QM Chapter 05 PDF
QM Chapter 05 PDF
QM Chapter 05 PDF
, (5.1)
where the states and were defined as the eigenstates of the Pauli matrix z – see Eq. (4.105). For the
genuine spin-½ particles, such as electrons, placed in a z-oriented time-independent magnetic field,
these states are the stationary “spin-up” and “spin-down” stationary states of the Pauli Hamiltonian
(4.163), with the corresponding two energy levels (4.167). However, an approximate but reasonable
quantum description of some other important systems may also be given in such Hilbert space.
For example, as was discussed in Sec. 2.6, two weakly coupled space-localized orbital states of a
spin-free particle are sufficient for an approximate description of its quantum oscillations between two
potential wells. A similar coupling of two traveling waves explains the energy band splitting in the
weak-potential approximation of the band theory – Sec. 2.7. As will be shown in the next chapter, in
systems with time-independent Hamiltonians, such situation almost unavoidably appears each time
when two energy levels are much closer to each other than to other levels. Moreover, as will be shown
in Sec. 6.5, a similar truncated description is adequate even in cases when two levels En and En’ of an
unperturbed system are not close to each other, but the corresponding states become coupled by an
applied ac field of a frequency very close to the difference (En – En’ )/. Such two-level systems
(alternatively called “spin-½-like” systems) are nowadays the focus of additional attention in the view of
prospects of their use for quantum information processing and encryption.1 This is why let me spend a
bit more time reviewing the main properties of an arbitrary two-level system.
First, the most general form of the Hamiltonian of a two-level system is represented, in an
arbitrary basis, by a 22 matrix
H H 12
H 11 .
21 H 22
According to the discussion in Secs. 4.3-4.5, since the Hamiltonian operator has to be Hermitian, the
diagonal elements of the matrix H have to be real, and its off-diagonal elements be complex conjugates
1 In the last context, to be discussed in Sec. 8.5, the two-level systems are usually called qubits.
© K. Likharev
Essential Graduate Physics QM: Quantum Mechanics
of each other: H21 = H12*. As a result, we may not only represent H as a linear combination (4.106) of
the identity matrix and the Pauli matrices but also reduce it to a more specific form:
b cz c x ic y b c z c
H bI c σ , c c x ic y , (5.3)
c x ic y b c z c b c z
where the scalar b and the Cartesian components of the vector c are real c-number coefficients:
H 11 H 22 H H 21 H H 12 H H 22
b , c x 12 Re H 21 , c y 21 Im H 21 , c z 11 . (5.4)
2 2 2i 2
If such Hamiltonian does not depend on time, the corresponding characteristic equation (4.103) for the
system’s energy levels E,
b cz E c
0, (5.5)
c b cz E
1/ 2
H 11 H 22 4 H 21
1/ 2 2 2
E E E 2c 2 c x2 c y2 c z2 . (5.7)
So, the splitting is a hyperbolic function of the coefficient cz (H11 – H22)/2. A plot of this function is
the famous level-anticrossing diagram (Fig. 1), which has already been discussed in Sec. 2.7 in the
particular context of the weak-potential limit of the 1D band theory.
E E (0)
H 21
0 H 11 H 22
H 21 2
E Fig. 5.1. The level-anticrossing diagram
for an arbitrary two-level system.
The physics of the diagram becomes especially clear if the two states of the basis used to spell
out the matrix (2), may be interpreted as the stationary states of two potentially independent subsystems,
with the energies, respectively, H11 and H22. (For example, in the case of two weakly coupled potential
wells discussed in Sec. 2.6, these are the ground-state energies of two distant wells.) Then the off-
diagonal elements c– H12 and c+ H21 = H12* describe the subsystem coupling, and the level
Chapter 5 Page 2 of 48
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anticrossing diagram shows how do the eigenenergies of the coupled system depend (at fixed coupling)
on the difference of the subsystem energies. As was already discussed in Sec. 2.7, the most striking
feature of the diagram is that any non-zero coupling c (cx2 + cy2)1/2 changes the topology of the
eigenstate energies, creating a gap of the width E.
As it follows from our discussions of particular two-level systems in Secs. 2.6 and 4.6, their
dynamics also has a general feature – the quantum oscillations. Namely, if we put any two-level system
into any initial state different from one of its eigenstates , and then let it evolve on its own, the
probability of its finding the system in any of the “partial” states exhibits oscillations with the frequency
2c , (5.8)
lowest at the exact subsystem symmetry (cz = 0, i.e. H11 = H22), when it is proportional to the coupling
strength: min = 2c/ 2H12/ = 2H21/.
In the case discussed in Sec. 2.6, these are the oscillations of a particle between the two coupled
potential wells (or rather of the probabilities to find it in either well) – see, e.g., Eqs. (2.181). On the
other hand, for a spin-½ particle in an external magnetic field, these oscillations take the form of spin
precession in the plane normal to the field, with periodic oscillations of its Cartesian components (or
rather their expectation values) – see, e.g., Eqs. (4.173)-(4.174). Some other examples of the quantum
oscillations in two-level systems may be rather unexpected; for example, the ammonium molecule NH3
(Fig. 2) has two symmetric states that differ by the inversion of the nitrogen atom relative to the plane of
the three hydrogen atoms, which are weakly coupled due to quantum-mechanical tunneling of the
nitrogen atom through the plane of the hydrogen atoms.2 Since for this particular molecule, in the
absence of external fields, the level splitting E corresponds to an experimentally convenient frequency
/2 24 GHz, it played an important historic role at the initial development of the atomic frequency
standards and microwave quantum generators (masers) in the early 1950s,3 which paved the way toward
laser technology.
0.102 nm 107.8
Now let us now discuss a very convenient geometric representation of an arbitrary state of
(any!) two-level system. As Eq. (1) shows, such state is completely described by two complex
2 Since the hydrogen atoms are much lighter, it would be fairer to speak about the tunneling of their triangle
around the (nearly immobile) nitrogen atom.
3 In particular, these molecules were used in the demonstration of the first maser by C. Townes’ group in 1954.
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coefficients (c-numbers) – say, and . If the vectors of the basis states and are normalized, then
these coefficients must obey the following restriction:
W * * * *
2 2
1. (5.9)
This requirement is automatically satisfied if we take the moduli of and equal to the sine and
cosine of the same (real) angle. Thus we may write, for example,
cos e i , sin e i ( ) . (5.10)
2 2
Moreover, according to the general Eq. (4.125), if we deal with just one system,4 the common phase
factor exp{i} drops out of the calculation of any expectation value, so we may take = 0, and Eq. (10)
is reduced to
cos , sin e i .
(5.11) sphere
2 2 representation
The reason why the argument of these sine and cosine functions is usually taken in the form /2,
becomes clear from Fig. 3a: Eq. (11) conveniently maps each state of a two-level system on a certain
representation point on a unit-radius Bloch sphere,5 with the polar angle and the azimuthal angle .
y c y
0 x 0 x 0 x
Fig. 5.3. The Bloch sphere: (a) the representation of an arbitrary state (solid red point) and the
eigenstates of the Pauli matrices (dotted points), and (b, c) the two-level system’s evolution: (b) in a
constant “field” c directed along the z-axis, and (c) in a field of arbitrary orientation.
In particular, the basis state , described by Eq. (1) with = 1 and = 0, corresponds to the
North Pole of the sphere ( = 0), while the opposite state , with = 0 and = 1, to its South Pole (
= ). Similarly, the eigenstates and of the matrix x, described by Eqs. (4.122), i.e. having =
4 If you need a reminder of why this condition is crucial, please revisit the discussion at the end of Sec. 1.6. Note
also that the mutual phase shifts between different qubits are important, in particular, for quantum information
processing (see Sec. 8.5 below), so most discussions of these applications have to start from Eq. (10) rather than
Eq. (11).
5 This representation was suggested in 1946 by the same Felix Bloch who has pioneered the energy band theory
discussed in Chapters 2-3.
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1/2 and = 1/2, correspond to the equator ( = /2) points with, respectively, = 0 and = .
Two more special points (denoted in Fig. 3a as ⊙ and ) are also located on the sphere’s equator, at =
/2 and = /2; it is easy to check that they correspond to the eigenstates of the matrix y (in the same
To understand why such mutually perpendicular location of these three special point pairs on the
Bloch sphere is not occasional, let us plug Eqs. (11) into Eqs. (4.131)-(4.133) for the expectation values
of the spin-½ components. In terms of the Pauli vector operator (4.117), S/(/2), the result is
showing that the radius vector of any representation point is just the expectation value of .
Now let us use Eq. (3) to see how does the representation point moves in various cases, ignoring
the term bI – which, again, describes the offset of the total energy of the system relative to some
reference level, and does not affect its dynamics. First of all, according to Eq. (4.158), in the case c = 0
(when the Hamiltonian operator turns to zero, and hence the state vectors do not depend on time) the
point does not move at all, and its position is determined by initial conditions, i.e. by the system’s
preparation. If c 0, we may re-use some results of Sec. 4.6, obtained for the Pauli Hamiltonian
(4.163a), which coincides with Eq. (3) if6
c B . (5.13)
In particular, if the field B , and hence the vector c, is directed along the z-axis and is time-independent,
Eqs. (4.170) and (4.173)-(4.174) show that the representation point on the Bloch sphere rotates
within a plane normal to this axis (see Fig. 3b) with the angular velocity
d 2c
Bz z . (5.14)
Almost evidently, since the selection of the coordinate axes is arbitrary, this picture should
remain valid for any orientation of the vector c, with the representation point rotating, on the Bloch
sphere, around it direction, with the angular speed = 2c/ – see Fig. 3c. This fact may be proved
using any picture of the quantum dynamics, discussed in Sec. 4.6. Actually, the reader may already have
done that by solving Problems 4.25 and 4.26, just to see that even for the particular, simple initial state
of the system (), the final results for the Cartesian components of the vector are somewhat bulky.
However, this description may be readily simplified, even for arbitrary time dependence of the “field”
vector c(t) in Eq. (3), using the (geometric) vector language.
Indeed, let us rewrite Eq. (3) (again, with b = 0) in the operator form,
Hˆ ct σˆ , (5.15)
valid in an arbitrary basis. According to Eq. (4.199), the corresponding Heisenberg equation of motion
for the jth Cartesian components of the vector-operator σ̂ (which does not depend on time explicitly, so
ˆ / t 0 ) is
6 This correspondence justifies using the use of term “field” for the vector c.
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iˆ j ˆ j , Hˆ ˆ j , ct σˆ ˆ j , c j ' t ˆ j' c j ' t ˆ j , ˆ j' . (5.16)
j '1 j '1
Now using the commutation relations (4.155), which remain valid in any basis and in any picture of time
evolution,7 we get
iˆ j 2i c j ' t ˆ j " jj'j" , (5.17)
j '1
where j” is the index, from the same set {1, 2, 3}, complementary to j and j’ (j” j, j’), and jj’j” is the
Levi-Civita symbol.8 But it is straightforward to verify that the usual vector product of two 3D vectors
may be represented in a similar Cartesian-component form:
n1 n2 n3 3
a b j a1 a2 a3 a j' b j" jj'j" , (5.18)
j '1
b1 b2 b3 j
As a result, Eq. (17) may be rewritten in a vector form – or rather several equivalent forms:
iˆ j 2ict σˆ j , i.e. iσˆ 2ict σˆ , or σˆ ct σˆ , or σˆ Ωt σˆ , (5.19)
where the vector is defined as
Ωt ct (5.20)
– an evident generalization of Eq. (14).9 As we have seen in Sec. 4.6, any linear relation between two
Heisenberg operators is also valid for the expectation values of the corresponding observables, so the
last form of Eq. (19) yields:
σ Ωt σ . (5.21)
But this is the well-known kinematic formula10 for the rotation of a constant-length classical 3D
vector around the instantaneous direction of the vector (t), with the instantaneous angular velocity
(t). So, the time evolution of the representation point on the Bloch sphere is quite simple, especially in
the case of a time-independent c, and hence – see Fig. 3c.11 Note that it is sufficient to turn off the
field to stop the precession instantly. (Since Eq. (21) is the first-order differential equation, the
7 Indeed, if some three operators in the Schrödinger picture are related as [ Aˆ S , Bˆ S ] = ĈS , then according to Eq.
(4.190), in the Heisenberg picture:
[ Aˆ H , Bˆ H ] [ uˆ † Aˆ H uˆ , uˆ † Bˆ H uˆ ] uˆ † Aˆ H uˆuˆ † Bˆ H uˆ uˆ † Bˆ H uˆuˆ † Aˆ H uˆ uˆ † [ Aˆ S , Bˆ S ] uˆ uˆ † Cˆ S uˆ Cˆ H .
8 See, e.g., MA Eq. (9.2). Note that in Eqs. (17)-(18) and similar expressions below, the condition j” j, j’ may be
(and frequently is) replaced by the summation over not only j’, but also j”, in their right-hand sides.
9 It is also easy to verify that in the particular case = n , Eqs. (19) are reduced, in the z-basis, to Eqs. (4.200)
for the spin-½ vector matrix S = (/2).
10 See, e.g., CM Sec. 4.1, in particular Eq. (4.8).
11 The bulkiness of the solutions of Problems 4.25 and 4.26 (which were offered just as useful exercises in
quantum dynamic formalisms) reflects the awkward expression of the resulting circular motion of the vector
(see Fig. 3c) via its Cartesian components.
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representation point has no effective inertia.12) Hence, changing the direction and the magnitude of the
effective external field, it is possible to drive the representation point of a two-level system from any
initial position to any final position on the Bloch sphere, i.e. make the system take any of its possible
quantum states.
In the particular case of a spin-½ in a magnetic field B (t), it is more customary to use Eqs. (13)
and (20) to rewrite Eq. (21) as the following equation for the expectation value of the spin vector S =
S S B t . (5.22)
As we know from the discussion in Chapter 4, such a classical description of the spin’s evolution does
not give a full picture of the quantum reality; in particular, it does not describe the possible large
uncertainties of its components – see, e.g., Eqs. (4.135). The situation, however, is different for a
collection of N >> 1 similar, non-interacting spins, initially prepared to be in the same state – for
example by polarizing all spins with a strong external field B 0, at relatively low temperatures T, with
kBT << B0. (A practically important example of such a collection is a set of nuclear spins in
macroscopic condensed-matter samples, where the spin interaction with each other and the environment
is typically very small.) For such a collection, Eq. (22) is still valid, while the relative uncertainty of the
resulting sample’s magnetization M = nm = nS (where n N/V is the spin density) is proportional
to 1/N1/2 << 1. Thus, the evolution of magnetization may be described, with good precision, by the
essentially classical equation (valid for any spin, not necessarily spin-½):
M B t .
M (5.23)
This equation, or the equivalent set of three Bloch equations13 for its Cartesian components,
with the right-hand side augmented with small terms describing the effects of dephasing and relaxation
(to be discussed in Chapter 7), is used, in particular, to describe the magnetic resonance, taking place
when the frequency (4.164) of the spin’s precession in a strong dc magnetic field approaches the
frequency of an additionally applied (and usually weak) ac field.14
xˆ, pˆ xˆpˆ
x x pˆ x pˆ x pˆ x xˆ. (5.24)
12 This is also true for the classical angular momentum L at its torque-induced precession – see, e.g., CM Sec. 4.5.
13 They were introduced by F. Bloch in the same 1946 paper as the Bloch-sphere representation.
The quantum theory of this effect will be discussed in the next chapter.
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to the first term of the right-hand side of Eq. (24) twice, with the goal to move the coordinate operator to
the rightmost position:
xˆpˆ x pˆ x pˆ x xˆ iIˆ pˆ x pˆ x xˆpˆ x ipˆ x pˆ x pˆ x xˆ iIˆ ipˆ x pˆ x pˆ x xˆ 2ipˆ x . (5.26)
The first term of this result cancels with the last term of Eq. (24), so the commutator becomes quite
xˆ , pˆ x2 2ipˆ x . (5.27)
Let us use this equality to calculate the Heisenberg-picture equation of motion of the operator x̂ ,
by applying the general Heisenberg equation (4.199) to the 1D orbital motion described by the
Hamiltonian (4.237), but possibly with a more general, time-dependent potential energy U:
dxˆ 1
dt i
1 pˆ 2
xˆ , Hˆ xˆ , x U ( xˆ , t ).
i 2 m
The potential energy operator is a function of the coordinate operator and hence, as we know, commutes
with it. Thus, the right-hand side of Eq. (28) is proportional to the commutator (27), and we get
dxˆ pˆ x equation
. (5.29) for
dt m coordinate
In this operator equality, we readily recognize the full analog of the classical relation between the
particle’s momentum and is velocity.
Now let us see what a similar procedure gives for the momentum’s derivative:
dpˆ x
1 pˆ 2
pˆ x , Hˆ pˆ x , x U ( xˆ , t ).
i 2m
The kinetic energy operator commutes with the momentum operator and hence drops from the right-
hand side of this equation. To calculate the remaining commutator of the momentum and potential
energy, let us use the fact that any smooth (infinitely differentiable) function may be represented by its
Taylor expansion:
1 kU k
U ( xˆ, t ) xˆ , (5.31)
k 0 k! x
where the derivatives of U may be understood as c-numbers (evaluated at x = 0, and the given time t), so
we may write
pˆ x ,U ( xˆ, t ) 1 Uk pˆ x , xˆ k 1 Uk pˆ x
k k
k! xˆ
k! xˆ
xˆx xˆ pˆ x .
ˆ... (5.32a)
k 0 k 0 k times k times
Applying Eq. (25) k times to the last term in the parentheses, exactly as we did it in Eq. (26), we get
Chapter 5 Page 8 of 48
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1 k' U k '
1 k ' 1U k '
1 k U k 1
x ˆ
x xˆ , (5.33)
xˆ k '0 k'! xˆ k' xˆ ˆ k '1
k ' 0 k '! x k 1 ( k 1)! x
where at the last step, the summation index was changed from k’ to k – 1. As a result, we may rewrite
Eq. (5.32b) as
pˆ x ,U ( xˆ , t ) i U ( xˆ , t ) , (5.34)
so Eq. (30) yields:
Heisenberg dpˆ x
equation U ( xˆ, t ). (5.35)
for dt xˆ
This equation also coincides with the classical equation of motion! Moreover, averaging Eqs. (29) and
(35) over the initial state (as Eq. (4.191) prescribes), we get similar results for the expectation values:15
Ehrenfest d x px d px U
theorem , . (5.36)
dt m dt x
However, it is important to remember that the equivalence between these quantum-mechanical
equations and similar equations of classical mechanics is superficial, and the degree of the similarity
between the two mechanics very much depends on the problem. As one extreme, let us consider the case
when a particle’s state, at any moment between t0 and t, may be accurately represented by one, relatively
px-narrow wave packet. Then we may interpret Eqs. (36) as the equations of the essentially classical
motion of the wave packet’s center, in accordance with the correspondence principle. However, even in
this case, it is important to remember the purely quantum mechanical effects of non-zero wave packet
width and its spread in time, which were discussed in Sec. 2.2.
As an opposite extreme, let us revisit the “leaky” potential well discussed in Sec. 2.5 – see Fig.
2.15. Since both the potential U(x) and the initial wavefunction of that system are symmetric relative to
point x = 0 at all times, the right-hand sides of both Eqs. (36) identically equal zero. Of course, the result
they predict (that the average values of the coordinate and the momentum stay equal to zero at all times)
is correct, but this fact does not tell us much about the rich dynamics of the system: the finite lifetime of
the metastable state, the formation of two wave packets, their waveform and propagation speed (see Fig.
2.17), and about the insights the full solution gives for the quantum measurement theory and the
system’s irreversibility. Another similar example is the energy band theory (Sec. 2.7), with its purely
quantum effect of the allowed energy bands and forbidden energy gaps, of which Eqs. (36) give no clue.
To summarize, the Ehrenfest theorem is important as an illustration of the correspondence
principle, but its predictive power should not be exaggerated.
15The equation set (36) constitutes the Ehrenfest theorem, named after its author, P. Ehrenfest.
16This formulation was developed in 1948 by Richard Phillips Feynman. (According to his memories, this work
was motivated by a “mysterious” remark by P. Dirac in his pioneering 1930 textbook on quantum mechanics.)
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I will review this important concept, cutting one math corner for the sake of brevity.17 (This shortcut
will be clearly marked below.)
Let us inner-multiply both parts of Eq. (4.157a), which is essentially the definition of the time-
evolution operator, by the bra-vector of state x,
x (t ) x uˆ (t , t 0 ) (t 0 ) , (5.37)
insert the identity operator before the ket-vector on the right-hand side, and then use the closure
condition in the form of Eq. (4.252), with x’ replaced with x0:
x (t ) dx0 x uˆ (t , t 0 ) x0 x0 (t 0 ) . (5.38)
Comparing this expression with Eq. (2.44), we see that the long bracket in this relation is nothing other
than the 1D propagator, which was discussed in Sec. 2.2, i.e.
G ( x, t ; x 0 , t 0 ) x uˆ (t , t 0 ) x 0 . (5.40)
Let me hope that the reader sees that this equality corresponds to the physical sense of the propagator.
Now let us break the time segment [t0, t] into N (for the time being, not necessarily equal) parts,
by inserting (N – 1) intermediate points (Fig. 4) with
t 0 t1 ... t k ... t N 1 t , (5.41)
and use the definition (4.157) of the time evolution operator to write
uˆ (t , t 0 ) uˆ (t , t N 1 )uˆ (t N 1 , t N 2 )...uˆ (t 2 , t1 )uˆ (t1 , t 0 ) . (5.42)
After plugging Eq. (42) into Eq. (40), let us insert the identity operator, again in the closure form
(4.252), but written for xk rather than x’, between each two partial evolution operators including the time
argument tk. The result is
The physical sense of each integration variable xk is the wavefunction’s argument at time tk – see Fig. 4.
x0 x1 xk x N 2 x N 1 x
Fig. 5.4. Time partition and coordinate
notation at the initial stage of the
Feynman path integral’s derivation.
t0 t1 ... tk ... t N 2 t N 1 t
17 A more thorough discussion of the path-integral approach may be found in the famous text by R. Feynman and
A. Hibbs, Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals, first published in 1965. (For its latest edition by Dover in
2010, the book was emended by D. Styler.) For a more recent monograph, which reviews more applications, see
L. Schulman, Techniques and Applications of Path Integration, Wiley, 1981.
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The key Feynman’s breakthrough was the realization that if all intervals are taken similar and
sufficiently small, tk – tk-1 = d → 0, all the partial brackets participating in Eq. (43) may be expressed
via the free-particle’s propagator, given by Eq. (2.49), even if the particle is not free, but moves in a
stationary potential profile U(x). To show that, let us use either Eq. (4.175) or Eq. (4.181), which, for a
small time interval d, give the same result:
i i pˆ 2
uˆ ( d , ) exp Hˆ d exp d U xˆ d . (5.44)
Generally, an exponent of a sum of two operators may be treated as that of c-number arguments, and in
particular factored into a product of two exponents, only if the operators commute. (In this case, we can
use all the standard algebra for the exponents of c-number arguments.) In our case, this is not so,
because the operator pˆ 2 / 2m does not commute with x̂ , and hence with U( x̂ ). However, it may be
shown18 that for an infinitesimal time interval d, the non-zero commutator
pˆ 2
d , U ( xˆ )d 0, (5.45)
proportional to (d)2, may be ignored in the first, linear approximation in d. As a result, we may
factorize the right-hand side in Eq. (44) by writing
i pˆ 2 i
uˆ ( d , ) d 0 exp d exp U ( xˆ )d . (5.46)
(This approximation is very much similar in spirit to the trapezoidal-rule approximation in the usual 1D
integration,19 which in also asymptotically impeachable.)
Since the second exponential function on the right-hand side of Eq. (46) commutes with the
coordinate operator, we may move it out of each partial bracket participating in Eq. (43), with U(x)
turning into a c-number function:
i pˆ 2 i
x d uˆ ( d , ) x x d exp d x exp U ( x)d . (5.47)
But the remaining bracket is just the propagator of a free particle, so for it, we may use Eq. (2.49):
1/ 2
i pˆ 2 m m(dx) 2
x d exp d x expi . (5.48)
2m 2 id 2d
As the result, the full propagator (43) takes the form
N /2
m N m(dx) 2 U ( x) .
G ( x, t ; x0, t 0 ) lim d 0 dx N 1 dx N 2 .. dx1 exp i i d (5.49)
2 id
k 1 2d
18 This is exactly the corner I am going to cut because a strict mathematical proof of this (intuitively evident)
statement would take more time/space than I can afford.
19 See, e.g., MA Eq. (5.2).
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At N and hence d (t – t0)/N 0, the sum under the exponent in this expression may be
approximated with the corresponding integral:
i m dx i m dx
N 2 t 2
and the expression in the square brackets is just the particle’s Lagrangian function L.20 The integral of
this function over time is the classical action S calculated along a particular “path” x().21 As a result,
defining the (1D) path integral as
N /2 1D path
(...) D[ x( )] lim d 0 2id dx dx
N 1 N 2 .. dx1 (...), (5.51a) integral:
The name “path integral” for the mathematical construct (51a) may be readily explained if we
keep the number N of time intervals large but finite, and also approximate each of the enclosed integrals
with a sum over M >> 1 discrete points along the coordinate axis – see Fig. 5a.
(a) (b)
x x
M Fig. 5.5. Several 1D classical
x0 x0 paths: (a) in the discrete
approximation and (b) in the
t0 t t0 t continuous limit.
N 1
Then the path integral (51a) is the product of (N – 1) sums corresponding to different values of
time , each of them with M terms, each of those representing the function under the integral at a
particular spatial point. Multiplying those (N – 1) sums, we get a sum of (N – 1)M terms, each
evaluating the function at a specific spatial-temporal point [x, ]. These terms may be now grouped to
represent all possible different continuous classical paths x[] from the initial point [x0, t0] to the finite
point [x, t]. It is evident that the last interpretation remains true even in the continuous limit N, M –
see Fig. 5b.
Why does such path representation of the sum make sense? This is because in the classical limit
the particle follows just a certain path, corresponding to the minimum of the action S . As a result, for
all close trajectories, the difference (S – Scl) is proportional to the square of the deviation from the
Chapter 5 Page 12 of 48
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classical trajectory. Hence, for a quasiclassical motion, with Scl >> , there is a bunch of close
trajectories, with (S – Scl) << , that give substantial contributions to the path integral. On the other
hand, strongly non-classical trajectories, with (S – Scl) >> , give phases S/ rapidly oscillating from
one trajectory to the next one, and their contributions to the path integral are averaged out.22 As a result,
for a quasi-classical motion, the propagator’s exponent may be evaluated on the classical path only:
i i t m dx 2
Gcl exp S cl exp U ( x) d . (5.52)
t0 2 d
The sum of the kinetic and potential energies is the full energy E of the particle, that remains constant
for motion in a stationary potential U(x), so we may rewrite the expression under this integral as23
m dx 2 dx 2 dx
U ( x) d m E d m dx Ed . (5.53)
2 d d d
where p is the classical momentum of the particle. But (at least, leaving the pre-exponential factor alone)
this is the WKB approximation result that was derived and studied in detail in Chapter 2!
One may question the value of such a complicated calculation, which yields the results that could
be readily obtained from Schrödinger’s wave mechanics. Feynman’s approach is indeed not used too
often, but it has its merits. First, it has an important philosophical (and hence heuristic) value. Indeed,
Eq. (51) may be interpreted by saying that the essence of quantum mechanics is the exploration, by the
system, of all possible paths x(), each of them classical-like, in the sense that the particle’s coordinate x
and velocity dx/d are exactly defined simultaneously at each point. The resulting contributions to the
path integral are added up coherently to form the actual propagator G, and via it, the final probability W
G2 of the particle’s propagation from [x0, t0] to [x, t]. As the scale of the action S of the motion
decreases and becomes comparable to , more and more paths produce substantial contributions to this
sum, and hence to W, providing a larger and larger difference between the quantum and classical
properties of the system.
Second, the path integral provides a justification for some simple explanations of quantum
phenomena. A typical example is the quantum interference effects discussed in Sec. 3.1 – see, e.g., Fig.
3.1 and the corresponding text. At that discussion, we used the Huygens principle to argue that at the
two-slit interference, the WKB approximation might be restricted to contributions from two paths that
pass through different slits, but otherwise consisting of straight-line segments. To have another look at
22 This fact may be proved by expanding the difference (S – Scl) in the Taylor series in the path variation (leaving
only the leading quadratic terms) and working out the resulting Gaussian integrals. This integration, together with
the pre-exponential coefficient in Eq. (51a), gives exactly the pre-exponential factor that we have
already found refining the WKB approximation in Sec. 2.4.
23The same trick is often used in analytical classical mechanics – say, for proving the Hamilton principle, and for
the derivation of the Hamilton – Jacobi equations (see, e.g., CM Secs. 10.3-4).
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that assumption, let us generalize the path integral to multi-dimensional geometries. Fortunately, the
simple structure of Eq. (51b) makes such generalization virtually evident:
dr m dr 2
G (r, t ; r0, t 0 ) exp S r ( )D[r ( )], S L r, d U (r ) d . (5.55) as a path
t0 d 2 d
where the definition (51a) of the path integral should be also modified correspondingly. (I will not go
into these technical details.) For the Young-type experiment (Fig. 3.1), where a classical particle could
reach the detector only after passing through one of the slits, the classical paths are the straight-line
segments shown in Fig. 3.1, and if they are much longer than the de Broglie wavelength, the propagator
may be well approximated by the sum of two integrals of Ld = ip(r)dr/ – as it was done in Sec. 3.1.
Last but not least, the path integral allows simple solutions to some problems that would be hard
to obtain by other methods. As the simplest example, let us consider the problem of tunneling in multi-
dimensional space, sketched in Fig. 6 for the 2D case – just for the graphics’ simplicity. Here, the
potential profile U(x, y) has a saddle-like shape. (Another helpful image is a mountain path between two
summits, in Fig. 6 located on the top and at the bottom of the shown region.) A particle of energy E may
move classically in the left and right regions with U(x, y) < E, but if E is not sufficiently high, it can pass
from one of these regions to another one only via the quantum-mechanical tunneling under the pass. Let
us calculate the transparency of this potential barrier in the WKB approximation, ignoring the possible
pre-exponential factor. 24
y U1 E
U1 E U2 E
x Fig. 5.6. A saddle-type 2D
potential profile and the instanton
trajectory of a particle of energy
U2 E E (schematically).
According to the evident multi-dimensional generalization Eq. (54), for the classically forbidden
region, where E < U(x, y), and hence p(r)/ = i(r), the contributions to the propagator (55) are
proportional to
I i
e exp E (t t 0 ) , where I κ (r ) dr , (5.56)
where may be calculated just in the 1D case – cf. Eq. (2.97):
2 2 (r )
U (r ) E . (5.57)
24 Actually, one can argue that the pre-exponential factor should be close to 1, just like in Eq. (2.117), especially
if the potential is smooth, in the sense of Eq. (2.107), in all spatial directions. (Let me remind the reader that for
most practical applications of quantum tunneling, the pre-exponential factor is of minor importance.)
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Hence the path integral in this region is much simpler than in the classically allowed region,
because the spatial exponents are purely real and there is no complex interference between them. Due to
the minus sign before I in the exponent (56), the largest contribution to G evidently comes from the
trajectory (or a narrow bundle of close trajectories) for which the integral I has the smallest value, so the
barrier transparency may be calculated as
T G e exp 2 κ (r' ) dr' ,
tunneling 2 2 I
in WKB (5.58)
limit r0
where r and r0 are certain points on the opposite classical turning-point surfaces: U(r) = U(r0) = E – see
Fig. 6.
Thus the barrier transparency problem is reduced to finding the trajectory (including the points r
and r0) that connects the two surfaces and minimizes the functional I. This is of course a well-known
problem of the calculus of variations,25 but it is interesting that the path integral provides a simple
alternative way of solving it. Let us consider an auxiliary problem of particle’s motion in the potential
profile Uinv(r) that is inverted relative to the particle’s energy E, i.e. is defined by the following equality:
U inv (r ) E E U (r ). (5.59)
As was discussed above, at fixed energy E, the path integral for the WKB motion in the classically
allowed region of potential Uinv(x, y) (that coincides with the classically forbidden region of the original
problem) is dominated by the classical trajectory corresponding to the minimum of
r r
S inv p inv (r' ) dr' k inv (r' ) dr, (5.60)
r0 r0
25 For a concise introduction to the field see, e.g., I. Gelfand and S. Fomin, Calculus of Variations, Dover, 2000,
or L. Elsgolc, Calculus of Variations, Dover, 2007.
26 In the quantum field theory, the instanton concept may be formulated somewhat differently, and has more
complex applications – see, e.g. R. Rajaraman, Solitons and Instantons, North-Holland, 1987.
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the point r0 to the point r, in the inverted potential defined by Eq. (59), plays the role of the most
important (though not the only one) time scale of the particle’s tunneling under the barrier.27
0 ˆ 2 ˆ 2
. (5.64)
This symmetry, as well as our discussion of the very similar coordinate and momentum representations
in Sec. 4.7, hints that much may be gained by treating the operators ˆ and ˆ on equal footing. Inspired
by this clue, let us introduce a new operator
ˆ iˆ
1/ 2
m 0 pˆ Annihilation
aˆ xˆ i . (5.65a) operator:
2 2 m 0 definition
Since both operators ˆ and ˆ correspond to real observables, i.e. have real eigenvalues and hence are
Hermitian (self-adjoint), the Hermitian conjugate of the operator â is simply its complex conjugate:
ˆ iˆ
1/ 2
† m 0 pˆ Creation
aˆ xˆ i . (5.65b) operator:
2 2 m 0 definition
Because of the reason that will be clear very soon, aˆ † and aˆ (in this order!) are called the creation and
annihilation operators.
27 For more on this interesting issue see, e.g., M. Buttiker and R. Landauer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 1739 (1982), and
references therein.
28 This normalization is not really necessary, it just makes the following calculations less bulky – and thus more
aesthetically appealing.
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Now solving the simple system of two linear equations (65) for ˆ and ˆ , we get the following
reciprocal relations:
1/ 2
aˆ aˆ † aˆ aˆ † aˆ aˆ † aˆ aˆ †
, i.e. xˆ pˆ m 0
1/ 2
, , . (5.66)
2 2i m 0 2 2i
Our Hamiltonian (64) includes squares of these operators. Calculating them, we have to be careful to
avoid swapping the new operators, because they do not commute. Indeed, for the normalized operators
(63), Eq. (2.14) gives
ˆ, ˆ 2
x0 m 0
xˆ, pˆ iIˆ, (5.67)
aˆaˆ † aˆ † aˆ Iˆ (5.71)
and plug it into Eq. (70). The result is
0 † 1
Hˆ 2aˆ aˆ Iˆ 0 Nˆ Iˆ , (5.72)
2 2
where, in the last form, one more (evidently, Hermitian) operator,
definition Nˆ aˆ † aˆ , (5.73)
has been introduced. Since, according to Eq. (72), the operators Ĥ and N̂ differ only by the addition of
the identity operator and multiplication by a c-number, these operators commute. Hence, according to
the general arguments of Sec. 4.5, they share a set of stationary eigenstates n (they are frequently called
the Fock states), and we can write the standard eigenproblem (4.68) for the new operator as
Nˆ n N n n , (5.74)
where Nn are some eigenvalues that, according to Eq. (72), determine also the energy spectrum of the
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E n 0 N n . (5.75)
So far, we know only that all eigenvalues Nn are real; to calculate them, let us carry out the
following calculation – splendid in its simplicity and efficiency. Consider the result of the action of the
operator N̂ on the ket-vector â †n. Using the definition (73) and then the associative rule of the bra-ket
formalism, we may write
Nˆ aˆ † n aˆ † aˆ aˆ † n aˆ † aˆaˆ † n . (5.76)
Now using the commutation relation (71), and then Eq. (74), we may continue as
aˆ † aˆaˆ † n aˆ † aˆ † aˆ Iˆ n aˆ † Nˆ Iˆ n aˆ † N n 1 n N n 1 aˆ † n .
Nˆ aˆ † n N n 1 aˆ † n . (5.78)
Performing a similar calculation for the operator â , we get a similar formula:
It is time to stop calculations for a minute, and translate these results into plain English: if n is
an eigenket of the operator N̂ with the eigenvalue Nn, then â †n and â n are also eigenkets of that
operator, with the eigenvalues (Nn + 1), and (Nn – 1), respectively. This statement may be vividly
represented on the so-called ladder diagram shown in Fig. 7.
† aˆ † aˆ
aˆ n Nn 1
aˆ † aˆ
n Nn
aˆ aˆ Fig. 5.7. The “ladder diagram” of eigenstates of a 1D
â n Nn 1 harmonic oscillator. Arrows show the actions of the
aˆ † aˆ creation and annihilation operators on the eigenstates.
The operator â † moves the system one step up this ladder, while the operator â brings it one
step down. In other words, the former operator creates a new excitation of the system,29 while the latter
operator kills (“annihilates”) such excitation.30 On the other hand, according to Eq. (74) inner-multiplied
by the bra-vector n, the operator N̂ does not change the state of the system, but “counts” its position
on the ladder:
29 For electromagnetic field oscillators, such excitations are called photons; for mechanical wave oscillators,
phonons, etc.
30 This is exactly why â † is called the creation operator, and â , the annihilation operator.
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n Nˆ n n N n n N n . (5.80)
This is why N̂ is called the number operator, in our current context meaning the number of the
elementary excitations of the oscillator.
This calculation still needs completion. Indeed, we still do not know whether the ladder shown in
Fig. 7 shows all eigenstates of the oscillator, and what exactly the numbers Nn are. Fascinating enough,
both questions may be answered by exploring just one paradox. Let us start with some state n (read a
step of the ladder), and keep going down the ladder, applying the operator â again and again. According
to Eq. (79), at each step the eigenvalue Nn is decreased by one, so eventually it should become negative.
However, this cannot happen, because any actual eigenstate, including the states represented by kets d
â n and n, should have a positive norm – see Eq. (4.16). Comparing the norms,
d n aˆ † a n n N n N n n n ,
2 2
n nn, (5.81)
aˆ n An n 1 , aˆ † n A' n n 1 . (5.82)
(The linear relations (78)-(79) clearly allow that.) Let us calculate the coefficients An assuming, for
convenience, that all eigenstates, including the states n and (n –1), are normalized:
aˆ † aˆ 1 Nn
n n 1, n 1 n 1 n *
n n N n n n 1. (5.83)
An An An* An An* An
From here, we get An = (Nn)1/2, i.e.
i n
aˆ n N n1 / 2 e n 1 , (5.84)
where n is an arbitrary real phase. Now let us consider what happens if all numbers Nn are integers.
(Because of the definition of Nn, given by Eq. (74), it is convenient to call these integers n, i.e. to use
the same letter as for the corresponding eigenstate.) Then when we have come down to the state with n
= 0, an attempt to make one more step down gives
aˆ 0 0 1 . (5.85)
But according to Eq. (4.9), the state on the right-hand side of this equation is the “null-state”, i.e. does
not exist.31 This gives the (only known :-) resolution of the state ladder paradox: the ladder has the
lowest step with Nn = n = 0.
As a by-product of our discussion, we have obtained a very important relation Nn = n, which
means, in particular, that the state ladder shown in Fig. 7 includes all eigenstates of the oscillator.
31 Please note again the radical difference between the null-state on the right-hand side of Eq. (85) and the state
described by the ket-vector 0 on the left-hand side of that relation. The latter state does exist and, moreover,
represents the most important, ground state of the system, with n = 0 – see Eqs. (2.274)-(2.275).
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Plugging this relation into Eq. (75), we see that the full spectrum of eigenenergies of the harmonic
oscillator is described by the simple formula
E n 0 n , n 0, 1, 2... , (5.86)
which was already discussed in Sec. 2.9. It is rather remarkable that the bra-ket formalism has allowed
us to derive it without calculating the corresponding (rather cumbersome) wavefunctions n(x) – see
Eqs. (2.284).
Moreover, this formalism may be also used to calculate virtually any matrix element of the
oscillator, without using n(x). However, to do that, we should first calculate the coefficient A’n
participating in the second of Eqs. (82). This may be done similarly to the above calculation of An;
alternatively, since we already know that An = (Nn)1/2 = n1/2, we may notice that according to Eqs. (73)
and (82), the eigenproblem (74), which in our new notation for Nn becomes
Nˆ n n n , (5.87)
may be rewritten as
n n aˆ † aˆ n aˆ † An n 1 An An' 1 n . (5.88)
Comparing the first and the last form of this equality, we see that A’n-1 = n/An = n1/2, so A’n = (n +
1)1/2exp(in’). Taking all phases n and n’ equal to zero for simplicity, we may spell out Eqs. (82) as32
aˆ † n n 1 n 1 ,
1/ 2 Fock state
aˆ n n1 / 2 n 1 . (5.89) ladder
Now we can use these formulas to calculate, for example, the matrix elements of the operator x̂
in the Fock state basis:
x x
n' xˆ n x 0 n' ˆ n 0 n' aˆ aˆ † n 0 n' aˆ n n' aˆ n
2 2
0 n1 / 2 n' n 1 n 1 n' n 1 .
1/ 2
Taking into account the Fock state orthonormality:
n' n n 'n , (5.91)
this result becomes
1/ 2
n n' ,n 1 (n 1) n' ,n 1 n n' ,n 1 (n 1)1 / 2 n' ,n 1 .
n' xˆ n 1/ 2 1/ 2
1/ 2
(5.92) matrix
2m 0
Acting absolutely similarly, for the momentum’s matrix elements we get a similar expression:
1/ 2
m 0
n' pˆ n i n 1/ 2
n' ,n 1 (n 1)1 / 2 n ',n 1 . (5.93)
32A useful mnemonic rule for these key relations is that the c-number coefficient in any of them is equal to the
square root of the largest number of the two states it relates.
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Hence the matrices of both operators in the Fock-state basis have only two diagonals, adjacent to the
main diagonal; all other elements (including the main-diagonal ones) are zeros.
The matrix elements of higher powers of these operators, as well as their products, may be
handled similarly, though the higher the power, the bulkier the result. For example,
n' xˆ 2 n n' xˆxˆ n
n" 0
n' xˆ n" n" xˆ n
1/ 2
n' ,n"1 n" 11 / 2 n ',n"1 n1 / 2 n",n 1 n 11 / 2 n",n 1 (5.94)
2 n " 0
n n 1 1/ 2
n ',n 2 n 1n 2 1 / 2 n ',n 2 (2n 1) n ',n .
For applications, the most important of these matrix elements are those on its main diagonal:
x 02
x 2
n xˆ n 2n 1.
This expression shows, in particular, that the expectation value of the oscillator’s potential energy in the
nth Fock state is
m 02 2 m 02 x02 1 0 1
U x n n . (5.96)
2 2 2 2 2
This is exactly one-half of the total energy (86) of the oscillator. As a sanity check, an absolutely similar
calculation for the momentum squared, and hence for the kinetic energy p2/2m, yields
2 1
p 2 n pˆ 2 n m 0 x0 n m 0 n , so that
2 2
n ,
i.e. both partial energies are equal to En/2, just as in a classical oscillator.33
Note that according to Eqs. (92) and (93), the expectation values of both x and p in any Fock
state are equal to zero:
x n xˆ n 0, p n pˆ n 0, (5.98)
This is why, according to the general Eqs. (1.33)-(1.34), the results (95) and (97) also give the variances
of the coordinate and the momentum, i.e. the squares of their uncertainties, (x)2 and (p)2. In particular,
for the ground state (n = 0), these uncertainties are
1/ 2 1/ 2
x0 m 0 x 0 m 0
x , p . (5.99)
2 2m 0 2 2
In the theory of precise measurements (to be reviewed in brief in Chapter 10), these expressions are
often called the standard quantum limit.
33Still note that operators of the partial (potential and kinetic) energies do not commute with either each other or
with the full-energy (Hamiltonian) operator, so the Fock states n are not their eigenstates. This fact maps on the
well-known oscillations of these partial energies (with the frequency 20) in a classical oscillator, at the full
energy staying constant.
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p / m0
P / m0
For the forthcoming comparison with quantum states, it is convenient to describe this classical
motion by the following dimensionless complex variable
1 P (t )
(t ) X (t ) i , (5.102)
2 x0 m 0
which is essentially the standard complex-number representation of the representing point’s position on
the 2D phase plane, with A/2x0. With this definition, Eqs. (100) are conveniently merged into one
i 0 , (5.103)
34 If Eqs. (100) are not evident, please consult a classical mechanics course – e.g., CM Sec. 3.2 and/or Sec. 10.1.
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where the constant (0) may be complex, and is just the (normalized) classical complex amplitude of
oscillations.35 This equation describes sinusoidal oscillations of both X(t) Re[(t)] and P Im[(t)],
with a phase shift of /2 between them.
On the other hand, according to the basic Eq. (4.161), the time dependence of a Fock state, as of
a stationary state of the oscillator, is limited to the phase factor exp{-iEnt/}. This factor drops out at the
averaging (4.125) for any observable. As a result, in this state the expectation values of x, p, or of any
function thereof are time-independent. (Moreover, as Eqs. (98) show, x = p = 0.) Taking into account
Eqs. (96)-(97), the closest (though very imperfect) geometric image36 of such a state on the phase plane
is a static circle of the radius An = x0(2n + 1)1/2, along which the wavefunction is uniformly spread – see
the blue rings in Fig. 8. For the ground state (n = 0), with the wavefunction (2.275), a better image may
be a blurred round spot, of a radius ~x0, at the origin. (It is easy to criticize such blurring, intended to
represent the non-vanishing spreads (99), because it fails to reflect the fact that the total energy of the
oscillator in the state, E0 = 0/2 is defined exactly, without any uncertainty.)
So, the difference between a classical state of the oscillator and its Fock state n is very profound.
However, the Fock states are not the only possible quantum states of the oscillator: according to the
basic Eq. (4.6), any state described by the ket-vector
n n (5.105)
n 0
with an arbitrary set of (complex) c-numbers n, is also its legitimate state, subject only to the
normalization condition = 1, giving
n 1. (5.106)
n 0
It is natural to ask: could we select the coefficients n in such a special way that the state properties
would be closer to the classical one; in particular the expectation values x and p of the coordinate and
momentum would evolve in time as the classical values X(t) and P(t), while the uncertainties of these
observables would be, just as in the ground state, given by Eqs. (99), and hence have the smallest
possible uncertainty product, xp = /2. Let me show that such a Glauber state,37 which is
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schematically represented in Fig. 8 by a blurred red spot around the classical point {X(t), P(t)}, is indeed
Conceptually the simplest way to find the corresponding coefficients n would be to calculate
x, p, x, and p for an arbitrary set of n, and then try to optimize these coefficients to reach our
goal. However, this problem may be solved much easier using wave mechanics. Indeed, let us consider
the following wavefunction:
1/ 2 Glauber
m 0 m 0
x X (t )2 i P(t ) x ,
( x, t ) exp (5.107) coordinate
2 representation
Its comparison with Eqs. (2.275) shows that this is just the ground-state wavefunction, but with the
center shifted from the origin into the classical point {X(t), P(t)}. A straightforward (though a bit bulky)
differentiation over x and t shows that it satisfies the oscillator’s Schrödinger equation, provided that the
c-number functions X(t) and P(t) obey the classical equations (100). Moreover, a similar calculation
shows that the wavefunction (107) also satisfies the Schrödinger equation of an oscillator under the
effect of a pulse of a classical force F(t), provided that the oscillator initially was in its ground state, and
that the classical evolution law {X(t), P(t)} in Eq. (107) takes this force into account.38 Since for many
experimental implementations of the harmonic oscillator, the ground state may be readily formed (for
example, by providing a weak coupling of the oscillator to a low-temperature environment), the Glauber
state is usually easier to form than any Fock state with n > 0. This is why the Glauber states are so
important and deserve much discussion.
In such a discussion, there is a substantial place for the bra-ket formalism. For example, to
calculate the corresponding coefficients in the expansion (105) by wave-mechanical means,
n t n t dx n x x t n* ( x) ( x, t )dx , (5.108)
we would need to use not only the simple Eq. (107), but also the Fock state wavefunctions n(x), which
are not very appealing – see Eq. (2.284) again. Instead, this calculation may be readily done in the bra-
ket formalism, giving us one important byproduct result as well.
Let us start by expressing the double shift of the ground state (by X and P), which has led us to
Eq. (107), in the operator language. Forgetting about the P for a minute, let us find the translation
operator Tˆ X that would produce the desired shift of an arbitrary wavefunction (x) by a c-number
distance X along the coordinate argument x. This means
Tˆ X ( x) ( x X ) . (5.109)
Representing the wavefunction as the standard wave packet (4.264), we see that
1 p( x X ) 1 pX px
Tˆ X ( x)
2 1/ 2
( p) expi dp ( p) exp i expi dp . (5.110)
1/ 2
38For its description, it is sufficient to solve Eqs. (100), with F(t) added to the right-hand side of the second of
these equations.
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Hence, the shift may be achieved by the multiplication of each Fourier component of the packet, with
the momentum p, by exp{-ipX/}. This gives us a hint that the general form of the translation operator,
valid in any representation, should be
pˆ X
Tˆ X exp i . (5.111)
The proof of this formula is provided merely by the fact that, as we know from Chapter 4, any operator
is uniquely determined by the set of its matrix elements in any full and orthogonal basis, in particular the
basis of momentum states p. According to Eq. (110), the analog of Eq. (4.235) for the p-representation,
applied to the translation operator (which is evidently local), is
dp p Tˆ X p' ( p' ) exp i ( p) , (5.112)
so the operator (111) does exactly the job we need it to.
The operator that provides the shift of momentum by a c-number P is absolutely similar – with
the opposite sign under the exponent, due to the opposite sign of the exponent in the reciprocal Fourier
transform, so the simultaneous shift by both X and P may be achieved by the following translation
Pxˆ pˆ X
Tˆ expi . (5.113)
As we already know, for a harmonic oscillator the creation-annihilation operators are more natural, so
we may use Eqs. (66) to recast Eq. (113) as
Tˆ 0 . (5.115)
This formula, valid in any representation, is very elegant, but using it for practical calculations
(say, of the expectation values of observables) is not too easy because of the exponent-of-operators form
of the translation operator. Fortunately, it turns out that a much simpler representation for the Glauber
state is possible. To show this, let us start with the following general (and very useful) property of
exponential functions of an operator argument: if
exp Aˆ Bˆ exp Aˆ Bˆ Iˆ. (5.117)
A proof of Eq. (117) may be readily achieved by expanding the operator fˆ ( ) exp Aˆ Bˆ exp Aˆ in
the Taylor series with respect to the c-number parameter , and then evaluating the result for = 1. This simple
exercise is left for the reader.
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Aˆ *aˆ aˆ † , so exp Aˆ Tˆ † , exp Aˆ Tˆ . (5.118)
First, let us take Bˆ Iˆ ; then Eq. (116) is valid with = 0, and Eq. (117) yields
Using Eq. (119), we may reduce this product to âTˆ , while the application of Eq. (121) to the same
expression (122) yields Tˆ aˆ Tˆ . Hence, we get the following operator equality:
Thus any Glauber state is one of the eigenstates of the annihilation operator, namely the one
with the eigenvalue equal to the c-number parameter of the state, i.e. to the complex representation
(102) of the classical point which is the center of the Glauber state’s wavefunction.41 This fact makes the
40 This result is also rather counter-intuitive. Indeed, according to Eq. (89), the annihilation operator â , acting
upon a Fock state n, “beats it down” to the lower-energy state (n – 1). However, according to Eq. (124), the action
of the same operator on a Glauber state does not lead to the state change and hence to any energy change! The
resolution of this paradox is given by the representation of the Glauber state as a series of Fock states – see Eq.
(134) below. The operator â indeed transfers each Fock component of this series to a lower-energy state, but it
also re-weighs each term, so the complete energy of the Glauber state remains constant.
41 This fact means that the spectrum of eigenvalues in Eq. (124), viewed as an eigenproblem, is continuous – it
may be any complex number.
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calculations of all Glauber state properties much simpler. As an example, let us calculate x in the
Glauber state with some c-number :
x x
x xˆ 0 aˆ aˆ † 0 aˆ aˆ † . (5.125)
2 2
In the first term in the parentheses, we can apply Eq. (124) directly, while in the second term, we can
use the bra-counterpart of that relation, aˆ † * . Now assuming that the Glauber state is
normalized, = 1, and using Eq. (102), we get
* x0
* X , (5.126)
Acting absolutely similarly, we may verify that p = P, and that x and p do indeed obey Eqs. (99).
As the last sanity check, let us use Eq. (124) to re-calculate the Glauber state’s wavefunction
(107). Inner-multiplying both sides of that relation by the bra-vector x, and using the definition (65a) of
the annihilation operator, we get
1 pˆ
x xˆ i x . (5.127)
2 x0 m 0
Since x is the bra-vector of the eigenstate of the Hermitian operator x̂ , they may be swapped, with the
operator giving its eigenvalue x; acting on that bra-vector by the (local!) operator of momentum, we
have to use it in the coordinate representation – see Eq. (4.245). As a result, we get
x x x x . (5.128)
2 x0 m 0 x
But x is nothing else than the Glauber state’s wavefunction so Eq. (128) gives for it a first-order
differential equation
x . (5.129)
2 x0 m 0 x
Chasing and x to the opposite sides of the equation, and using the definition (102) of the parameter
, we can bring this equation to the form (valid at fixed t, and hence fixed X and P):
d m 0 P
x X i dx . (5.130)
m 0
Integrating both parts, we return to Eq. (107).
Now we can use Eq. (124) for finding the coefficients n in the expansion (105) of the Glauber
state in the series over the Fock states n. Plugging Eq. (105) into both sides of Eq. (124), using the
second of Eqs. (89) on the left-hand side, and requiring the coefficients at each ket-vector n in both
parts of the resulting relation to be equal, we get the following recurrence relation:
n 1 n. (5.131)
(n 1)1 / 2
Chapter 5 Page 27 of 48
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The result of such summation is not necessarily integer! In our particular case, Eqs. (134)-(136) yield
n . (5.137)
Wn n 0.3
0.4 1.0
Fig. 5.9. The Poisson distribution (135)
3.0 for several values of n. Note that Wn are
10 defined only for integer values of n; the
0 lines are only guides for the eye.
0 5 10 15 20
For applications, perhaps the most important property of this distribution is that for any n,
n~ 2 n n
Glauber state:
so that n n~ 2
2 1/ 2 1/ 2
n, n . (5.138) r.m.s.
Another important property is that at n >> 1, the Poisson distribution approaches the Gaussian one,
with Wn peaking at n = n = 2, and a small relative r.m.s. uncertainty: n/n << 1 – see Fig. 9.
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Now let us discuss the Glauber state’s evolution in time. In the wave-mechanics language, it is
completely described by the dynamics (100) of the c-number shifts X(t) and P(t) participating in the
wavefunction (107). Note again that, in contrast to the spread of the wave packet of a free particle,
discussed in Sec. 2.2, in the harmonic oscillator the Gaussian packet of the special width (99) does not
spread at all!
An alternative and equivalent way of dynamics description is to use the Heisenberg equation of
motion. As Eqs. (29) and (35) tell us, such equations for the Heisenberg operators of coordinate and
momentum have to be similar to the classical equations (100):
xˆ H H , pˆ H m 02 xˆ H . (5.139)
Now using Eqs. (66), for the Heisenberg-picture creation and annihilation operators we get the equations
† †
aˆ H i 0 aˆ H , aˆ H i 0 aˆ H , (5.140)
which are completely similar to the classical equation (103) for the c-number parameter and its
complex conjugate, and hence have the solutions identical to Eq. (104):
i0t i0t
aˆ H (t ) aˆ H (0)e , aˆ H† (t ) aˆ H† (0)e . (5.141)
As was discussed in Sec. 4.6, such equations are very convenient, because they enable simple
calculation of time evolution of observables for any initial state of the oscillator (Fock, Glauber, or any
other) using Eq. (4.191). In particular, Eq. (141) shows that regardless of the initial state, the oscillator
always returns to it exactly with the period 2/0.42 Applied to the Glauber state with = 0, i.e. the
ground state of the oscillator, such calculation confirms that the Gaussian wave packet of the special
width (99) does not spread in time at all – even temporarily.
Now let me briefly mention the states whose initial wave packets are still Gaussian, but have
different widths, say x < x0/2. As we already know from Sec. 2.2, the momentum spread p will be
correspondingly larger, still with the smallest possible uncertainty product: xp = /2. Such squeezed
ground state , with zero expectation values of x and p, may be generated from the Fock/Glauber ground
Sˆ 0 ,
ground (5.142a)
using the so-called squeezing operator,
Squeezing Sˆ exp *aˆaˆ aˆ † aˆ † , (5.142b)
which depends on a complex c-number parameter = rei, where r and are real. The parameter’s
modulus r determines the squeezing degree; if is real (i.e. = 0), then
42 Actually, this fact is also evident from the Schrödinger picture of the oscillator’s time evolution: due to the
exactly equal distances 0 between the eigenenergies (86), the time functions an(t) in the fundamental expansion
(1.69) of its wavefunction oscillate with frequencies n0, and hence they all share the same time period 2/0.
Chapter 5 Page 29 of 48
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x0 r m 0 x0 r m 0 x 02
x e , p e , so that xp . (5.143)
2 2 2 2
On the phase plane (Fig. 8), this state, with r > 0, may be represented by an oval spot squeezed along
one of two mutually perpendicular axes (hence the state’s name), and stretched by the same factor er
along the counterpart axis; the same formulas but with r < 0 describe squeezing along the other axis. On
the other hand, the phase of the squeezing parameter determines the angle /2 of the
squeezing/stretching axes about the phase plane origin – see the magenta ellipse in Fig. 8. If 0, Eqs.
(143) are valid for the variables {x’, p’} obtained from {x, p} via clockwise rotation by that angle. For
any of such origin-centered squeezed ground states, the time evolution is reduced to an increase of the
angle with the rate 0, i.e. to the clockwise rotation of the ellipse, without its deformation, with the
angular velocity 0 – see the magenta arrows in Fig. 8. As a result, the uncertainties x and p oscillate
in time with the double frequency 20. Such squeezed ground states may be formed, for example, by a
parametric excitation of the oscillator,43 with a parameter modulation depth close to, but still below the
threshold of the excitation of degenerate parametric oscillations.
By action of an additional external force, the center of a squeezed state may be displaced from
the origin to an arbitrary point {X, P}. Such displaced squeezed state may be described by the action of
the translation operator (113) upon the ground squeezed state, i.e. by the action of the operator product
Tˆ Sˆ on the usual (Fock / Glauber, i.e. non-squeezed) ground state. Calculations similar to those that
led us from Eq. (114) to Eq. (124), show that such displaced squeezed state is an eigenstate of the
following mixed operator:
bˆ aˆ cosh r aˆ † e i sinh r , (5.144)
with the same parameters r and , with the eigenvalue
cosh r * e i sinh r , (5.145)
thus generalizing Eq. (124), which corresponds to r = 0. For the particular case = 0, Eq. (145) yields
= 0, i.e. the action of the operator (144) on the squeezed ground state yields the null-state. Just as Eq.
(124) in the case of the Glauber states, Eqs. (144)-(145) make the calculation of the basic properties of
the squeezed states (for example, the proof of Eqs. (143) for the case = = 0) very straightforward.
Unfortunately, I do not have more time/space for a further discussion of the squeezed states in
this section, but their importance for precise quantum measurements will be discussed in Sec. 10.2
43 For a discussion and classical theory of this effect, see, e.g., CM Sec. 5.5.
44 For more on the squeezed states see, e.g., Chapter 7 in the monograph by C. Gerry and P. Knight, Introductory
Quantum Optics, Cambridge U. Press, 2005. Also, note the spectacular measurements of the Glauber and
squeezed states of electromagnetic (optical) oscillators by G. Breitenbach et al., Nature 387, 471 (1997), a large
(ten-fold) squeezing achieved in such oscillators by H. Vahlbruch et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 033602 (2008), and
the first results on the ground state squeezing in micromechanical oscillators, with resonance frequencies 0/2 as
low as a few MHz, using their parametric coupling to microwave electromagnetic oscillators – see, e.g., E.
Wollman et al., Science 349, 952 (2015) and/or J.-M. Pirkkalainen et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 243601 (2015).
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their polar components include the associated Legendre functions Plm(cos), which may be expressed
via elementary functions only indirectly – see Eqs. (3.165) and (3.168). This makes all the calculations
less than transparent and, in particular, does not allow a clear insight into the origin of the very simple
energy spectrum of such systems – see, e.g., Eq. (3.163). The bra-ket formalism, applied to the angular
momentum operator, not only enables such insight and produces a very convenient tool for many
calculations involving spherically-symmetric potentials, but also opens a clear way toward the
unification of the orbital momentum with the particle’s spin – the latter task to be addressed in the next
Let us start by using the correspondence principle to spell out the quantum-mechanical vector
operator of the orbital angular momentum L rp of a point particle:
nx ny nz
Angular 3
momentum Lˆ rˆ pˆ rˆ1 rˆ2 rˆ3 , i.e. Lˆ j rˆj' pˆ j" jj'j" , (5.147)
j' 1
pˆ 1 pˆ 2 pˆ 3
where each of the indices j, j’, and j” may take values 1, 2, and 3 (with j” j, j’), and jj’j” is the Levi-
Civita permutation symbol, which we have already used in Sec. 4.5, and also in Sec. 1 of this chapter, in
similar expressions (17)-(18). From this definition, we can readily calculate the commutation relations
for all Cartesian components of operators Lˆ , rˆ , and pˆ ; for example,
Lˆ , rˆ rˆ pˆ j" jkj" , r j' rk r j' , p j" jkj" i rk j'j" jkj" i rk jj'k ir j" jj'j" , (5.148)
3 3 3 3
j j' k
ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ
k 1 k 1 k 1 k 1
The summary of all these calculations may be represented in similar compact forms:
the last of them shows that the commutator of two different Cartesian components of the vector-operator
L̂ is proportional to its complementary component.
Also introducing, in a natural way, the (scalar!) operator of the observable L2 L2,
Lˆ2 Lˆ2x Lˆ2y Lˆ2z L2j ,
of L
2 (5.150)
j 1
it is straightforward to check that this operator commutes with each of the Cartesian components:
Lˆ , Lˆ 0.
j (5.151)
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This result, at the first sight, may seem to contradict the last of Eqs. (149). Indeed, haven’t we learned in
Sec. 4.5 that commuting operators (e.g., L̂2 and any of L̂ j ) share their eigenstate sets? If yes, shouldn’t
this set has to be common for all four angular momentum operators? The resolution in this paradox may
be found in the condition that was mentioned just after Eq. (4.138), but (sorry!) was not sufficiently
emphasized there. According to that relation, if an operator has degenerate eigenstates (i.e. if some Aj =
Aj’ even for j j’), they should not be necessarily all shared by another compatible operator.
This is exactly the situation with the orbital angular momentum operators, which may be
schematically shown on a Venn diagram (Fig. 10):45 the eigenstates of the operator L̂2 are highly
degenerate,46 and their set is broader than those of any component operator L̂ j (that, as will be shown
below, are non-degenerate – until we consider particle’s spin).
Let us focus on just one of these three joint sets of eigenstates – by tradition, of the operators L̂2
and L̂z . (This tradition stems from the canonical form of the spherical coordinates, in which the polar
angle is measured from the z-axis. Indeed, in the coordinate representation we may write
Lˆ z xˆp y yˆ p x x i y i i . (5.152)
y x
Writing the standard eigenproblem for the operator in this representation, Lˆ z m L z m , we see that it
is satisfied by the eigenfunctions (146), with eigenvalues Lz = m – which was already conjectured in
Sec. 3.5.) More specifically, let us consider a set of eigenstates {l, m} corresponding to a certain
degenerate eigenvalue of the operator L̂2 , and all possible eigenvalues of the operator L̂z , i.e. all
possible quantum numbers m. (At this point, l is just some label of the eigenvalue of the operator L̂2 ; it
will be defined more explicitly in a minute.) To analyze this set, it is instrumental to introduce the so-
called ladder (also called, respectively, “raising” and “lowering”) operators47
45 This is just a particular example of the Venn diagrams (introduced in the 1880s by John Venn) that show
possible relations (such as intersections, unions, complements, etc.) between various sets of objects, and are very
useful tool in the general set theory.
46 Note that this particular result is consistent with the classical picture of the angular momentum vector: even
when its length is fixed, the vector may be oriented in various directions, corresponding to different values of its
Cartesian components. However, in the classical picture, all these components may be fixed simultaneously, while
in the quantum picture this is not true.
47 Note a substantial similarity between this definition and Eqs. (65) for the creation/annihilation operators.
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It is simple (and hence left for the reader’s exercise) to use this definition and the last of Eqs. (149) to
calculate the following commutators:
Lˆ , Lˆ 2Lˆ ,
relations z and Lˆ z , Lˆ Lˆ , (5.154)
and also to use Eqs. (149)-(150) to prove two other important operator relations:
Lˆ z Lˆ Lˆ Lˆ z Lˆ , (5.156)
and act by its both sides upon the ket-vector l, m of an arbitrary common eigenstate:
Lˆ z Lˆ l , m Lˆ Lˆ z l , m Lˆ l , m . (5.157)
Since the eigenvalues of the operator L̂ z are equal to m, in the first term of the right-hand side of Eq.
(157) we may write
Lˆ z l , m m l , m . (5.158)
With that, Eq. (157) may be recast as
Lˆ z Lˆ l , m m 1 Lˆ l , m . (5.159)
In a spectacular similarity with Eqs. (78)-(79) for the harmonic oscillator, Eq. (159) means that
the states Lˆ l , m are also eigenstates of the operator L̂z , corresponding to eigenvalues (m 1). Thus
the ladder operators act exactly as the creation and annihilation operators of a harmonic oscillator,
moving the system up or down a ladder of eigenstates – see Fig. 11.
eigenket eigenvalue of Lˆ z
l, l l
Lˆ Lˆ
Lˆ l , m m 1
Lˆ Lˆ
l, m m
Lˆ Lˆ
Lˆ l , m m 1
Fig. 5.11. The ladder diagram of the common
Lˆ Lˆ eigenstates of the operators L̂2 and L̂z .
l , l l
The most significant difference is that now the state ladder must end in both directions, because
an infinite increase of m, with whichever sign of m, would cause the expectation values of the operator
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which corresponds to a non-negative observable, to become negative. Hence there have to be two states
at both ends of the ladder, with such ket-vectors l, mmax and l, mmin that
Due to the symmetry of the whole problem with respect to the replacement m –m, we should have
mmin = – mmax. This mmax is exactly the quantum number traditionally called l, so
l m l. (5.162) between
m and l
Evidently, this relation of quantum numbers m and l is semi-quantitatively compatible with the
classical image of the angular momentum vector L, of the same length L, pointing in various directions,
thus affecting the value of its component Lz. In this classical picture, however, L2 would be equal to the
square of (Lz)max, i.e. to (l)2; however, in quantum mechanics, this is not so. Indeed, applying both parts
of the second of the operator equalities (155) to the top state’s vector l, mmax l, l, we get
l l 1 l , l .
2 of L
Since by our initial assumption, all eigenvectors l, m correspond to the same eigenvalue of L̂2 , this
result means that all these eigenvalues are equal to 2l(l + 1). Just as in the case of the spin-½ vector
operators discussed in Sec. 4.5, the deviation of this result from 2l2 may be interpreted as the result of
unavoidable uncertainties (“fluctuations”) of the x- and y-components of the angular momentum, which
give non-zero positive contributions to Lx2 and Ly2, and hence to L2, even if the angular momentum
vector is aligned with the z-axis in the best possible way.
(For various applications of the ladder operators (153), one more relation is convenient:
Lˆ l , m l l 1 mm 1 l , m 1 .
1/ 2
This equality, valid to the multiplier ei with an arbitrary real phase , may be readily proved from the
above relations in the same way as the parallel Eqs. (89) for the harmonic-oscillator operators (65) were
proved in Sec. 4; due to this similarity, the proof is also left for the reader’s exercise.48)
Now let us compare our results with those of Sec. 3.6. Using the expression of Cartesian
coordinates via the spherical ones exactly as this was done in Eq. (152), we get the following
expressions for the ladder operators (153) in the coordinate representation:
48 The reader is also challenged to use the commutation relations discussed above to prove one more important
property of the common eigenstates of L̂ z and L̂2 :
l , m rˆj l' , m' 0, unless l' l 1 and m' either m 1 or m .
This property gives the selection rule for the orbital electric-dipole quantum transitions, to be discussed later in
the course, especially in Sec. 9.3. (The final selection rules at these transitions may be affected by the particle’s
spin – see the next section.)
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Lˆ e i icotan . (5.165)
operators: Now plugging this relation, together with Eq. (152), into any of Eqs. (155), we get
ˆ 2 1 1 2
L sin
. (5.166)
sin sin 2
But this is exactly the operator (besides its division by the constant parameter 2mR2) that stands on the
left-hand side of Eq. (3.156). Hence that equation, which was explored by the “brute-force” (wave-
mechanical) approach in Sec. 3.6, may be understood as the eigenproblem for the operator L̂2 in the
coordinate representation, with the eigenfunctions Ylm(,) corresponding to the eigenkets l, m, and the
eigenvalues L2 = 2mR2E. As a reminder, the main result of that, rather involved analysis was expressed
by Eq. (3.163), which now may be rewritten as
L2l 2 mR 2 El 2 l (l 1) , (5.167)
in full agreement with Eq. (163), which was obtained by much more efficient means based on the bra-
ket formalism. In particular, it is fascinating to see how easy it is to operate with the eigenvectors l, m,
while the coordinate representations of these ket-vectors, the spherical harmonics Ylm(,), may be only
expressed by rather complicated functions – please have one more look at Eq. (3.171) and Fig. 3.20.
Note that all relations discussed in this section are not conditioned by any particular Hamiltonian
of the system under analysis, though they (as well as those discussed in the next section) are especially
important for particles moving in spherically-symmetric potentials.
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Now let us return to the only part of our orbital moment calculations that has not been derived
from the commutation relations. This was the fact, based on the solution (146) of the orbital motion
problems, that the quantum number m (the analog of ms) may be only an integer. For spin, we do not
have such a solution, so the spectrum of numbers ms (and hence its limits s) should be found from the
more loose requirement that the eigenstate ladder, extending from –s to + s, has an integer number of
steps. Hence, 2s has to be an integer, i.e. the spin s of a quantum particle may be either integer (as it is,
for example, for photons, gluons, and massive bosons W and Z0), or half-integer (e.g., for all quarks
and leptons, notably including electrons).49 For s = ½, this picture yields all the properties of the spin-½
that were derived in Chapter 4 from Eqs. (4.115)-(4.117). In particular, the operators Ŝ 2 and Ŝ z have
two common eigenstates ( and ), with Sz = ms = /2, both with S2= s(s +1)2 = (3/4)2.
Note that this analogy with the angular momentum sheds new light on the symmetry properties
of spin-½. Indeed, the fact that m in Eq. (146) is integer was derived in Sec. 3.5 from the requirement
that making a full circle around axis z, we should find a similar value of wavefunction m, which differs
from the initial one by an inconsequential factor exp{2im} = +1. With the replacement m ms = ½,
such operation would multiply the wavefunction by exp{i} = –1, i.e. reverse its sign. Of course, spin
properties cannot be described by a usual wavefunction, but this odd parity of electrons, shared by all
other spin-½ particles, is clearly revealed in properties of multiparticle systems (see Chapter 8 below),
and as a result, in their statistics (see, e.g., SM Chapter 2).
Now we are sufficiently equipped to analyze the situations in which a particle has both the
orbital momentum and the spin – as an electron in an atom. In classical mechanics, such an object, with
the spin S interpreted as the angular moment of its internal rotation, would be characterized by the total
angular momentum vector J = L + S. Following the correspondence principle, we may assume that
quantum-mechanical properties of this observable may be described by the similarly defined vector
Jˆ Lˆ Sˆ , (5.170) angular
with Cartesian components
Jˆ z Lˆ z Sˆ z , etc. , (5.171)
and the magnitude squared equal to
Jˆ 2 Jˆ x2 Jˆ y2 Jˆ z2 . (5.172)
Let us examine the properties of this vector operator. Since its two components (170) describe
different degrees of freedom of the particle, i.e. belong to different Hilbert spaces, they have to be
completely commuting:
Lˆ , Sˆ 0,
j j' Lˆ , Sˆ 0,
2 2
Lˆ , Sˆ 0,
Lˆ , Sˆ 0 .
j (5.173)
The above equalities are sufficient to derive the commutation relations for the operator Ĵ , and
unsurprisingly, they turn out to be absolutely similar to those of its components:
49 As a reminder, in the Standard Model of particle physics, such hadrons as mesons and baryons (notably
including protons and neutrons) are essentially composite particles. However, at non-relativistic energies, protons
and neutrons may be considered fundamental particles with s = ½.
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Jˆ , Jˆ iJˆ
j j' j" jj'j" , Jˆ 2
, Jˆ j 0 . (5.174)
Now repeating all the arguments of the last section, we may derive the following expressions for the
common eigenstates of the operators Ĵ 2 and Ĵ z :
eigenstates, J z j , m j m j j , m j , Jˆ 2 j , m j 2 j ( j 1) j , m j , 0 j , j m j j , (5.175)
where j and mj are new quantum numbers.50 Repeating the arguments just made for s and ms, we may
conclude that j and mj may be either integer or half-integer.
Before we proceed, one remark on notation: it is very convenient to use the same letter m for
numbering eigenstates of all momentum components participating in Eq. (171), with corresponding
indices (j, l, and s), in particular, to replace what we called m with ml. With this replacement, the main
results of the last section may be summarized in a form similar to Eqs. (168), (169), (174), and (175):
Lˆ , Lˆ iLˆ
j j' j" jj'j" , Lˆ , Lˆ 0 ,
j (5.176)
(new notation) Lˆ z l , ml ml l , ml , Lˆ2 l , ml 2 l (l 1) l , ml , 0 l , l ml l. (5.177)
In order to understand which eigenstates participating in Eqs. (169), (175), and (177) are
compatible with each other, it is straightforward to use Eq. (172), together with Eqs. (168), (173), (174),
and (176) to get the following relations:
Jˆ 2
Jˆ , Sˆ 0,
, Lˆ2 0, 2 2
Jˆ 2
, Lˆ 0, Jˆ , Sˆ 0.
z (5.179)
This result is represented schematically on the Venn diagram shown in Fig. 12, in which the crossed
arrows indicate the only non-commuting pairs of operators.
Ŝ 2
Ĵ 2 diagonal in
the coupled
diagonal in
the uncoupled L̂ z Ŝ z Ĵ z Fig. 5.12. The Venn diagram of angular momentum
representation operators, and their mutually-commuting groups.
This means that there are eigenstates shared by two operator groups encircled with colored lines
in Fig. 12. The first group (encircled red), consists of all these operators but Jˆ 2 . Hence there are
eigenstates shared by the five remaining operators, and these states correspond to definite values of the
corresponding quantum numbers: l, ml, s, ms, and mj. Actually, only four of these numbers are
50Let me hope that the difference between the quantum number j, and the indices j, j’, j” numbering the Cartesian
components in the relations like Eqs. (168) or (174), is absolutely clear from the context.
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independent, because due to Eq. (171) for these compatible operators, for each eigenstate of this group,
their “magnetic” quantum numbers m have to satisfy the following relation:
m j ml m s . (5.180)
Hence the common eigenstates of the operators of this group are fully defined by just four quantum
numbers, for example, l, ml, s, and ms. For some calculations, especially those for the systems whose
Hamiltonians include only the operators of this group, it is convenient51 to use this set of eigenstates as
the basis; frequently this approach is called the uncoupled representation.
However, in some situations we cannot ignore interactions between the orbital and spin degrees
of freedom (in the common jargon, the spin-orbit coupling), which leads in particular to splitting (called
the fine structure) of the atomic energy levels even in the absence of external magnetic field. I will
discuss these effects in detail in the next chapter, and now will only note that they may be described by a
term proportional to the product Lˆ Sˆ , in the system’s Hamiltonian. If this term is substantial, the
uncoupled representation becomes inconvenient. Indeed, writing
and looking at Fig. 12 again, we see that operator Lˆ Sˆ , describing the spin-orbit coupling, does not
commute with operators L̂ z and Ŝ z . This means that stationary states of the system with such term in
the Hamiltonian do not belong to the uncoupled representation’s basis. On the other hand, Eq. (181)
shows that the operator Lˆ Sˆ does commute with all four operators of another group, encircled blue in
Fig. 12. According to Eqs. (178), (179), and (181), all operators of that group also commute with each
other, so they have common eigenstates, described by the quantum numbers, l, s, j, and mj. This group is
the basis for the so-called coupled representation of particle states.
Excluding, for the notation briefness, the quantum numbers l and s, common for both groups, it
is convenient to denote the common ket-vectors of each group as, respectively,
As we will see in the next chapter, for the solution of some important problems (e.g., the fine structure
of atomic spectra and the Zeeman effect), we will need the relation between the kets j, mj and the kets
ml, ms. This relation may be represented as the usual linear superposition,
m ,m
j, m j l s ml , m s j , m j . (5.183) coefficients:
ml ,ms definition
The short brackets in this relation, essentially the elements of the unitary matrix of the transformation
between two eigenstate bases (182), are called the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients.
The best (though imperfect) classical interpretation of Eq. (183) I can offer is as follows. If the
lengths of the vectors L and S (in quantum mechanics associated with the numbers l and s, respectively),
51This is especially true for motion in spherically-symmetric potentials, whose stationary states correspond to
definite l and ml; however, the relations discussed in this section are important for some other problems as well.
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and also their scalar product LS, are all fixed, then so is the length of the vector J = L + S – whose
length in quantum mechanics is described by the number j. Hence, the classical image of a specific
eigenket j, mj, in which l, s, j, and mj are all fixed, is a state in which L2, S2, J2, and Jz are fixed.
However, this fixation still allows for arbitrary rotation of the pair of vectors L and S (with a fixed angle
between them, and hence fixed LS and J2) about the direction of the vector J – see Fig. 13.
Hence the components Lz and Sz in these conditions are not fixed, and in classical mechanics
may take a continuum of values, two of which (with the largest and the smallest possible values of Sz)
are shown in Fig. 13. In quantum mechanics, these components are quantized, with their states
represented by eigenkets ml, ms, so a linear combination of such kets is necessary to represent a ket j,
mj. This is exactly what Eq. (183) does.
z z
Jz J Jz J
Lz L Fig. 5.13. A classical image of two
Sz different quantum states with the
Sz S same quantum numbers l, s, j, and
mj, but different ml and ms.
0 0
Some properties of the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients ml, ms j, mj may be readily established.
For example, the coefficients do not vanish only if the involved magnetic quantum numbers satisfy Eq.
(180). In our current case, this relation is not an elementary corollary of Eq. (171), because in the
Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, with the quantum numbers ml, ms in one state vector, and mj in the other
state vector, characterize the relation between different groups of the basis states, so we need to prove
this fact. All matrix elements of the null-operator
Jˆ z ( Lˆ z Sˆ z ) 0̂ (5.184)
should equal zero in any basis; in particular
j , m j Jˆ z ( Lˆ z Sˆ z ) ml , m s 0. (5.185)
Acting by the operator Ĵ z upon the bra-vector, and by the sum ( Lˆ z Sˆ z ) upon the ket-vector, we get
m j
(ml m s ) j , m j ml , m s 0, (5.186)
thus proving that
ml , m s j , m s j , m s ml , m s 0, if m j ml m s . (5.187)
For the most important case of spin-½ particles (with s = ½, and hence ms = ½), whose
uncoupled representation basis includes 2(2l + 1) states, the restriction (187) enables the representation
of all non-zero Clebsch-Gordan coefficients on the simple “rectangular” diagram shown in Fig. 14.
Indeed, each coupled-representation eigenket j, mj, with mj = ml + ms = ml ½, may be related by non-
zero Clebsch-Gordan coefficients to at most two uncoupled-representation eigenstates ml, ms. Since ml
Chapter 5 Page 39 of 48
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may only take integer values from –l to +l, mj may only take semi-integer values on the interval [- l – ½,
l + ½]. Hence, by the definition of j as (mj)max, its maximum value has to be l + ½, and for mj = l + ½,
this is the only possible value with this j. This means that the uncoupled state with ml = l and ms = ½
should be identical to the coupled-representation state with j = l + ½ and mj = l + ½:
j l ½, m j l ½ ml m j ½, m s ½ . (5.188)
In Fig. 14, these two identical states are represented with the top-rightmost point (the uncoupled
representation) and the sloped line passing through it (the coupled representation).
m j l ½ m j l 3 2 mj l 3 2 mj l ½
j l ½ j l ½ j l ½ j l ½ mj l ½
½ j l ½
l l 1 l 2 0 l2 l 1 l ml
m j l ½
j l ½ ½
Fig. 5.14. A graphical representation of possible basis states of a spin-½ particle with a fixed l. Each dot
corresponds to an uncoupled-representation ket-vector ml, ms, while each sloped line corresponds to one
coupled-representation ket-vector j, mj, related by Eq. (183) to the kets ml, ms whose dots it connects.
However, already the next value of this quantum number, mj = l – ½, is compatible with two
values of j, so each ml, ms ket has to be related to two j, mj kets by two Clebsch-Gordan coefficients.
Since j changes in unit steps, these values of j have to be l ½. This choice,
j l ½, (5.189)
evidently satisfies all lower values of mj as well – see Fig. 14.52 (Again, only one value, j = l + ½, is
necessary to represent the state with the lowest mj = – l – ½ – see the bottom-leftmost point of that
diagram.) Note that the total number of the coupled-representation states is 1 + 22l + 1 2(2l + 1), i.e.
is the same as those in the uncoupled representation. So, for spin-½ systems, each sum (183), for fixed j
and mj (plus the fixed common parameter l, plus the common s = ½), has at most two terms, i.e. involves
at most two Clebsch-Gordan coefficients.
These coefficients may be calculated in a few steps, all but the last one rather simple even for an
arbitrary spin s. First, the similarity of the vector operators Jˆ and Sˆ to the operator L̂ , expressed by
Eqs. (169), (175), and (177), may be used to argue that the matrix elements of the operators Sˆ and Jˆ ,
defined similarly to L̂ , have the matrix elements similar to those given by Eq. (164). Next, acting by
the operator Jˆ Lˆ Sˆ upon both parts of Eq. (183), and then inner-multiplying the result by the bra
52 Eq. (5.189) allows a semi-qualitative classical interpretation in terms of the vector diagrams shown in Fig. 13:
since, according to Eq. (169), s gives the scale of the length of the vector S, if it is small (s = ½), the length of
vector J (similarly scaled by j) cannot deviate much from the length of the vector L (scaled by l) for any spatial
orientation of these vectors, so j cannot differ from l too much. Note also that for a fixed mj, the alternating sign
in Eq. (189) is independent of the sign of ms – see also Eqs. (190).
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vector ml, ms and using the above matrix elements, we may get recurrence relations for the Clebsch-
Gordan coefficients with adjacent values of ml, ms, and mj. Finally, these relations may be sequentially
applied to the adjacent states in both representations, starting from any of the two states common for
them – for example, from the state with the ket-vector (188), corresponding to the top right point in Fig.
Let me leave these straightforward but a bit tedious calculations for the reader’s exercise, and
just cite the final result of this procedure for s = ½:53
1/ 2
l mj ½
m l m j ½ , m s ½ j l ½ , m j ,
2l 1
Clebsch –
Gordan 1/ 2 (5.190)
coefficients l mj ½
for s = ½ m l m j ½ , m s ½ j l ½ , m j .
2l 1
In this course, these relations will be used mostly in Sec. 6.4 for an analysis of the anomalous Zeeman
effect. Moreover, the angular momentum addition theory described above is also valid for the addition
of angular momenta of multiparticle system components, so we will revisit it in Chapter 8.
To conclude this section, I have to note that the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients (for arbitrary s)
participate also in the so-called Wigner-Eckart theorem that expresses the matrix elements of spherical
tensor operators, in the coupled-representation basis j, mj, via a reduced set of matrix elements. This
theorem may be useful, for example, for the calculation of the rate of quantum transitions to/from high-n
states in spherically-symmetric potentials. Unfortunately, a discussion of this theorem and its
applications would require a higher mathematical background than I can expect from my readers, and
more time/space than I can afford.54
5.1. Use the discussion in Sec. 1 to find an alternative solution of Problem 4.18.
5.2. A spin-½ is placed into an external magnetic field, with a time-independent orientation, its
magnitude B(t) being an arbitrary function of time. Find explicit expressions for the Heisenberg
operators and the expectation values of all three Cartesian components of the spin, as functions of time,
in a coordinate system of your choice.
5.3. A two-level system is in the quantum state described by the ket-vector = +
, with given (generally, complex) c-number coefficients . Prove that we can always select such
a geometric c-number vector c = {cx, cy, cz}, that is an eigenstate of c σˆ , where σ̂ is the Pauli vector
operator. Find all possible values of c satisfying this condition, and the second eigenstate (orthogonal to
) of the operator c σˆ . Give a Bloch-sphere interpretation of your result.
53 For arbitrary spin s, the calculations and even the final expressions for the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients are
rather bulky. They may be found, typically in a table form, mostly in special monographs – see, e.g., A.
Edmonds, Angular Momentum in Quantum Mechanics, Princeton U. Press, 1957.
54 For the interested reader, I can recommend either Sec. 17.7 in E. Merzbacher, Quantum Mechanics, 3rd ed.,
Wiley, 1998, or Sec. 3.10 in J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, Addison-Wesley, 1994.
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5.4.* Analyze statistics of the spacing S E+ – E- between energy levels of a two-level system,
assuming that all elements Hjj’ of its Hamiltonian matrix (2) are independent random numbers, with
equal and constant probability densities within the energy interval of interest. Compare the result with
that for a purely diagonal Hamiltonian matrix, with the similar probability distribution of its random
diagonal elements.
5.5. For a periodic motion of a single particle in a confining potential U(r), the virial theorem of
non-relativistic classical mechanics55 is reduced to the following equality:
T r U ,
where T is the particle’s kinetic energy, and the top bar means averaging over the time period of motion.
Prove the following quantum-mechanical version of the theorem for an arbitrary stationary quantum
state, in the absence of spin effects:
T r U ,
where the angular brackets mean the expectation values of the observables.
Hint: Mimicking the proof of the classical virial theorem, consider the time evolution of the
following operator:
Gˆ rˆ pˆ .
5.6. Calculate, in the WKB approximation, the transparency T of the following saddle-shaped
potential barrier:
U ( x, y ) U 0 1 2 ,
where U0 > 0 and a are real constants, for tunneling of a 2D particle with energy E < U0.
5.7. Calculate the so-called Gamow factor56 for the alpha decay of atomic nuclei, i.e. the
exponential factor in the transparency of the potential barrier resulting from the following simple model
for the alpha-particle’s potential energy as a function of its distance from the nuclear center:
U 0 0, for r R,
U r ZZ'e 2
, for R r ,
4 0 r
(where Ze = 2e > 0 is the charge of the particle, Z’e > 0 is that of the nucleus after the decay, and R is
the nucleus’ radius), in the WKB approximation.
5.8. Use the WKB approximation to calculate the average time of ionization of a hydrogen atom,
initially in its ground state, made metastable by application of an additional weak, uniform, time-
independent electric field E. Formulate the conditions of validity of your result.
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5.9. For a 1D harmonic oscillator with mass m and frequency 0, calculate:
(i) all matrix elements n xˆ 3 n' , and
(ii) the diagonal matrix elements n xˆ 4 n ,
where n and n’ are arbitrary Fock states.
5.10. Calculate the sum (over all n > 0) of the so-called oscillator strengths,
f n 2 E n E 0 n xˆ 0 ,
(i) for a 1D harmonic oscillator, and
(ii) for a 1D particle confined in an arbitrary stationary potential.
valid for a 1D particle moving in an arbitrary time-independent potential U(x), and discuss its relation
with the Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn sum rule whose derivation was the subject of the previous problem.
Hint: Calculate the expectation value, in a stationary state n, of the following double
Dˆ Hˆ , e ikxˆ , e ikxˆ ,
in two ways: first, just spelling out both commutators, and, second, using the commutation relations
between operators p̂ x and e ikxˆ , and compare the results.
5.12. Given Eq. (116), prove Eq. (117), using the hint given in the accompanying footnote.
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5.15.* Re-derive the London dispersion force’s potential of the interaction of two isotropic 3D
harmonic oscillators (already calculated in Problem 3.16), using the language of mutually-induced
5.16. An external force pulse F(t), of a finite time duration T, has been exerted on a 1D harmonic
oscillator, initially in its ground state. Use the Heisenberg-picture equations of motion to calculate the
expectation value of the oscillator’s energy at the end of the pulse.
5.17. Use Eqs. (144)-(145) to calculate the uncertainties x and p for a harmonic oscillator in its
squeezed ground state, and in particular, to prove Eqs. (143) for the case = 0.
5.18. Calculate the energy of a harmonic oscillator in the squeezed ground state .
5.19.* Prove that the squeezed ground state, described by Eqs. (142) and (144)-(145), may be
sustained by a sinusoidal modulation of a harmonic oscillator’s parameter, and calculate the squeezing
factor r as a function of the parameter modulation depth, assuming that the depth is small, and the
oscillator’s damping is negligible.
5.20. Use Eqs. (148) to prove that the operators L̂ j and L̂2 commute with the Hamiltonian of a
spinless particle placed in any central potential field.
5.23. In the basis of common eigenstates of the operators L̂z and L̂2 , described by kets l, m:
(i) calculate the matrix elements l , m1 Lˆ x l , m2 and l , m1 Lˆ2x l , m2 ;
(ii) spell out your results for diagonal matrix elements (with m1 = m2) and their y-axis
counterparts; and
(iii) calculate the diagonal matrix elements l , m Lˆ Lˆ l , m and l , m Lˆ Lˆ l , m .
x y y x
5.24. For the state described by the common eigenket l, m of the operators L̂ z and L̂2 in a
reference frame {x, y, z}, calculate the expectation values Lz’ and Lz’2 in the reference frame whose
z’-axis forms angle with the z-axis.
5.25. Write down the matrices of the following angular momentum operators:
Lˆ x , Lˆ y , Lˆ z , and Lˆ , in the z-basis of the {l, m} states with l = 1.
5.26. Calculate the angular factor of the orbital wavefunction of a particle with a definite value
of L , equal to 62, and the largest possible value of Lx. What is this value?
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5.27. For the state with the wavefunction = Cxye-r, with a real, positive , calculate:
(i) the expectation values of the observables Lx, Ly, Lz, and L2, and
(ii) the normalization constant C.
5.29. A particle is in a quantum state with the orbital wavefunction proportional to the
spherical harmonic Y11 ( , ). Find the angular dependence of the wavefunctions corresponding to the
following ket-vectors:
(i) L̂x , (ii) L̂ y , (iii) L̂ z , (iv) Lˆ Lˆ , and (v) L̂2 .
5.30. A charged, spinless 2D particle of mass m is trapped in a soft potential well U(x, y) =
m0 (x +y2)/2. Calculate its energy spectrum in the presence of a uniform magnetic field B, normal to
2 2
5.31. Solve the previous problem for a spinless 3D particle, placed (in addition to a uniform
magnetic field B) into a spherically-symmetric potential well U(r) = m02r2/2.
rˆ , Lˆ , rˆ .
5.35. Use the commutation relation proved in the previous problem, and Eq. (148), to prove the
orbital electric-dipole selection rules mentioned in Sec. 5.6 of the lecture notes.
5.36. Express the commutators listed in Eq. (179), Jˆ 2 , Lˆ z and Jˆ 2 , Sˆ z , via L̂ j and Ŝ j .
5.37. Find the operator Tˆ describing a quantum state’s rotation by angle about a certain axis,
using the similarity of this operation with the shift of a Cartesian coordinate, discussed in Sec. 5. Then
use this operator to calculate the probabilities of measurements of spin-½ components of a beam of
Chapter 5 Page 45 of 48
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particles with z-polarized spin, by a Stern-Gerlach instrument turned by angle within the [z, x] plane,
where y is the axis of particle propagation – see Fig. 4.1.57
5.38. The rotation (“angular translation”) operator Tˆ analyzed in the previous problem, and the
linear translation operator Tˆ X discussed in Sec. 5, have a similar structure:
Tˆ exp iCˆ / ,
where is a real c-number, characterizing the shift, and Ĉ is a Hermitian operator, which does not
explicitly depend on time.
(i) Prove that such operators Tˆ are unitary.
(ii) Prove that if the shift by , induced by the operator Tˆ , leaves the Hamiltonian of some
system unchanged for any , then C is a constant of motion for any initial state of the system.
(iii) Discuss what the last conclusion means for the particular operators Tˆ X and Tˆ .
5.39. A particle with spin s is in a state with definite quantum numbers l and j. Prove that the
observable LS also has a definite value, and calculate it.
5.40. For a spin-½ particle in a state with definite quantum numbers l, ml, and ms, calculate the
expectation value of the observable J2, and the probabilities of all its possible values. Interpret your
results in the terms of the Clebsh-Gordan coefficients (190).
5.42. Use the recurrence relations derived in the previous problem to prove Eqs. (190) for the
spin-½ Clebsh-Gordan coefficients.
5.43. A spin-½ particle is in a state with definite values of L2, J2, and Jz. Find all possible values
of the observables S2, Sz, and Lz, the probability of each listed value, and the expectation value for each
of these observables.
5.44. Re-solve the Landau-level problem discussed in Sec. 3.2, for a spin-½ particle. Discuss the
result for the particular case of an electron, with the g-factor equal to 2.
5.45. In the Heisenberg picture of quantum dynamics, find an explicit relation between the
operators of velocity vˆ drˆ / dt and acceleration aˆ dvˆ / dt of a spin-½ particle with electric charge q,
moving in an arbitrary external electromagnetic field. Compare the result with the corresponding
classical expression.
Hint: For the orbital motion’s description, you may use Eq. (3.26).
57 Note that the last task is just a particular case of Problem 4.18 (see also Problem 1).
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5.46. A byproduct of the solution of Problem 41 is the following relation for the spin operators
(valid for any spin s):
m s 1 Sˆ m s s m s 1s m s .
1/ 2
Use this result to spell out the matrices Sx, Sy, Sz, and S2 of a particle with s = 1, in the z-basis – defined
as the basis in which the matrix Sz is diagonal.
5.47.* For a particle with an arbitrary spin s, moving in a spherically-symmetric field, find the
ranges of the quantum numbers mj and j that are necessary to describe, in the coupled-representation
(i) all states with a definite quantum number l, and
(ii) a state with definite values of not only l, but also ml and ms.
Give an interpretation of your results in terms of the classical geometric vector diagram (Fig. 13).
5.48. A particle of mass m, with electric charge q and spin s, free to move along a plane ring of a
radius R, is placed into a constant, uniform magnetic field B, directed normally to the ring’s plane.
Calculate the energy spectrum of the system. Explore and interpret the particular form the result takes
when the particle is an electron with the g-factor ge = 2.
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