Assignment 5 Unit 5

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IMS Engineering College

NH-09, Adhyatmik Nagar, Near Dasna, Distt. Ghaziabad, U.P.

Tel: (0120) 4940000

Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities

Engineering Physics BAS 201 (2023-2024)
Unit 5: Superconductors and Nanomaterials
Assignment sheet 5
Maximum Marks: 20 Submission Date:
By the end of the course, students will be able to:

CO No. Description Bloom’s Level

CO1 To explain the distribution of energy in black body radiation and to understand the difference in particle and Understanding,
wave nature with explanation of Compton effect and Schrodinger wave equation. Apply
CO2 To understand the concept of displacement current and consistency of Ampere’s law and also the properties of Understanding,
electromagnetic waves in different medium with the use of Maxwell’s equations.
CO3 To understand the behavior of waves through various examples/applications of interference and diffraction
phenomenon and the concept of grating and resolving power. Apply

CO4 To know the functioning of optical fiber and its properties and applications. To understand the concept, Understanding,
properties and applications of Laser. Apply
CO5 To know the properties and applications of superconducting materials and nanomaterials. Understanding

ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS (each question carries equal marks)

Question CO
1. What is a superconductor? Discuss type-I and type-II superconductors and its
2. Define Meissner’s effect by showing the role of perfect diamagnetism.
Write short notes on high-temperature superconductors. CO5
Explain quantum dot, quantum wire, and quantum well. CO5
5. Discuss applications of Nanotechnology.

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