Functional Occlusion

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University of Alabama, School of Dentistry, Birmingham, Ala.

I T IIAS BEEN STATED that occlusion is dentistry, and there are not many prostho-
dontists, periodontists, and orthodontists who will take issue with the statement.
Yet, occlusion has long been one of the most neglected aspects of partial denture con-
struction. This neglect results, in part, from a lack of understanding of the com-
plexities of partial denture occlusion and probably also to the fact that occlusion on
most partial dentures is established according to a static jaw relation record only.
This meager relationship afforded by the dentist is a limitation imposed upon the
laboratory technician.
It is claimed that the functional relationship of the partial denture to the
natural dentition may be adjusted satisfactorily in the mouth, but I doubt that this
is or can be done adequately. Partial denture occlusion thus established can at
best only perpetuate malocclusions which existed previously and help to maintain
the existing vertical relationship, however inadequate it may be.
Too many partial dentures are built to one extreme or another. Either they
have a negative occlusal relationship with the opposing teeth, and as such only fill
a space without providing any occlusal support or balance, or they have a balanced
occlusal relationship with the opposing teeth in centric occlusion, but with occlusal
disharmony in eccentric positions. A negative relationship, which is the least
harmful of the two, can be demonstrated easily by having the patient close on a
thin sheet of a soft wax and comparing denture tooth contacts. Disharmony in
other than centric positions can be demonstrated easily by palpating the buccal
surfaces of the opposing teeth for movement while eccentric contacts are made.
Usually, such tooth movement can be demonstrated visually, if one will only look
for it.
Balanced occlusion is desirable in complete dentures because occlusal stresses
may cause instability of the dentures and even trauma to the supporting structures.
And yet, these stresses can reach a point beyond which movement of the dentures
takes place. The stresses are broken at the expense of denture stability and re-
In partial dentures, however, because of the fixation to abutments, occlusal
stresses are transmitted directly to the abutment teeth and other supporting struc-
tures, resulting in sustained stresses which are far more damaging than those
Presented as a limited attendance clinic before the American Denture Society at Miami
Beach, Fla., Nov. 2, 1957.
Received for publication Dec. 11, 1957.
*Associate Professor of Dentistry.

transient stresses found in complete dentures. Therefore, occlusal harmony be-

tween a partial denture and the remaining natural teeth is a major factor in the
preservation of the health of their surrounding structures.
In the fabrication of complete dentures, only one factor, the inclination of the
condyle path, is not within the control of the dentist. All other factors may be
altered to obtain occlusal balance and harmony in eccentric positions within the
scope of the dentists concept and philosophy of occlusion.
In establishing occlusion on the partial denture, the influence of the remain-
ing teeth is usually such that the occlusal forms of the teeth on the denture must
conform to an already established occlusal pattern. This occlusal pattern may have
been improved upon by occlusal equilibration or rehabilitation, but the pattern
present at the time the partial denture is made dictates the occlusion on the partial
The only exceptions to this fact are those where an opposing complete denture
can be made to harmonize occlusally with the partial denture, or where only anterior
teeth remain in both arches and the incisal relationship can be made noninterfering.
Tn these situations, the recording of jaw relations and the arrangement of the teeth
may proceed in the same manner as with complete dentures and the same general
principles apply.
1lith all other types of partial dentures, the remaining teeth must dictate the
occlusion, unless we are willing to accept nothing more than centric occlusal con-
tacts and ignore lateral interference, or have reason to believe that we can achieve
occlusal harmony on the partial denture by adjusting the occlusion in the mouth.


Reckettl describes four ways of establishing interocclusal relations for partial

dentures; Osborne and Lammie likewise list four methods, but somewhat dif-
ferently. The simplest but least accurate method is that in which sufficient upper
and lower teeth remain in contact to make the existing jaw relationship obvious
and when only a few teeth are replaced on short denture bases. Casts are articulated
by hand, and occlusion on the finished denture is corrected in the mouth with the
aid of articulating paper. Even the periodontists would criticize this method with-
out occlusal analysis of the combined dentition. At best, any existing malocclusion
and lost vertical relation may be perpetuated by this method.
A second method, which is a modification of the first, is used when sufficient
teeth remain to support the partial denture but when correct relating of the casts
by hand is uncertain. Occlusion rims, preferably with occlusal rests, are used to
accomplish the same thing as in the first method, and all eccentric tooth interference
is removed on the finished denture after it is inserted in the mouth. In either method,
the use of a wax interocclusal record between natural teeth is to be condemned
because of the influence of the consistency of the wax and the errors which may
occur while relating the casts.
When there are no opposing posterior teeth, a third method may be used.
This calls for the use of accurate bases upon which an interocclusal relation can be
established in harmony with the centric occlusal contacts of the remaining teeth.
Volume 8
Number 6

If a wax interocclusal record may be inaccurate in recording tooth relationships, it

will be even more so on free-end bases, because the wax record can cause the dis-
placement of soft tissues. Modeling composition occlusion rims are preferred be-
cause they can be uniformly softened by flaming. It is still better if the occlusion
rims are reduced in height about one-eighth of an inch and serrated and then soft
plaster of Paris or zinc oxide and eugenol impression paste is used as the final
recording medium.
Jihen no occlusal contact exists between the remaining natural teeth, all inter-
occlusal registrations are made upon the occlusion rims. The occlusion rims must
be built upon accurate bases, and modeling composition is much preferred over wax,
although either may be used. The choice of method for recording jaw relations is
much the same as for complete dentures. Either a static relation or an intraoral
stylus tracing may be used. As in complete denture construction, the lise of a face-
bow, the choice of articulator, and the recording of eccentric jaw positions for pur-
poses of adjusting the articulator elements depend upon the philosophies. the train-
ing, and the ability of the dentist.
The same principles of occlusion apply as with a complete denture, whereas
with all methods previously outlined, the use of a face-bow and adjustable articulator
would be ridiculous. If the dentist believes he can adjust the occlusion adequatel!
in the mouth, a simple hinge mounting is all that is needed. On the other hand, if
he believes in the use of an adjustable hinge axis instrument, then he should use
it. However, comparatively few dentists do so.
The fifth method of establishing occlusion on the partial denture is the method
described by Applegate. This method involves the generation of occlusal paths and
the use of an occlusal template to Lvhich the denture teeth are occluded and by
which they are modified to accept eccentric movements. Thompson,4 although speak-
ing as an orthodontist, has placed the emphasis on occlusion as follows : Observing
the occlusion with the teeth in static relations and then moving the mandible into
various eccentric positions is not sufficient. A dynamic concept is necessay in order
to produce an occlusion that is in functional harmony with the facial skeleton, the
musculature, and the temporomandibular joint. To this we need only adtl, :\nd
with the remaining natural teeth, and we have defined the requirements for partial
denture occlusion.


The establishment of occlusal harmony begins with an analysis of the existing

occlusion and the correction of existing occlusal disharmony as a necessary step in
the mouth preparations for any partial denture. The resulting occlusion is the oc-
clusion which we strive to transfer to an instrument in such a manner that dis-
harmony on the partial denture is prevented.
In this method, an occlusion rim of an especially suitable hard wax is attached
to an accurate base which is either attached to the partial denture framework or
supported by a cast metal base. This method presumes that either an opposing
denture or natural dentition is present. Should partial dentures be necessary in
both dental arches, a choice must be made as to which denture is to be made first
on a simple articulator mounting and which denture is to have the functional oc-
958 MC CRACKEN J. Pros. Den.
Nov.-Dec., 1958

clusal pattern. This occlusion rim is worn by the patient for a period of time, pre-
ferably for 24 hours or more and preferably during sleep. It is removed by the
patient only while eating.


By wearing and biting into this wax occlusion rim, a record is made of the
opposing teeth in all extremes of jaw movement (Fig. 1). It is necessary that the
wax occlusal surface of the rim be adjusted at the chair to maintain positive con-
tact during all excursions and that it be left high enough to assure that a record
of each cusp in movement is carved in the wax. This record includes not only the
voluntary excursive movements but also the involuntary movements, such as nervous
habit patterns and changes in jaw movement caused by changes in posture. Ex-
treme jaw positions and habits occurring during sleep should also be registered.

Fig. I.-An occlueal registration of the opposing dentition is made in wax. This is a
dynamic, rather than a static, record of the shape of the opposing teeth.

The occlusal paths, thus recorded, will represent each tooth in its three-dimen-
sional aspect and, although the cast poured against this record will resemble the
opposing teeth, it will be much wider than the tooth which carved it because it
represents a tooth in all extremes of movement. The recording of occlusal paths
in this manner eliminates the problem of trying to reproduce mandibular movement
on an instrument.
These movements are made more complicated by the influence of remaining
natural teeth. Occlusal harmony in complete dentures may be obtained by modern
instruments and techniques. Occlusal harmony in complete mouth rehabilitation
may be created by the skilled and meticulous dentist. But unless the working sur-
faces of the remaining teeth have been scientifically equilibrated and rehabilitated,
the mandibular movements will continue to be influenced primarily by the remain-
ing teeth.
Volume 8
Number 6


The occlusion on the partial denture will have more complete harmony with
the opposing teeth and the remaining natural teeth by this method than can ever be
obtained by adjustments in the mouth, because corrections to accommodate to volun-
tary movements does not mean complete freedom from occlusal disharmony in
postural positions or during stress periods. Also, it is very doubtful that any
dentist can interpret articulation paper markings correctly without an occlusal
analysis, which brings us back to the need for a complicated instrument as the onl)
alternative to this method.
This method has still further advantages. It makes possible the obtaining of
jaw relations under actual working conditions, with the new denture framework in
its terminal position, the opposing teeth under function, and an opposing denture,
if present, fully seated before jaw relations are recorded.
In some instances, it makes possible the recovery of lost vertical dimension,
either bilaterally or unilaterally, where abnormal closure or mandibular rotation
has occurred instead of recording and perpetuating an abnormal position which is

Fig. Z.-Denture teeth are modified to occlude with the metal template. The teeth are set
to intercuspate whenever possible, and they are set to the most favorable buccolingual relation
with the supporting ridge.


The occlusal registration thus obtained must be converted to an occlusal

template by filling the wax record with a hard stone. It is desirable that stone
stops be used to maintain the vertical relation, rather than relying upon some ad-
justable part of the articulating instrument which might be changed accidentally.
Also, by the use of stone stops and by mounting both the denture cast and the
template before separating them, a simple hinge or even a tripod instrument may
l)e used, thereby eliminating the use of any but the simplest articulator. The jaw
movements having been recorded and transferred to a template, eliminate the need
for articulator adjustments.
MC CRACKEN J. Pros. Den.
960 Nov.-Dec., 1958

Usually, the occlusal registration is boxed with clay, leaving only the wax
registration and the stops exposed, and the hardest of hydrocals is poured into it
to form the template.
The denture teeth, whether porcelain or plastic, are only blocks of material
from which an occlusal surface is developed to harmonize with an existing occlusal
pattern (Fig. 2). Therefore, the teeth must be occluded too high and then ground
to fit the template at a predetermined vertical level. One of the hazards of setting
teeth to a stone template is that the template becomes abraded by continuous closure
against the denture teeth as they are being ground into occlusion. Some indicater
must be used, and typewriter ribbon is much to be preferred over articulating paper
for this purpose. It is inevitable that during the process of repeated marking and
grinding, the stone template is subjected to considerable abuse and wear. This
abrasion can be avoided by electroplating the occlusal registration to make an ac-
curate and indestructible occlusal template (Fig. 3).

Fig. %--The electroformed silver template with two stone stops to preserve the vertical relation.


Low-fusing metal has been preferred to stone as an occluding cast material, but
molten metal cannot be poured into a wax mold. Electroplating permits a metallic
surface to be formed on the wax record with accuracy and with greater hardness
than low-fusing metals. Electroforming with silver has proved to he the simplest
and most satisfactory method.
Interest in electroplating has been revived since the advent of the Thiokol and
Silicone impression materials. The change from time-honored copper dies to silver
dies was made necessary by the introduction of these new impression materials
when electroformed dies were preferred to stone dies.
The technique for electroplating the occlusal template is basically identical
with electroplating of Thiokol and Silicone impressions. The main differences are
Number 6

that the vessel containing the electrolyte must be larger, the leads must be at-
tached bilaterally in a manner that will allow the denture to be suspended in the
solutiqn, and the denture framework must be protected from the electrolytic
Ten milliamperes of current per tooth, plus 10 for the leads, is sufficient.
Greater amperage would cause the electroplating to be too soft. The total area of
the anode immersed in the solution should not be more than twice the area to be
plated. The distance from the anode to the surface to be plated should be about
4 inches.
Since the number of teeth involved will vary, the plating machine must have
a widely variable output. The machine being used (Fig. 4) is a self-made device
with a variable output of from 35 to 200 Ma., although suitable machines ready
for use may be purchased.

Fig. 4.-The device for electroplating the wax record. The milliamperage can be varied
from 35 to 200 Ma. by using variable and fixed wire-wound resistors. The electrolyte is silver
potassium cyanide. The anode is pure silver.

The wax occlusal registration is metallized with Staco silver lacquer, and the
leads are painted down the lingual side to join with a T-shaped wire lead. This
lead is attached to the wax rims with sticky wax (Fig. 5). It is very important
that all parts of the denture framework be painted with a protective lacquer, such
as Kerrs Plate Mask, to prevent the casting itself from being plated.
At 10 Ma. per tooth, the occlusal registration to be plated should be left in
the solution approximately 5 hours. A uniform plate of sufficient thickness will re-
MC CRACKEN J. Pros. Den.
962 iVov.-Dec., 1958

sult (Fig. 6). A heavier plate seems to cause some curling at the edges and pulling
away from the wax surface. This leads to inaccuracies and must be avoided. Since
the plated surface will be backed up with stone, a thin plate is all that is needed.

Fig. S.-The wax record is metallized with a silver lacquer. The leads are attached
below the occlusal surface with sticky wax, and the denture framework is coated with pro.
tective lacquer.

Fig. G.--At 10 Ma. per tooth, a Shour plating time gives sufficient thickness without curling or
pulling away.

The attachment of the stone backing to the silver plate was a problem at first.
In some cases, the metal separated from the stone backing due to the absence of
mechanical attachment. The problem has been solved by imbedding two or more
wire staples into the wax surface of the occlusal registration before plating (Fig.
7). These staples become part of the plated surface and aid in securing the metal
to the stone. The small tip end of each staple projecting through the metal template
can easily be ground away without marring the surfaces of the template.
Number 6

The plated surface is boxed with clay, and stone is poured against it in the
same manner as an unplated wax record. The articulator mounting and occluding
the teeth to the template is the same, except for the advantages of the metal surface
over a stone surface.

Fig. 7.-Wire staples are imbedded carefully into the wax record, and they become part
of the plated surface. They serve to secure the metal template to the hydrocal backing which
is poured against it. The staples are of small enough gauge to cause only minor defects in
the surface of the template, and these are easily ground away.


It is not expected that the silver plating of a wax occlusal record will receive
wide acceptance because of the added step of electroplating. But just as there are
those who prefer to work with electroformed dies, so there may be some who would
prefer to set teeth to a metal template. It is hoped that this procedure will con-
tribute something toward better removable partial denture occlusion.


1. Beckett, L. S.: Accurate Occlusal Registrations in Partial Denture Construction, Austral.

J. Den. 43:433-441, 1939.
2. Osborne, J., and Lammie, G. A.: Partial Dentures, Oxford, 1954, Blackwell Scientific
3. Applegate, 0.: Essentials of Removable Denture Prosthesis, Philadelphia, 1954, W. B.
Saunders Co.
4. Thompson, J. R.: The Rest Position of the Mandible and Its Significance to Dental Science,
J.A.D.A. 33:151-180, 1946.
1919 7TH AVE., s.

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