oscillation 100-113
Practical 2: To determine the surface tension of the
2 17
given liquid (water) by capillary rise method.
Practical 3: To study the relationship between the
3 temperature of hot body and time by plotting a cooling 23
Activity 2: Derive an expression for maximum
efficiency of a heat engine and Carnot cycle
Unit Test I (21st Aug 2023 - 24th Aug 2023)
7 Superposition of waves 131-157
8 Wave optics 158-185
Practical 4:To study the relation between frequency and
4 length of a given wire under constant tension using 35
Practical 5:To study the relation between the length of a
Sept 5 43
given wire and tension for constant frequency.
Practical 6 : To determine the speed of sound in air at
6 room temprature. 2) To find out the unknown frequency 50
of a tuning fork using resonance tube.
Activity 3: Derive the conditions for bright and dark
fringes produced due to differaction by a single slit.
8 Electrostatics 159-187
9 Current Electricity 214-229
Practical 7: To determine the current sensitivity of a
7 59
moving coil galvanometer.
Practical 8: To verify the laws of combination (series &
8 66
parallel) of resistance using a meter bridge.
Oct Practical 9:To determine the resistance of a
9 galvanometer by Kelvin's methods using Wheatstone's 71
meter bridge.
Activity 4: With the help of a neat circuit diagram
6 determine the internal resistance of a cell by using a
potentiometer and derive the necessary formula.
Sem End Exam I (14th Oct 2023 - 21st Oct 2023)
10 Magnetic fields due to Electric Current 230-250
11 Magnetic material 251-264
12 Electromagnetic Induction 265-287
Practical 10: To compare e.m.f of the given cells using a
Nov 10 76
Practical 11: To determine the internal resistance of a
11 84
given cell using potentiometer
Activity 5: Derive an expression for Impedence.
13 AC current 288-305
14 Dual nature of radiation and matter 306-323
15 Structure of Atom And Nuclei 324-343
Practical 12:Comperison of magnetic dipole moment of
12 a bar magnet by individual and by assist and oppose 88
Activity 6: Explain experimental set up for Photoelectric
14 Semiconductor devices 344-364
Practical 13: To study the characterstics of zenor diode
13 in reverse bias and determine its reverse breakdown 94
Practical 14: To identify given IC's and to verify the
14 102
truth table for each type of logic.
Practical 15: To study input and output characteristics of
15 108
a common emitter NPN transistor.
Activity 7:Describe the principles of a nuclear reactor.
7 What is the difference between a nuclear reactor and a
nuclear bomb?
Prelim Exam (08th Jan 2024 - 17th Jan 2024)

Grade: 12 Subject: Chemistry - Govt Book
Ls. Pg. No. Date of
Month Topic
No. completion
June 1 Solid State 1-27
Practical 1: To determine the concentration in terms of
molarity of KMnO₄ by titrating it against (0.1M) standard
solution of oxalic acid.
6 Chemical Kinetics 120-137
Activity1: A complex reaction takes place in two steps: (i)
NO(g) + O₃(g) → NO₃(g) + O(g); (ii) NO₃ + O(g) → NO₂(g) +
O₂(g). The predicted rate law is rate = k[NO] [O₃]. Identify
the rate determinig step. Write the overall reaction. Which is
July the reaction intermediate? Why
Practical 2: To determine the concentration in terms of
molarity of KMnO₄ by titrating it against (0.1M) standard
solution of ferrous ammonium sulphate.
3 Ionic Equilibria 47-62
Practical 15: Detection of two basic radical qualitatively
from given inorganic salt mixture - 1.
4 Chemical Thermodynamics 63 - 89
Practical 12: Test for functional group present in given
organic compound.
9 Coordination Compounds 192-209
Activity2: (1) Draw structures of enantiomers of lactic acid
using Fischer projection formulae. (2) Draw structures of
August enantiomers of 2-bromobutane using wedge formula.

Practical 7: To determine enthalpy of neutralisation of HCl

and NaOH.
Pratical 8: To determine enthalpy change of Cu from CuSO₄
by Zn.
Unit Test I (21st Aug 2023 - 24th Aug 2023)
5 Electrochemistry 90 - 119
Activity 3: Derive the relationship between osmotic pressure
and concentration of solution.
Practical 8: To prepare pure sample of ferrous ammonium
Sept sulphate.
Practical 9: To prepare pure sample of potash alum.
2 Solutions 28 - 46
Practical 10: To prepare 2-naphthol aniline dye.
Practical 11: To prepare p-nitro acetanilide from acetanilide.
8 Transition and Inner Transition Elements 165 - 191
Practical 5: Study of variation of cell potential of cell
Zn|Zn⁺²|| Cu⁺²|Cu with change in concentration of electrolyte
CuSO₄ and ZnSO₄.
Pratical 6: To determine enthalpy of dissolution of
CuSO₄.5H₂O in water at room temperature.
Oct 15 Introduction to Polymer Chemistry 322 - 339
Activity 4: From the cis-polyisoprene structure of natural
rubber explain the low strength of van der Waals forces in it.
Pratical 13: Characteristics test of carbohydrates proteins fats
and oils.
Sem End Exam I (14th Oct 2023 - 21st Oct 2023)
10 Halogen Derivatives 210-233
Practical 14: Detection of two acidic radical qualitatively
from given inorganic salt mixture - 1.
7 Elements of Group 16, 17 and 18 138-164
Practical 3: To study the effect of concentration on rate of
reaction between Na₂S₂O₃ and HCl.
Practical 4: To study the effect of temperature on rate of
reaction between Na₂S₂O₃ and HCl.
13 Amines 282-297
Nov 14 Biomolecules 298-321
Activity 5: Write the representation of : (i)
Tricarbonatocobaltate (III) ion. (ii) Sodium hexacyano ferrate
(III). (iii) Potassium hexa cyanoferrate (II). (iv)
Diamminedichloroplatinum (II).
Practical 16: Detection of two acidic radical qualitatively
from given inorganic salt mixture - 2.
Practical 17: Detection of two basic radical qualitatively
from given inorganic salt mixture - 2.
11 Alcohols, Phenol and Ethers 234-253
Activity 6: What are the electronic effects exerted by -OCH₃
and -Cl? Predict the acid strength of H₃C-O-Ar-OH and Cl-Ar-
OH relative to parent phenol Ar-OH.
Practical 18: Preparation of phthalic anhydride from phthalic
Dec Pratical 19: Preparation of methylsalicylate.
12 Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic acids 254-281
16 Green Chemistry and Nanochemistry 340-352
Practical 20: Preparation of succinic anhydride from succinic
Pratical 21: Preparation of 100mL 0.1M standard solution of
ferrous ammonium sulphate. (Mohr's salt)
Jan Prelim Exam (08th Jan 2024 - 17th Jan 2024)

Grade: 12 Subject : Biology - Govt Book
Ls. Date of
Month Topic Pg. No.
No. completion
June 1 Reproduction in Lower and Higher Plants 1-17
Pratical 1: Study of plasmolysis in epidermal peels
Pratical 2: Study of structure and distribution of stomata on
upper and lower surfaces of leaf.
Practical 3: Study of osmosis by potato osmoscope
Activity 1: Draw and label maize seed 13
6 Plant Water Relation 119-133
Practical 4: Study of pollen germination of leaf.
Pratical 5: Study of soil samples at least from two different
localities/ sites with respect to their texture and pH and correlate
plants found there of.
Pratical 6: Study of suspended particular matter in air at the
two widely different sites, in your area.
9 Control and Co-ordination 182-220
Practical 7: To study water samples collected from different
water bodies for their pH, clarity and presence of living
organisms (microscopic/ planktonic).
Practical 8: Study of population density and frequency of
different plant population, by quadrat method.
5 Origin and Evolution of Life 94-118
Pratical 19: Study the VS of anatropus ovule through a
permanent slide / relevant chart.
Pratical 20: Study of TS testis, TS ovary and VS of blastula,
through permanent slide.
Practical 21: Study of flowers adapted to pollination by
different pollinating agencies (Wind and insects)
10 Human Health and Disease 221-245
Practical 10: Disect and display floral whorls. Dissect anther
August and take T.S. or V.S. of ovary to show pollen grains and locules
of ovary, respectively.
Activity 2: Consider given m - RNA strand which has 82
undergone mutation and lost nucleotides A, C and G
sequentially. Resultant m RNA is represented by 1, 2 and 3.
With the help of checker board of amino acids, explain the
changes in amino acid sequence that will occur due to such
Unit Test I (21st Aug 2023 - 24th Aug 2023)
2 Reproduction in Lower and Higher Animals 18-48
Practical 11: To study wing shape and eye color in Drosphila.

Practical 12: To examine the presence or absence of Barr body

in the given sample. .
8 Respiration and Circulation 153-181
Pratical 13: To study various syndromes and their karyotypes in
human beings.
Practical 14: Detection of commonly used adulterants in milk.

Practical 15: To detect the presence of starch, added as an

adulterant to the milk.
Activity 3: Draw and label posterior and anterior view: External 169
structure of human heart
3 Inheritance and Variation 49-69
Activity 4: Draw and label life cycle of Entameoba histolytica 230
and explain it.
Practical 16: Comparative study of rates of transpiration in the
upper and lower surfaces of leaf, using four-leaf experiments.
Praticals 17: Separaion of plant pigments by paper
Pratical 18: Study of imbibition by using dried seed/ rasins.

Sem End Exam I (14th Oct 2023 - 21st Oct 2023)

4 Molecular Basis of Inheritance 70-93
Practical 9: Isolation of DNA from given sample.
7 Plant growth and Mineral Nutrition 134-152
Pratical 22: Study of plants found in xerophytic and aquatic
conditions, & comment on their adaptations.
Pratical 23: Demonstration of hybridisation technique.
Practical 24: Study of meiosis in onion flower bud with the
help of permanent slide.
Nov 12 Biotechnology 272-292
Practical 25: To study the prepared pedigree chart of genetic
traits such as rolling of tongue, widow's peak, blood groups and
color blindness.
Activity 5: Find out the biological source of following 275
restriction enzymes and discuss their recognition sequences; Pst
I, Sal I, Taq I, Xer III, Mbo II, Hpa I, BgII, Kpn I, Not I.

Practical 26: Study of morphological adaptations of animals,

found in xeric and aquatic conditions.
11 Enhancement of Food Production 246-271
Practical 27: To identify common diseases causing organisms
like plasmodium, entameoba, ascaris and ring worm with the
help of permanent slides or specimens. Comment on symptoms
of diseases that they cause.

Activity 6: Draw and label Life cycle of lac insect and explain 258
Dec 13 Organisms and Populations 293-307
14 Ecosystem and Energy Flow 308-320

Practical 28: Study of structure or parts of human eye, ear and
brain with the help of models or chart.
Pratical 29: Observe the prepared slide of blood smear to
identify different types of blood cell.
15 Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Issues 321-342
Activity 7: Draw and label structure of human ear and explain 205
its fucntioning.
Jan Prelim Exam (08th Jan 2024 - 17th Jan 2024)

Grade : 12 Subject: Environment Education and Water Security
Date of
Month Ls. No. Topic Pg. No.
1 Humans And Environment 1 - 13
July Project 1: Write down the any three eco friendly practices
that you can follow in your day-to-day life.
2 Environment Pollution 14 - 32
August Project 2:Write down plastic recycling rules and E-waste
recycling rules.
Unit Test I (21st Aug 2023 - 24th Aug 2023)
3 Sustainable Development 33-42
Sept Project 3: Write success story of Ralegaon Siddhi with
respect to sustainable development Goals.
4 Practices for Environmental protection 43 - 54
Oct Project 4: Write report on Green audit of Maharashtra.

Sem End Exam I (14th Oct 2023 - 21st Oct 2023)

5 Water Security 55 - 66
Nov Project 5: Write a report on water contamination and
explain any three sources that cause water pollution.
Project 6: Noise and radiation pollution – Sources and
Project Submission
Prelim Exam (08th Jan 2024 - 17th Jan 2024)

Grade : 12 Subject: Health and Physical Education
Ls. Pg. No. Date of
Month Topic
No. completion
1 Physical Fitness 1-6
Project 1: Write report on importance of fitness for healthy life.
2 Exercise- Scientific view 7-12
August Project 2: Write the benefits of regular exercise.

Unit Test I (21st Aug 2023 - 24th Aug 2023)

3 Study of Yoga 13-21
Project 3: Write information about one standing and one sittiing
asana mentioned in the text book.
4 Diet 22-28
Project 4: Prepare chart of Food Pyramid
5 Active Lifestyle 29 - 35
Oct Project 5: Explain the qualities which are important to
inculculate active lifestyle.
Sem End Exam I (14th Oct 2023 - 21st Oct 2023)
6 Motivational Stories 36 - 42
Nov Project 6: Write a report on Cricket career of Master Blaster
Sachin Tendulkar
7 Sports Award 43 -51
Dec Project 7: Make a chart on various awards given in sports at
National Level.
Practical exam
Prelim Exam (08th Jan 2024 - 17th Jan 2024)

GRADE: 12 Subject: Sociology (Govt. Book)
Month Ls. No. Topic Pg. No. Date of Completion
Section I
1 Introduction of Indian society 1 - 22
Activity 1 - Find out about the Eight-Fold Path of Buddhism.
Write a report on it in 100 - 150 words.
Activity 2 - Find out more about the impact of Muslim rule on the
following : Painting, Architecture, Music. Write a report on it in
100 - 120 words.
2 Segments of Indian Society 23 - 42
Activity 3 - Find out about any tribal scheme started by the
July government or an NGO. Write a report on it in 150 - 200 words.
Activity 4 - Discussion on ' The impact of caste on Indian society
has reduced today'. Write a report on it in 150 - 200 words.
3 Diversity and Unity in Indian Society 43 - 58
Activity 5 - There have been protests regarding The Transgender
Persons (Protection of Rights) Act, 2019. Find out more about this
and hold a class discussion. Write a report on it in 150 - 200
Aug words.
Activity 6 - Group discussion on : ' Measures to promote
National Unity.' Write a report on it in 150 - 200 words.
Unit Test I (21st Aug 2023 - 24th Aug 2023)
4 Processes of Social Changes in India 59 - 67
Activity 7 - Identify any four cities and study data about their
industrial growth. Present your findings to your class and follow it
Sep with a discussion and Write a report on it in 150 - 200 words.
Activity 8 - Conduct a 2-minute extempore speech competition in
class on the topic: 'Modernisation may be perceived as a challenge
in a traditional society.' Write a report on it in 150 - 200 words.
5 Social Movements in India 68 - 81
Activity 9 -Collect newspaper and journal report on farmer
suicides in the past year. Display this information on your class
bulletin board. Write a report on it in 100 - 120 words.
Oct Activity 10 - (A) Have you heard of Greta Thunberg? Discuss the
effect of her activism.
(B) View the film 'Lakir ke is Taraf' by Shilpa Ballal. Then have a
class discussion. Write a report on it in 150 - 200 words.
Sem End Exam I (14th Oct 2023 - 21st Oct 2023)
6 Social Problems in India 82 - 103
Activity 11 - Find out information about the 'Bel Bajao Andolan'.
Then, enact a small skit in your class. Write a report on it in 100 -
Nov 120 words.
Activity 12 - Class Discussion on 'The Impact of Internet
Addiction and Mobile Addiction on human Life. Write a report on
it in 100 - 120 words.
Section II
Dec Passages 104-107
Jan Prelim Exam (08th Jan 2024 - 17th Jan 2024)


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