Structural Steel Design Awards 2018
Structural Steel Design Awards 2018
Structural Steel Design Awards 2018
The British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd Trimble Solutions (UK) Ltd
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Scales of entry range from the largest civil engineering and transport
projects, through prestige city office buildings, to smaller community
and public buildings and sculptures. While there are fewer residential
projects this year, we see an increase in office buildings of high quality
and a welcome return of top-end industrial buildings.
Chris Nash BA (Hons) DipArch RIBA FRSA - Chairman of the Judges Panel
Architect: Grimshaw
© Rick Roxburgh
As part of Network Rail’s London Railway The rolling redevelopment programme All 15 platforms have been rebuilt to be
Upgrade Plan, London Bridge Station is started in 2012 and has been scheduled in covered by a striking undulating canopy
undergoing a stunning transformation that such a way as to ensure the station remains of steel and aluminium, fabricated and
will deliver a better experience for users and open for business at all times. On 2nd January installed by Severfield. The eye-catching
a reduction in delays. It will also ensure 2018 the final section of the massive new canopy roof is modularised using open
greater connection between London’s home concourse and five platforms opened to the sections where each module is
counties and increase passenger capacity by public, with the remaining redevelopment approximately 9m deep by 3m wide. There
two-thirds. works to be completed in the spring. are an astonishing 1,200 prefabricated steel
cassettes, with each one a bespoke unit due
The station transformation includes an Elegant curves are integral to the station’s to the changing rooftop geometry. To save
enlarged street level concourse underneath design and respond to the track geometry time cassettes were prefabricated offsite
the tracks, new entrances and new platforms and curvature of the site. Steel is the and then craned into position, allowing the
for more trains, and three of the nine natural material for the project as it canopy to be built during short night-time
terminating platforms converted to through allows the necessary design flexibility. construction hours.
platforms. The concourse is set to be one of It also offers sustainability benefits as it
the largest in Europe. is recyclable and lightweight.
The canopy structure comprises Y-shaped Following installation the beams were mass The lifting schemes for all steelwork
columns supporting a longitudinal spine filled with concrete and fitted with installations included the innovative use of
beam formed from fabricated box sections platforms, rail lines and canopies. heavy capacity scissor lifts mounted on the
that have extended webs to create service top of Self-Propelled Modular Transporters
routes. Platforms and canopies sit outboard The main plate girder lengths (spans) were (SPMTs) to solve access problems.
of the bridge girders, supported on such that no longitudinal splices were
transverse ‘elephant ear’ frames, and as required. After fabrication all components The aim of Cleveland Bridge’s work was to
trains pass over the bridges any deflections were placed in pairs together for a trial maximise the level of offsite fabrication and
cause the tips of the ‘elephant ears’ to move assembly to ensure perfect fit and preparation to significantly reduce the on-site
longitudinally. The plates that connect the alignment, de-risking the operation on-site. programme. As the station was operational
frames to the bridge girders are designed to Upon completion of the trial erection, the throughout the project, health and safety
balance strength and stiffness to resist the deck was separated into component pairs was paramount and the overall project was
applied loads, while remaining flexible ready for dispatch to London. delivered within budget and ahead of
enough to avoid fatigue. schedule, exceeding the client’s expectations.
The main logistical challenges for the
The centrepiece of London Bridge Station is project were the severely restricted site
the concourse which is nearly 80m wide. access; a requirement to consider
There is also an expansive central space at scheduling for follow-on trades, and the JUDGES’ COMMENT
the heart of the concourse which deals with essential need to keep the station fully
the level changes across the site. The large functional. The architect Grimshaw
span of this space was achieved by using a designed the station and complex staging The project has produced a major upgrade
longitudinal V-column to support a 5m process based on the concept of to the existing station, which remained
deep Vierendeel truss, and this allowed for prefabrication and modular offsite operational throughout. Collaborative
glazing between the vertical members to construction. This reduced the pressure on offsite manufacture minimised disruption
form the rooflights above. the construction programme and again the during the project. The use of steel has
use of steel was advantageous. allowed the design team to create open
Cleveland Bridge supplied steelwork for For the installation of the decks and canopy
concourse spaces beneath the tracks and
the rail bridge decks spanning the new the project was split into six phases.
elegant curves to the canopy structures
concourse. The work has included
above. The project is a great example of
fabrication, trial erection at the company’s The possessions for working were ‘Rules of
Darlington facility, painting, delivery the route’ (very short windows when trains ‘designing for construction’.
and installation. are not running) synchronised with
restricted short possessions for delivery
The concourse bridge decks are made up of vehicle road closures. The entire project
three to four spans of simply supported took place in a busy city centre location
decks for each rail line. Each rail bridge with narrow streets through which to move
deck comprises six main girders braced delivery vehicles, large plant and equipment.
together and tied at the ends with trimmer
beams, delivered and erected as pairs.
© Paul White
The Leeds Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS) As part of the FAS improvements a and enabled the bridge to be delivered
is led by Leeds City Council in partnership replacement weir would be constructed on within budget and programme. In views
with the Environment Agency. It will the Knostrop site, and the clients wanted to along the river the appearance is simple and
provide the city centre and over 3,000 explore the possible synergy between the sympathetic to the natural context. A curved
homes and 500 businesses with protection new weir and the construction of a bridge soffit combines with the changing deck
against flood events from the River Aire, across the river. The final design uses the width to translate the varying plan width
whilst enabling key regeneration new weir walls as pier foundations for the into a rippling deck edge detail, producing a
opportunities in the South Bank area. bridge above, providing significant savings dynamic 'sinuous' quality to mirror the noise
Another objective of the scheme is the in budget, time and resources. and movement of the falling water beneath.
provision of new routes for walkers and Another unique feature of the design is that
cyclists, both along and across the River Leeds City Council recognised the wider in elevation the piers are only 50mm thick
Aire. Knostrop Weir Foot and Cycle Bridge value for the design to be of high-quality and almost invisible in long views, creating
serves to reconnect the much-used Trans and identifiable with its place. Despite the the illusion of a floating deck. When viewed
Pennine Trail, following the removal of a apparent complexity of the final design’s on closer approach the appearance of the
section of island between the River Aire and appearance, it only requires a single piers changes, emerging as dramatic
the Aire and Calder Navigation for flood curvature in the fabrication of the steel plate projecting cantilevers springing from the
risk reduction purposes. elements. This served to simplify fabrication weir below. Lookout points have been
positioned above each pier enabling people
on the bridge to stop and enjoy views over
the weir and along the river.
Architect: Arup
© Simon Kennedy
The BREEAM ‘Excellent’ Engine optimised production performance and With a firm date for starting production,
Manufacturing Centre comprises 165,000m2 blurred the boundaries between production programme was critical. The first phase of
of production space, offices, social support and offices through visual transparency, this world-class facility was handed over just
spaces and a community educational centre, clear movement and social spaces, helping to 24 months after the design team’s
and is an exemplar of modern sustainable break down the barriers of communication appointment. Subsequent phases followed in
manufacturing. between staff. continuous sequence from 2013 to 2016.
Innovation, collaboration and the well-being A powerful architectural impression was Phase One was one of the first structures in
of people at the facility have shaped the achieved through the simple, repeating and the UK to be designed to the Eurocodes.
success of the building. A simple layout was discretely expressed façade modules, Arup developed spreadsheets to automate
derived from optimum operational generated by the north lights. The skylights member utilisation checks direct from
adjacencies and designed for flexibility, provide generously day-lit spaces throughout analysis output, enabling all members to be
providing both an efficient process flow for the complex, and continuous strips of glass rapidly optimised. Despite the intensive
manufacturing and giving staff easy access to along the ground floor allow the buildings servicing loads on the roof, this reduced the
support facilities. Naturally-lit machine and to float, further humanising the scale of the roof tonnage to only 28kg/m2, which is
assembly halls are flanked by supporting spaces while providing views out to the impressively light for 30m spans.
office and ancillary buildings. This approach landscaped surroundings.
© Simon Kennedy
All the structures comprise braced steel Mezzanine floors provide support lighting system help to capitalise on the
frames, with grids set by the bay sizes of accommodation and plant spaces, using generous daylighting in the space to save
the production areas below. Concept reinforced concrete slabs constructed on further energy.
studies explored grid size with the client profiled metal decking, providing robust
and compared portal action, but the fire separation for plant spaces. The project was a trailblazer for applying
braced frames were considered the level 2 BIM. The one-model approach was
cheapest solution. Primary services within the spaces distribute extended to embrace Jaguar Land Rover’s
at roof level supported from the roof own manufacturing designers, who
The north lights are formed using the structure. This minimised the need for integrated Arup’s BIM model with their
primary 30m span trusses to minimise trenches and steps in the ground slabs, Process and Equipment 3D model to create
intrusion of the structure into the maximising future production flexibility. a model of the entire facility, enabling
production spaces and thereby minimise The roof had to be designed accordingly for unprecedented levels of coordination to be
building height. The Machine Hall uses a intensive servicing and high point loads. achieved. The model was also populated
grid of 30m by 15m, matching the rhythm with specification and data tagging to
of the north lights. Assembly Halls have a The support and spine buildings are enable adoption into Jaguar Land Rover’s
grid of 30m by 30m, at twice the rhythm of typically two storeys high with facilities management system.
the north lights, so primary support trusses accommodation below and plant at first
are provided below the north lights on each floor level to feed directly into the adjacent The structural model was produced directly
30m grid to support the intermediate halls. The office building uses precast from the analysis model, exported to Tekla,
primary trusses. Secondary trusses are hollowcore slabs to provide an exposed saving the steelwork contractor weeks of
provided at 7.5m centres. These grids thermal inertia of the soffits to assist with modelling.
provide for future reconfiguring of the the natural ventilation strategy.
assembly lines.
Jaguar Land Rover’s commitment to
Columns were designed assuming some sustainable, low carbon, manufacturing was JUDGES’ COMMENT
rotational fixity to minimise second-order supported by Arup’s ability to provide
effects. This was derived from a study of integrated and innovative low-energy design
potential settlement of the pads and solutions, resulting in one of the largest Drawing on traditional industrial forms,
considering the need for them to stand buildings to achieve BREEAM ‘Excellent’. the team has updated these principles to
without temporary works during erection. deliver a stunning workplace to train and
Sustainable measures include the UK’s attract the best talent in the industry.
Wind behaviour on saw-tooth roofs is largest PV installation, zero operational The lightness of the framing, extensive
directional relative to the saw-tooth, but waste, extensive grey water recycling, day- roof-lights and perimeter windows deliver
large-scale roofs behave differently to small- lit spaces, naturally-ventilated offices and a high levels of natural light. The steel is
scale roofs. So, comparing the peak wind pioneering 'solar cladding' façade system.
efficiently designed for current operations
effects from the roof geometry with peak
and adaptation for changes in engine
wind directions for the site, sheltering benefits The north lights’ vents open to expel hot
design and technology.
and size factors, the uplift loads were reduced air in summer reducing extract energy.
by up to 70% for most of the roof. Responsive dimming controls for the
Architect: AL_A
© Paul Carstairs/Arup
The most significant intervention temporary exhibition spaces in the UK and Following an extensive international
undertaken at the V&A’s South Kensington allow the V&A to significantly improve the competition Amanda Levete Architects
campus for over 100 years, this major way it designs and presents its world-class (AL_A), working with Arup, were appointed
development provides a large column-free exhibition programme. as the designers of this scheme. Key to the
underground exhibition gallery with an success of the competition was the use of
oculus to allow the influx of natural Entry to the new Sackler Courtyard will be structural steelwork for the concept design
daylight, an open courtyard and through the arches of the 19 th Century for the ‘folded plate roof’, a system of
significantly improved street level entrance screen designed by Sir Aston Webb. triangular steel trusses which span 38m
from Exhibition Road into the Museum. across the gallery, support the courtyard,
From the courtyard, and from key internal café, and crucially allow the changes of
The courtyard also acts as a venue for locations through the glazed skylights, it is existing ground levels to be fully exploited
installations and events and is served by now possible to see previously hidden façades to fit in a mezzanine floor. As well as the
a glass-fronted café. of the museum’s original buildings, including significant vertical loads that this structure
the detailed sgraffito decoration on the Henry supports, it is also resisting significant prop
The Sainsbury Gallery, a new 1,100m2 Cole Wing which has been revealed to the forces as it is the ground level structure of
column-free space, will be one of the largest public for the first time since 1873. a 15m deep basement.
During the excavation of the basement,
800 tonnes of historic Grade I listed
stonework stood on one ‘mega-beam’
formed of four individual steel beams.
The ‘mega-beam’ was temporarily
supported on steel needles, which were
then replaced by four steel columns.
Bloomberg London
Bloomberg London represents one of The architect’s vision consisted of two direct link to Bank Underground station all
the largest, most notable developments adjacent 10-storey buildings with a pedestrian required third party agreements and
to shape the post-Olympic landscape access path cutting diagonally through. considerably affected programming.
of London. Bloomberg’s new A steel frame with composite concrete floors In two such immensely complex 10-storey
European headquarters is respectful of is clad with sandstone and metal fins to structures adding value through design has
its location in the heart of the City of produce a solid, understated elegance set to been key, and AKT II was able to do this
London, close to the Bank of England, last within a hostile city environment. from the basement upwards. The location
St Paul’s Cathedral and the church of was previously home to Bucklersbury House,
St Stephen’s Walbrook. It is a true The structure’s sensitive island location a disused 1950s structure demolished prior
exemplar of sustainable development, meant that physical limitations were set by to start on-site. However, the slab-and-pile
with a BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ rating the adjacent roads, as well as the remains of foundations were retained following a radar
– the highest design-stage score ever London Wall running close by. Constructing survey which confirmed that the vast
achieved by any major office close to an existing sewer, the adjacent majority could remain, with additional piles
development in the UK. Waterloo & City line tunnel and the new introduced only in the south-west corner.
On plan, the form and setting out of the
north and south buildings respond to the
angular nature of the site and the alignment
of the new arcade with Watling Street.
To achieve this both buildings use a unique
structural grid set out on a 13.85m
equilateral triangle that maximises open
floorplates. The form of construction is
similar to that found in orthogonal steel-
framed City office buildings. All cores are
formed from insitu reinforced concrete but,
in contrast to traditional building forms,
have been pushed to the perimeter to
increase the extent of uninterrupted floor
space and improve visual connectivity.
To further enhance this, lift shafts have been
opened up to animate the façade and act as
light wells. The two buildings are also
connected at high level with a series of link
bridges above the arcade. The scale and
precision of the stone and bronze façade is
achieved with an independent primary © Nigel Young/Foster + Partners
frame which connects to the main columns
and eliminates the larger movements in
traditional edge beam solutions.
The main reception carves a column-free and workmanship through the creativity of
space under the ramp between ground and
level 2, introducing a three-dimensional
the devised structural solutions that
achieved architectural design intent within
structural vortex form that spans, displays, this modern office environment.
announces and integrates architecture and Stability was provided to the north and
The elegant exterior of this major building,
structure for a spectacular experience south 10-storey steel-framed buildings by
a polite addition to the City, conceals a
before revealing the ramp as a structural concrete cores which were on the perimeter
fabulous interior supported by a highly
force majeure. of the buildings.
innovative design in steel. The unique
The benefits of using steel construction for The peak site of erection was the north and triangular column grid and roof transfer
Bloomberg London included providing south buildings running in parallel with each system create the large open spaces
long-span uninterrupted floorplates and other, which required approximately 600 required by the client, whilst the vortex
small structural zones relative to the span, tonnes of steelwork to be produced per week. transfer structure and atrium ramp
with fully integrated services within the produce effective yet stimulating circulation
structural depth. Complex transfer Thanks to 4D BIM planning and offsite routes. The attention to detail throughout
structures could be incorporated within the manufacture on-site risks were reduced, the project sets the highest standard for
building, saving space when compared with William Hare worked with the project team commercial office accommodation.
other materials. The project showcased skill to ensure delivery was on time and error free.
Architect: BDP
The Ordsall Chord Viaduct is the iconic The context required a design which was of This is the first network arch bridge to be
centrepiece at the heart of the Ordsall the highest architectural quality, with a built in the UK, and the first asymmetric
Chord, a new elevated railway connecting structure that would act as a landmark (tapering) network arch anywhere in
Manchester and Salford. The project reduces without dominating surrounding buildings. the world.
railway congestion, allows new passenger
services to run, and creates wide economic An 89m span network arch structure was The preliminary design concept illustrated
benefits across the north west of England. chosen for the main river span, combining box girder structures throughout the length
great strength and stiffness with a relatively of the viaduct. The design was modified
The viaduct carries the new two-track low profile. A 100m long twin girder bridge during the design-and-build phase, adopting
railway across both the River Irwell and the was selected for the spans over the roadway. box girders for the arch ribs but stiffened
dual carriageway Trinity Way. It sits next to All parts of the viaduct are integrated plate I-girders for the spans over the highway.
major heritage structures, part of the historic visually to appear like a single ribbon of This reduced construction costs and
1830 Liverpool to Manchester Railway, the weathering steel. simplified future maintenance requirements.
world’s first inter-city railway.
The network arch is visually merged with
the girder spans above Trinity Way by the
inclusion of steel ‘cascades’ in between.
These transition pieces negotiate complex
changes in vertical and lateral geometry,
and give the impression of a smooth
transformation from the hexagonal box to
the ribbed I-section.
Architect: SimpsonHaugh
© Daniel Hopkinson
Two St. Peter’s Square is a new build, adopted at level 10 with transfer beams Long-span beams form the typical floors
Grade A office space in the heart of that support the set-back columns above. giving column-free flexible spaces.
Manchester city centre. It faces the Grade I This arrangement provides a high value Economy was achieved by integrating the
listed Town Hall and Grade II listed terrace space overlooking the civic heart of structural and service zones, utilising
Central Library. The building is 12 storeys Manchester, whilst also responding to the composite action between the steel beams
above ground with a two-storey basement. planners’ concerns on massing. and concrete slabs and adopting
asymmetric sections.
The key driver for the structural design has Vertical access for the building, both for
been to provide highly flexible column-free people and services, is via the core. Two St. Peters Square has regenerated a
accommodation that is attractive to Positioned offset on the building floor plan prime site in central Manchester providing
potential tenants. The typical beams are this maximises the available floor area and a positive contribution to the city and
730mm deep and, over the 18m span, the length of premium elevations facing the enhancing the adjacent public realm.
vibration was a key criterion governing square. Building stability is provided by the
many of the section sizes. reinforced concrete core which acts as a
cantilever from the raft foundation at
At ground level the architectural intent was basement level under the lateral loading
to provide a colonnade with columns at imposed on it.
12m centres and cantilevers of 6m at either
end. Continuing this wide spaced grid on Supporting the façade presented several This scheme of new Grade A offices in
the typical floors above was not economical engineering challenges. Each unit was the heart of Manchester’s civic centre
so a transfer structure at the lower level constructed in 6m wide by 4m high responds to the challenge of this site
was utilised. mega-panels. of prime importance. Not only does
the glazed stone tracery respond
To maximise the spatial experience of the The extent of movement of the frame appropriately to the location, but
colonnade at ground floor level the under the significant façade loading was the elegant steel framed building
columns are double-height with the first- meticulously calculated during the with 18m clear spans provides flexible
floor floorplate set-back from the different phases of the build. This involved accommodation highly attractive
perimeter. Long-span transfer beams at pre-setting the steel frame, so it could to tenants.
level 2 achieve this with the first floor hung settle incrementally as the mega-panels
from above. A similar arrangement is were installed.
Architect: C. F. Møller
From conception the Energy Centre was The main building and tower are placed 4.5m apart. These were connected
developed with innovation and creativity to structurally independent to avoid the effects with interleaving diagonal secondary
ensure the structure was a stand-out piece of cyclic loading and fatigue on the tower members fixed to both chords on the main
of artwork on the newly-forming affecting the main building. east and west façades.
Greenwich Peninsula.
A series of wind tunnel tests were carried Close coordination with the cladding sub-
Central in the structure is the highly out on the tower structure as the cladding contractor was fundamental to achieving
distinctive flue tower, measuring 3m by design progressed to assess the detailed the correct setting out and detailing for the
18m on plan and 49m tall. loads on the structure and the dynamic hundreds of fixing brackets; each fabricated
sensitivity of the tower. A BRE study was as part of the steel frame with sufficient
The cladding of the flue tower unites also carried out to provide design data for tolerance to allow seamless connection and
sophisticated engineering and complex optic assessing cyclical fatigue loads. adjustment of the cladding panels
research to create an impressive sculptural throughout the build.
concept on a huge scale. The unique The tensile strength and ductility of steel
cladding is formed of hundreds of triangular made it the obvious choice to cope with the
panels, each the height of a London bus, effects of high wind loading on the tall slim JUDGES’ COMMENT
that fold and flow across the surface of the structure. The industrial aesthetic of steel
tower. The resulting complex geometric lent itself to the historical context of
patterns visually break up the elevations to Greenwich Peninsula, whilst the cross This project forms the gateway to a new
create an uneven sculpted surface that plays bracing of the structure echoes the and rapidly developing quarter to the east
with the vanishing points and perspective. neighbouring gas holder dating from 1886. of London and is a remarkable addition to
the heavily urban landscape, both during
The panels are perforated to exploit the 345 tonnes of galvanized steel were erected the day and at night. Steel is used with
phenomena of the Moiré Effect, and at for the flue tower, which consisted of five grace and with flexibility for the future in
night an integrated lighting design produces main cantilever latticed girders, each formed mind. The collaboration between artist,
a shifting series of ‘compositions‘ lit from from three 16m high by 3.15m wide designers, steelwork contractor and this
within the structure. sections spliced at third points on-site and enlightened client has resulted in a
holistically coherent and notable project.
Four Pancras Square is the last of six new landscaped roof terrace above to crown office levels and the public realm.
commercial buildings within King’s Cross the building. Where the steel exoskeleton interfaces with
Central Zone B, located adjacent to the façade at the perimeter columns the
St Pancras and King’s Cross stations. The key challenges to the design and floor slab sits on steel shelves, ‘hods’, which
detailing of the external steel exoskeleton cantilever off the external columns through
As the square’s prominent ‘keystone’, included: the façade. These ‘hods’ are tied into the
Four Pancras Square demanded a strong slab and in turn cantilever out to restrain
identity that resonates with the site’s • forming the full width transfer creating the columns in both directions.
industrial heritage. This is encapsulated in the dramatic southern entrance onto
Eric Parry Architects’ competition-winning Pancras Square. These ‘hods’ result in structural
design via an expressive exposed • control of thermal movements of the penetrations through the thermal line of the
weathering steel frame. external primary frame relative to the cladding at 4.5m centres across all floors
internal structure. and were a critical connection detail.
The building was designed as a speculative • detailing the structure and finishes to
office, aspiring to exceed the British accommodate the movements.
Council for Offices specification and be the • providing the necessary fire resistance to JUDGES’ COMMENT
first office to achieve a BREEAM 2014 the unprotected steel exoskeleton.
rating of ‘Outstanding’, succeeding in both. • ensuring the exposed components of the
steel exoskeleton and the junction with The judges recognised the strong
The building is 57m wide on the north the internal structure are designed and technical collaboration of the entire team
elevation, 27m on the south and 54m on detailed to provide the required to deliver the architect’s vision of an
the west, producing a 60 degree angle on durability. expressed weathering steel exoskeleton
the east. without compromise. This was achieved
A Vierendeel truss wrapping the first floor through creative development of key
These proportions, combined with the is a key architectural feature. On the technical details to address thermal
concept, resulted in a regular 4.5m column southern elevation to the square it forms bridging, differential thermal movements,
grid on the upper levels and larger spans the transfer structure creating the column- fire performance and weathering.
around the ground floor retail, typically free open entrance onto Pancras Square. The building’s elevations are a
13.5m, but up to 27m clear span on the The storey-high truss continues to wrap the celebration of steel.
south face. The façade structure continues remaining elevations of the first floor,
beyond the set-back 10th floor and the resolving the different grids required for the
Brooklands is the birthplace of British were developed, which did not The project was successfully completed and
motorsport and aviation, and the home of fundamentally affect the nature or opened in November 2017. It is a
many remarkable engineering and appearance of the structure. The repairs are resounding testament to the flexibility and
technological achievements throughout the expressed through the use of different durability of steel design, both in its original
20 th Century. Over the past three years, section profiles and colours to distinguish concept and in how it can be sustainably
Brooklands has seen another unique new from original elements. and sympathetically adapted and re-used
engineering achievement – the successful many years after its original design life has
relocation and refurbishment of the 78-year- Careful dismantling was undertaken to been exceeded.
old, Grade II listed, Bellman Hangar to avoid damaging the existing components of
reinstate key surviving elements of the the building. The components were then
original motor racetrack. individually tagged to define their location
and orientation to make sure that all the JUDGES’ COMMENT
The project also included the construction components would fit back together again
of a new Flight Shed building to house some in the same locations. Once transported to
of the Museum’s expanding aircraft the steelwork contractor’s factory, each This project is a testament to the
collection, together with workshops and element was sand blasted to remove the adaptability of steel construction and the
archive facilities. The hangar was re-clad many layers of old paint and reveal the care with which the project team managed
with new profiled steel cladding that extent of any damage or corrosion. Where the task of dismantling the old hangar,
matched the original profile externally, major damage or corrosion was found, refurbishing individual components and
but incorporated insulation to provide elements were repaired to match the re-assembling the structure on a nearby
enhanced environmental conditions inside. original structure. The steelwork was then site, providing the ideal accommodation
As part of the project, a major new re-painted and carefully transported back to for the museum display.
exhibition celebrating the history of aircraft site for re-erection.
manufacture was created within it.
In addition to the re-erection of the hangar,
Analysis of the structure showed that there a free-standing mezzanine was designed
was a weakness in the haunch connection, within the hangar to increase the exhibition
which could be overstressed in high winds space. This mezzanine also included a bridge
particularly when the hangar doors were across to the adjacent Flight Shed, linking
open, creating a dominant opening. Low the two buildings without the need for
key strengthening works to the haunches extensive alterations to the Bellman Hangar.
The new steel-framed extension to the The complex primary structure was For the accommodation built over the
Belfast Waterfront stretches from the influenced by several factors. The spatial service yard, cantilevered plate girders
existing building out to the edge of the requirements for the extension involved were used as their supporting columns
River Lagan and provides an additional column-free spaces, a combination of single were offset to maintain clear height for
7,000m2 of floor space which can facilitate and double-height spaces and partial HGV access.
up to 5,000 guests at any one time. There intermediate floors, and the need to build
is an 1,800m2 main hall and a 700m2 minor over and around retained structure. This This project was Belfast City’s Council’s
hall, each of which can be sub-divided to led to several framing solutions being first use of BIM on a major project. It was
allow flexible layouts. These large clear employed, using 1,400 tonnes of steel. delivered using advanced modelling
span spaces were most cost-effectively techniques, which minimised on-site
achieved with a steel frame. Pre-cambered cellular beams were used clashes and maximised the efficiency of
along with metal deck composite concrete design and construction.
The facility has been designed to fit in with flooring. The degree of pre-cambering was
its surroundings, wrapping around the calculated to provide level steelwork after
existing building and connecting to the dead load deflection.
existing facilities at multiple levels, though
remaining an independent structure. The Extra levels were squeezed in as the
extension spans over the existing services building’s footprint gave very limited floor
yard and service building on the riverside. space. To give this intermediate floor New conference halls, banqueting and
Public access to the river has been sufficient ceiling height ‘Slimflor’ break-out spaces extend the Belfast
maintained. The congested location proved construction was adopted, using plated UC Waterfront Conference Centre right up to
challenging, being extremely restricted in sections within the floor depth. the quay of the River Lagan. The resulting
terms of access and by surrounding multiple challenges, both physical and
structures and its proximity to the river. ‘Cellform’ beams were used to form the main financial, were met by a sequence of
hall roof; this allowed services to pass appropriate and pragmatic structural steel
The use of steel meant the construction through the beams and thus maximise ceiling and architectural solutions.
works could be accelerated given the heights. These ‘cellform’ beams had a tapered
opportunity to prefabricate the frame section to provide integral roof falls (and
offsite in advance. provide a level soffit for rigging steelwork).
Opened in August 2017, Transport completed girders were transported by road shield provides weather protection for all
Scotland’s Queensferry Crossing is one of in halves due to the width of the boxes. vehicles for wind speeds up to 115mph,
the most striking engineering icons of the minimising crossing closures.
21st Century. Behind the southern approach a 160m long
assembly platform work area was prepared. Maintenance requirements have been kept
On the south side of the crossing the The east and west girders were launched low. The viaduct box has a
approach viaduct (AVS) is 545m long and independently and alternately in six stages, dehumidification system, removing any need
comprises two composite steel box girders, proceeding span-by-span. This facilitated a to repaint the internal steelwork. Externally,
set 21.75m apart, supported on six rolling programme of fabrication, segment a permanent maintenance gantry system has
V-shaped piers with spans of 64m + 80m + delivery, site assembly and a staged launch been installed to facilitate access to all faces
90m + (3 x 87m). These are directly with east and west girders alternating. of the boxes. The use of high-quality paint
connected to the main span cable-stayed systems will ensure longevity and will
single box section of the Crossing. The active viaduct launch solution extend the life of maintenance repainting to
comprised a vertical ‘king post’ and over 25 years.
Each approach viaduct is 17.5m wide, temporary stays. The temporary stay system
accommodating two main carriageways and counteracted girder deflection as the tip
a hard shoulder. Consideration has been reached the next pier, also reducing bending
given to future usage, allowing it to be effects during cantilevering. The pulling JUDGES’ COMMENT
adapted to light rapid transport systems in system consisted of cables anchored to the
the future. rear part of the girders. Hydraulic jacks
transferred the pulling load to the In a landscape comprising the Forth
The AVS was pre-assembled before being permanent abutment bearing plinths. The Bridge and the Forth Road Bridge, the
progressively launched into place. Assembly decks were pulled at an average speed of new Queensferry Crossing, Britain’s
took place in an efficient and controlled 10m/hr. tallest bridge, cannot fail to impress.
environment, keeping work out on the This scheme for the southern approach
estuary to a minimum. However, this Construction of the concrete deck slab and viaduct embodies the knowledge in
created significant engineering challenges. cantilevers was undertaken in phases. design, fabrication and long-term
maintenance, in the launching and
The steel twin box girders of the viaduct The bridge has low level deck lighting finishing the twin box viaducts, from
were fabricated and pre-assembled by which reduces costs, improves safety and some of the world’s most
Cleveland Bridge in Darlington. The minimises external light pollution. The wind accomplished bridge builders.
Architect: FaulknerBrowns
Structural Engineer: s h e d
Steelwork Contractor: Harry Marsh (Engineers) Ltd
Main Contractor: Tolent Construction
Client: The Foundation of Light
The Beacon of Light is a unique The use of a steel frame was fundamental to: The project provides a superb community
landmark in Sunderland providing facility for the people of Sunderland. Its
educational aspiration through the • keep the amount of piling to a minimum amazing column-free spaces and structural
power of sport. It is a combination of a thus reducing environmental impact. forms inside will themselves be an
school, offices, a 12-court sports hall • allow the M&E flexibility by creating clear inspiration to those who use the building
that doubles as a 3,000-seat soffits in the main service run directions throughout its lifespan, in particular the
performance venue and an indoor keeping coordination simple and two-way spanning 60m by 60m roof
football pitch on the roof. In total over fabrication modifications, such as holes in which has a design weight of 44kg/m2.
10,500m2 of accommodation is beams, to a minimum. It is particularly shallow and required a
provided, built to a very high quality, • create a 60m by 32m clear span sports hall detailed erection sequence and temporary
for only £17M. Architecturally it is a that can be converted into a 3,000-4,000 works to make it possible. The whole roof
significant feature on the Sunderland seat performance venue that has a football and polycarbonate frame is in an unheated
skyline and a beacon for the Foundation pitch over it. It has five different possible space and is thermally isolated from the
of Light. uses planned and is designed to be so main warm frame underneath.
flexible that the adjacent main
Early in the design concept it was accommodation at the upper levels is
decided that a steel frame would provide supported by super trusses to accommodate
a flexible solution that would allow the extra viewing and seating zones with JUDGES’ COMMENT
design to develop right up to the start uninterrupted views.
on site. Without the steel frame the • design a very lightweight and very shallow
project would not have been affordable, two-way spanning fabric roof structure and A new landmark in regenerating
nor would it have been as dramatic and a feature ‘Beacon’ polycarbonate façade Sunderland, this glowing cube of a
elegant, from the sports and leisure that can come alive at night with lighting. building, a home for the Foundation of
venue right through to the indoor • create a building that fits the superb Light, is a community-supported
rooftop football pitch under a 60m by architecture, within the tight budget, to a combination of school, sports halls and
60m clear span fabric roof. very high aesthetic standard. 3,000-seater performance venue. It even
includes a covered football pitch on the
roof. The steel frame economically
resolves structural challenges from
foundations to its 60m by 60m clear
span fabric roof.
Designed for cyclists and pedestrians to Power and communications cables run Every single element of the bridge had a
cross from Camley Street into King’s concealed behind the top flanges of the bridge. structural meaning and function. For
Cross Central, a landmark redevelopment Whole-life energy-efficient LED strip instance, it was designed so no longitudinal
project, the bridge spans 38m, weighs 52 luminaires light up the footway within the stiffeners would be needed, simplifying the
tonnes and is only 1,100mm deep at mid- handrails. This arrangement reduces the structure as well as reducing fabrication
span and 400mm deep at the ends. In amount of light required to illuminate the complexity and cost.
keeping with the Victorian heritage of the footpath, as well as minimising light pollution.
area, the bridge is unadorned and The bridge was installed using a 750-tonne
streamlined, focusing attention on The use of steel construction facilitated both mobile crane. The lift had to be carefully
extremely detailed and precise offsite fabrication and single piece lifting that controlled due to the proximity of the
craftsmanship and high-quality materials. were required to avoid disruptive canal and the operational railway lines in
construction methods on this heavily and out of St Pancras Station.
A sweeping ramp leads people up to the trafficked section of canal. This also enabled
bridge and over the water with an elegant the offsite and on-site construction activities
parapet transitioning from planed to run in parallel with associated programme
hardwood to stainless steel. benefits. A lightweight deck also minimised
foundation works. JUDGES’ COMMENT
By locating the structural depth above deck
level, the design maintains a clear view of The bridge was optimised to meet the
A sweeping ramp leads up to this almost
the canal south from St Pancras Lock. architect’s aspiration for a slender structure
impossibly slender steel bridge. Designed
that would minimise the shade on the canal.
for pedestrians and cyclists, the bridge
One of the planning design drivers was Non-linear analysis of the slender deck
improves access into King’s Cross
that this should be a ‘green bridge’, ensured that the slenderness would not
Central, a landmark redevelopment
taking minimum material use to the compromise safety and would provide
project. The simplicity of its unadorned
extreme that it becomes the defining maximum comfort for users of the bridge.
and streamlined form focuses attention
feature of architectural simplicity. With Particular care was placed on satisfying the
onto the bridge’s high-quality materials
the use of steel, and its high recycled user comfort criteria, which led to the use of
and precise craftsmanship.
material content, this has resulted in a bespoke tuned mass dampers at mid-span to
low carbon solution. supress vertical and torsional dynamic modes
of the deck.
Architect: astudio
Structural Engineer: Heyne Tillett Steel
Steelwork Contractor: TSI Structures Ltd
Main Contractor: Willmott Dixon
Client: Stanhope
Walthamstow Wetlands
Architect: make
Structural Engineer: WSP UK Ltd
Steelwork Contractor: William Hare
Main Contractor: Multiplex Construction Europe
Client: London Wall Place Limited Partnership
Architect: BDP
Structural Engineer: Arcadis Consulting (UK) Ltd
Steelwork Contractor: Severfield
Main Contractor: Morgan Sindall – Manchester (Construction)
Client: Network Rail
© Hufton + Crow
Architect: make
Structural Engineer: WSP UK Ltd
Steelwork Contractor: William Hare
Main Contractor: Multiplex Construction Europe
Client: London Wall Place Limited Partnership
Entrants should ensure that all parties of the design team have Further Details
been informed of the entry. All correspondence regarding the submission of entries should be
addressed to:
CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES Chris Dolling, BCSA, Unit 4 Hayfield Business Park,
Friday 22nd February 2019 Field Lane, Auckley, Doncaster DN9 3FL
Tel: 020 7747 8133 Email: [email protected]
Sponsored by The British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd and Trimble Solutions (UK) Ltd.
(including email addresses) Company Name: ................................................................................
Address: ..............................................................................................
Email: ..................................................................................................
Declaration of Eligibility
As the representative of the organisation entering this structure in Steelwork Contractor (see note 7 opposite page)
the Structural Steel Design Awards 2019, I declare that this steel-
based structure has been fabricated by a UK or Irish steelwork Company Name: ................................................................................
contractor. It was completed during the calendar years 2017-2018.
It has not been previously entered for this Awards Scheme. Address: ..............................................................................................
Signed: ....................................................... Date: ............................
Contact: ............................................ Tel: ..........................................
On behalf of: ..................................................................................... Email: ..................................................................................................
Email: ..................................................................................................
Submission Material
The submission material which should be hard copies,
should include:
• Completed entry form
• Description of the outstanding features of the structure Company Name: ................................................................................
(c 1,000 words), addressing the key criteria listed opposite,
together with the relevant cost data if available Address: ..............................................................................................
• Architectural site plan ............................................................................................................
• Not more than six unmounted drawings (eg. plans, sections,
elevations, isometrics) illustrating the essential features of Contact: ............................................ Tel: ..........................................
significance in relation to the use of steel
Email: ..................................................................................................
• Eight different unmounted colour photographs which should
include both construction phase and finished images
• Memory stick containing the images submitted as digital Entry material should be posted to:
JPEG files at 300dpi A5 size minimum and an electronic Chris Dolling, BCSA, Unit 4 Hayfield Business Park,
copy of description text in Word (not pdf format) Field Lane, Auckley, Doncaster DN9 3FL
to arrive by not later than 22nd February 2019
BCSA Limited is the national organisation for the steel The principal objectives of the Association are to
construction industry. Its Member companies undertake the promote the use of structural steelwork; to assist
design, fabrication and erection of steelwork for all forms of specifiers and clients; to ensure that the capabilities and
construction in building and civil engineering. Industry Members activities of the industry are widely understood and to
are those principal companies involved in the direct supply to all provide members with professional services in
or some Members of components, materials or products. technical, commercial, contractual, certification and
Corporate Members are clients, main contractors, professional health and safety matters.
offices, educational establishments etc which support the
development of national specifications, quality, fabrication and For further information please visit
erection techniques, overall industry efficiency and good practice.
A B O U T T R I M B L E S O LU T I O N S ( U K ) LT D
Trimble is transforming the way the world works by Tekla software solutions for advanced BIM and structural
delivering products and services that connect the physical and engineering are produced by Trimble. Trimble’s construction
digital worlds. Core technologies in positioning, modeling, offering ranges from total stations to advanced software,
connectivity and data analytics enable customers to improve giving the industry tools to transform planning, design,
productivity, quality, safety and sustainability. From purpose- construction and operation of buildings. Tekla software is at
built products to enterprise lifecycle solutions, Trimble the heart of the design and construction workflow, building
software, hardware and services are transforming a broad on the free flow of information, constructible models and
range of industries such as agriculture, construction, collaboration. Information on Tekla software can be found
geospatial and transportation and logistics. at