Syluancia Shane Reporting 2 BMaE FT201
Syluancia Shane Reporting 2 BMaE FT201
Syluancia Shane Reporting 2 BMaE FT201
Presented by: Shane A. Syluancia
(Gürel, Ş., & Tat, M. (2017). SWOT ANALYSIS: a THEORETICAL REVIEW. The Journal of International Social Research, 10(51), 994–1006.
SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning tool used in
organizations to build organizational and competitive
strategies. According to the System Approach,
organizations are whole in interaction with their
environments, consisting of various sub-systems.
Analyzing these environments is crucial for strategic
management practices, as it helps organizations
understand their internal and external environments.
(Gürel, Ş., & Tat, M. (2017). SWOT ANALYSIS: a THEORETICAL REVIEW. The Journal of International Social Research, 10(51), 994–1006.
A SWOT Analysis is a summary organized in a four-
quadrant box, with its elements in a 2x2 matrix.
Organizational objectives are achieved through
strengths and opportunities, while weaknesses and
threats hinder them. To select effective strategies,
managers must analyze the organization's internal
strengths and weaknesses, as well as external
opportunities and threats. They aim to balance the
organization's strengths and weaknesses with
environmental opportunities and threats, ensuring a
balanced approach.
(Gürel, Ş., & Tat, M. (2017). SWOT ANALYSIS: a THEORETICAL REVIEW. The Journal of International Social Research, 10(51), 994–1006.
(internal, positive factors)
(internal, negative factors)
Features of the company or person that set them apart from rivals in their field.
Positive intrinsic qualities of a person or an organization, both tangible and intangible.
Benefits of the company or its capabilities, including product and service quality, financial resources,
procedural efficiency, and customer and brand loyalty.
Examples include having a lot of financial resources, a well-known brand, lower costs (for processes
or raw materials), superior management expertise, better marketing skills, and skilled distribution.
Characteristics that make the company or person less competitive than others.
Limit the organization's ability to achieve its primary objective and have an impact on its expansion.
Weaknesses are elements that fall short of the expectations we have for them. However,
shortcomings can be managed. They need to be reduced and got rid of.
Examples include: a very small product offering, limited distribution, higher costs, a poor market
reputation, weak marketing abilities, insufficient management capabilities, and poorly trained staff.
The swot analysis; process and basic components (presentation) Author Kamelia Gulam
The swot analysis; process and basic components (presentation) Author Kamelia Gulam
A framework for social work practice is useful because it enables organizations to create attainable
goals, objectives, and steps to advance the social change or community development effort and
assists organizations in determining whether or not an objective is attainable.
It lets leaders in organizations take their ideals and turn them into workable, efficient solutions in
order to bring about long-lasting change, and it aids businesses in gathering insightful data in order to
realize their full potential.
By concentrating and providing an objective response to each of the four questions, an individual
might gain a less sentimental and more accurate view of themselves. I am aware that the SWOT
analysis enables you to examine your position and performance objectively to determine what may
be changed to achieve the desired objectives. Additionally, it enables you to strengthen your
shortcomings and act on possibilities.
The swot analysis; process and basic components (presentation) Author Kamelia Gulam
SWOT is a technique that can be abused since it can be hastily created without giving it much
attention, which results in a misrepresentation of SWOT in the internal and external environments of a
Just to support previously chosen aims and objectives by developing a SWOT analysis.
Limitations on potential brainstorming topics and the "real" identification of impediments are the
results also puts the organization's interests ahead of the community's welfare.
The design of a swot analysis by just one or two community workers is constrained by the realities of
the forces, particularly external variables, and undervalues community members' potential
The swot analysis; process and basic components (presentation) Author Kamelia Gulam
SWOT analysis is a widely used technique for analyzing internal and external
environments to support strategic decision-making. It helps organizations
determine objectives and identify favorable and unfavorable factors to
achieve those objectives. The internal analysis identifies internal sources and
capabilities for competitive advantage, while the external analysis identifies
market opportunities and threats by analyzing the general environment,
competitive industry environment, and rivals. SWOT analysis compares
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, revealing an organization's
current situation and enabling the development of future action plans.
(Gürel, Ş., & Tat, M. (2017). SWOT ANALYSIS: a THEORETICAL REVIEW. The Journal of International Social Research, 10(51), 994–1006.
Finding the strategies that offer a business model for the firm that best
matches its operations by utilizing organizational resources and specifications
in alignment with environmental aspects is the essential goal that SWOT
follows to attain. SWOT is all about performing research to identify
environmental elements that can have an impact on the company and then
using that information as a tool to forecast future trends.
Taherdoost, H., & Madanchian, M. (2021). Determination of business strategies using SWOT analysis; planning and managing the organizational resources to enhance growth
and profitability. Macro Management & Public Policies, 3(1), 19–22.
DİNÇER, Ö. (2007). Stratejik Yönetim ve İşletme Politikası, (8. Baskı), İstanbul: Alfa Basım Yayım.
DAVID, F. R. (2003). Strategic Management-Concepts and Cases, (9th Edition), USA: Pearson
Gürel, Ş., & Tat, M. (2017). SWOT ANALYSIS: a THEORETICAL REVIEW. The Journal of International
Social Research, 10(51), 994–1006.
Raeburn, A. (2022, November 28). SWOT Analysis: What Is it, How To Use it (with Examples) [2023]
Asana. Asana.
Taherdoost, H., & Madanchian, M. (2021). Determination of business strategies using SWOT
analysis; planning and managing the organizational resources to enhance growth and profitability.
Macro Management & Public Policies, 3(1), 19–22.
The swot analysis; process and basic components (presentation) Author Kamelia Gulam
THOMPSON, A. A. & STRICKLAND, A. J. (1989). Strategy Formulation and Implementation, (4th
Edition), USA: Irwin, Inc.