Zamil Services Heat Stress Banners

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Avoid heavy exertion, extreme heat, sun exposure, and high humidity when
possible. When these cannot be avoided, take the following preventative steps:

Monitor Drink water Protect

Your physical condition Frequently enough that you Sunburn increases the
and that of your coworkers do not become thirsty. likelihood of heat illness.
for symptoms of any heat Drink 1 cup every 15-20 Apply a minimum SPF 15
illness. minutes. every two hours.

Wear Build Eat

Light-colored, loose-fitting, Gradually to heavy work. Regular meals and snack
breathable clothes such as Let your body acclimate to that provide salt and
cotton. the heat. electrolytes.

Be aware Avoid Schedule

That protective clothing Alcohol, caffeine, and Heavy work during coolest
and personal protective sugary drinks which times of day, Typically
equipment may increase increase the likelihood of early morning, late
the risk of heat illnesses. dehydration and very cold evening.
drinks that can cause
stomach cramps.

Faint or dizzy Throbbing headache

Excessive sweating No sweating

Cool, pale, Body temperature

clammy skin above 103°
Red, hot, dry skin

Nausea or vomiting Nausea or vomiting

Rapid, weak pulse Rapid, strong pulse

Muscle cramps May lose


Get to a cooler, air

condi oned place Take immediate ac on to cool
Drink water if fully conscious the person un l help arrives
Take a cool shower or use
cold compresses Service

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