Space Marines
Space Marines
Space Marines
Books Shield of the Imperium Chapter Command
Introduction Enhancements Assignment and Promotion
Army Rules Stratagems Agendas
Oath of Moment Crusade Rules Requisitions
Space Marine Chapters Oathsworn Campaigns Battle Traits
Anvil Siege Force Un inching Bulwark Crusade Relics
Detachment Rule Precision Strike Crusade Badges
e Forging of Legends Oathsworn Campaign Tracker
Book Kind Edition Version Last update
Space Marines Codex 10 1.0 November 2023
Legends Field Manual Expansion 10 1.3 March 2024
Balance Dataslate Rulebook 10 January 2024 January 2024
Munitorum Field Manual Expansion 10 1.6 January 2024
Legends: Adeptus Astartes Datasheet 10 August 2023
Horus Heresy Legends: Adeptus Astartes Datasheet 10 June 2023
Imperial Armour: Space Marines Datasheet 10 June 2023
On this page you will nd several ADEPTUS ASTARTES Detachments you can select from, as described in the Core Rules (see the Select
Detachment Rules step). If you are playing a Crusade battle, see the equivalent step in the Mustering a Crusade Army section of the main
Crusade rules. Each Detachment is a themed ghting force that focuses on one particular combat style employed by the Adeptus Astartes - the
rules they include are as follows:
When mustering your army, your chosen Detachment enables
you to upgrade CHARACTERS using the Enhancements listed here, as
described in the Core Rules (see the Select Units step). If you are
playing a Crusade battle, you can instead use the Renowned Heroes
Requisition to give your CHARACTERS Enhancements, as described in
the main Crusade rules.
In battle, Space Marines swear mighty oaths to destroy the enemies of
the Emperor and uphold the honour of their Chapter, and such vows are If an ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit has a second Faction keyword
sacrosanct. When the Angels of Death strike, they do so with the on its datasheet, that Faction keyword is the name of that
precision of a surgeon and the force of a thunderbolt. Experience and unit’s Chapter. For example, Marneus Calgar has both the
strategic expertise help them to read the shiing shape of the battle with ADEPTUS ASTARTES and ULTRAMARINES Faction keywords, and
post-human speed and clarity, directing their wrath towards one priority is therefore from the Ultramarines Chapter.
target aer another. Command assets are annihilated, leaving the You cannot include units from more than one Chapter in
enemy reeling leaderless. Heavy armour, potent artillery and the your army.
vaunted elites of the foe’s forces are laid waste with horrifying speed,
until the Emperor’s Angels of Death stand victorious over a eld of
smouldering wreckage and bolt-riddled corpses, and honour is nally
satis ed.
If your Army Faction is ADEPTUS ASTARTES, at the start of your
Command phase, select one unit from your opponent’s army. Until
the start of your next Command phase, that enemy unit is your Oath
of Moment target. Each time a model with this ability makes an attack
that targets your Oath of Moment target, you can re-roll the Hit roll.
. . . . . .Defender
Stoic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
. . .pts
is commander and their warriors hold their ground tenaciously
against even overwhelming numbers.
ADEPTUS ASTARTES model only. While the bearer is leading a unit,
models in that unit have the Feel No Pain 6+ ability while they are
within range of an objective marker you control and, while that unit
is Battle-shocked, halve the Objective Control characteristic of
models in that unit instead of changing it to 0.
. . . . . . . . . of
Architect . . .War
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
. . .pts
ere are few who have a deeper understanding of the tenets of siege
warfare than this warrior.
ADEPTUS ASTARTES model only. While the bearer is leading a unit,
ranged weapons equipped by models in that unit have the
[IGNORES COVER] ability.
The belligerency of the Adeptus Astartes, combined with their To combat an entrenched force of Space Marines, foes resort to
transhuman physiology, makes them unyielding foes to face. 2CP armoured vehicles or packs of murderous monstrosities. Even
the greatest of behemoths has a chink in its armour and the
WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase or the Fight phase, just Adeptus Astartes are well versed in exploiting such weaknesses.
1CP after an enemy unit has selected its targets.
WHEN: Your Shooting phase.
TARGET: One ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your army that was
selected as the target of one or more of the attacking unit’s TARGET: One ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your army that has
attacks. not been selected to shoot this phase.
EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time an attack targets EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, each time a model in your
your unit, worsen the Armour Penetration characteristic of that unit makes a ranged attack that targets a MONSTER or VEHICLE
attack by 1. unit, you can re-roll the Wound roll.
Cleaving to duty, the Adeptus Astartes refuse to be drawn out of Space Marines train for countless hours to master their weapons
1CP position. Instead they secure ground to establish new fire lines 1CP and in the heat of battle can trigger mnemonic patterning to
to the enemy. recall their ritual drills and ensure the foe’s destruction.
WHEN: End of the Fight phase. WHEN: Your Shooting phase.
TARGET: One ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your army that is TARGET: One ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your army that has
within Engagement Range of one or more enemy units. not been selected to shoot this phase.
EFFECT: Your unit can immediately make a Fall Back move of up EFFECT: Until the end of the phase, ranged weapons equipped by
to 6". models in your unit have the [SUSTAINED HITS 1] ability. If your
unit Remained Stationary this turn, then until the end of the
RESTRICTIONS: When making that move, your unit must end that phase, each time a model in your unit makes a ranged attack, a
move either wholly within your deployment zone or within range successful unmodified Hit roll of 5+ scores a Critical Hit.
of an objective marker.
Space Marines' incredible battlefield awareness enables them to
Siege warfare is incomparably brutal. Space Marines battle with 2CP instinctively identify the origin of any enemy fire and punish
1CP the fiercest determination to achieve victory, and will fight unto their attackers.
death to hold every defensive line or to secure gains they have
wrested from the enemy. WHEN: Your opponent’s Shooting phase, just after an enemy unit
has resolved its attacks.
WHEN: Your Command phase.
TARGET: One ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit from your army that had
TARGET: One ADEPTUS ASTARTES INFANTRY unit from your army one or more of its models destroyed as a result of the attacking
within range of an objective marker. unit’s attacks.
EFFECT: Until the end of the turn, double the Objective Control EFFECT: Your unit can shoot as if it were your Shooting phase, but
characteristic of models in your unit, but it must Remain must target only that enemy unit when doing so, and can only do
Stationary this turn. so if that enemy unit is an eligible target.
In this section you’ll nd additional rules for playing Crusade battles that are bespoke to ADEPTUS ASTARTES units. You can nd out more
about Crusade armies in the main Crusade rules.
is section contains the following rules:
OATHSWORN CAMPAIGNS As they gain experience and prowess, ADEPTUS ASTARTES units in your
ese rules represent focused strategic goals your Crusade force can Crusade force can be given one of the Battle Traits in this section
seek to achieve. ey detail how, aer gaining sufficient Honour instead of one presented elsewhere.
points, you can promote CHARACTERS to Chapter Command and
reassign your units to other tactical roles. CRUSADE RELICS
In addition to the Crusade Relics presented in other Crusade
AGENDAS publications, ADEPTUS ASTARTES CHARACTER models can claim one of
ADEPTUS ASTARTES armies can attempt to achieve unique Agendas in the Crusade Relics found here.
addition to those found in other publications. ese represent the
faction’s goals and their particular methods of waging war. CRUSADE BADGES
Here you will nd three Crusade Badges representing goals you can
REQUISITIONS set yourself when campaigning with your Crusade force. Once you
ADEPTUS ASTARTES armies have access to a number of bespoke have achieved one, you could set yourself a new goal, or take the
Requisitions in addition to those found in other publications. opportunity to start a new Crusade force.
Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes have a duty to safeguard the
Imperium from the threats that assail it. ese warriors ght in the HONOUR POINTS
name of the Emperor and swear oaths to uphold their Chapters Honour points for your Crusade force are earned by winning
honour in the missions to come. Such forces conduct precision battles and completing Bonus Agendas. Keep track of your
strikes, sudden purges and evacuations of artefacts and individuals. Honour points by noting them on your Order of Battle. At the
ey may be expected to relieve sieges, break the backs of enemy end of an Oathsworn Campaign, you can spend Honour points to
assaults, execute the foe’s champions and more, before moving onto promote ADEPTUS ASTARTES CHARACTERS from your Order of
the next con ict. To represent this, your Crusade force can embark on Battle to be members of Chapter Command. You can also spend
short Oathsworn Campaigns, each focused on a key thematic goal Honour points to promote various units from the Scout
while being open to interpretation as be ts your army’s background. Company to the Reserve and Battle Companies, and then to the
1st Company.
Each battle offers the opportunity to earn Honour points for your
Crusade force, which re ect the glorious accomplishments of your Aer an Oathsworn Campaign has ended, your Honour points
warriors on a personal and collective level. CHARACTERS can use are reset to 0. For every 5 unspent Honour points lost in this way,
Honour points to become high-ranking members of Chapter you can grant 1XP to a unit of your choice from your Order of
Command and access new abilities, while your units can adopt Battle.
different battle eld roles or be promoted through the Chapter,
starting in the Scout Company and eventually progressing to the 1st Below, Honour points are presented as shown on the le.
Company as decorated veterans with access to a wide array of Battle
Each time you win a battle, your Crusade force earns Honour points BONUS AGENDAS
relative to the battle size, as shown below.
Each Oathsworn Campaign features unique Bonus Agendas that are
always selected in addition to your two chosen Agendas. For the
INCURSION HONOUR POINTS duration of the Oathsworn Campaign, when you select Agendas for a
battle, consult the table associated with your chosen Oathsworn
Campaign to select a Bonus Agenda for that battle that best suits your
STRIKE FORCE HONOUR POINTS Crusade army or your narrative goals.
e Adeptus Astartes confront and drive back invasions of every loathsome kind across the Imperium’s worlds. Destructive hordes spreading
carnage through a planet’s macro-cities must be halted in their tracks to enable desperate evacuations. Predatory raiders plundering frontier
settlements or void ships must be corralled into efficient kill zones. From the walls of vital Imperial forti cations, Space Marines hold positions that
would otherwise have fallen. Enemy assaults are thrown back as the battle-brothers unleash a deluge of repower to cut them down. e Space
Marines’ aggressive defence grants other Imperial forces the chance to regroup and exploit the gains won by the sudden intervention, even as the
Angels of Death themselves leave for the next war zone.
e Adeptus Astartes confront and drive back invasions of every loathsome kind across the Imperium’s worlds. Destructive hordes spreading
carnage through a planet’s macro-cities must be halted in their tracks to enable desperate evacuations. Predatory raiders plundering frontier
settlements or void ships must be corralled into efficient kill zones. From the walls of vital Imperial forti cations, Space Marines hold positions that
would otherwise have fallen. Enemy assaults are thrown back as the battle-brothers unleash a deluge of repower to cut them down. e Space
Marines’ aggressive defence grants other Imperial forces the chance to regroup and exploit the gains won by the sudden intervention, even as the
Angels of Death themselves leave for the next war zone.
Adapting their priorities on the move with post-human cogitation,
Space Marines will rapidly assess the most dangerous threats amongst
the foe. Any that pose a risk to the battle-brothers’ mission targets will
be picked out for eradication.
At the start of the battle, your opponent must select three units from
their Crusade army to be Priority Target units. At the end of the
battle, for each Priority Target unit that was destroyed by a unit from
your Crusade army, your Crusade force gains 1 Honour point.
In millennia-old archives are accounts of the supernatural heroism of the Adeptus Astartes’ champions. A Chapters honour is of utmost importance
to its warrior-knights. In campaigns where it can be upheld or avenged - the recovery of a fallen battle-brother or relic, the hunting down of a
reviled foe or the reclamation of a Chapter bastion - personal heroism surges to the fore. e greatest of a force’s combatants lead their battle-
brothers in wrath- lled charges to topple enemy champions and strike down the largest of threats. Such strength and skill can crush an enemy’s
cohesion as the foe witnesses their best and greatest cast down by a single warrior.
e heroic commanders of a Space Marine strike force lead from the
front in stunning displays of their combined strategic acumen and
martial skill. ey stamp their presence onto the battle eld so that
none are le in doubt as to the power of the Angels of Death.
At the end of the battle, if your WARLORD’s unit controls an objective
marker that is in No Man’s Land, your Crusade force gains 1 Honour
point. If that objective marker is in your opponent’s deployment
zone, your Crusade force gains 3 Honour points instead.
Aer an Oathsworn Campaign ends, if you have enough Honour of these Battle Honours, if that CHARACTER already has their
points to do so, you can promote one or more CHARACTERS to be maximum number of Battle Honours, you can choose to replace one
members of Chapter Command. To do so, select a CHARACTER you with a Chapter Command Battle Honour.
wish to promote, then subtract that promotion’s Honour points cost
from your total and select one of that promotions Battle Honours for Designer’s Note: If your Order of Battle contains an EPIC HERO who is
that CHARACTER to gain. Each CHARACTER can only have one of these already known to hold a position in Chapter Command (e.g. Pedro
Battle Honours, even if you gain enough Honour points to promote Kantor being a Chapter Master), you should not promote another
them again. Each of these Battle Honours is unique - you can only CHARACTER to that position.
have one instance of each in your Order of Battle. When gaining one
Only the most distinguished Space Marines are granted the title of
Chapter Ancient. Given the sacred task of bearing the Chapter’s
standard to war, they sel essly y the colours even as they slay their
foes. e sight of such a holy relic ying high above the battle eld
inspires the Ancients’ brethren to give their all. e mere presence of
the Chapters standard is worth a forti ed bastion to the warriors of the
Adeptus Astartes.
Steadfast Example
Once per battle, at the start of your Command phase, this model can
use this ability. If it does, until the end of the turn, this model has the
following ability:
Pennant of the Fallen
While this model is leading a unit, each time a Bodyguard model in
that unit is destroyed by a melee attack, if that model has not fought
this phase, roll one D6: on a 2+, do not remove it from play. e
destroyed model can ght aer the attacking model’s unit has
nished making its attacks, and is then removed from play.
If your Crusade army includes any ADEPTUS ASTARTES units, you can select Agendas from those presented here.
If your Crusade army includes any ADEPTUS ASTARTES units, you can spend Requisition points (RP) on any of the following Requisitions.
When an ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit gains a Battle Trait, you can use one of the tables presented here to determine which Battle Trait that unit has
is machine spirit seeks to grind its foes beneath the ironclad hull it
Each time this model makes a Charge move, select one melee
weapon it is equipped with; until the end of the turn, add 2 to the
Strength characteristic of that weapon.
When an ADEPTUS ASTARTES CHARACTER model gains a Crusade Relic, you can select one of the Crusade Relics presented here.
Incorporating arcane technology found in suits of Terminator armour, Select one ranged weapon equipped by the bearer; that weapon is
this unassuming device allows the bearer to be teleported accurately now a Crusade Relic. Note this on the bearer’s Crusade card and give
into the thick of battle from their orbiting spacecra. that weapon a suitable name. Once per battle, when the bearer
shoots with that weapon, you can choose for it to re a vortex bolt
During the Declare Battle Formations step, if this model is attached
instead of shooting that weapon normally. If it does, resolve that
to a unit, until the end of the battle, that unit has the Deep Strike
shooting using with the following pro le:
is iron halo protects the bearer from harm, while proclaiming them [ANTI-INFANTRY 3+, ANTI- 24" 1 2+ 4 0 D3+3
to be a mighty hero of the Imperium. WOUNDS]
e bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save.
e bearer has the Feel No Pain 4+ ability against mortal RELIC OF THE PRIMARCH
In the deepest vaults of every Chapter are ancient relics inherited from
the personal wargear of their gene-sire. Only in the direst
circumstances are these brought to the eld of war to inspire battle-
brothers to even greater deeds; if these relics were to be lost, it would be
PARAGON BLADE a tragedy on par with the blackest days in the Chapter’s history.
is blade is a relic of the Great Crusade and is rumoured to have been Once per battle, in your Command phase, the bearer can unveil the
craed on Terra. It is now borne by only the greatest heroes of the Relic of the Primarch. If it does, until the start of your next
Space Marine Chapters. Command phase, the bearer has the following ability:
e bearer is equipped with the following melee weapon in addition
to its other weapons: Relic of the Primarch (Aura)
MELEE WEAPONS RANGE A WS S AP D While a friendly ADEPTUS ASTARTES unit is within 6" of this
model, add 1 to the Attacks characteristic of melee weapons
Paragon blade Melee 6 2+ 6 -3 3
equipped by models in that unit.
If the bearer is destroyed, aer removing it from play, set up one
STANDARD OF RIGHTEOUS HATRED new objective marker as close as possible to the bearer’s last
is bloodstained banner lists the atrocities and injustices committed location; this represents the Relic of the Primarch. You
by the Emperor’s foes, a reminder of the duty of the Adeptus Astartes to immediately gain the Recover the Relic Agenda (see below) in
purge the stars of the heretic and the alien. addition to any other Agendas being used for the battle.
ANCIENT model only. While the bearer is leading a unit, add 1 to the
Strength characteristic of melee weapons equipped by models in that
e loss of one of the Primarch’s priceless relics is an unthinkable
shame that cannot be allowed to pass.
At the end of the battle, if you control the Relic of the Primarch
objective marker, you can select one unit from your Crusade
army that is within 3" of that objective marker; that unit gains
3XP. If you do not control that objective marker at the end of the
battle, you lose 10VP (to a minimum of 0).
When your Crusade force accomplishes speci c long-term goals, you can earn the Crusade badges shown below, representing your warriors’
successes over many battles.
Your strike force’s battles against the myriad dangers facing the
Imperium have seen your Space Marines hailed as true crusaders and
enactors of the Lord Commander’s vision. Each of your successful
assaults against Humanity’s enemies has helped liberate Imperial worlds
through re and blood. You have pushed back the hateful tide of
heretics, mutants and xenos, but in spreading the Emperor’s light you
have discovered new vistas of invasion and corruption. Honour
demands you cannot stop now.
You have completed one Oathsworn Campaign and promoted
one or more CHARACTERS to Chapter Command.
You have won two or more battles.
Proving the nobility of your Chapter in the Emperor’s service, your force
has won a tally of victories. Bastions of Mankind’s foes have been
breached, invasions held and pushed back, and abominations purged.
Your experienced warriors have been highly honoured by their Chapter,
but with each surge into the darkness, your foes - and the chances to lay
them low - multiply.
You have completed three Oathsworn Campaigns and promoted
two or more CHARACTERS to Chapter Command.
You have won six or more battles.
You have replaced one or more units as described in the Reserve
and Battle Company Assignment section (see Assignment and
Your heroic battle-brothers have visited death and destruction upon
worlds thought beyond the Imperium’s reach. Your Chapter lords lead
blistering assaults of veteran battle-brothers in strikes so swi and
overwhelming that none may stay their wrath. You are the vengeance of
the Emperor made manifest and a shining exemplar of your gene-sire’s
martial doctrines!
You have completed ve Oathsworn Campaigns and promoted
ve or more CHARACTERS to Chapter Command.
You have won ten or more battles.
You have replaced three or more units as described in the Reserve
and Battle Company Assignment and/or 1st Company Promotion
sections (see Assignment and Promotion).