Afrika Math.2015.2

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Afr. Mat.

(2015) 26:1467–1481
DOI 10.1007/s13370-014-0302-7

µ-statistical convergent double lacunary sequence spaces

S. K. Sharma · Ayhan Esi

Received: 14 April 2014 / Accepted: 29 October 2014 / Published online: 13 November 2014
© African Mathematical Union and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract In the present paper we introduce μ-statistical convergent double lacunary

sequence spaces defined by a sequence of Orlicz function M = (Mkl ) over n-normed
spaces. We also make an effort to study some topological properties and inclusion relations
between these spaces.

Keywords Double sequence spaces · Statistical convergent · μ-statistical convergent ·

Paranorm space · Orlicz function

Mathematics Subject Classfication 40H05 · 40C05 · 46A45

1 Introduction and preliminaries

The initial work on double sequences is found in Bromwich [4]. Later on, it was studied
by Hardy [22], Moricz [30], Moricz and Rhoades [31], Tripathy [45,46], Başarır and Son-
alcan [2] and many others. Hardy [22] introduced the notion of regular convergence for
double sequences. Quite recently, Zeltser [49] in her Ph.D. thesis has essentially studied both
the theory of topological double sequence spaces and the theory of summability of double
sequences. Mursaleen and Edely [34] and Tripathy [46] independently in recent past intro-
duced the statistical convergence and Cauchy convergence for double sequences and given
the relation between statistical convergent and strongly Cesaro summable double sequences.
Nextly, Mursaleen [33] and Mursaleen and Edely [35] have defined the almost strong regular-
ity of matrices for double sequences and applied these matrices to establish a core theorem
and introduced the M-core for double sequences and determined those four dimensional

S. K. Sharma
School of Mathematics, Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Katra 182320, J&K, India
e-mail: [email protected]

A. Esi (B)
Department of Mathematics, Adiyaman University, 02040 Adiyaman, Turkey
e-mail: [email protected]

1468 S. K. Sharma, A. Esi

matrices transforming every bounded double sequences x = (x k,l ) into one whose core is
a subset of the M-core of x. By the convergence of a double sequence we mean the con-
vergence in the Pringsheim sense i.e. a double sequence x = (x k,l ) has Pringsheim limit
L (denoted by P − lim x = L) provided that given  > 0 there exists n ∈ N such that
|xk,l − L| <  whenever k, l > n see [37]. We shall write more briefly as P-convergent.
The double sequence x = (xk,l ) is bounded if there exists a positive number M such that
|xk,l | < M for all k and l.
The notion of difference sequence spaces was introduced by Kızmaz [24], who studied
the difference sequence spaces l∞ (), c() and c0 (). The notion was further generalized
by Et and Çolak [13] by introducing the spaces l∞ (n ), c(n ) and c0 (n ). Let w be the
space of all complex or real sequences x = (xk ) and let m, n be non-negative integers, then
for Z = l∞ , c, c0 we have sequence spaces
Z (m
n ) = {x = (x k ) ∈ w : (n x k ) ∈ Z },

where mn x = (n x k ) = (n

m m−1 x − m−1 x
k n k+1 ) and n x k = x k for all k ∈ N, which is

equivalent to the following binomial representation

s m
n (xk ) =
(−1) xk+ns .

Taking n = 1, we get the spaces which were introduced and studied by Et and Çolak [13].
Taking m = n = 1, we get the spaces which were introduced and studied by Kızmaz [24].
The notion of statistical convergence was introduced by Fast [14] and Schoenberg [44]
independently. Over the years and under different names, statistical convergence has been
discussed in the theory of Fourier analysis, ergodic theory and number theory. Later on, it
was further investigated from the sequence space point of view and linked with summability
theory by Fridy [16], Connor [5], Salat [42], Isik [23], Savaş [43], Malkosky and Savaş [29],
Kolk [25], Maddox [27], Tripathy and Sen [47] and many others. In recent years, generaliza-
tions of statistical convergence have appeared in the study of strong integral summability and
the structure of ideals of bounded continuous functions on locally compact spaces. Statistical
convergence and its generalizations are also connected with subsets of the Stone–Cech com-
pactification of natural numbers. The notion of summability of single sequences with respect
to a two valued measure was introduced by Connor [5,6] as a very interesting generalization
of a statistical convergence (see [14,16,36,42,44]). In recently, Das and Bhunia [8] inves-
tigated the summability of double sequences of real numbers with respect to a two valued
measure and made many interesting observations. Moreover a lot of interesting developments
have occurred in 2-normed spaces in summability theory and related topics (see [18,40,41])
and references therein.
Throughout the paper N denotes the set of all natural numbers, χ A represents the charac-
teristics function of A ⊆ N and R represents the set of all real numbers.
Recall that a set A ⊆ N is said to have the asymptotic density d(A) if

d(A) = lim χ A ( j) exists.
n→∞ n

Definition ([14,44]) A sequence {xn }n∈N of real numbers is said to be statistically convergent

to ξ ∈ R if for any  > 0 we have d(A()) = 0, where A() = n ∈ N : |xn − ξ | ≥  .
By the convergence of a double sequence we mean the convergence in Pringsheim sense (see

Double lacunary sequence spaces 1469

A double sequence x = {xkl }k,l∈N of real numbers is said to be convergent to ξ ∈ R if for

any  > 0 there exists N ∈ N such that |xkl − ξ | <  whenever k, l ≥ N . In this case we
write limk,l→∞ xkl = ξ .
A double sequence x = {xkl }k,l∈N of real numbers is said to be bounded if there exists
a positive real number M such that |xkl | < M for all k, l ∈ N. That is, ||x||(∞,2) =
supk,l∈N |xkl | < ∞.
Let K ⊆ N × N and let K (i, j) be the cardinality of the set {(m, n) ∈ K : m ≤ i, n ≤ j}.
If the sequence {K (i, j)/(i. j)}i, j∈N has a limit in Pringsheim’s sense then we say that K has
double natural density, which is denoted by d2 (K ) = limi, j→∞ K (i, j)/(i. j).

Definition ([31,34]) A double sequence x = {xkl }k,l∈N of real numbers is said to be

 convergent to ξ ∈ R if for any  > 0 we have d2 (A()) = 0, where
A() = (k, l) ∈ N × N : |xkl − ξ | ≥  .

A statistically convergent double sequence of elements of a metric space (X, ρ) is defined

essentially in the same way (ρ(xkl , ξ ) ≥  instead of |xkl − ξ | ≥ ).
Throughout the paper μ will denote a complete {0, 1} valued finite additive measure
defined on an algebra  of subsets of N × N that are contained in the union of a finite number
of rows and columns of N × N and μ(A) = 0 if A is contained in the union of a finite number
of rows and columns of N × N.

Definition ([8]) A double sequence {xkl }k,l∈N of real numbers is said to be μ-statistically
convergent to L ∈ R if and only if for any  > 0, μ({(k, l) ∈ N × N : |x kl − L| ≥ }) = 0.

Definition ([8]) A double sequence {xkl }k,l∈N of real numbers is said to be convergent to
L ∈ R in μ-density if there exists A ∈  with μ(A) = 1 such that {x kl }(k,l)∈A is convergent
to L.

Definition A double sequence {xkl }k,l∈N in an n-normed space (X, || · · · ||) is said to be
convergent to ξ in (X, || · · · ||) if for each z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X there exists n  ∈ N such that
||(xkl − ξ, z 1 , . . . , z n−1 )|| <  for all k, l ≥ n  .

Definition Let μ be a two valued measure on N × N. A double sequence {x kl }k,l∈N in

an n -normed space (X, || · · · ||) is said to be μ -statistically convergent to a point x in X
if for each pre-assigned  > 0 and for each z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X , μ(A(z, )) = 0 where
A(z, ) = {(k, l) ∈ N × N : ||xkl − x, z 1 , . . . , z n−1 || ≥ }.

If a double sequence {xkl }k,l∈N is μ-statistically convergent to a point x in an n-normed space

(X, ||·, . . . , ·||) then we write
μ − lim ||(xkl − x, z 1 , . . . , z n−1 )|| = 0
μ − lim ||(xk,l , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 )|| = ||(x, z 1 , . . . , z n−1 )||.
i, j→∞

Here x is called the μ-statistical limit of the sequence {x kl }k,l∈N .

Definition Let μ be a two valued measure on N × N. A double sequence {x kl }k,l∈N of the

points in an n-normed space (X, ||·, . . . , ·||) is said to be convergent to ξ ∈ X in μ-density
if there exists a set M ∈  with μ(M) = 1 such that {xkl }(k,l)∈M is convergent to ξ in
(X, ||·, . . . , ·||).

1470 S. K. Sharma, A. Esi

By a lacunary sequence θ = (kr ), r = 0, 1, 2, . . ., where k0 = 0 , we shall mean an

increasing sequence of non-negative integers h r = (kr − kr −1 ) → ∞ (r → ∞). The
intervals determined by θ are denoted by Ir = (kr −1 , kr ] and the ratio h r /h r −1 will be
denoted by qr . The space of lacunary strongly convergent sequences Nθ was defined by
Freedman [15] as follows:
Nθ = x = (xk ) : lim |xk − L| = 0 for some L .
r →∞ h r

The double sequence θr,s = {(kr , ls )} is called double lacunary if there exist two increasing
sequences of integers such that
k0 = 0, h r = kr − kr −1 → ∞ as r → ∞
l0 = 0, h̄ s = ls − ls−1 → ∞ as s → ∞.
Let kr,s = kr ls , h r,s = h r h̄ s and θr,s is determined by Ir,s = {(k, l) : kr −1 < k ≤
kr ls
kr and ls−1 < l ≤ ls }, qr = kr−1 , q̄s = ls−1 and qr,s = qr q̄s .
The concept of 2-normed spaces was initially developed by Gähler [17] in the mid of
1960s, while that of n-normed spaces one can see in Misiak [32]. Since then, many others
have studied this concept and obtained various results, see Gunawan [19,20] and Gunawan
and Mashadi [21]. Let n ∈ N and X be a linear space over the field K, where K is Rd or
Cd with d ≥ n ≥ 2. A real valued function ||·, . . . , ·|| on X n satisfying the following four

(1) ||x1 , x2 , . . . , xn || = 0 if and only if x1 , x2 , . . . , xn are linearly dependent in X ;

(2) ||x1 , x2 , . . . , xn || is invariant under permutation;
(3) ||αx1 , x2 , . . . , xn || = |α| ||x1 , x2 , . . . , xn || for any α ∈ K, and
(4) ||x + x  , x2 , . . . , xn || ≤ ||x, x2 , . . . , xn || + ||x  , x2 , . . . , xn ||

is called a n-norm on X , and the pair (X, ||·, . . . , ·||) is called an n-normed space over the
field K.
For example, we may take X = Rn being equipped with n-norm ||x1 , x2 , . . . , xn || E =
the volume of the n-dimensional parallelopiped spanned by the vectors x 1 , x2 , . . . , xn which
may be given explicitly by the formula
||x1 , x2 , . . . , xn || E = | det(xi j )|,
where xi = (xi1 , xi2 , . . . , xin ) ∈ Rn for each i = 1, 2, . . . , n and subscript E denotes the
Euclidean norm. Let (X, ||·, . . . , ·||) be a n-normed space of dimension d ≥ n ≥ 2 and
{a1 , a2 , . . . , an } be linearly independent set in X . Then the following function ||·, . . . , ·||∞
on X n−1 defined by
||x1 , x2 , . . . , xn−1 ||∞ = max{||x1 , x2 , . . . , xn−1 , ai || : i = 1, 2, . . . , n}
defines an (n − 1)-norm on X with respect to {a1 , a2 , . . . , an }.
A sequence (xk ) in a n-normed space (X, ||·, . . . , ·||) is said to converge to some L ∈ X
lim ||xk − L , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 || = 0 for every z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X.

A sequence (xk ) in a n-normed space (X, ||·, . . . , ·||) is said to be Cauchy if

Double lacunary sequence spaces 1471

lim ||xk − x p , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 || = 0 for every z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X.

k, p→∞

If every Cauchy sequence in X converges to some L ∈ X , then X is said to be complete with

respect to the n-norm. Any complete n-normed space is said to be n-Banach space.
Let X be a linear metric space. A function p : X → R is called paranorm, if
(1) p(x) ≥ 0 for all x ∈ X ,
(2) p(−x) = p(x) for all x ∈ X ,
(3) p(x + y) ≤ p(x) + p(y) for all x, y ∈ X ,
(4) if (λn ) is a sequence of scalars with λn → λ as n → ∞ and (xn ) is a sequence of vectors
with p(xn − x) → 0 as n → ∞, then p(λn xn − λx) → 0 as n → ∞.
A paranorm p for which p(x) = 0 implies x = 0 is called total paranorm and the pair
(X, p) is called a total paranormed space. It is well known that the metric of any linear metric
space is given by some total paranorm (see [48], Theorem 10.4.2, pp. 183). For more details
about sequence spaces (see [1,3,9–12,28,38,39]) and reference therein.
An Orlicz function M : [0, ∞) → [0, ∞) is a convex and continuous such that M(0) = 0,
M(x) > 0 for x > 0. Lindenstrauss and Tzafriri [26] used the idea of Orlicz function to
define the sequence space,
|xk |
lM = x ∈ w : M <∞

which is called an Orlicz sequence space. Also l M is a Banach space with the norm
|xk |
||x|| = inf ρ > 0 : M ≤1 .

Also, it was shown in [26] that every Orlicz sequence space l M contains a subspace isomorphic
to l p ( p ≥ 1). An Orlicz function M satisfies 2 -condition if and only if for any constant
L > 1 there exists a constant K (L) such that M(Lu) ≤ K (L)M(u) for all values of u ≥ 0.
Let μ be a two valued measure on N × N, M = (Mk,l ) be a sequence of Orlicz functions,
p = ( pk,l ) be a bounded sequence of positive real numbers. Now, we define the following
sequence spaces in the present paper:

W μ M, m n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| = x = (xk,l ) ∈ S  (n − X ) :

⎛ ⎞
1    m
 n xk,l − L 
μ ⎝(r, s) ∈ N × N : lim Mk,l 
 , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
 ≥ ⎠ = 0,
r,s h r,s ρ

for some L > 0, ρ > 0 and each z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X ,

μ θ
W0 M, m n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| = x = (xk,l ) ∈ S  (n − X ) :

⎛ ⎞
1    m
 n xk,l 
μ ⎝(r, s) ∈ N × N : lim Mk,l  ρ , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
 ≥  ⎠ = 0,
r,s h

1472 S. K. Sharma, A. Esi

for some ρ > 0 and each z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X ,

W∞ M, m
n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| =

⎨    m  pk,l
1  n xk,l 

x = (xk,l ) ∈ S (n − X ) : sup Mk,l  , z 1 , . . . , z n−1  ≤ k,
⎩ ρ 
(r,s)∈N×N h r,s (k,l)∈Ir,s

for some k > 0, ρ > 0 and each z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X ,

μ θ
W∞ M, m , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| = x = (xk,l ) ∈ S  (n − X ) : ∃ k > 0,

⎛⎧ ⎫⎞
⎨    m  pk,l ⎬
1  n xk,l 
μ ⎝ (r, s) ∈ N × N : Mk,l   , z 1 , . . . , z n−1  ≥ k ⎠ = 0,
⎩ h r,s ρ ⎭

for some ρ > 0 and each z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X ,

If we take M(x) = x, then these classes of sequences are denoted by

W μ m
n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| = x = (xk,l ) ∈ S  (n − X ) :

⎛ ⎞
μ ⎝(r, s) ∈ N × N :
1  n xk,l − L , z 1 , . . . , z n−1  ≥  ⎠ = 0,
h r,s  ρ 

for some L > 0, ρ > 0 and each z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X ,

μ θ
W0 m
n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| = x = (xkl ) ∈ S  (n − X ) :

⎛ ⎞
1  m 
μ ⎝(r, s) ∈ N × N :  n xk,l , z 1 , . . . , z n−1  ≥  ⎠ = 0,
h r,s  ρ 

for some ρ > 0 and each z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X ,

W∞ m
n , p, ||·, . . . , ·||

⎨ 1  
= x = (xk,l ) ∈ S  (n − X ) : sup  n xk,l , z 1 , . . . , z n−1  ≤ k,
⎩  ρ 
(r,s)∈N×N h r,s (k,l)∈Ir,s

Double lacunary sequence spaces 1473

for some k > 0, ρ > 0 and each z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X ,

μ θ 
W∞ m n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| = x = (xk,l ) ∈ S  (n − X ) : ∃ k > 0,
⎛ ⎧ ⎫⎞
⎨    pk,l ⎬
1  m x 
μ ⎝ (r, s) ∈ N × N :  n k,l , z 1 , . . . , z n−1  ≥ k ⎠ = 0,
⎩ h r,s  ρ  ⎭

for some ρ > 0 and each z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X ,

If we take p = ( pk,l ) = 1, we have

μ θ
W M, m
n , ||·, . . . , ·|| = x = (xk,l ) ∈ S  (n − X ) :

⎛ ⎞
1   n xk,l − L 
μ ⎝(r, s) ∈ N × N : Mk,l 
 , z 1 , . . . , z n−1  ⎠
 ≥  = 0,
h r,s ρ

for some L > 0, ρ > 0 and each z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X ,

μ θ
W0 M, m
n , ||·, . . . , ·|| = x = (xk,l ) ∈ S  (n − X ) :

⎛ ⎞
1   n xk,l 
μ ⎝(r, s) ∈ N × N : Mk,l   
, z 1 , . . . , z n−1  ≥  ⎠ = 0,
h r,s ρ

for some ρ > 0 and each z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X ,

W∞ M, m n , ||·, . . . , ·|| =

⎨  m 
1   n xk,l 
x = (xk,l ) ∈ S  (n − X ) : sup Mk,l 
 ρ , z 1 , . . . , z 
n−1  ≤ k,
⎩ (r,s)∈N×N h r,s (k,l)∈Ir,s

for some k > 0, ρ > 0 and each z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X ,

μ θ
W∞ M, m
n , u, ||·, . . . , ·|| = x = (xk,l ) ∈ S  (n − X ) : ∃ k > 0,

⎛⎧ ⎫⎞
⎨  m  ⎬
1   n xk,l 
μ ⎝ (r, s) ∈ N × N : Mk,l   ⎠
 ρ , z 1 , . . . , z n−1  ≥ k ⎭ = 0,
⎩ h r,s

for some ρ > 0 and each z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X .

1474 S. K. Sharma, A. Esi

The following inequality will be used throughout the paper. If { pkl }k,l∈N is a bounded double
sequence of non-negative real numbers and supk,l∈N pkl = H and D = max{1, 2 H −1 }, then
|akl + bkl | pkl ≤ D |akl | pkl + bkl | pkl (1.1)
for all k, l and akl , bkl ∈ C, the set of all complex numbers.
The main aim of this paper is to introduce the idea of summability of double lacunary
sequence spaces in n-normed spaces using a two valued measure. We also make an effort
to study μ-statistical convergence of lacunary double difference sequences with respect to a
sequence of Orlicz functions in n-normed spaces and two valued measure μ. We also plan
to study some topological properties and inclusion relation between these spaces.

2 Main results

Theorem 2.1 Let M = (Mk,l ) be a sequence of Orlicz functions, p = ( pk,l ) be

a bounded sequence of positive real numbers and x = {xk,l }k,l∈N . Then the spaces
θ μ θ μ θ
W μ M, m n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| , W0 M, n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| and W∞ M, n , p, ||·, . . . , ·||
m m

are linear spaces over the field of complex number C.

μ θ
Proof Let x, y ∈ W0 M, m n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| and α, β ∈ R, where x = {xk,l }k,l∈N and
y = {yk,l }k,l∈N . Let ρ1 , ρ2 > 0 be such that
⎛⎧ ⎫⎞
⎨ 1    m
 n xk,l  ⎬
μ ⎝ (r, s) ∈ N × N : Mk,l   ρ , z 1 , . . . , z n−1

 ≥  ⎠=0
⎩ h r,s 1 ⎭
⎛⎧ ⎫⎞
⎨ 1    m
 n yk,l  ⎬
μ ⎝ (r, s) ∈ N × N : Mk,l 
 ρ , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
 ≥  ⎠ = 0.
⎩ h r,s 2 ⎭
Since ||·, . . . , ·|| is an n-normed, m
n is linear, therefore by using the inequality (1.1) the
following inequality holds:
  m  pk,l
1   n (αxk,l + βyk,l ) 
Mk,l   , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
h r,s |α|ρ1 + |β|ρ2 
   m  pk,l
1 |α|ρ1  n xk,l 
≤D Mk,l   , z 1 , . . . , z 
h r,s |α|ρ1 + |β|ρ2 ρ1
1   |β|ρ2
 n yk,l 
+D Mk,l   , z 1 , . . . , z 
h r,s |α|ρ1 + |β|ρ2 ρ2
   m  pk,l
1  n xk,l 
≤ DF Mk,l   , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
h r,s ρ1 
1    m
 n yk,l 
+D F Mk,l   , z 1 , . . . , z n−1  ,
h r,s ρ2 

Double lacunary sequence spaces 1475

where F = max{1, [ (|α|ρ|α|ρ 1

1 +|β|ρ2 )
] H , [ (|α|ρ|β|ρ 2
1 +|β|ρ2 )
] H } and D = max{1, 2 H −1 }. From the
above inequality we get
⎧ ⎫
⎨    m  pk,l ⎬
1  n (αxk,l + βyk,l ) 
(r, s) ∈ N×N : lim Mk,l   |α|ρ + |β|ρ , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
⎩ r,s h r,s 1 2 ⎭
(k,l∈Ir,s )
⎧ ⎫
⎨ 1    m
 n xk,l  ⎬
⊆ (r, s) ∈ N × N : D F lim Mk,l   , z 1 , . . . , z n−1  ≥
⎩ r,s h r,s ρ1  2⎭
(k,l∈Ir,s )
⎧ ⎫
⎨    m  pk,l ⎬
1  n yk,l  
∪ (r, s) ∈ N × N : D F lim Mk,l  ρ , z 1 , . . . , z n−1

 ≥ .
⎩ r,s h r,s 2 2⎭
(k,l∈Ir,s )

Hence (2.1) and (2.2) yield the required result. Similarly, we can prove that W μ M, m
n , p, ||
θ μ θ
·, . . . , ·|| and W∞ M, m
n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| are linear spaces.

Theorem 2.2 Let M = (Mk,l ) be a sequence of Orlicz functions, p = ( pk,l ) be a bounded

μ θ
sequence of positive real numbers. Then the space W∞ M, m n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| is a para-
normed space with the paranorm defined by

g(x) = inf ||xk,l , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 || + inf ρ pk,l /H : ρ > 0 such that
z 1 ,...,z n−1 ∈X ⎩
  m  pk,l
 n xk,l 
sup Mk,l 
 ρ , z 1 , . . . , z n−1

 ≤ 1, ∀z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X .

Proof It is clear that g(x) = g(−x). Since Mk,l (0) = 0, we get inf{ρ H } = 0 for x = 0
μ θ
therefore, g(0) = 0. Let us take x = (xk,l ) and y = (yk,l ) in W∞ M, m n , p, ||·, . . . , ·||
  m  pk,l
 n xk,l 
A(x) = ρ > 0 : sup Mk,l 
 ρ , z 1 , . . . , z 
n−1  ≤ 1, ∀z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X

  m  pk,l
 n yk,l 
A(y) = ρ > 0 : sup 
Mk,l  , z 1 , . . . , z n−1  ≤ 1, ∀z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X .

Let ρ1 ∈ A(x) and ρ2 ∈ A(y) and ρ = ρ1 + ρ2 . Then

 m     m 
 n (xk,l + yk,l )  ρ1  n xk,l 
Mk,l   , z 1 , . . . , z n−1
 M k,l

 , z 1 , . . . , z n−1

ρ ρ1 + ρ2 ρ1
ρ2  n yk,l 
+ Mk,l   ρ , z 1 , z n−1  .
ρ1 + ρ2 2

 n (xk,l + yk,l ) 
 , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
sup Mk,l 
ρ  ≤ 1.

1476 S. K. Sharma, A. Esi


g(x + y)

≤ inf ||xk,l + yk,l , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ||
z 1 ,...,z n−1 ∈X

+ inf{(ρ1 + ρ2 ) pk,l /H : ρ1 ∈ A(x), ρ2 ∈ A(y)}

 p /H
≤ inf ||xk,l , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 || + inf{ρ1 k,l : ρ1 ∈ A(x)}
z 1 ,...,z n−1 ∈X
 p /H
+ inf ||yk,l , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 || + inf{ρ2 k,l : ρ2 ∈ A(y)}
z 1 ,...,z n−1 ∈X
(k,l)∈Ii j
= g(x) + g(y).

Let σ m → σ as m → ∞, where σ, σ m ∈ C and let g(x m − x) → 0 as m → ∞, where

x m = {xk,l
m }
k,l∈N and x = {x k,l }k,l∈N . Let

  m m  pk,l
 n xk,l 
A(x m ) = ρm > 0 : sup Mk,l 
 ρ , z 1 , . . . , z 
n−1  ≤ 1, ∀z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X
(k,l)∈N m

  m m  pk,l
 n (xk,l − xk,l ) 
A(x m − x) = ρm > 0 : sup Mk,l 
, z 1 , . . . , z 
(k,l)∈N ρ m

≤ 1, ∀z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ∈ X .

If ρm ∈ A(x m ) and ρm ∈ A(x m − x) then we observe that

 m m m 
 n (σ xk,l − σ xk,l ) 

Mk,l  , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
ρm |σ m − σ | + ρm |σ | 
 m m m 
 n (σ xk,l − σ xk,l m ) 
≤ Mk,l   , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
ρm |σ m − σ | + ρm |σ | 
 m m m 
 n (σ xk,l − σ xk,l ) 
+  ρ |σ m − σ | + ρ  |σ | , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 

m m
 m m 
|σ m − σ |ρm  n xk,l 
≤ Mk,l   , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
ρm |σm − σ | + ρm |σ | ρm 
 m m 
|σ |ρm  n (xk,l − xk,l ) 
+  , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
ρ |σ − σ | + ρ  |σ |
ρ  .
m m m m

From the above inequality it follows that

  m m m  pk,l
 n (σ xk,l − σ xk,l ) 
Mk,l  ,
 ρ |σ m − σ | + ρ  |σ | 1z , . . . , z 
n−1  ≤1
m m

Double lacunary sequence spaces 1477

and consequently

g(σ m x m − σ x) ≤ inf ||σ m xk,l
− σ xk,l , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ||
z 1 ,··· ,z n−1 ∈X
+ inf (ρm |σ m − σ | + ρm |σ |) pr,s /H : ρm ∈ A(x m ), ρm ∈ A(x m − x)

≤ |σ m − σ | inf ||xk,l
, z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ||
z 1 ,...,z n−1 ∈X

+ |σ | inf ||xk,l
− xk,l , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 ||
z 1 ,...,z n−1 ∈X

+ (|σ m − σ |) pr,s /H inf{(ρm ) pr,s /H : ρm ∈ A(x m )}

+ (|σ |) pr,s /H inf{(ρm ) pr,s /H : ρm ∈ A(x m − x)}
≤ max{|σ m − σ |, (|σ m − σ |) pr,s /H }g(x m )
+ max{|σ |, (|σ |) pr,s /H }g(x m − x)
→ 0 as m → ∞.

This completes the proof of the theorem.

 ) and M = (M  ) are sequences of Orlicz
Theorem 2.3 Let M = (Mk,l ), M = (Mk,l k,l
functions. Then
μ θ μ θ
(i) W0 Mm n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| ⊆ W0 M ◦ Mm
n , p, ||·, · · · , ·|| provided { pk,l }k,l∈N×N is
such that H0 = inf pk,l > 0;
μ θ μ θ
(ii) W0 Mm m
n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| ∩ W0 Mn , p, ||·, . . . , ·||

μ θ
⊆ W∞ M + Mm
n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| .

Proof (i) Let  > 0 be given. Choose 0 > 0 such that max{0H , 0H0 } < . Now using the
continuity of Mk,l choose 0 < δ < 1 such that 0 < t < δ implies that Mk,l (t) < 0 . Let
μ θ
{xk,l }k,l∈N×N ∈ W0 Mmn , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| . Now from the definition μ(A(δ)) = 0, where
⎧ ⎫
⎨    m  pk,l ⎬
1  n xk,l 
A(δ) = (r, s) ∈ N × N : Mk,l 

 , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
 ≥δ H
⎩ h r,s ρ ⎭

Thus if (r, s) ∈
/ A(δ) then
1    m
 n xk,l 

Mk,l  , z , . . . , z  < δH
h r,s  ρ 1 n−1 

 n xk,l 

Mk,l  , z , . . . , z  < h r,s δ H
 ρ 1 n−1 

  m  pk,l
 n xk,l 

Mk,l  , z , . . . , z  < δH
 ρ 1 n−1 

1478 S. K. Sharma, A. Esi

for all (k, l) ∈ Ir,s . Hence

  m  pk,l
 n xk,l 
Mk,l  , z 1 , . . . , z n−1  <δ

for all (k, l) ∈ Ir,s . Hence from the above using the continuity of (Mk,l ), we have
 n xk,l 

Mk,l Mk,l  , z , . . . , z  < 0
 ρ 1 n−1 

for all (k, l) ∈ Ir,s . This implies that

  m  pk,l
 n xk,l 
(Mk,l ◦ Mk,l 
)  ρ , z 1 , . . . , z n−1

 < max{0H , 0H }

for all (k, l) ∈ Ir,s , i.e.

 n xk,l 

(Mk,l ◦ Mk,l )   , z 1 , . . . , z n−1  < h r,s max{0H , 0H } < h r,s ,

which again implies that

1    m
 n xk,l 
(Mk,l ◦ Mk,l )  , z 1 , . . . , z n−1  < .
h r,s ρ 

This shows that

⎧ ⎫
⎨ 1    m
  x  ⎬

n k,l
(r, s) ∈ N × N : (Mk,l ◦ Mk,l  ρ , z 1 , . . . , z n−1  ≥  ⊆ A(δ).
⎩ h r,s ⎭

⎛⎧ ⎫⎞
⎨ 1    m
 n xk,l  ⎬
μ ⎝ (r, s) ∈ N × N :  
(Mk,l ◦ Mk,l )  
, z 1 , . . . , z n−1  ≥  ⎠ = 0.
⎩ h r,s ρ ⎭

μ θ
{xk,l }k,l∈N ∈ W0 M ◦ Mm
n , ||·, . . . , ·|| .
μ θ μ θ
(ii) Let {xk,l }k,l∈N ∈ W0 Mm n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| ∩ W0 Mm n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| . Then the
  m  pk,l
1  n xk,l 
+ Mk,l
)  , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 

h r,s ρ
  m  pk,l
D  n xk,l 
Mk,l  , z , . . . , z 
h r,s  ρ
1 n−1 
  m  pk,l
1  n xk,l 
Mk,l   , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
h r,s ρ 

gives the result. This completes the proof of the theorem.

θ θ
Theorem 2.4 If m ≥ 1, then Z M, m−1
n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| ⊂ Z M, m
n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| ,
μ μ θ θ
where Z = W μ , W0 , W∞ . In general Z M, in , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| ⊂ Z M, m
n , p, ||·, . . . , ·||
for all i = 1, 2, 3, . . . , m − 1.

Double lacunary sequence spaces 1479

μ θ
Proof Let x = {xk,l }k,l∈N ∈ W0 M, m−1
n , p, ||·, . . . , ·|| and  > 0 be given. Then
⎛⎧ ⎫⎞
⎨ 1    m−1
 n xk,l  ⎬
μ ⎝ (r, s) ∈ N × N : Mk,l 
 , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
 ≥ ⎠=0
⎩ h r,s ρ ⎭
for some ρ > 0. Since (Mk,l ) is non-decreasing and convex it follows that
1    m
 n xk,l  1 
Mk,l   , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
h r,s 4ρ h r,s
(k,l)∈Ir,s (k,l)∈Ir,s

 (n xk+1,l+1 − m−1 xk+1,l − m−1 xk,l+1 + m−1 xk,l )
× ⎣ Mk,l  
n n n

⎞⎤ pk,l

× z 1 , . . . , z n−1 


  m−1  pk,l
D  1  n xk+1,l+1

≤ Mk,l  , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
h r,s 4 ρ
  m−1  pk,l
1  n xk+1,l 
+ Mk,l   , z 1 , · · · , z n−1

4 ρ
⎡ ⎛ ⎞⎤ pk,l
1  u k,l n xk,l+1
+ ⎣ Mk,l ⎝  , z 1 , . . . , z 
n−1 ⎠⎦
4  ρ 
1  u k,l m−1 xk,l 
+ Mk,l   n
, z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
4 ρ 
  m−1  pk,l
DG   n xk+1,l+1 
≤ Mk,l   , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 

h r,s ρ
  m−1  pk,l
 n xk+1,l 
+ Mk,l   , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
  m−1  pk,l
 n xk,l+1 
+ Mk,l   , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
 u k,l + m−1 x 
+ Mk,l  , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
n k,l

where G = max 1, 41 . Hence, we have
⎧ ⎫
⎨   m  pk,l ⎬
1   n xk,l 
(r, s) ∈ N × N : Mk,l  , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
⎩ h r,s 4ρ ⎭
⎧ ⎫
⎨   m−1  pk,l ⎬
DG   n xk+1,l+1  
⊆ (r, s) ∈ N × N : Mk,l  , z 1 , . . . , z n−1

⎩ h r,s ρ 4⎭

1480 S. K. Sharma, A. Esi
⎧ ⎫
⎨ DG    m−1
 n xk+1,l  ⎬
∪ (r, s) ∈ N × N : Mk,l 
 , z 1 , . . . , z 
n−1  ≥
⎩ h r,s ρ 4⎭
⎧ ⎫
⎨   m−1  pk,l ⎬
DG   n xk,l+1  
∪ (r, s) ∈ N × N : Mk,l 
 , z 1 , . . . , z n−1

⎩ h r,s ρ 4⎭
⎧ ⎫
⎨   m−1  pk,l
DG   n xk,l  ⎬
∪ (r, s) ∈ N × N : Mk,l 
 , z 1 , . . . , z n−1 
 ≥ .
⎩ h r,s ρ 4⎭

Using (2.3), we get

⎛⎧ ⎫⎞
⎨ 1    m
 n xk,l  ⎬
μ ⎝ (r, s) ∈ N × N : Mk,l 
 4ρ , z 1 , . . . , z n−1

 ≥  ⎠ = 0.
⎩ h r,s ⎭

μ θ
x = {xk,l }k,l∈N ∈ W0 M, m−1
n , p, ||·, · · · , ·|| .
Similarly, we can prove for the case Z = W μ and W∞ . This completes the proof of the


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