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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Asset Management Reporting


Table of Contents

TRANSACTION CODE QUICK REFERENCE ............................................................. 2

DISPLAY ASSET.......................................................................................................... 3

ASSET BALANCE REPORT...................................................................................... 17

END USER ASSET INVENTORY REPORT ............................................................... 22


SYSTEM ONLY) ......................................................................................................... 27

ASSET HISTORY REPORT ....................................................................................... 31

PRINTING A REPORT ............................................................................................... 36

EXPORTING A REPORT TO EXCEL......................................................................... 39

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 1

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Transaction Code Quick Reference

Display Asset AS03
End User Asset Inventory Report ZF39

Note: Unless you have access to the Central Office

folder on the SAP User Menu (based on your
security rights), then you will need to access most
of the transactions in this Guide via the SAP Menu.
Some reports on the SAP Menu do not have
transaction codes. One report, the Asset Inventory
Report, can only be accessed via transaction code

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 2

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Display Asset

The Display Asset transaction is a useful tool for asset analysis. This
transaction displays the master data elements of an individual asset,
along with integration to purchasing data and other asset related

Three levels of Display Asset are available from this transaction:

Asset Master Data Information
It provides screen views of the Asset Master Data allowing drill down
and further information in Asset fields.
Asset Transaction Information
It is possible to drill down and view asset transactions. Each
transaction is linked to an Asset Accounting document.
Asset Accounting Document Display
Materials documents, such as purchase orders and financial posting
documents can be displayed. These are shown when a drill down is
performed on a transaction.

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 3

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Display Asset (AS03)

Via SAP Menu: Accounting Financial accounting
Fixed assets Asset Display Asset

Note: From the SAP User Menu, click on the SAP menu
button to access the SAP menu per above. To save
time, click and drag the transaction to your Favorites
folder if desired. To return to the SAP User Menu, click
on the User menu button.

On the Display Asset: Initial screen:


1. If known, enter the R/3 asset number in the Asset field.

Note: For older equipment that was purchased prior to the use
of SAP R/3 at Duke, a new R/3 asset number was
assigned. However, the old asset tags on some
equipment were not replaced with new tags containing
the R/3 asset number. Therefore, the old asset tag
number was entered in R/3 as a reference in the
Inventory Number field. If the R/3 asset number is not
known, use the step 2 to search for the R/3 asset
number using the old asset tag number.

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 4

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Display Asset (cont.)

2. OPTIONAL: If the R/3 asset number is not known, to search for a

number using the old asset tag number or other known data:

Click in the Asset field and click on the Drop-down button.

Click on
button to
restrict the

In the resulting Main Asset Number (Personal Value List) window,

click on the Restrict Values Range button.

Choose the
I: Inventory
Enter the old tag
Number tab.
number in the
Inventory Number
field. Use an * as a
wildcard for better
search results. Use
Click on the other fields as
Enter button. needed.

In the resulting Restrict Value Range window, click on the

I: Inventory tab to choose that type of search.
Enter the old tag number in the Inventory number field (do not
include any dashes, just enter the number without the dashes).
Note: Other fields may also be used to search by what is
known about the asset, such as the Asset class or
description. Use an * (asterisk) as a wildcard for better
search results (see example above).

Click on the Enter button.

In the resulting Main Asset number window, double click on the
asset to populate the Asset field with the R/3 number (in blue).

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 5

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Display Asset (cont.)

3. Enter the four digit company code in the Company Code field.

4. Click on the Enter button (or Enter on keyboard) to display the

Display Asset: Master data screen (see next page).

On the Display Asset: Master data screen:

6 7 8 9

5. Review the sections titled General data, Inventory, and Posting

information (i.e. Capitalized on date) on the General data tab
(default screen of information displayed).
Note: To view the data for each tab per steps below, click on
the tab or use the Next page tab and Previous
page tab buttons to move between tabs of data.

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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Display Asset (cont.)

6. To display responsible cost center (department responsible for this

asset), click on the Time-dependent tab.
Note: For Company Code 0010, the cost center field usually
contains 1569000, which is used to book depreciation on
all movable equipment within this company. For capital
assets related to the Health System, the cost center field
and responsible cost center field are usually the same.

7. To display the asset location (building number, floor, and room

number), click on the Time-dependent tab.

8. To display the WBS element and any available vendor /

manufacturer information for the asset, click on the Origin tab,
and scroll down to the bottom of the page, if needed.

Note: For Company Code 0010, if the WBS element field is

blank, then return to the Time-dependent tab to view
responsible cost center (funding source) for this
asset. The Health System Company Codes (0020-0060)
should have a WBS Element unless the asset was
acquired via transfer or takeover.

The vendor / manufacturer information is sometimes

useful to a property manager (and to our auditors) for
equipment inventories. For example, if they see a
projector with a manufacturer name stamped on the
side, this information helps identify that asset.

9. To display an overview of the assets useful life and the date the
asset began depreciating, click on the Deprec. areas tab.
Note: This data and more is also on the Asset Explorer screen
(Asset Values), which is covered on the next few pages.

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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Display Asset (cont.)

To display the Asset Explorer screen and view more data

about the asset:


10. Click on the Asset values button (Ctrl+F1) (see next page).

Note: If prompted by an Information dialog box to choose a

fiscal year, click the OK button to proceed and close the


Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 8

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Display Asset (cont.)

On the Asset Explorer screen:


Choose tabs to
view information
for the year
This section
information per the
Click and drag tab and fiscal year
bar to size the selected (see next
split windows as pages for details of
needed. each tab).

Once a year is This section

selected, this displays all
section transactions that
populates and have occurred for
can be used to the year selected
view the plus planned
Purchase Order. depreciation.

Note: The Asset Explorer screen has details for the asset for
the current, past, and next fiscal years. The tabs
across the top contain different pieces of information for
the year selected and are outlined on the next pages.
The summarized values for each tab chosen are shown
in the upper right of the screen, while the detail of the
transactions is shown in the lower right of the screen.
The split window between these sections can be sized
by clicking and dragging the divider bar as desired.
Once a year is selected, the Objects related to asset
populates in the lower left of the screen and can be
used to display the Purchase Order (see steps in this

11. Click on the Previous fiscal year and Next fiscal year
buttons to select the fiscal year in the Fiscal year field.

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 9

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Display Asset (cont.)

On the Asset Explorer screen, to display the Planned values

(depreciation as of June 30 for the year selected):


12. Click on the Planned values tab (default tab) and review data as
outlined below (change fiscal year selected as needed):
Contains the Asset Purchase Cost, i.e., Acquisition values per the
following columns:
Fiscal year start = Asset purchase costs as of July 1 of the year
selected (if blank, asset was purchased in year selected).
Acquisition Change = invoices paid this year (see details in Transactions
values section below).
Year-end = Asset Purchase Cost projected as of the end of the
fiscal year selected.
Contains the posted and planned depreciation per the following
Ordinary Fiscal year start = Depreciation from past years.
deprec. Change = Planned depreciation (see details in Transactions section
Year-end = Total of prior years and planned depreciation.
Contains the Planned Net book value (APC transactions less
Net book
depreciation) for the beginning of the fiscal year, the current year
change, and the fiscal year end.

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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Display Asset (cont.)

On the Asset Explorer screen, to display the Posted values

(depreciation values as of today if current year selected):


13. Click on the Posted values tab and review data as outlined below:
Contains the Asset Purchase Cost, i.e., Acquisition values per the
APC following columns:
transactions Fiscal year start = Asset purchase costs as of July 1 of the year
and selected (if blank, asset was purchased in year selected).
Acquisition Change = invoices paid this year through today.
values Year-end = Asset Purchase Cost projected as of the end of the fiscal
year selected.
Contains the posted depreciation per the following columns:
Fiscal year start = Depreciation from past years.
Change = posted depreciation as of today.
Ordinary (See details in Transactions section below for posted depreciation
which is indicated with a symbol. This section also contains
Planned depreciation, which is indicated with a symbol.
Year-end = Total of prior years and posted depreciation.
Contains the Net book value as of today (APC transactions less
Net book
depreciation) for the beginning of the fiscal year, the current year change,
and the fiscal year end.

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 11

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Display Asset (cont.)

On the Asset Explorer screen, to display the Comparisons

(summary of life of asset over the years selected, which
shows the year when the asset will be fully depreciated):




14. Click on the Comparisons tab (default tab).

15. Click on the Previous fiscal year and Next fiscal year
buttons to adjust the years in the (From) and To Fiscal year field.
Note: To determine when an asset will be fully depreciated,
adjust the To Fiscal year field as needed (may need to
extend out for several years). The example above
shows that the asset will be fully depreciated in 2009).

16. Review the columns in the Comparisons tab as follows:

Contains the fiscal years per the values selected in the (From) and To
Fiscal Year Fiscal year field above (adjust the years as needed per note above)
APC Contains the Asset Purchase Cost(s) in the fiscal year(s) the cost was
transactions incurred.
Acquisition Contains a sum of the value of the acquisition based on the APC
Values. transactions column for the fiscal years selected.
Net book Contains the Net book value (Acquisition values less depreciation) for the
value fiscal years selected.

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 12

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Display Asset (cont.)

On the Asset Explorer screen, to display the Purchase Order

detail (for assets purchased after March 1999):


17. Double click on the Purchase Order folder to

display the Purchasing Documents For asset (shown below).


18. Double click on the Purchase Order date or anywhere on that line
to view the Display Purchase Order: Item Overview screen (shown
next page).

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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Display Asset (cont.)



19. Use the various buttons to view other Purchase Order detail (refer to
Reconciliation and Documents Guide for more on Purchase Orders).
20. To return to the Asset Explorer screen, click on the Back button.

To return to the Display Asset: Master data screen from

Asset Explorer screen:


21. Click on the Back button or Display Master Data button (F3).

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 14

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Display Asset (cont.)

To view attachments associated with the asset (from the

Display Asset: Master data screen):



22. Click on the click on the drop-down portion of the Services

for Objects button located in the Title Bar of the screen.

23. In the resulting drop-down list, click on the menu option for
Attachment list.
Note: Another option is to click on the left side of the
Services for Objects button and in the resulting toolbar,
click on the Attachment List button.

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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Display Asset (cont.)



24. In the resulting Service: Attachment list window (shown above),

double click on each attachment listed to view that attachment.

Note: Attachments will show information related to the asset,

such as pictures, web links, etc. A message will
appear stating that bytes have been transferred and
the attachment will eventually open (for pictures of
assets, the picture will open in Microsoft Photo Editor or
equivalent software). When ready to exit the photo or
other type of attachment, simply close that software
and return to SAP R/3.

25. When all attachments have been viewed:

If applicable, click OK to clear the message that bytes were
Click on the Continue button to close the Service: Attachment
list window.

When finished viewing all the data for the Asset, to exit:
26. When finished viewing the data, click on the Exit button
(Shift+F3) until the initial R/3 screen is displayed.

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 16

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Asset Balance Report

The Asset Balances report can be run using various report options. The
report is designed to allow for reporting of Asset Balances such as
Acquisition Costs, Accumulated Depreciation, and Net Book Value. It
normally would be used to show a balance for a specified Cost Center or
Asset Class.

Note: This report lists all the assets in a department, not just
the assets with a unit cost of $5,000 or more.

The report can be run using the following options:

by asset number
by asset class
by cost center
by location

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 17

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Asset Balance Report

Via SAP Menu: Accounting Financial accounting
Fixed assets Information system Reports on Asset
Accounting Asset Balances Balance Lists Asset
Balances by Asset Class

Note: From the SAP User Menu, click on the SAP menu
button to access the SAP menu per above. To save
time, click and drag the transaction to your Favorites
folder if desired. To return to the SAP User Menu, click
on the User menu button.

On the Asset Balance selection screen (shown below):

1. To display all selection criteria fields (as shown in example below),
follow the menu path: Edit All selections.


2. Enter a company code in the first Company code field.

Note: If applicable, use the Company code (to) field to
enter a range of company codes or use the
Multiple Selection button to enter more than one
company code.

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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Asset Balance Report (cont.)

3. To narrow the search, enter other selections such as Asset class,

Cost center (see steps below for 0010), Location, etc.

4. To enter specific cost centers for Company Code 0010, follow

these steps (do not enter values in Cost Center field):

Click on the Dynamic Selections button.

Open the Time-dependent data folder.
Scroll down to the bottom of this folder and double click on Resp.
cost center (to display the field on the right side).
On the right side of the screen, enter the seven digit Cost
Center for 0010 in the Responsible cost center field.
Note: If needed, use the Multiple Selection button
to enter more than one Cost Center.

5. Enter the fiscal year end date in the Report date field.

6. Enter 01 in the Depreciation area field (default).

7. To choose the Sort version:

Click in the Sort version field.
Click on the Drop down button (F4) to display the Sort version for
reporting dialog box.
Double click on sort version 0010 (Co. code/asset
class/location) to include and sort by company code, asset class
and location on the report.
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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Asset Balance Report (cont.)

8. Use the List Assets section as follows:

To see a more detailed report or to ensure that the drill-down
function is available if the Dynamic Selections option was
used, select/ click on the List Assets radio button.
To see a more summarized report with no drill-down function,
leave the default selection (or by group totals) selected.

9. Click on the Execute button (F8) to display the report.

On the Asset Balances report:




10. Optional: Follow the menu path: Settings Columns Optimize

Width to expand columns to the optimal width.

11. Review all columns outlined below (based on Sort version 0010):
Column Name Column Description
Company Code The four digit identifier for the company code.
Asset class The asset class assigned by Plant Accounting when the asset is created.
Location A number that identifies the building and floor of the assets current location.
Acquis. Val. Original cost of the asset.
Accum. Dep. Accumulated depreciation per the date selected in report criteria.
Book Val. Acquisition value less accumulated depreciation.
Crcy USD = U.S. Dollars

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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Asset Balance Report (cont.)

12. To vertically scroll through this report and view other pages, use
the following buttons (or vertical scroll bar):
First Page (Ctrl+Page up) to scroll to the top cover page.
Next Page (Page down) to scroll to the next page.
Previous Page (Page up) to scroll to the previous page.
Last Page (Ctrl+Page down) to scroll to the last page.

13. To drill-down for more details, double click on the desired line item
(drill-down not allowed if Dynamic Selections was used and List
Assets radio button was NOT selected).

14. Click on the Exit button (Shift+F3) until the initial R/3 screen is

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 21

Asset Management Reporting Guide

End User Asset Inventory Report

The End User Asset Inventory Report has been customized for use at
Duke University. This report is primarily used for equipment tagging and
audits of assets held within R/3. It provides information to enable
identification of an asset along with the funding source and inventory
information, such as date last checked and the status of the asset. This
report lists movable equipment only.

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 22

Asset Management Reporting Guide

End User Asset Inventory Report ZF39

Via Transaction Code: Enter ZF39 in the Command field
and click on the Enter button.

On the End User Asset Inventory Report initial screen:

3 Company
0010 4 Optional:
Use other
fields to
3 Company search.
0020 and


1. Enter the company code in the Company code field.

2. Enter the current fiscal year (e.g., 2006) in the first Fiscal Year
Processing field.

3. Enter the cost center selection criteria as follows:

University (Company code 0010) - Enter the 7 digit cost center
in the Responsible Cost Center field or the 10 digit BFR Code
in the Responsible Cost Center Group.
Health System (Company code 0020 and higher) - Enter the 9
digit cost center in the Cost Center field or the 8 digit group in
the Cost Center Group field.

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 23

Asset Management Reporting Guide

End User Asset Inventory Report (cont.)

4. Optional: To narrow the search, enter any other selection criteria
in the Selections section (i.e. Location = building number).

5. Optional: Use the Disposed of Date (initial) field as follows:

Leave the default date of 01/01/1900 to view a list of current
Enter a disposal date to view retired assets.

6. Ensure the Inventory Flag (X) box is checked (should default).

7. Optional: Use the Default Asset Value Limit field as follows:

Leave the defaulted asset value limit at 5000.00 to view assets
that are over $5000.00 and thus audited by Plant Accounting.
Delete the defaulted value and leave the field blank to view a
list of all equipment associated with the other selection
criteria (responsible cost center, etc.)

8. Click on the Execute button (F8).

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 24

Asset Management Reporting Guide

End User Asset Inventory Report (cont.)

On the End User Asset Inventory Report screen:




9. Use the horizontal scrollbar to review all columns outlined below:

Column Name Column Description
Company Code The four digit identifier of the company code.
For Company Code 0010, this represents the ten digit Cost Center Group,
Cost Grp i.e., BFR Code or Org. Unit. For Company Codes 0020 0060, this
represents the eight digit Cost Center Group.
The description associated with the Cost Center Group, which helps to
Cost Grp Dsc
identify the organizational unit.
The asset number that is assigned by R/3 when the asset is created (may
not match what is on the asset tag for older assets).
Assets or partial assets related to a parent or main asset. Assets that
have been split funded are given a sub-number.
The old legacy asset number OR 8XX denotes assets which cannot
Inventory #
physically be tagged.
Description Line 1 The name or description of the asset.
Any additional description of the asset or the original cost object used to
Description Line 2
purchase the asset.
A number that identifies the building and floor of the assets current
Location Desc Building name or address tied to location number.
Room The room number of the assets current location.
Serial # Serial number of the asset (if known).
Last Inventory This date indicates the last date the asset was seen (tagged or audited) or
Date the last date the asset information was updated.
Inventory Note This note field is used by Plant Accounting to indicate if the asset has
been tagged, if it has been inventoried / audited, or if it has been sent to
surplus, etc.
Capitalized On Capitalization date: the date on which the asset was capitalized.
Res Ct Cnt The responsible cost center or cost center that owns the asset.
WBS Elemnt The WBS element used to purchase of the asset.
Continued on next page

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 25

Asset Management Reporting Guide

End User Asset Inventory Report (cont.)

Column Name Column Description

Fed Flag A symbol that indicates if the asset is or is not federally funded or
government owned (Y or N).
Acquisit Cost The value of the asset on the date it was capitalized.
The book value at the fiscal year end (acquisition value less accumulated
Book Value
depreciation YTD).
The asset class (correlates to asset GL accts). All assets belong to one
class, such as vehicles, machinery, PCs, etc.
Class Dsc Description or name of asset class.
Deactive Date Deactivation date: the date the asset was retired.
PO Number Purchase order number.
Manufacturer Manufacturer of the asset.
Vendor name (from whom the asset was purchased) from legacy system.
Vendor Name For most companies, this means the asset was acquired before

10. To vertically scroll through this report, use the following buttons (or
vertical scroll bar):
First Page (Ctrl+Page up) to scroll to the top cover page.
Next Page (Page down) to scroll to the next page.
Previous Page (Page up) to scroll to the previous page.
Last Page (Ctrl+Page down) to scroll to the last page.

11. To drill-down into the asset, double click on any individual line item
(displays the same screen as the Asset Display - AS03 transaction).

12. To export (download) to Excel, click on the Export button and

follow the steps for Exporting a Report to Excel that are included
in this Guide.

13. Click on the Exit button (Shift+F3) until the initial R/3 screen is

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 26

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Posted Depreciation Related to Cost

Center Report (Health System Only)
The Posted Depreciation by Cost Center Report provides information
regarding the depreciation posted to an asset cost center. It is possible to
report on a single period or a range of periods. This report can be printed
in a number of different formats (such as table views), or loaded into a
Word or Excel document.

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 27

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Posted Depreciation Related to Cost

Center Report (Health System Only)
Via SAP Menu: Accounting Financial accounting
Fixed assets Information System Reports on Asset
Accounting Cost Accounting Depreciation Posted
Posted depreciation, related to cost centers

Note: From the SAP User Menu, click on the SAP menu
button to access the SAP menu per above. To save
time, click and drag the transaction to your Favorites
folder if desired. To return to the SAP User Menu, click
on the User menu button.

On the Posted depreciation, related to cost centers

selection screen:
1. To assist in entering selection criteria fields, follow these steps:
Click on the Get Variant button.
In the APAB: Directory of Variant Program dialog box, double click
on the variant SAP&001 - SAP: Standard variant.

2. To display all selection criteria fields (as shown in example below),

follow the menu path: Edit All selections.


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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Posted Depreciation Related to Cost

Center Report (cont.)

3. Enter the company code in the Company code field.

4. Enter the cost center in the Cost center (from) field.

Note: If applicable, enter a range of cost centers using
the Cost center (to) field or enter multiple cost
centers via the Multiple Selection button.

5. Enter 01 in the Area field.

6. Enter the Fiscal year.

7. Enter the Posting period.

8. Click on the Execute button (F8) to display the report.

Note: The report is displayed in a table format per below.

On the Posted depreciation, related to cost centers report:

11 & 12


9. Use the horizontal scrollbar to review all columns outlined below:

Column Name Column Description
The asset number that is assigned by R/3 when the asset is created
(may not match what is on the asset tag for older assets).
Assets or partial assets related to a parent or main asset. Assets
that have been split funded are given a sub-number.
Ordinary Depreciation Planned ordinary depreciation for the period selected.
All Other fields Not used at this time.

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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Posted Depreciation Related to Cost

Center Report (cont.)

10. Use the vertical scroll bar to view additional lines / pages if needed.

To sort assets:
11. Click on the Asset column heading to highlight the column.

12. Click on the Sort descending button or press Ctrl+F5 (or use
the Sort ascending button / Ctrl+F4).

To exit the report when ready:

13. Click on the Exit button or press Shift+F3 until the initial R/3
screen is displayed.

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 30

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Asset History Report

The Asset History Report provides a summary of fiscal year (FY start to
FY end) activity for equipment. It is possible to report on a single period
or a range of periods. This report can be printed in a number of different
formats, such as table views, or loaded into a Word or Excel document.

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 31

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Asset History Report

Via SAP Menu: Accounting Financial accounting
Fixed assets Information system Reports on Asset
Accounting Notes to Financial Statements
International Asset History Sheet

Note: From the SAP User Menu, click on the SAP menu
button to access the SAP menu per above. To save
time, click and drag the transaction to your Favorites
folder if desired. To return to the SAP User Menu, click
on the User menu button.

On the Asset History Sheet selection screen:

1. To display all selection criteria fields (as shown in example below),
follow the menu path: Edit All selections.

2. Enter the company code in the Company code (from) field.

Note: If applicable, enter a range of company codes
using the Company code (to) field or enter multiple
codes via the Multiple Selection button.
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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Asset History Report (cont.)

3. Optional: To narrow the search, enter any other selection criteria

in the Selections section, such as the Asset number and / or
Location (i.e., building number) fields.
Note: If using the Location field to narrow the search,
enter either the building number including the floor
number (e.g., 757701) or enter the building
number with an asterisk (e.g. 7577*) for the entire

4. Enter the fiscal year end date in the Report date field.

5. Ensure 01 is in the Depreciation area field.

6. To choose a sort version:

Click in the Sort version field.
Click on the Drop down button (F4) to display the Sort
version for reporting dialog box.
Double click on the sort line item desired.

7. Optional: Use the vertical scroll bar to enter additional selection

criteria for the report if desired.

8. Click on the Execute button (F8) to display the Asset History


Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 33

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Asset History Report (cont.)

On the Asset History Sheet report (format varies based on

sort version selected):



Note: Depending on the sort version selected, this report

may have column headings and data that wraps
horizontally. Each row of the column headings
corresponds to the line of the data below. Refer to
the table of rows / columns outlined below. If the
report is exported to Excel, the columns will
not wrap; therefore, the report is easier to view.
If needed, refer to steps for Exporting to Excel in
the last section of this Guide.

9. Review all columns outlined below (may vary based on the sort
version selected):
Row 1 Description
Varies Depends on sort version selected.
Row 2 Column 1 Name Description
APC FY Start Asset Purchase Cost Fiscal Year Start Value
Row 3 Column 1 Name Description
Dep. FY Start Accumulated depreciation at the start of the fiscal year selected.
Row 4 Column 1 Name Description
Book value (Asset Purchase Cost less accumulated depreciation) at
Bk. Val. FY Start
the start of the fiscal year selected.
Row 2 Column 2 Name Description
Asset Purchase Cost for any acquisitions made during the fiscal year
Continued on next page

Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 34

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Asset History Report (cont.)

Row 3 Column 2 Name Description

Depreciation expense posted on all assets (beginning value plus
Dep. For year
additions) for the fiscal year selected.
Row 1 Column 3 Name Description
Crcy Currency = US Dollars
Row 2 Column 3 Name Description
Original value (asset purchase cost) of assets retired during the
fiscal year selected.
Row 3 Column 3 Name Description
Accumulated depreciation posted to the assets retired during the
Dep. Retir.
fiscal year selected.
Column 4 Name(s) Description
Assets transferred to another cost center and/or company during the
fiscal year selected.
Depreciation expense posted to transferred assets for the fiscal year
Dep. Transfer
Column 7 Name(s) Description
Current Asset Purchase Cost: Fiscal year start plus or minus any
Current APC
additions, retirements, transfers, etcfor the fiscal year selected.
Accumulated depreciation for the fiscal year selected: fiscal year
start depreciation balance plus or minus any depreciation expense
Accumul. Dep.
debited or credited on existing assets, additions, retirements,
transfers, etc
Current book value for the fiscal year selected: Asset Purchase Cost
Curr. Bk. Val.
less Accumulated Depreciation.

10. To vertically scroll through this report, use the following buttons (or
vertical scroll bar):
First Page (Ctrl+Page up) to scroll to the top cover page.
Next Page (Page down) to scroll to the next page.
Previous Page (Page up) to scroll to the previous page.
Last Page (Ctrl+Page down) to scroll to the last page.

11. To drill-down for more details, double click on the desired line item
for an asset.

12. Click on the Exit button or press Shift + F3 until the initial R/3
screen is displayed.

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Asset Management Reporting Guide
Printing A Report

1. Click on the Print button (menu path: Report Print).

2 If prompted,
choose one
(see below).

2. If prompted by the Print Variation reports dialog box, choose to

print either the Current report OR All variation reports (in one
spool request) as follows:
Choose Current report to print the report displayed (best option
if only one Cost Object is on the report). This option only prints
column headings on the first page of the report.
IMPORTANT: Do not choose the option for separate spool
request, since this option will print excess pages.
Choose All variation reports (in one spool request) to print the
consolidated report plus an individual report for each Cost
Object. This option prints column headings on every page of
every report.

3. Click on the Continue button.

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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Printing a Report (cont.)

4 If prompted,
choose Print
all pages or
option desired.

4. If prompted by the Print Report dialog box, click on the Print all
pages (default) radio button or option desired.

5. Click on the Continue button.

6 If prompted,
choose Print

6. If prompted by the Print Current Report dialog box, click on the

Print formatted report (page length 65) radio button (the default).

7. Click on the Continue button.

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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Printing a Report (cont.)

10-11 Optional:
Complete other
fields as desired.

12 Optional:
Use Properties button
for more options and
to set defaults for
fields (via Settings
13 button).

On the Print Screen List dialog box (shown above):

8. Required: Ensure the Output device field contains a value to tell
R/3 where to print the report.
9. Required: Enter Print out immediately in the Time of Print field
(via drop-down), if not defaulted.
10. Optional: Enter the number of copies.
11. Optional: In the SAP Cover Sheet field, drop-down and choose
No Cover Sheet if preferred (if left at System Administrator: Default
Setting, then a cover sheet will print).
12. Optional: To change other options and set defaults for printing a
document, click on the Properties button (on resulting Spool
Request Attributes screen, use Settings button to set defaults).

13. When all fields are chosen on the screen above, click on the
Continue button to complete the print request.

14. Click the OK button to clear the Information dialog box if needed.

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Asset Management Reporting Guide
Exporting a Report to Excel
Note: Once in a report, there are several ways to export
a report to Excel depending on the report. Two
basic ways are outlined in this section and
depend on whether an Export button is
available or not.

To export a report to Excel where the Export button is not


1 Menu path

1. Follow the menu path: System List Save Local File.


To export a report to Excel for reports which have the

Export button (example: any line item report):

2 Export button

2. Click the Export button (menu path: List Export Local


Revised: 6/29/2006 11:44 AM Page 39

Asset Management Reporting Guide

Exporting a Report to Excel (cont.)

Once one of the two methods on the previous page is used,

the rest of the steps are the same, as follows:
In the Save list in file dialog box:

3. Click on Spreadsheet button.

4. Click on the Continue (Enter) button.

In the dialog box (name varies by report):

5. Click on the Drop-down button in the Directory field.

Note: If the directory path is known, enter the path in the
Directory field, enter the file name with an
extension of .xls in the File Name field, and click
on Generate button (skip next steps). If
message prompts that file already exists, then
click on the Replace button.

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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Exporting a Report to Excel (cont.)

In the resulting sapfewin (warning message) dialog box:

6. Click OK to continue to the screen shown below.

In the Save As dialog box:

7. Use the Drop Down button in the Save in field to locate a

directory path (where to save the file on your computer).
8. Enter the file name with extension of .xls for Excel.
9. Click on the Save button.

IF PROMPTED, in the Save As (warning message) dialog


10 If prompted
to replace,
choose Yes.

10. If prompted to replace the file, click on the Yes button.

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Asset Management Reporting Guide

Exporting a Report to Excel (cont.)

In the dialog box (name varies by report):



11. Ensure the Directory and File Name fields are correct.
12. Click on either the Generate or Replace button as appropriate.

In the Information dialog box:



13. Review the message stating that bytes were transferred (indicating
that the export was successful).
14. Click the OK button to close the message.

Once the file is exported to Excel:

15. Manually open Excel and retrieve the exported file (or open from
desktop if applicable).

16. IMPORTANT: Once changes or formatting have been done, save

the Excel file per specific instructions below:
Use the menu path: File->Save as
Remove the quotation marks (xxx) from the File name.
Choose Microsoft Excel Workbook as the File type.
Note: If the above steps are not done, the changes will
not be saved.
17. Exit Excel when ready (the SAP R/3 window is still active and you
will return to that window when Excel is closed).
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