Lesson 3
Lesson 3
Lesson 3
The Moral
Can an
What are established
the things theory be
that makes questioned?
you who
you are?
Today’s Topics:
➜ Character Vs. Personality
➜ Moral Character and Virtue
➜ Moral Character as Disposition
➜ Kohlberg’s Stages of Development
Character Vs
Difference and Similarities
Character vs. Personality
Personality reveals what you are inside.
shows what you are An enduring and
outside or what you are to distinguishing mental and
the world. Personality can moral characteristic in an
individual. It is the only
be defined as a
factor which determines our
combination of mental
reaction or response to the
behavior and traits or
given event or situation.
qualities like thinking
pattern, feeling and acting.
Character vs. Personality
Personality ▪ Based on Principles
▪ Based on Techniques
▪ “Actually be”
▪ “Appear to be”
▪ Revolves around: ▪ Revolves around:
➜ Origin: Greek word = “charakter” = used as mark impressed on
a coin.
➜ The use of the word character in ethics has a different
linguistic history. So when we speak of a virtue or an
excellence of moral character, the highlights is not on mere
distinctiveness or individuality, but on the blend of qualities
that makes a person ethically admirable.
➜ According to Aristotle there are two distinct human
a. Excellences of Thought (Knowledge and Wisdom)
b. Excellences of Character (Virtue)
Moral Character:
➜ Refers to having or lacking moral virtue
➜ According to most Greek moralist, if we are sensible, our goal
is to achieve happiness and to live well. We use happiness to
manage our other goals.
➜ Aristotle claimed that happiness is “perfect” or “complete” and
something distinctively human. If a person is living well,
he/she is worthy of praise and a role model.
Moral Character
as Disposition
Noun: disposition - a person's inherent
qualities of mind and character.
- An inclination or tendency