J 9307 Paper III 26f98506

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Signature and Name of Invigilator Roll No.

1. (Signature) (In figures as per admission card)

Roll No.
2. (Signature) (In words)
Test Booklet No.
Time : 2½ hours] & MANAGEMENT [Maximum Marks : 200
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 32 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 26
Instructions for the Candidates ÂÚUèÿææçÍüØô¢ ·ð¤ çÜU° çÙÎðüàæ
1. Write your roll number in the space provided on 1. ÂãÜðU ÂëDU ·ð¤ ª¤ÂÚU çÙØÌ SÍæÙ ÂÚU ¥ÂÙæ ÚUôÜU ِÕÚU çÜUç¹°Ð
the top of this page.
2. ÜUƒæé ÂýàÙ ÌÍæ çÙÕ¢Ï Âý·¤æÚU ·ð¤ ÂýàÙô¢ ·ð¤ ©žæÚU, ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ·ð¤ Ùè¿ð Øæ
2. Answers to short answer/essay type questions are
to be given in the space provided below each question ÂýàÙô¢ ·ð¤ ÕæÎ ×ð¢ çÎØð ãéØð çÚU€Ì SÍæÙ ÂÚU ãè çÜUç¹ØðÐ
or after the questions in the Test Booklet itself. §â·ð¤ çÜ° ·¤ô§ü ¥çÌçÚU€Ì ·¤æ»Á ·¤æ ©ÂØô» Ùãè¢ ·¤ÚUÙæ ãñÐ
No Additional Sheets are to be used.
3. ÂÚUèÿææ ÂýæڐUÖ ãôÙð ÂÚU, ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ¥æ·¤ô Îð Îè ÁæØð»èÐ ÂãÜðU
3. At the commencement of examination, the question ÂUæ¡¿ ç×ÙÅU ¥æ·¤ô ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ¹ôÜÙð ÌÍæ ©â·¤è çِÙçÜç¹Ì
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5. One page is attached for Rough Work at the end of 5. ©UžæÚU-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ·ð¤ ¥‹Ì ×𢠷¤“ææ ·¤æ× (Rough Work) ·¤ÚUÙð ·ð¤
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J—9307 1 P.T.O.


NOTE : This paper is of two hundred (200) marks containing four (4) sections.
Candidates are required to attempt the questions contained in these sections
according to the detailed instructions given therein.

ÙæðÅ Ñ Øã ÂýàÙ˜æ Îæð âæñ (200) ¥´·¤æ´ð ·¤æ ãñ °ß´ §â×ð´ ¿æÚ (4) ¹´Ç ãñÐ ¥ØçÍüØæð´ ·¤æð §Ù ×ð´ â×æçãÌ
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J—9307 2
Note : This section contains five (5) questions based on the following
paragraph. Each question should be answered in about thirty (30)
words and each carries five (5) marks. (5x5=25 marks)
§â ¹´Ç ×ð´ çِÙçÜç¹Ì ¥Ùé‘ÀðÎ ÂÚ ¥æÏæçÚÌ Âæ¡¿ (5) ÂýàÙ ãñ´Ð ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ·¤æ ©žæÚ
ֻܻ Ìèâ (30) àæŽÎæð´ ×ð´ ¥ÂðçÿæÌ ãñÐ ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ Âæ¡¿ (5) ¥´·¤æð´ ·¤æ ãñ´Ð (5x5=25 ¥´·¤)

India meets the expectations of every type of tourist. With her varied
topography, picturesque valleys, high mountain peaks and cascading rivers, she
never ceases to surprise tourist’s with her kaleidoscopic attractions. The pomp and
pageantry of India’s festivals and local fairs are matched by the warmth and
hospitality of her people who welcome tourists with open hearts and warm smiles.
The shopping scene in India is a journey through centuries embracing old traditional
crafts and artistic skills. A land for recreation, adventure and business, India is an
interesting amalgamation of tradition and modernity.
ÖæÚÌ ãÚ Âý·¤æÚ ·ð¤ ÂØüÅ·¤æð´ ·¤è ¥Âðÿææ¥æð´ ·¤æð ÂêÚæ ·¤ÚÌæ ãñÐ ßñçߊØÌæÂê‡æü SÍÜæ·ë¤çÌ, ×ÙæðÚ× ƒææçÅØæð´,
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1. Why India is known as a land of mysteries.

ÖæÚÌ ·¤æð ÚãSØ Öêç× €Øæð´ ·¤ãæ ÁæÌæ ãñ?

J—9307 3 P.T.O.
2. Elucidate the significance of souvenirs and handicrafts in Tourism Industry.
ÂØüÅÙ ©læð» ×ð´ S×æçÚ·¤æ¥æð´ ÌÍæ ãSÌ·¤Üæ¥æð´ ·ð¤ ×ãžß ·¤è ÃØæØæ ·¤Úð´Ð

3. Outline the significance of fairs in event tourism attraction.

§ßð´Å ÅêçÚ’× ¥æ·¤áü‡æ ×ð´ ×ðÜæð´ ·ð¤ ×ãžß ·¤æ ©„ð¹ ·¤Úð´Ð

J—9307 4
4. Identify the major sacred haunts of Hindu Pilgrimages.
çã‹Îê ÌèÍüØæ˜ææ ·ð¤ Âý×é¹ Ïæç×ü·¤ SÍæÙæð´ ·¤æ ©„ð¹ ·¤Úð´Ð

5. Evaluate the significance of mountain meadows famous for climatology of recreation.

×ÙæðçßÙæðÎ ·ð¤ ÁÜßæØé·¤Ú‡æ ·ð¤ çÜ° ãÚð ƒææâ ·ð¤ Âýçâh ÂßüÌèØ ×ñÎæÙæð´ ·ð¤ ×ãžß ·¤æ ×êËØæ´·¤Ù ·¤Úð´Ð

J—9307 5 P.T.O.

Note : This section contains fifteen (15) questions each to be answered in

about thirty (30) words. Each question carries five (5) marks.
(5x15=75 marks)

ÙæðÅ Ñ §â ¹´Ç ×ð´ Âæ¡¿-Âæ¡¿ (5-5) ¥´·¤æ𴠷𤠴Îýã (15) ÂýàÙ ãñ´Ð ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ·¤æ ©žæÚ
ֻܻ Ìèâ (30) àæŽÎæð´ ×ð´ ¥ÂðçÿæÌ ãñÐ ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ Âæ¡¿ (5) ¥´·¤æð´ ·¤æ ãñÐ
(5x15=75 ¥´·¤)

6. Describe the conceptual meaning of ‘Sunlust’ and ‘Wanderlust’.

ÒâÙÜSÅÓ ÌÍæ Òßæ´ÇÚÜSÅÓ ·ð¤ ßñ¿æçÚ·¤ ¥Íü ·¤æ ߇æüÙ ·¤Úð´Ð

J—9307 6
7. What do you understand by Tourism Product Production System ?
ÂØüÅÙ ©ˆÂæÎ ©ˆÂæÎÙ Âý‡ææÜè âð ¥æ €Øæ â×ÛæÌð ãñ´?

8. Discuss “pull” and “push” factors in Tourist motivation.

ÂØüÅÙ ¥çÖÂýðڇæ ×ð´ ҹ贿ÙæÓ ÌÍæ ÒÂýðçÚÌ ·¤ÚÙæÓ ƒæÅ·¤æð´ ·¤è ¿¿æü ·¤Úð´Ð

J—9307 7 P.T.O.
9. What are the basic components of Front Office Operation ?
ÒÈý´¤Å-¥æçȤ⠥æÂÚðàæÙÓ ·ð¤ ×êÜÖêÌ ƒæÅ·¤ €Øæ ãñ´?

10. Bring out the differences between ITC (Inclusive Tours by Charter) and ITX (Inclusive
Tours on Scheduled Services.
¥æ§ü.Åè.âè (§´€Üéçâß Åé¥âü Õæ§ü ¿æÅüÚ) ÌÍæ ¥æ§ü.Åè.°€â (§´€Üéçâß Åé¥âü ¥æòÙ çàæÇ÷ØéËÇ âçßüâðÁ) ·ð¤
Õè¿ ¥´ÌÚ ÕÌæ°¡Ð

J—9307 8
11. Elucidate the aims of the “GREEN GLOBE” campaign initiated by the World Travel
and Tourism Council.
ÒßËÇü ÅþñßðÜ °‡Ç ÅêçÚ’× ·¤æ©´çâÜÓ mæÚæ àæéM¤ ç·¤Øð »° Ò»ýèÙ ‚ÜæðÕÓ ¥çÖØæÙ ·ð¤ ÜÿØæð´ ·¤è ÃØæØæ ·¤Úð´Ð

12. Assess the policy options opened to coastal resorts at different stages of the resort cycle.
âñÚ»æã-¿R¤ ·¤è çßçÖóæ ¥ßSÍæ¥æð´ ×ð´ ÌÅèØ âñÚ»æãæð´ ·ð¤ çÜ° ©ÂÜŽÏ ÙèçÌ»Ì çß·¤ËÂæð´ ·¤æ ¥æ·¤ÜÙ ·¤Úð´Ð

J—9307 9 P.T.O.
13. Discuss the major geographical factors that constrain transport net works at different
tourist destinations.
çßçÖóæ ÂØüÅÙ-SÍÜæð´ ×ð´ ÂçÚßãÙ-Ì´˜æ ·¤æð ÕæçÏÌ ·¤ÚÙðßæÜð Âý×é¹ Öæñ»æðçÜ·¤ ̞ßæð´ ·¤è ¿¿æü ·¤Úð´Ð

14. What factors influence the directions and volumes of Tourist travel between India and
·¤æñÙ âð ·¤æÚ·¤ ÖæÚÌ ÌÍæ â´Øé€Ì Úæ’Ø ¥×ðçÚ·¤æ ·ð¤ Õè¿ Øæ˜ææ ·¤ÚÙð ßæÜð ÂØüÅ·¤æð´ ·¤è çÎàææ ¥æñÚ ×æ˜ææ ·¤æð
ÂýÖæçßÌ ·¤ÚÌð ãñ´?

J—9307 10
15. What a step will you suggest to include a Tour Operator Agency on the approved list of
the Ministry of Tourism.
ÂØüÅÙ ×´˜ææÜØ ·¤è ¥Ùé×æðçÎÌ âê¿è ×ð´ °·¤ ÅêÚ ¥æÂÚðÅÚ °Áð´âè ·¤æð âç×çÜÌ ·¤ÚÙð ·ð¤ çÜ° ¥æ 緤٠¿Ú‡ææð´ ·¤æ
âéÛææß Îð´»ð?

16. Analyse the system approach to study tourism marketing.

ÂØüÅÙ ç߇æÙ ·ð¤ ¥ŠØØÙ ·ð¤ çÜ° Âý‡ææÜè ¥çÖ»× ·¤æ çßàÜðá‡æ ·¤Úð´Ð

J—9307 11 P.T.O.
17. Define ‘Management by Exception’.
Ò¥ÂßæÎ mæÚæ ÂýÕ´ÏÙÓ ·¤è ÂçÚÖæáæ Îð´Ð

18. What do you understand by e-travel agency ?

§-ÅþñßðÜ °Áð´âè âð ¥æ €Øæ â×ÛæÌð ãñ´?

J—9307 12
19. Differentiate between operating and Financial leverage.
â´¿æÜÙ-â´Õ´Ïè ÌÍæ ¥æçÍü·¤ ©læ×-ÜæÖ ·ð¤ Õè¿ ¥´ÌÚ ÕÌæ°¡Ð

20. What is ‘ANOVA’ ?

‘ANOVA’ €Øæ ãñ?

J—9307 13 P.T.O.

Note : This section contains five (5) questions of twelve (12) marks each.
Each question is to be answered in about 200 words. (12x5=60 marks)

§â ¹´Ç ×ð´ ÕæÚæã (12) ¥´·¤æð´ ·ð¤ Âæ¡¿ (5) ÂýàÙ ãñ´Ð ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ·¤æ ©žæÚ Ü»Ö»
Îæð âæñ 200 àæŽÎæð´ ×ð´ ¥ÂðçÿæÌ ãñ´Ð (12x5=60 ¥´·¤)

21. What are the principal methods for classifying a hotel ? How does this help in the
improvement of quality in the accommodation sector.
ç·¤âè ãæðÅÜ ·¤æ ß»èü·¤Ú‡æ ·¤ÚÙð ·¤è ÂýÏæÙ çßçÏØæ¡ ·¤æñÙ âè ãñ´? ßæâ-âéçßÏæ ·ð¤ ÿæð˜æ ×ð´ »é‡æߞææ ·¤æð ÕɸæÙð ×ð´
§ââð ·ñ¤âð âãæØÌæ ç×ÜÌè ãñ?

22. Identify and describe briefly only well known tourism destination in the country with
particular reference to the growth and development of its life cycle.
ç·¤âè âéç߁ØæÌ ÖæÚÌèØ ÂØüÅÙ-SÍÜ ·¤æ ©„ð¹ ¥æñÚ çßßÚ‡æ ©â·ð¤ ÁèßÙ-¿R¤ ·ð¤ ßëçh ¥æñÚ çß·¤æâ ·ð¤
çßàæðá ÂçÚÂýðÿØ ×ð´ ·¤Úð´Ð

23. Describe the role of Indian railways in Tourism Promotion and identify the major
components of its operation.
ÂØüÅÙ ·¤æð Õɸæßæ ÎðÙð ×ð´ ÖæÚÌèØ ÚðÜ ·¤è Öêç×·¤æ ·¤æ ߇æüÙ ·¤Úð´ ÌÍæ §â·ð¤ â´¿æÜÙ ·ð¤ Âý×é¹ ƒæÅ·¤æð´ ·¤æ ©„ð¹

24. Explain how branding plays an important role in the formation of marketing - mix and
marketing strategy of any tourism product.
ç·¤âè ÂØüÅÙ ©ˆÂæÎ ·ð¤ çÜ° ç߇æÙ-çןæ ÌÍæ ç߇æÙ-Øéç€ÌâæÏÙ ÌñØæÚ ·¤ÚÙð ×ð´ Õýæ´çÇ´» ç·¤â Âý·¤æÚ °·¤
×ãžßÂê‡æü Öêç×·¤æ çÙÖæÌæ ãñ?

25. What is effective communication ? Based on a current event, recall a situation where
effective communicating could have avoided an embarrassing consequence.
ÂýÖæßè â´¿æÚ €Øæ ãñ? °·¤ âæ×çØ·¤ ƒæÅÙæ ·ð¤ ¥æÏæÚ ÂÚ °·¤ °ðâè çSÍçÌ ·¤æ S×Ú‡æ ·¤Úð´ çÁâ×ð ÂýÖæßè â´¿æÚ
·ð¤ mæÚæ ÂÚðàææÙè ©ˆÂóæ ·¤ÚÙð ßæÜð ÙÌèÁæð´ âð Õ¿æ Áæ â·¤Ìæ ÍæÐ

J—9307 14
J—9307 15 P.T.O.
J—9307 16
J—9307 17 P.T.O.
J—9307 18
J—9307 19 P.T.O.
J—9307 20
J—9307 21 P.T.O.
J—9307 22
J—9307 23 P.T.O.
Note : This section consists of one essay type question of forty (40) marks to
be answered in about one thousand (1000) words on any of the
following topics. This question carries 40 marks. (40x1=40 marks)
ÙæðÅ Ñ
. §â ¹´Ç ×ð´ °·¤ ¿æÜèâ (40) ¥´·¤æð ·¤æ çÙՋÏæˆ×·¤ ÂýàÙ ãñ çÁâ·¤æ ©žæÚ çِÙçÜç¹Ì
çßáØæð´ ×ð´ âð ·ð¤ßÜ °·¤ ÂÚ, ֻܻ °·¤ ãÁæÚ (1000) àæŽÎæð´ ×ð´ ¥ÂðçÿæÌ ãñÐ (40x1=40 ¥´·¤)

26. International tourism is transforming previously closed societies into an open universal
society, where contact between people becomes a daily reality. Explain this statement
in context of North-East, Ladakh and Andaman Nicobar regions.

¥´ÌÚæüCþèØ ÂØüÅÙ â´·¤è‡æü â×æÁ â𠩋×é€Ì âæßüÖæñ× âæ×æÁ ×ð´ ÕÎÜ Úãæ ãñ çÁâ·ð¤ ¥‹Ì»üÌ Üæð»æ𴠷𤠥æÂâè
â´Õ´Ï ÎñçÙ·¤ ßæSÌçß·¤Ìæ ×ð´ ÕÎÜ »Øð ãñ´Ð §â ·¤ÍÙ ·¤è ÃØæØæ ©žæÚ, Âêßü, Ügæ¹ ÌÍæ ¥´Ç×æÙ çÙ·¤æðÕæÚ ·ð¤
â´ÎÖü ×ð´ ·¤Úð´Ð


Briefly describe the forms and types of eco - tourism resources and put a precise note
on basic steps towards increasing local participation in eco - tourism projects.

ÂçÚçSÍçÌ·¤èØ ÂØüÅÙ ·ð¤ çßçÖóæ Öæ»æð´ ß Âý·¤æÚæð´ ·¤æð ßç‡æüÌ ·¤ÚÌð ãé° ÂæçÚçSÍçÌ·¤èØ ÂØüÅÙ ·¤è ØæðÁÙæ¥æð´ ×ð´
SÍæÙèØ Öæ»èÎæÚè ·¤æð Õɸæßæ ÎðÙð ãðÌé °·¤ âæÚ»çÖüÌ çŌ‡æè çܹð´Ð

J—9307 24
J—9307 25 P.T.O.
J—9307 26
J—9307 27 P.T.O.
J—9307 28
J—9307 29 P.T.O.
J—9307 30
J—9307 31 P.T.O.
Marks Obtained













1 26 51 76
2 27 52 77
3 28 53 78
4 29 54 79
5 30 55 80
6 31 56 81
7 32 57 82
8 33 58 83
9 34 59 84
10 35 60 85
11 36 61 86
12 37 62 87
13 38 63 88
14 39 64 89
15 40 65 90
16 41 66 91
17 42 67 92
18 43 68 93
19 44 69 94
20 45 70 95
21 46 71 96
22 47 72 97
23 48 73 98
24 49 74 99
25 50 75 100

Total Marks Obtained (in words) .....................................

(in figures) ....................................

Signature & Name of the Coordinator ...............................

(Evaluation) Date .............................

J—9307 32

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