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Husky Studio Guide

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With HUSKY Studio


RTU 6049-E70 Guide




1) RTURackwithbackplane..................................................................................................................4
2) RackPowerSupplyUnit(PSU)..........................................................................................................4
3) ProcessorUnit(CPU).........................................................................................................................5
4) IOScanner(IOS)................................................................................................................................6
5) DigitalInputCard(DIcard)...............................................................................................................6
6) DigitalOutputCard(DOcard)...........................................................................................................6
7) AnalogInputCard(AIcard)...............................................................................................................7





1) SingleRackwithI/OModules..........................................................................................................9
2) SingleRackwithRedundantRack...................................................................................................12
3) ChangingCPUIPAddress................................................................................................................12
V. ConfiguringtheCommunicationTasks...............................................................................................13
1) ConfiguringMasterCommunicationTasks.....................................................................................14
2) ConfiguringSlaveCommunicationTasks........................................................................................14
3) AddingdetailstoTasks...................................................................................................................15


1) ProtocolTabwindow......................................................................................................................16
2) Device&IOMappingTabwindow..................................................................................................16
3) InformationTabwindow................................................................................................................16
4) ConfigurationTabwindow..............................................................................................................16


1) LinkingaMapinSlaveTask.............................................................................................................17
SynergySystems&Solutions|<TableofContents 2

RTU 6049-E70 Guide











This document is a step by step guide for configuring the RTU 6049-E70. The various options
required are explained and their configuration procedure described.
The HUSKY Studio shall be used for this purpose.

SynergySystems&Solutions|Introduction 3

RTU 6049-E70 Guide



1) RTURackwithbackplane
The RTU 6049-E70 modules are designed in 4U Euro-card format. Different sub-rack options are
available for housing of these modules. The sub-racks are provided with a backplane for
providing power, communication and other essentials to the each of the module slots. Here is a
picture of standard 19 RTU rack-

For systems with higher I/O requirement, expansion racks (up to 8 racks in total) can be
installed and the backplane bus extended to each of them.
Different Backplanes are available for racks1. 16 I/O slot backplane
2. 5 I/O slot backplane
Each backplane has 2 numbers of 3 pin screw tight connectors. Power supply (18-60V DC) is
connected to these PWR X1 and X2 connectors. Connection should be done properly as per +ve
and ve marking provided on the backplane. Two connectors are for two PSU cards.

2) RackPowerSupplyUnit(PSU)
The RTU 6049-E70 modules primarily operate on +5VDC power supply. This supply is
provided to each module over the backplane by the rack power supply unit. This unit is
installed in slots designated as PSU slots in the sub-rack. (First two slots only)
PSU card has an ON/Off toggle switch and a 5V adj knob to adjust 5V output supply.
LED Indications
DC IN (Green)
DC OUT (Red)

Input supply present
Output ON indication

SynergySystems&Solutions|Hardwaredescription 4

RTU 6049-E70 Guide

3) ProcessorUnit(CPU)
The processor unit or CPU module is the RTUs brain. An RTU can have either one or two (for
redundant configurations) CPUs installed. The CPU performs the telecontrol tasks, data
processing, communications, logic execution, etc. The processor unit is installed in the CPUslot
on the main rack.
Ethernet Communication ETH1- default IP (By default service port i.e. you can connect Husky studio software
running in laptop/PC here to see data, configuration download/upload etc)
ETH2- default IP 1 (By default service port i.e. you can connect Husky studio software
running in laptop/PC here also to see data, configuration download/upload etc)
Serial Communication Maximum 6 serial ports are available depending on product choosen
COM1 to COM6 - RS232/RS485 selectable with TX LED (Green) and RX LED (Orange).
To check whether data/communication is running or not see both of these LEDs are blinking
continuously. Baud rate, parity, data bits can be set from Husky studio software. (see Tab Details)
LED Indications
PWR (Green)
RUN (Orange)
MASTER (Orange)
CB1E (Red)
CB2E (Red)

Power On
Fault Entry present in fault table (Faults can be seen from Husky Studio)
CPU healthy (Will blink fast at 5Khz in normal mode)
ON master CPU, OFF standby CPU
Fault in local rack
Fault in expansion rack

CPU can be reset from a reset switch available in the front. USB port provided is to restore
factory settings or to update firmware of CPU.
RS232 Pin configuration

RS485 Pin configuration

DSR (available only in COM5 & COM6)

DCD (available only in COM5 & COM6)


B (+)

SynergySystems&Solutions|Hardwaredescription 5

RTU 6049-E70 Guide

4) IOScanner(IOS)
IO Scanner communicates with CPU over high speed ARCNet bus that connects multiple
expansion racks to the main CPU rack. Up to eight expansion racks can be connected to the
CPU. Using RS485 media, expansion bus can be extended up to 30m and by using FO model
(multi-mode fiber), expansion bus can be extended up to 2 km.
LED Indications
PWR (Green)
RUN (Orange)
RDY (Orange)
CB1E (Red)
CB2E (Red)

Power On
Fault (ON not configured)
Healthy communication with CPU
Fault in local rack
Fault in CPU communication

5) DigitalInputCard(DIcard)
DI card is a positive logic binary input card that provides isolated inputs, in groups of eight, for
32 process signals. Input scanning is executed at high resolution of 500 microseconds with a
time stamp accuracy of 1 millisecond. Following additional functionalities are provided:
32 Single Channel input
16 Double Channel Input
8 nos. 32 bit Pulse Counters with max frequency of 1KHz
Configurable BCD with minimum 4 channels in a single digit
DI card can sense 110VDC, 48VDC or 24VDC depending upon the order selection. Status
changes of 1 millisecond can also be captured by the card.
LED Indications
PWR (Green)
CB1E, CB2E (Red)
Fault (Red)

Power On
Error in backplane IO bus
Critical fault in module
Channel status, when lit means ON

6) DigitalOutputCard(DOcard)
DO card is a binary output card that provides isolated outputs, in groups of eight, for 16
process outputs. Following additional functionalities are provided:
16 Nos. Single Channel Output
8 nos. Double Channel Output
SBE or Non SBE Configuration
For Non SBE cards, individual channel selectable for Pulse and Latch functionality
Each channel has a corresponding Select and Execute LED on the front plate of the card that is
directly linked to the output. When output is triggered, corresponding LED is triggered to
reflect the command status.
SynergySystems&Solutions|Hardwaredescription 6

RTU 6049-E70 Guide

LED Indications
PWR (Green)
CB1E, CB2E (Red)
Fault (Red)

Power On
Error in backplane IO bus
Critical fault in module
Output status
Green -Channel selected , Red-Channel executed

7) AnalogInputCard(AIcard)
Analog input cards support differential ended, unipolar and bipolar 8/12/16 inputs. The inputs
are galvanically isolated from system logic. With a 16 bit ADC (15 bit data and 1 sign bit), it
provides accuracy of 0.1%. Scaling of analog points can be done in Husky Studio software.
where you can provide raw and engineering min, max values. AI card can sense voltage and
current inputs in given rangeVoltage Input
0-10V DC
0-5V DC
10V DC

Current Input

To make Analog input current type hardware jumper settings are require in card. Each channel
has be short through jumpers for this purpose.
LED Indications
PWR (Green)
CB1E, CB2E (Red)
Fault (Red)

Power On
Error in backplane IO bus
Critical fault in module

Note: To view data (digital or analog) connect RTU with Husky Studio software from any service port
using a cross LAN cable and see variable tab in Husky Studio (see Tab details)

SynergySystems&Solutions|Hardwaredescription 7

RTU 6049-E70 Guide



1. Open HUSKY Studio.

2. If you dont have a license (HASP) you will see this message

3. By clicking OK you will only be able to view any existing configuration file. Changes made can not
be saved in Demo Mode.
4. If you have a license then only you can create a new configuration
5. After opening Husky Studio Select File New menu option, the following window will open.
6. It will create the file at the specified location with the specified name, as in the following window.
7. The file will be created with the extension hpf
8. Press OK

SynergySystems&Solutions|CreatingaNewConfigurationusingHuskyStudio 8

RTU 6049-E70 Guide



Hardware Configuration can be done in different schemes as per requirement1) Single Rack with I/O Modules.
2) Single Rack with Redundant Rack (You can not add I/O Modules while configuring
a redundant rack. I/O modules can only be added in Extension Rack now)

1) SingleRackwithI/OModules
1. Go to Project Explorer window.
If Project Explorer is not shown then
Click on the View Project Explorer
2. Click on HardwareRacksLocal
3. Double click on Local Rack and you
will see a Module Catalog window
from where you can select the Husky
Chassis Backplane
a) Backplane 5 I/O Slots.
b) Backplane 16 I/O Slots.
c) Backplane 8 I/O Slots.
4. Select Backplane 5 I/O Slots Processor
CPU E70-001 and double click on it to
select the required CPU (As shown in figure

SynergySystems&Solutions|ConfiguringtheHardware 9

RTU 6049-E70 Guide

5. Select Backplane 5 I/O Slots IO Modules and double click on any Slot.

6. Select the required card from the Module Catalog for the selected Slot, click OK and
repeat same for each slot.

SynergySystems&Solutions|ConfiguringtheHardware 10

RTU 6049-E70 Guide

SynergySystems&Solutions|ConfiguringtheHardware 11

RTU 6049-E70 Guide

2) SingleRackwithRedundantRack
1. Repeat same steps as described above to configure local rack
2. Click on Hardware Racks Redundant Rack (Backplane 5 IO slots) Processor
and select the required redundant CPU (Step 4 of above)

3. If you have added any IO card in any rack (local or redundant) you will see this

4. Click Yes and select the HardwareRacksExtension Rack1 and choose the required
Backplane Chassis (Step 3 of above)
5. Now select HardwareRacksExtension Rack1 IO Scanner and double click on it
to select the required IO scanner

6. To add IO Modules in slots select HardwareRacksExtension Rack1IO

ModulesSlot (Now see Step 6 of above)

3) ChangingCPUIPAddress
CPU has two LAN ports and both have different IP address. You can change it by
selecting CPU in Project Explorer .By default IP addresses are:CPU1 (In Local Rack)
LAN1 IP address is- &
LAN2 IP address is-
CPU2 (In Redundant Rack)
LAN1 IP address is- &
LAN2 IP address is-

SynergySystems&Solutions|ConfiguringtheHardware 12

RTU 6049-E70 Guide



Husky 6049-E70 supports a number of protocols. You can run CPU to communicate on
different protocols on different LAN/COM ports. Here is a list of Master/Client and
Slave/Server protocols supported by Husky 6049-E70-

TCP/IP Master/Client Protocols1


Modbus TCP Master

IEC 60870-5-104 Master
IEC 61850-8-1 Client
DNP3 TCP Master

TCP/IP Slave/Server Protocols1


Modbus TCP Slave

IEC 60870-5-104 Slave
DNP3 TCP Slave

Serial Master/Client Protocols1


Modbus RTU Master

IEC 60870-5-101 Master
IEC 60870-5-103 Master
DNP3 Master
SPA Bus Master

Serial Slave/Server Protocols1


Modbus RTU Slave

IEC 60870-5-101 Slave
DNP3 slave

SynergySystems&Solutions|ConfiguringtheCommunicationTasks 13

RTU 6049-E70 Guide

1) ConfiguringMasterCommunicationTasks
1. Double Click Communication Tasks Master/Client protocols in project explorer pane
2. A new window will appear like this
3. Select Communication Port LAN or COM1
to COM6
4. Now select required protocol from the drop
down list.
5. Provide a Task Description. This will be
shown in project explorer pane against
Master Task.
Example: If you are communicating with
ABBs relay you can write ABB here.
It wall appear here in Master / Client

6. Provide Device description If you have only one device to communicate else you
can provide it later for each device.

2) ConfiguringSlaveCommunicationTasks
6. Double Click Communication Tasks Slave/Server protocols in project explorer pane
7. A new window will appear like this
8. Select Communication Port LAN or
COM1 to COM6
9. Now select required protocol from the drop
down list.
10. Provide a Task Description. This will be
shown in project explorer pane against
Slave Task.

SynergySystems&Solutions|ConfiguringtheCommunicationTasks 14

RTU 6049-E70 Guide

3) AddingdetailstoTasks
Select any Master or Slave Task you have just created. You will see Communication
Task Details window on your right.

There are four Tabs provided for this window.

SynergySystems&Solutions|ConfiguringtheCommunicationTasks 15

RTU 6049-E70 Guide



1) ProtocolTabwindow
1. Here you can set Protocol parameters for any defined communication task like Poll
Interval, Retry Time Out, CPU port number to be use (ETH or COM), Baud rate,
Parity, APDU length etc.
2. You can also change Task description from here.

2) Device&IOMappingTabwindow
From here you can
1. Create IO Maps.
2. Add multiple devices under one communication task
3. Provide device IP address and Slave/ Device Id.

3) InformationTabwindow
1. Here you will see four Tabs again at bottom Memory, Variable, Events, Diagnostics

Memory Tab- You can check memory variables while online.

Variable Tab- You can see online data here against each data point.
Events Tab- You can view Events log here stored in CPU buffer. Events shown in
Husky Studio are non-retentive however at protocol level events are retentive.
Diagnostics Tab- Here you can see information of system diagnostics.

4) ConfigurationTabwindow
To go back to data point map details any time select Configuration Tab.

SynergySystems&Solutions|TabDetails 16

RTU 6049-E70 Guide



1. To create maps in Master Task select Device & IO Mapping Tab

2. Click in the Check box near Map Name under Map Details

3. A map will be added after each click in the Map Name Check Box. You can rename
the map name according to you by double clicking and editing it.
4. To delete a map simply select that map and press Delete Key on your keyboard.
5. Provide map details for each map you create like Start and End Address of I/Os
Type ID or Function Code, RTU Memory (BV, DPV, I16V, F32V) etc.
6. You can set Slave ID or device
IP address from here.(Right
hand picture)
7. Scaling of analog points can be
done by providing Min, Max
and RMin and RMax values.

8. This scaling can be done either in master communication task or in slave

communication task.

1) LinkingaMapinSlaveTask
1. Select Device & IO Mapping Tab and add a map as described before
2. Provide map details like Start/End address, Common ASDU etc.
3. To link a map (created in Master task) in slave click RTU Memory and if Type Id
of the map is same as in master task you will see all maps created in master task.
4. Click the map you want to link.
5. Now you can add and link another map.

SynergySystems&Solutions|CreatingI/OMapsinMasterTasks 17

RTU 6049-E70 Guide



Save the configuration when you have completed all tasks. Now connect your Studio
with CPU to download configuration
1. Click on Connect to Husky icon in the tool bar or go to Communication->
Connect in the menu bar.

2. You will see this window

3. Click OK if you want to connect to LAN port 1 of Main CPU. Else select ETH2
and click OK.
4. If you have redundant CPU and want to connect its
ETH1 or ETH2 port you need to change CPU type
from Main to Redundant and then select ETH1 or
ETH2 and click OK.
5. Select other if you want to connect a known IP
address of CPU LAN port. Enter that IP and click
OK.(Choose this option if you have changed IP
address in configuration file and want to download.
Enter old IP which you have changed)
You can also change this by selecting

SynergySystems&Solutions|ConnectingRTU 18

RTU 6049-E70 Guide



1. Click on Download icon to download current configuration which you have just

2. Now CPU will check for errors if there are errors

in the project you will not be able to download
3. If compilation is successful you will see this
window. Click OK to download
4. You will see a percent progress window. When
its 100% completed you will see a message
5. Now you need to Restart the CPU. For this you can either reset it from the switch
on PSU card or you can click on Reset CPU icon

in tool bar.

6. To disconnect from CPU anytime click Disconnect icon

changes in configuration if you are connected to RTU)


.(You can not make


1. To upload a configuration click Upload files from Husky Icon.

2. In the next window you will have
Provide the path in your PC to
store this file.
3. After successful upload file will
be opened automatically.

SynergySystems&Solutions|ConfigurationDownload 19

RTU 6049-E70 Guide



To verify data online follow these steps:
Open your project configuration.
Connect Husky Studio with CPU to go online.
Click on Information Tab and then select Variable Tab from bottom.
You will see all variables and there values and quality.

SynergySystems&Solutions|VerifyingdataOnline 20

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