Community Action Initiative

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•Improve the quality of life of the people

through community development

➢Connection between social, cultural,
environmental and economic matters
➢Diversity of interests within a community
➢Its relationship to building capacity
The youth helps to build community
capacity in order to address issues
and take advantage of
opportunities, find common ground
and balance competing interest
1. Convene as a social group to study urgent
issues and product policy recommendations.
2. Undertake listening circles.
3. Join Volunteer Groups and work for their
4. Discover map and mobilize assets hidden away
in all the folks who live in their community and
bring those resources out of the closet and into
creative energy with each other with the dramatic
5. Organize into a study circles.
6. Conduct dynamic dialogue or collaborate with
the law enforcement agencies o critical issues
that confront them.
7. Conduct relief activities for disaster victims.
8. Campaign for a clean and honest elections or
blood donations to PNRC
9. Be involved in religious and spiritual activities
10. Be a member of socio-political action groups
Is a community-based collaborative project in
partnership with political and social institutions and
sometimes with religious and business association.
•One to one outreach, support and advocacy to
engage the target population
•Improve linkages between service provider
agencies on and off reserve and increase capacity
to reach and support the at-risk population
•Development of a core group of mentors within
the target population group that can support and
train others.
•Intergenerational knowledge transmission through
workshops and activities
•Development of a food cooperative to address the
basic needs of this population and promote self-
Community Outreach Program
• Conduct an outreach program that you can acted upon
as a senior high school student. The outreach program
may include psycho-social support via game, ending
hunger through food packs and empowering the youth
to strive for learning etc.
• This program will be guided by the following format
and shall submit to the teacher for approval to school

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