(Edited) Speech Dwi Lisa Ananda
(Edited) Speech Dwi Lisa Ananda
(Edited) Speech Dwi Lisa Ananda
NIT : 55242210030
One day she was approaching me from the back "please wear your mask and keep
your distance from others" said the health care worker and I replied "okay, thank you
sir for the warning”.
First of all, let’s pray and say thanks many thanks to the Almighty GOD who has
given us blessing so that we can gather here in healthy condition and happy situation.
In this good opportunity, I want to deliver my speech, but before I start my speech
today. Let me intoduceintroduce my self first. My name is Dwi Lisa Ananda and I’m
from Palembang Aviation Polytechnic. And my speech with a tittle of .......
See When Seeing the story at the beginning,. Who hasn't met an officer during this
pandemic because you don't wear a mask or don't follow health protocols? Surely
there are some of you who have agreed to use implement health protocols, I am proud
of youd and I appreciate the efforts and cooperation that you have done to deal with
this pandemic.
I know that you are probably tired of the words about the pandemic,virus,
corona, and Covid 19. Same with me, tooSo am I. However, I will not be bored to
continue to encourage all of you. Maybe there are some parties who don't appreciate
our hard work by violating health protocols. Crowd for political business or self-
interest. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hurt. Because I saw for myself the struggle of all
of you. We all put aside our personal interests, family, even risk our lives to deal with
the pandemic.
On this occasion, I would like to express my high appreciation and gratitude to all
doctors, all nurses, and all medical personnel who have fought on the front lines and
continue to fight until now.
I’m sure you have heard about the corona virus .Do you know what is it is?? Sure
you do, everyone is talking about it. As we know Corona virus is very dangerous for
all of us . Right? Let me tell you about corona virus, . This virus is the one that caused
a pandemic in 2020. .
Corona virus has changed the way we live, we feel etc. Let me tell you what changes
are happening in our life set by government policy. the first, the implementation of the
social distancing policy where at first there were no restrictions for us to meet with
family, friends, teachers and whoever it was and now we are given distance between
ourselves and others and are advised not to be in crowds. This is done to prevent the
transmission of certain diseases between individuals.Therefore, the consequences of
the changes will have a negative impact on the youth,especially on the social
character of each individual, such as the absence of togetherness with others which
will make each individual to become an individualist. Therefore, what Indonesian
youth can do to overcome individualism is to use social media to communicate with
other people if we feel uncomfortable communicating with other people in the
surrounding environment. In the current era, there are many choices of applications
that can be used to socialize with other people, such as Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter
etc. Therefore we as youths of integrity who are the millennial generation where
technology is very sophisticated, then we must use the technology well such as the
use of social media.
Ministry of Information and Communication (Kemenkominfo) states that 95% of
Indonesian people (63 million people) use internet to access social networking and
media. It means that social media is not a new thing for Indonesian people, and inside
the 95% , I believe that young people is included there.
As social beings, we should simply start from realizing that we cannot live
separately from others, feel blessed and we need to pay attention of them and interact
friendly with everyone through social media. By practising this, we are leading to
develop our COMPASSION and celebration values. Moreover, we also need to
creatively select appropriate activities that we can do in social media. Of course,
making sure that it would support our knowledge development (competence and
creativity). And it is hoped that social media would benefit us in terms of social
interaction with another people (community).
Finally, as stated by Steve Jobs, “Technology is nothing. What's important is that
you have a faith in people, that they're basically good and smart, and if you give them
tools, they'll do wonderful things with them.” Young people, make use of it wisely
Ladies and Gentlemen
I think that’s all my speech today, Thank you very much for your attention