Python CheatSheet

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Python v1.

General Information Numbers
Whitespace matters! Indent where needed. total = 3 * 3 # 9
Import modules with "import modulename" total = 5 + 2 * 3 # 11
# This is a comment cost = 1.50 + 3.75 # 5.25
print("Hello, World!") # prints to screen total = int("9") + 1 # 10
Conditional Statements Strings
if isSunny: title = 'Us and them'
print('It's sunny!') # most list operations work on strings
elif 90 <= temp < 100 and bath > 80: title[0] # 'U'
print('Bath is hot and full!') len(title) # 11
elif not ((job == 'qa') or (usr == 'adm')): title.split(' ') # ['Us', 'and', 'them']
print('Match if not qa or adm') ':'.join(['A','B','C']) # 'A:B:C'
else: nine = str(9) # convert int to string
print('No match. Job is ' + job) title.replace('them', 'us') # Us and us
Lists Tuples
scores = ['A', 'C', 90, 75, 'C'] Like lists, except they cannot be changed
scores[0] # 'A' tuple1 = (1,2,3,"a","z") # Creates tuple
scores[1:3] # 'C', 90 tuple1[3] # 'a'
scores[2:] # 90, 75, 'C' Dictionaries
scores[:1] # 'A'
scores[:-1] # 'A', 'C', 90, 75 votes = {'red': 3, 'blue': 5}
len(scores) # 5 votes.keys() # ['blue', 'red']
scores.count('C') # 2 votes['gold'] = 4 # add a key/val
scores.sort() # 75, 90, 'A', 'C', 'C' del votes['gold'] # deletes key
scores.remove('A') # removes 'A' votes['blue'] = 6 # change value
scores.append(100) # Adds 100 to list len(votes) # 2
scores.pop() # removes the last item votes.values() # [6, 3]
scores.pop(2) # removes the third item 'green' in votes # False
75 in scores # True votes.has_key('red') # True

For Loops While Loops

grades = ['A', 'C', 'B', 'F'] i = 0
for grade in grades: # iterate over all vals while True:
print (grade) i += 1
if i == 3:
for k,v in enumerate(grades): # using key value pair continue # go to next loop
if v=='F': if i == 7:
grades[k]='A' # change all Fs to As break # end loop
print(i) # 1 2 4 5 6
inv = {'apples': 7, 'peaches': 4} Class
for fruit, count in inv.items(): # using dictionaries
class Person:
print("We have {} {}".format(count, fruit))
def __init__(self, name, age): = name
for i in range(10): # 0 to 9 counting by 1s
self.age = age
for i in range(5, 10): # 5 to 9 counting by 1s
for i in range(9, 2, -1): # 9 to 3 decreasing by 1s
def birthYear(self):
Functions return year - self.age
def sumNums(numOne, numTwo = 0):
return numOne + numTwo user = Person('Jimmi', 27) = 'Jim'
print(sumNums(3,4)) # 7 print( # prints Jim
print(sumNums(3)) # 3 print(user.birthYear())

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