Teoría Atómica Moderna
Teoría Atómica Moderna
Teoría Atómica Moderna
Contents and Concepts
Light Waves, Photons, and the Bohr Theory
To understand the formation of chemical bonds,
you need to know something about the electronic
structure of atoms. Because light gives us
information about this structure, we begin by
discussing the nature of light. Then we look at the
Bohr theory of the simplest atom, hydrogen.
Planck puts
idea in
Einstein’s head
Davisson/G.P. Thomson
Schrödinger (irony!): electron
Wave Model diffraction
Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Numbers
The Bohr theory firmly establishes the concept of
energy levels but fails to account for the details of
atomic structure. Here we discuss some basic
notions of quantum mechanics, which is the theory
currently applied to extremely small particles, such
as electrons in atoms.
4. Quantum Mechanics
5. Quantum Numbers and Atomic Orbitals
A wave is a continuously repeating change or
oscillation in matter or in a physical field.
3.00 x 10 8 m/s
n= c = = 4.29 x 10 14 Hz
l 7.00 x 10 -7 m
Huygens’ principle:
Every point on a wave
front acts as a point
source; the wavefront
as it develops is tangent
to their envelope
If light is a wave,
there should be an
Collimator C Diffraction grating
Light θ
Telescope T
Achromatic Eyepiece
lenses Eye
View through Diffraction Grating
Spectrum of a star
- Procyon
Diffraction grating placed
in front of a methane air
Failures of Classial Physics
(line) spectra
of some
The black body spectrum
Measure the radiated power of the emission from some hot object such
as a hot filament at various temperatures and, as Joseph Stephan
showed experimentally in 1879 and
Ludwig Boltzmann showed theoretically using thermodynamic arguments,
you will find that it depends on the fourth power of the filament’s
temperature, e.g., P(T) = sT4.
– The Stephan-Boltzmann law: radiated power is proportional
to T4.
s is Stephan Boltzmann constant 5.67x10 -8 W/m 2 K 4
The amplitude of
this vibrational
motion increases
as the temperature
Einstein contribution
• At high temperatures, all crystalline solids have a specific
heat of 6 cal/K per mole.
•Observations show that at room temperatures and below
the specific heat of crystalline solids is not a universal
Photoelectric Effect
E = hn
Photoelectric Effect
RH = 2.179 x 10-18 J
n = principal quantum number
Transitions Between Energy Levels
An electron can change energy levels by
absorbing energy to move to a higher energy
level or by emitting energy to move to a lower
energy level.
For a hydrogen electron the energy change is
given by
ΔE = E f Ei
1 1
ΔE = RH 2 2
f n i
1 1
ΔE = 2.179 x 10 18 J 2 2 = -1.816 x 10-19 J
3 6
6.626 x 10 J s 2.998 x 10 8 m
λ= = 1.094 × 10-6 m
- 1.816 x 10 J
Vibrating atoms have only certain energies:
E = hn or 2hn or 3hn
Energy is quantized in particles called photons:
E = hn
Electrons in atoms can have only certain values of
energy. For hydrogen:
RH = 2.179 x 10 18 J, n = principal quantum number
Quantum Mechanics
Bohr’s theory established the concept of atomic
energy levels but did not thoroughly explain the
“wave-like” behavior of the electron.
𝜆= de Broglie equation
de Broglie Relation
For a photon that has both wave and particle
E = hn = hc/l (recall c= nl)
E = mc2
mc2 = hc/l or l = h/mc
Since mc is the momentum of a photon, can
we replace this with the momentum of a
l = h/mv
This suggests that particles have wave-like
Quantum Mechanics
If matter has wave properties, why are they not
commonly observed?
– The de Broglie relation shows that a baseball
(0.145 kg) moving at about 60 mph (27 m/s) has a
wavelength of about 1.7 x 10-34 m.
34 kgm2
l= = 1.7 10 34
10 s
(0.145 kg )(27 m / s ) m
– This value is so incredibly small that such waves
cannot be detected.
Quantum Mechanics
If matter has wave properties, why are they not
commonly observed?
– Electrons have wavelengths on the order of a few
picometers (1 pm = 10-12 m).
– Under the proper circumstances, the wave character
of electrons should be observable.
– Molecules are of the dimension of a few pm, so the
wave character of electrons is very important in
Quantum Mechanics
If matter has wave properties, why are they not
commonly observed?
– In 1927, Davisson and
Germer was
demonstrated that a
beam of electrons,
just like X rays, could
be diffracted by a
(Dx)(mDvx ) h
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty
x = rsenӨcos φ
y = rsenӨsen φ
z = rcos φ
Spherical coordinates (r, θ, φ) as often
used in mathematics: radial distance r,
azimuthal angle θ, and polar angle φ.
Quantum Mechanics
Although we cannot precisely define an
electron’s orbit, we can obtain the probability
of finding an electron at a given point around
the nucleus.
y 4p
2 2
since v=nl y ( x ) = 0
x 2
l 2
y ( x) = A cos(2p x / l )
Schrodinger equation
mv 2
E= V ( x), rearrange to give mv={2m[E-V ( x)]}1/ 2
h h
de Broglie relation l = =
mv {2m[E-V ( x)]}1/ 2
2y 4p 2 2y 2m[E-V ( x)]
classical wave eqn. 2 y ( x) = 2 y ( x) = 0
x 2
l x (h / 2p ) 2
(h / 2p ) 2 2y
Schrodinger eqn. - V ( x)y ( x) = Ey ( x)
2m x 2
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Postulates of Quantum
The state of a quantum mechanical system is completely
specified by its wavefunction, Y(x,t)
To every classical observable there corresponds a linear,
Hermitian operator in quantum mechanics
In any measurement associated with an operator, the only
values observed are eigenvalues of the operator,
A Y(x,t) = a Y(x,t)
The average values of an observable is given by its
expectation value,
A = Y AYd
The wavefunction obeys the time dependent Schrodinger
equation, h Y ( x, t )
i = H Y ( x, t )
2p t
The wavefunction
The square of the wavefunction |Y|2 is the
probability density for finding the particle at that
The wavefunction must be
– Single valued
– Continuous
– Continuous first derivative
– Quadratically integrable
Y Yd must be finite
The Variational Energy
It can be easily proven that the variational energy is always
greater than or equal to the exact energy of the lowest
energy state
Y H Yd
Evar =
Y Yd
If we start with an approximate wavefunction and vary it so
as to minimize the energy, we obtain a better wavefunction
and energy
With enough flexibility in the wavefunction, we can get very
close to the exact energy
Particle in a 1-Dimensional Box
Schrodinger equation
Hy = Ey ,
(h / 2p ) 2 2
H = V ( x)
2m x 2
(h / 2p ) 2 2 2 1 Ze 2
H = r 2 r r 2mr 2 4p r
2m 0
1 2
L = (h / 2p ) 2 cot
2 2
2 2
Wave function ᴪ: "describes the
wave properties of the particle
"" is simply a function math
• It is not observable. (Doesn´t
have physical meaning)
"" can be real or imaginary (in the
sense mathematical).
• if it is real corresponds to the
amplitude of the wave (can be +
or -)
l 0 1 2 3 ...
Letter s p d f
n≥ 1 2 3 4
An s orbital is spherical.