Music For Wellbeing Framework and Outcomes
Music For Wellbeing Framework and Outcomes
Music For Wellbeing Framework and Outcomes
Teachers will Secure early Establish simple, easy- Communicate what is Build a strong sense of Listen and reassure.
experiences of success to-follow and familiar important and what is belonging in and
for all pupils, routines in lessons. expected. through every lesson.
Pupils will particularly the most Communicate
vulnerable. frequently.
Wellbeing Success breeds self- This helps pupils By creating a Pupils will have had a Space will be created
outcomes efficacy, increasing a think less about the compelling purpose wide range of to help pupils
pupil's motivation to how of their learning that the whole class experience during express themselves
learn in future and more about the can identify with, and lockdown; their and to open
situations what of their highlighting school should be a conversations about
learning. examples of place where they feel anxiety.
What pupils think behaviours that help immediately
about is what they achieve this, pupils welcome, experience
end up learning. will be drawn togetherness and
towards values and understand the
norms that will help critical role they each
them settle into an play.
effective mindset for
Musical outcomes Early success will Units will be By placing greater Lessons will Musical listening
increase pupil scaffolded with lots emphasis on musical individual and group activities will provide
confidence, encourage of supporting activity rather than specialist activity as well as space to express how
them to express to ensure pupils can technical skills, whole class work. music makes them
themselves creatively create, perform and progress and success Pupils will sing, feel. Pupils will be
and be willing to try to respond to music. will be more easily perform and respond encouraged to
develop new skills. achieved and to music. They will express their own
confidence restored value each other’s feelings through
in the ability to learn. creative music.