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Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan

Vol.15, 3 (September, 2023), pp. 4038-4048

ISSN: 2087-9490 EISSN: 2597-940X, DOI: 10.35445/alishlah.v15i3.3538

Collaborative Learning Effect on Improving Students’ Creativity and

Critical Thinking in the Independent Curriculum
Haerun Nisa1, M. Isnaini2*, Linda Sekar Utami3, Islahudin4
1 University Muhammadiyah Mataram, Indonesia; [email protected]
2 University Muhammadiyah Mataram, Indonesia; [email protected]
3 University Muhammadiyah Mataram, Indonesia; [email protected]
4 University Muhammadiyah Mataram, Indonesia; [email protected]


Collaborative learning is a pedagogical approach that encourages
students to actively engage in discussions and cooperative work
Collaborative; within a classroom setting. The method of learning holds significant
Creativity; importance in the pursuit of educational objectives. The objective of
Critical Thinking; this study is to assess the impact of collaborative approaches on
enhancing students' creativity and critical thinking skills. The research
employed a descriptive test, a data normality test, and multiple linear
Article history:
regression analysis as the chosen methodological approaches. The
Received 2023-02-07 researchers employed a data collection method by administering a
Revised 2023-03-01 questionnaire to a sample of 48 students engaged in collaborative
Accepted 2023-09-12 learning. The questionnaire was distributed via a Google form. The
focus of this study is on collaborative learning (Ŷ) as the dependent
variable, whereas the independent factors include creativity ability
(X1) and critical thinking (X2). The findings of the data analysis were
conducted using multiple linear regression tests. The present study
uses descriptive quantitative research methods and a four-point Likert
scale questionnaire. Data is analysed using linear regression,
statistical, and data normality tests. Results of multiple linear
regression analysis indicate that creativity (X1) and critical thinking
(X2) have a linear impact on collaborative learning (ϗ). With 77.9%
influence, inventiveness (X1) is the most important variable. Collective
learning increases creativity and critical thinking by 79.6%, according
to the determination value (R2) of 0.796. ANOVA and T value
hypothesis tests show that all independent factors impact the
dependent variable simultaneously and significantly. It concludes that
collaborative learning increases students' creativity and critical
thinking in the autonomous curriculum by 77.9% and 27.1%,

This is an open-access article under the CC BY-NC-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
M. Isnaini
University Muhammadiyah Mataram, Indonesia; [email protected]

Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan,Vol. 15, 3 (September 2023): 4038-4048 4039 of 4048

Some time ago, the UNDP (United Nations Development Program) or the United Nations Agency
that handles education issues released data on the ranking of world countries based on the
competitiveness of the quality of human resources in 2019 or the 2019 Human Development Index. Of the
189 countries studied, Indonesia is ranked almost last, in the 111th position. This means that the quality
of Indonesia's human resource competitiveness is very low in the international market (Adri Efferi, 2020).
This is a big problem that we must solve together, so one of the ways we can do to improve the quality of
human resources in Indonesia is to improve the quality of education. Education is a form of effort to
realize a learning process so that students can develop the potential that exists in themselves. Education
is becoming increasingly important for the young generation in facing various challenges in everyday life
(Kamilasari et al., 2019). Education's purpose is to help students reach their full potential as human beings
so that they can become democratically responsible citizens who have a deep faith in and devotion to God
Almighty; who are physically fit; who are intellectually curious; who are resourceful, are able to think
critically and creatively; and who are able to exercise their own initiative and creativity (Hendrawan et
al., 2023).
Furthermore, during the period known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, there has been a notable
integration of many scientific discoveries pertaining to information technology within the industrial
sector (Alaloul et al., 2020). This era is a challenge and necessity for universities in Indonesia to prepare
graduates with 21st-century abilities, namely communication skills, collaboration, critical thinking, and
creativity (Anagün, 2018), (Jufriadi et al., 2022). To continue to things such as improving facilities and
infrastructure, to through the curriculum. From the Competency Based Curriculum (KBK), Education
Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP), and Curriculum 2013 (Hanum et al., 2019). As of the present day, the most
recent curriculum in question is referred to as the autonomous curriculum. Merdeka Belajar is a recently
implemented policy programme initiated by the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of
Indonesia (Kemendikbud RI), under the leadership of the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture
as part of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet. According to Hasim (2020), Nadiem asserts that the
fundamental concept of freedom of thought necessitates educators' introduction before imparting it to
students. According to Aisyah (2019), the initial implementation of the independent curriculum in a
number of pilot schools was executed effectively in the first year, and subsequently expanded to
numerous schools in the present year. Consequently, upon analysis, it is evident that the independent
curriculum, in comparison to the 2013 curriculum, exhibits improvements aligned with Indonesian
cultural values (Jojor & Sihotang, 2022). It may be inferred that in order to cultivate graduates equipped
with such competencies in the 21st century, a viable approach for the government would involve revising
the relevant curriculum, including the adoption of contemporary educational frameworks, such as the
autonomous curriculum. Based on the outcomes seen from the implementation of the independent
curriculum across multiple educational institutions, it is evident that this approach yields favourable
results. In order to facilitate more effective improvements compared to the preceding curriculum, it is
imperative that this autonomous curriculum be implemented.
The policy, popularly known as Merdeka Belajar-Kampus Merdeka, is intended to realize an
autonomous and flexible learning process in higher education to create an innovative, non-restrictive
learning culture according to student needs (Suryaman, 2020). So that one of the efforts that can be applied
to achieve the goals of 21st-century education and the implementation of the independent learning
curriculum by several universities in Indonesia, is creating various kinds of programs for students to be
independent in learning, namely by implementing collaborative learning between universities. As one of
the programs being implemented in the college where the researcher conducted the research. Because
through the application of this learning, students will interact more and discuss with lecturers and with
other friends, so students will be more active in the classroom.
According to Zamroni, collaborative learning theory is based on the idea that the search and
development of knowledge is a process of social activity where students need to practice it. Students are
not passive spectators and listeners, but they must be involved in the learning process (Kusumastuti,

Haerun Nisa et al. / Collaborative Learning Effect on Improving Students’ Creativity and Critical Thinking in the Independent
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Prihandono, and Supriadi 2012). Then Modjiono, 1992 suggested that the group work method can be
interpreted as a teaching and learning format where members interact with each other in a group to
complete learning tasks together. Thus, the group work method can be interpreted as a learning activity
where students in one class are seen as a group or divided into small groups to achieve a certain learning
goal (Parwati, 2018). Therefore, the collaborative learning method is one of the methods that can be
applied by a lecturer to further increase student activeness, creativity, and critical thinking in the
Collaborative learning techniques help students exchange knowledge from various perspectives to
prevent misunderstanding of a problem through the use of multimedia and the latest technology (Junus
& Andula, 2020). In creativity, there are two characteristics of creativity, namely, creative thinking
characteristics and affective characteristics. Traits such as fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration
are characteristics of creativity that relate to a person's creative thinking ability. Meanwhile, affective
characteristics of creativity are needed for a person's creativity to appear in a behavior. These affective
characteristics are related to a person's attitudes and feelings, such as curiosity, imaginative nature,
challenge, risk-taking nature, and appreciative nature (Kau, 2017). Meanwhile, according to Rusman,
creative thinking is a learning process that requires teachers to be able to motivate and bring out student
creativity during learning, using several varied methods and strategies, such as group work, role-playing,
and problem-solving. Creative thinking ability is an ability that is categorized as high-order thinking
(HOT) (Faturohman & Afriansyah 2020).
Students need to develop both their creative and critical thinking skills in order to provide
themselves with the tools necessary to succeed in the modern world. According to Putra (2015), critical
thinking is the capacity to assess or investigate the facts, assumptions, and logic behind the opinions of
others. Possessing strong critical thinking abilities is crucial for education because they allow pupils to
learn by doing. 2015, Simbolon. According to Jufri (2013), critical thinking is a pattern of reflective thought
whose primary function is to guide learners in making decisions about their actions. (Yunita et al., 2019).
Some of the research results that have been conducted by (Dewi, 2016), (Hajar et al, 2017), (Sanabria
et al., 2017), (Ahmed Younis, 2018), (Saputra et al., 2019), (Sudiyanto, 2020), (Wawan & Setiawan, 2021),
(Wong et al., 2021), (Warsah et al., 2021), which showed a significant effect on students' creativity and
critical thinking skills. Based on some of the research results that have been conducted by previous
researchers, so far no researcher has examined the effect of collaborative learning in improving the
creativity and critical thinking of students implemented in an independent curriculum. Such as research
conducted by Dewi, 2016 on the Effect of Lesson Study-Based Collaborative Learning on Students' Critical
Thinking Skills, with a literature study method or literature study. Then the research was conducted by
Wawan & Setiawan, 2021 on the Effectiveness of Collaborative Learning Based on Online Integrated E-
Academic on Critical Thinking Ability and Attitude Towards Mathematics, with a pseudo-experimental
research method. So, researchers in this study want to combine the two variables into one research title
and examine more deeply the relationship between the two variables on the effect of applying
collaborative learning methods. The purpose of this study is to measure the extent of the effect of the
application of collaborative learning on increasing the creativity and critical thinking of students with
descriptive quantitative research methods. Next is the question about the effect of collaborative learning
in improving students' creativity and critical thinking: (1) How big is the influence of the application of
collaborative learning?; (2) Of the two variables, which variable is more influential on the application of
collaborative learning?

In this study, researchers used a descriptive quantitative research method. According to Sugiyono
(2018), quantitative research is research based on data collection using research instruments with the aim
of testing predetermined hypotheses (Yunita et al., 2019). The stages in the implementation of this research
are shown in Figure 1.

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Determination Penyusunanof
Preparation Dissemination
of the research instrument
the research of research
subject penelitian
instrument questionnaires

Interpretation Tabulation and

and conclusion analysis of data

Figure 1. Research procedure

2.1. Determination of Research Subjects
The subjects of this study were students who participated in collaborative learning programs
from three different universities. College A with 21 students, college B with 16 students, and college C
with 11 students. Therefore the total number of students who became subjects in this study was 48 people.
2.2. Preparation of Research Instruments
The assessment indicators made in the research questionnaire through the development of the
indicators of each variable, then made into several forms of statements. Indicators for each independent
variable and the dependent variable are in Table 1.

Table 1. Research instrument indicators

Variable Indicator
Collaborative method Contribute actively
Work productively
Demonstrate flexibility and compromise
Demonstrate responsibility
Showing respect
Willing to work in heterogeneous groups
Responsible for doing group tasks that are part of it
And able to make decisions by considering the common
Creativity Fluency of speech
Fluency of thought
The number of responses made to a stimulus
Ability to respond to a stimulus in different ways
Providing responses that are statistically rare, relevant, and able
to produce appropriate responses
Ideas that are added in response to a stimulus so that the
response becomes meaningful, meaningful and relevant
Critical thinking Question formulation activity
Limiting the problem
Examining data
Analyzing various opinions
Avoiding highly emotional considerations
Avoiding oversimplification
Considers multiple interpretations
Tolerating ambiguity
Question formulation activity

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2.3. Questionnaire Distribution

The questionnaire was distributed using a Google form, and then filled in by students who
participated in collaborative learning. As for taking data, researchers use two types of assessment, namely
self-assessment with a total of 28 statements and peer assessment with a total of 22 statements that will
support the results of student self-assessment.
2.4. Data Tabulation and Analysis
The data analysis used is the multiple regression analysis methods. Multiple regression analysis
is a linear relationship between two or more independent variables (X1, X2...Xn) and the dependent
variable (Ŷ). In this study, there are three variables to be studied, namely collaborative learning as the
dependent variable (Ŷ), creativity ability as the first independent variable (X1), and critical thinking ability
as the second independent variable (X2). This analysis aims to determine the direction of the relationship
between the independent variable and the dependent variable, whether each independent variable has a
positive or negative relationship and to predict the value of the dependent variable if the independent
value increases or decreases. Then the equation used is :
Ŷ = a + bX1 + bX2 …. bXn (1)
Description: Ŷ (dependent variable), a (constant), bX1 (first independent variable), bX2 (second
independent variable).
2.5. Interpretation and Conclusion
The first stage carried out in this research is determining the research subject, which in this
research subject students who take part in collaborative learning. This research approach uses descriptive
quantitative research methods. Then the preparation of research instruments based on the indicators of
each variable, this study uses a research instrument for distributing questionnaires with two types of
assessments, namely self-assessment and peer assessment. Furthermore, in the distribution of
questionnaires to students who participated in collaborative learning, data samples were taken from four
different classes with a total of eighty-eight respondents in three different universities. Then analyze the
data using the JASP application with linear regression test, descriptive test, and data normality test. Until
the final stage is concluding. If the H0 result is greater than the significant value, namely, 0.001, the
hypothesis is rejected. However, if the output results state that the H1 result is greater than the significant
value, namely 0.001, it can be stated that the hypothesis can be accepted.


3.1. Sample and Data Collection
In this study, researchers sampled data from students in semester III (three) and semester VI (five)
in four different classes. Data collection was carried out at the end of collaborative learning, namely
after the implementation of the final semester exam. Where in one class there are students from two
different universities who take part in collaborative learning. The data was obtained through the
answers to a 4 Likert scale questionnaire filled out by each student who was participating in
collaborative learning.
In the self-assessment questionnaire, students can assess themselves regarding their collaboration
and cooperation skills, creativity skills with methods that are easily applied by each student, and logical
thinking skills, so that the opinions that have been conveyed can be easily accepted by other friends.
Then the results of the peer questionnaire assessment can further prove the ability in terms of
collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking of students based on the answers to the student self-
assessment questionnaire. The results of respondents' answers to the self-assessment questionnaire and
peer assessment can be seen in Figures 2 and 3

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20 Y
15 X1
10 X2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Figure 2. Student self-assessment questionnaire data
20 Y

15 X1

10 X2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Figure 3. Student peer assessment questionnaire data

40 Y
30 X1
20 X2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Figure 4. Student self- and peer-assessment questionnaire data
(1) Collaborative(Y), (2) Creativity(X1), (3) Critical thinking(X2)
3.2. Descriptive Data Analysis
After collecting the data, the researchers then conducted descriptive statistical tests. The results
of the descriptive statistical test are in table 2.

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Table 2. Results of statistical descriptive test

Y X1 X2
Mode ᵃ 41.000 36.000 45.000
Median 45.000 44.000 45.000
Mean 47.556 44.778 45.222
Std. Deviation 7.418 6.797 5.118
Variance 55.028 46.194 26.194
Skewness 0.950 -0.044 -0.064
Std. Error of Skewness 0.717 0.717 0.717
Kurtosis 0.197 -1.718 -1.085
Std. Error of Kurtosis 1.400 1.400 1.400
Shapiro-Wilk 0.904 0.917 0.959
P-value of Shapiro-Wilk 0.275 0.368 0.783
Range 22.000 18.000 15.000
Minimum 40.000 36.000 38.000
Maximum 62.000 54.000 53.000

The results of the JASP output show that the median value of collaborative learning is 45,000, while
the median value of creative ability is 44,000 and the value of critical thinking ability is 45,000. The
mean value can also be seen in the table. The mean value of collaborative learning is 47.556, the mean
value of creative ability is 44.778 and the mean value of critical thinking ability is 45.222. Then the most
frequently occurring value or mode value in collaborative learning is 41,000, the mode value of creative
ability is 36,000 and the mode value of critical thinking ability is 45,000.
The variance value can also be seen in collaborative learning at 55.028, while the variance value in
creative ability is 46.194 and the variance value in critical thinking ability is 26.194. The highest value
and the lowest value can also be seen from each variable. Where the highest value of collaborative
learning is 62,000 and the lowest value is 40,000, while the highest value for creativity ability is 54,000
and the lowest value is 36,000, the highest value of critical thinking ability is 53,000 and the lowest value
is 38,000. After the descriptive test is carried out, the next researcher conducts a data normality test.
The results of the data normality test.
3.3. Test of Data Normality
The results of the data normality test can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3. Normality test
Variable Skewness Kurtosis P-Value Of Shapiro Ket
Y 0.950 0.197 0.275 Normal
X1 -0.044 -1.718 0.368 Normal
X2 -0.064 -1.085 0.783 Normal

Data is said to be normal if the skewness and kurtosis values are < ± 1.96 with a significance value
of 0.05 and < ± 2.58 with a significance value of 0.01. In addition, data normality can be known if the P-
value of Shapiro> 0.05. Table 3. Can be seen the P-Value Of Shapiro on the dependent variable and the
independent variable. Based on table 3. It can be seen that the P-Value Of Shapiro in collaborative
learning is 0.275. Then the P-Value Of Shapiro on creativity ability is 0.368 and the P-Value Of Shapiro
on critical thinking ability is 0.783. Then the P-Value Of Shapiro on Y (0.275> 0.05), the P-Value Of
Shapiro from X1 (0.368> 0.05), P-Value Of Shapiro from X2 (0.783> 0.05). It can be concluded that the
values owned by Y, X1, and X2 are normal so that all data obtained can also be said to be normal. After
testing the normality of the data, then the researchers conducted a linear regression test. The results of
the linear regression test.

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3.4. Test Linear Regression

The results of the linear regression test can be seen in Table 4.
Table 4. Model summary results
Model Summary - Y
Model R R² Adjusted R² RMSE
H₀ 0.000 0.000 0.000 7.418
H₁ 0.892 0.796 0.728 3.866

In the display of JASP output results Table 4. The summary model shows a value of R2 0.796, this
shows the effect of collaborative learning in this study is 79.6% with a moderate category. This proves
that H1 can be accepted and H0 is rejected. In other words, the hypothesis in this study can be accepted.
Based on the value of H1 in this study, it shows that the application of collaborative learning is quite
good because it has a significant effect on the results of its application. After that, researchers conducted
ANOVA statistical test to find out how well this collaborative learning model can be applied. The
results of the ANOVA statistical test are in Table 5.

Table 5. Anova statistical test results

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F p
H₁ Regression 350.557 2 175.278 11.729 0.008
Residual 89.666 6 14.944
Total 440.222 8

Based on the results of the ANOVA statistical test in Table 5. It can be seen that the F value is
11.729, with a probability of 0.008. Because the probability value is greater than 0.001, it can be
concluded that the increase in creativity and critical thinking is not equal to zero, or the two
independent variables directly have an increase in the application of collaborative learning. This can
also be seen in the R2 value whose value is not equal to zero or has a significant effect. Furthermore,
researchers conducted a coefficients test to determine the magnitude of the effect of collaborative
learning. The results of the coefficients test are in Table 6.

Table 6. Coefficients test results

Model Unstandardized Standard Error Standardized t p
H₀ (Intercept) 47.556 2.473 19.232 < .001
H₁ (Intercept) 0.442 14.293 0.031 0.976
X1 0.779 0.624 0.713 1.248 0.259
X2 0.271 0.829 0.187 0.327 0.755

It can be concluded that the assumed hypothesis can be accepted because there is an increase in
creativity and critical thinking from the application of collaborative learning in this study. Of the two
independent variables, it can be seen that the increase in creativity has a greater value of 77.9%
compared to the increase in critical thinking which has a value of 27.1%. This shows that the application
of collaborative learning is more influential in increasing student creativity because the value of the
influence of creative ability is a greater percentage than the ability to think critically (X1> X2). So that
the equation can be used:
Ŷ = 0.442 + 0.779 X1 + 0.271 X2 (2)

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1. The constant value (a) can be seen in equation (1) is positive because assuming the absence
of the creativity variable (X1) and critical thinking variable (X2), the effect of collaborative
learning (Ŷ) increases.
2. The value of the creativity ability variable (X1) is positive because, assuming the absence
of other independent variables, if the value of the creativity ability variable (X1) increases,
the collaborative learning variable (Ŷ) also tends to increase.
3. The value of the critical thinking ability variable (X2) is positive because assuming the
absence of other independent variables, if the value of the critical thinking ability variable
(X2) increases, the collaborative learning variable (Ŷ) also tends to increase.
Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, the application of collaborative
learning is one of the effective learning methods applied in a class. This is one of the programs included
in the implementation of the independent curriculum at the institution where the researchers
conducted the research, so it can be seen that through the application of one of the independent
curriculum programs, it can certainly improve students' creativity and critical thinking skills based on
the results of the multiple linear regression test that has been carried out.
From the results of data analysis that has been carried out, there is a significant effect on the
application of collaborative learning, namely an increase in creativity by 77.9% and critical thinking by
27.1%. In addition, the results of previous studies that both discuss the effect of collaborative learning,
such as (Wawan & Setiawan, 2021) which discuss the effectiveness of collaborative learning so that it
can improve students' critical thinking skills, the results of research corroborated by (Sudiyanto, 2020)
with the same discussion. The results of the research (Zakiah & Kusmanto, 2017) also discuss the effect
of collaborative learning that can increase student creativity. From the three studies that have been
conducted, the average effect of collaborative learning on increasing creativity and critical thinking is
above 50%, so the application of collaborative learning can be used as a feasible method to be applied
by a teacher if he wants to increase the creativity and critical thinking of his students.
From all the explanations and results of the research that has been done, it can be seen that the
application of collaborative learning has a positive impact on increasing student creativity and critical
thinking which is implemented in an independent curriculum.

Based on the findings derived from the data analysis conducted in this study, it can be inferred
that collaborative learning exhibits the potential to enhance students' creativity and critical thinking
abilities. Specifically, the observed outcomes indicate a substantial improvement in creativity by 77.9%
and a notable enhancement in critical thinking by 27.1%. The findings of the analysis test demonstrate
that collaborative learning can serve as an efficacious pedagogical approach for educators seeking to
enhance students' creative and critical thinking abilities. Based on the existing body of research, it is
evident that the findings of this study remain constrained in their scope. The researcher expresses the
aspiration for future investigations that are characterised by increased depth and breadth, aiming to
yield more pertinent and comprehensive study outcomes. Furthermore, it is suggested by scholars that
future investigations should incorporate the inclusion of research instruments employed and the
augmentation of sample size in data collection, hence facilitating the acquisition of a more
comprehensive dataset in subsequent studies.

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