Kaplan GRE 400 Words: Abdicate Abjure Ablution Abnegate Abrogate Abstemious Abstruse Abut Acerbic
Kaplan GRE 400 Words: Abdicate Abjure Ablution Abnegate Abrogate Abstemious Abstruse Abut Acerbic
Kaplan GRE 400 Words: Abdicate Abjure Ablution Abnegate Abrogate Abstemious Abstruse Abut Acerbic
8. ABUT to touch, to be in contact with 39. CALUMNY false and malicious accusation,
9. ACERBIC bitter, sharp in taste or temper
40. CANARD a lie
10. ACME highest point, summit
41. CAROM to strike and rebound
11. ACQUIESCE to agree or comply in silence
42. CAVALCADE a procession
12. ADROIT skillful, accomplished, highly
competent 43. CHAGRIN shame, embarrassment, humiliation
18. ANCILLARY accessory, subordinate; helping 50. COALESCE to grow together; cause to unite as
19. ANTEDILUVIAN prehistoric, ancient beyond
51. COFFER strongbox, large chest for money
measure; coming before the
biblical flood 52. COGNOMEN family name; any name, especially a
20. ANTHROPOMORPHIC attributing human qualities to nickname
nonhumans; having human 53. COMELINESS physical grace and beauty
54. COMMODIOUS roomy, spacious
21. APLOMB poise, confidence
55. COMPUNCTIOUS feeling guilty or having misgivings
22. APOSTATE one who renounces a religious
faith 56. CONCILIATORY overcoming distrust or hostility
23. APOTHEGM a short, instructive saying 57. CONFLAGRATION big, destructive fire
24. APOTHEOSIS deification; glorified ideal 58. CONGENIAL similar in tastes and habits
25. ARBOREAL relating to trees; living in trees 59. CONSANGUINEOUS of the same origin; related by blood
71. DEMAGOGUE leader or rabble-rouser who usually uses 106. EXPURGATE to censor
appeals to emotion or prejudice
107. EXTEMPORANEOUS unrehearsed, on the spur of the
72. DENIGRATE to slur or blacken someone's reputation moment
73. DESCRY to discover or reveal 108. EXTOL to praise
74. DIAPHANOUS allowing light to show through; delicate 109. EXTRAPOLATE to estimate
75. DICTUM authoritative statement; popular saying 110. FACETIOUS witty in an inappropriate way
83. DOCTRINAIRE rigidly devoted to theories 118. FLACCID limp, flabby, weak
88. EBULLIENT exhilarated, full of enthusiasm and high 123. FRENETIC wildly frantic, frenzied, hectic
124. FULMINATE to explode with anger
89. EFFLUVIA outpouring of gases or vapors
125. FULSOME excessive, overdone, sickeningly
90. EFFULGENT brilliantly shining abundant
91. EGREGIOUS conspicuously bad 126. FURTIVE secret, stealthy
93. EMOLLIENT having soothing qualities, esp. for skin 128. GAMBOL to dance or skip around playfully
95. ENDEMIC belonging to a particular area, inherent 130. GERMINATE to begin to grow (as in a seed or
96. ENNUI boredom, lack of interest and energy
131. GIBE to make heckling, taunting remarks
97. EPICURE person with refined taste in food and wine
132. GLIB fluent in an insincere manner;
98. EPITOME representative of an entire group; summary
offhand, casual
99. ERSATZ fake 133. GNOSTIC having to do with knowledge
134. GRANDILOQUENCE pompous talk, fancy but 167. INNUENDO indirect and subtle criticism,
meaningless language insinuation
135. GRATUITOUS free, voluntary; unnecessary and 168. INSIDIOUS sly, treacherous, devious
169. INSUPERABLE insurmountable, unconquerable
136. GUSTATORY relating to sense of taste
170. INTERDICT to forbid, prohibit
137. HACKNEYED worn out by over-use
171. INTERLOCUTOR someone taking part in a dialogue
138. HARANGUE a pompous speech
172. INTERLOPER trespasser; meddler in others' affairs
139. HEGEMONY leadership, domination, usually by a
country 173. INTERNECINE deadly to both sides
140. HERETICAL opposed to an established religious 174. INTERPOLATE to insert; change by adding new words
orthodoxy or material
142. HOARY very old; whitish or gray from age 176. INTIMATION clue, suggestion
149. IMPECUNIOUS poor, having no money 183. JIBE to shift suddenly from one side to the
150. IMPERIOUS arrogantly self-assured,
184. JINGOISM belligerent support of one's country
domineering, overbearing
151. IMPOLITIC unwise 185. JOCULAR jovial, playful, humorous
152. IMPROMPTU spontaneous, without rehearsal 186. JUGGERNAUT huge force destroying everything in its
153. IMPUGN to call into question, attack verbally
187. JURISPRUDENCE philosophy of law
154. INCARNATE having bodily form
188. KISMET fate
155. INCENDIARY combustible, flammable, burning
easily 189. KNELL sound of a funeral bell; omen of death
or failure
156. INCULCATE to teach; impress in the mind
190. LACHRYMOSE tearful
157. INCULPATE to blame; charge with a crime
191. LAMBASTE disapprove angrily
158. INDEFATIGABLE never tired
192. LAPIDARY relating to precious stones
159. INDIGENT very poor
193. LARGESS generosity; gift
160. INDOLENT habitually lazy, idle
194. LASSITUDE lethargy, sluggishness
161. INDUBITABLE unquestionable
195. LEGERDEMAIN trickery
162. INERT unable to move, tending to inactivity
196. LEVITY humor, frivolity, gaiety
163. INFALLIBLE incapable of making a mistake
197. LEXICON dictionary, list of words
164. INGENIOUS original, clever, inventive
198. LIBIDINOUS lustful
165. INGRATIATE to bring oneself purposely into
199. LICENTIOUS immoral; unrestrained by society
another's good graces
166. INGRESS entrance 200. LIMPID clear and simple in style
201. LINIMENT medicinal liquid used externally to ease 235. NUMISMATICS coin collecting
236. OBFUSCATE to confuse, obscure
202. LIONIZE to treat as a celebrity
237. OBSTREPEROUS troublesome, boisterous, unruly
203. LISSOME easily flexed, limber, agile
238. OMNIPOTENT having unlimited power
204. LUGUBRIOUS sorrowful, mournful
239. OMNISCIENT having infinite knowledge
205. MACABRE gruesome, producing horror
240. OSCILLATE to move back and forth
206. MACHINATION plot or scheme
241. OUSTER expulsion, ejection
207. MALAPROPISM humorous misuse of a word
242. PAEAN a song of praise or thanksgiving
208. MALEVOLENT ill-willed; causing evil or harm to others
243. PALLIATE to make less serious, ease
209. MANIFOLD diverse, varied; comprised of many parts
244. PANACEA cure-all
210. MARTINET strict disciplinarian; one who rigidly
follows rules 245. PANEGYRIC elaborate praise; formal hymn of praise
212. MAWKISH sickeningly sentimental 247. PARLEY discussion, usually between enemies
213. MEGALOMANIA mental state with delusions of wealth 248. PAROCHIAL of limited scope or outlook, provincial
and power 249. PARSIMONY stinginess
214. MENDACIOUS dishonest 250. PASTICHE piece of literature or music imitating
215. MENDICANT beggar other works
216. MERCURIAL quick, shrewd, and unpredictable 251. PAUCITY scarcity, lack
217. MERITORIOUS deserving reward or praise 252. PECCADILLO minor sin or offense
284. PROSELYTIZE to induce someone to convert to a 319. ROCOCO very highly ornamented
particular belief or religion
320. ROTUND round in shape; fat
285. PROSTRATE lying face downward, lying flat on the
321. RUMINATE to contemplate, reflect upon
286. PROTAGONIST main character in a play or story, 322. SACROSANCT extremely sacred; beyond criticism
hero 323. SAGACIOUS shrewd, wise
287. PROVIDENT prudent, frugal 324. SALACIOUS lustful
288. PROVINCIAL rustic, unsophisticated, limited in 325. SALUBRIOUS healthful
326. SANGUINE ruddy; cheerfully optimistic
289. PRURIENT lustful, exhibiting lewd desires
327. SAPIENT wise
290. PUERILE childish, immature, silly
328. SCABBARD sheath for sword or dagger
291. PULCHRITUDE beauty
329. SCINTILLA very small amount
292. PUNDIT an authority or critic
330. SCINTILLATE to sparkle, flash
293. PUSILLANIMOUS cowardly
331. SCURRILOUS vulgar, low, indecent
294. QUERULOUS inclined to complain, irritable
332. SEDITION behavior promoting rebellion
295. QUOTIDIAN occurring daily; commonplace
333. SENESCENT aging, growing old
296. RACONTEUR a witty, skillful storyteller
334. SENTIENT aware, conscious, able to perceive
297. RAILLERY lighthearted jesting
335. SEPULCHRAL typical of a place of burial
298. RANCOR bitter hatred
336. SERAPHIC angelic, pure, sublime
299. RAPACIOUS greedy; predatory
337. SHIRK to avoid a task due to laziness or fear
300. RAPPROCHEMENT reestablishing a cordial relationship
338. SIMPER to smirk, smile foolishly
301. RAZE to tear down, demolish
339. SINECURE well-paying job or office that requires little
302. RECALCITRANT resisting authority or control
or no work
303. RECIDIVISM tendency to repeat previous behavior 340. SINUOUS winding; intricate, complex
304. RECONDITE relating to obscure learning; known 341. SLAKE to quench or moderate
to only a few
342. SLOVENLY untidy, messy
305. RECREANT disloyal; cowardly
343. SOJOURN visit, stay
306. REDRESS relief from wrong or injury
344. SOLECISM grammatical mistake 380. UMBRAGE offense, resentment
345. SOLIPSISM belief that the self is the only reality 381. UNCTUOUS greasy, oily; smug and falsely earnest
348. SOPHIST person good at arguing deviously 384. UNTOWARD not favorable; unruly
350. SQUALID filthy; morally repulsive 386. USURY lending money at exorbitant rates
351. STAID self-restrained, strait-laced 387. VACUOUS empty, void; lacking intelligence,
352. STENTORIAN extremely loud
388. VARIEGATED varied; marked with different colors
353. STRIATE striped, grooved
389. VIRILE manly, having qualities of an adult male
354. STRINGENT imposing severe, rigorous standards
390. VISCOUS thick, syrupy, and sticky
355. STYMIE to block or thwart
391. VITIATE reduce in value or effectiveness
356. SUBTERFUGE trick or tactic used to avoid something
392. VITRIOLIC burning, caustic; sharp, bitter
357. SULLY to soil, stain, tarnish; taint
393. VITUPERATE to abuse verbally
358. SUPERCILIOUS arrogant, haughty, overbearing,
condescending 394. VOCIFEROUS loud, vocal, and noisy
359. SURLY rude and bad-tempered 395. VOLUBLE speaking much and easily, talkative; glib
361. SYBARITE person devoted to pleasure and luxury 397. WIZENED withered, shriveled, wrinkled
363. SYNCOPATION temporary irregularity in musical 399. XENOPHOBIA fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers
400. ZENITH highest point, summit
364. TABLEAU vivid description, striking incident or
365. TALISMAN something producing a magical effect