1 Lecture5
1 Lecture5
1 Lecture5
Lecture 5
Adjoints of Linear Maps and The Spectral Theorem
5.1.1 Remark. If v1 , . . . , vn is any basis for V , then (since 1 is a basis for R) it follows
from 4.1.1 that there is a uniquely determined basis `1 , . . . , `n for V ∗ such that `i (vj ) = δji .
This is called the dual basis to v1 , . . . , vn . In particular, V ∗ has the same dimension as V .
5.2.1 Remark. Note that if ei is an orthonormal basis for V , then e∗i is the dual basis
for V ∗ .
Math 32a Fall 2003 R. Palais
hv, T ∗ wi = hT v, wi .
Here are some exercises involving adjoints and their basic properties.
Math 32a Fall 2003 R. Palais
We will prove this result later after some preparation. But next we show how it leads to
an easy proof of the extremely important:
Math 32a Fall 2003 R. Palais
We will denote by S(V ) the set {x ∈ V | kxk = 1}, i.e., the “unit sphere” of normalized
vectors. Note that if x = x1 e1 + · · · + xn en , then x ∈ S(V ) if and only if x21 + · · · + x2n = 1,
so if we define G : V → R by G(x) := x21 + · · · + x2n − 1, then S(V ) = {x ∈ V | G(x) = 0}.
5.5.1 Remark. Now Tij = ∂x i
= 2 k=1 Tik xk is just twice the i-th component of T x in
the basis ej . On the other hand ∂x i
= 2xi , which is twice the i-th component of x in this
basis. It follows that a point x of S(V ) is an eigenvector of T provided there is a constant
∂F ∂G
λ (the eigenvalue) such that ∂x i
(x) = λ ∂x i
(x). If you learned about constrained extrema
and Lagrange multipliers from advanced calculus, this should look familiar. Let me quote
the relevant theorem,
(We will sketch the proof of the Theorem on Constrained Extrema in the next lecture.)
Thus, to find an eigenvector of T , all we have to do is choose a point of S(V )
where the quadratic form F (x) = hT x, xi assumes its maximum value on S(V ).