IB Physics IA Ideas Investigations - Ideas
IB Physics IA Ideas Investigations - Ideas
IB Physics IA Ideas Investigations - Ideas
Internal Assessment
Investigation Ideas
Investigation Title Area of Interest
How does the tension and diameter of a string eect the fundamental frequency? Guitar strings
How does sugar concentration aect the refractive index of water? Refractometers / fizzy drinks / wine/ telescopes, etc
How does the voltage across the accelerating electric field aect the spacing of the diraction pattern for electron Particle accelerators / electron microscopes
diraction (using a Teltron Tube)
How does temperature aect the viscosity of fluids? Sweet making / ketchup etc
Investigate factors that aect the flight of an elastic band Catapults, etc
Investigate the Young Modulus of materials Fishing line? Suspension bridges
Investigate the internal resistances of cells and what factors aect it? e.g, temperature of battery? Type of battery? Battery life in high tech appliances
Investigate the factors that aect fluid damping of an object in SHM. e.g. Area of damping card, viscosity of Suspension systems
surrounding fluid, etc.
Investigating magnetic braking. e.g. magnets through copper pipes, rolling down an aluminium rail Magnetic suspension systems
Investigate factors that aect the surface tension of water Pond skaters etc
Investigate factors aecting the lift produced by a model helicopter Flight
How does sugar concentration aect the optical activity of a solution? (i.e. rotation) Refractometers / fizzy drinks / wine/ telescopes, etc
Investigate the factors aecting the eciency of a motor (e.g. no. of coils, strength / shape of magnets, etc) Motor Sport, ecologically sound machines (e.g. washing
machines, etc)
Factors aecting the eciency of a transformer Global energy transportation, electrical engineering,
Determine the width of a human hair using diraction Hair!, optics, lasers
How the voltage across two oppositely charged metal plates aects the frequency of metal-covered a ping pong ball Time, clocks, electrostatics, high voltage supplies