Vitamin D and Tuberculosis: A Multicenter Study in Children: Researcharticle Open Access
Vitamin D and Tuberculosis: A Multicenter Study in Children: Researcharticle Open Access
Vitamin D and Tuberculosis: A Multicenter Study in Children: Researcharticle Open Access
Background: The aim of this study is to evaluate vitamin D levels in children with latent and active TB compared
to healthy controls of the same age and ethnical background.
Methods: A multicenter observational study has been conducted in three tertiary care paediatric centres: Anna
Meyer Children's University Hospital, Florence, Italy; Evelina London Children's Hospital, London, United Kingdom
and Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, United Kingdom. Vitamin D was considered deficient if the serum level
was <25 nmol/L, insufficient between 25 and 50 nmol/L and sufficient for a level >50 nmol/L.
Results: The study population included 996 children screened for TB, which have been tested for vitamin D. Forty-four
children (4.4%) had active TB, 138 (13.9%) latent TB and 814 (81.7%) were controls. Our study confirmed a high prevalence
of hypovitaminosis D in the study population. A multivariate analysis confirmed an increased risk of hypovitaminosis D in
children with latent and active TB compared to controls [(P = 0.018; RR = 1.61; 95% CI: 1.086-2.388), (P < 0.0001; RR = 4.587;
95% CI:1.190-9.608)].
Conclusions: Hypovitaminosis D was significantly associated with TB infection in our study. Further studies are needed to
evaluate a possible role of vitamin D in the treatment and prevention of tuberculosis in children.
Keywords: Vitamin D, Tuberculosis, Children
© 2014 Venturini et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain
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unless otherwise stated.
Venturini et al. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:652 Page 2 of 10
Table 2 Vitamin D, calcium and phosphate levels in the different study groups
Controls n = 814 Latent TB n = 138 Active TB n = 44 Total n = 996 P
Vitamin D level, n (%): 0.0001
- Deficient (<25 nmol/L) 113 (13.9%) 28 (20.3%) 18 (40.9%) 159 (16%)
- Insufficient (25–50 noml/L) 241 (29.6%) 52 (37.7%) 15 (34.1%) 308 (30.9%)
- Sufficient (>50 nmol/L) 460 (56.5%) 58 (42%) 11 (25%) 529 (53.1%)
Vitamin D level (nmol/L), median (IQR) 52.5 (31.5-67.5) 45 (30–62.5) 27.8 (19–50) 35 (24–54.5) 0.0001
Calcium (mmol/L), median (IQR) 2.38 (2.3-2.45) 2.38 (2.3-2.42) 2.35 (2.25-2.45) 2.4 (2.26-2.46) 0.709
Phosphate (mmol/L), median (IQR) 1.62 (1.49-1.71) 1.75 (1.32-1.78) 1.42 (1.23-1.6) 1.5 (1.28-1.61) 0.002
Venturini et al. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:652 Page 6 of 10
Figure 1 Vitamin D levels (median and IQR) in the different study groups. About half (467; 46.9%) of the children tested, independently
from the TB status, resulted to have an insufficient or deficient vitamin D level. Hypovitaminosis D was found respectively in 354 (43.5%) of
controls, 80 (58%) latent TB and 33 (75%) active TB.
Figure 2 Vitamin D status defined by ESPGHAN according to TB status. A deficient vitamin D level was found in higher percentage in the
active TB group (n = 18; 40.9%) compared to latent TB (n = 28; 20.3%) and controls (13.9%) (P < 0.0001). An insufficient level of vitamin D was
more frequently found in the latent TB group (n = 113; 37.7%, P < 0.0001).
Venturini et al. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:652 Page 7 of 10
Figure 3 Vitamin D level according to seasonality. Vitamin D level was significantly lower if tested during Autumn-Winter compared to
Spring-Summer (P < 0.0001).
respect to Italy and probably also by different diet within The major limitations of our study are: the lack of
the two countries. However, the high percentage of hypo- homogeneity between the study groups, as the majority of
vitaminosis in Italy despite good sun exposure, affecting controls were enrolled in the Italian centre. To minimize
about half of the children tested, should increase the the influence of this factor on our results a multivariate
awareness of this problem also in countries known to be analysis was performed, including the enrolling centre as a
at low risk for vitamin D deficiency. categorical variable. Moreover data regarding parathyroid
Hypovitaminosis D was statistically more frequent if hormone, alkaline phosphatase were lacking. In our study
tested during autumn and winter compared to spring the hypovitaminosis D definition used was in keeping with
and summer. This seasonality has been well described ESPGHAN guidelines [28], although we were aware about
and is mainly related to sun exposure [6,12,41,44]. different definitions. To avoid this bias we performed the
Surprisingly, only one-third of the patients with hypovi- analysis considering also vitamin D status classification by
taminosis D received vitamin D supplementation, with dif- the US Endocrine Society [29], and the results didn’t
ferent protocols depending on the prescribing centre. The change substantially.
protocols used in the three centres were in agreement
with the most recent international guidelines [28-31]. This Conclusions
data should alert the physicians about the need of vitamin Our large population study confirms an increasing inci-
D supplementation in children with hypovitaminosis, to dence of hypovitaminosis D in Europe, within native and
prevent rickets and its complications. However no clinical immigrated children, and the role played by vitamin D
sign of rickets was reported in our study population. The status in TB disease.
choice of vitamin D regimen in the paediatric population In our study hypovitaminosis D was significantly associ-
should take count of compliance, especially in young chil- ated with TB infection. Further studies are needed to
dren and in TB patients, which already receive a signifi- evaluate a possible role of vitamin D in the treatment and
cant amount of drugs. The need of clear guidelines for prevention of tuberculosis in children, especially novel
children with hypovitaminosis D in this setting should be randomized controlled trials to compare TB treatment
addressed, in order to unify the management of vitamin D outcomes in children receiving vitamin D supplementa-
supplementation in this group of patients. tion in addition to the standard therapy.
Venturini et al. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014, 14:652 Page 9 of 10
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Cite this article as: Venturini et al.: Vitamin D and tuberculosis: a
multicenter study in children. BMC Infectious Diseases 2014 14:652.