Vocabulary - 1000 Word List (3 of 10)

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1000 Words (AC) - List 3

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1. chronological arranged in order of time 36. compound to combine parts; a combination of different
parts; a walled area containing a group of
2. circuitous roundabout
3. circumlocution indirect and wordy language
37. comprehensive including everything
4. circumscribed marked off, bounded
38. compress to apply pressure, squeeze together
5. circumspect cautious
39. compunction distress caused by feeling guilty
6. circumvent to get around
40. concede to accept as valid
7. clairvoyant able to perceive things that normal people
41. conciliatory friendly, agreeable
42. concise brief and direct in expression
8. clamor loud noise; to loudly insist
43. concoct to fabricate, make up
9. clandestine secret
44. concomitant accompanying in a subordinate fashion
10. cleave to divide into parts; to stick together firmly
45. concord harmonious agreement
11. clemency mercy
46. condolence an expression of sympathy in sorrow
12. clergy members of Christian holy orders
47. condone to pardon, deliberately overlook
13. cloying sickeningly sweet
48. conduit a pipe or channel through which something
14. coagulate to thicken, clot
15. coalesce to fuse into a whole
49. confection a sweet, fancy food
16. cobbler a person who makes or repairs shoes
50. confidant a person entrusted with secrets
17. coerce to make somebody do something by force or
51. conflagration great fire
52. confluence a gathering together
18. cogent intellectually convincing
53. conformist one who behaves the same as others
19. cognizant aware, mindful
54. confound to frustrate, confuse
20. coherent logically consistent, intelligible
55. congeal to thicken into a solid
21. collateral secondary; security for a debt
56. congenial pleasantly agreeable
22. colloquial characteristic of informal conversation
57. congregation a gathering of people, especially for
23. collusion secret agreement, conspiracy
religious services
24. colossus a gigantic statue or thing
58. congruity the quality of being in agreement
25. combustion the act or process of burning
59. connive to plot, scheme
26. commendation a notice of approval or recognition
60. consecrate to dedicate something to a holy purpose
27. commensurate corresponding in size or amount
61. consensus an agreement of opinion
28. commodious roomy
62. consign to give something over to another's care
29. compelling forceful, demanding attention
63. consolation an act of comforting
30. compensate to make an appropriate payment for
64. consonant in harmony
65. constituent an essential part
31. complacency self-satisfied ignorance of danger
66. constrain to forcibly restrict
32. complement to complete, make perfect
67. construe to interpret
33. compliant ready to adapt oneself to another's wishes
68. consummate to complete a deal; to complete a marriage
34. complicit being an accomplice in a wrongful act
ceremony through sexual intercourse
35. compliment an expression of esteem or approval
69. consumption the act of consuming
70. contemporaneous existing during the same time

71. contentious having a tendency to quarrel or dispute

72. contravene to contradict, oppose, violate

73. contrite penitent, eager to be forgiven

74. contusion bruise, injury

75. conundrum puzzle, problem

76. convene to call together

77. convention an assembly of people; a rule, custom

78. convivial characterized by feasting, drinking, merriment

79. convoluted intricate, complicated

80. copious profuse, abundant

81. cordial warm, affectionate

82. coronation the act of crowning

83. corpulence extreme fatness

84. corroborate to support with evidence

85. corrosive having the tendency to erode or eat away

86. cosmopolitan sophisticated, worldly

87. counteract to neutralize, make ineffective

88. coup a brilliant, unexpected act; the overthrow of a government and assumption of authority

89. covert secretly engaged in

90. covet to desire enviously

91. credulity readiness to believe

92. crescendo a steady increase in intensity or volume

93. criteria standards by which something is judged

94. culmination the climax toward which something progresses

95. culpable deserving blame

96. cultivate to nurture, improve, refine

97. cumulative increasing, building upon itself

98. cunning sly, clever at being deceitful

99. cupidity greed, strong desire

100. cursory brief to the point of being superficial

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