Buddhist, Jaina, Gandhian & Peace Studies: Paper Ii

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Signature and Name of Invigilator Answer Sheet No. : ................................................

(To be filled by the Candidate)

1. (Signature)
Roll No.
(In figures as per admission card)

2. (Signature) Roll No.

(In words)
PAPER—II Test Booklet No.
D—6 0 0 7
Time : 1¼ hours] [Maximum Marks : 100
Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 50
Instructions for the Candidates ÂÚUèÿææçÍüØô¢ ·ð¤ çÜ° çÙÎðüàæ
1. Write your roll number in the space provided on the top of this 1. ÂãÜðU ÂëDU ·ð¤ ª¤ÂÚU çÙØÌ SÍæÙ ÂÚU ¥ÂÙæ ÚUôÜU ِÕÚU çÜç¹°Ð
page. 2. §â ÂýàÙ-˜æ ×𢠿æâ Õãéçß·¤ËÂèØ ÂýàÙ ãñ¢Ð
2. This paper consists of fifty multiple-choice type of questions. 3. ÂÚUèÿææ ÂýæڐUÖ ãôÙð ÂÚU, ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ¥æ·¤ô Îð Îè ÁæØð»èÐ ÂãÜðU ÂUæ¡¿ ç×ÙÅU
3. At the commencement of examination, the question booklet ¥æ·¤ô ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ¹ôÜÙð ÌÍæ ©â·¤è çِÙçÜç¹Ì Áæ¡¿ ·ð¤ çÜ° çÎØð
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or duplicate or not in serial order or any other ©âè â×Ø ©âð ÜUõÅUæ·¤ÚU ©â·ð¤ SÍæÙ ÂÚU ÎêâÚUè âãè ÂýàÙ-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ
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4. Each item has four alternative responses marked (A), (B), (C) 4. ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ·ð¤ çÜ° ¿æÚU ©žæÚU çß·¤Ë (A), (B), (C) ÌÍæ (D) çÎØð »Øð ãñ¢Ð
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7. ·¤“ææ ·¤æ× (Rough Work) §â ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ·ð¤ ¥ç‹Ì× ÂëDU ÂÚU ·¤Úð¢UÐ
7. Rough Work is to be done in the end of this booklet.
8. ØçÎ ¥æ ©žæÚU-ÂéçSÌ·¤æ ÂÚU ¥ÂÙæ Ùæ× Øæ °ðâæ ·¤ô§ü Öè çÙàææÙ çÁââð ¥æ·¤è
8. If you write your name or put any mark on any part of the test Âã¿æÙ ãô â·ð¤, ¤ç·¤âè Öè Öæ» ÂÚU ÎàææüÌð Øæ ¥¢ç·¤Ì ·¤ÚUÌð ãñ¢ Ìô ÂÚUèÿææ ·ð¤
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9. You have to return the test question booklet to the invigilators ¥æßàØ·¤ ãñ ¥õÚU ÂÚUèÿææ â×æç# ·ð¤ ÕæÎ ¥ÂÙð âæÍ ÂÚUèÿææ ÖßÙ âð ÕæãÚU Ù
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D—6007 1 P.T.O.

Note : This paper contains fifty (50) Multiple-choice questions, each question carrying
two (2) marks. Attempt all of them.

1. The Buddha (Prince Siddhattha) was born at :

(A) SÂvatthÍ (B) LumbinÍ (C) RÂjagaha (D) VÂrÂàasÍ

2. The name of the Buddha’s (Prince Siddhattha’s) real mother was :

(A) MÂy (B) PÂtÂcÂrÂ
(C) Triïal (D) PajÂpati GotamÍ

3. The second Buddhist council was held at :

(A) PÂòaliputta (B) VesÂlÍ
(C) RÂjagaha (D) AnurÂdhapura

4. The first eminent Buddhist teacher who went to Tibet to propagate Buddhism, was :
(A) Padmasambhava (B) DÍpaßkara ìrÍjáÂna
(C) ìÂntarakîita (D) RÂhula SÂßkçtyÂyana

5. The earliest collection of the Buddha’s teachings in the form of the Tipiòaka is available in the
language known as :
(A) Chinese (B) Tibetan
(C) Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit (BHS) (D) Pali

6. The first Sermon of the Buddha was delivered at :

(A) Uruvel (B) SÂrnÂth (VÂrÂàasÍ)
(C) KusÍnÂr (D) LumbinÍ

7. The text which does not find place in the TIPIñAKA is :

(A) The DÍghanikÂya (B) The Visuddhimagga
(C) The MajjhimanikÂya (D) SaØyuttanikÂya

8. The number of NidÂna-s related with the PratÍtyasamutpada is :

(A) Fourteen (14) (B) Thirteen (13)
(C) Twelve (12) (D) Eleven (11)

D—6007 2
Õæñh, ÁñÙ, »æ´ÏèßæÎè °ß´ àææç‹Ì ¥ŠØØÙ
ÙôÅU Ñ §â ÂýàÙ˜æ ×𢠿æâ (50) Õãé-çß·¤ËÂèØ ÂýàÙ ãñ¢Ð ÂýˆØð·¤ ÂýàÙ ·ð¤ Îô (2) ¥¢·¤ ãñ¢Ð âÖè ÂýàÙô¢ ·ð¤ ©žæÚU

1. Õéh (ÚUæÁ·é¤×æÚU çâhˆÍ) §â SÍæÙ ÂÚU ÂñÎæ ãéØð Íð Ñ

(A) âæ߈Íè (B) ÜéçÕÙè (C) ÚUæÁ»ã (D) ßæÚUæ‡æâè

2. Õéh (ÚUæÁ·é¤×æÚU çâhˆÍ) ·¤è ßæSÌçß·¤ ×æÌæ ·¤æ Ùæ× Íæ Ñ

(A) ×æØæ (B) ÂÅUæ¿æÚUæ (C) ç˜æàæÜæ (D) ÂÁæÂçÌ »æðÌ×è

3. çmÌèØ Õæñh â´»èçÌ §â SÍæÙ ÂÚU â´Âóæ ãé§ü Íè Ñ

(A) ÂæÅUçÜÂé˜æ (B) ßðâæÜè (C) ÚUæÁ»ã (D) ¥ÙéÚUæÏÂéÚU

4. ÂýÍ× Âýçâh Õæñh ¥æ¿æØü Øð Íð, Áæð Õæñh Ï×ü ·ð¤ Âý¿æÚU ·ð¤ çÜØð ç̎ÕÌ »Øð Ñ

(A) ÂÎ÷×â´Öß (B) Îè´·¤ÚU Ÿæè™ææÙ

(C) àææ‹ÌÚUçÿæÌ (D) ÚUæãéÜ â洷뤈ØæØÙ

5. çÌçÂÅU·¤ ·ð¤ M¤Â ×ð´ â´·¤çÜÌ Õéh ·¤è ÂýæÚ´UçÖ·¤ çàæÿææ¥æð´ ·¤æ â´»ýã §â Öæáæ ×ð´ ©ÂÜŽÏ ãñ Ñ

(A) ¿èÙè (B) ç̎ÕÌè

(C) Õæñh â´·¤ÚU â´S·ë¤Ì (D) ÂæçÜ

6. Õéh ·¤æ ÂýÍ× Ï×æðüÂÎðàæ §â SÍæÙ ÂÚU çÎØæ »Øæ Ñ

(A) ©L¤ßðÜæ (B) âæÚUÙæÍ (ßæÚUæ‡æâè)

(C) ·é¤âèÙæÚUæ (D) Üé´çÕÙè

7. §â »ý‹Í ·¤æð çÌçÂÅU·¤ ×ð´ SÍæÙ Ùãè´ çÎØæ »Øæ ãñ Ñ

(A) ÎèƒæçÙ·¤æØæð (B) çßâéçhׂ»æð

(C) ×ç’Ûæ×çÙ·¤æØæð (D) â´ØéžæçÙ·¤æØæð

8. ÂýÌèˆØâ×éˆÂæÎ âð â´Õç‹ÏÌ çÙÎæÙæð´ ·¤è ⴁØæ Øð ãñ Ñ

(A) ¿æñÎã (14) (B) ÌðÚUã (13)

(C) ÕæÚUã (12) (D) ‚ØæÚUã (11)

D—6007 3 P.T.O.
9. Identify the group which represents the first and the last constituents of the Aòòhaßgika-maggo :
(A) SammÂdiòòhi - SammÂsati (B) SammÂdiòòhi - SammÂsamÂdhi
(C) SammÂsaßkappo - SammÂÂjÍvo (D) SammÂÂjivo - SammÂvÂyÂmo

1 0 . The nature of NirvÂàa (çَÕæÙ ) is :

(A) SaÙskçta (Saßkhata)
(B) AsaÙskçta (Asaßkhata)
(C) SaÙskçta - AsaÙskçta (SaÙkhata - AsaÙkhata)
(D) SaÙskçta - Dukkha

1 1 . Uruvel of the Buddha’s period is known today as :

(A) Gay (B) Bodh GayÂ
(C) Bodhi Gay (D) GÂyasÍsa

1 2 . The Ajanta Cave Temples are located today in :

(A) Madhya Pradesh (B) Chattisgarh
(C) Maharashtra (D) Orissa

1 3 . The Buddhist monk who pleaded for the admission of women in the Buddhist order (Saßgha)
was :
(A) UpÂli (B) Nanda
(C) Ànanda (D) MahÂkassapa

1 4 . The slogan of CÂtuvaààapÂrisuddhi (the purification of the fourth varàa/vaààa) was given by :
(A) Ajita Kesakambala (B) Pakudha KaccÂyana
(C) Saájaya Velaòòhiputta (D) The Buddha

1 5 . The Buddha’s attitude towards Ecology was :

(A) In favour of Balanced Ecology
(B) In favour of Imbalanced Ecology
(C) Partly in favour of Balanced Ecology
(D) Partly in favour of Imbalanced Ecology

1 6 . The first Tirthankara of Jainism is :

(A) Lord MahÂvÍra (B) Lord äîabhadeva
(C) Lord NeminÂtha (D) Lord PÂrïwanÂtha

D—6007 4
9. ¥_´ç»·¤×‚»æð ·ð¤ ÂýÍ× ¥æñÚU ¥ç‹Ì× ¥´»æð ·¤æ ÂýçÌçÙçÏˆß ·¤ÚUÙðßæÜð ß»ü ·¤è Âã¿æÙ ·¤èçÁ° Ñ

(A) â×æçÎç_ - â×æâçÌ (B) â×æçÎç_ - â×æâ×æçÏ

(C) â×æâ´·¤ŒÂæð - â×æ¥æÁèßæð (D) â×æ¥æÁèßæð - â×æßæØæ×æð

10. çÙßæü‡æ (çَÕæÙ) ·¤æ SßÖæß Øã ãñ Ñ

(A) â´S·ë¤Ì (â´¹Ì) (B) ¥â´S·ë¤Ì (¥â´¹Ì)

(C) â´S·ë¤Ì - ¥â´S·ë¤Ì (â´¹Ì-¥â´¹Ì) (D) â´S·ë¤Ì - Î逹

11. Õéh ·ð¤ Øé» ·¤è ©L¤ßðÜæ ¥æÁ §â Ùæ× âð ÁæÙè ÁæÌè ãñ Ñ

(A) »Øæ (B) ÕæðÏ »Øæ

(C) ÕæðçÏ »Øæ (D) »Øæâèâ

12. ¥Á‹Ìæ »éȤæ çßãæÚU §â ÚUæ’Ø ×ð´ çSÍÌ ãñ´ Ñ

(A) ×ŠØ ÂýÎðàæ (B) ÀUžæèâ»É¸

(C) ×ãæÚUæCþ (D) ©Ç¸èâæ

13. §â Õæñh çր¹é (çÖÿæé) Ùð Õæñh ⴃæ ×ð´ çS˜æØæð´ ·ð¤ Âýßðàæ ·¤è ß·¤æÜÌ ·¤è Ñ

(A) ©ÂæçÜ (B) ًÎ

(C) ¥æًΠ(D) ×ãæ·¤SâÂ

14. ¿æÌé߇‡æÂæçÚUâéçh (¿æñÍð ߇æü (߇‡æ) ·¤è àæéhÌæ) ·¤æ ÙæÚUæ §‹ãæð´Ùð çÎØæ Íæ Ñ

(A) ¥çÁÌ ·ð¤â·´¤ÕÜ (B) ·é¤Ï ·¤“ææØÙ

(C) â´ÁØ ßðÜç_Âéžæ (D) Õéh

15. ÂçÚUçSÍçÌçßlæ ·ð¤ ÂýçÌ Õéh ·¤æ ÚUßñØæ §â Âý·¤æÚU Íæ Ñ

(A) â´ÌéçÜÌ ÂØæüßÚU‡æ ·ð¤ Âÿæ ×ð´

(B) ¥â´ÌéçÜÌ ÂØæüßÚU‡æ ·ð¤ Âÿæ ×ð´

(C) ¥æ´çàæ·¤ M¤Â ×ð´ â´ÌéçÜÌ ÂØæüßÚU‡æ ·ð¤ Âÿæ ×ð´

(D) ¥æ´çàæ·¤ M¤Â ×ð´ ¥â´ÌéçÜÌ ÂØæüßÚU‡æ ·ð¤ Âÿæ ×ð´

16. ÁñÙ Ï×ü ·ð¤ ÂýÍ× ÌèÍZ·¤ÚU ãñ´ Ñ

(A) Ö»ßæÙ÷ ×ãæßèÚU (B) Ö»ßæÙ÷ «¤áÖÎðß

(C) Ö»ßæÙ÷ Ùðç×ÙæÍ (D) Ö»ßæÙ÷ ÂæàßüÙæÍ

D—6007 5 P.T.O.
1 7 . The text ÀcÂrÂßgasötra is related to :
(A) Prakrit Narrative (B) Ardhamagdhi Agamas
(C) Saurseni Agamas (D) Ancient Jain commentary

1 8 . ‘Asteya’ is included according to Jainism in :

(A) Kinds of knowledge (B) Concept of universe
(C) Householder’s Vows (D) Triratna Principle

1 9 . The supreme knowledge in Jainism is known as :

(A) Shruta JáÂna (B) Kevala JáÂna
(C) Knowledge of Muni (D) Samyag JáÂna

2 0 . The concept of CÂturyÂma was propounded by :

(A) Haribhardrasuri (B) Lord Mahavira
(C) AcÂrya Kundkund (D) Lord Parsvanatha

2 1 . ‘UttarÂdhyayanasötra’ belongs to :
(A) Prakrit Prose works (B) Prakrit Drama
(C) Prakrit Ardhamagadhi Àgama (D) Prakrit Inscriptions

2 2 . The ‘TattvÂrthasötra’ was composed by :

(A) AcÂrya UmÂswÂti (B) AcÂrya Kundkund
(C) AcÂrya Samantabhadra (D) AcÂrya Haribhadrasöri

2 3 . Identify the correct groups among the following :

(A) VipÂkasötra - ìaurseni Prakrit
(B) SamayasÂra - AcÂrya Kundkund
(C) Dravyasamgraha - UmÂswÂti
(D) Bhagawati ArÂdhana - Ardhamagdhi text

2 4 . The concept of Non-Attachment in Jainism is known as :

(A) Asteya vow (B) Aparigraha vow
(C) AnekantavÂda (D) AnÂtmavÂda

D—6007 6
17. ¥æ¿æÚUæ´»âê˜æ »ý‹Í §ââð âÕç‹ÏÌ ãñ Ñ

(A) Âýæ·ë¤Ì ·¤Íæ (B) ¥Ïü×æ»Ïè ¥æ»×

(C) àææñÚUâðÙè ¥æ»× (D) Âýæç¿Ù ÁñÙ ÅUè·¤æ

18. ÁñÙ Ï×ü ·ð¤ ¥ÙéâæÚU Ò¥SÌðØÓ §â×ð´ âç×çÜÌ ãñ Ñ

(A) ™ææÙ ·ð¤ Âý·¤æÚU (B) Üæð·¤ ·¤è ¥ßÏæÚU‡ææ

(C) »ëãSÍæð´ ·ð¤ ßýÌ (D) ç˜æÚUˆÙ çâhæ‹Ì

19. ÁñÙÏ×ü ×ð´ ÒÂê‡æü ™ææÙÓ §â M¤Â ×ð´ Âýçâh ãñ Ñ

(A) ŸæéÌ ™ææÙ (B) ·ð¤ßÜ ™ææÙ

(C) ×éçÙ ·¤æ ™ææÙ (D) âØ‚™ææÙ

20. Ò¿æÌéØæü×Ó ·¤æ SßM¤Â §Ù·ð¤ mæÚUæ ·¤ãæ »Øæ ãñ Ñ

(A) ãçÚUÖÎýâêçÚU (B) Ö»ßæÙ÷ ×ãæßèÚU

(C) ¥æ¿æØü ·é¤‹ÎU·é¤‹ÎU (D) Ö»ßæÙ÷ ÂæàßüÙæÍ

21. ©žæÚUæŠØØÙâê˜æ ·¤æ âÕ‹Ï §ââð ãñ Ñ

(A) Âýæ·ë¤Ì »l »ý‹Í (B) Âýæ·ë¤Ì ÇþUæ×æ

(C) Âýæ·ë¤Ì ¥Ïü×æ»Ïè ¥æ»× (D) Âýæ·ë¤Ì çàæÜæÜð¹

22. Ò̈ßæÍüâê˜æÓ §Ù·ð¤ mæÚUæ çÜ¹æ »Øæ ãñ Ñ

(A) ¥æ¿æØü ©×æSßæçÌ (B) ¥æ¿æØü ·é¤‹ÎU·é¤‹ÎU

(C) ¥æ¿æØü â׋ÌÖÎý (D) ¥æ¿æØü ãçÚUÖÎýâêçÚU

23. çِÙçÜç¹Ì ×ð´ âãè »ýé ·¤æð Âã¿æÙð Ñ

(A) çßÂæ·¤âê˜æ — àææñÚUâðÙè Âýæ·ë¤Ì

(B) â×ØâæÚU — ¥æ¿æØü ·é¤‹ÎU·é¤‹Î

(C) ÎýÃØ â´»ý㠗 ©×æSßæçÌ

(D) Ö»ßÌè ¥æÚUæÏÙæ — ¥Ïü×æ»Ïè »ý‹Í

24. ÁñÙÏ×ü ×ð´ ÒÙæÙ-¥ÅñU¿×ð‹ÅUÓ çâhæ‹Ì ÁæÙæ ÁæÌæ ãñ Ñ

(A) ¥SÌðØ ßýÌ (B) ¥ÂçÚU»ýã ßýÌ

(C) ¥Ùð·¤æ‹Ì ßæÎ (D) ¥Ùæˆ×ßæÎ

D—6007 7 P.T.O.
2 5 . ‘Sapt PadÂrthas’ in Jainism - are known as :
(A) Seven Sins (B) Seven Sheels
(C) Seven viewpoints (D) Seven Fundamentals

2 6 . ChandanabÂl was the :

(A) Daughter of Lord Mahavira
(B) Mother of VardhamÂna
(C) First female disciple of Lord Mahavira
(D) Queen of Rajagraha

2 7 . ‘ÀhÂra DÂna’ is included in this group :

(A) Three Ratnas (B) Four kinds of Charity
(C) Five kinds of Vows (D) Six kinds of Substances

2 8 . The First wonder of India declared in 2007 is :

(A) The Tajmahal
(B) The Temples of Kajuraho
(C) The statue of Bahubali of Shravanabelagola
(D) The Swarna Mandira of Amiritsar

2 9 . The Vows of Householder in Jainism are known as :

(A) ‘Anuvratas’ (B) ‘Triratna’ (C) Mahavratas (D) Gunasthanas

3 0 . The famous Jaina temples of Mount Abu are known as :

(A) Kesariaji Temples (B) Delawara Temples
(C) ParïwanÂth Temples (D) ìatrunjaya Temples

3 1 . In religious matters the man who impressed Gandhi the most, was :
(A) Leo Tolstoy (B) Henry David Thoreau
(C) Ray Chand Bhai (D) Roma Rolland

3 2 . Raliat Ben was :

(A) Daughter of Dada Abdullha (B) Gandhi’s sister
(C) Mother of Sheikh Mehtab (D) A Native of Sevagram Ashram

D—6007 8
25. Òâ# ÂÎæÍüÓ ÁñÙÏ×ü ×ð´ ·¤ãð »Øð ãñ´ Ñ

(A) âæÌ Âæ (B) âæÌ àæèÜ

(C) âæÌ ÎëçC·¤æð‡æ (D) âæÌ È¤‡ÇUæ×ð‹ÅUÜ÷â (̞ß)

26. ¿‹ÎÙÕæÜæ Íè Ñ

(A) Ö»ßæÙ÷ ×ãæßèÚU ·¤è Âé˜æè (B) ßÏü×æÙ ·¤è ×æÌæ

(C) Ö»ßæÙ÷ ×ãæßèÚU ·¤è ÂýÍ× ×çãÜæ çàæcØæ (D) ÚUæÁ»ëã ·¤è ÚUæÙè

27. Ò¥æãæÚU ÎæÙÓ §â »ýé ×ð âç×çÜÌ ãñ Ñ

(A) ÌèÙ ÚUˆÙ (B) ¿æÚU Âý·¤æÚU ·ð¤ ÎæÙ

(C) Âæ¡¿ Âý·¤æÚU ·ð¤ ßýÌ (D) ÀUã Âý·¤æÚU ·ð¤ ÎýÃØ

28. 2007 ×ð´ ÖæÚUÌ ·¤æ ÂýÍ× ¥æà¿Øü ƒææðçáÌ ç·¤Øæ »Øæ ãñ Ñ
(A) ÌæÁ×ãÜ

(B) ¹ÁéÚUæãæð ·ð¤ ×´çÎÚU

(C) ÕæãéÕÜè ·¤è Ÿæ߇æÕðÜ»æðÜæ ×ð´ çSÍÌ ÂýçÌ×æ

(D) ¥×ëÌâÚU ·¤æ S߇æü×´çÎÚU

29. ÁñÙ Ï×ü ×ð´ »ëãSÍæð´ ·ð¤ ßýÌæð´ ·¤æð ·¤ãæ ÁæÌæ ãñ Ñ

(A) ¥‡æéßýÌ (B) ç˜æÚUˆÙ (C) ×ãæßýÌ (D) »é‡æSÍæÙ

30. ×橋ÅU ¥æÕê ·ð¤ Âýçâh ÁñÙ ×´çÎÚU §â M¤Â ×ð´ ÁæÙð ÁæÌð ãñ Ñ

(A) ·ð¤àæçÚUØæÁè ×´çÎÚU (B) ÎðÜßæǸæ ×´çÎÚU

(C) ÂæàßüÙæÍ ×´çÎÚU (D) àæ˜æ´éÁØ ×´çÎÚU

31. Ïæç×ü·¤ çßáØæð´ ×ð´ »æ¡ÏèÁè ·¤æð §â ÃØç€Ì Ùð âÕâð ¥çÏ·¤ ÂýÖæçßÌ ç·¤Øæ Íæ Ñ

(A) çÜØæð ÅUæÜSÅUæØ (B) ãðÙÚUè ÇðUçßÇU ÍæðÚUæð

(C) ÚUæØ¿‹Î Öæ§ü (D) ÚUæð×æ ÚUæðÜæ´

32. ÚUçÜØæÌ ÕðÙ Íè´ Ñ

(A) ÎæÎæ ¥ÕÎéËÜæ ·¤è Âé˜æè (B) »æ¡ÏèÁè ·¤è ÕãÙ

(C) àæð¹ ×ðãÌæÕ ·¤è ×æÌæÁè (D) âðßæ»ýæ× ¥æŸæ× ·¤è ßæâè

D—6007 9 P.T.O.
3 3 . The services of M.K. Gandhi were secured by Dada Abdullha and company for a period of :
(A) Six months (B) One year (C) Two years (D) Five years

3 4 . Gandhi started his Satyagraha movement in South Africa in :

(A) 1893 (B) 1896 (C) 1900 (D) 1906

3 5 . Gandhi started First Satyagraha in India at :

(A) Ahmedabad (B) Champaran (C) Wardha (D) Bardoli

3 6 . Who said the following words ‘‘ Truth is the End and Non-Violence the Means ’’ :
(A) Lord Mahavira (B) Christ (C) Lord Buddha (D) Gandhi

3 7 . According to Gandhi this statement is not correct :

(A) Truth and Non-Violence are compatible terms.
(B) Truth and Non-Violence are the two sides of the same coin.
(C) Truth is superior to Non-Violence.
(D) If truth is an end then, Non-Violence is the means to achieve it.

3 8 . This statement is correct :

(A) Rights are superior to duties
(B) All means must be adopted to achieve the Rights
(C) Duties are inferior to Rights
(D) Performance of Duties actually leads to fulfilment of Rights

3 9 . Gandhi believed in :
(A) Separation of Politics from Religion.
(B) Separation of Religion from Politics.
(C) Spiritualization of Politics.
(D) Predominance of Politics over Religion.

4 0 . According to Gandhi Poorna Swaraj means :

(A) Holyland (B) Moksha
(C) Complete Independence (D) Rule over the whole world.

D—6007 10
33. ÎæÎæ ¥ÕÎéËÜæ ¥æñÚU ·¤ÂÙè Ùð ×æðãÙ Îæâ ·¤×ü¿‹Î »æ¡Ïè ·¤è âðßæ°´ §ÌÙð â×Ø ·ð¤ çÜ° ×æ¡»è Íè´ Ñ

(A) ÀUÑ ×ãèÙð (B) °·¤ ßáü (C) Îæð ßáü (D) Âæ¡¿ ßáü

34. Îçÿæ‡æè ¥Èý¤è·¤æ ×ð´ »æ¡ÏèÁè Ùð âˆØæ»ýã ·¤æ ÂýæÚÖ §â ßáü ×ð´ ç·¤Øæ Íæ Ñ

(A) 1893 (B) 1896 (C) 1900 (D) 1906

35. »æ¡ÏèÁè Ùð ÖæÚUÌ ×ð´ ÂýÍ× âˆØæ»ýã Øãæ¡ ÂÚU ÂýæÚUÖ ç·¤Øæ Íæ Ñ

(A) ¥ã×ÎæÕæÎ (B) ¿ÂæÚUÙ (C) ßÏæü (D) ÕæÚUÎæðÜè

36. ÒÒâˆØ âæŠØ ãñ ¥æñÚU ¥çã´âæ âæÏÙÓÓ, Øð àæŽÎ §‹ãæð´Ùð ·¤ãð Íð Ñ

(A) Ö»ßæÙ ×ãæßèÚU (B) §üâæ ×âèã

(C) Ö»ßæÙ Õéh (D) »æ¡Ïè

37. ×ãæˆ×æ »æ¡Ïè ·ð¤ ¥ÙéâæÚU Øã ·¤ÍÙ âãè Ùãè´ ãñ Ñ

(A) âˆØ ¥æñÚU ¥çã´âæ ·¤è ÏæÚU‡ææ¥æð´ ·¤æ ¥æÂâ ×ð´ »ãÚUæ ×ðÜ ãñÐ

(B) âˆØ ¥æñÚU ¥çã´âæ °·¤ ãè ç‷𤠷ð¤ Îæð ÂãÜé ãñ´Ð

(C) âˆØ, ¥çã´âæ â𠩈·ë¤C ãñÐ

(D) ØçÎ âˆØ âæŠØ ãñ Ìæð ¥çã´âæ §â·¤è Âýæç# ·¤æ âæÏÙ ãñÐ

38. Øã ·¤ÍÙ âãè ãñ Ñ

(A) ¥çÏ·¤æÚU, ·¤ÌüÃØæð´ âð ÕðãÌÚU ãñ´Ð

(B) ¥çÏ·¤æÚUæð´ ·¤è Âýæç# ·ð¤ çÜ° âÖè Âý·¤æÚU ·ð¤ âæÏÙæð´ ·¤æð ¥ÂÙæØæ ÁæÙæ ¿æçã°Ð

(C) ·¤žæüÃØ ¥çÏ·¤æÚUæð´ âð çÙ·ë¤C (ƒæçÅUØæ) ãæðÌð ãñ´Ð

(D) ·¤žæüÃØæð´ ·¤è ÂæÜÙæ ãè ßæSÌß ×ð´ ¥çÏ·¤æÚUæð´ ·¤è Âýæç# ·¤æ ÚUæSÌæ ÂýâSÌ ·¤ÚUÌè ãñÐ

39. »æ¡ÏèÁè ·¤æ §â×ð´ çßàßæâ Íæ Ñ

(A) ÚUæÁÙèçÌ ·¤æð Ï×ü âð ¥Ü» ·¤ÚUÙæÐ

(B) Ï×ü ·¤æð ÚUæÁÙèçÌ âð ¥Ü» ·¤ÚUÙæÐ

(C) ÚUæÁÙèçÌ ·¤æ ¥ŠØæçˆ×·¤è·¤ÚU‡æÐ

(D) Ï×ü ÂÚU ÚUæÁÙèçÌ ·¤æ ß¿üSß ÕÙæ° ÚU¹ÙæÐ

40. »æ¡ÏèÁè ·ð¤ ¥ÙéâæÚU Âê‡æü SßÚUæ’Ø ·¤æ ¥Íü ãñ Ñ

(A) ÂçߘæÏÚUæ (B) ×æðÿæ

(C) âÂê‡æü Sß̋˜æÌæ (D) âÂê‡æü çßàß ÂÚU ÚUæ’Ø ·¤ÚUÙæ

D—6007 11 P.T.O.
4 1 . Gandhi held that untouchability was :
(A) A creation of the Britishers (B) An Institution of Dalits
(C) A Blot on Hinduism (D) A Social Necessity

4 2 . Gandhi’s basic aim to follow Ashram Vows was :

(A) To train the Satyagrahis in the Ashram
(B) To exercise self-control upon women in Ashram
(C) To test the self-confidence of the Ashram residents
(D) To create and instill self-discipline among the inmates and to strive towards moral

4 3 . Who said, ‘‘By education I mean an all around drawing out of the best in child and man, body,
mind and spirit’’:
(A) J.B. Kripalani (B) M.K. Gandhi
(C) S. Radhakrishnan (D) Jawaharlal Nehru

4 4 . Sustainable Development emphasises on :

(A) Social equities (B) Quick economic growth
(C) Industrialization (D) Modernization

4 5 . By ‘‘Bread Labour’’ Gandhi means :

(A) Earning by Intellectual Labour
(B) Earning by Physical Labour
(C) Doing regular compulsory Physical Labour for sometime everyday
(D) The bread eaten by the Labourers

4 6 . Peace studies does not promote :

(A) Peace Education (B) Retaliation
(C) Satyagraha (D) Conflict Resolution

4 7 . ‘‘War is the continuation of State Policy by other means’’, was said by :

(A) Carlvon Clausevitz (B) Nelson Mandela
(C) Martin Luther King (Junior) (D) M.K. Gandhi

D—6007 12
41. ¥SÂëàØÌæ ·ð¤ çßáØ ×ð´ »æ¡ÏèÁè Øã ×æÙÌð Íð´ Ñ
(A) §âð ¥´»ýðÁæð´ Ù𠩈Âóæ ç·¤ØæÐ

(B) Øã ÎçÜÌæð´ ·¤è °·¤ â´SÍæ ãñÐ

(C) Øã çã‹Îé Ï×ü ÂÚU °·¤ ·¤Ü´·¤ ãñÐ

(D) Øã °·¤ âæ×æçÁ·¤ ¥æßàØ·¤Ìæ ãñÐ

42. ¥æŸæ× ßýÌæð´ ·ð¤ ÂæÜÙ ãðÌé, »æ¡ÏèÁè ·¤æ ×éØ ©gðàØ Øã Íæ Ñ
(A) ¥æŸæ× ×ð´ âˆØæ»ýçãØæð´ ·¤æð Âýçàæÿæ‡æ ÎðÙæÐ

(B) ¥æŸæ× ×ð´ ×çãÜæ¥æð´ ·ð¤ ÂýçÌ ¥æˆ×-â´Ø× ·¤æ ÂæÜÙÐ

(C) ¥æŸæ× çÙßæçâØæ𴠷𤠥æˆ×-çßàßæâ ·¤è ÂÚUèÿææÐ

(D) ¥æŸæ× ßæçâØæð´ ×ð´ ¥æˆ×æÙéàææâÙ ·¤æ Öæß ÂñÎæ ·¤ÚUÙæ ¥æñÚU ©Ù×ð´ ÙñçÌ·¤ ÂçÚUÂê‡æüÌæ ·ð¤ çÜ° ÂýØæâ ·¤ÚUÙæÐ

43. ÒÒçàæÿææ ·ð¤ çßáØ ×ð´ ×ðÚUè Øã ×æ‹ØÌæ ãñ ç·¤ Øã °·¤ Փæð ¥æñÚU ÃØç€Ì ·ð¤ àæÚUèÚU, ×çSÌc·¤ ¥æñÚU çß¿æÚUæð´ ×𴠟æðDÌæ
ÂñÎæ ·¤ÚðUÓÓ, Øã ·¤ÍÙ §Ù·¤æ ãñ´ Ñ
(A) Áð.Õè. ·ë¤ÂÜæÙè (B) °×.·ð¤. »æ¡Ïè

(C) âßüÂËÜè ÚUæÏæ·ë¤c‡æÙ (D) ÁßæãÚUÜæÜ ÙðãL¤

44. â‹ÌéçÜÌ (çÅU·¤æª¤) çß·¤æâ §â ÕæÌ ÂÚU ÁæðÚU ÎðÌæ ãñ Ñ

(A) âæ×æçÁ·¤ â×æÙÌæ°´ (B) ÎýéÌ»æ×è ¥æçÍü·¤ çß·¤æâ

(C) ¥æñlæð»è·¤ÚU‡æ (D) ¥æÏéçÙ·¤è·¤ÚU‡æ

45. ÒÒàæÚUèÚU Ÿæ×ÓÓ âð »æ¡ÏèÁè ·¤æ ÌæˆÂØü ãñ Ñ

(A) ¥ÂÙð Õéçh ™ææÙ âð ¥æÁèçß·¤æ ·¤×æÙæÐ

(B) ¥ÂÙð àæÚUèÚU ·¤è ×ðãÙÌ âð ·¤×æ§ü ·¤ÚUÙæÐ

(C) ÂýçÌçÎÙ ·é¤ÀU â×Ø ·ð¤ çÜ° ¥çÙßæØü M¤Â âð àæÚUèÚU Ÿæ× ·¤ÚUÙæÐ

(D) ×$ÁÎêÚUæð´ mæÚUæ ¹æ§ü ÁæÙð ßæÜè ÚUæðÅUèÐ

46. àææç‹Ì ¥ŠØØÙ §â çßáØ ·¤æð Õɸæßæ Ùãè´ ÎðÌæ Ñ

(A) àææç‹Ì çàæÿææ (B) §ZÅU ·¤æ ÁßæÕ ÂˆÍÚU âð ÎðÙæ

(C) âˆØæ»ýã (D) çßßæÎ â×æÏæÙ

47. ÒÒØéh ·¤è çÙÚ´UÌÚUÌæ, ÚUæ’Ø mæÚUæ ¥Ü» ÌÚUã ·ð¤ âæÏÙ ¥ÂÙæ° ÁæÙð ·¤æ ÂçÚU‡ææ× ãñÓÓ, Øã ·¤ÍÙ §Ù·¤æ ãñ Ñ
(A) ·¤æÜüßæÙ €ÜæÁçßÅ÷UÁ (B) ÙðÜâ٠ׇÇðUÜæ

(C) ×æçÅüUÙ ÜêÍÚU ç·´¤» (ÁêçÙØÚU) (D) °×.·ð¤. »æ¡Ïè

D—6007 13 P.T.O.
4 8 . Positive Peace means :
(A) Lack of Human Rights
(B) Society of Justice, Equality and Liberty
(C) Absence of War
(D) Absence of Communal Violence

4 9 . Which one of the following is called a moral equivalent of war ?

(A) Terrorist Activities (B) Nuclear War
(C) Satyagraha (D) Guerilla War

5 0 . The main aim of CND is :

(A) To Protect the Rights of Consumers
(B) No Nuclear Weapons
(C) Unilateral Disarmament
(D) Promotion of Nuclear Warfare


D—6007 14
48. â·¤æÚUæˆ×·¤ àææç‹Ì ·¤æ ¥Íü ãñ Ñ

(A) ×æÙßèØ ¥çÏ·¤æÚUæð´ ·¤æ ¥Öæß

(B) ‹ØæØØé€Ì, â×æÙÌæ ÌÍæ Sß̋˜æÌæ ·¤æ â×æÁ

(C) Øéh ·¤æ Ù ãæðÙæ

(D) âæÂýÎæçØ·¤ çã´âæ ·¤æ Ù ãæðÙæ

49. §Ù×ð´ âð ç·¤âð ÙñçÌ·¤ Øéh ·¤è â×æÙÌæ Îè »§ü ãñ?

(A) ¥æÌ´·¤è »çÌçßçÏØæ¡ (B) ÂÚU×æ‡æé Øéh

(C) âˆØæ»ýã (D) ÀUæÂæ×æÚU Øéh

50. âè.°Ù.ÇUè. (C.N.D.) ·¤æ ×éØ ©gðàØ ãñ Ñ

(A) ©ÂÖæð€Ìæ¥æ𴠷𤠥çÏ·¤æÚUæð´ ·¤æ â´ÚUÿæ‡æ

(B) ÂÚU×æ‡æé ãçÍØæÚUæð´ ·¤æð â×æ# ·¤ÚUÙæ

(C) ãçÍØæÚUæð´ ·¤æ °·¤ ÂÿæèØ çÙÑàæS˜æè·¤ÚU‡æ

(D) ÂÚU×æ‡æé Øéh ·¤æð Õɸæßæ ÎðÙæ


D—6007 15 P.T.O.
Space For Rough Work

D—6007 16

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