Vocabulary Series Week 1
Vocabulary Series Week 1
Vocabulary Series Week 1
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1. You can take print out and use pencil to track the difficult word.
2. You can remember from the pdf itself and use the tools available in the adobe
Acrobat reader to track the difficult word
1. As dead as a doornail Completely obsolete
2. At Cross Purposes Disagreeing with each other’s ideas
3. Back against the wall Be in a difficult situation from where escape is
4. Bad Iron Bad Luck
5. By the ear By improvisation
6. Cut corners To save money or time when doing something by
not including some parts
7. Dance attendance Obey someone’s every wish
8. Familiarity breeds contempt The better you know someone the less you like
9. First and Foremost Highest priority
10. Go back to the drawing board Start over
11. Jumped the gun To act too soon or before the right time
12. Lily- livered Not Brave
13. Miss the boat Missing a good opportunity
14. No smoke without fire There’s always some reason for a rumour
15. On the ball Doing a job in a quick and competent manner
16. Pass the buck Blaming another person
17. Pipe Dream An Unreal Hope
18. Prime the Pump Encourage the growth or action of something
19. Scrape the Barrel To be forced to use one’s last and weakest
20. Throw caution to the wind Take risk
21. Tied herself up in knots Become very confused when you are trying to
explain something
22. True colours True personality
23. Up the creek In Trouble
24. You snooze, you lose If you are not alert, you are likely to miss
25. Bear the palm To be a winner
26. Bob’s Your uncle It becomes easily and quickly achievable
27. Himalayan blunder Grave error
28. Quicken the pulse Made some people excited or interested
29. Latin and Greek Incomprehensible
30. Yellow bellies Cowards
31. A rolling stone gathers no moss A person who does not settle in one place for a
long time, does not gain wealth, name or fame
32. In Full swing Very active
33. Take something at face value Accept it and believe it without thinking about it
very much, even though it might be untrue
34. Cudgel one’s brain To think hard
35. Come in handy Be useful
36. Play it by ear To do something without special preparation
37. Heart in the right place Someone is good even if they sometimes behave
in a wrong way
38. Down the tubes Failing completely
39. Lose your marbles To go insane
40. Went pear-shaped Went terribly wrong
41. Aladdin’s cave A place that contains many interesting objects
42. Cut to the chase To get to the point
43. Devil’s advocate One who takes an opposing position for the sake
of argument
44. Early bird catches the worm One who hurries up always gets the best.
45. Extra mile Make a special effort to achieve something
46. Fallen flat To fail or be ineffective
47. Few and far between Not happening or existing very often
48. Gets in someone’s hair Annoy someone
49. Give the benefit of doubt Accepting something/Someone as honest or
deserving of trust even though there are doubts
50. Half a loaf is better than none It is better to get less than what you want than get
51. Haste is waste Doing things in hurry does not give fruitful results
52. Have a bash To make an attempt
53. Having a chip on one’s shoulder Having an irritated and unfriendly attitude
54. Head in the clouds Being absent minded
55. High and mighty Proud people
56. Hit the sack Went to sleep
57. Like a cat on a hot tin roof Being in a state of agitation
58. Memory like sieve Poor memory
59. Milestone Important event
60. On the cards To be likely to happen
61. On the straight and narrow The straightforward and ethically acceptable
62. Out of gear Out of order or not functioning properly
63. Pay only lip service Some people fight for the cause but most of them
don’t support it
64. Pell-Mell Great confusion
65. Play it by ear Perform without any rehearsal
66. Queer pitch Spoil somebody’s chance of doing something
67. Straight from the horse’s mouth Hear it from someone who knows that is definitely
68. Throw cold water on 1.To show indifference
69. Turn his hand to To try new things
70. When the crunch comes At the moment of decision
71. Whistled in the dark Tried to keep up his confusion
72. With one’s tail between one’s legs Displaying embarrassment or shame, especially
after losing or having to admit that one was wrong
73. Worth one’s weight in gold Very useful, valuable, or important
74. Slap on the wrist A mild punishment
75. Bull market Market where prices are rising
76. Meet one’s water loo Badly defeated in a contest
77. Slack off To ease pressure on something
78. Pig in a poke Something that is bought without examining
79. Over and above In addition to
80. Ace in the hole A major advantage that one keeps hidden until an
ideal time.