m02c04 - Manage Items
m02c04 - Manage Items
m02c04 - Manage Items
• Explain the purpose of all fields and functions on the item card.
• Identify and use the links and functions provided with the item card
• Create a new item.
• Examine an item's availability over time.
• Analyze item figures with statistics windows and reports.
Item cards are placeholders for critical master data that is used throughout the
supply chain areas of the program. This central record integrates with ongoing
business documents to provide information, such as cost, price, availability, and
sales terms. In addition, each item card offers multiple views and functions to
help manage the item while in inventory.
As items are in the center of most businesses, the item and inventory
functionality is prerequisite knowledge for anyone learning to use the basic
supply chain functionality of Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009.
This course demonstrates the integration of item cards with purchases and sales.
For detailed information on more supply chain flows, refer to the following
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
When you create document lines for a specific item, the relevant information
from the item card is entered in most of the fields on the lines and calculated
according to the quantity you enter .
Users can access item cards from different places in the Role Center:
When you set up a new item on an item card, there are fields that must always be
filled in, fields that can be filled in as needed, and fields in which you cannot
enter anything because they are maintained by the program.
Chapter 4: Manage Items
The tables in the following topics go through all the fields on each item card tab
to give direction on how to fill in the fields. The following codes in the Fill In
column indicate whether the field must be filled in:
man = Mandatory
opt = Optional
aut = Automatic
General FastTabs
The following table goes through every field on the General FastTabs and gives
directions on how to fill it in.
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
Invoicing FastTabs
The Invoicing FastTabs holds various figures and options relating to cost, price,
and posting of the item. For detailed information on the cost-related fields, refer
to the "Inventory Costing in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009" course.
Chapter 4: Manage Items
The following table goes through every field on the Invoicing FastTabs and
gives directions on how to fill it in:
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
Chapter 4: Manage Items
Replenishment FastTabs
The Replenishment FastTabs holds information that the system uses when
supplying items, whether by purchase or production. For detailed information on
most of the fields on this tab, refer to the "Manufacturing I in Microsoft
Dynamics® NAV 2009" course.
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
The following table goes through every field on the Replenishment FastTabs
and gives directions on how to fill it in.
Chapter 4: Manage Items
Planning FastTabs
The Planning FastTabs holds information that is used by the automatic materials
requirement planning (MRP) system. All the fields on the right-hand side of the
tab are specific planning parameters for the complex functionality of the MRP
system and are therefore not covered in this training manual. For detailed
information about planning parameters, refer to the "Manufacturing I in
Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009" and "Manufacturing II in Microsoft
Dynamics® NAV 2009"courses.
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
The following table goes through some of the fields on the Planning FastTabs
and gives directions on how to fill it in.
Chapter 4: Manage Items
The following table goes through the fields on the Foreign Trade FastTabs and
gives directions on how to fill it in.
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
• The Item Tracking FastTabs governs the use of serial and lot
numbers assigned to the item for tracking purposes. For detailed
information about item tracking, refer to the "Inventory Management
in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009" course.
• The E-Commerce FastTabs relates to business-to-business trade by
means of the add-on product Commerce Gateway.
• The Warehouse FastTabs holds information about how the item is
received, stored, and shipped in special warehouse activities that are
covered in the "Warehouse Management in Microsoft Dynamics®
NAV 2009" course.
The additional setup information and functions on the buttons are described in
this lesson, while different forms of item analysis are described in the lessons
"View Item Availability" and "Analyze Item Figures" lessons.
Item Button
The Item button has links that open various windows with additional information
and setup options for the item. From an item card, click on
Related Information > Item.
• Stockkeeping Units
• Entries (select option)
• Statistics (select option)
• Items by Location
• Item Availability by (select option)
• Bin Contents
• Comments
• Dimensions
Chapter 4: Manage Items
• Picture
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
• Units of Measure
• Variants
• Cross References
• Substitutions
• Nonstock Items
• Translations
• Extended Texts
• Assembly List (select option)
• Manufacturing (select option)
• Service Items
• Troubleshooting
• Resource (select option)
• Identifiers
Stockkeeping Units
The Stockkeeping Units menu item opens a list of any SKUs that exist for the
The Entries (Ctrl+Shift+N) menu item opens the Item Ledger Entries window
with a list of the entries created from posted item transactions for the item. Refer
also to the "Analyze Item Figures" lesson for more information about item ledger
Items By Location
The Items By Location menu item opens a matrix window showing the
availability of all items across locations.
The Item Availability by Period menu item opens a matrix window showing
advanced availability information for the item over time. For more information,
refer to the lesson "View Item Availability" lesson.
Chapter 4: Manage Items
Bin Contents
The Bin Contents menu item shows the availability of items according the
warehouse bin where they are placed. For detailed information on using bins,
refer to the "Warehouse Management in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009"
manual .
The Comments menu item opens the Comment Sheet window for the customer.
Here you can read, write, or assign a comment text, such as a comment that the
item is fragile. The comment is not carried to documents created for the item. For
that purpose, you can use the Extended Texts feature.
Any code that you define in this specific Item - Default Dimensions window
(Shift+Ctrl+D) will be used in all documents and entries that you create for the
item in question. Dimensions can be very practical if you want to make detailed
analysis of historical transactions.
The "Add and View Dimensions" lesson in this course describes the basic
dimensions functionality in more detail. For detailed information about setting up
a dimension, refer to the "Application Setup" course.
If you have a digitalized picture of an item (that is, a picture that is a file in .BMP
format), you can insert it on the item card as follows:
1. Click Related Information > Item > Picture. The Item Picture
window appears.
2. Right-click and select picture.
3. Select the drive, path, and file name, and then click OK.
The picture is imported. To view the picture from the item card, click Item >
Units of Measure
The features in the Item Unit of Measure window (the same window that opens
from the Base Unit of Measure field) allow you to:
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
Follow these steps to define an alternative unit of measure for item 80100,
printing paper:
Chapter 4: Manage Items
NOTE: Although the base unit of measure codes are used to set up alternative
units of measure, each code can be defined differently for different items. For
example, even though the BOX code represents one unit of item 80100, you can
set up the BOX code for another item and define it so that it represents eight base
units of that item.
The Variants menu item opens the Item Variants window where you can
specify variants of the item in question. This is useful if you have a large number
of almost identical items that vary only in color, as an example. Instead of setting
up each variant as a separate item, you can set up one item and then specify the
various colors as variants of the item. For more information about how variants
can be used, refer to the "Manufacturing I in Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009"
course .
Cross References
The Cross References menu item opens the Item Cross Reference Entries
window, where you can create references from the item in question to, for
example, another item in inventory to indicate that they come from the same
The Substitutions menu item opens the Item Substitution Entry window,
where you can set up items that can be used as substitutes for the item in
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
When the quantity of items requested on the sales line exceeds the quantity
available from inventory, the system will inform you that substitutes are available
to fulfill the demand.
Nonstock Items
The Nonstock Items menu option opens the Nonstock Item List window, which
shows information about items that your company sells but does not carry in
inventory. You usually handle the sale of a nonstock item in one of two ways, as
shown in the following table.
To create a new item card for a nonstock item, click Departments >
Warehouse > Planning & Execution > Lists > Nonstock Items > New.
Chapter 4: Manage Items
To convert the nonstock item card to a proper item card, click Create Item from
the Process pane.
The Translations menu option opens a window where you can maintain the
item's description text in different languages. When the item is handled on
document lines, the language code of that document will define which translation
to use in the Description field.
Extended Texts
If you need more than one line to describe an item on a sales, purchase, or service
document, you can set this up in the Extended Texts window. It will then be
shown in the Description field on all document lines that can handle items. The
window contains the options shown in the following table.
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
3. Click New.
Field Instruction
Language Code Look up and select from the predefined language codes.
When a language code is entered, extended text will only
be inserted on sales and purchase documents for
customers and vendors with that particular language code.
Leave the field blank if you want to use the extended text
for local (domestic) customers and vendors.
All Language Place a check mark if the text is to be used regardless of
Codes language code.
Starting Date Enter a date if the extended text is to be used from a
specific date.
Ending Date Enter a date if the extended text is to be used up to a
specific date.
Sales FastTabs
Sales Quote … Select one or more of these fields to indicate on which
Prepmt. Sales kinds of sales documents you want to use the extended
Credit Memo text.
Chapter 4: Manage Items
Field Instruction
Purchase Quote Select one or more of these fields to indicate on which
... Prepmt. kinds of purchase documents you want to use the
Purchase Credit extended text.
Service FastTabs
Service Quote … Select one or more of these fields to indicate on which
Service Credit kinds of service documents you want to use the extended
Memo text.
Follow these steps to add an extended text to item 70060 and then use that
extended text on an existing unposted purchase line:
Notice that the Description field is supplemented with the extended text,
"Purchase with item 70001, Base".
Assembly List
The Assembly List menu item offers different ways to view the item's position in
a sales bill of materials. The menu also contains a function to calculate the
standard cost of items using the standard costing method.
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
The Manufacturing menu item links to the Prod. BOM Where-Used window,
which offers different ways to view in which product structures (other Production
BOMs) the item is used. The menu also contains a function to calculate the
standard cost of items using the standard costing method.
The Service Items menu link opens a list of versions of the item in question that
are managed as service items. The service items versions are identified by serial
numbers. Troubleshooting is used in repair/support of service items, and
Resource links service workers to the item. For detailed information about
handling and posting service items in connection with service orders, refer to the
"Service Management" course .
The Identifiers menu item opens a window where you can create a unique
identifier for each item that you want warehouse employees to keep track of
within the warehouse by using handheld devices. The item identifier can include
the item number, the variant code, and the unit of measure.
Sales Button
The Sales button has links to your different sales price and line discount policies
for the item and links to open sales orders where the item is being processed. The
button has the following menu items:
Chapter 4: Manage Items
Purchase Button
The Purchases button has links to your different purchase price and line discount
policies for the item and links to open purchase orders where the item is being
processed. The button has the following menu items:
Functions Button
The Functions button has functions for the creation of different types of data
records based on the data in the item card and contains the following functions:
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
Only the minimum required fields are filled in for the purpose of this
1. Click Departments > Purchase > Planning > List > Items
If item cards already exist, the program will open the last one used.
2. To open a new item card, click the New icon on the toolbar.
3. In the No. field, click the button beside it to open the No. Series
Multiple number series have been set up for item numbers to group
different items by their item numbers. Notice in the first number
series line that both the Default Nos. and Manual Nos. fields are
selected. This means that you can either have a number created
automatically (by pressing the enter key after inserting a new record)
or manually (by typing it) in the No. field. With the last four number
series, you must type a number manually. The item number must be
filled in; and from then on, it identifies the item in all types of
processing with the item. This is also the case for number series in
other master data records such as vendor cards and customer cards.
4. Select the second line, ITEM2 (the paint number series), and then
click OK.
TIP: If you do not require a specific number series, simply leave the empty No.
field (by using Arrow, Tab, Enter, or mouse) to have the program insert the next
number in the default number series.
NOTE: The last number series used will provide the numbers from then on when
you use the automatic number insertion. In the current demo database, the Paint
number series will therefore be used when you use automatic number insertion.
Chapter 4: Manage Items
7. Under the Code field, click the arrow to view a list and select CAN.
8. Leave the default value 1 in the Qty. per Unit of Measure field.
9. Click OK.
10. In the Shelf No. field, type B6 to specify where to place the item in
the warehouse.
The remaining tabs and fields are not necessary to fill in at this time. The new
item, 70105, Paint, sunflower yellow is ready for further processing.
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
Follow these steps to open the availability details from a purchase line for item
Notice that there are five available pieces on 01/29/2010. Press the ESC key.
Chapter 4: Manage Items
Follow these steps to add columns that reflect the availability information in
more basic terms:
1. With the cursor on any line in the window, click the Actions button
and click Choose Columns.
2. In the "Show Columns in this order," field select and click the
Remove button for these fields:
a. Department Code
b. Line Discount %
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
• Item Statistics - shows item activity over time and by G/L accounts
• Item Entry Statistics - shows posting activity by value and quantity
• Item Turnover - shows sales and purchases by value and quantity
over time
• Item Ledger Entries - shows the item's past and current inventory
• Item Registers - shows all transaction entries and their related
• Various inventory reports
You can set many different filters in the header to define what is included in the
statistics figures. The two left-hand columns on each line indicate the starting
date for and the name of the period for which information is shown on the line.
You can change the length of periods (for example: day, month, or year) and
whether it must be viewed as a net change or balance at date by selecting your
preference in the Matrix Options FastTabs.
Chapter 4: Manage Items
Depending on what you select in the Show as Lines field, you will see different
views of the statistics of this item. The different statistical views are:
• Profit Calculation
• Cost Specification
• Purchase Item Charge Specification
• Sales Item Charge Specification
• Period that is undefined.
From the Item Statistics window, click the Show Matrix button on the Action
Pane to view the information based on your settings.
The Most Recently Posted FastTabs shows the most recently posted entry of
various types of sales and purchase transactions.
The To Be Posted FastTabs displays information about the next and last
purchase receipts and the next and last sales shipments.
"Next" means the bottom purchase and sales lines (which have been set up but
not yet posted as received or shipped) on the order with the lowest order number.
Likewise, "Last" means the last purchase and sales order lines on the order with
the highest order number.
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
On each line, the columns display the amounts for the period indicated to the left,
as shown in the following table.
Column Meaning
Purchases The quantity purchased within or at the end of the period.
Purchases The local currency value of the quantity purchased within or
(LCY) at the end of the period.
Sales (Qty.) The quantity sold within or at the end of the period.
Sales (LCY) The local currency value of the quantity sold within or at the
end of the period.
By choosing a period (for example: day, month, or quarter) and a calculation type
(for example: Net Change or Balance at Date), you can determine the way
amounts are calculated. When you select Net Change, calculations are based on
entries with posting dates within the selected period. When you select Balance at
Date, calculations are based on entries posted with dates up to and including the
last day of the selected period.
Chapter 4: Manage Items
This window displays a list of the entries that have been posted with the item (all
of the item's movement in and out of inventory due to purchases, sales,
production, inventory adjustments, and more). Negative figures represent sales,
component consumption, or negative adjustments. Positive figures represent
purchases, production output, or positive adjustments. The Cost Amount
(Actual) field shows you the item's total inventory value at all times.
The list of entries is sorted by posting date. You can limit the list by setting, for
example, a date filter on the Posting Date field.
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
Note that this rather complex list of transaction entries is mainly used for
auditing or inventory costing control.
The entries in an item register are the result of item transaction posting from all
types of item-handling documents in the system, from sales invoices to
manufacturing output journals.
Every register shows the first and last entry numbers of its entries. To view the
detailed entries of a particular entry, place the cursor on an entry line and then
click Related Information > Register and select one of these options:
• Item Ledger
• Phys. Inventory Ledger
• Value Entries
• Capacity Ledger
Chapter 4: Manage Items
A window with details for that selected entry will open, for example, when you
click Item Ledger, the Item Ledger Entries window opens showing the detailed
entries for the selected item register line.
Inventory Reports
The program offers a series of reports with various item statistics and information
that you can print as standard reports or import into Microsoft® Excel® or
Microsoft® Word for further processing or printing. The following selection of
item reports for basic needs is accessed from the Sales & Marketing or Purchase
menus in the navigation pane, while a few are in the Warehouse menu. Some
reports include:
The Inventory Picking List report displays a list of items that needs to be picked.
Based on the filters that you have selected, the report can show item number,
customer name, document number, shipment date, quantity to ship, and unit of
The Inventory Put-away List report displays a list that shows what items need to
be removed from a certain location or transporting a material to a storage area.
The report can show document number, location code, quantity to receive, and
unit of measure.
The Inventory Cost and Price List report displays a list of price information for
the selected items: direct unit cost, last direct cost, unit price, profit percentage,
and profit.
The report can be exported directly to Excel when you press Print. To enable this,
you must place a check mark in the Print to Excel field.
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
Inventory - Availability
The list is divided into columns that cover six periods with starting and ending
dates as well as the periods before and after those periods. The report is useful
when you are planning your inventory purchases.
The Inventory Customer Sales report displays a list of the customers that have
purchased the selected items within a selected period. It shows the quantity,
amount, discount, profit, and profit percentage. The report can be used in an
analysis of customers' purchasing patterns.
The Inventory Order Details report displays a list of the orders that have not yet
been shipped or received and the items in the orders. It shows the order number,
customer's name, shipment date, order quantity, quantity on back order,
outstanding quantity, and unit price, as well as possible discount percentage and
amount. The quantity on back order and outstanding quantity and amount are
totaled for each item. The report can be used to find out whether there are
currently shipment problems or any that can be expected.
The Inventory Sales Statistics report displays a list of sales information about
each item: direct unit cost, unit price, sales quantity, sales in LCY, profit, and
profit percentage. It also shows totals in the last four values for all the items. The
report can be used for analyses of profit on individual items or trends in revenues
and profit.
Chapter 4: Manage Items
Your company is getting ready to offer a new USB mouse. As the purchasing
agent, you must create the new item with the following information:
Challenge Yourself!
Create the item based on the information provided.
1. Leave the empty No. field to have the program insert the next default
Note that the Unit Price field is calculated for you.
2. The last value is maintained on the third tab
Step by Step
1. From the Role Center window, click Items on the left pane.
2. Click New.
3. Leave the No. field empty and press Enter to have the program insert
the next number USB in the current default number series.
4. Enter USB Mouse in the Description field.
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
Items are a central element of the ERP system and the use of item cards is
required knowledge for any user or partner role training to become a product
Chapter 4: Manage Items
3. Select a way to open a new empty item card. (Select all that apply)
( ) Click Edit, New
( ) Click the New icon
( ) Press F4
( ) Press F2
4. The purpose of the Item Availability by Periods window is to: (Select all that
( ) Show the quantity of the item that is purchased in a certain period.
( ) Show how many units of the item that will be available in the near
( ) Show how many units of the item that are inbound, outbound, or on
inventory on a specific day - or other period that you define.
( ) Show the quantity of the item that is available on a certain day in
different locations.
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
6. The purpose of the Item Entry Statistics window is to: (Select all that apply)
( ) Show all item activity over time by inventory G/L accounts
( ) Show all of the item's posting activity
( ) Show the quantity of the item that is purchased in a certain period.
( ) Show when the item is next being posted
Chapter 4: Manage Items
Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics® NAV 2009
Test Your Knowledge
1. On which item card FastTabs is price information maintained?
( ) Foreign Trade
( ) Pricing
(•) Invoicing
( ) General
3. Select a way to open a new empty item card. (Select all that apply)
( ) Click Edit, New
(√) Click the New icon
( ) Press F4
( ) Press F2
4. The purpose of the Item Availability by Periods window is to: (Select all that
( ) Show the quantity of the item that is purchased in a certain period.
(√) Show how many units of the item that will be available in the near
(√) Show how many units of the item that are inbound, outbound, or on
inventory on a specific day - or other period that you define.
( ) Show the quantity of the item that is available on a certain day in
different locations.
MODEL ANSWER: It shows sales and purchases of the item by value and
quantity over time.
6. The purpose of the Item Entry Statistics window is to: (Select all that apply)
( ) Show all item activity over time by inventory G/L accounts
(√) Show all of the item's posting activity
( ) Show the quantity of the item that is purchased in a certain period.
(√) Show when the item is next being posted