Czepiel2019 Article ClostridiumDifficileInfectionR

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European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases


Clostridium difficile infection: review

Jacek Czepiel 1 & Mirosław Dróżdż 2 & Hanna Pituch 3 & Ed J. Kuijper 4,5 & William Perucki 6 & Aleksandra Mielimonka 7 &
Sarah Goldman 7 & Dorota Wultańska 3 & Aleksander Garlicki 1 & Grażyna Biesiada 1

Received: 27 January 2019 / Accepted: 12 March 2019

# The Author(s) 2019

Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is a Gram-positive, spore-forming, anaerobic bacillus, which is widely distributed in the
intestinal tract of humans and animals and in the environment. In the last decade, the frequency and severity of C. difficile
infection has been increasing worldwide to become one of the most common hospital-acquired infections. Transmission of this
pathogen occurs by the fecal-oral route and the most important risk factors include antibiotic therapy, old age, and hospital or
nursing home stay. The clinical picture is diverse and ranges from asymptomatic carrier status, through various degrees of
diarrhea, to the most severe, life threatening colitis resulting with death. Diagnosis is based on direct detection of C. difficile
toxins in feces, most commonly with the use of EIA assay, but no single test is suitable as a stand-alone test confirming CDI.
Antibiotics of choice are vancomycin, fidaxomicin, and metronidazole, though metronidazole is considered as inferior. The goal
of this review is to update physicians on current scientific knowledge of C. difficile infection, focusing also on fecal microbiota
transplantation which is a promising therapy.

Keywords Antibiotic-associated diarrhea . Clostridium difficile . Diagnosis . Fecal transplantation . Treatment

Introduction contaminated environment and animal intestinal tract

(canine, feline, porcine, avian). Approximately 5% of
CDI has become one of the most significant adults and 15–70% of infants are colonized by
nosocomial infection C. difficile, and the colonization prevalence is several
times higher in hospitalized patients or nursing home
Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is a Gram-positive, anaero- residents [3]. C. difficile was first isolated from a
bic, spore-forming, toxin-producing bacillus, which was offi- healthy newborn’s stool in 1935 by Hall and O’Toole
cially renamed in 2016 to Clostridioides difficile. New name [4]. Until the 1970s, it was considered as a microorgan-
reflects the taxonomic differences between this species ism that is rarely, but present in normal intestinal mi-
and other members of the Clostridium genus [1, 2]. crobiota. After the introduction of antibiotics, the role of
Spores of C. difficile are transmitted by the fecal-oral C. difficile in the pathogenesis of large intestine diseases
route, and the pathogen is widely present in the envi- increased. In 1974, Tedesco et al. found that 21% of
ronment. Potential reservoirs for C. difficile include patients treated with clindamycin developed diarrhea.
asymptomatic carriers, infected patients, the Pseudomembranes were found in 50% of cases, as

* Jacek Czepiel 4
Department of Medical Microbiology, Centre for Infectious Diseases, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
* Grażyna Biesiada 5
Centre for Infectious Diseases Research, Diagnostics and Laboratory Surveillance, RIVM, Bilthoven, The Netherlands
Department of Medicine, John Dempsey Hospital, University of
Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Jagiellonian Connecticut, Farmington, CT, USA
University, Medical College, Śniadeckich 5, 31-501 Krakow, Poland 7
University Hospital, Krakow, Poland
Saint Ann’s Hospital, Miechów, Poland
Department of Medical Microbiology, Medical University of
Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

revealed by further endoscopic examination [5]. At the CDI than the overall population, but lower than hospital-
end of the twentieth century, the incidence of ized patients (15%). This is mainly due to older age, co-
Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) markedly increased. morbidities, more frequent hospitalizations, and more fre-
Currently, CDI has become one of the most significant quent antibiotic therapy in this group compared to the
nosocomial infections, which affects all hospital wards. non-institutionalized population. C. difficile is the most
common cause of nosocomial diarrhea [18]. It has been
postulated that gastric acid suppression may have an in-
Risk factors associated with CDI fluence on CDI development, but subsequent analysis ad-
justed for other comorbidities did not confirm this hypoth-
Antibiotic exposure, older age, and hospitalization esis [19, 20]. This is in line with the observations that
are key factors for CDI development gastric acid did not kill the C. difficile spores [3].
Nonetheless, this topic remains controversial, as several
Significant patient-related risk factors for CDI are antibi- studies and meta-analyses have found a significant associ-
otic exposure, older age, and hospitalization. Nearly every ation [21–23], whereas other have failed to associate pro-
antibiotic has been associated with the development of ton pump inhibitors use with risk of CDI development
CDI, including the drugs used for treatment of CDI: met- [24–26].
ronidazole and vancomycin. Broad spectrum penicillins Other well-defined risk factors for CDI include inflamma-
and cephalosporins, clindamycin, and fluoroquinolones tory bowel disease, gastrointestinal surgeries, immunological
possess a higher risk for CDI induction than other antibi- incompetence caused by malignant neoplasms, transplanta-
otics [3]. The risk for development of CDI is 8- to 10-fold tions, chronic kidney diseases, or immunosuppressant use
higher during antimicrobial therapy and 4 weeks thereaf- [3, 27].
ter, and 3-fold higher in the next 2 months [6]. Patient
age > 65 years increases the risk for CDI 5 to 10-fold,
compared with patients < 65 years of age. Nonetheless, a Pathogenesis
significant proportion of CDI occurs in a younger popula-
tion. Age > 65 years is a significant risk factor not only for The main protective barrier against CDI is the normal
CDI itself, but also for poor clinical outcome including intestinal microflora
severity and mortality [3, 7]. Although most cases of
CDI are linked to healthcare exposure, either hospitaliza- Infection with C. difficile mostly occurs as a result of spore
tion or nursing home stay, recent studies suggest that the transmission. Spores are resistant to heat, acid, and antibiotics.
incidence of community-acquired CDI is growing, and The main protective barrier against CDI is the normal intesti-
might have recently reached up to 30% of all CDI cases nal microflora. After reaching the intestine, bile acids play an
[8]. The percentage of hospitalized patients with important role in the induction of C. difficile spore germina-
C. difficile colonization differs by country, patient age tion [28]. Bile acids are cholesterol derivatives produced and
group, and length of hospitalization. During the first days transformed in the liver. They facilitate the absorption of fats
of hospitalization, the incidence of C. difficile colonization and fat soluble vitamins in the intestine. They support diges-
ranges from 2.1 to 20% [9–13], and increases with longer tion, improve gastrointestinal motility, and actively affect bac-
hospital stay, e.g., from 20 to 45.4% in a study by Huang terial flora [29, 30]. We distinguish between primary and sec-
et al., from 2.1 to 50% after 1 month of hospitalization in a ondary bile acids. Primary bile acids, cholic acid and
study by Clabots et al., and from 1 to 50% after > 1 month chenodeoxycholic acid, are synthesized in the liver from cho-
of hospitalization in a study by Johnson et al. [12, 14, 15]. lesterol and are secreted into the intestine after eating. Then, as
It must be noted that colonization does not necessarily a result of active transport, about 95% of primary bile acids are
mean symptomatic infection; it is suggested that only reabsorbed in the final part of the intestine. The remaining,
25–30% of asymptomatic colonized patients develop diar- non-reabsorbed bile acids may undergo 7a-dehydroxylation
rhea. C. difficile spores survive in the environment for by gut bacteria, transforming into secondary bile acids,
several months [16]. Toilets, clinic furnishings, phones, deoxycholic acid and lithocholic acid [30]. In vitro, primary
and medical devices (thermometers, stethoscopes) may bile acids generally stimulate germination of C. difficile
all serve as reservoirs for the C. difficile spores. The spores; the secondary bacteria inhibit this process [31, 32].
spores can be transferred to patients via the hands of Moreover, in patients with CDI, there are changes in the fecal
healthcare personnel; therefore, good hand hygiene with content of bile acids. Allegretti et al. showed a higher concen-
soap and water and regular vinyl glove use is crucial to tration of secondary bile acids in the feces of healthy people
interrupt the transmission, as demonstrated by Johnson compared to CDI, while primary bile acid concentration was
et al. [17]. Nursing home residents are at higher risk for higher in patients with recurrent CDI compared to patients
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

with their first episode of infection [33]. However, it has to be in Canada [39, 40]. Analyzing the data of 6000 CDI cases
reinforced that the influence of bile acids is likely more com- prior to 2001, only 14 cases attributed to BI/NAP1/027 were
plex than the simple model where primary bile acids strictly identified, representing only 0.2% of all cases [40].
promote and secondary bile acids inhibit C. difficile germina- Furthermore, numerous cytokines play a role in CDI patho-
tion and vegetation as described in the excellent review by genesis, including IL-8, IL-1β, IL-6, TNFα, INFγ, and leu-
Baktash et al. [29]. kotriene B4 [41–43].
When the balance of gut microorganisms is disrupted,
C. difficile starts to dominate and colonize the large intestine
which might be the first step of infection. As mentioned pre- Clinical manifestation
viously, only a portion of colonized patients will develop
symptoms of CDI [3]. The pathogen is not invasive, and vir- CDI clinical picture can vary from the asymptomatic
ulence is mostly due to enzymes, such as collagenase, hyal- carrier state to life-threatening colitis resulting
uronidase, chondroitin-sulfatase, as well as toxins, which with death
damage the epithelial cell cytoskeleton, leading to disruption
of tight junctions, fluid secretion, neutrophil adhesion, and The clinical picture of CDI is very heterogenous, and ranges
local inflammation. The result is a breakdown of gut barrier from the asymptomatic carrier state, mild or moderate diar-
integrity and loss of functionality [29, 34]. C. difficile pro- rhea, to life-threatening fulminant colitis. Although the incu-
duces two important in disease pathogenesis types of toxins, bation period is not precisely defined, and some reports sug-
A and B, which are both enterotoxic and cytotoxic; however, gest 2–3 days, more recent studies demonstrate that the incu-
traditionally, toxin A is named Benterotoxin A^ and toxin B, bation period might be even longer than 3 days and is very
Bcytotoxin B.^ C. difficile transferase (CDT; or binary toxin) individual-dependent [44–47]. CDI can affect every part of
is a third toxin produced by some C. difficile strains, including the colon, but the distal segment is most commonly infiltrated.
the epidemic PCR ribotypes 027. It probably can form Most patients with CDI suffer from mild diarrhea and experi-
microtubule-based protrusions on epithelial cells, which the- ence recovery spontaneously after 5–10 days of antibiotic
oretically could have a clinical impact. There are reports of therapy withdrawing. Diarrhea occurs in most cases during,
severe CDI development caused by the TcdA−TcdB−CDT+ or directly after antimicrobial therapy, although CDI onset
strain [35]. might be also a couple of weeks afterwards. The clinical fea-
Toxins are transported to the cell cytoplasm, where they tures of CDI, in addition to watery diarrhea, include abdomi-
inactivate the Rho family of GTPases. The Rho protein takes nal pain, fever, nausea and vomiting, weakness, and loss of
part in actin polymerization, and therefore stabilizes the cell appetite. Fecal occult blood test is often positive, although
cytoskeleton. As a result of Rho protein inactivation, the in- active bleeding is rarely present [47]. In the most severe clin-
flammatory process intensifies. In more severe cases, ical presentation of CDI, symptoms are life-threatening, and
microulcerations covered with pseudomembranes (composed include significant dehydration, abdominal distension, hypo-
of destroyed intestinal cells, neutrophils, and fibrin) start to albuminemia with peripheral edema, and subsequent circula-
occur on the intestinal mucosal surface. Initial studies on an- tory shock. Other severe complications of CDI include toxic
imal models suggested that toxin A plays a dominant role, and megacolon, colon perforation, intestinal paralysis, kidney fail-
the action of toxin B may occur only via the tissue damage ure, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, septicemia,
caused by toxin A [36]. However, in studies involving human and death [47]. Extracolonic manifestations of CDI are rare,
colonic tissue, TcdB was a potent inflammatory toxin, where- and most commonly involve small intestine infiltration, reac-
as TcdA was even weaker, and both toxins were able to elicit tive arthritis, and bacteremia [43]. Mortality rate directly due
CDI symptoms independently [36–38]. to CDI is estimated at 5%, whereas mortality associated with
The C. difficile BI/NAP1/027 strain is hypervirulent and CDI complications reaches 15–25%, and up to 34% in inten-
resistant to fluoroquinolones, exhibits intensive spore produc- sive care units (ICU). Mortality doubles in ICU patients with
tion, and is responsible for the most severe CDI cases. The CDI, as compared with ICU patients without CDI [7, 48, 49].
C. difficile BI/NAP1/027 epidemic strain is characterized by Poor outcome is associated with older age, high leukocytosis,
two mutations in the toxin regulatory gene tcdC, an 18 base- hypoalbuminemia, and high creatinine level [43, 50]. It has
pair (bp) deletion, and deletion at position 117, which leads to been also shown that first-ever CDI episode increases the
increased production of toxins A and B [3, 39]. It was first overall risk of death [7].
isolated at the beginning of the twenty-first century in North CDI relapse of symptoms occur most commonly during
America and Europe. BI/NAP1/027 was extremely rare before the first week after the initial episode when treatment is
2000; in the first two large epidemics of CDI in North complete. After effective treatment of first CDI episode, at
America at the beginning of the last decade, the percentage least one new recurrent episode occurs in 10–25% of pa-
of CDI caused by BI/NAP1/027 was 51% in the US and 84% tients, and up to 65% in patients who experienced already
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

> 1 recurrent CDI [51, 52]. There is evidence to show that as well as a specificity of almost 100%. However, they do not
half of the recurrent CDI cases are due to relapses of distinguish whether the strain is toxigenic (specificity of 59%)
infection with the original strain, whereas the other half [18, 55]. It should be pointed out that old-generation assays
is caused by re-infection with different strains. Impaired (using latex agglutination) had sensitivity of 58–68% and
immune response to C. difficile toxins, as well as new specificity of 89–99%. In 2009, tests that use amplification
exposure to spores, is thought to contribute to recurrences. of nucleic acid (NAAT, nucleic acid amplification test) were
Antibiotic resistance does not seem to influence the risk of introduced. They are based on either a PCR method or iso-
recurrences [18, 43, 53]. thermal amplification. NAAT have higher sensitivity (80–
100%) and specificity (87–99%) compared to an EIA test.
The specificity is especially high, reaching 95%, when a neg-
Prevention ative result is obtained. In this situation, another cause of di-
arrhea should be considered [47, 56, 57]. The NAAT have also
Prevention strategies should be implemented limitations, namely, high cost and some interpretation difficul-
in every suspected case, not only in confirmed ties. PCR detects the presence of a toxin encoding gene, thus
patients confirms the presence of C. difficile toxin-producing strain,
but it does not necessarily mean that the strain produces any
Strategies for prevention of CDI include the use of gloves and toxins at the moment. If the diarrhea is of other origin, detec-
disposable gowns by healthcare personnel and visitors during tion of such strain would become misleading, as it would
the whole diarrheal episode. After every direct contact with a pursue further treatment towards CDI. Persistent and often
CDI-patient, everyone should wash their hands with soap and ineffective treatment of only colonized patients does not im-
water. Alcohol-based hand hygiene products do not damage prove their clinical situation. When dealing with such diag-
the C. difficile spores, whereas the mechanical hand washing nostic difficulties, comprehensive diagnostic evaluation of
with the use of running water and soap prevents spread of the other potential diarrhea causing disorders is required. A cyto-
spore. Optimally, every patient with CDI should be isolated in toxic assay test (CYTA) is not routinely used in microbial
a single room. If this is not possible, contact between patients culture due to its slow turnaround time and lack of standard-
should be avoided, (e.g., reading the same books/magazines, ization (48–72 h) [3, 47].
using the same phone), and the patient should have his or her According European Society of Clinical Microbiology
own furnishing. There are no current recommendations to and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) guidance, no single
screen asymptomatic carriers, as effectiveness has not been test is suitable as a stand-alone test confirming CDI.
proven. Chlorine-based solutions are commonly recommend- The best way to optimize diagnosis of CDI is to com-
ed for environmental cleaning, with 1000 ppm of chlorine bine two tests in algorithm. The first test should be a
concentration being effective, and 5000 ppm being the most test with high negative predictive value (it can either be
optimal choice [54]. Prevention strategies should be imple- a GDH EIA or NAAT). The second test should be a test
mented in every suspected case, not only in confirmed pa- with a high positive predictive value (it is toxin A/B
tients. After discharge, the patient’s room should be carefully EIAs). If the first test is negative, it excludes CDI. If
decontaminated [3]. the first test is positive, the second test (toxin A/B
EIAs) should be performed. If the second test is posi-
tive, it confirms CDI. If the second test is negative, the
Diagnosis case needs to be clinically evaluated, and such result
can be seen in three situations: CDI with toxin levels
No single test is suitable as a stand-alone test below the threshold of detection, false-negative toxin A/
confirming CDI B EIA result, or C. difficile carriage. Samples with a
negative GDH result but that are positive for toxin need
CDI should first be considered when diarrhea symptoms are to be retested, as this is an invalid result [58]. Flow
present (≥ 3 loose stools during 24 h). The diagnosis of CDI is chart of CDI diagnosis is presented on Fig. 1.
based on detection of C. difficile toxins directly in a stool Proper management in the pre-analytical phase is extreme-
sample, most commonly with an enzyme immunoassay ly important, as the toxin present in a stool sample is easily
(EIA), which provides rapid turnaround time (about 1–2 h), degraded at room temperature, and after about 2 h, it can be no
as well as sensitivity of 75–85% and specificity of 95–100%. longer detected in the acquired material. Once the stool sam-
Because of its low cost and ease of use, this is the most pop- ple is obtained, it should be stored at refrigerator temperature
ular test in all laboratories. Tests detecting C. difficile antigens (+ 4 °C) and used for testing within the next 24 h [59]. The test
are based on the detection of glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is only performed on diarrheal sample unless ileus is
and are characterized by ease of use and rapid turnaround time suspected—in such case, it is acceptable to obtain a sample
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

Patient with symptoms Patient with no

Do not test
of CDI symptoms of CDI

Start testing and also start patient isolation

testing: NAAT or GDH EIA

negative result positive result toxin A/B EIA negative result


CDI excluded CDI confirmed positive result

- CDI with toxin levels below the
threshold of detection
- false-negative toxin A/B EIA result
- C. diff. carriage.

Fig. 1 Flow chart of CDI diagnosis

by rectal swab. With the exception of epidemiological pur- b y i nt e s t i n a l w a l l r i n s i n g . T h e d i s t ri b u t i o n o f

poses, it is not recommended to test stool samples obtained pseudomembranes tends to vary. Not all patients with
from asymptomatic patients. It is also not recommended to CDI have pseudomembranes, and their absence does
repeat testing for C. difficile after successful treatment is com- not rule out C. difficile infection. For example,
pleted as there is a significant proportion of patients who test pseudomembranes are rarely in recurrent CDI or in CDI
positive and their treatment does not need to be continued or among patients with inflammatory bowel disease
repeated [18, 54, 60]. [61–63]. On the other hand, pseudomembranous colitis
Endoscopic evaluation is also useful; however, it can be caused by a number of different etiologies, like
should be emphasized that it is not performed in patients Behcet’s disease, collagenous colitis, inflammatory bowel
with uncomplicated CDI that was confirmed with immu- disease, ischemic colitis, and also other infections, like
nological tests. Endoscopy is indicated if diagnostic CMV or enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7
problems occur, namely, a typical CDI presentation with [64].
negative C. difficile test results, no response to standard Abdominal imaging (X-ray, ultrasound) in patients with
course of antibiotics or when an alternative diagnosis is CDI reveals distended bowel loops, often with wall thicken-
suspected, and direct visualization and/or biopsy of the ing. Their use is of the highest importance when diagnosing
bowel mucosa is needed. If the colonoscopy is per- CDI complications. Ultrasound imaging is an especially
formed, limited flexible sigmoidoscopy is preferred with good method of monitoring the width of colon [18, 43].
minimal or no air insufflation to avoid perforation of the Computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis with
inflamed colon. The pseudomembranes found during the oral and intravenous contrast is useful among patients
procedure are elevated, white to yellow lesions, typically with severe CDI, helping to evaluate for presence of
about 2 cm in diameter, which are irregularly distributed toxic megacolon, bowel perforation, or other findings
and separated by normal mucosa. They are not removed warranting surgical intervention [65].
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

Laboratory findings reveal high leukocytosis, elevated C- arm then vancomycin arm (9% vs 18%, respectively, p =
reactive protein, and in the most severe cases hypoalbumin- 0,048) [73].
emia as well as acute kidney injury [43]. In 2017, Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)
and Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA)
updated their guidelines, pointing that vancomycin and
CDI treatment fidaxomicin are the cornerstone of CDI treatment [47]
(Table 1).
Vancomycin and fidaxomicin are the cornerstone There are no uniform criteria stratifying non-severe and
of CDI treatment severe CDI. Based on the commonly known risk factors for
CDI severity and CDI criteria used by other researchers, we
Treatment should only be started in patients with CDI symp- have proposed to define the severity of CDI as follows.
toms; presence of the C. difficile toxin without symptoms of Severe CDI presents with or develops two or more of the
the infection is not an indication for treatment. In 2014, the following severity markers during the course of the disease:
ESCMID guidelines were published in which two drugs met- hypoalbuminemia (serum albumin < 3 g/dl), white blood cell
ronidazole and vancomycin were the cornerstone of CDI treat- count ≥ 15,000 cells/mm3, creatinine > 1.5 × baseline (or glo-
ment. Metronidazole was first-line drug in non-severe CDI, merular infiltration rate reduced by 25% from baseline), or tem-
while vancomycin was the drug of choice for severe CDI [66]. perature > 38.5 °C. Fulminant (severe complicated CDI), de-
Since then, the results of two identical, phase 3, multicenter, fined as CDI that presents with or develops at least one of the
randomized, double dummy, double-blind, active-controlled, following signs or symptoms: admission to an intensive care
parallel-design efficacy studies (RCT) showed superiority of unit, hypotension with or without use of vasopressors, ileus,
vancomycin relative to metronidazole. Clinical success oc- toxic megacolon, mental status changes, serum lactate levels
curred in 210 (81%) of 259 patients treated with vancomycin > 2.2 mmol/l, or any evidence of end organ failure [74].
versus 202 (73%) of 278 patients who were treated with met- If there is high suspicion of CDI with a negative ELISA
ronidazole (p = 0.02). However, among patients with severe assay, it is reasonable to start empiric antibiotic therapy for
disease, a statistically significant relationship was not CDI. Other antibiotics that show activity against C. difficile
achieved (clinical success achieved 78.5% in the vancomycin include teicoplanin, tigecycline, bacitracin, and nitazoxanide.
group compared with 66.3% in the metronidazole group (p = However, they are not included in CDI treatment recommen-
0.059) [67]. In 2017, meta-analysis by Nelson et al. also con- dations and they may be considered when basic therapeutic
cluded that metronidazole is inferior compared to vancomycin options have run out. Pregnant and breast-feeding women
in the treatment of CDI [68]. should be treated with orally administered vancomycin in typ-
Fidaxomicin is a drug that has been available since 2011. It ical doses [3, 75–77]. The use of additional antibiotics (other
is a macrocyclic, bactericidal antibiotic of narrow spectrum, than those treating CDI) is associated with increased risk of
directed primarily against Gram-positive pathogens. It has prolonged diarrhea and CDI recurrence, which is why they
high efficacy against C. difficile, with no significant influence should be discontinued. However, if such therapy is indis-
on the physiological flora of the colon. Fidaxomicin has effi- pensable, it should be continued preferably with antibiotics
cacy comparable to vancomycin and in some groups higher that are associated with lower risk of CDI, such as macrolides,
effectiveness in reducing CDI recurrence. CDI recurrence af- aminoglycosides, sulfonamides, vancomycin, or tetracyclines.
ter treatment of the first episode with fidaxomicin occurred in Some authors suggest that in this situation, prolonged treat-
15% of patients compared to 25% of patients treated with ment with antibiotics acting against C. difficile should be
vancomycin. However, the same reduction in recurrence of discontinued a week after the other broad-spectrum therapy
the BI/NAP/027 strain was not observed [69, 70]. is completed [78, 79]. According to authors of this paper, such
Fidaxomicin is also associated with lower percentage of CDI regimen is worth implementing, if the additional CDI treat-
recurrence than vancomycin (20% vs 36%) in patients, who ment does not exceed 7 to 10 days.
experienced CDI recurrence > 4 weeks after the treatment of The role of probiotics in the treatment and prevention of
the previous episode [71]. Another published meta-analysis CDI is completely unknown. Three large trials, including a
suggested that fidaxomicin may be considered as first-line meta-analysis have shown a positive effect of probiotics in
therapy for CDI [72]. Moreover, Guery et al. in 2017 showed the prevention of primary CDI. However, it should be empha-
that a tapered fidaxomicin treatment (days 1–5, 200 mg two sized that the meta-analysis has a variety of limitations. The
times a day, followed by once daily on alternating days during studies included in the meta-analysis differ in regard to doses
days 7–25) is superior (p = 0.03) than vancomycin (125 mg and types of probiotics, C. difficile strains, doses and types of
oral capsules, four times daily on days 1–10) in resulting in a antibiotics, time of therapy, and ultimately in some of these
sustained clinical cure (30 days after end of treatment) in CDI. studies the number of CDI was very low in all study arms.
Recurrence rate at 90 day was also lower among fidaxomicin Considering the pathophysiology of CDI, it appears that
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

Table 1 Antibiotic regimens used

in the treatment of C. difficile First episode of the infection
infection [29, 47, 66, 67, 69–73] Non-severe disease • Vancomycin 125 mg orally four times a day for 10 days
• Fidaxomicin 200 mg orally twice a day for 10 days
• If above agents are unavailable: metronidazole 500 mg
orally three times a day for 10 days
Severe disease • Vancomycin 125 mg orally four times a day for 10 days
• Fidaxomicin 200 mg orally twice a day for 10 days
Fulminant disease (previously • Vancomycin 500 mg orally or via nasogastric tube four times a day
referred as severe complicated)
• Metronidazole 500 mg IV 3 times a day + alternatively
If ileus is present: vancomycin per rectum (vancomycin 500 mg
in 100 ml saline as enema) four times a day* (10–14 days)
First recurrence
If the first episode was treated with metronidazole or fidaxomicin:
• Vancomycin 125 mg orally four times a day for 10 days
If the first episode was treated with vancomycin:
• Vancomycin pulsed-tapered orally (each dose 125 mg):
# Four times daily for 10–14 days and then
# Twice a day for 7 days, than
# Once a day for 7 days, than
# Every 2 or 3 days for 2–8 weeks
• Fidaxomicin 200 mg orally twice a day for 10 days
Second of subsequent recurrences
• Vancomycin pulsed-tapered orally (regimen as above)
• Fidaxomicin 200 mg orally twice a day for 10 days;
• Vancomycin 125 mg orally four times a day for 10 days, followed
by rifaximin 400 mg three times daily for 20 days
• Fecal microbiota transplantation

*If there is partial ileus, vancomycin should be administered both orally and rectally; if the ileus is complete, only
rectal vancomycin should be used. Rectal vancomycin administration is associated with a risk of large bowel
perforation, and should only be used in those patients who do not respond to oral therapy; some patients may have
delayed response to treatment and clinicians should consider extending treatment duration from 10 to 14 days in
such situations

probiotics may be a part of CDI prevention or treatment; how- the disease, as in contrast to vancomycin, metronidazole, and
ever, we still lack properly randomized studies addressing this fidaxomicin, it would not disrupt the bacterial flora of the host
problem [50, 80–84]. There are insufficient data at this time to [86]. Anti-toxin antibodies are of great importance in the de-
recommend administration of probiotics for primary, second- velopment of immunity against CDI. It has been shown that
ary prevention or treatment of CDI [47, 66]. naturally produced anti-toxin antibodies in C. difficile colo-
Asymptomatic C. difficile carriers have high concentrations nized patients who did not develop diarrhea have protective
of antibodies directed against toxins A and B [85]. Based on effects [87, 88]. The administration of monoclonal antibodies
this knowledge, there are studies on intravenous administra- directed against these toxins markedly reduced the risk of CDI
tion of immunoglobulins as well as monoclonal antibodies recurrence. Thus, there is a chance that in the near future, we
that may be useful in both the treatment and prevention of will have new forms of protection against C. difficile recur-
CDI recurrences. Successful immune therapy for the treatment rence which might even be used when fighting the first infec-
or prevention of CDI would be an interesting way of fighting tion [89]. Bezlotoxumab (a monoclonal antibody that binds to
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

C. difficile toxin B) was approved by the FDA in 2016 for lavage, a standard vancomycin regimen, and a standard
prevention of recurrent CDI in patients with high risk of CDI vancomycin regimen with bowel lavage. The study was
recurrence. The registration trial, which included over 2500 stopped after an interim analysis. Eighty-one percent of
patients, showed that bezlotoxumab together with standard the patients in FMT group had resolution of CDI compar-
oral antibiotic therapy was associated with a significantly low- ing with only 31% patients receiving vancomycin alone
er rate of recurrent infection than oral antibiotic therapy alone and 23% receiving vancomycin with bowel lavage
(17 versus 28%). At the same time, no similar effect was (p < 0. 0 0 1 c o m pa r i n g w i t h b o t h c o n t r o l g r o u p ) .
shown for actoxumab (a monoclonal antibody that binds Moreover, no significant differences in adverse events
to C. difficile toxin A). Bezlotoxumab is undoubtedly a among the three study groups were observed except for
significant achievement in CDI prevention; however, its mild diarrhea and abdominal cramping in the FMT group
use is limited by high cost and potential side effects. In on the infusion day. After FMT, patients showed increased
the group of patients treated with bezlotoxumab, the in- fecal bacterial diversity, similar to that in healthy donors
cidence of acute decompensated heart failure was signif- [98]. One hundred percent effectiveness was observed in
icantly higher when compared with the placebo group the 27-patient study by Dutta et al. where fecal material
(12.7% vs 4.8% respectively) [90]. was directly introduced into small and large intestine [96].
Louie et al. performed interesting experiments with fecal
microbes contained in gelatin capsules. According to the
Fecal microbiota transplantation protocol, 27 patients received 24–34 capsules, and the
effectiveness of the therapy was also 100% [97].
Fecal microbiota transplantation have the highest Transplantation with frozen fecal material, first de-
rate of prevention of recurrent CDI among all scribed by Borody and Khoruts, simplified the procedure
therapeutic options [99]. Stool samples can be stored at − 80 °C and used
during next 5–6 months. Some stool banks extend storing
The fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) procedure has period for 2 years [100]. FMT procedure has not yet been
been known for over 1000 years, and was first described standardized. The donated stool is mixed with normal sa-
by a traditional Chinese medicine doctor Ge Hong, who line solution, homogenized, and filtrated to separate the
lived during the Dong Lin Dynasty period (284–364 BC). solid parts, to obtain fluid material. Fecal transplant can
He applied human fecal suspension orally to patients with be administrated via oral capsules, lower gastrointestinal
severe diarrhea or food poisoning [91]. In Europe, the idea (GI) tract procedure (colonoscopy, retention enema), or
was first used in veterinary medicine by the Italian anato- upper GI tract procedure (nasojejunal/nasoduodenal tube)
mist Fabricius Aquapendente in the seventeenth century [101]. Some potential complications of FMT are connect-
[92]. Modern medicine first performed fecal transplanta- ed with delivery method (e.g., perforation with colonosco-
tion in 1958. Eiseman et al. used fecal enema as therapy py, aspiration pneumonia with upper GI administration).
for pseudomembranous enterocolitis (C. difficile had not However, the frequency of complications associated with
been routinely identified at that time) [93]. The first report FMT is likely similar to the frequency of complications
about fecal transplantation in patient with confirmed when these procedures are performed for other indica-
C. difficile infection was published in 1983 [94]. tions. It seems that the effectiveness of FMT is higher after
Nowadays, abnormal gut microbiota is considered a key lower GI tract administration when compared to upper GI
factor in CDI development. Relatively short antimicrobial tract administration [101]. Retention enema is a procedure
therapy might dramatically reduce the amount of intestinal with a low cost, easily accessible, and with relatively low
microbiota, but recovery may last several months. During that risk of complications; however, it may be difficult to
specific period, patients lack their protective barrier, and with maintain stool transplant and in such a situation, patients
exposure to spores an infection might develop quickly. Even require repeated enema [101]. FMT is highly promising
though the gut microbiota is composed of thousands of spe- treatment of CDI, and several large Bfeces banks^ have
cies of microbes, it is thought that Bacteroides and Firmicutes been developed. In the Netherlands, treatment with FMT
play predominant role in immunological responses against is organized at a national level by the BNetherlands Donor
C. difficile [95]. Feces Bank^ (NDFB, at Leiden
Antibiotic withdrawal together with FMT have the University Medical Center. Since 2016, NDFB has
highest rate of prevention of recurrent CDI among all received more than 120 requests for treatment of FMT
therapeutic options [96–98]. Nood et al. performed open- for patients with recurrent CDI. Each request is
label, randomized, controlled trial, which compared three discussed by a panel of experts comprising of medical
treatment regimens: the infusion of donor feces preceded microbiologists, gastroenterologists, and infectious
by an abbreviated regimen of vancomycin and bowel disease physicians. Of all received requests, only 80%
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis

fulfilled to the criterium of recurrent CDI and were 2. Lawson PA, Citron DM, Tyrrell KL, Finegold SM (2016)
Reclassification of Clostridium difficile as Clostridioides difficile
treated. The success rate was very high, more than 90%,
(Hall and O'Toole 1935) Preevot 1938. Anaerobe 40:95–99
and clearly associated with the stringent inclusion criteria 3. Leffler DA, Lamont JT (2015) Clostridium difficile infection. N
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preparation). Two main concerns are the risk of 4. Hall IC, O'Toole E (1935) Intestinal flora in newborn infants
transferring infectious pathogens from the donor to the with description of a new pathogenic anaerobe. Am J Dis
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disorders. Although the possibility of infecting the associated colitis. A prospective study. Ann Intern Med 81:429–
recipient with fecal material still exists, it is minimalized 433
by proper donor screening. Potential donors should be 6. Hensgens MP, Goorhuis A, Dekkers OM, Kuijper EJ (2012) Time
interval of increased risk for Clostridium difficile infection after
healthy, have daily formed bowel movement, and
exposure to antibiotics. J Antimicrob Chemother 67:742–748
screened for bacterial, viral, and parasites infection, as it 7. Czepiel J, Kędzierska J, Biesiada G et al (2015) Epidemiology of
is presented in thorough Terveer et al. study [100]. The Clostridium difficile infection: results of a hospital-based study in
influence of gut microbiota on some immune-mediated Krakow, Poland. Epidemiology & Infection 143:3235–3243
diseases such as irritable bowel disease raises concerns 8. Khanna S, Pardi DS, Aronson SL et al (2012) The epidemiology
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field merits further investigation in the future [86]. 9. Hung YP, Lin HJ, Wu TC et al (2013) Risk factors of fecal toxi-
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In the past decade, CDI became one of the most detrimental 11. Eyre DW, Griffitths D, Vaughan A et al (2013) Asymptomatic
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garding such preventive measures, as hand washing, gloves Clostridium difficile by hospitalized patients: evidence for colo-
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13. Marciniak C, Chen D, Stein AC et al (2006) Prevalence of
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Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
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nucleic acid amplification test
18. Simor AE (2010) Diagnosis, management, and prevention of
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priate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Clostridium difficile diarrhea. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 23:
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