DownloadLecture 10 - Entropy, Clausius Inequality

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Lecture 10

Clausius Inequality

The Clausius inequality states that for any thermodynamic cycle 

where Q represents the heat transfer at a part of the system boundary during a portion of the
cycle, and T is the absolute temperature at that part of the boundary.

For proving the Clausius inequality we consider a system

that is connected to a thermal energy reservoir at a
constant temperature of TR through a reversible cyclic
device. The cyclic device receives heat QR from the
reservoir and supplies heat Q to the system. The
temperature of the system at that part of the boundary
is T. The reversible cyclic device produces work Wrev
and the system produces work Wsys. Applying the
energy balance to the combined system

WC = QR - dEc

where WC is the total work of the combined system

(Wrev+ Wsys) and dEC is the change in the total energy
of the combined system

For the reversible cycle

Q  Q

Eliminating QR from the two relations above gives
W =  

We now let the system undergo a cycle while the cyclic device undergoes an integral number of cycles.
The above relation then becomes

since the cyclic integral of energy (energy is a property) is zero. And WC is the cyclic integral of WC,
and it represents the net work for the combined cycle

But the combined system is exchanging heat with a single reservoir giving a net work output of Wc.
According to Kelvin Plank statement this work cannot be positive, it can be zero or negative. And TR is
thermodynamic temperature which is a positive quantity. Therefore


This is the Clausius inequality. This inequality is valid for all thermodynamic cycles, reversible or
For internally reversible cycles = 0 and for irreversible cycles <0
Since     = 0, 
for an internally reversible process is a property in the differential form. This

property was named entropy by Clausius. The symbol for entropy is S.


The subscript int rev means that it is for an internally reversible process.

For determining the entropy change for any irreversible

process 1-2, another reversible process with the same end
states can be considered
 = ! " = #"   

The unit for entropy is J/K

Evaluating Entropy Change for Isothermal Process

" ! 
For isothermal process T is a constant, therefore  = # $% 

The increase of entropy principle

Consider a cycle that is made up of two processes: process 1-2, which

is arbitrary (reversible or irreversible), and process 2-1, which is
internally reversible, as shown in figure. From the Clausius inequality


!  "  " 
+ #!     0 ,But #!     = " !

Therefore the above inequality becomes

#" + " ! 0 , Or

! " #" 
, or in the differential form

When the above inequality is applied to an isolated system (heat transfer zero)

Sisolated 0

That is the entropy of an isolated system during a process always increases or, in the limiting case of
a reversible process, remains constant. This is known as the increase of entropy principle.

Entropy Generation

Consider the inequality

Since the LHS is a greater quantity, to balance both sides we add another quantity to the RHS, Sgen to
convert it into an equation

 = + (

The above equation shows us that entropy change can be the contribution of two quantities

is the change in entropy due to heat transfer and it is called entropy transfer by heat.
2. Sgen is the entropy increase due to the irreversibilities and it is called entropy generated or
entropy produced.

For a reversible process entropy generated is zero and for an irreversible process entropy generated
is positive.

Therefore for an isolated system (or an adiabatic closed system, Q = 0) entropy change of a system is
equal to entropy generation. i.e.

Sisolated = Sgen

Evaluating Sgen

If we take a system and its surroundings together, the

combined system is an isolated system.

Entropy is an extensive property. So the total entropy

change of the system and surroundings can be found out

Stotal = Ssystem+ Ssurroundings

But system + surroundings = isolated system

Stotal = Ssystem+ Ssurroundings = Sisolated = Sgen

And according to increase of entropy principle Sisolated 0


Sgen = Ssystem+ Ssurroundings = Sisolated 0

Sgen 0

Sgen = 0 : Reversible process

Sgen > 0 : Irreversible process

Sgen < 0 : Impossible process

Uses of Sgen

To find the direction of processes: All process must proceed in a direction that obeys the increase of
entropy principle, or Sgen 0 Therefore we can specify whether a process is impossible or possible by
evaluating Sgen.
Measure of irreversibilities: Entropy generation is a measure of the irreversibilities present during a
process. The greater the extent of irreversibilities, the greater the entropy generation

Performance of engineering devices: The performance of engineering systems is degraded by the

presence of irreversibilities and Sgen is a measure of irreversibilities.

Isentropic processes

The entropy of a closed system can be changed by (1) heat transfer and (2) irreversibilities

For a reversible adiabatic process heat transfer = 0 and Sgen =0 because of no irreversiblities.

Therefore all reversible adiabatic process are isentropic processes, i.e. a process with constant

But all isentropic processes need not be reversible adiabatic. Entropy change can be zero with a
negative heat transfer and positive Sgen in an irreversible process

 = ) + (
If #" = ( S can be zero.

But the term isentropic process is used generally in thermodynamics to imply a reversible adiabatic

T-S Diagram

A temperature entropy diagram can be used to represent



$%  = 

For the process 1-2

 = ) 

For an internally reversible process the area under the curve in the T-S diagram is the heat transfer
during the process

T-S Diagram of the Carnot Cycle

The Carnot cycle is made up of two reversible isothermal (T

= constant) processes and two isentropic (s = constant)

These four processes form a rectangle on a T-S diagram

The enclosed area is the net heat transfer (area under the
curve in a T-S diagram is heat transfer)

For a cycle net heat transfer = net work transfer. Therfore

the enclosed area also represents net work.

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