Physical Education

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This refers to excessive loss of water from the body, that

usually through perspiration or sweating, urination, or
Signs of mild to moderate Dehydration
• Dry mouth and Tongue • Muscle Weakness
• Thirst • Dizziness
• Lethargy • Dark Urine
• Dry Skin

 Are the minerals that are involved in many essential

Process in the Body.
• Coconut Water • Electrolyte – infused water
• Milk • Electrolyte Tablets
• Water Melon and Other • Sports Drinks

This refers to the detrimental cause of excessive training

o Not eating enough o Persistent Injuries o Weight gain
o Soreness, stain, and or Muscle Pain o Loss of motivation
pain o Decline in
o Overuse Injuries Performance
o Fatigue o Workout feel more
o Reduced appetite challenging
weight loses o Disturbed Sleep
o Irritability and o Decreased
Agitation immunity or illness

 This is an alarming rise in body temperature, which is an effect of

exercising in a very humid environment .
Problem Signs and Symptoms Treatment
Heat Cramps – when History of exertion; • Stop exercising, drink
considerable salt is lost muscle cramps, fluids, and massager
in sweat. Take lightly usually in the stretch cramped
salted foods and massage muscles.
to relieve cramps muscles used during • Cool the body. Stop
exercise exercising, get out of
the heat, remove
excess clothing, drink
cool fluids, and apply
cool and/or damp
towels to the body.
Problem Signs and Symptoms Treatment

Heat Exhaustion – Fast, shallow breathing; • Get immediate

when heat stress weakness; dizziness; medical attention, and
exceeds the capacity of headache; moist or cool try to lower body
the temperature – skin or profuse sweatin; temperature.
regulating mechanism. pale face; normal or • Get out of the heat,
slightly elevated remove excess
temperature; weak pulse clothing, drink cold
fluids, and apply cool
and/or damp towels to
the body or immerse
in cold water, but not
to induce shivering.
Problem Signs and Symptoms Treatment

Heatstroke – The Noisy breathing; hot • A person should be

temperature – flushed skin (maybe placed in a shock or
regulating mechanism dry or sweaty); a red recovery position. If
has given up. face; chills or conscious, The
shivering; person may sip water.
disorientation; erratic Raised the legs
behavior; high body • Fan person and used
temperature; no wrapped cold packs
perspiration; full, rapid in the armpits and
pulse groin.

Excessively low body temperature, characterized by

uncontrollable shivering, loss of coordination, mental
Signs, Symptoms, and Treatment of Hypothermia

Signs and Symptoms Treatment

Early Signs • If the victim is unconscious,

• Shivering open the airway and check
• Pale for breathing.
• Cold Environment • If the conscious, bring to a
shelter, or keep in a warm
As the condition worsens • Replace wet clothes with dry ones
• No shivering, even though the • Give high energy foods and warm
person is cold drinks
• Increasing drowsiness • Cover the head, hands, and feet
• Slow, shallow breathing because heat is lost through the
• Slow weak pulse extremities
• Walking become clumsy and the • Do not let the victim lie down and
tendency of wanting to lie down rest since the core temperature is
and rest escalates dropping. Without treatment, one
might lose consciousness and die
• Transport the victim to a medical
facility as quickly as possible
Sinulog Festival
Is an annual cultural and religious festival held on third Sunday
of January in Cebu City, and is the center of the Santo
Niño Catholic celebrations in the Philippines.

Panagbenga Festival
Panagbenga is an annual flower festival celebrated every
February which take place in Baguio City, Philippines. The
term “Panagbenga” came from a ‘kankanaey’ term meaning
“season of blooming”. This festival reflects the history,
traditions, and values in Baguio and the Cordilleras.
ACTIVIT Choose the correct symptoms of Dehydration, Overexertion,
Hyperthermia, and Hypothermia from the word pool below

●Muscle cramps ●Shivering ●Soreness, stain, pain

●Pale, cold skin ●Noisy Breathing ●Dizziness
●Fatigue ●Dark Urine ●Lethargy
●No Perspiration ●Disturbed Sleep
●Increasing Drowsiness ●Weight Gain ●Dry mouth and Tongue
●Headache ●Muscle Weakness ●Thirst
●Loss of Motivation
●Slow, shallow breathing

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