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February 2006

Eskom Holdings Limited

Environment and Sustainability Consulting
Braamhoek Access Roads
Environmental Management Plan



REF: DEAT 12 / 12 / 20 / 671

REPORT NO: 102224 / EMP


Africon Environment and sustainability Consulting

1040 Burnett Street

CONTACT: Mr. Thomas van Viegen

TEL: 012 427 2222

FAX: 012 427 2354
E-MAIL: [email protected]


Eskom Holdings Limited

PO Box 1091

CONTACT: Ms. Deidre Herbst

TEL: 011 800 3501

FAX: 011 800 5140


The Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism

EMP 20060213 i
Braamhoek Access Roads
Environmental Management Plan


I TERMS AND DEFINITIONS....................................................................................III

1.1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Environmental Control Officer ...................................................................... 1
1.3 Environmental Forum .................................................................................... 1
1.4 Environmental Awareness Training for Site Personnel............................... 2
1.5 Communication Procedures on Site ............................................................. 2
1.6 Record Keeping.............................................................................................. 4
1.7 Environmental Completion Statement.......................................................... 4
1.8 Institutional Arrangements............................................................................ 4
1.9 Penalties ......................................................................................................... 4
2 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN ........................................................ 1
2.1 Fencing ........................................................................................................... 1
2.2 Clearing and Grubbing................................................................................... 1
2.3 Site Buildings / Construction Camp.............................................................. 2
2.4 Initial Earthworks and Platforms................................................................... 2
2.5 Vehicle Parking Area...................................................................................... 3
2.6 Service Area / Wash Bay................................................................................ 3
2.7 Separation Tanks ........................................................................................... 4
2.8 Aggregate Storage ......................................................................................... 4
2.9 Fuel Storage Areas......................................................................................... 4
2.10 Dust Control ................................................................................................... 4
2.11 Access Roads and Accommodation of Traffic............................................. 5
2.12 Sanitation........................................................................................................ 6
2.13 Temporary Storage of Waste......................................................................... 6
2.14 Screening........................................................................................................ 6
2.15 Spoil Material.................................................................................................. 6
2.16 Shaping........................................................................................................... 7
2.17 Topsoil Placement.......................................................................................... 7
2.18 Revegetation................................................................................................... 7
2.19 Storm water Management.............................................................................. 8
2.20 Traffic and Plant on Site ................................................................................ 8
2.21 Personnel........................................................................................................ 8
2.22 Personnel Education.................................................................................... 10
2.23 Crossing of the Rivers ................................................................................. 10
2.24 Fauna and Flora ........................................................................................... 10
2.25 Embankments............................................................................................... 11
2.26 Site Clean Up and Rehabilitation ................................................................ 11
2.27 Quality of discharged water ........................................................................ 11
2.28 Monitoring .................................................................................................... 11

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Environmental Management Plan

2.29 Operational Phase Guidelines..................................................................... 13

APPENDIX A: DO’S AND DON’TS OF THE EMP .................................................. 15

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Environmental Management Plan


Audit: Regular inspection and verification of construction activities for implementation

of the EMP

Bund: Enclosure under / around a storage facility to contain any spillage.

Batch plant: A concrete or plaster mixing facility and associated equipment and

Contractor: The principal persons / company undertaking the construction of the roads

Development site: Boundary and extent of development works and infrastructure.

ECO (Environmental Control Officer): Person retained by Eskom tasked with

implementing and controlling the environmental management plan during construction
and operation of the road upgrade and construction project.

Emergency situation – An incident, which potentially has the ability to significantly

impact on the environment, and which, could cause irreparable damage to sensitive
environmental features. Typical situations entail amongst others the:-

• Spill of petroleum products and lubricants into the aquatic system;

• Potential damage, erosion and slumping of unstable river embankments or

drainage channels;

• Potential event of impeding the continuous flow of water to downstream

water users dependant on the flow; and

• Dangerous situation where livestock and small children can be injured by

any activity emanating from the construction or rehabilitation of the project

Project/Site Manager - A person who represents Eskom and is responsible for

enforcing the technical and contractual requirements of the project.

Environmental Forum: A forum or working group to be established by Eskom and the

surrounding stakeholders, whose members will represent various stakeholders during
the construction and operational phases, and will ensure adherence to the EMP, good
corporate and environmental governance by Eskom during the Roads construction

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Environmental Management Plan



This document describes mitigation measures and is partly prescriptive, identifying

specific people to undertake specific tasks, in order to ensure that impacts on the
environment are minimised during the construction of the proposed roads. The same
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) will be applicable on all alignments requiring
upgrade or maintenance to ensure similar environmental control on these sites. The
responsibility for the implementation of this EMP on site rests with the appointed
Contractor, but must be enforced on behalf of Eskom by both the Environmental
Control Officer (ECO) and Site Manager

1.2 Environmental Control Officer

The Environmental Control Officer (ECO) is the person responsible for the monitoring
of the implementation of the EMP.

This person will be appointed directly by Eskom, and must have adequate knowledge
of the principles of Integrated Environmental Management as well as sound
environmental legislative knowledge to understand and implement this management
plan. The ECO may not be appointed by the Contractor, and should ideally report to
Eskom only.

The ECO has the authority to stop works if in his/her opinion there is/may be a serious
threat to or impact on the environment caused directly by the construction operations.
This authority is to be limited to emergency situations (see definitions) where
consultation with the Site Manager is not immediately possible. In all such work
stoppage situations the ECO is to inform the Site Manager of the reasons for the
stoppage within 24 hours.

Upon failure by the Contractor or his employees to show adequate consideration to the
environmental aspects of this contract, the ECO may recommend to the Site Manager
to have the Contractor's representative or any employee(s) removed from the site or
work suspended until the matter is remedied. No extension of time will be granted in
the case of such suspensions and all costs will be borne by the Contractor.

1.3 Environmental Forum

Eskom will be responsible for the establishment of an Environmental Forum, which will
comprise representatives of stakeholder or stakeholder groups identified either during

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Environmental Management Plan

the scoping process or once construction has commenced. The following stakeholder
groups must be represented:-
• Skeurklip conservancy;
• Farmers associations (Swinburne and Besters);
• Municipalities;
• Landowners;
• Conservation groups (such as Ezemvelo KwaZulu Natal); and
• Community representatives (i.e. van Reenen, Besters etc).

The core function of this forum will be to provide feedback to stakeholders regarding
the implementation of the EMP, highlight stakeholder concerns regarding
implementation and to address stakeholder concerns. Principally, the findings of
external audits will be presented at Forum meetings for discussion and possible areas
of improvement may be suggested.

1.4 Environmental Awareness Training for Site Personnel

All Contractor teams involved in construction work are to be required to undergo some
form of environmental induction on their obligations towards environmental controls
and methodologies in terms of this EMP, prior to commencing of the works.
Environmental inductions may take the form of on site talks and demonstrations by the
Contractor and the ECO. Induction report will be signed by the Contractor as well as
the Employee undergoing Induction, and records kept for auditing purposes and copies
given to the ECO for filing. The education / awareness programme should be aimed at
all levels of management and staff within the Contractor’s team, and particularly labour
drawn from surrounding communities. Refer to the “Do's & Don'ts" summary sheet,
included as Appendix A.

1.5 Communication Procedures on Site

Copies of the documents described below must be maintained on site at all times,
available to both the Site Manager and ECO, to be provided on request to authorities or
stakeholders for inspection. Contractors meeting minutes must reflect environmental
queries, agreed actions and dates of eventual compliance. These minutes will form
part of the official environmental record.

1.5.1 Site Instruction Entries

The Site Instruction book entries will be used for the recording of general site
instructions as they relate to the works on site and EMP measures. It will also be used
for the issuing of stop work orders issued by the ECO for the purposes of immediately

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halting any particular activities of the Contractor in lieu of the environmental risk that
they may pose.

1.5.2 ECO Diary Entries

The purpose of these entries will be to record the comments of the ECO as they relate
to activities on the site including infringements, possible changes to the EMP or work
stop orders.

1.5.3 Method Statements

Method statements from the Contractor will be required for specific sensitive actions on
request of the authorities or ECO. A method statement forms the base line information
on which sensitive area work takes place and is thus considered a “live document” in
that modifications can be negotiated between the Contractor and ECO if or as required.
All method statements will form part of the EMP documentation and are subject to all
terms and conditions contained within the EMP main document. A standard method
statement sheet included as Appendix B.

A method statement describes the scope of the intended work in a step-by-step

description in order for the ECO or Site Manager to understand the Contractor’s
intentions. This will enable them to assist in devising any mitigation measures, which
would minimise environmental impact during these tasks. The method statement
should also clearly stipulate mitigation methods of the intended works, against which
the contractor’s performance will be measured. For each instance wherein it is
requested that the Contractor submit a method statement to the satisfaction of the
ECO, the format should clearly indicate the following:-

• What - a concise, description of the task/work to be undertaken;

• How - a detailed description of the process of work, methods, materials
and mitigation strategies;
• Where - a description/sketch map of the locality of work (if applicable); and
• When - the sequencing of actions with due commencement dates and
completion date estimates.

The Contractor must submit the method statement two weeks before any particular
construction activity is due to start, especially with respect to impacts on sensitive
ecosystems. Work may not commence until the method statement has been accepted
by the ECO and clearly communicated to the workforce.

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1.6 Record Keeping

All records related to the implementation of this management plan (e.g. site instruction
book, ECO diary, induction records, method statements) must be kept together in an
office where it is safe and can be retrieved easily. All relevant records should be kept
for a minimum of two years after construction and should at any time be available for
scrutiny by any relevant authorities or stakeholder.

It is recommended that photographs are taken of the site prior to, during and
immediately after construction as a visual reference. These photographs should be
stored with related documents and other records related to this EMP.

1.7 Environmental Completion Statement

An Environmental Completion Statement will be prepared by the ECO for submission

to the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism, FS Department of Tourism,
Environment and Economic Affairs and KZN Department of Agriculture and
Environmental Affairs indicating completion of the project and compliance with the EMP
and conditions. This statement will be prepared after the final audit after the
rehabilitation phase.

1.8 Institutional Arrangements

The ECO will be responsible for day-to-day monitoring of implementation of the EMP
on site. Eskom will commission quarterly or biannual external audits for the duration of
the construction period, followed by a final audit after rehabilitation. The external
auditor will prepare an audit report for the client and for use on site after each audit.
These audit reports will be maintained on site with the ECO diary, and presented at the
environmental forum meetings.

1.9 Penalties

A system of penalties for offences in terms of this EMP is proposed as a guideline for
use on site. The ECO may, after consultation with the Site Manager, adjust these fine
values, based on the severity, actual or potential impact and environmental risk
involved at the time of the offence.

Minimum fine for minor offences R 500.00

e.g. littering, failure to use ablutions provided

Minimum fine applicable to moderate offences R 1000.00

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Environmental Management Plan

e.g. Collection of firewood, small oil spills spilling of oil and

any offence in an area declared as an ECO

Minimum fine applicable to serious offences R 5 000.00

e.g. Large oil spills, accidental removal or damage of
indigenous vegetation, hunting or capturing of wildlife, or any
other offence related to the exclusion zones on site

Fine applicable for damage to significant features R 10 000.00

e.g. Pollution of water resources

These will be subtracted from payments due to the Contractor by the Site Manager,
and will be recorded in the ECO’s diary and the Site Instruction book.

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Mitigation of the significant construction and operational environmental impacts are

provided below:

2.1 Fencing

• Fencing of the campsite and construction area (if applicable) shall be suitably
secured to prohibit access by livestock and local fauna.
• Fences will be constructed around Heritage resources to prevent access into
such areas during construction.
• No unauthorised pedestrian or vehicular access shall be allowed into fenced,
off-limit areas.
• Fencing shall be kept neat at all times. The Contractor shall be responsible for
the maintenance of all fences.
• If fencing is removed temporarily for the execution of work, the Contractor shall
reinstate it as soon as practicable. Until re-instatement, the contractor shall
demarcate the working area by surrounding it with danger-tape marking.
• Breaches in the fencing must be repaired immediately.
• The purpose of the fenced areas is to control construction and personnel
activity within the designated areas, and limit unauthorised access.

2.2 Clearing and Grubbing

• The Contractor shall at all times carefully consider what machinery is

appropriate to the task while minimising the extent of environmental damage.
• Topsoil shall be cleared of woody vegetation, and specifically exotic vegetation,
before ripping and removing.
• The topsoil is regarded as the top 300 mm of the soil profile
• Topsoil is to be handled twice only – once during clearing and stockpiling &
once during rehabilitation
• The topsoil, including the existing grass cover is to be shallowly ripped (only the
depth of the topsoil) before removal. This is to ensure that organic plant
material, and the natural seed base is included in the stripping process.
• Soil stockpiles shall not be higher than 2.5m or stored for a period longer than
one year. The slopes of soil stockpiles shall not be steeper than 1 vertical to
2.5 horizontal.
• No vehicles shall be allowed access onto the stockpiles after they have been
• Stockpiles shall not be allowed to become contaminated with oil, diesel, petrol,
garbage or any other material, which may inhibit the later growth of vegetation.

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Environmental Management Plan

• The Contractor shall apply soil conservation measures to the stockpiles to

prevent erosion. This can include the use of erosion control fabric or grass
• If at any stage of the clearing operations archaeological artefacts are unearthed
or identified, the South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) must be
contacted immediately to conduct a thorough scientific investigation of the finds.
• All alien vegetation identified along the route alignments will be cleared by the
Contractor. An effort must be made to remove the entire root system, and the
plant left to dry out on a hard surface to prevent germination of seed.

2.3 Site Buildings / Construction Camp

• The planning and design for the Construction Camp must ensure that there is
minimal impact on the environment.
• No construction camps will be allowed in sensitive areas such as wetlands,
sensitive vegetation types or sensitive landscape units. The Construction
Camp will be placed within an existing disturbed area as far as possible.
• The Construction Camp site will be identified by the Contractor in consultation
with the ECO, and negotiated by the Site Manager with the relevant land
• All site buildings to be of a container or prefabricated type. No permanent
structures will be permitted.
• With the decommissioning of the structures all compacted platforms and slab
foundations must be ripped and removed.
• All buildings will be soundly built and will not pose a danger to personnel.
• No fires are allowed outside the Construction Camp. Adequate and well
maintained fire fighting equipment - according to the fire hazard strategies -
must be maintained on site during the construction period (at least two all
purpose 12.5 kg extinguishers).
• Welding, gas cutting or cutting of metal will only be permitted in a protected
area inside the Construction Camp.
• The Contractor shall be liable for any costs related to extinguishing fires started
by the Contractor’s representatives / employees. Additional penalties for
infringements (Section 1.9) will also be imposed by the ECO or Site Manager.

2.4 Initial Earthworks and Platforms

• The construction platform for the Contractor’s camp, as well as the platform for
the materials storage area must be appropriately planned.
• The Contractor shall take appropriate and active measures to prevent erosion
resulting from his own works, operations and activities as well as stormwater
control measures to the satisfaction of the ECO or Site Manager. Restoration

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costs will be for the contractor's account, should these measures not be
reasonably implemented. Aspects normally covered in construction contracts in
terms of protection of works are standard and are not to be billed or confused
with any details covered under environmental requirements.
• During construction the Contractor shall protect areas susceptible to erosion by
installing all the necessary temporary and permanent drainage works as soon
as possible. All such measures must be included within the design and layout
phase, and any additional measures which may be required on site will require
approval from the ECO or Site Manager.
• Measures can include cut off trenches, straw stabilising, brush packing etc.

2.5 Vehicle Parking Area

• All vehicles and plant will be allocated a dedicated parking area in the camp
• No storage of plant and vehicles will be allowed outside of the designated area.

2.6 Service Area / Wash Bay

• All vehicle and plant shall be well maintained to ensure that there are no oil or
fuel leakages.
• The Contractor will provide a dished concrete floor slab to prevent infiltration of
hydrocarbon products.
• Drip trays will be utilised during servicing
• Drainage from the service area will be channelled into a sump or oil-skimming
tank, where it shall be treated to remove old hydrocarbons.
• Drainage from the wash bay platform will firstly be channelled into the skimming
tank before being released by drain to the sedimentation pond.
• Soil contaminated by oil, fuel or chemicals shall be removed and disposed of at
a registered Hazardous Waste Disposal Site or rehabilitated in-situ.
• The Contractor shall educate workers on the appropriate methods for
workshop maintenance and fuel points to prevent fuel and oil being washed out
of containment areas.
• Toxins and oil must be recovered from the system at least once a week, and if
necessitated more regularly should the ECO require it.
• Toxins and oil recovered must be stored in sealed drums on a covered, bunded
area and removed from site either for recycling or disposal at a registered waste
Disposal Site.
• All spillage of oil onto concrete surfaces shall be controlled by the use of an
accepted absorbent material such as Econosorb or Drizit.
• The servicing of plant and vehicles will only be allowed in the Construction
Camp within the demarcated areas.

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2.7 Separation Tanks

• The Contractor shall provide grease and oil separation tanks (if required) at all
areas where oil spillage or collection will occur, i.e. workshops, oil storage,
vehicle wash areas and fuel points.
• The Contractor shall provide a method for oil recovery. Recovered oil shall be
collected in weather-proof drums for recycling or disposed of at a registered
Waste Disposal site. These drums will be stored on site only on a covered,
bunded area.
• The Contractor will test effluent discharged from the oil skimming tanks for
conformance with relevant effluent standards if requested to do so by the ECO
when pollution is suspected.

2.8 Aggregate Storage

• Materials will be stored inside the camp area as far as possible.

• Fine aggregate shall be stored on a compacted sub-base platform.
• The Contractor will ensure (and implement steps if required, e.g. bund walls)
that no fine aggregate is washed from the storage area onto the rest of the site
during high rainfall periods.
• Coarse aggregate will be stored as a minimum on a surface of compacted inert
sub-base material.
• An approved borrow pit must be used for construction materials. The ECO will
ensure that the necessary Mining Right/Mining Permits from Department of
Minerals and Energy is maintained on site during the construction phase.
• Aggregate used shall be stored as compactly as possible so as to minimise the
possibility of it spreading across a greater area than necessary and to prevent it
from being washed away.

2.9 Fuel Storage Areas

• The Contractor shall provide and maintain bund walls around his fuel storage
areas within the site with a sump. Such walls shall be of sufficient height to
contain a minimum of 110 % of the capacity of his fuel storage facilities.
• This shall apply to storage above the ground. No underground fuel storage will
be allowed.
• All drainage from fuel storage areas shall be treated to remove oil and fuel.

2.10 Dust Control

• The Contractor is to take appropriate measures to minimise the generation of

dust as a result of construction works. Such measures include frequent

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spraying during low rainfall periods or by other means approved by the ECO or
Site Manager. Dust control by means of water-spraying would be sufficient on
these sites.
• Speed limits must be enforced in all areas, including public roads and private
property to limit the levels of dust pollution
• Dust must be suppressed on access roads and construction sites during dry
periods by the regular application of water or a biodegradable soil stabilisation
agent. Water used for this purpose must be used in quantities that will not
result in the generation of run-off.
• Dust dispersion from construction activities, unsurfaced roads, spoil dumps and
other construction locations shall be limited and suppressed to the maximum
extent practical.
• Spoil dumps shall be positioned such that they are not vulnerable to wind
• Spoil and other dust-generating dumps which are left unused for 28 days or
longer shall be sprayed with water or chemically inert stabilisers to control dust,
and treated with mulch and seeded.
• Untarred roads shall be sprayed with water from a water cart to limit dust
generation by construction vehicles. Where spraying of water on roads is not
adequate for dust control, environmentally benign binding agents shall be used
to limit dust generation by construction vehicles.
• An appropriate freeboard shall be maintained in trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil
and other loose material when leaving the road reserve.

2.11 Access Roads and Accommodation of Traffic

• Existing roads will be used as far as possible. No temporary access roads will
be permitted, unless negotiated with the ECO or Site Manager and affected
land owners.
• Any temporary roads required shall be decommissioned by the Contractor and
rehabilitated using stockpiled topsoil.
• Topsoil shall be removed as described under 'Clearing and Grubbing' prior to
the construction of the road.
• During construction the Contractor shall protect all areas susceptible to erosion
by installing all necessary temporary and permanent drainage works as soon as
• The accommodation of traffic is an important aspect on the roads identified for
upgrade / maintenance. Where required, temporary works to facilitate the
accommodation of traffic during bridge construction, should be completed first
as road closures will be avoided as far as possible.

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2.12 Sanitation

• Adequate chemical latrines shall be provided for all staff.

• They shall be emptied / serviced on a regular basis to prevent overflowing.
• All latrines provided by the Contractor shall be efficient, sanitary and non-
• All fees payable to any local authority for removal of night soil (if applicable)
shall be paid by the Contractor.
• A minimum of one toilet shall be provided per 20 persons at each working area
such as the construction camp.

2.13 Temporary Storage of Waste Construction Waste

• Temporary storage of construction waste will be limited to within the site, and
within areas designated by the ECO.
• The Contractor will be responsible to remove and transport all waste material
off site to a registered Waste Disposal Site. Domestic Waste

• The Contractor shall dispose of all refuse generated by his staff and Sub-
Contractors on a weekly basis at a registered Domestic Waste Disposal Site or
in situ.
• The Contractor shall on a daily basis do site clean-ups (chicken runs) of litter
other than construction spoil, and dispose of it in designated refuse bins
provided on site.

2.14 Screening

• The process of separating rock material into acceptable grades for backfilling
and layer works material will result in noise and dust.
• The Contractor shall suppress dust caused by the screening process.
• The screening process shall be positioned so as not to cause any disturbance
to surrounding villages.

2.15 Spoil Material

• All suitable materials excavated shall be used in the construction of the works.

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• All unsuitable and surplus spoil rock shall be removed from the site to a
dumping site or sites, to be negotiated by the Contractor and accepted by the
Project/Site Manager where it shall be dumped, spread and levelled, all to the
satisfaction of the Project/Site Manager and ECO.
• No dumpsite shall be used without the prior written approval of the Project/Site
Manager and the owner of the property.
• No spoil material shall be stockpiled in violation of any legal requirement or to
obstruct any watercourse or drainage channel.

2.16 Shaping

• The soil surface shall be contoured, and the edges of all cut and fill areas
rounded to fit into the natural landscape.
• Topsoil shall be spread in keeping with the natural topographical form of the site
and immediate surroundings.

2.17 Topsoil Placement

• Topsoil shall be placed to a minimum depth of 150 mm over all areas that have
been disturbed by the construction activity.
• Topsoil placement shall follow as soon as construction in an area has closed.
• All compacted areas shall be ripped parallel to the contours to a minimum depth
of 300 mm.
• All areas onto which topsoil is to be spread shall be graded to the approximate
original landform and shall be ripped prior to placement.
• Topsoil shall be placed in the same area from which it had been stripped. If
there is insufficient topsoil available for a particular soil zone, additional topsoil
may be brought from other soil zones at the approval of the ECO.
• Where topsoil that has been stripped by the Contractor is insufficient to provide
the minimum depth, the Contractor shall obtain suitable substitute material from
other accepted sources.
• No vehicles shall be permitted access onto the topsoil after it has been placed.

2.18 Revegetation

• Flat and gently sloping areas shall be ripped in lines 300 mm centre to centre
and to a depth of at least 300 mm parallel to the contours prior to revegetation.
• Revegetation of disturbed and work areas shall be done with an indigenous
grass mix; similar to what is found in the vicinity of the site and approved by the
ECO. As a minimum, these could include:-
o Eragrostis curvula;
o Cynadon dactylon;

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o Hyparrhenia hirta;
o Digiteria eriantha; and
o Indigofera sp

2.19 Storm water Management

• During construction, the Contractor will ensure that erosion control structures -
either permanent or temporary - are installed prior to commencement of of
• Any erosion channels developing during the construction period or during the
operational and maintenance period shall be backfilled and consolidated
immediately and the area restored to the proper condition. All erosion damage
shall be repaired as soon as possible. Displaced topsoil will be replaced from
approved borrow pits.

2.20 Traffic and Plant on Site

• Adequate and appropriate traffic warning signage will be placed along the route
to be used by the construction vehicles from the camp and the borrow pit to the
• Adequate and appropriate traffic warning signage will be placed along the route
to warn public of construction work and heavy vehicle traffic.
• Transporters of fine materials must ensure that their operation does not pose a
nuisance through the spillage of material or the creation of dust. The Contractor
shall remedy, at his own expense, dust generation and spillage where it occurs
to an acceptable level along the transport routes. It is recommended that the
load haul of all transport vehicles be covered with tarpaulins.
• Deliveries shall be scheduled for off-peak hour traffic time schedules.
• All trucks and vehicles removing spoil from the site shall have the load areas
covered by a tarpaulin to prevent rocks and spoil from falling onto the road
surfaces, or causing a nuisance to persons in the vicinity.

2.21 Personnel

• Working hours should ideally occur only between 06:00 and 18:00 during week
days, 07:00 to 14:00 on Saturdays with no work will be permitted on Sundays.
Should the Contractor wish to work outside of these timeframes, negotiations
must be conducted with the ECO and Site Manager in consultation with the
local community.
• Warning signs must be placed on and around the site as per the occupational
health and safety requirements.

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• Cooking facilities shall be provided for the construction staff within the confines
of the construction camp. No trees may be removed for the making of fires and
no collection of wood will be allowed. Harvesting of firewood from outside of
the construction camp will result in the imposition of penalties (Section 1.9).
• Fires will only be permitted in the confines of the construction camp.
• Where there is a potential for a particular fire hazard at any point in the
construction works the contractor shall ensure that his employees are properly
trained in the use of the appropriate fire fighting equipment and that such
equipment is on hand at all times.
• The Contractor shall refrain from harming or clearing trees, timber and shrubs
to any extent other than that indicated by the Site Manager for the execution of
the contract.
• The Contractor shall take all measures necessary to prevent his staff from
hunting, capturing or killing animals and birds during the construction phase.
• The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions against trespassing on
adjoining properties and will ensure that all livestock, game or crops are not
interfered with.
• The Contractor shall comply with all safety regulations regarding electricity
supply and shall take every precaution to ensure the safety of all the people on
• The Contractor shall ensure that as far as practical, suitable arrangements are
made on the site for the maintenance of health, the prevention and overcoming
of outbreaks of disease. Adequate first aid services will be provided by the
Contractor at the Construction Camp.
• The Contractor shall be responsible for his own security arrangements and shall
comply with any security instructions, which the Site Manager may issue from
time to time.
• The Contractor shall ensure that suitable safety regulations and precautions are
established and brought to the attention of the personnel. Approved safety
helmets and other protective clothing shall be worn where deemed necessary
by the Supervisor. Such protective equipment shall be provided by the
Contractor to the employees.
• The Contractor shall, at his own cost provide for a constant supply of potable
water for human consumption to the Construction Camp and other domestic
use on site. The Contractor shall allow for chemical testing of water samples on
a monthly basis, or more frequently if pollution is suspected by the ECO.
• The Contractor is responsible for the behaviour and discipline of all personnel
while they are present on the site and shall exercise strict supervision over
them at all times.

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Braamhoek Access Roads
Environmental Management Plan

2.22 Personnel Education

• The Contractor shall ensure that his personnel are inducted on the
requirements of the EMP. This will be in the form of presentations and
demonstrations to be conducted by the contractor’s representative on SHE
issues and the ECO.
• The Contractor shall ensure that his personnel have a clear understanding of
the Health and Occupational Safety aspects of the contract works.
• The Contractor shall ensure that his staff complies with the EMP requirements
for best practice as described by this document.

2.23 Crossing of the Rivers

• The Contractor, after consultation with the ECO, will be required to notify the
Department of Water Affairs and Forestry in writing of the proposed
commencement of construction and provide the department with a construction
programme, prior to any work commencing in proximity of the water courses or
drainage features.
• Extreme caution shall be taken during construction owing to the high erodability
river embankments. The ECO shall assess any preventable damage caused by
the Contractor and prescribe rehabilitation measures to be completed at the
Contractor's expense.
• No construction materials or pollutants, such as cement, shall be allowed to fall/
flow into water features.
• No washing of clothes or vehicles will be allowed in the watercourses.
• A laundry facility will be provided in the construction camp. The effluent from
this facility (grey water) will drain into a French drain system to be constructed
for this purpose.
• Only environmentally friendly bio-degradable detergents will be allowed in the
construction camp.
• Any activity which brings about the run-off of sediments into any natural
watercourse shall be forbidden. Penalties for infringement will be imposed on
the Contractor, as well as cost of remediation.
• The flow of the river may not be affected during construction and under no
circumstances will watercourses be blocked.
• The construction of new roads, such as along the scarp, must be conducted
along the watershed, to minimise impact on surface water runoff patterns.

2.24 Fauna and Flora

• Natural vegetation shall be kept in as undisturbed a state as possible. Special

attention shall be paid to preserve trees and plant communities such as

EMP 20060213 10
Braamhoek Access Roads
Environmental Management Plan

wetlands or montage forests associated with fluves in the scarp. Vegetation

removals as part of the development requirements – such as along the
proposed scarp road – are excluded.
• Indigenous plants or wild animals (including reptiles, amphibians or birds etc.)
may not be damaged or harmed.
• All incidents of harm to any animal or natural vegetation (apart from the agreed
vegetation areas) must be reported to the ECO, and the necessary penalties
imposed (Section 1.9).

2.25 Embankments

• No activity shall be allowed which shall, in any way, create unnecessary

disturbance of any river embankment due to the extreme sensitivity of these
• Care must be taken to ensure that machinery used does not erode the
embankments further. Where embankments along the alignment are severely
eroded, the ECO may request the Contractor to install erosion control measures
at Eskom’s expense.

2.26 Site Clean Up and Rehabilitation

• The Contractor must ensure that all structures, equipment, materials and
facilities used or created on site for or during construction activities are removed
once the project has been completed.
• The construction site shall be cleared, cleaned and rehabilitated to the
satisfaction of the ECO, prior to revegetation.

2.27 Quality of discharged water

The contractor is to ensure that the quality of the water discharged is compliant with the
General Authorisations, with respect to the receiving environment.

2.28 Monitoring

2.28.1 Monitoring Plan

This section details what needs to be monitored in terms of this EMP, detailing
monitoring frequency and reporting requirements.

EMP 20060213 11
Braamhoek Access Roads
Environmental Management Plan Monitoring Plan for the Construction Phase

Regular meetings will be held between Site Manager and the ECO. The purposes of
the meetings shall be:-

• To establish the suitability of the Contractor’s methods and machinery in an

effort to lower the risk involved for the environment.
• To discuss possible non-conformance to EMP guidelines or environmental
• To assess the general state of the environment on site and discuss any
environmental problems which may have materialised.
• To act as a forum for input into the construction phase by the ECO
representative and external environmental auditor.
• To accommodate the local community in the decision-making process regarding
social and environmental issues on site.

Monthly reports and non-conformance reports should be compiled by the ECO for
study by the external environmental auditor, and presented at the regular
Environmental Forum Meetings.

The monthly report should include:-

• Results of all testing performed as per this EMP in the specific month. This
testing will be conducted either by an outside Contractor or by the ECO with
equipment acquired for the project by the Contractor;
• A description of exceptional conditions on site whether they be meteorological,
personnel related, machinery related, or otherwise stipulated;
• A description of any environmental accident or developments which could
potentially develop into a non-conformance event by the Contractor; and
• Minutes from the meetings.

Non-conformance reports will describe, in detail, the cause, nature and effects of any
environmental non-conformance by the Contractor and could stand as evidence should
legal action be required. A testing sheet with test results included for each
infringement indicating the details of the event including position on site, date and time.
If possible a photo should also be included in the report. This report will also suggest
mitigation measures to correct the non-conformance (if necessary) and contemplate
revisions to any of the strategies used in the construction phase, whether they pertain
to monitoring or to construction methods used on site.

EMP 20060213 12
Braamhoek Access Roads
Environmental Management Plan Testing Frequencies

Compliance monitoring and testing will be done as per this EMP to monitor EMP
implementation and compliance, and corrective action initiated by the ECO or Site
Manager if required. The ECO will develop sample sheets for regular monitoring and
testing, as well as establish a proper filing system for record keeping purposes.

Testing will be done as per relevant national standards, such as the Department of
Water Affairs and Forestry water quality guidelines or Department of Environmental
Affairs and Tourism guidelines for nuisance dust fallout. Where no such standards
exist, international standards will apply. Testing frequencies for different aspects are
listed below:-

• Potable water quality monitoring: every 2 weeks and more often if specific
complaints are received from personnel or labourers;
• Air quality monitoring only if specific complaints are received;
• Noise monitoring only when specific complaints are received;
• Surface water quality: first chemical and biological samples are to be taken prior
to any construction activity to complete the baseline information and records
kept, and thereafter on a quarterly basis to assess impact on the environment;
• Erosion monitoring: weekly with details on position, extent and volume recorded
• Unstable Slope monitoring: weekly with details on position, extent and volume
recorded accurately;
• Potholing of completed sections of road: weekly with details on position, extent
and volume recorded accurately; and
• Conditions of culverts (records of culverts damaged or blocked): weekly with
details on position, extent and volume recorded accurately.

2.29 Operational Phase Guidelines

Regular monitoring along the various roads must be conducted by ECO during the
roads operational phase (construction phase of the Braamhoek PSS), to ensure that
rehabilitation measures have been successful and to observe whether unstable cut and
fill areas need to be stabilised, especially after heavy rains. Eskom has undertaken to
complete this regular maintenance during construction.

Eskom must ensure that the appropriate speed limit signage and traffic calming
interventions are maintained during the BPSS construction phase to ensure the safety
of all road users.

EMP 20060213 13
Braamhoek Access Roads
Environmental Management Plan

Eskom will be responsible for the maintenance and rehabilitation of stormwater control
measures and erosion control structures associated with bridge structures during the
BPSS construction phase, to ensure a safe crossing at all times during operation and
ensure that erosion control structures are working and that flow within the watercourses
is not impeded.

Noise pollution emanating from the road should be mitigated by Eskom where and if
required, by constructing earth berms or planting suitable absorbent vegetation along
the route.

Stormwater management structures must be maintained and cleaned to minimise

erosion that could result in the siltation of aquatic systems. This requires regular
inspection of the stormwater drainage system to confirm its functionality and instituting
maintenance as and when required to remove any blockages and repair broken pipes.

EMP 20060213 14

The following list represents the basic Do’s and Don’ts towards environmental
awareness, which all participants in this project must consider whilst carrying out their
tasks. These are not exhaustive and serve as a quick reference aid.

NOTE: ALL new site personnel must attend environmental induction training.
Induction reports, which are signed by both the Contractor and Employee to indicate
that the induction has been conducted, will be maintained on site. Induction forms for
all contractor employees on site will be retained on site by the Contractor.

END OF EACH DAY – use the waste bins provided and ensure that litter will not
blow away.
ANY “HOT WORK” IS UNDERTAKEN e.g. welding, grinding, gas cutting etc.

• INJURE, TRAP, FEED OR HARM ANY ANIMALS – this includes birds, frogs,
snakes, lizards etc.

1. Should any animals such as tortoises, chameleons or snakes be encountered
then do not harm them. The ECO or Supervisor should be contacted to remove
these safely. The harming of any animal will result in penalties for the
2. Construction and heavy machine operators must be particularly sensitive to
staying within access routes and prevention of unnecessary damage. Dust and
noise is also of particular concern. Ensure that vehicles and machinery do not
leak fuel or oils. Refuelling, maintenance, servicing or washing must be done
within the designated area in the construction camp area only.
3. Alien plant clearing and control work teams must be closely supervised.

(If the space provided is insufficient then attach additional sheets)

WHAT: Subject of M/Statement
WHO: Site Foreman/contact
Submitted to (e.g. ECO): Approved by:
Date Submitted on: Date Approved:
WHEN: Date works start Date works
Rehabilitation period: Programme restrictions (critical path, season restrictions etc.)

Split work Phasing: Item start date end date

Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
WHERE Area of works – submit plan or sketch if appropriate – stockpile, detention ponds, boundaries / restriction of works, special
features or mitigation works landscape specials etc:
HOW: Route/site layout pegged: Date available to Inspection persons required:
Landscape concerns: (Specify items not covered in EMP. Refer to EMP items if required.)
Existing features & services affected (e.g. paths, curbing, irrigation etc.)

Trees (protection or removal methods).

Special vegetation

Reinstatement methods


Restricted areas

HOW General Environmental: (specify items not covered in EMP. Refer to EMP items if required.)
(cont.) Machinery:

Earthworks & dust control:

Concrete works:

Storm-water control:



Water quality – pumping, source & discharge points, settlement, filtration, duration etc:

Hydrocarbon control measures:

I&AP notifications:

Fire/emergency contingencies:

Special conditions / mitigation measures (e.g. stream crossings, live sewer proximity etc.):


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