Teaching Speaking and Listening Skills

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Fundamentos del Currículum de Educación Básica bilingüe

Gladys Estefanie Luque Alvarez

Dulce Maria Milla Gomez
Joel Sebastián Banegas Martínez
Karen Mariela Vallecillo Torres
Dunia Elizabeth Castellanos
speaking and
listening skills
Why is speaking
The goal of language is communication and the aim of
speaking in a language context is to promote
communicative efficiency; teachers want students to
actually be able to use the language as correctly as
possible and with a purpose. Students often value
speaking more than the other skills of reading, writing and
listening so motivation is not always as big of an issue, but
what often happens is students feel more anxiety related
to their oral production. One of the primary benefits of
increased communicative competency is the resulting job,
education and travel opportunities.
What should teacher know when
planning speaking activities?
In planning speaking activities, teachers need to decide
whether students need high structure (for example
drills and controlled practice).
When developing activities, lessons or tasks around
speaking, teachers should also be aware of the 3 areas
of knowledge that speaking encompasses. Each area
should receive attention, though not necessarily all at
once. It is advisable to inform the students of these
areas, so they are aware of the purpose of the activities.
What should teacher know when
planning speaking activities?
● Mechanics: This area involves the different pieces that make up
speaking including pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and word
● Functions: This area describes the uses of speaking whether for
transaction or interaction, and when precise understanding is or is not
● Social/Cultural rules and norms: This area involves the more
subtle cultural value inherent in the language’s culture, such as turn
taking, social norms, roles of participants, etiquette and social register
How are some tips for promoting
speaking in the SL classroom?

When assisting students in the development of

their oral skills, there are some tips and
techniques that teachers can use to minimize
students’ anxiety and to make the development
as efficient and practical as possible. This way,
students will learn more and have increased
motivation to continue this skill development.
How are some tips for promoting speaking
in the SL classroom?

Create authentic practice activities Give students options to use

that as similar to real-life as possible Provide scaffolding and when responding to
Create different contexts in which support for each context. questions and teach them
students can practice in order to Don’t focus solely on errors; those options
broaden their vocabulary and correct as much as each
experiential horizons student can handle.

Develop routines involving Use gestures to help get

certain scripts (ie greetings, meaning across and Make it fun!
compliments, asking certain encourage students to do the
questions). same; emphasize that what is
important is the meaning.
Why Listening is Important?
What role does listening comprehension play in

The better a student can understand what is being

said, the better will be their ability to communicate.

Students may feel a great deal of pride when they are able to
comprehend something in the target language. This can be a
great motivating factor in continuing to learn the language,
and teachers should do whatever possible to promote this sense
of accomplishment.
Questions that a teacher
need to consider when
preparing listening
● What is the context for listening?
● Should one or two items from the listening
exercises be modeled for the whole class so
that learners know what to do?
● How many times should the item be heard by
● How will learners check the accuracy of their
listening? (that is, the students’ answers?)
● Is it possible to check listening accuracy to be
done independently or collaboratively?
What are some tips
to help teachers
develop students’
listening skills?

Promote active Identify listening

listening strategies

Allow the students to

Ensure the
Selecting the most hear as much of the Organize
target language as students know the
appropriate strategy for pre-listening
presenting the lesson possible while using a goals of the
variety of teaching listening task
Strategies and Activities
1. Listing 2. Ordering and Sorting
What do you see on
the picture? Classify items according to

3. Tongue Twisters 4. Watch videos and movies

Practice speaking and Videos and movies in the target language are
listening at the same time. a great resource to improve listening skills.
Other Listening Activities

Simon Says is an active listening game that develops

communication skills and is an easy way to incorporate fun facial
expressions and physical exercises for kids.
Other Listening Activities
Broken Telephone

Broken Telephone, also called

Pass the Message or Whisper is a
classic and fun game and a great
way to teach patience, develop
vocabulary, and improve working
memory skills
Traffic Light
Traffic Light, sometimes called Red Light, Green Light, is
a simple listening game that helps develop
concentration and active listening skills.
Musical Chairs

Musical Chairs is a classic party

game for all age groups as well
as an active way to develop
listening skills while
strengthening social and
problem-solving skills.
Sound Hunt

This fun activity teaches kids to

the important life skill of
listening with intent to all sorts
of interesting sounds such as
dogs barking, birds chirping,
and rivers rippling.
Guess The Animal Sounds

It's an excellent way to improve students'

focus and memory skills as they have to
associate different animal names with
the correct sounds.
Thank You

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