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unsuitable formation if prior to the construction of the work, the Contractor shall have failed to call the attention
of the Engineer thereto in writing. If in the opinion of Engineer a formation is unsound as a result of the
Contractor failing to keep the excavation free from water the Engineer shall order the removal and disposal of
the unsound material and the filling of the resulting void. The Contractor shall execute the work as directed and
shall have no claim against the Engineer of any costs thus incurred.
Before & during the backfilling of trench, precautions shall be taken against floatation of the pipe line due to
entry of large quantity of water into the trench causing the uplift of the empty or partly filled pipeline.
Regarding this CPHEEO manual clause should be taken into consideration. Upon completion of the
backfill the surface shall be restored fully to the level that existed prior to the construction of sewer. But it is the
entire responsibility of the contractor to back fill properly & restore the surface.
Holes made for de-watering pipes shall be filled with bentonite as soon as the de-watering equipment is
withdrawn. The backfill material shall be suitable to refill the holes completely and the Contractor shall ensure
no voids remain.
Permanent Reinstatement
It should be done as per standard code in practice & as mentioned in tender document
i. Moisture Content Test: It should be done, as per frequency and as per standard code of practice
ii. Compaction Control Test: It should be done, as per frequency and as per standard code of practice
Necessary timbering, shuttering/shoring etc. shall be provided and complete safety of labour
working inside trenches and at other sites shall be ensured by the Contractor. The price quoted shall
include for all such items and nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
Alignment marking
After the work site is cleared as above, pipe line alignment with required trench width shall be marked
on the ground with apex points, curves etc, as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge in charge for the stretch where the work is to be started. The contractor shall provide all labour,
survey instruments, and materials such as strings, pegs, nails, bamboos, stones, mortar, concrete etc.
required for setting out and establishment of bench marks. The contractor shall be responsible for the
maintenance of bench marks and other marks and stakes as long as they are required for the work in
the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge.
Working survey
Working survey of the pipeline alignment shall be carried out by the contractor before start of the
excavation work. The contractor shall provide all the instruments such as levelling instruments, steel
tape, ranging rods, strings, pegs etc. for carrying out the survey. Based on the working survey, the
alignments, L-section (depth of laying), grade, and location of manholes and inspection chambers
shall be finalized and got approved from the Engineer-in-charge.
1.16 Execution
It should be done as per standard code in practice. The excavation for foundations, footings,
trenches, etc, shall be carefully got out to net width and depth as shown on the drawings. "Battering"
or "Benching" to the sides of excavation shall have the prior approval of the Engineer. However,
Contractor shall have to submit the methodology of excavation. Extra excavation (i.e. excavation
beyond the limits required by the drawings),carried out without prior approval of the Engineer will
not be measured and such extra excavation will be filled in at the Contractor's expenses with
concrete (mix specified by the Engineer) well rammed in position and brought up to the required
level. No foundation shall be put in the excavation before the same is measured and sanctioned by
the Engineer. The Contractor shall protect the excavation from the effect of the weather or other
damage and make good the damages if any to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Pit and trench bottom
shall be smoothened and lightly rammed to a uniform surface and such portion of boulders or rock,
as required shall be removed to make the bottom to the required level.
The item shall include dry or wet excavation and removal of excavated material and its stacking and
disposal in a manner hereinafter specified. The water met with if any shall be bailed or pumped out
by the Contractor as necessary at his own cost. The Contractor shall provide all materials and all
labour necessary for the excavation and completion of the works in accordance with the drawings
and specifications and the intent there of the Contractor shall provide necessary protection to labour,
materials equipment etc. to ensure safety against risk and accident. The BIS standard in this regard
shall be followed (IS: 3764-1992-Code of Safety for Excavation Works – 1st Revision, reaffirmed in
2007). The Contractor shall be liable to pay compensation for injury to life, and damage to property,
if any, caused due to any operation connected with this item. The Contractor shall hand over the site
of work in neat and tidy condition after completion of work and shall remove all rubbish of
construction work. The Contractor shall carry out the work of trial pit of required size and depth and
at places as directed by the Engineer to accurately locate and determine the soil strata and water
table and shall fill back as required and as ordered.
The Contractor shall make all proper provisions for protecting the work by fencing and by watch-
and-ward and lighting at night, or otherwise as may be directed by the Engineer. In the event of
Contractor not fully complying with the provisions of fencing, lighting, watch-and-ward, etc, the
Engineer may with or without notice to the Contractor put up a fence, improve the lighting and
adopt such other measures as he may deem necessary for the safety and all costs of such works
including penalty to the Contractor, up to a maximum of Rs.1000/ (Rupees one thousand only) per
day per site. The Contractor shall also provide and display special boards painted with fluorescent
paints indicating the progress of the work during the execution of works at particular site/location.
Wherever shoring is found necessary by the Engineer, the Contractor shall provide the same in the
best possible manner with the materials as required and as directed by the Engineer to his complete
satisfaction. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing secured shoring and for taking every
other precaution which may be necessary or proper for protecting any building or any other structure
from getting damaged by the excavation of any trench or otherwise by the execution of works in the
vicinity of such buildings or structure. After the work is completed, the contractor shall remove the
shoring, if any, and make good any damage that might have been done. No part of the shoring shall,
any time, be removed by the Contractor without obtaining permission of the Engineer. While taking
out shoring planks, the hollows, if any, formed shall simultaneously be filled in with soft earth well
rammed with rammers after watering.
The contractor shall be allowed to provide shoring, strutting of timbering for open trenches for
protecting the collapse of the sides only after getting the approval of the Engineer. Sufficient offset
shall be provided if there is more than one staging of Shuttering. The timbering shall be sound and
no bamboos shall be permitted in this work. The section and sizes shall be got approved before
starting of the works. The payment shall be on the surface area of timbering work done below the
ground level and that part of the work which is measurable. The measurement shall be as per the
provisions of IS 1200. The item includes providing the timbering work consists of walling, runners,
open pulling boards, horizontal sheeting, runners etc as required for fixing the shoring in position.
The full payment is for the item of providing and removing open timbering work from the trench
after completion.
Close timbering shall be done by completely covering the sides of the trenches and pits generally
with short, upright members called ‘polling boards’. These shall be of minimum 25 cm x 4 cm
sections or as directed by Engineer. The boards shall generally be placed in position vertically side
by side without any gap on each side of the excavation and shall be secured by horizontal walings of
strong wood at maximum 1.2 meters spacings, strutted with ballies or as directed by Engineer. The
length of the ballie struts shall depend on the width of the trench or pit. If the soil is very soft and
loose, the boards shall be placed horizontally against each side of the excavation and supported by
vertical walings, which in turn shall be suitably strutted. The lowest boards supporting the sides
shall be taken into the ground and no portion of the vertical side of the trench or pit shall remain
exposed, so as to render the earth liable to slip out.
Timber shoring shall be ‘close’ or ‘open’ type, depending on the nature of soil and the depth of
trench. The type of timbering shall be as approved by Engineer. It shall be the responsibility of
Contractor to take all necessary steps to prevent the sides of excavations, trenches, pits etc. from
Timber shoring may be required to keep the sides of excavations vertical to ensure safety of
adjoining structures or to limit the slope of excavations, or due to space restrictions or for other
reasons. Such shoring shall be carried out, except in an emergency, only under instructions from
The withdrawal of the timber shall be done very carefully to prevent the collapse of the pit or trench.
It shall be started at one end and proceeded with systematically to the other end. Concrete or
masonry shall not be damaged during the removal of the timber. No claim shall be entertained for
any timber which cannot be withdrawn and is lost or buried.
In the case of open timbering, the entire surface of the side of trench or pit is not required to be
covered. The vertical boards of minimum 25 cm x 4 cm sections shall be spaced sufficiently apart to
leave unsupported strips of maximum 50 cm average width. The detailed arrangement, sizes of the
timber and the spacing shall be subject to the approval of Engineer. In all other respects,
specification for close timbering shall apply to open timbering
In case of large pits and open excavations, where shoring is required for securing safety of adjoining
structures or for any other reasons and where the planking for sides of excavations / pits cannot be
strutted against, suitable inclined struts supported on the excavated bed shall be provided. Load from
such struts shall be suitably distributed on the bed to ensure no yielding of the strut.
Contractor shall provide necessary materials labour& equipment’s for open timbering/close
timbering/ steel or any other protection work required to be done during excavation. In case of
open areas, shafts, wells, cesspits, manhole including strutting, shoring and packing
cavities(wherever required). The tender rate shall cover all cost of materials, labour and
equipments required and hence no extra payment shall be allowed even timbering material is left
permanent at site.
Sight Rails
Before a trench excavation is commenced for laying sewer lines, sight rails (two uprights), one on
each side of the trench to be excavated and a cross rail nailed thereto, shall be erected one each
above the manholes and one set in the middle length, or at distances as fixed by the Engineer,
uniform height above the proposed invert level of the pipes. The depth of excavation and the level of
the pipe invert level shall be checked by boning rods of appropriate length. The sight rails and
boning rods shall be provided, fixed and maintained by the Contractor at his own cost.