Mielopatia Cervical Degenerativa
Mielopatia Cervical Degenerativa
Mielopatia Cervical Degenerativa
has started to use a walking stick after sustaining falls. He sees • A proportion of individuals with asymptomatic
cord compression will go on to develop DCM.
a neurologist who identifies hyperreflexia in his arms and legs. The exact figure is unknown. The only
An MRI scan shows multilevel cervical spondylosis and disc prospective study to consider this (n=199)
found that 8% of individuals with asymptomatic
herniation causing cord compression. He is diagnosed with cord compression will develop DCM after one
degenerative cervical myelopathy and referred to spinal surgery year and 22% in total over the observation
period (median follow-up 44 months, range
for operative decompression. 2-12 years)7
What is degenerative cervical • Many patients with DCM remain undiagnosed.
A small study in 66 patients with hip fracture
myelopathy? found 18% of patients who were previously
undiagnosed to have clinical findings
Degenerative cervical myelopathy (DCM), earlier referred to suggestive of DCM8
as cervical spondylotic myelopathy, involves spinal cord
dysfunction from compression in the neck.1 Patients report
neurological symptoms such as pain and numbness in limbs,
poor coordination, imbalance, and bladder problems. Owing to
Why is it missed?
its mobility, the vertebral column of the neck is particularly Non-specific and subtle early features that overlap with other
prone to degenerative changes such as disc herniation, ligament neurological conditions can delay the diagnosis.9 Incomplete
hypertrophy or ossification, and osteophyte formation. These neurological assessment by professionals10 with a poor awareness
changes are more common with age2 (Boxed Text on page of the disease11 further contributes to delay. A retrospective
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BMJ 2018;360:k186 doi: 10.1136/bmj.k186 (Published 22 February 2018) Page 2 of 4
study of medical records of 42 patients in Israel who underwent Box 2Commonly reported symptoms and
surgery for DCM noted an average delay of 2.2 years (range examination findings in DCM9
1.7 months to 8.9 years) from initiation of symptoms to Symptoms
diagnosis. On average, 5.2 ±3.6 consultations were required
• Neck pain/stiffness
before a diagnosis was made.10 Forty three per cent of these
• Unilateral or bilateral limb/body pain
patients had symptoms of numbness and pain in hands, and
• Upper limb weakness, numbness, or loss of
were initially diagnosed and sometimes treated for carpal tunnel dexterity
syndrome.10 In our clinical experience, the diagnosis of carpal
• Lower limb stiffness, weakness, or sensory
tunnel syndrome, especially when diagnosed bilaterally, is often loss
incorrect and DCM usually accounts for these symptoms. • Paraesthesia (tingling or pins and needles
recovery,13 but this time frame is some way from current average o Clonus, especially Achilles tendon
diagnosis times.10 o Hoffman’s sign (thumb adduction/flexion +/−
finger flexion after forced flexion and sudden
release of a finger, distally)
How is it diagnosed? o Babinski’s sign (upgoing plantar)
o Segmental weakness (corresponding to the
Detecting early DCM can be challenging. A high index of level of compression)
suspicion, alongside a comprehensive neurological examination
• Sensory loss (limb and/or trunk)
is advised. Boxed Text on page 2Box 2 outlines common
• Lhermitte’s sign (electric shock sensation
symptoms and examination findings in DCM. down the spine, or into the limbs, on neck
flexion or extension, present in severe cases)
• Gait disturbance
Pain is a common reason to seek treatment. Musculoskeletal
pain might be present in the neck, while neuropathic pain can
affect upper and lower limbs and occasionally the trunk. Patients
often report neck stiffness, at times without pain. A textbook
case would describe gait dysfunction and bilateral hand
impairment. Frequently not all symptoms are present. For
example, pain might be absent and symptoms can be unilateral
and vary in severity, even on a daily basis.9 Atypical symptoms
such as headaches and muscle cramps are also reported.9
The more consistent feature of DCM is the evolution of
symptoms. Most patients describe symptoms that have been
ongoing for months and getting worse.9 The rate of progression
varies; in some individuals symptoms remain mild over extended
periods of time, while in others disease progression accelerates.
Functional decline can be insidious, and patients might
mistakenly attribute these symptoms to “getting older.” Typical
features include loss of dexterity (difficulty doing up buttons,
using keys, mobile phones, or writing) or mobility (use of
walking aids or frequent falls).
Symptoms might precede objective examination findings.9 14 As
in focal central nervous system disorders, examination features
in DCM have a low sensitivity—that is, a normal finding does
not exclude the disease— but high specificity—that is, an
abnormal finding is highly suggestive of the disease.5 14 Features
can be mild and difficult to elicit in the initial stages of disease.
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How is it managed?
Often cord compression is an incidental finding and at least Acknowledgments: MRNK is supported by a National Institute of Health Research
initially does not cause symptoms.2 Reassure the patient that no Clinician Scientist Award.
further management is required at this stage but advise them to I confirm that we, the authors, have read and understood the BMJ policy on
report any symptoms promptly in the future. declaration of interests and have no competing interests to declare.
Guidelines from AOSpine an international community of spine All authors have contributed to the development, drafting and revision of this article
surgeons advise that all patients with DCM should be assessed and agree to its submission.
by a specialist surgeon, who might fall under the remit of Provenance and peer review: commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
neurosurgery or orthopaedics. The guidelines use the modified
Japanese Orthopaedic Association score, which classifies 1 Fehlings MG, Tetreault LA, Riew KD, etal . A clinical practice guideline for the management
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arranging an urgent MRI scan for patients with 10.1097/BRS.0b013e3182a7f41d 23963006
suspected DCM? Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already
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Fig 1 Pathology of DCM. (A) Anatomy of an initially healthy spine (C2 level), with examples of the potential pathological
changes that can occur and cause DCM (shown at lower spinal levels; C3-7).1 (B) Sagittal section from a T2-weighted
MRI scan showing multilevel degenerative changes in the cervical spine. The spinal cord is compressed at C3/4 by
a disc prolapse (white arrow) and at C5/6 by spondylosis, thickening of the posterior longitudinal ligament, and a
disc-osteophyte complex (white star). However, this is not associated with high signal changes in the cord on MRI
(Figure reproduced with permission from Michael G Fehlings, University of Toronto)3
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