Question Bank

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Chapter 8.


MCQ's ( I Mark Each)

1) A metal foil of negligible thickness is introduced between two plates of a capacitor at the
centre. The capacitance of capacitor will be
a) Half
b) Double
c) Same
d) K times
Ans: c) Same

2) Capacitance (in F) ofa spherical conductor of radius lm is

a) l.l X 10·10
b) 9 X 10-9
c) 10-6
d) I0·3
Ans: a) 1.1 x 10·1•
3) A dipole is placed in a uniform electric field , its potential energy will be minimum when
the angle between its axis and field is
a) 2,r
b) 7t

c) ;

d) Zero

Ans: d) Zero

4) If an electron is brought towards another electron, the electric potential energy of the
a) decreases
b) increases
c) Becomes zero
d) Remains same

Ans: b) increases.

5) The work done in carrying a charge Q once round a circle of radius r with charge q at the
centre of the circle is

_I_ J}_
a) 41T£ r

b) ...!L9....
41T.f r

c) Zero

d) Jk!L

Ans: c) Zero

6) You are given a number of capacitors labelled as 8µF - 250V. Find the number of
capacitors needed to get an arrangement equivalent of I 6µF - I000V.
a) 4
b) 16
c) 32
d) 64

Ans: c)32

7) A parallel plate capacitor with oil between the plates (dielectric constant of oil, k = 2) has
a capacitance C. If the oil is removed, then the capacitance of the capacitor becomes
a) 2C

b) c...{2.
c) ..[z

d) ~
Ans: d) ~

Very Short Answer (VSA) ( I MARK Each )

I. What do you mean by dielectric polarization?

2. Which physical quantity has its unit as J/C? Is it a scalar or vector?
3. What are linear isotropic di.electrics?
4. What happens to the energy stored in a capacitor, if the plates of a charged capacitor are
drawn apart, the battery remaining connected?
5. What is equipotential surface?
6. The mean free path of electrons in a is 4 x I 0·8 m. Find the electric field, in units of
V/m, which can give on an average 2 eV energy to an electron in the metal.
(Ans: E= V/d=5x 107 Vlm)

7. Find the electric potential at the surface of an atomic nucleus(Z=50) of radius 9 x I 0·13
cm. (Ans: V = 8 x JO' V)
8. The capacity of a parallel p late capacitor is 10 µF when the distance between its plates is
9 cm. What will be its capacity if the distance between the plates is reduced by 6 cm.
(Ans: C1 . JOpF)

Short Answer I (SAl) (2 MARKS Each)

1) Explain the principle of a capacitor.

2) Obtain an expression for the electric field intensity at a point outside uniformly charged
infinite plane sheet.
3) What are polar and non-polar dielectrics.
4) State the principle of working of the van de Graaff generator.
5) Draw a neat, labelled diagram of the Van de Graaff generator.
6) Draw neat, labelled diagram for equipotential surfaces for a dipole.
7) Two capacitors each of capacity 2 µF are connected in parallel. This system is connected

in series with a third capacitor of 12µF capacity. Find the equivalent capacity of the
system. (Ans: JµF)
8) Two spheres A and B of radius a and b respectively are at the same potential. Find the
ratio of the surface charge densities of A and B. (Ans: -
= b/a)
9) A molecule with a dipole moment p is placed in an electric field of strength E. Initially the
dipole is aligned parallel to the field . If the dipole is to be rotated to be anti-parallel to the
field, find the work required to be done by an external agent (Ans.: W= 2pE)

S.bort Answer II (SA2) ( 3 MARKS Each)

1) Derive an expression for the effective capacitance of three parallel plate capacitors
connected in series.
2) Obtain an expression for the energy stored in a charged condenser. Express it in different
3) Obtain an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor without a dielectric.
4) State properties of conductors in electrostatic conditions.
5) Write principle and explain construction of Van de Graaff generator.
6) Two parallel plate capaci.tors X and Y have the same area of the plates and same
separation between them, are connected in series to a battery of 15 V. X has air between
the plates while Y contains a dielectric of constant k = 2.

i) Calculate the capacitance of each capacitor if equivalent capacitance of the combination
is 2 µF. ii) Calculate the potential difference between the plates of X and Y. iii) What is
the ratio of the electrostatic energy stored in X and Y?
(Ans.: i) Cx = JµF C,= 6µF, ii) Vx = JO V, = 5 V iii) Energy stored ,xi I Energy
stored "' = 2 : J )
7) Find the amount of work done in rotating an electric dipole of dipole moment 3.2 x
I Q·RCm from its position of stable equilibrium to the position of unstable equilibrium in a
uniform electric field if intensity 10' N / C. (Ans: 6.4 x JO-' J)
8) Three-point charges +q, +2q and Q are placed at the three vertices of an equilateral
triangle. Find the value of charge Q (in terms of q), so that electric potential energy of the
system is zero. (Ans.: Q =-2q I J)

Long Answer (LA) ( 4 marks Each)

I) Obtain an expression for the potential energy of a dipole in an external field.

2) Find the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with dielectric slab between the plates.
3) Derive an expression for the electric potential due to an electric dipole.


MCQ'S (I Mark Each)

I) Kirchhoff's second law (voltage law) is based on

a) conservation of charge

b) conservation of mass

c) conservation of energy

d) conservation of momentum
Ans: c) conservation of energy

2) When unknown resistance is determined by meter bridge, the error due to contact resistance is
mfoimised by

a) connecting both the resistances only in one gap

b) interchanging the position of known and unknown resistances

c) using uniform wire

d) obtaining the null point near the ends of the wire

Ans: b) interchanging the position of known and unknown resistances.

3) The SI unit of potential gradient is

a) V/cm b)V-m

c) V/m d)V-cm
Ans: c) V/m

4) Instrument which can measure terminal potential difference as well as electromotive force
(emf) is

a) Wheatstone's meter bridge

b) voltmeter

c) potentiometer

d) galvanometer
Ans.: c) potentiometer

5) When null point is obtained in the potentiometer, the current is drawn from the

a) main battery

b) cell battery

c) both main and cell battery

d) neither main nor cell battery

Ans.: a) main battery

6) lf potential gradient of a wire decreases, then its length

a) remains constant

b) decreases

c) increases

d) none of the above

Ans.: c) increases

7) Four resistances 4 0 ,80 , XO and 120 are connected in a series to form Wheatstone's
network. If the network is balanced, the value of Xis

a) 24 b) 18

c) 12 d) 8

Ans: a) 24

Very Short Answer (VSA) ( 1 MARK Each )

l) State Kirchhoff's first (current) law.

2) State Kirchhoff's second (voltage) law.
3) What is the basis of Kirchhoff's current law and voltage law?
4) Are Kirchhoff's laws applicable to both AC and DC circuits?
5) Define potential gradient.
6) On what factors does the potential gradient of the wire depend?
7) What is the SI unit of potential gradient?
8) State any one use of a potentiometer.
9) A voltmeter has resistance of 100 0. What will be its reading when it is connected across
a celJ of emf 6 V and internal resistance 20 O? (Ans: 5 J1

I OJ ln a meter bridge, two unknown resistances R and S, when connected between the two
gaps, gives a null point is 60 cm from one end. What is the ratio ofR and S?
(Ans: J/1)

Short Answer I (SA 1) ( 2 MARKS Each )

I. What are the disadvantages of a potentiometer over a voltmeter?
2. Distinguish between a potentiometer and a voltmeter.
3. Distinguish between an ammeter and a voltmeter.
4. How do you calculate the shunt required to increase the length small n times?
5. Define: a) electrical circuit b) Junction
6. Calculate the value of the shunt resistance when connected across a galvanometer of
resistance 180 will allow 1/ 10th of the current to pass through the galvanometer.
7. Four resistances 60,60,60 and I 80 form a Wheatstone bridge. Find the resistance which
connected across the l 80 resistance will balance the network. (Ans: 9 ~
8. The maximum safe voltage that can be measured using a galvanometer of resistance G is
Vm • Find the resistance to be connected in series with the galvanometer so that it becomes
a voltmeter of range nV m· IAns: (n-1) GJ

Short Answer II (SAl) ( 3 MARKS Each )

I) Explain with a neat circuit diagram. How you will determine the unknown resistances
using a meter bridge.
2) State any two sources of errors in the metre bridge experiment. Explain how they
can be minimised.
3) What is potential gradient? How is it measured? Explain.
4) Describe bow a potentiometer is used to compare the emf's of two cells by connecting the
cells individually.
5) A cell of E.M.F I .SY and negligible internal resistance is connected in series with a

potential meter of length 10 m and total resistance 20 0. What resistance should be

introduced in the resistance box such that the potential drop across the potentiometer is
one microvolt per cm of the wire? 3 (Ans: 19980 Q>
6) In a meter bridge, the balance point is found to be at 39.5 cm from the end A when the
resistor R is of 12.5 n (right gap).
a) Determine the resistance of X (left gap).
b) Determine the balance point of the bridge if X and Rare interchanged?

c) What happens if the galvanometer and cell are interchanged at the balance point of the
bridge? (Ans: a) 8.16 0 b) 60.5 cm)
7) The emf of a standard cell is I .SV and is balanced by a length of 300 cm of a
potentiometer with l O m long wire. Find the percentage error in a voltmeter which
balances at 350 cm when its reading is l .8 V. 3 (Ans: 2.8571 %)

Long Answer ( LA) ( 4 marks Each)

I) Describe with the help of a neat circuit diagram how you will detennine the internal
resistance of a cell by using a potentiometer. Derive the necessary formula.
2) Describe how a potentiometer is used to compare the emf's of two cells by the
combination method.
3) State the uses of a potentiometer. Why is a potentiometer preferred over a voltmeter for
measuring emf?

@ Exercises)-, 0000000000000000000 oo oo,, ooo, oo, . , _ , oo 00000 000000000000000000000, oo

1. C hoose the correcl oplfon. (A) 2 n (B) 4 n

i) Kirchhofrs first law, i.e., r.t = O at a (C) 8 n (D) 16 n
junction, deals with the conservation of 2. Answer in brief.
(A) charge (B) energy i) Define or describe a Potentiometer.
(C) momentum (0) mass ii) Define Potential Gradient.
ii) When tbe balance point is obtained in the iii) Why should not the jockey be slided
potentiometer, a current is drawn from along the potentiometer wire?
(A) both the cells and auxitiary banery iv) Are Kirchhoffs laws applicable for both
(B) cell only AC and DC currents?
(C) auxiliary battery only v) In a Wheatstone's meter-bridge
(D) neither cell nor auxiliary battery experiment, the null point is obtained in
iii) In the following circuit dfagram, an middle one third portion of wire. Why is
infinite series of resistances is shown. it recommended?
Equivalent resistance between points A vi) State any two sources of errors in meter-
and B is bridge experiment. Explain how they can

IQ IQ l!l IQ
be minimized.
vii) What is potential gradient? How is it
measured? Explain.
viii) On what factors does the potential
(A) infinite (B) zero gradient of the wire depend?
(C)2!2 (D) 1.5 n ix) Why is potentiometer preferred over a
iv) Four resistances 10 n, 10 n, IO n and voltmeter for measuring emf?
15 n form a Wheatstone's network. What x) State the uses of a potentiometer.
shunt is required across 15 n resistor to xi) What are the disadvantages of a
balance the bridge potentiometer?
(A) 10 n (B) 15 n xii) Distingulsh between a potentiometer and
(C) 20 n (D) 30 n a voltmeter.
v) A circular loop has a resistance of 40 n. xiii) What will be the effect on the position
Two points P and Q of the loop, which are of zero deflection if only the current
one quarter of the circumference apart flowing through the potentiometer wire is
are connected to a 24 V battery, having (i) increased (ii) decrea sed.
an internal resistance of 0.5 n. What is 3. Obtain the balancing condition in case of
the current flowing through the battery. a Wheatstone's network.
(A) 0.5 A (B) IA 4. Explain with neat circuit diagram,
(C)2A (D)3A how you will determine the unknown
vi) To find the resistance of ai gold bangle, resistance by using a meter-bridge.
two diametrically opposite· points of the 5. Describe Kelvin's method to dctcnnine
bangle are connected to the two terminals the resistance of a galvanometer by using
of the left gap of a metre bridge. A
a meter bridge.
resistance of 4 n is introduced in the right
6. Describe how a potentiometer is used
gap. What is the resistance of the bangle
to compare the emfs of two cells by
if the null point is at 20 cm from the left
connecting the cells individually.
7. Describe how a potentiometer is used
15. When two cells of emfs. £ 1 and £ i
to compare the emfs of two cells by are connected in series so as to assist
combination method. each other, their balancing length on a
8. Describe with the help of a neat circuit potentiometer is found to be 2. 7 m. When
diagram how you will detennine the the cells are connected in series so as to
internal resistance of a cell by using oppose each other, the balancing length
a potentiometer. Derive the necessary is found to be 0.3 m. Compare the emfs
formula. of the two cells.
9. On what factors does the internal [Ans: 1.25]
resistance of a cell depend? 16. The emf ,o f a cell is balanced by a length
10. A battery of emf 4 volt and internal of 120 cm of potentiometer wire. When
resistance I n is connected in para lie! with the cell is shunted by a res is ta nee of I 0
another battery of emf I V and internal .n, the balancing length is reduced by 20
resistance I n (with their like poles cm. Find the internal resistance of the
connected together). The combination is cell.
used to send current through an external [Ans: r = 2Ohm]
resistance of 2 n. Calculate the current 17. A potential drop per unit length along a
through the extema I resista nee. wire is 5 x I 0·3 V/m. If the emf of a cell
[Ans: I A) balances against length 216 cm of this
11. Two cells of emf 1.5 Volt and 2 Volt potentiometer wire, find the emf of the
having respective internal resistances of I cell.
n and 2 n are connected in. parallel so as (Ans: 0.01080 V]
to send current in same direction through I 8. The resis ta nee of a potentiometer wire is
an external resistance of 5 n. Find the 8 n and its length is 8 m. A resistance box
and a 2 V battery are connected in series
current through the extema I resistance.
with it. What should be the resistance in
[Ans: 5/ 17 A]
the box, if it is desired to have a potential
12. A voltmeter has a resistance 30 n. What
drop of I µV/mm?
will be its reading, when it is connected
[Ans: 15992 ohm]
across a cell of emf 2 V having internal
19. Find the equivalent resistance between
resistance IO !l?
the tenninals of A and 8 in the network
(Ans: 1.5 V) shown in the figure below given that the
13. A set of three coils having resistances
resistance of each resistor is IO ohm.
IO n, 12 n and 15 n are connected in
parallel. This combination is connected
in series with series combination of three 1-1,
coils of the same resistances. Calcu.late 0 ·-...rvVV\./V\,"+-I H
the total resistance and current through
the circuit, if a battery of emf 4.1 Volt is
used for drawing current. ~-----ti D
[Ans: 0.1 A]
[Ans: 14 Ohm]
14. A potentiometer wire has a length of 1.5
20. A voltmeter has a resistance of
m and resistance of 10 n. It is connected
100 n. What wiJI be its reading when it
in series with the cell of emf 4 Volt and
is connected across a cell of emf 2 V and
internal resistance 5 n. Calculate the
internal resistance 20 !l?
potential drop per centimeter of the wire.
(Ans: 1.66 V]
[Ans: 0.0178 V/cm]

l. C hoose the correct option. 2. Answer in brief.
i) If the rms current in a 50 Hz AC circuit i) An electric la mp is connected in series
is 5A, the va lue of the current 1/300 with a capacitor and an AC source is
seconds after its va lue becomes zero is glowing with a certa in brightness. How

✓2 A
does the brightness of the lamp change
(A) 5 (B) SJ{ A on increasing the capacitance ?
5 ii) The tota l impedance of a circuit
(C) ¾A D) - A
Ji. decreases when a capacitor is added in
series with Land R. Explain why?
ii) A resistor of 500 n and an inductance
iii) For very high frequency AC supply, a
of 0.5 H are in series with an AC source
capacitor behaves like a pure conductor.
which is given by V = 100 ✓ 2 sin (1000 Why?
t). The power factor of the combination iv) What is wattles current ?
is v) What is the natura l frequency of L C
(A) -1 (B) ✓ 3 circuit ? What is the reactance of this
✓ 2
circuit at this frequency
(C) 0.5 (D) 0.6
3. ln a series LR circuit XL = Rand power
iii) ln a circuit L, C & R are connected m factor of the circuit is P 1 • When capacitor
series with an alternating voltage of with capacitance C such that XL= Xe is
frequency f. the c urrent leads the voltage put in series, the power factor becomes
by 45°. The value of C is P1• Calcula te P, I P1 •
I 4. When an AC source is connected to an
{A) rr/(2,rfL-R) idea l inductor show that the average
power supplied by the source over a
complete cycle is zero.
(B) 2,r /(2,rfL-R) 5. Prove that an idea l capacitor in an AC
circuit does not dissipate power
(C) I 6. (a) An emf e = e0 sin rot applied to
,cf (2,cJL - R)
a series L - C - R circuit derives a
I current/ = 10sinrot in the circuit. Deduce
(D) 2,r /(2,rjL+ R) the expression for the average power
iv) ln an AC circuit, e and i are given bye= dissipated in the circuit.
150 sin (150t) V and i = 150 sin ( 150 t + (b) For circuits used for transporting
; ) A. the power diss ipated in the circuit
electric power, a low power factor
implies la rge power loss in transmission.
(A) 106W (B) !SOW
7. A device Y is connected across a n AC
(C) 5625W (D) Zero source of emf e = e0sinml The c urrent
v) ln a series LCR circuJit the phase through Y is given as i = i0sin( <IJI + 1th)
difference between the voltage and the a) Identify the device Y a nd write the
c urrent is 45°. Then the power factor will expression for its reactance.
be b) Draw graphs showing variation of emf
(A) 0.607 (B) 0.707 and current with time over one cycle of
(C) 0.808 (D) I AC for Y.
c) How does the reactance of the device the reading of the AC galvanometer
Y vary with the frequency of the AC ? connected in the circuit?
Show graphically (Ans: ii= 2.2 sin (I001t t-n/2), 1.555A)
d) Draw the phasor diagram for the device 17. A 25 µF capacitor, a 0.10 H inductor
Y. and a 250 resistor are connected in
8. Derive an expression for tihe impedance series with an AC source whose emf is
of an LCR circuit connected to an AC given by e = 310 sin 314 t (volt). What
power supply. is the frequency, reactance, impedance,
9. Compare resistance and reactance. current and phase angle of the circuit?
10. Show that in an AC circ11.1it containing (Ans: 50Hz, 95.90, 99.10, 2.21A, 1.31
a pure inductor. the voltage is ahead of rad]
current by rr/2 in phase. I8. A capacitor of 100 µF, a coil of
11. An AC source generating a voltage
resistance 500 and an inductance 0.5
e = e0sin wt is connected to a capacitor
H are connected in series with a I JO
of capacitance C. Find the expression
V-501-lz source. Calculate the rrns value
for the current i flowing through it Plot
of current in the circuit.
a graph of e and i versus wt.
[Ans: 0.816A]
12. If the effective current in a 50 cycle AC
circuit is 5 A. what is the :peak value of 19. Find the capacity of a capacitor which
current? What is the current 1/600 sec. when put in series with a 100 resis tor
after if was zero? makes the power factor equal to 0.5.
[Ans: 7.07A, 3.535 A] Assume an 80V-l00Hz AC supply.
13. A light bulb is rated I 00W for 220 V AC [Ans: 9.2 X 10·5 F)
supply of50 Hz. Calculate (a) resistance 20. Find the time required for a 50 Hz
of the bulb. (b) the ans current through alternating current to change its value
the bulb. from zero to the nns value.
[Ans: 4840, 0.45A] [Ans: 2.5 x 10·3 s]
14. A I 5.0 µF capacitor is connected to a 21. Calculate the value of capacity in
220 V, 50 Hz source. Find 'lhe capacitive picofara,d, which will make 101.4
reactance and the current (rms and peak) micro henry inductance to oscillate with
in the circuit. If the frequency is doubled, frequency of one megahertz.
what will happen to tbe capacitive [Ans: 249.7 picofarad]
reactance and the current. 22. A 10 µf capacitor is charged to a
[Ans: 2120, 1.04 A. 1.47A, halved, 25 volt of potential. The battery is
doubled] disconnected and a pure 100 m H coil
15. AnAC circuitconsistsofonly an inductor is connected across the capacitor so that
of inductance 2 H. If the current is LC osciUations are set up. Calculate the
represented by a sine wave of amplitude maximum current in the coil.
0.25 A and frequency 60 Hz, calculate [Ans: 0.25 A]
the effective potential difference across 23. A 100 µF capacitor is charged with a 50
the inductor (7t = 3.142) V source supply. Then source supply is
[Ans: 133.32V)
removed and the capacitor is connected
16. Alternating emf of e = 220 sin 100 7tt
across an inductance, as a result of which
is applied to a circuit containing an
5Acurrent flows through the inductance.
inductance of ( I/7t) henry. Write an
Calculate the value of the inductance.
equation for instantaneous current
[Ans: 0.01 HJ
through the circuit. What will be


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