Fast and Easy Dimensioning of Filler Beam Bridges: September 2016

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Fast and easy dimensioning of filler beam bridges

Conference Paper · September 2016

DOI: 10.2749/stockholm.2016.2003

1 3,151

2 authors:

Dennis Rademacher Pierre-Olivier MARTIN

ArcelorMittal Europe - Long Products Centre Technique De La Construction Metallique


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19th IABSE Congress Stockholm, 21-23 September 2016
2 Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built
3 Environment
Fast and easy dimensioning of filler beam bridges
9 Dennis Rademacher
10 ArcelorMittal Europe – Long Products, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemburg
Pierre-Olivier Martin
15 Centre Technique Industriel de la Construction Métallique (CTICM), Saint Aubin, France
18 Contact: [email protected]
22 Abstract
24 Filler beam bridge constructions with rolled steel sections, which are closely spaced and filled with
25 concrete, meet all the requirements of railway bridges with small and medium spans. Since the
26 late 1970s, various railway companies have established standard designs with design guidelines,
27 supplemented with calculation tables that correspond to their own rules. Some of these guidelines
had to be replaced by the introduction of the Eurocodes.
30 For this reason new design tables for filler beam structures in Germany have been developed,
31 which enable the planner a fast and direct determination of all relevant cross-sectional data of
single-track single-span bridges in the span range from 5 to 35 m - without costly calculations. The
34 tables and the software, with which the tables were generated, will be shown in this article.
35 Keywords: bridges, composite, filler beam, predesign, software, design tables
40 construction is increasingly chosen for road
41 1 Introduction bridges, since it leads to very slender structures
42 The filler beam bridge deck concept has been and minimizes the traffic disturbances during the
43 erection period.
developed in France at the end of the 19th century
for the railway infrastructure. It consists of a Modern production methods allow rolled beams
46 concrete slab with a strong longitudinal with heights up to 1138mm and flange thicknesses
47 reinforcement made of rolled beams and of maximum 140mm and steel grades up to
48 transverse reinforcement of steel rebars [1]. The S460M/ML [5]. With such girders it is possible to
49 closely spaced steel beams and the reinforced build filler beam bridges with high robustness and
50 concrete act compositely in longitudinal direction low maintenance, which meet the demand of our
51 [2]. Main advantages are high load capacity, infrastructure of the future.
52 stiffness, easily executed constructions, aesthetics
53 and easy maintenance. Since the late 1970s, various railway companies
54 have established standard designs with design
55 Therefore, filler beam bridges have been used for guidelines, supplemented with calculation tables
56 many years with considerable success for the rail [1] that correspond to their own rules. Some of
57 infrastructure. They are also suitable for use these guidelines are outdated by the introduction
58 within high-speed lines. For some time this
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19th IABSE Congress Stockholm 2016
2 Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment
5 of the Eurocodes. Simultaneously the superstructures. Today they prove their
6 requirements on the European infrastructure for outstanding durability in the European traffic
7 the traffic of passengers and goods have increased infrastructure already (appr. 20%-25% of the
due to the stepwise extension of the EU. existing railway bridges are filler beam bridges
Adaptations are necessary in the nets of new EU- [10]). In general, filler beam bridge feature a
11 member states but also in other countries, e.g. in minimal construction height which leads to
12 Germany, with new main traffic arteries and slender and aesthetic structures.
13 replacements of existing bridges. Experts for
14 instance predict an increase of the traffic capacity
15 in the public freight transportation of
16 approximately 70% until the year 2025 [6].
17 Especially for the railway infrastructure the
18 maintenance of existing constructions has to be
19 ensured in addition to its extension. The
20 maintenance is challenged by the increase of
21 traffic and ageing of the existing bridges. E.g. more
than 9.000 out of around 25.900 German railway
24 bridges are older than 100 years. Deutsche Bahn
25 AG will have to refurbish at least 875 of these
bridges until the year 2019 [7]. Relevance of a Figure 1. Typical section of a filler beam railway
26 bridge
27 durable design of the constructions and the
28 consideration of the life cycle cost for an Filler beam bridges consist of closely spaced rolled
29 economic assessment are thereby highlighted. beams integrated in a concrete slab, see Figure 1.
30 The structural principle can be described by the
However, since on one hand, there is a growing
31 rolled beams representing a stiff, longitudinal
32 interest in this type of construction, and on the
other hand a higher efficiency in the design and reinforcement of the concrete slab, confined by
33 transverse reinforcement of steel bars. The steel
34 execution is desired, there is a need for a
calculation tool enabling fast and reliable design, beams and surrounding concrete act compositely.
according to the current standards. Specific mechanical shear connection is not
37 required provided that the mill scale is removed
Design tables, complemented by computer from the rolled beams surface and certain
39 software, are the simplest and most efficient geometrical requirements are met [11]. The
40 tools. Therefore, design charts for filler beam construction of filler beam bridge decks is simple
41 structures for the German railway network [8] and quick and does not require any highly
42 have been developed, which enable the planner a specialised labour. Filler beam deck solutions are
43 fast and direct determination of all relevant cross- recommended [12]:
44 sectional data of single-track single-span bridges
45 in the span range from 5 to 35 m - without costly • for bridge decks with restricted or very
46 calculations. While the design software [9] shallow depths (Figure 2);
47 examines only an individual solution in each case, • for bridges crossing roads with high traffic
48 the design tables [8] provide a whole range of density: erection is both quick and easy;
solutions to compare and to make the best temporary supports and falsework are not
customized selection. required, so that disruption of traffic can be
52 avoided to a large extent;
53 2 Filler beam bridges
• when replacing decks in existing structures:
the shallow slab thickness facilitates
55 2.1 General
adaptation to the geometrical constraints.
Filler beam bridges are a traditional bridge deck Furthermore, the monolithic construction is
58 solution and known as sustainable and robust also well suited to erection by launching.
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19th IABSE Congress Stockholm 2016
2 Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment
5 The spans covered by filler beam decks range traffic loads usually does not govern the design.
6 (figures in brackets apply for continuous multiple Hence high strength grade S460 provides cost
7 span bridges): advantages.
9 • up to 35 (40) meters for road bridges;
2.3 Beams
11 • up to 30 (35) meters for railway bridges.
The longitudinal reinforcement of the slab consists
12 of rolled I-beams. The web spacing should not
13 exceed 75 cm. A clear distance of at least 15 cm
14 between flanges is needed to allow pouring of
15 concrete. The upper flange is encased in concrete
with a cover of 7 cm to 15 cm, but not exceeding
1/3 of the nominal section depth. After
19 completion of the deck, only the soffit of the
20 lower flanges remains visible. Beams need to be
21 cambered for two reasons: to compensate for
22 dead load deflection and to allow the deck shape
23 Figure 2. Construction height of filler beam bridges to follow the longitudinal profile of the track. In
24 in comparison to girder type bridges case of a curved deck supplementary bending
25 about the weak axis may be required. Both
26 It should be noted that in general the reduced cambering and bending may be carried out at the
27 height of the superstructure and the greater rolling mill’s special finishing department. With
28 slenderness of filler beam bridges result in a multiple span bridges, structural continuity is
29 higher tonnage of steel, compared to girder type generally preferred to simply supported decks. For
30 bridges. However, higher costs can be this purpose beams are either:
31 compensated by shorter track closure times and
32 possibly elimination of measures for a track fit, if • delivered to site and erected in full length, if
33 allowed for by production, transport and
the construction height is limited. In particular, for
34 erection possibilities or
the replacement of bridges and in urban areas the
36 latter aspects often play the decisive role. • spliced on site.
2.2 Design Connections may be carried out as bolted cover
39 plate splices or as butt-welded splices. Usually
The normative background for filler beam bridges they are located within spans at a section with low
is simple and manageable, which leads to an bending moment, and they are staggered. In order
efficient design [2][11]. to secure beams in position during concreting,
43 Concerning the bridge deck in the longitudinal spacers (for example threaded bars) should be
44 direction, a composite structure is assumed for provided. Stability against lateral torsional
45 the design. In the transverse direction the deck buckling under dead load (of steel and wet
46 behaves as a reinforced slab. For ultimate limit concrete) must be checked. Concreting may be
47 state, plastic moment resistance may generally be carried out in more than one stage and/or
48 transverse and plan bracing may be needed.
considered with concrete in tension being
50 neglected. For the calculation of the deflections
due to superimposed dead loads and live loads, a 2.4 Reinforcement
52 partial contribution of concrete in tension to In transverse direction non-prestressed
53 flexural stiffness is taken into account. Fatigue reinforcing bars contribute to carry the loads. The
54 strength of non-welded parts needs not to be lower bars are threaded through holes in the steel
55 checked. webs whereas the upper bars pass over the
56 beams. Both reinforcements are anchored beyond
Steel grade S355 is more and more commonly
used. For long spans, vertical deflection under the outer beams. Stirrups and reinforcing bars in
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19th IABSE Congress Stockholm 2016
2 Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment
5 longitudinal direction are added according to the • assembling of beams on an area located
6 load requirements or for the control of concrete behind the abutment and subsequent
7 cracking. launching;
9 • erection of beams alongside final location on
2.5 Formwork and concrete
10 temporary supports, concreting of the deck
11 The formwork consists of prefabricated fibre- and finally sliding into position.
12 cement or concrete planks which are placed on
13 All these methods cause only minimal disruption
the lower flanges of the beams. A sealing mortar
14 to existing traffic.
bed or rubber strip is used along their support. For
15 the slab edges traditional formwork is attached to
temporary supports. Prefabricated permanent
formwork units may also be used. The space
19 between beams is entirely filled up with concrete
20 and the upper flanges are encased according to
21 the requirements. For deeper beams, concreting is
22 carried out in two or more steps with a first layer
23 of at least 15 cm thickness. This helps to prevent
24 beams from lateral torsional buckling. Temporary
25 props are not needed and construction can be
26 completed without disturbing traffic under the
27 bridge.
2.6 Bearings Figure 3. Delivery of beams on construction site
31 Simple elastic bearing pads are provided for each The most common and economical way to erect
32 beam. The number of bearings may be reduced by the fabricated beams in their final position on the
33 the use of an integrated cross beam which construction site is lifting by crane. Traditionally,
34 requires additional reinforcement bars.
35 beams were picked by a special hook and lifted
36 one by one, see Figure 4. The lifted weight in this
2.7 Fabrication, transport and erection case is very small compared to concrete
38 Fabrication consists of a few simple operations prefabricated elements. In recent years, metallic
39 which may all be carried out at the rolling mill’s hooks are substituted by more economic
40 special finishing department: cutting to length, elastomeric strips – safer and less prone to
41 drilling of holes, cambering, welding of bearing damage the coating.
42 plates (if any) and application of corrosion
43 protection on lower flange. Beams are delivered
to site ready for erection, see Figure 3. Beam
length may reach commonly 34 m. In exceptional
47 cases they can be supplied (by rail) in lengths of
48 up to 45 m. Due to low unit weight, only small
49 cranes are needed.
50 There are various proven methods for the
construction of the bridge decks. These include
the following:
54 • lifting of beams into final position and
55 assembling of spacers and bracing; Figure 4. Lifting of one single beam into position
on the abutments
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19th IABSE Congress Stockholm 2016
2 Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment
5 Nowadays, thanks to the availability at reasonable
6 costs of cranes with much higher lifting capacity,
7 in many cases parts of the deck are preassembled
on the ground and lifted in packages. Once
delivered to the construction site, beams are
11 coupled with anti-lateral torsional buckling
12 devices on a dedicated pre-assembling area. A
13 transversal beam is used for repartition of the
14 self-weight during the lifting phase. This lifting
15 method permits to optimize the time of crane
16 mobilization and on the same time increases the
17 safety of workers, see Figure 5.
18 Figure 7. New deck after sliding-in at construction
19 site at Bergem, Luxembourg
By this method, the closure times are absolutely
22 minimized, as lifting-out of the old deck and
23 sliding-in the new deck takes only one or two
24 nights, often on weekends.
26 3 New design tables
28 3.1 General approach
30 In order to provide fast and reliable design
31 according to new standards [2][3] and Deutsche
32 Bahn specific requirements, new dimensioning
33 Figure 5. Lifting of a beam package into position tables for filler beam railways bridges have been
34 on the abutments prepared [8]. For each possible span from 5 m to
35 35 m with an increment of 0.25 m, bridge design
36 Erection of beams alongside final location on
solutions are proposed for five different
37 temporary supports, concreting of the deck and
categories of railway lines (A-E), which are mainly
38 finally sliding into position is often used for the
defined by the maximum speed of trains (Table 1)
39 replacement of old decks. As example for this
and by specific super-imposed dead loads (ballast
erection method the sliding-in of a filler beam
41 and track, parapets, cornices, utilities, noise
deck at Bergem, Luxembourg, is shown in Figure 6
42 barriers …). For each category, the optimal
and Figure 7.
43 solutions were looked for considering five
44 predefined geometries of the deck, where the
45 main parameters are the total width of the slab ws
46 and the width of the central part wc (Figure 8)
47 which provides the bending composite resistance
48 of the bridge (Table 2). The final thickness is
49 governed only by the height of the steel beams
50 and the concrete coverage.
52 Table 1. Category of lines
54 Category A B C D E
56 Speed of
57 Figure 6. New filler beam deck on temporary ≤ 90 ≤ 160 ≤ 200 ≤ 250 ≤ 300
trains [km/h]
58 supports besides the track ready for sliding-in
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2 Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment
5 200 km/h, the specific method [13] of the German
6 Railways has been used, which enabled to assess
7 the maximal values of the dynamic moment, the
support reactions, the deflection, the end rotation
and the vertical acceleration caused by German
11 high-speed trains (ICE, Thalys). It requires the
12 natural frequency of the bridge, its damping and
13 its flexural rigidity. The eigenfrequency was
Figure 8. Geometrical parameters
14 assessed by the Rayleigh method, including the
15 Table 2. Geometries of slabs rotational stiffness at supports provided by the
16 axial restraint of the track. The design of the
17 ws wc structure was then finally carried out with usual
18 [m] [m]
standard criteria for the bending moment and the
19 A to C ≈5 2,5 to 4,5 deflections of the bridge. Moreover, assuming
20 ballasted tracks, the vertical acceleration was
21 D to E ≈ 6,6 3,5 to 5,5 limited to 3,5 m/s2 [4]. By interpolations, it was
Once the constant parameters were set, the actually possible to assess the maximal speed of
24 identification of optimal solutions was carried out trains, for which all dynamic criteria are fulfilled.
25 by assessing all possible configurations,
26 considering the following variable parameters:
27 The development of the design tables has been
28 • The steel profiles were chosen among the
achieved by the use of the ACOBRI software [9] for
29 European standards for hot rolled sections, for
thousands of possible configurations.
30 the series HE (from which AA cross-sections
31 were excluded), HL and HD. The number and ACOBRI is a predesign software for composite
32 the location of profiles were assessed following bridges with hot rolled steel beams. Among many
33 geometrical requirements for filler beam possibilities, it includes the design of railway
34 decks. bridges with filler beam decks, according to
35 Eurocodes standards. Based on a finite elements
36 • The steel grade could be either S355 or S460,
grid model of the bridge, the bending moments
37 whereas a constant C30/37 class of concrete
and shear forces are assessed for permanent loads
38 was assumed.
39 as well as for live loads. For the latter, the effects
40 • The concrete coverage of upper flanges could of LM71, SW0 or SW2 load cases (for railways
41 vary from 7 to 15 cm. bridges) are either maximised or minimised
42 considering the longitudinal and transverse
Each configuration has been checked considering
43 influence lines.
the requirements of Eurocodes [2][3] and their
German National Annexes. For ultimate limit The checks under ultimate and serviceability limit
state, the plastic moment resistance was simply states are carried out, focusing only on the pre-
47 used, while the elastic stresses in concrete and in design of the composite girders. ACOBRI can also
48 steel profiles were verified for the serviceability deal with fatigue limit states, but this feature was
49 limit states. Additionally, the criteria for the not necessary for the tables (cf. 2.2).
50 deflection of the bridge, the twist of the track and
Finally it is worth mentioning that ACOBRI allows
51 the end rotation at abutments were also applied.
the predesign assessment of railway bridges, as
All the calculations have been performed used for the design tables, but also of road bridges
54 considering both static and dynamic effects. For and footbridges. Bridges with standard composite
55 speeds lower than 200 km/h, the latter have been cross-section as well as partially prefabricated
56 addressed by imposing the value of the girder also extend the scope of the software.
57 eigenfrequency between the two limits defined by
58 Figure 6.10 of [2]. For speeds greater than
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19th IABSE Congress Stockholm 2016
2 Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment
5 3.3 How to use the tables? prove also to be an engineering tool, as they
6 provide some representative values of the bridge
7 Any railway bridge project can be defined by a
design. The global moment under ultimate limit
8 limited number of input parameters, either from
state is indeed indicated as well as the stresses
9 the line (category A-E) or from the geometry (span
and deflections under serviceability limit states.
10 length 5-35 m). Depending on these parameters,
11 The design of the abutments is made easier, as
the design tables propose several solutions for
12 the global reactions at supports are given. For the
each span length (with increments of 0.25 m)
13 construction stage, the maximum height of wet
referred as optimal solutions and other solutions.
14 concrete that can be carried by the beams, taking
15 also into account the weight of overhang
3.3.1 Optimal solutions
16 formworks, is proposed (Figure 9). It has been
17 In most cases, the most relevant criterion to select calculated to prevent lateral torsional buckling,
18 a solution, when all other requirements are when no lateral restraints are used except at
19 fulfilled, is the final cost. Nevertheless, the total beam supports.
20 thickness of the slab may also prove to be a crucial
21 parameter, especially for the refurbishment of old
22 bridges. In the design tables, both these optimal
solutions are proposed, considering the span
length, the category of lines and one of the
26 predefined slab widths (Figure 8).
Figure 9. Maximal height of wet concrete during
27 Each solution is defined by the hot rolled profile,
28 construction stage
the number of girders and the steel grade. The
29 final slab thickness and the final cost are also For the assessment of the dynamic behaviour, the
30 given. The latter is indicated as a relative price natural frequency, the flexural rigidity, the
31 damping and finally the maximal speed of trains
indicator per linear meter, which allows the cost
32 are available. The solutions, whose design is
33 comparison between solutions. This indicator is
derived from the price of beams per ton, governed by dynamic actions, are clearly
35 considering supply, fabrication, painting and identified.
36 erection as well as the price of cubic meter of
37 concrete, taking into account supply, placing, lost 3.3.2 Other solutions
38 formwork between girders, traditional formworks Other less obvious solutions between the two
39 for the overhangs and reinforcement. optimal ones for cost and height are nevertheless
40 proposed in the design tables. They are ranked
41 The design tables are not only an efficient tool to
find immediately the optimal solution, but they according to increasing costs and decreasing slab
thicknesses and their design is not detailed.
44 Span = 10,00 m Optimal Solutions
45 ULS SLS Deflections Dynamic analysis Reactions LTB
lower limit, n0min (Hz)
EN 1991-2. Fig. 6.10

EN 1991-2. Fig. 6.10

Eigenfrequency n 0

Eigenfrequency n 0
(Hz) pinned-pinned

Rsupport ,SLS (kN)

Hconcreting LTB (cm)

Überhöhung (mm)
Number of beams

upper limit, n 0max
fy / γM,ser (MPa)

Damping ζ (%)

Mass µ (kg/m)

Rsupport,G (kN)
Height of slab

(Hz) modified
MplRd (MNm)

θLM71 (mrad)

Max. speed
δLM71 (mm)
Steel grade

MEd (MNm)

Price index

δmax (mm)

tLM71 (mm)

EI (MNm )
Width (m)

tmax (mm)

σs (MPa)

σc (MPa)



50 2,5 HD 400x463 4 S355 50,5 1,805 0,895 6,59 14,35 142 335 15,0 14,9 16,7 14,7 2,46 4,50 4,72 6,34 7,37 8,00 16,93 1974 2,5 11182 <200 832 1993 *
2,5 HE 550 A 4 S460 61,0 1,014 0,997 6,47 9,51 268 440 17,9 16,5 16,7 20,6 1,27 4,50 5,24 6,00 7,29 8,00 16,93 1736 2,5 11073 <200 827 1987 *
51 3,0 HD 400x382 5 S355 48,6 1,766 0,907 6,78 14,57 149 335 14,5 15,1 16,7 16,8 2,19 4,50 4,81 6,24 7,23 8,00 16,93 1987 2,5 11715 <200 842 2003 *
52 3,0 HE 500 A 5 S355 59,0 1,142 0,957 6,65 8,35 257 345 17,1 16,0 16,7 22,6 1,20 4,50 5,08 6,02 7,22 8,00 16,93 1842 2,5 11751 <200 844 2004 *

53 A
3,5 HE 360 M 7 S355 47,5 1,693 0,992 6,82 13,49 167 345 15,4 16,5 16,7 19,9 1,81 4,50 5,27 5,96 6,95 8,00 16,93 1831 2,5 12097 <200 841 2002 *
3,5 HE 500 A 5 S355 57,0 1,153 0,969 6,76 8,31 254 345 16,8 16,1 16,7 21,4 1,06 4,50 5,14 5,95 7,10 8,00 16,93 1828 2,5 12282 <200 850 2011 *
54 4,0 HD 320x300 8 S355 44,5 2,106 0,935 7,00 16,25 139 335 13,6 15,6 16,7 17,8 1,76 4,50 4,98 6,09 6,98 8,00 16,93 1990 2,5 12785 <200 860 2020 *
55 4,0 HE 400 B 6 S355 55,0 1,224 0,969 6,86 8,81 239 345 17,1 16,1 16,7 25,4 1,00 4,50 5,16 5,90 7,00 8,00 16,93 1857 2,5 12882 <200 865 2025 *
4,5 HD 320x245 9 S355 43,9 1,971 0,997 7,08 15,39 146 345 14,3 16,6 16,7 19,1 1,54 4,50 5,33 5,87 6,76 8,00 16,93 1895 2,5 13161 <200 871 2031 *
56 4,5 HE 400 A 7 S355 54,0 1,268 0,991 6,97 8,35 253 345 16,8 16,5 16,7 27,5 0,89 4,50 5,29 5,76 6,82 8,00 16,93 1839 2,5 13448 <200 885 2045 *
58 Figure 10. Extract of the design table: optimal solutions for 10m span length, category A
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19th IABSE Congress Stockholm 2016
2 Challenges in Design and Construction of an Innovative and Sustainable Built Environment
5 design – Annex A2: Application for bridges,
6 4 Conclusions 2006.
7 [5] European Committee for Standardization
Filler beam bridges feature high robustness and
low maintenance in service, which meet the (CEN). EN 10025-4: Hot rolled products of
demand of our infrastructure of the future. Known structural steels – Part 4: Technical delivery
11 as a traditional solution, new products as new conditions for thermomechanical rolled
12 heavy rolled sections with higher steel grades and weldable fine grain structural steels, 2011.
13 enhanced construction methods offer new [6] VDV – Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunter-
14 possibilities for this deck type. Further the design nehmen. Daten und Fakten – Schienen-
15 of innovative concepts in combination with the güterverkehr und Eisenbahninfrastruktur,
16 filler beam deck facilitates structures with
17 outstanding technical, functional, economical and
aesthetical quality.
19 [7] Die Zeit Online: Bahn startet Milliarden-
20 The use of the design tables allows the engineer Sanierungsoffensive, 8. Dezember 2014.
21 to select very easily and quickly the most efficient
22 solution regarding either the final cost or the slab [8] ArcelorMittal Europe – Long Products,
23 thickness. Once the solution is chosen, the most Bemessungstabellen für Eisenbahnbrücken
24 significant parameters for its static and dynamic aus Walzträgern im Beton (WIB), German
25 design are also immediately given. version, Luxemburg, to be published soon
26 (2016)
27 Intermediate configurations ranging between
28 these two optimal bridge designs are also given, [9] ArcelorMittal Europe – Long products.
29 when a compromise is favored. This tool doesn’t ACOBRI: Composite Bridge predesign
30 avoid the necessity of the final complete checking software, Freeware. Available from:
31 of the bridge, but it saves some costly time in the
32 design process and gives directly the configuration oad-center/design-software/bridges.html,
33 to be considered. Luxembourg, 2014.
35 Finally, these tables bring a significant [10] Schmitt Stumpf Frühauf und Partner
36 improvement not only regarding the engineering Ingenieurgesellschaft im Bauwesen mbH,
37 efficiency, but also for the dissemination Untersuchungen zum verstärkten Einsatz
38 possibilities of filler beam bridges. von Stahlverbundkonstruktionen bei
39 Brücken kleinerer und mittlerer Stützweite.
40 Research project, Forschungsvereinigung
5 References
Stahlanwendung e.V. (ed.), FOSTA P629,
42 [1] International Union of Railways (UIC). Düsseldorf, 2005.
43 Design Tables for Filler Beam Railway
44 [11] International Union of Railways (UIC). UIC
Bridges. N° ISBN 2-919969-37-4,
45 Code 773 R, Recommendations for the
Luxembourg, 1999.
46 design of joist-in-concrete railway bridges.
[2] European Committee for Standardization
47 5th edition. May 2010. ISBN: 978-2-7461-
(CEN). EN 1991-2 (Eurocode 2): Actions on
48 1341-4
49 structures – Part 2: Traffic loads on bridges,
[12] ArcelorMittal Europe – Long Products,
50 2004.
Bridges with rolled sections,
51 [3] European Committee for Standardization
52 (CEN). EN 1994-2 (Eurocode 4): Design of
ons/home.html, 2005
53 composite steel and concrete structures –
[13] DB Ril 804.3101: Eisenbahnbrücken –
54 Part 2: General rules and rules for bridges,
55 Dynamische Effekte bei Resonanzrisiko,
56 Karlsruhe, 2003
[4] European Committee for Standardization
57 (CEN). EN 1990/A1 (Eurocode 0): Basis for

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