Brand is one of the most valuable untangible assets of any organization. Hence it is imperative to
manage it well, to maximize its returns. The end result of creating a successful imend
fundamentally rests with the customers. Organizations can do their best to create a successful
brand, but the spustom is whether customer also perceives the same about the brand. The
marketing activity linked with the beand tries to miluence the customer’s mind towards the
brand. For any given product, service, or company, brand equity is considered a key asser
because it gives meaning to the brand in the minds of its consumers. Brand equity can help a
strong brand remain relevant and competitive in the marketplace, and it can help brands and
companies weather storms that threaten their value and existence. When consumers trust a hrand
and find it relevant to themselves and their lives, they may select the offerings associated with
that brand over those of competitors even at a premiam price.
Branding has emerged as a top management priority in the last decade due to the growing
realization that brands are one of the most valuable intangible assets that firms have. Brands
serve several valuable functions. At their most basic level, branda serve as markers for the
offerings of a finn. For customers, brands can simplify choice, promise a particular quality level,
reduce risk, and/or engender trust. Brands are built on the product itself, the accompanying
marketing activity, and the use (or non-use) by customers as well as others. Brands thus reflect
the complete experience that customers have with products. The importance of branding has
always been a highly debatable topic. It is much easier to convince management to allocate
money for a new promotional flyer than for a magazine add. No company, regardless of size,
operates with an unlimited marketing budget. A commitment to branding requires balancing long
term growth and short term results.
A strong brand can create referrals or viral traffic because people love to tell others about the
brands they like. People eat, listen and wear brands, and they’re constantly telling others about
the ones they love. In fact, 84% of consumers have said that they always or sometimes’ take
action based on personal recommendations. In short, branding is the way in which your customer
perceives you when they hear or think of your company name, service or product.
Brand equity is the measurable totality of a brand’s worth and is validated by assessing the
effectiveness of these branding components. As markets become increasingly dynamic and
fluctuating. Brand equity is a marketing technique to increase customer satisfaction and customer
loyalty, with side effects like reduced price sensitivity. A brand is in essence a promise to its
customers of they can expect from their products, as well as emotional benefits. When a
customer is familiar with a brand, or Favors it incomparably to its competitors, this is when a
corporation has reached a high level of brand equity. Special accounting standards have been
devised to assess brand equity.
Market maturity is forcing firms to gain a greater customer orientation to retain customers in the
home markets and to attract them in emerging markets. It empowers them with choice. It ensures
that they keep getting the better end of the bargain. What may be called the brand battle ground
is actually brands competing for more shares in the customer mind. And, mastering the art of
building the relationship with the customer is at the heart of any successful business strategy.
Brand Equity refers to a value premium that a company generates from a product with a
recognizable name, when compared to a generic equivalent”. “The basic idea is that companies
can earn more money from their products if consumers believe them to be superior to those by
lesser- known brands, and they can do this without having to rely purely on price or promotions.
This helps them avoid the ‘race to the bottom" and lifts them above commodity status”.
“Considered as an asset in itself, a business with high brand will therefore be more valuable than
one with low brand equity”.
Just as being good looking reportedly gives people an advantage in life, brands experience perks
from having high levels of brand equity. Essentially, it becomes much easier to open doors.
Companies with high brand equity find it easier to recruit talent. That’s because job seekers use
reputation perception as a signal about job attributes, and reputation affects the pride that
individuals expect from organizational membership. “Plus they know that working for a well
known, well respected brand will help them when searching for their next role”.
High Brand Equity leads to increase in sales, high profits and high influences. Hence there is a
need for the study.
* To study consumer brand knowledge in terms of two components: brand equity and brand
Research is a systematic method of finding solutions to problems. It is essentially an
investigation, a recording and an analysis of evidence for the purpose of gaining knowledge.
According to Clifford woody, “Research comprises of defining and redefining problem,
formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions, collecting, organizing and evaluating data,
reaching conclusions, testing conclusions to determine whether they fit the formulated
Primary data is in the form of “raw material” to which statistical methods are applied for the
purpose of analysis and interpretations. In other words it is the first hand information.
The primary data was obtained by the discussion with the company manager and data was also
collected through questionnaire.
Secondary data is in the form of finished product which has already been treated statistically in
some form or other.
The secondary data was collected from records of the company and company website. Secondary
data was also collected from various magazines and books.
As the data was collected through questionnaire, the response from the respondents may
be biased.
The sample taken for the study was only 20 and the results drawn may not be accurate.