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Name: _______________________________________ Gr. & Sec.: ________ Date:________

I. Read the following sentences carefully then encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is the ability of metal to be hammered flat. Gold, silver and copper are
examples of this that can be formed into different pieces of jewelry.
`A. Ductility B. Malleability C. Flexibility D. Brittleness
2. It is the ability of a material to be stretched or pulled out and be formed into thin
A. Ductility B. Malleability C. Brittleness D. Elasticity
3. Characteristic of the plastic object that can be bent without breaking, can be
folded, pressed or stored.
A. Elasticity B. Brittleness C. flexibility D. Hardness
4. It is the characteristics of rubber materials that can be stretched and returned to
their original form when released.
A. Elasticity B. Malleability C. Brittleness D. Hardness

5. It is anything occupy space and has mass and weight.

A. Matter B. Solubility C. Particles D. Organism

II. Describe the properties of materials. Match column A with column B. Write the letter
of the correct answer.

6. Paper clip A. Elasticity
7. Electrical wire B. Malleability
8. Casserole C. Ductility
9. Garter D. Conductor of heat
10. Gold earrings E. Flexibility

III. Classify the following materials into:

For Home Maintenance For Personal Hygiene For Laundry and

11. 13. 15.
12. 14. 16
Hair conditioner bleach detergent muriatic acid lubricant metal polisher
bath soap

IV. Read the sentences carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer.

17. What is the ability of the material to react and produce new materials when
combined with oxygen, acid and water?
A. Physical Reaction C. Adjustment of objects
B. Chemical Reactivity D. Combustion

18. What is being formed as a sign of chemical reaction when tools made of iron
combined with oxygen and moisture in the air?
A. Rust B. Water bubbles C. Gas D. water vapor
19. What kind of gas is produced when we combined “Kalburo” and water?
A. Carbon dioxide B. oxygen C. acecyteline gas D. hydrogen
20. What is the chemical reactivity of baking soda and vinegar?
A. it dissolves B. it produces bubbles C. It produces heat D. No reaction

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