Compactness in Metric Spaces
Compactness in Metric Spaces
Compactness in Metric Spaces
(2) Let us consider a subset X of N. Suppose X is infinite. Then there exists
an increasing sequence N of N such that rng N ⊆ X.
Proof: Reconsider B = 2X as a non empty set. Reconsider N0 = min∗ X
as an element of N. Reconsider Y0 = X as an element of B. Define
P[object, object, set, object, set] ≡ $5 = $3 \ {$2 } and $4 = min∗ $5 . For
every natural number n and for every element x of N and for every ele-
ment y of B, there exists an element x1 of N and there exists an element y1
of B such that P[n, x, y, x1 , y1 ]. Consider N being a sequence of N, Y being
a sequence of B such that N (0) = N0 and Y (0) = Y0 and for every natural
number n, P[n, N (n), Y (n), N (n + 1), Y (n + 1)] from [13, Sch. 3]. Define
Q[natural number] ≡ N ($1 ) = min∗ (Y ($1 )) and N ($1 ) ∈ Y ($1 ) and Y ($1 )
is infinite and Y ($1 ) ⊆ N. For every natural number i such that Q[i] holds
Q[i + 1] by [8, (31)]. For every natural number i, Q[i] from [1, Sch. 2].
rng N ⊆ X by [7, (11)]. For every natural number i, N (i) < N (i + 1).
(3) Let us consider a non empty metric space M , and a subset V of Mtop .
Suppose V is open. Then there exists a family F of subsets of M such
(i) F = {Ball(x, r), where x is an element of M, r is a real number : r >
0 and Ball(x, r) ⊆ V }, and
(ii) V = F.
Proof: Set F = {Ball(x, r), where x is an element of M, r is a real num-
ber: r > 0 and Ball(x, r) ⊆ V }. For every object z such that z ∈ F holds
z ∈ the open set family of M by [3, (29)]. Reconsider Q = F as a subset
of Mtop . For every object z, z ∈ V iff z ∈ Q by [9, (15)], [12, (1), (11)].
(4) Let us consider a non empty metric space M , a subset X of Mtop , and
an element p of M . Then p ∈ X if and only if for every real number r such
that 0 < r holds X meets Ball(p, r).
(5) Let us consider a non empty metric space M , a subset X of Mtop , and
an object x. Then x ∈ X if and only if there exists a sequence S of M
such that for every natural number n, S(n) ∈ X and S is convergent and
lim S = x.
(6) Let us consider a non empty metric space M , and a subset X of Mtop .
Then X is closed if and only if for every sequence S of M such that for
every natural number n, S(n) ∈ X and S is convergent holds lim S ∈ X.
The theorem is a consequence of (5).
(7) Let us consider non empty metric spaces X, Y, and a function f from
Xtop into Ytop . Then f is continuous if and only if for every sequence S of
X and for every sequence T of Y such that S is convergent and T = f · S
holds T is convergent and lim T = f (lim S).
Proof: For every subset B of Ytop such that B is closed holds f −1 (B) is
closed by [7, (15)], (6).
m such that n ¬ m holds |s(m) − g| < p if and only if for every real
number p such that 0 < p there exists a natural number n such that for
every natural number m such that n ¬ m holds ρ(S1 (m), g1 ) < p.
Proof: For every real number p such that 0 < p there exists a natural
number n such that for every natural number m such that n ¬ m holds
|s(m) − g| < p by [9, (11)].
(21) If S1 = s and g = g1 , then s is convergent and lim s = g iff S1 is
convergent and lim S1 = g1 . The theorem is a consequence of (20).
(22) Let us consider a sequence S1 of the metric space of real numbers, and
a sequence s of real numbers. Suppose S1 = s and s is convergent. Then
(i) S1 is convergent, and
(ii) lim S1 = lim s.
The theorem is a consequence of (20).
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