Tle 9-10
Tle 9-10
Tle 9-10
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the consequent shortened academic year, the Department of Education, through the Bureau of Curriculum Development-
Curriculum Standards Development Division, has produced a list of the most essential learning competencies (MELCs). This was done in order to ensure that
the prescribed standards set for each learning area are still attained. In the process of identifying the MELCs in EPP/TLE, the ENDURANCE criterion was used as
the sole determiner .Endurance as a criterion is necessary for lifelong learning.
The identfied MELCs preserve the main objective of Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) which is to enable the learners acquire technical
knowledge, skills and values in the four components mentioned above while Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) is to make the learners technologically
proficient that may lead them to pursue a career or livelihood training.
The identified MELCs in EPP/TLE are intended only for School Year 2020-2021 to accommodate the necessary adjustment due to the shortened academic year.
The curriculum was not revised and the identified MELCs are lifted from the existing curriculum guide without any enhancement or modification.
One of the objectives in identifying MELCs is to help the teachers identify the learning competencies that needed to be prioritized so that they can employ
appropriate pedagogies and prepare suitable instructional materials based on the available rersources. Sub learning competencies that are redundant or
recurring were removed to satisfy the eigth to nine weeks allotted per quarter.
The following are the premises to be considered in utilizing MELCs in the teaching of EPP/TLE:
- Handicraft and other TLE/TVL specializations that are non-NC or that may not affect the assessment of the learners, are suggested to be
offered this year. The performance/ skills for these specializations can be delivered both in school or at home. Local materials are available
in the community.
- The Beauty Care (Nail Care/Foot SPA/Hand SPA), Hairdressing, Barbering and other TLE/TVL specializations similar to these are also
recommended to be offered this year. These have National Certification Assessment but the performance/skills can be done both in school
or at home.
- Sample MELCs for these specializations are suggested to be used or the teacher may have the option to prepare their own MELCs following
the given considerations
• For TLE/TVL Specializations, consider the resources available in school, at home, or in the community in choosing what course(s) to offer since
health is the utmost concern. In instances when the learners cannot physically attend a class, the learners should still be able to perform the
task as stated in the CG.
• On the other hand, in cases when competencies are not attainable due to various circumstances, the teacher may give an alternative activity
provided it is aligned with the substituted learning competency.
1ST QUARTER The learner applies the The learner performs skillfully LO 1. Understand concepts related to needlecraft 1 WEEK
principles of art and handicraft the use of design, materials, 1.1 Identify major needlecraft techniques
1.2 State safety and precautionary measures
to create a beautiful and and techniques to create
marketable embroidered embroidered products. LO 1. Understand embroidery as a craft and its 1 WEEK
product. techniques
1.1 Define embroidery as a needlecraft technique
1.2 Identify the tools and materials used;
LO 2. Create embroidered products with package 4 WEEKS
2.1 Manipulate properly the tools and materials for
2.2 Combine stitching techniques in embroidery,
Calado and smocking to create a well-made
2.3 Select appropriate and quality packaging
material for embroidered articles
2ND QTR. The learner applies the The learner performs skillfully LO 1. Understand Crocheting as a Technique 1 WEEK
principles of art and handicraft the use of design, materials, 1.1 Define the technique of crocheting;
1.2 Identify the tools and materials used
to create a beautiful and and techniques to create LO 2. Make Crocheted products with project plan 4 WEEKS
marketable crocheted crocheted products. 2.1 Discuss crochet terms and abbreviations;
product. 2.2 Perform basic stitches in crocheting showing
proper use of materials
2.3 Prepare project plan
2.4 Select appropriate packaging materials
2.5 Evaluate quality of finished product
3RD The learner applies the The learner performs skillfully LO 1. Understand knitting as a needlecraft 1 WEEK
QUARTER principles of art and handicraft the use of design, materials, 1.1 Describe definition and characteristics of
knitted products
1.2 Identify tools and materials for knitting
to create a beautiful and and techniques to create LO 2. Produce knitted articles with packaging 4 WEEKS
marketable knitted product knitted products. 2.1 Perform basic stitches in knitting
2.2 Demonstrate proper use of materials, tools and
equipment in knitting
2.3 Prepare project plan for the expected knitted
2.4 Select appropriate quality packaging
material for knitted articles
4TH QUARTER The learner applies the The learner performs skillfully LO 1. Understand Quilting as aTechnique 1 WEEK
principles of art and handicraft the use of design, materials, 1.1 Discuss the overview of Quilting
1.2 Demonstrate proper use of tools and materials in
to create a beautiful and and techniques to create Quilting
marketable quilted product quilted products.
LO 2. Make Quilted products with package
2.1 Apply Quilt stitches on selected project 4 WEEKS
2.2 Prepare project plan for the expected quilted
2.3 Select appropriate quality packaging material
for finished project
2.4 Evaluate the quality/characteristics of
finished product (use rubrics)
1ST QUARTER The learner demonstrates an The learner independently 1. Explain core concepts and principles in macramé and 1 WEEK
understanding of the concepts demonstrates core basketry
2. Discuss the relevance of the course
and principles in macramé and competencies in macramé and 3. Explore business opportunities in macramé and
basketry basketry basketry
LO 1. Trace the origin of macramé and basketry
1.1 Discuss history and development of macramé and
LO 2. Enumerate different kinds of macramé and 1 WEEK
basketry products
2.1 Describe different products of macramé and
2ND The learner demonstrates an The learner independently LO 1. Produce quality macramé and basketry products 5 WEEKS
QUARTER understanding of the concepts demonstrates core Make project proposal for making macramé and
and principles in macramé and competencies in macramé and basketry products
basketry basketry LO 2. Calculate the cost of production and selling price 1 WEEK
of macramé and basketry products
2.1 Compute cost of raw materials
2.2 Compute for the selling price of the finished
3RD The learner demonstrates an The learner independently LO 1. Plan a design for a macramé product 1 WEEK
QUARTER understanding of the concepts demonstrates core 1.1 Choose a design
and principles in macramé and competencies in macramé and 1.2 Sketch the design
basketry basketry
LO 2. Produce the following macramé projects 5 WEEKS
3.1 Bag
3.2 Basket
3.3 Apply creativity in each product
4TH QUARTER The learner demonstrates an The learner independently LO 1. Plan a design for a basketry product 1 WEEK
understanding of the concepts demonstrates core
and principles in macramé and competencies in macramé and LO 2. Get the measurement of the product to be made
basketry basketry LO 3. Produce the following basketry projects 4 WEEKS
3.1 School bag
3.2 Market bag
3.3 Food tray
3.4 Apply creativity in each product
1ST QUARTER The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1:Trace the history & development of fashion 1 WEEK
understanding of concepts, demonstrates common accessory production
theories and techniques in competencies in making
making Fashion Accessories Fashion Accessories LO 2: Select materials tools and equipment in
making fashion
2.1 Identify materials tools and equipment in
making fashion accessories.