Mythic Magazine Volume 44

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Running Solo THE

Slice Of Life CRYPTS OF

Adventures KOZEN CREST
A Solo Adventure


Writing & Design Cover & Interior Artwork

Tana Pigeon Jorge Muñoz

Word Mill Creative, LLC

5055 Canyon Crest Dr. • Riverside, CA 92507
Mythic Magazine Volume 44 © Copyright 2024 by Tana Pigeon and Word Mill Creative, LLC. All rights reserved. Word Mill
Games is a dba of Word Mill Creative, LLC. Reproduction of this work by any means without written permission from the
publisher, except for personal use or short excerpts for the purpose of reviews or actual plays, is expressly prohibited.

For information about additional licensing rights under

Creative Commons, go to



Table Of Contents From The

Delving Into The Dark
5 Fantastic To
The Everyday
Part 1: Lost & Found 6
The Crypts Of Kozen Crest First Scene 7
Part 2: The Crypts Of Kozen Crest 12
Name of the Kozen Crest Dungeon 14
Exploring The Dungeon 16 Greetings, and welcome to the 44th Mythic
The Crypts of Kozen Crest Region Sheet 20 Magazine! This issue contains a new solo
Traps & Puzzles 28
adventure module, and ideas for creating slice
Puzzle Rewards 30
of life adventures.
Search Discoveries 31
Special Element Table 33 “The Crypts Of Kozen Crest” presents
Treasure Table 34 a solo adventure that can be played using
Part 3: Getting Out Alive 36 Mythic GME and a chosen fantasy RPG.
Room Example: Vampire Hunting 37 Details will guide you forward, while Mythic
helps transform the content into a unique
RUNNING SOLO SLICE OF LIFE experience each time it’s played. Kozen Crest
ADVENTURES 39 can be used as a complete adventure, or as a
A Witness To Everyday Life 39 random dungeon generator to drop into any
Bringing ‘Slice Of Life’ To Solo Play 40 fantasy adventure.
It’s About People 41 “Running Solo Slice Of Life Adventures”
Character Keywords 44 looks at solo games that focus on the everyday
Discovering Someone’s Story 46 instead of the epic. Guide your Mythic
Telling A Tale 47 adventures into cozy slice of life stories, or tell
A Focus On Conversation 48 grittier down to earth adventures that dwell on
Conversation Focus Table 49
daily details.
The Drama Is Personal 49
From dungeon delving to the adventure of
Arbitrary, Everyday Threads 51
Life Interrupted 52 mundane life, this issue ranges from the epic to
Consider Limiting It To One Location 54 the routine.
The Big Example: Belmont Gets A Scare 54 Happy adventuring :)




Something for you to consider or use

It’s been quite a few moons since Mythic Magazine has ventured
into the realms of solo adventure modules. The last full adventure
was in issue #22 with “Journey To The The Isle Of Kitra”, a sandbox
style setting.
Issue #11 kicked off the idea of solo adventure modules with
“The Secret Of Tockley Manor”. Issue #29 offered a pair of smaller
adventures with “Swords & Towers”.
This issue brings “The Crypts Of Kozen Crest”, a solo adventure
inspired by classic fantasy dungeon crawls.
With each solo adventure, I like to try something a little different.
Tockley was a “standard” adventure where you set upon a quest to
complete. Kitra was a sandbox, full of detail and content to be fashioned into a wide variety
of adventures. With Kozen Crest, I’m hoping to capture a dungeon crawl feeling in a solo
roleplaying framework.
Gear up, sharpen your swords, and pack your torches, because it’s time to enter the
darkness and hopefully return with bags of treasure and tales to be told!






DELVING INTO The Crunch Factor

THE DARK You can use guidance from Mythic Game
Master Emulator Second Edition for help in
The Crypts Of Kozen Crest is a solo adventure
determining the crunchiest elements of the
module meant to be played with Mythic Game
adventure, such as creature statistics. The
Master Emulator and your chosen RPG. The
following sections are very useful:
adventure is designed to provide content and
guidance for Mythic with the creation of the Generating NPC Behavior on page 106.
narrative. Use your chosen RPG to take care of Determining NPC Statistics on page 127.
There are also numerous Elements Meaning
task resolution and other crunchy aspects. Advice is
Tables that can help generate inspiration for
provided in how to work up statistics for your RPG.
dungeon related details. Some of those tables are
repeated here in this article (they are denoted with
an * below, and may contain some changes for
AN ADVENTURE IN THREE PARTS this adventure), but you can also find them in the
second edition GME:
This solo adventure is divided into Expected Cavern Descriptors
Scenes which you play through, with the ultimate Character Actions, Combat
goal of getting to the dungeon. It breaks down Creature Abilities *
like this: Creature Descriptors *
PART 1: LOST & FOUND Dungeon Descriptors
Scene 1: You’re Character is lost in the Dungeon Traps *
Kozen Mountains. Magic Item Descriptors *
Scene 2: They continue to wander. Objects *
Scene 3: They discover the village of

Kozen Crest.
Spell Effects *
Undead Descriptors
Scene 4: Explore the village.
Scene 5: Learn of the dungeon.
Guided Scenes
Scene 6: Gear up and prepare to enter
 Progress through this adventure takes place
the dungeon. using Mythic Scenes. Instead of coming up with
Scene 7: Delve into the dungeon. The
 your own Expected Scenes to test, however, the
entire dungeon exploration takes place adventure presents you with Expected Scenes.
in a single Scene, so for the majority of These are tested as normal with suggestions
this adventure you won’t generate any for Altered Scene variations. Interrupt Scenes
new Scenes.
represent new twists in the adventure.
PART 3: GETTING OUT ALIVE Playing an Expected Scene moves you to the
Scene 8: With the dungeon completed,
 next Expected Scene. Some Altered Scenes move
you leave and make your way back to the you forward, and some require you to try the
village where you recuperate and count Scene again. If you get an Interrupt Scene, it will
your loot.
only move you forward to a later Expected Scene
if something happens in the Interrupt that should



have taken place in an Expected Scene.

For instance, by Scene 3 the PC discovers the CHAOS FACTOR
village of Kozen Crest. If you generated Expected
or Altered Scenes for Scenes 1 and 2, then you The adventure begins with the Chaos Factor set
may find the village in Scene 3 if you generate an at 5. Adjust it after each Scene as normal while
Expected or Altered Scene again. However, if an outside of the dungeon.
Interrupt Scene is generated anywhere along the The dungeon Scene uses its own Chaos Factor
way, it can add additional Scenes before you reach value. Set it at 5 for the standard value, or higher
Kozen Crest. If the Interrupt Scene indicates you (6 or 7) if you want more Random Events taking
discover Kozen Crest early, then you would jump place and Yes answers, or lower (3 or 4) if you
forward to Expected Scene 3. want fewer Random Events and Yes answers.
Each Scene includes instructions on how to
handle it, including:
 XPECTED SCENE: Context for how the
E becomes reality” then you can probably expect to
Expected Scene begins. encounter illusion magic. You might find members
 LTERED SCENE: Ideas for Altered Scene
A of the Argus family. Speaking of the Arguses, who
variations of the Expected Scene. are they? Why are they notable? What is this place
I NTERRUPT SCENE: Important a temple to and why did they build it?
Context that should be considered for The name and details imply content in the
Interrupt Scenes. dungeon and mysteries to be found and solved.
F All of this can serve as Context when generating
Fate Questions to ask to get the most out of encounters, locations, and objects. Embrace that
the Scene. Context and let it become a vision for the dungeon
 EANING TO DISCOVER: as you explore to build it’s story as you go. This
Suggestions for Meaning Tables to roll on not only leads to a more interesting dungeon,
for Scene inspiration. but it helps you craft engaging instances and
 ONTEXT & NOTES: Special
C interpretations from the random elements you roll.
considerations and instructions for the Scene
to keep in mind.


Context Is A Story To Be Told In this part of the adventure, your Player
This adventure makes heavy use of Context to Character is wandering in the wilderness of the
guide the generation of encounters, especially in Kozen Mountains. Before playing, generate the
the dungeon. A good dose of this Context comes first Scene by rolling on The Crypts Of Kozen
in Expected Scene 5, when your PC learns of the Crest First Scene table.
dungeon. A name, and some general details, are This table gives Context for the first Scene, and
generated for the dungeon at this time. elements for your Threads and Characters Lists.
Once the dungeon begins to take on an These Lists are only used in Expected Scenes 1
identity, use that for help in interpretating content through 6, and 8. Once you enter the dungeon,
for the dungeon as you go. in Expected Scene 7, the Threads and Characters
For instance, if the dungeon is called “The Lists are set aside and new Lists are made just for
cursed temple of the Argus family, where illusion the dungeon.





Hunted by the soldiers of a local king Escape from
for a crime you did not commit, you Forest critters
1-15 soldiers
have fled deep into the wilderness Settlements
and become hopelessly lost. Find safety
Travelers from Kozen Crest

Following a map to treasure, you’ve Forest critters

16-30 realized two things: the map is a fake, and Find safety Settlements
you are now lost in the Kozen Mountains. Travelers from Kozen Crest

You are following leads about a dungeon,

crammed with treasure, located high in Find Kozen Crest Forest critters
31-40 the Kozen Mountains. You are making Find clues of Settlements
your way through the woods, looking the dungeon Travelers from Kozen Crest
for the hamlet of Kozen Crest.

For safety and comfort, you are

traveling with a group of merchants Kozen Crest merchants
and farmers from Kozen Crest. They Get to Kozen
41-60 Forest critters
are heading through the woods, Crest
returning home, and that’s as good Settlements
a place as any to be right now.

Forest critters
Wherever you were, you got ahold
of a magic object that instantly Settlements
61-70 Find safety
transported you to the forest of the The magic object
Kozen Mountains. You are now lost.
Travelers from Kozen Crest

You were kidnapped by a mage and you

wake up in this unfamiliar forest. He Figure out what
left you a note that reads, “Find it and the mage wants Forest critters
71-85 return it to me. You have been cursed, if Fulfill the Settlements
you seek to escape Kozen before finding mage’s quest The mage
what I seek, you will be transported Find safety
back until you complete the quest.”

You require a treasure to help Forest critters

86-100 a friend, and you heard riches Find Kozen Crest Settlements
are hidden in Kozen Crest. Travelers from Kozen Crest




Generate the Scene Context by rolling

1d100 on The Crypts Of Kozen Crest First
Scene table, on the previous page.
Since this is the first Scene of the adventure
this Scene is not tested, it starts as Expected.


• Use the First Scene Context to come up

wth meaningful Questions. For instance, if
you are hunted by soldiers, you may ask,
“Are the soldiers close on my heels?”
• You can use this as an opportunity to fill in
backstory, such as asking Questions about
how you came to be in this situation.
• “Do I have an encounter?” Yes answers can
be resolved by generating a Random Event.


• If you want the wilderness to have a

distinctive look, consider rolling on the
Description or Forest Descriptors tables.
• If you encounter NPCs, you can use the
Character oriented Meaning Tables to generate
descriptions, identities, personalities, etc.


Add the Threads and Characters elements to

your Lists before you start playing this Scene.

Arrival The Crypts Of Kozen Crest can begin in a number of ways, from
The goal of Part 1 is to make your way to Kozen following the directions of a highly suspect map to fleeing from
soldiers hunting you. Use the Context you begin with to build a
Crest Village. Once your PC makes it there, you unique adventure that is all your own. The early Scenes are about
can establish a look and feel for the place by rolling what comes before the dungeon delve. While the dungeon is the
on Meaning Tables such as City Descriptors. The star of the show, the earlier Scenes build atmosphere and story,
giving meaning to the exploration to come.




This adventure begins with some elements entered on the Threads and
Characters Lists. Here’s some Context to go along with them:
Escape From Soldiers: This Thread indicates Get To/Find Kozen Crest:
you’re being pursued. This can lead to Scene events There are three starts
involving things that help you escape, like crossing where you are already aware
a rope bridge that you destroy behind you, and of Kozen Crest Village. Random
possible combat encounters with soldiers who catch Events involving these Threads can
up to you. Consider it adventure Context, however, indicate obstacles that delay your
that they will not take you away even if you are arrival, like a massive storm or flooding, or
captured. The adventure will still makes its way to that you’ve arrived at Scene 3 early.
Kozen Crest Village and the dungeon. The Magic Object: Whatever this is, it transported
Find Safety: This Thread element can lead to Random you to the forest so you can find the dungeon.
Events that involve threats to your safety, and things Decide what the object is, or roll on the Objects
that help with survival like finding fellow travelers. Meaning Table for inspiration. As an element on
Soldiers: If they catch up to you, they should be low the Characters List, rolling it as a Random Event
grade challenges who are easy to dispatch or evade. may indicate that the magic object is not done
performing tricks. Maybe it teleports you again
Forest Critters: This is a catchall category for somewhere else in the forest or directly to Kozen
any wildlife you encounter in the wilderness. You Crest Village, or it displays other abilities. You can
can consider these dangerous, like mountain lions roll on the Spell Effects Meaning Table for inspiration
or bears. If you like, you can consider these to be about additional powers it has.
monsters. Or, it can be game to catch and eat such
as rabbits. You can either decide ahead of time Figure Out What The Mage Wants: Random
what a “forest critter” is to you, or randomize it with Events involving this Thead may indicate insights
a Fate Question. you have into what the mage sent you to find. This
could come in the form of dreams or visions, or
Settlements: Encountering a settlement before you even recalling small details he said to you. These
get to Kozen Crest Village is a way to have a small clues can be generated by asking Fate Questions
community encounter before reaching the primary or Discovering Meaning on the Objects or Visions
community where the dungeon is housed. This can & Dreams tables. Whether you figure out what he
be an opportunity for the PC to get supplies, meet wants or not, you can be sure that whatever it is it
new NPCs, or have a Random Encounter. can be found in the dungeon.
Travelers From Kozen Crest: Encountering Fulfill The Mage’s Quest: Events involving this
denizens of Kozen Crest Village early is a way to get Thread may include things that help or hinder your
to Scene 3 quicker, or to start building the lore and progress to finding whatever the mage wants you
understanding of the village before arrival. to find.
Find Clues Of The Dungeon: Random Events The Mage: Rolling “The Mage” for a Random Event
involving this Thread may indicate you come across doesn’t have to mean that the mage himself shows
carved statues or totems in the forest that foretell up (although it could). This can also mean things he’s
about the dungeon. Rolls on Meaning Tables such done that come to light. For instance, you may find a
as Cryptic Messages or Legends can help you package in your pack the mage left for you, or there’s
interpret what you find. This is a way to build lore a messenger waiting for you at Kozen Crest Village to
for the dungeon. give you something from the mage.





You continue to wander in the Arrive at the Village of Kozen Crest

Kozen Mountains wilderness.
You continue to wander in the Kozen
Your wanderings are over, you find Kozen Mountains wilderness. When done with this
Crest Village. Go to Expected Scene 3, but Altered Scene, try Expected Scene 3 again.
don’t test it; it happens as Expected.
Roll a Random Event to find out how the
Roll a Random Event to find out how the Scene begins. Unless this Interrupt brings
Scene begins. Unless this Interrupt brings you directly to Kozen Crest, try Expected
you directly to Kozen Crest, try Expected Scene 3 again for the next Scene.
Scene 2 again for the next Scene.
• Use Context to come up wth
• Use Context to come up wth meaningful Fate Questions.
meaningful Questions.
• Questions such as “Is there a tavern
• “Do I have an encounter?” Yes answers can nearby?” or “Does anybody stop me to ask
be resolved by generating a Random Event. my business there?” are good ways to build
encounters and get into the life of the village.
If you encounter NPCs, you can use the
Character oriented Meaning Tables to generate Establish the initial look and feel of the village by
descriptions, identities, personalities, etc. using Meaning Tables such as City Descriptors.

Actions Meaning Table can be used to interpret any CONTEXT & NOTES
activity that is going on if you wish.
In the first Scene you arrive (Expected Scene See “Arrival” on page 8 for information.
3) you should get a sense of what Kozen Crest is
like. This adventure is about the dungeon, not
the village, so a detailed Region sheet isn’t used impressions of the village, Scene 4 is about
for Kozen Crest Village itself. Instead, use Fate exploring it. Use Fate Questions and Discover
Questions and Discover Meaning to generate Meaning to build detail. If nothing is happening
details. in this Scene, then throw in an automatic Random
While Scene 3 is about describing your first Event to make something happen.




Explore the village.


Move on to Expected Scene 5. Don’t test

it, the Expected Scene happens.


Roll a Random Event to find out how the

Scene begins. Treat this as something
happening in the village while you explore.
After this Interrupt Scene is done, repeat
testing Expected Scene 4 again.


Use Context to come up wth

meaningful Fate Questions. FORWARD MOTION
MEANING TO DISCOVER The Scenes in this adventure are designed to
move you forward to the next Scene when
Use the City Descriptors, Descriptions, Expected and Altered Scenes happen, and to
and Actions Meaning Tables to generate pause that forward motion when an Interrupt
details like buildings and activities you Scene happens. This adds variability into the
come across. You can use Fate Questions adventure about how long it takes to progress
to gather more information if you through it and what happens along the way.
interact with any of these elements. For instance, if all the Scenes you test are
Expected Scenes then you’ll arrive at Kozen
CONTEXT & NOTES Crest in Scene 3. However, if you generated two
Interrupts along the way, Expected Scene 3 would
If nothing much is happening in this Scene with likely happen in Scene 5 of your adventure.
your Fate Question results, then generate a When Interrupt Scenes happen, they occur
Random Event to make something happen. outside the flow of the numbered adventure
Getting an Interrupt when testing this Scene Scenes. Kozen Scenes 1 through 8 will still
is the same as generating another Random happen, but the Interrupt is disrupting that
Event. Treat each Interrupt as a new event progress temporarily. The only exception to this is
happening. You can’t move on to Scene 5 until if something happens in the Interrupt Scene that
you’ve had an Expected or Altered Scene 4. obviously moves the adventure forward, such as
an Interrupt bringing you directly to the village.




This is what we’re all here for: to dive into a
dungeon! Despite the name, the dungeon may
or may not be a crypt. Before we delve the dark
depths we have to learn a few things about the
dungeon, including its name.

Finding The Dungeon

Scene 5 is where your Character learns about the
dungeon and takes it on as a quest. Since you’ve
had a Scene or two wandering the streets of Kozen
Crest Village, you may have a clue as to where and
how you’ll learn about it. Perhaps you found a
tavern where rumors fly, or maybe you met some
locals who whisper about the dungeon, or someone
may have hired you to clear the place out.
The important Context of Scene 5 is that you
learn of the dungeon, how that happens is up to
you, the Context so far, and maybe some Fate


When your PC learns of the dungeon, roll on
the Name Of The Kozen Crest Dungeon table.
Roll once for each colum of The What, The
Who, and The Wow. This gives you a glimpse of
what the dungeon is, who is involved with it, and
something interesting associated with it. Run all
three results together to get a name summarizing
the place.
For instance, rolls of 20, 30, and 27 gives
“The abandoned barracks of the mad Mage
Edward Strangehands, and the Fountain of
Endless Worlds.” Rolls of 35, 14, and 100 is “The
underground fortress of the restless dead, and the
Well of Chaos.”
Record the name of the dungeon, it becomes
important Context later.




Rolling the name of the dungeon is more than
windowdressing for the adventure, it’s valuable
This Scene is about learning of the dungeon.
Context that will likely shape much that follows.
If you have a good idea how and where this
could happen, then use that expectation Exploration of the dungeon is treated like a
for this Scene. If not, then start the Scene Location Crafter Region, rolling a d6 on the
just knowing that here is when you learn Region sheet to generate Locations, Encounters,
and Objects. A frequent table result is “Context
of the dungeon and use Fate Questions
and Discover Meaning to find out how.
When this is rolled, come up with an expectation
ALTERED SCENE based on the category you rolled (Location,
Encounter, or Object) and the Context you
You continue exploring the village. know so far about the dungeon, especially the
dungeon’s name.
When this Scene is done, repeat
testing Expected Scene 5 again. For instance, if the dungeon name is “The
abandoned barracks of the mad Mage Edward
INTERRUPT SCENE Strangehands, and the Fountain of Endless
Worlds”, then an Encounter roll of “Context
Roll a Random Event to find out how the Scene Expected” may mean you come across something
magical and strange. This is the dungeon of a
begins. Treat this as something happening in
mad mage, after all, so there’s likely to be some
the village. After this Interrupt Scene is done,
weirdness lurking about.
repeat testing Expected Scene 5 again.
Maybe the first time you roll that result, you
FATE QUESTIONS TO ASK determine that you run into animated furniture,
like a table and chairs. It results in an unusual
battle. That’s now useful Context. Maybe there’s
Depending on how reliable the source of
all kinds of animated objects throughout this
information, ask Fate Questions about the
dungeon. More results of “Context Expected”
dungeon to learn more about it. However, could lean toward more animated objects and
don’t gather too much information and spoil magical traps.
surprises. Limit it to learning no more than
A dungeon called “The underground fortress of
3 facts that can be used for Context later.
the restless dead, and the Well of Chaos” would
give very different expectations. Maybe Context
Expected Encounters are unead skeletons or
zombies. A Context Expected Object late in the
Use Meaning Tables as appropriate to help dungeon could be the Well of Chaos itself.
fill in any details in this Scene you need.
Feel free to run with the Context as you
generate it, and use it to guide your
expectations and interpretations.

Roll on the Name Of The Kozen Crest

Dungeon Table on the next page for
a basic summary of the place.





... where death and

1-7 The ancient crypts of ... ... Brizas the lich, ...
ruin await.

... and the fabled

8-14 The lost halls of ... ... the restless dead, ...
blade of Gruyan.

The abandoned ... the burial site of a

15-21 ... the Dwarf King, ...
barracks of ... king’s treasure.

... Delas, Goddess ... and the Fountain

22-28 The cursed temple of ...
Of The Lost, ... of Endless Worlds.

The underground ... the mad Mage Edward ... and the Three Trials
fortress of ... Strangehands, ... of Worthiness.

The haunted ... laden with traps

36-42 ... the dead mage Arkus, ...
catacombs of ... for the unwary.

... the Kozen fire ... where They rest until

43-48 The lost city of ...
elementals, ... it is time to rise again.

The tragic demense of Lady ... The Shadow That ... where the Crown of
Whitaker, destroyed by ... Consumes, ... Conjuring is hidden.

The Hall of Dream, ... alien and terrible ... where the Sepulchre
home of ... things, ... of Saint Byras rests.

... where illusion

62-68 The crumbled castle of ... ... dark cultists, ...
becomes reality.

... where a terrible secret

69-74 The underground keep of ... ... Infernal Evil, ...
waits to be discovered.

75-81 The frozen cavern of ... ... the Spider Queen, ... ... a tale of tragedy and loss.

The pits of the old

82-87 ... the Argus family, ... ... and a land frozen in time.
city, home of ...

... where an unholy

88-94 The ruined palace of ... ... the vampire lord, ...
alliance schemes.

95-100 The watery depths of ... ... the restless dead, ... ... and the Well of Chaos.



EXPECTED SCENE 6 Prepare To Dive!

Scene 6 is about preparing to enter the
EXPECTED SCENE dungeon. Assume that Kozen Crest village
has any basic necessities you need, like lamp
Preparing for an adventure in the dungeon,
oil, necessary ingredients for magic spells, and
acquiring everything you need.
standard weapons and armor. There’s no need
ALTERED SCENE to ask Fate Questions about these things. More
esoteric items, like magical objects, may require a
Treat this as the expected preparation Fate Question or simply can’t be found.
Scene, except you can’t find everything You may also want to see if anyone wants to
you need in a single Scene. You’ll have come along with you. A Fate Question of “Does
to do the Scene again to finish. anyone wish to join me?” would get you one
companion on a Yes, and two on an Exceptional
If you take companions along, you can generate
Roll a Random Event to find out how the Scene details about them using Meaning Tables.
begins. Treat this as something that happens to Character Identity could be used to find the role
interrupt your preparations. After this Interrupt they fill, and Character Skills can help determine
Scene is done, repeat Expected Scene 6. their abilities.
Or, you could assume they are the kinds of
companions you need. If you’re PC is a warrior,
maybe you could use some magical support. In
“Do they have the thing I’m looking for?” Only
ask this Question for unusual items. Anything that case, the companion is a mage, or whatever
you absolutely need will automatically be found. you need most.
Generate only as many details as you require

Use Meaning Tables as necessary to help

with collecting stuff. For instance, you could
roll on the Objects table for random things
a merchant might offer that they think you This adventure gives you just enough information
need but you hadn’t thought to ask for. to spark your imagination and power your
interpretations, but sometimes you’ll need more.
CONTEXT & NOTES You can ask Fate Questions to clarify details
about the adventure world, but also consider
making frequent use of Mythic’s Meaning Tables.
Preparation may also mean taking the time you
need to memorize spells, for clerics to pray to Rolling a couple of words from a Meaning Table
their deity, for alchemists to brew a potion, etc. can provide lots of interesting details to bring
the adventure to life. This could include flavorful
If you don’t need to prepare, then skip this material like what NPCs are talking about, the
Scene and jump ahead to Expected Scene 7. appearance of creature’s you encounter, spells
that may be cast or the powers of magical objects,
what tactic an opponent uses in a fight, etc.



right now for these NPCs, you can always come

up with more stats as you need them.
Another option is to use premade Characters
from your chosen RPG or another adventure


DUNGEON Set aside the Threads and Characters
Scene 7 is exploring the dungeon. This Scene Lists used in the previous Scenes. The
is not tested. Once your Character finishes Dungeon has it’s own Lists.
Expected Scene 6 and is ready, Scene 7 happens For Threads, include anything
automatically. based on an objective you have for
Exploration of the dungeon is the Scene, so entering the dungeon. For instance, in
there will be no more Scenes to check until you a dungeon called “The underground
complete the dungeon and move on to Part 3. fortress of the restless dead, and the
Exploration of the dungeon uses rules from The Well of Chaos” you might include a
Location Crafter, repeated here for easy reference and Thread of “Find the Well of Chaos”.
with a few alterations to better fit this adventure. Also include a Thread for “Find
The dungeon is generated randomly, one Area treasure”, because that’s what dungeon
at a time, as you play. This system relies on Players delving is all about!
using interpretation to take information generated For the Characters List, include
and make it meaningful. If you need more detail NPCs you expect to find in the
about an Area you can help shape it with Mythic dungeon, if any. For instance, a
Fate Questions or by Discovering Meaning. dungeon about the “mad mage” may
inspire you to add “Mad mage” to the
Characters List.
Areas Use the Context built up in the
Each discrete location where exploration takes adventure so far to populate the Threads
place in the Dungeon, an Area, is generated and Characters Lists as you wish.
separately. Areas of the dungeon are the rooms Additionally, to the Characters List,
and corridors, and other points of interest, where add “Kozen Monster”. Rolling this
you have encounters and make discoveries. result is the same as generating “Kozen
Monster” on the Region Sheet.

Each Area of the dungeon is described based on
four Categories: Tiles, Locations, Encounters, and
Objects. Lists of Elements for each Category are
rolled on to give the details you need to interpret
what that Area is and what is in it.



Tiles are graphic representations SECRET DOORS
of an Area of the dungeon. You can
use this to determine the shape and As you construct your map of the dungeon, the Tiles show you
size of an Area, including any visible visible entrances and exits, such as doorways or stairs.
doorways and exits. At any time, you can check an Area for secret doors. To do so,
first make a task resolution using your chosen RPG played with
this dungeon. This is a skill check to see if you find a secret door,
assuming one exists. If you aren’t using an RPG, but playing this
strictly with Mythic and the GME, then skip this step and go to
the next one.
If you fail at the secret door check, then either there is no secret
door or it wasn’t found.
Success at the check, or if you aren’t using an RPG, leads to
asking the Fate Question, “Is there a secret door?” The Odds of
this Question are based on the following:
The Area checked is not close to another Area: Very Unlikely
The Area is very close to another Area, without a visible portal
between them: Unlikely
You aren’t using an RPG to make a skill check: Reduce the
Odds by one step (Very Unlikely becomes Nearly Impossible,
and Unlikely becomes Very Unlikely).
A Yes means a secret door is discovered. Place it anywhere in
the Area that makes sense. You can go through that portal into a
newly generated Area. If the Area is colliding with another Area,
As you randomly roll Tiles, draw then the door opens between those two Areas, connecting them.
the shape on a piece of paper to make No means there is no secret door to be found.
your own map. Connect entrances Exceptional Yes is the same as Yes, plus the secret door also
however you see fit so that each tile contains an alcove with treasure in it. Roll on the Treasure Table.
connects to the previous one. Exceptional No means there is no secret door, but the time
If the dungeon gets large enough you took to search, and the noise you made, drew a monster to
that rooms or corridors are running you. Treat this as a Kozen Monster result from the Region Sheet.
into each other, try to either Random Event means the secret door is trapped or has a
match them up with existing open puzzle associated with it that must be solved. Treat this as a
doorways or shape the hallways and Trap/Puzzle result from the Region Sheet. If it is a puzzle, then
rooms to fit. Alternatively, you can don’t roll for the Reward, which will be the secret door opening.
check for secret doors (see “Secret Describe discovery of the secret door any way that makes sense,
Doors”). such as finding a stone you have to push or a hidden button. Or,
roll on the Actions Meaning Table for inspiration about what you
had to do to activate the secret door.



This Category describes what the Area RANDOM DUNGEON GENERATOR
generally looks like or what it’s apparent purpose
is. For instance, a chamber, hall, or kitchen. “The Crypts Of Kozen Crest” can be played as
a complete adventure, with events leading up
to your Player Character descending into the
ENCOUNTERS dungeon. These events provide Context and
The Encounters Category usually means background to the delve, which helps place it in
creatures or events that the PC interacts with. the adventure narrative and gives you something
This can also include traps or devices. Encounters to work with when making interpretations.
are active elements within the Location. However, you can also use this adventure as
a generic, random dungeon generator. Ignore
the Scenes and other content, and just use the
OBJECTS dungeon itself in the “Exploring The Dungeon”
Objects are Category Elements that Characters section.
can run across that might be of interest. They can You can drop the dungeon directly into any
be mundane or important. fantasy adventure, using the Context of that
adventure to serve as material to draw from.
The dungeon is designed to be filled with classic
Exploring dungeon crawl tropes, like monsters, traps,
puzzles, and treasure.
Exploring the dungeon is a process of
You can plug other random tables into this
generating one Area at a time. The PC enters a
adventure as you like. For instance, instead
new Area, use the Category Lists to randomly of rolling for random creatures using Mythic
determine the Area’s Elements, interpret what the Meaning Tables you could use random monster
Elements mean, play out the action of the Area, tables from another game. The treasure and trap
then the PC moves on to the next Area. tables could also be substituted.
The Crypts Of Kozen Crest Region Sheet The open nature of the dungeon Region sheet
shows the rollable Elements for each Category that allows you to plug just about any fantasy content
make up the dungeon. You can find the Region you want into one of the existing Elements, making
Sheet starting on page 20. Kozen Crest very adaptable. It’s also replayable,
Generate a new Area (including the first one) giving a different experience every time.
by rolling 1d6 for each of the four Categories
and counting down the Category List by the
number rolled to get the Element. If there are any The First Area
crossed out Elements on the List, such as a Unique
Element that had been previously encountered The first Area is the dungeon’s start point.
and can’t be encountered again, skip over them. Draw the shape of the Tile you generate on a
Interpret the Elements into a meaningful piece of paper, either near the bottom of the
whole. Ask Fate Questions to provide more detail paper or in the center, to make sure you have
or roll on appropriate Meaning Tables if you need room to map the rest of the dungeon.
more inspiration. Every Tile has at least two portals in it, such as
doors, passages, or stairs, indicated on the Tile.



Rolling a series of Tiles, such Exploring from Area to Area is a random process of
as 2, 6, 5, 6, and 10, would discovery. Although the generation of Areas is random
give you these Tiles.
their placement in relation to each other is for you to
decide based on your expectations.
It may be easier to conceptualize the developing dungeon by mapping as
you explore. The shape of the Tiles, and the location of their exits, can be
used as a guide for writing
them down and connecting them in a
way that makes the most sense.
You can also use your written map
to write down encounters and other
notes about what you find along the

A Player might use these Tiles to record a

map that looks like this, making notes about
encounters and other elements along the way.

Choose one to act as the dungeon’s point of entry. For instance, if the Progress Points for Location
Until further exploration reveals additional is 3, the next Area you enter you would roll 1d6
exits from the dungeon it’s assumed the starting and add 3 to it. After rolling, add another Progress
Area is the only known entrance/exit. Point raising it to 4.
Record a mark in the Progress Points space for If the modified total goes beyond the current
each Category. List of Elements in that Category (for instance,
the 1d6 roll plus Progress Points is 21 when there
Delving Deeper are 20 Elements on the List) then the result is
considered Kozen Expected (see “Elements” later).
Choosing an exit from the current Area takes Also, reduce that Category Lists’ Progress Points
the Player Character to a new Area. Roll on by 5 points.
the Category Lists again to fill this Area with Play out each Area as you encounter them.
Elements and record another Progress Points mark Continue to generate Areas one at a time until the
for each Category to keep a tally. As new Areas are Complete Location Element is rolled or the Player
explored and you roll on the Category Lists add Character stops exploring.
that Category’s Progress Points to the 1d6 roll.
The modified total is used to count down the List
for that Category.





1 Mundane
Expected None None

2 Mundane
Expected None Random

3 Random
Random Monster None

4 Mundane
Random Trap/Puzzle Expected

5 Context
Expected Random None

6 Random
Random Monster Random

7 Context Context
Expected None Expected

8 Mundane Random
Expected Monster Random

9 Context
Random Expected None

10 Mundane Mundane
Expected Trap/Puzzle Expected
Progress Points





11 Context
Expected Random Special

12 Kozen
Random Monster Random

13 Context Mundane
Expected None Expected

14 Context
Expected Special Treasure

15 Random
Special Monster None

16 Special
Random Trap/Puzzle Item (U)

17 Special
Place (U) Random None

18 Context Special
Expected Villain (U) Random

19 Context Context
Complete Expected Expected

20 Context Kozen
Expected Monster Treasure
Progress Points




1 8 15

2 9 16

3 10 17

4 11 18

5 12 19

6 13 20

7 14 Tiles made using




Going Back
Your Player Character can always go back to
previously discovered Areas. There is no need to
roll on the Category Lists when returning to an
Area. Rolling randomly on the Region Sheet is only
for generating new, previously unexplored, Areas.
Follow your expectations about what you find
there. If there was an active Element or monster
in that Area, either it’ll still be there or, if you’re
unsure, you can ask a Fate Question.

Each Area requires an Element from each of
the four Categories to place in that Area. These
are rolled randomly from the Region Sheet.
Combine the Elements from the four
Categories (Tiles, Locations, Encounters, and
Objects) and interpret what they mean to give
each Area its own flavor.
Elements include:

This Category Element represents the most be dangerous, valuable, or both, and have some
common and mundane things you expect to find connection to already established dungeon Context.
in the dungeon. As your Character explores you If you need help identifying what it is, take a
will have expectations of what you will find: dark best guess and test it with a Fate Question, or roll
hallways, drafty rooms, scattered debris, and the on an appropriate Meaning Table for inspiration.
bones of previous adventurers, for example.
A result of Mundane Expected shouldn’t be In a dungeon called “The lost city of the dead
anything important or too useful, just expected. mage Arkus, and a land frozen in time” a Player
may expect to run into the wreckage of a fallen
CONTEXT EXPECTED civilization, magical aparatus or creatures, and
This is similar to Mundane Expected, except maybe an ice theme or time anomalies.
this is something you expect based on the Context Locations of Context Expected might be an
of the dungeon, especially considering the name underground street lined with long abandoned
of the dungeon. shops, the throne room of a mage king, or a cavern
This should be something consequential and coated in slippery ice.
important, unlike Mundane Expected. It should
Encounters of Context Expected could be the



undead denizens of the doomed city, golems or other NPC Statistics” on page 127 of Mythic Game
magically animated creatures, or ice elementals. Master Emulator Second Edition.
Alternatively, you can prepare ahead of time
Objects of Context Expected might be useful
random monster tables from another source, or
supplies and tools left over from better times, a
the chosen RPG you’re using.
library of arcane books, or snow shoes to help with
Whatever this monster is, make a note of it.
walking without sliding on ice.
Random monsters encountered in the dungeon
can be encountered again, using the same details.
With so many possibilities of what “Context When generating a random monster, consider
Expected” can be, asking Fate Questions or the Context of the adventure when interpretating
getting guidance from a Meaning Table can help the results of the Meaning Tables. For instance,
narrow your imagination down. It may be easier a dungeon with themes involving fire and lava
to interpret this result if you get it more than may inspire creatures that are immune to fire or
once, since you can build on the Context you comfortable around heat.
created with earlier results

A Category Element of None means there is no
Element for that Category in the Area. This would
come into play with the Encounters and Objects
Categories since you can’t have a None Location.

When a roll on a Category list generates a
Random Element roll twice on the Meaning Table
for that Category, found on the next page.
Interpret the results into a meaningful
Location, Encounter, or Ojbect, based on the
Context of the adventure so far.

You encounter a hostile, random monster. To
create it using Meaning Tables, roll twice on the
Creature Description table for inspiration about
what the monster looks like. Roll twice on the
Creature Abilities table for something special the
monster can do.
Any other abilities or statistics can be derived
through Fate Questions, and using “Generating
NPC Behavior” on page 106 and “Determining




1 Alcoves 51 Loud 1 Above 51 Mage 1 Active 51 Ladder
2 Ancient 52 Magical 2 Acid 52 Magical 2 Armor 52 Lantern
3 Armory 53 Marble 3 Adventurer 53 Mechanical 3 Artistic 53 Large
4 Barracks 54 Messy 4 Aggressive 54 Mechanism 4 Barrel 54 Lethal
5 Beautiful 55 Misty 5 Ambush 55 Message 5 Beautiful 55 Liquid
6 Bedroom 56 Mundane 6 Animal 56 Monster 6 Bed 56 Loud
7 Bizarre 57 Overgrown 7 Animated 57 Moving 7 Bizarre 57 Magic
8 Blocked 58 Painted 8 Armed 58 Multiple 8 Blood 58 Map
9 Bright 59 Path 9 Attack 59 Music 9 Bones 59 Mask
10 Burnt 60 Pool 10 Beautiful 60 Mysterious 10 Book 60 Mechanical
11 Carvings 61 Prison 11 Below 61 Obscured 11 Bottle 61 Mirror
12 Chamber 62 Quiet 12 Blast 62 Paralysis 12 Boxes 62 Moving
13 Clean 63 River 13 Calm 63 Patrol 13 Cage 63 Multiple
14 Cobwebs 64 Rock 14 Collapse 64 Pit 14 Candles 64 Mushrooms
15 Cold 65 Royal 15 Colorful 65 Poison 15 Chains 65 Mysterious
16 Collapsed 66 Rubble 16 Combative 66 Powerful 16 Chair 66 Natural
17 Colorful 67 Ruined 17 Creepy 67 Rats 17 Chest 67 Nest
18 Columns 68 Runes 18 Cultist 68 Ray 18 Clothing 68 Note
19 Cramped 69 Scary 19 Damaging 69 Ritual 19 Clue 69 Orb
20 Creepy 70 Shaking 20 Dangerous 70 Rotating 20 Cold 70 Ornamental
21 Crumbling 71 Shifting 21 Dark 71 Screams 21 Colorful 71 Painting
22 Crypt 72 Shrine 22 Darts 72 Shadows 22 Communication 72 Plants
23 Crystal 73 Simple 23 Echoes 73 Silent 23 Consumable 73 Pottery
24 Damaged 74 Slippery 24 Energy 74 Slime 24 Container 74 Powerful
25 Dangerous 75 Slope 25 Entangling 75 Sounds 25 Corpse 75 Prized
26 Dark 76 Small 26 Equipped 76 Spear 26 Crown 76 Resource
27 Dining 77 Smelly 27 Explosion 77 Spell 27 Curtains 77 Ring
28 Dirty 78 Smoke 28 Falling 78 Spider 28 Dagger 78 Rope
29 Door 79 Stairs 29 Fast 79 Spike 29 Dais 79 Rug
30 Drafty 80 Stalactites 30 Ferocious 80 Spirit 30 Damaged 80 Ruined
31 Dripping 81 Steam 31 Fire 81 Spray 31 Dangerous 81 Runes
32 Enormous 82 Stinks 32 Floating 82 Stealthy 32 Debris 82 Sand
33 Flooded 83 Stonework 33 Foe 83 Strange 33 Decorations 83 Sarcophagus
34 Frightening 84 Storeroom 34 Footsteps 84 Strong 34 Domestic 84 Scroll
35 Furnished 85 Strange 35 Freeze 85 Stun 35 Enormous 85 Shield
36 Garden 86 Temple 36 Frightening 86 Suspended 36 Equipment 86 Skull
37 Gated 87 Threatening 37 Fumes 87 Teleporter 37 Fountain 87 Statue
38 Graveyard 88 Throne 38 Ghost 88 Thieving 38 Fragile 88 Strange
39 Hieroglyphs 89 Tile 39 Glowing 89 Threatening 39 Fragrant 89 Sword
40 Hole 90 Trail 40 Greeting 90 Trap 40 Frightening 90 Symbol
41 Hot 91 Tunnel 41 Group 91 Triggered 41 Fungus 91 Tapestry
42 Huge 92 Unstable 42 Harmful 92 Undead 42 Furniture 92 Throne
43 Icy 93 Vaulted 43 Helpful 93 Villager 43 Gold 93 Tool
44 Kitchen 94 Vines 44 Hole 94 Villain 44 Guidance 94 Torch
45 Laboratory 95 Warm 45 Humanoid 95 Violent 45 Harmful 95 Treasure
46 Lair 96 Water 46 Insects 96 Vocal 46 Helmet 96 Valuable
47 Large 97 Waterfall 47 Large 97 Voices 47 Helpful 97 Vault
48 Ledge 98 Windy 48 Lava 98 Warning 48 Important 98 Wand
49 Library 99 Workshop 49 Light 99 Whispers 49 Information 99 Weapon
50 Light 100Wrecked 50 Loud 100Wind 50 Journal 100Well




dead mage Arkus, and a land 1 Aggressive 51 Loud 1 Acid 51 Lethal
frozen in time”, the Player 2 Agile 52 Mammalian 2 Ambush 52 Light
3 Air 53 Mandibles 3 Animate 53 Limited
generates a Random Monster 4 Alien 54 Mechanical 4 Armor 54 Magic
for an Encounter. 5 Amorphous 55 Metallic 5 Attach 55 Mental
6 Animal 56 Multiple 6 Attack 56 Move
The Creature Descriptions table 7 Aquatic 57 Muscled 7 Attract 57 Multiple
gives us Object and Group. 8 Armored 58 Mutant 8 Bite 58 Nature
Creature Abilities results in 9 Avian 59 Natural 9 Block 59 Normal
Imitate and Touch. 10 Beast 60 Nature 10 Blunt 60 Open
11 Beautiful 61 Nightmarish 11 Break 61 Others
The room the Player 12 Bony 62 Object 12 Breath 62 Paralyze
Character is in appears to 13 Carapace 63 Passive 13 Carry 63 Poison
be a bedroom with a broken 14 Chatty 64 Plant 14 Change 64 Power
15 Clawed 65 Reptilian 15 Climb 65 Protection
mirror, shards of the glass 16 Clothed 66 Rooted 16 Cold 66 Proximity
scattered on the floor. 17 Cold 67 Rough 17 Common 67 Pursue
18 Color 68 Shifting 18 Communicate 68 Ranged
The Player interprets this 19 Composite 69 Silent 19 Conceal 69 Ray
creature to be the animated 20 Constructed 70 Simple 20 Contact 70 Rechargeable
shards of the mirror. As the 21 Crawling 71 Slender 21 Control 71 Regenerate
PC walks through the room, 22 Decayed 72 Slow 22 Create 72 Resistance
stepping on a piece of glass, the 23 Defensive 73 Small 23 Damage 73 Self-Sufficient
24 Dripping 74 Solitary 24 Dark 74 Senses
shards suddenly rattle and rise 25 Element 75 Spider-like 25 Deceive 75 Skill
into the air. 26 Equipped 76 Spiked 26 Decrease 76 Sleep
27 Extra 77 Steaming 27 Defense 77 Speed
They coalesce into a roughly 28 Fangs 78 Sticky 28 Detect 78 Spells
humanoid shape, the 29 Feral 79 Stinger 29 Disrupt 79 Spy
Character seeing his own 30 Filthy 80 Stinks 30 Distract 80 Stab
reflection in the broken glass. 31 Fire 81 Strange 31 Drain 81 Stealth
The magical creature is 32 Friendly 82 Strong 32 Element 82 Stop
33 Fungal 83 Supernatural 33 Energy 83 Strange
copying the PC and knows
34 Furry 84 Tail 34 Enhanced 84 Stun
what they know. It will 35 Gaunt 85 Tentacled 35 Entangle 85 Substance
attack, cutting with razer 36 Glowing 86 Tongue 36 Environment 86 Summon
sharp glass. It also has a 37 Group 87 Toothy 37 Extra 87 Suppress
defensive advantage since it 38 Growling 88 Transparent 38 Fear 88 Swim
can anticipate when and how 39 Guarding 89 Tree-like 39 Fight 89 Take
40 Horns 90 Twisted 40 Fire 90 Telepathy
the PC will strike. 41 Humanoid 91 Undead 41 Fly 91 Touch
42 Inscribed 92 Unnatural 42 Grapple 92 Transform
The Player came up with
43 Insect-like 93 Warm 43 Harm 93 Travel
this interpretation, in part, 44 Insubstantial 94 Wary 44 Heal 94 Trick
because this seems like the 45 Intelligent 95 Weak 45 Hide 95 Uncommon
kind of magical creature that 46 Intimidating 96 Weapon 46 Illusion 96 Vision
might inhabit the dungeon of 47 Large 97 Wings 47 Imitate 97 Vulnerable
a “mad mage”. 48 Levitating 98 Wooden 48 Immune 98 Weak
49 Limited 99 Wormish 49 Increase 99 Weaken
50 Liquid 100Wounded 50 Infectious 100Weapon



Keep track of creature’s DETERMINING CHALLENGES
generated through Random
Monster. When Kozen While Kozen Crest gives you content to interpret into an adventure,
Monster is generated, it you’ll have to determine statistics for creatures and challenges
indicates you run into the encountered. This will depend on the RPG system you’re using and
same type of creature you’ve some randomness.
encountered before. If you’ve When you need a value, such as the armor rating of a monster or
met only one monster so far, how much damage a fall into a pit does, first determine what you
then Kozen Monster means think the value would be. Assign that Odds based on your confidence
you run into it again. If in the value, and ask a Fate Question to see if the value is correct.
you’ve run afoul of more than You can use this method to come up with specific values for creature
one, then either determine statistics, traps, or any challenge you may face. When deciding on the
randomly which monster you expected value, try to keep it something that is manageable for your
Character. The value should represent a challenge, but one they can
encounter again or choose the
routinely pass. Keep in mind that the Fate Question may change this
most logical option. value, including making it harsher.
If you generate Kozen
You can also use this method for more abstract determinations of
Monster without having
challenges where a number or value doesn’t come into play. For
run into a Random Monster instance, maybe your PC is bargaining with a creature to get across a
yet, then treat this result as bridge. You know the creature is going to argue, but you’re not sure
Random Monster. how hard of a bargain they will drive. So, you ask a Fate Question
to see how tough this challenge will be. The result can help provide
more Context for interpreting how the situation pans out.



YES The value is what you expected. The challenge is what you expected.

EXCEPTIONAL The value is higher than you The challenge is a little harder
YES expected, by about 25%. than you expected.

The value is lower than you The challenge is a little easier

expected, by about 25%. than you expected.

EXCEPTIONAL The value is much lower than The challenge is much easier
NO you expected, by about 50%. than you expected.

RANDOM There is a special condition associated with this statistic or challenge.

EVENT Roll a Random Event with a Focus of Current Context.



You’ve run into a trap or encountered a puzzle
to solve. Roll on the Traps & Puzzles table. ROLL RESULT
When generating a trap for an Area, it will
trigger as soon as the Character does something, PIT TRAP: You’ve come across a pit
including walking across the Area or opening a trap that springs as you walk across
door. Apply it to an element in the room that makes 1-25 it. Determine if your PC notices
the most sense. If unsure, ask a Fate Question. the trap, or otherwise avoids it. If
not, they fall in and take damage.
When generating random traps using the
Dungeon Traps Meaning Table, interpret the
RANDOM TRAP: You activate a
results into a trap that’s most meaningful in
trap. Roll on the Dungeon Traps
the Context, especiallly the Area the Character 26-90
Meaning Table for inspiration
encounters it in. If you’re unsure what the trap for what the trap does.
does, you can clarify with Fate Questions.
When a puzzle is encountered, the PC can PUZZLE: You’ve discovered a
interact with it if they choose following the rules 91-100
puzzle. See “Solving Puzzles”.
below in “Solving Puzzles”.

Making random dungeon puzzles is a challenge. You can’t create a true
puzzle without knowing the answer. This system creates the process
of encountering a puzzle. Instead of rewarding the Player for correctly
solving it, you are instead rewarded with better Odds for coming up with
the most creative solution you can think of.
Determine What The Puzzle Looks Like: Roll on the Puzzle
Descriptors Meaning Table for inspiration about what the puzzle is.
For instance, results of Free and Inquire may be interpreted as a voice
booming out asking you to ask any question you like, but it must be the
correct question.
Come Up With Your Best, Most Creative
Answer: Have fun with the puzzle and come up PUZZLE SOLVING ODDS
with the most creative answer you can think of.
Check To See If You’re Correct: Ask the Fate THE SOLUTION IS ... ODDS
Question, “Did I solve the puzzle?” Assign Odds
based on your estimation of how clever your Brilliant, if I do say so myself. Likely
answer is, following the Puzzle Solving Odds
Table. See page 30 for Fate Question results.
Not bad, but it feels off. 50/50

I have no idea, total guess. Very Unlikely




spelunking in “The pits of the 1 Aggressive 51 Fire 1 Access 51 Intellect
old city, home of the Argus 2 Allies 52 Floor 2 Active 52 Knowledge
family, and the Fountain of 3 Ambush 53 Frightening 3 Amusing 53 Large
4 Animals 54 Harm 4 Anxious 54 Lethal
Endless Worlds”. Cautiously 5 Animate 55 Heat 5 Art 55 Lock
moving through a hallyway 6 Antagonize 56 Heavy 6 Assist 56 Lure
Area, he encounters a Trap/ 7 Aromatic 57 Helpless 7 Attain 57 Maze
Puzzle. 8 Art 58 Horrible 8 Balance 58 Mechanical
9 Attach 59 Illusion 9 Barrier 59 Message
The Player rolls Random 10 Attention 60 Imprison 10 Beautiful 60 Missing
Trap on the Traps & Puzzles 11 Attract 61 Lethal 11 Bizarre 61 Move
table. The Dungeon Traps 12 Balance 62 Loud 12 Brave 62 Multiple
13 Beautiful 63 Lure 13 Careful 63 Mundane
Meaning Table results in 14 Bestow 64 Magic 14 Caution 64 Mysterious
Water and Toxin. 15 Betray 65 Mechanical 15 Change 65 Normal
16 Bizarre 66 Mental 16 Choice 66 Object
The Player interprets this to 17 Blades 67 Messy 17 Code 67 Obscured
mean that Derek suddenly hears 18 Break 68 Monster 18 Colorful 68 Official
rushing water, which floods into 19 Ceiling 69 Natural 19 Combination 69 Old
the hallway through grates near 20 Change 70 Object 20 Communicate 70 Open
the floor. The water is thick, 21 Choice 71 Odd 21 Competition 71 Oppose
22 Climb 72 Old 22 Complete 72 Pattern
green, and foul smelling. 23 Cloud 73 Pain 23 Controls 73 Personal
The Player interprets “toxin” 24 Cold 74 Plants 24 Countdown 74 Physical
25 Colorful 75 Portal 25 Damaged 75 Portal
to mean that the water is 26 Combative 76 Possessions 26 Danger 76 Power
poisonous and will do harm to 27 Communicate 77 Prison 27 Delicate 77 Precision
Derek if he stays in it too long. 28 Confuse 78 Projectile 28 Disarm 78 Problem
He needs to get through this 29 Constrain 79 Riddle 29 Dismantle 79 Question
hallway fast, and find some 30 Control 80 Scary 30 Disrupt 80 Release
31 Create 81 Simple 31 Elements 81 Repair
higher ground.
32 Creepy 82 Sounds 32 Enemy 82 Resolve
Later in the dungeon, Derek 33 Crush 83 Stab 33 Energy 83 Reward
34 Damaged 84 Stop 34 Environment 84 Riddle
encounters a puzzle. Rolling 35 Danger 85 Strange 35 Extravagant 85 Risk
on the Puzzle Descriptors 36 Dark 86 Strangle 36 Fear 86 Simple
table, the Player gets Careful 37 Deceive 87 Suppress 37 Frantic 87 Skill
and Message. 38 Delay 88 Take 38 Free 88 Solve
39 Deprive 89 Toxin 39 Frightening 89 Speak
The Player interprets this to 40 Disrupt 90 Transform 40 Game 90 Start
mean there is a sign on the 41 Divide 91 Transport 41 Goal 91 Stop
wall that says, “Step carefully, 42 Door 92 Treasure 42 Harm 92 Strange
43 Drop 93 Trials 43 Historical 93 Struggle
lest ye unleash your doom.” 44 Duplicate 94 Trigger 44 Imitate 94 Technology
The floor is composed of multi- 45 Elaborate 95 Unleash 45 Information 95 Tension
46 Enemies 96 Wall 46 Innocent 96 Threatening
colored tiles. The Player figures 47 Energy 97 Warning 47 Inquire 97 Timed
Derek must choose which color 48 Fall 98 Water 48 Inscription 98 Water
49 Fear 99 Weapon 49 Inside 99 Weapon
50 Fight 100Wound 50 Inspect 100Words





Yes, roll on the Puzzle SAFE TRAVEL: This allows you

YES travel back to an Area of the
Reward Table.
dungeon you’ve already been,
Yes, roll twice on the you choose where. Interpret
Puzzle Reward table. this as a tunnel, teleporter, or
whatever is appropriate.
No, nothing happens.
You can try again with TREASURE SPOT: This opens a
a different solution. portal to the next Area. Generate
it as normal, but add Treasure
The solution is incorrect, to whatever else is there.
and a trap is sprung.
EXCEPTIONAL If you are searching for something
Traps Meaning Table for
NO in the dungeon, the puzzle rewards
inspiration for what the trap 31-55
does. The puzzle cannot you with something that will help.
be solved at this point. Ask Fate Questions or Discover
Meaning to find out what.
The Event is related to the
puzzle, triggered by your TRAPPED: The puzzle is a trap
RANDOM with no answer. Roll on the
attempt to solve it. Generate 56-65
EVENT Dungeon Traps Meaning Table for
the Random Event with a
Focus of Current Context. inspiration for what the trap does.

TREASURE: The puzzle delivers a

is the safe color to step on. 66-100
reward. Roll on the Treasure Table.
Since the color blue has come up previously in this
dungeon, with a blue mural depicting the sea, the The Player rolls on the Puzzle Rewards table,
Player decides that the correct color is blue. resulting in Treasure Spot. The Player interprets
this to mean that the treasure awaits in the Area
The Player thinks this isn’t an especially clever at the end of this hall.
solution, but it’s not bad. That gives Odds of
50/50 to the Fate Question of “Did I solve the
puzzle?” SPECIAL
The Special Element necessitates a roll on
Derek steps on the blue stones, walking along the
the Special Element Table which will provide
hall. The Player rolls for the Question, and gets
instructions on what to do. This can result in
alterations to Progress Points, an unexpected exit
The solution was correct. from the dungeon, and other twists.



At any point, your PC can search a room or its contents to find anything useful or hidden. Specify what you
are searching, such as the room in general or a chest, and make an appropriate task roll using the chosen RPG
you’re playing with. If you succeed in your search, assign Odds based on how likely you think it is something will
be found and ask the Fate Question “Did I find anything?” and check the table below.



Yes, roll on the Search YOU FOUND SOMETHING: This

YES may be a simple item or valuable.
Discovery Table.
1-45 For inspiration or to randomize
Yes, roll twice on the the find, roll on the Treasure
Search Discovery Table. Meaning Table on page 35.

No, there is nothing TREASURE: You found something

NO 46-60
to be found. valuable. Roll on the Treasure Table.

The item you’re searching SURPRISE!: You found a lurking,

is trapped. Roll on the hiding creature that attacks. Treat
EXCEPTIONAL this the same as a Kozen Creature
Dungeon Traps Meaning
NO result on the Region Sheet. If there
Table for inspiration for 61-75
what the trap does. is no possibility of a creature hiding
in the space you are searching, then
Your search has triggered it comes upon you as a wandering
RANDOM monster while you are searching.
this Random Event. Roll with
a Focus of Current Context.
If you are searching for something
76-90 in the dungeon, you find something
that will help. Ask Fate Questions or
Discover Meaning to find out what.


looking for something special in
91-100 the dungeon, you find it here.
If you aren’t, then treat this as
Useful Stuff Or Information.




There are a few ways to discover treasure in the dungeon. You can happen upon it by chance, you can find it by
searching, you can receive it for solving a puzzle, or you can earn it through risk of battle.
This last option should be made available any time
your PC defeats a monster. When the fight is over, and “IS THERE TREASURE?”
if the PC is victorious, ask the Fate Question, “Is there
treasure?” Check the table to the right for results. ANSWER INTERPRETATION
Assign Odds to the Question based on the threat
of the defeated monster. Was it a minor threat that Yes, roll on the
was easy to beat, or a tough challenge that could Treasure Table.
have defeated the Character? Odds are also better
if the monster is in it’s lair rather than out in a hall EXCEPTIONAL Yes, roll twice on the
wandering about. YES Treasure Table.

NO No, there is no treasure.

TREASURE FROM BATTLE ODDS There’s no treasure,
LEVEL OF CHALLENGE ODDS but there’s bad luck.
The next monster you
A tough monster in its lair Neary Certain defeat automatically
has no treasure.
A minor monster in its lair Likely
Roll a Random Event.
It happens while you
Any monster out of its lair 50/50 EVENT
search for Treasure.

If the table requires additional rolls in a Category then cross it off the List; this Element is Unique. If
List do not count those as additional Progress Points for some reason it can be discovered again (such as
for that Category. a villain you are trying to defeat who escapes the
encounter) then leave it on the List.
You’ve found riches! Roll on the Treasure Table. COMPLETE
The Complete Element is only found in the
SPECIAL PLACE/VILLAIN/ITEM Location Category. Complete indicates that
all Areas of interest in the dungeon have been
If you entered the dungeon looking for
discovered. When Complete is rolled treat it as
something in particular, whether it’s a place, room,
Mundane Expected for this Area but there are no
object, or Character, you have found what you seek.
further significant Areas to find beyond this one;
If this is something that can only be found once,
the dungeon is done.



If there are any unexplored SPECIAL ELEMENT TABLE

places in the dungeon that the
Character is aware of further D100 RESULT
exploration of those Areas
SUPERSIZE: Roll in the Category again (if you
will only produce automatic
roll Special, treat it as Mundane Expected).
Mundane Expected results for
1-10 Interpret the generated Element as greater than
all Categories. expected. For instance, it’s bigger, stronger,
more damaging, more numerous, etc.
Calling It Quits
LESS THAN: Roll in the Category again (if you roll
The dungeon is finished Special, treat it as Mundane Expected). Interpret the
when the PC reaches Complete generated Element as less than expected. For instance,
on the Location List, they decide it’s smaller, weaker, less damaging, less numerous, etc.
to leave, or the PC perishes.
Depending on what your goal THIS IS BAD: Roll in the Category again (if you roll
was when entering the dungeon, Special, treat it as Mundane Expected). Interpret the
generated Element as bad for the Player Character.
you may want to fully explore it
For instance, it’s dangerous or poses an obstacle.
until there is nothing left to find,
or leave while you can if you
THIS IS GOOD: Roll in the Category again (if
achieved a specific objective. you roll Special, treat it as Mundane Expected).
Interpret the generated Element as good for the
Mang Assumptions Player Character. For instance, it’s helpful.

Along The Way MULTI-ELEMENT: Roll twice in this Category

36-50 (if you roll Special, treat it as Mundane
A dungeon should be a big, Expected) and include both in this Area.
dark, dangerous, chaotic mess
of peril and reward. Just as you EXIT: This Area contains an exit from the dungeon,
build Context before entering 51-55 if possible. If this result doesn’t make sense in this
the dungeon, once you begin Area, treat this Element as Mundane Expected.
exploration everything you
encounter adds to the Context. DELVE FURTHER: Instead of adding 1 Progress
Maybe as soon as you 56-70 Point for this Category, add 3. Otherwise
entered the dungeon you treat this result as Mundane Expected.
interpreted Region Sheet rolls
into this: Your PC encountered COMMON GROUND: Eliminate 3 Progress
a hallway with crystals hanging 71-85 Points for this Category. Otherwise treat
from the ceiling. There was a this result as Mundane Expected.
noxious smell in the hall, and
you could hear whispers as if 86-100 RANDOM: Treat this like a Random Element.
they came from the crystals
themselves. As you listen, a




A FEW COINS: A handful of

1-15 coins. Not worth much, but
it might buy you a meal.

BAG OF COINS: A bag of coins.

This is enough to buy a horse.


very valuable gems.

JEWELRY: Jewelry made of fine

36-45 metal, encrusted with precious
stones, and clearly worth something.

A MAGICAL ITEM: Roll on the

Magic Items Meaning Table to
46-50 determine what the item is, and,
if necessary, the Spell Effects
table to determine what it does.

A POTION: You can’t tell what

it does until you drink it. Roll on
the Spell Effects Meaning Table
to interpret what happens.


may be a simple item or valuable.
56-85 For inspiration or to randomize
the find, roll on the Treasure
Meaning Table on page 35.


looking for something special in this
dungeon, then you’ve found it. This is
it! If you aren’t looking for anything,
or you’ve already found it, then
treat this as You Found Something.




1 Animal 51 Imitate 1 Animal 51 Heal 1 Alcohol 51 Journal
2 Animate 52 Increase 2 Animate 52 Helpful 2 Armor 52 Key
3 Area 53 Information 3 Assist 53 Ice 3 Arrows 53 Lamp
4 Armor 54 Inhibit 4 Attack 54 Illusion 4 Art 54 Lantern
5 Assist 55 Instant 5 Attract 55 Imbue 5 Axe 55 Leather
6 Attack 56 Jewelry 6 Bestow 56 Immunity 6 Bag 56 Letter
7 Attract 57 Lethal 7 Bizarre 57 Imprison 7 Barrell 57 Mace
8 Benefit 58 Life 8 Block 58 Information 8 Book 58 Magic
9 Bestow 59 Light 9 Break 59 Inspect 9 Boots 59 Manacles
10 Block 60 Limited 10 Bright 60 Life 10 Bow 60 Mandolin
11 Book 61 Liquid 11 Burn 61 Light 11 Bowl 61 Map
12 Change 62 Mental 12 Change 62 Limitation 12 Box 62 Mask
13 Clothing 63 Monster 13 Cloud 63 Liquid 13 Bracelet 63 Masterwork
14 Cloud 64 Multi 14 Cold 64 Loud 14 Broken 64 Mechanical
15 Cold 65 Nature 15 Communicate 65 Manipulation 15 Brooch 65 Message
16 Communication 66 Object 16 Conceal 66 Mind 16 Candles 66 Mirror
17 Container 67 Orb 17 Conjure 67 Nature 17 Cape 67 Multiple
18 Control 68 Others 18 Control 68 Object 18 Chalice 68 Necklace
19 Create 69 Physical 19 Counteract 69 Others 19 Chest 69 Orb
20 Curse 70 Plants 20 Create 70 Pain 20 Cloak 70 Painting
21 Damage 71 Poison 21 Creature 71 Physical 21 Clock 71 Pearl
22 Death 72 Potion 22 Curse 72 Plant 22 Clothes 72 Pelt
23 Deceit 73 Power 23 Damage 73 Poison 23 Coal 73 Pile
24 Decrease 74 Ranged 24 Dark 74 Portal 24 Coins 74 Pot
25 Defense 75 Resistance 25 Death 75 Powerful 25 Common 75 Potion
26 Destroy 76 Restore 26 Deceive 76 Protect 26 Copper 76 Quality
27 Detect 77 Ring 27 Decrease 77 Radius 27 Crate 77 Quill
28 Dimensions 78 Rope 28 Defense 78 Ranged 28 Crown 78 Ring
29 Elements 79 Rune 29 Destroy 79 Resistance 29 Cushion 79 Rope
30 Emotion 80 Safety 30 Detect 80 Restore 30 Dagger 80 Rubies
31 Energy 81 Scroll 31 Diminish 81 Self 31 Damaged 81 Saphires
32 Enhance 82 Self 32 Disease 82 Senses 32 Diamonds 82 Scroll
33 Environment 83 Senses 33 Dominate 83 Shield 33 Document 83 Shield
34 Escape 84 Skill 34 Duplicate 84 Soul 34 Figurine 84 Silver
35 Evil 85 Special 35 Earth 85 Strange 35 Fine 85 Spear
36 Explode 86 Speed 36 Elements 86 Strength 36 Flask 86 Staff
37 Fear 87 Spell 37 Emotion 87 Stun 37 Furniture 87 Strange
38 Fire 88 Staff 38 Enemies 88 Summon 38 Gauntlet 88 Sword
39 Flight 89 Strange 39 Energy 89 Time 39 Gems 89 Symbol
40 Food 90 Summon 40 Enhance 90 Transform 40 Gloves 90 Tapestry
41 Gem 91 Sword 41 Environment 91 Trap 41 Glowing 91 Tarnished
42 Good 92 Tool 42 Expose 92 Travel 42 Goblet 92 Torch
43 Group 93 Transform 43 Fire 93 Trigger 43 Gold 93 Unusual
44 Harm 94 Trap 44 Fix 94 Uncertain 44 Hammer 94 Valuable
45 Heal 95 Travel 45 Food 95 Undead 45 Harp 95 Vase
46 Health 96 Useful 46 Free 96 Wall 46 Hat 96 Vial
47 Helpful 97 Utility 47 Group 97 Water 47 Helmet 97 Wand
48 Illness 98 Wand 48 Guide 98 Weak 48 Horn 98 Weapon
49 Illusion 99 Water 49 Hamper 99 Weapon 49 Idol 99 Whip
50 Imbue 100Weapon 50 Harm 100Weather 50 Jewlery 100Wine



force tries to take over your mind, the whispers
getting into your head. EXPECTED SCENE
Getting through a hallway like that creates
excellent Context for this dungeon that can be used Leaving the dungeon and heading
later. When interpreting how an Area looks, you back to the village.
may default to finding more crystals because you
expect it. Strange whispers may also be a theme ALTERED SCENE
in this dungeon, as well as mind control magic.
Maybe the whispers are from souls that were On your way out, you encounter a monster in
trapped by the crystals from those who befell its the dungeon. Treat this as a Kozen Monster
spell, and now those souls inhabit the life-size chess Region Sheet Element that occurs somewhere
along the path toward the exit. When you finish
pieces found later in a giant chess board room.
this Altered Scene, test Expected Scene 8 again.
Let details dovetail together like this as you
progress. As the dungeon tells you a story, INTERRUPT SCENE
interpretations for new encounters and places
become easier. Everything starts to fit together On your way out, something happens.
like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle coming together, Generate a Random Event. It takes place
forming a larger picture. somewhere along the path toward the
exit. When you finish this Interrupt
Scene, test Expected Scene 8 again.


OUT ALIVE “Do I run into any trouble on the way out?”
At any time you can decide your Player Yes is a Kozen Monster Encounter. Resolve this
Character has had enough and they head toward before returning to the village. Exceptional
the nearest exit. Consider leaving the dungeon to Yes means you trip a trap that hadn’t triggered
be one Expected Scene. earlier. Resolve this before returning to the
Check the “Expected Scene 8” table for results village. No means you get back to the village
of testing this Scene. Hangups to exiting smoothly without incident, and Exceptional No means
include running into a wandering monster along the you run into Kozen villages along the way who
way, or triggering a trip that hadn’t sprung earlier. give you a ride in their cart back to the village.
They also render any aid you may need.
Depending on the layout of the dungeon,
you may have to brave other hazards as well. For
instance, if you have to pass through a room
containing a monster that you previously fled • Consider as expected Context that
from, you should probably ask a Fate Question once you get back to the village, you
when you backtrack through the room: “Is the recieve any assistance you require
monster still here?” such as medical aid, food, etc. Ask
Use your judgement when deciding which Fate Fate Questions or Discover Meaning to
Questions to ask when you leave, depending on generate reactions from the villagers
the route you decide and the number of active based on what you did in the dungeon.
• Once outside the dungeon, switch back to the
original set of Threads and Characters Lists.



elements you’re aware of in the dungeon.

Once you get out of the dungeon safely, you’re DUNGEON LETHALITY
home free. It’s back to the village to recuperate and
count your loot ... and to brag at the inn, of course. Dungeons are dangerous places for fantasy
adventurers, and that’s doubly true for the
solo delver who doesn’t have backup. You can
always include NPC companions to help make
ROOM EXAMPLE: the journey safer, and you should temper your
expectations about challenges based on the
VAMPIRE HUNTING ability of your Player Character.
Let’s put the dungeon through its paces and Still, the chances of survival aren’t great.
generate a room! The Player Character for this Before sending your PC into the dark, unknown
example is Darpek, a battle mage. The name of depths, you may want to decide if this adventure
the dungeon is “The ruined palace of the vampire is lethal or not. You can choose this as Context for
lord, where the Sepulchre of Saint Byras rests.” the adventure. If the dungeon is lethal, then PC
We’ll pick up after Darpek has made some death is possible.
progress into the dungeon. In keeping with Or, you can decide that Character death means
the Context of the name, Darpek has already instead that your PC is defeated, and wakes up
encountered a minor vampire minion. It was a laying outside the dungeon where they were
blue skinned goblin that had been turned. It’s dumped. Any valuables they had on them,
including treasure picked up, will be gone.
likely there are more of them lurking around.
The dungeon hallways shows its age and
decrepitude, although once they were clearly lavish.
The Progress Points are 6 for all four Region Object Table and get Torch and Statue.
Categories. The PC just came from a room that The Player makes this interpretation:
had a fountain in it, long since dried up. There
were corpses piled in a corner, most likely victims Darpek reaches the end of the hallway, where
of the vampire lord or his minions. it branches to the left and right. He takes a step
The Player is ready to generate a new Area. and hears a splash, looking down to see that the
Rolling for the Tile, the player gets 3 on a d6. hallway is partially flooded with running water.
Adding the 6 Progress Points, it’s a total of 9.
According to the Tile this is a T section hallway. The water is only a few inches deep, but it makes
The Player draws this on their map. the Player wonder if there’s a larger flood taking
The Player rolls for the Locations List and gets place elsewhere. Maybe this is why there’s no water
6, plus 6 equals 12 for “Random”. Rolling on the in the fountain in the previous room.
Kozen Location table gives Barracks and River. The Player had rolled “Barracks”, but since this
For Encounter, the Player rolls 6, plus 6 for 12, is a hallway they interpret it to mean that there
Kozen Monster. are alcoves cut into the walls. They are similar to
For Objects, the Player rolls 5, plus 6 for 11, underground tombs where bodies would be stored.
Special. Rolling on the Special Element Table the
Player gets “Random”. This means they treat this Darpek moves along cautiously, holding his torch
as a Random Element, so they roll on the Kozen to gaze into the alcoves. There are rotting blankets



and clothes in some. an unlit torch. Darpek touches his torch to it,
setting it alight.
The Player considers that this could be a
“barracks” for vampire minions, where they sleep. The Player thinks to ask, “Do any vampires
The Player asks the Fate Question, “Are there awaken?” Mythic says Yes.
vampires sleeping here?” Mythic answers Yes.
Darpek hears a scrambling sound.
This helps satisfy the Encounter Element of
Turning, he sees one of the vampires stir, then slide
Kozen Monster. Darpek has only encountered one
from its alcove. With eyes gleaming in the firelight,
creature so far in this dungeon, the goblin vampire.
it snarls and launches itself at him.
Since “Kozen Monster” indicates a previously
encountered creature, it can only be that. Darpek can handle a single vampire minion. It
would be a fight, but he would likely win. If any
Darpek shudders as his torchlight falls across the
more vampires awaken, however, that’s going to be
visage of a resting vampire
a problem.
goblin, its eyes closed. If he
hadn’t known better he The Player tests this challenge with a Fate
would think it a corpse. Question, “Is the challenge what I expect?” Mythic
says Yes. So he must fight only one minion.
The vampires appear
to be slumbering, Darpek battles the vampire while the remaining
good creatures remain deep in their slumber.
for Dispatching it with fire magic, Darpek decides to
Darpek. linger and check the vampire’s alcove for treasure.

He sees a The Player asks, “Is there treasure?” This was a

statue in minor monster in its lair, so the Odds are Likely.
the hall. Mythic says Yes.
The statue This calls for a roll on the Treasure Table. The
holds Player rolls 37, Jewelry.
The Player interprets this to mean that Darpek
retrieves a necklace encrusted with gemstones
from the alcove. Perhaps the vampire owned
this in its life, or collected it from one of its

Finished with this Area, the Player adds 1

point to each of the Category Progress Points,
bringing them all up to 7. Then, they move on
to the next Area ...


Discussion of some aspect of solo, Mythic, or Crafter play for you to chew on.

Running Solo Slice

Of Life Adventures
One of the most interesting solo adventures I’ve If slice of life adventures interest you, then you
may also like “Emotional Quest Adventures” from
ever played was inspired by a long drive I took. It
Mythic Magazine #14.
was miles and miles, hours and hours, of highway
While not exactly the sort of everyday slice of
travel without much to see or do along the way.
life this article focuses on, Emotional Quests are
The mind wanders.
about making
I started to wonder what it would be like to an adventure
keep driving like this. Just pick a direction and go, about
and every once in a while stop someplace and see something
what’s going on there. Maybe stay a while. Then, emotionally
move on again. impactful.
The notion stuck in my mind after the trip, Finding the
so I decided to play the scenario out as a solo heart, in
other words,
adventure. The Player Character was just a normal
much like
person without any extraordinary powers or skills. slice of life
They would jump in their car and go, stopping adventures
somewhere. I used real maps, guestimated how far are often
my PC would drive in the span of a few days, then about.
randomly choose a spot on the map. Whatever
was in that spot, I Googled to get information
about it. This helped me learn about the town
or countryside, local points of interests, and the



characteristics of the community.

My PC would visit those places through the
adventure. They did really mundane stuff, like
finding a hotel to stay at, getting a job if they
planned to stick around and needed money, and
getting to know people.
Nothing epic ever happened. There were no
battles, no bad guys, no big conflicts. Most of the
adventure was about finding out of the way places
and meeting a handful of people there. Sometimes
my Character helped, like working at a small store
that was short-handed or assisting someone in
clearing out a garage.
The thing about this adventure that made it so
compelling were the everyday interactions with
NPCs, and my PC getting to know those people.
She became part of their lives, for a brief moment,
before moving on. There was also a sense of
discovery, much like a fantasy dungeon delve,
except instead of cryptic rooms and wandering
monsters it was small towns and everyday people.
This, to me, is what a “slice of life” narrative
means: witnessing the mundane and the everyday,
in all its simple profoundness.

This article will discuss strategies for bringing the
everyday into your solo Mythic play, and making
it feel extraordinary. While there are some tables to
help, most of this article will focus on how to use
Mythic’s familiar tools in a way that enhances the
“slice of life” feeling. We’ll do it like this:
Focusing on the Characters in the adventure
Crafting Threads that promote everyday
While slice of life adventures can be about ordinary people,
Emphasizing experiences over conflicts they can also be about extraordinary people, such as the types
Creating adventures that have no fixed end or of Characters who usually inhabit roleplaying games. Focusing
completed goal in mind, but are open-ended an adventure about a space-traveling Player Character on their
personal desires and everyday tasks can draw out the slice of
life flavor in an otherwise out of this world setting.



Focusing on discovering Characters’ stories

Emphasizing conversation TAKING A SLICE OUT OF
Drama is still present, but it’s personal
drama on a small scale
Consider narrowing the setting of the
Starting an adventure from the get-go as a slice of
adventure to one place life game gives you the opportunity to build your
Character and their background just the way you
want to fit the narrative you’re looking for.

IT’S ABOUT PEOPLE But, you don’t have to start with slice of life in mind.
An adventure about the everyday can make a
Slice of life drama is about people, so our nice break from a regular adventure or campaign.
everyday adventures will focus on Characters. Maybe your Player Character has just completed
Whatever alse your adventure is about, whatever’s a Thread that took dozens of Scenes to complete.
going on, if it’s a slice of life experience then it’s The adventure was epic, with colossal battles,
ultimately about people. mythic beasts, nature-warping magic, and heroic
The first Character to think about is yours. deeds. That was great!
Now it’s time for a break.

Your Player Character Transitioning to a slice of life adventure can be

a way to downshift into a more relaxing game
An adventure that focuses on the everyday mentality. As exciting and rewarding as a long,
experience doesn’t have to be about ordinary completed campaign is, it can also be tiring.
One way to take a breather is to focus on your
people. In my travel adventure I chose to make it
Character in a different, lighter light.
about a regular person, but it just as easily could
have been about a traveling wizard, a starship You could use this as an opportunity to fill in the
gaps between adventures. For instance, Floret
captain and their crew, or a cultist in between
the Bard has helped save the kingdom by sealing
cosmic summonings. the Gate Of Zyrzas The Foul. It was a legendary
When making a Player Character for a slice of quest full of danger and intrigue. Now, Floret just
life solo adventure, there’s no need to feel as though wants to hang out for a while. He can take in the
they have to be simple or low-powered. They can sights of the kingdom he just rescued, meet some
be if that’s what you want, but they can also be of the inhabitants. Just chill!
powerful, or any kind of Character you want. The You can even consider shifting your Player
adventure we’re shooting for isn’t about scale of Character into a slice of life styled adventure in
ability, but about the simplicity of the approach. the middle of an ongoing campaign. Maybe you,
Taking another example from one of my the Player, need a break. You’ve been playing this
adventures, I played a slice of life style campaign adventure for a while, and it’s become intense.
Pivoting away for a time may be a chance to
with a witch Player Character once. I generated
recharge your creative battery without setting the
her like I would any PC for an adventure where I game aside entirely.
expected to encounter trouble. She ended up being
quite powerful, with a wide range of spell abilities.
Her backstory was that she was raised by a
coven of witches, and she showed early aptitude
for magic. She quickly rose as one of the most



powerful young witches in the order, and was

readied for a position of authority. A SLICE OF TROPES
Despite her proficiency, she didn’t want to
be there. The more she learned of the coven’s Slice of life as a literary and cinematic genre has
traditions and history, the more she wanted to a number of associated characteristic tropes.
escape from them. One day, she faked her death Below are some common ones that can be
and ran away. worked into a solo adventure:
The adventure begins with her arriving in a small The Moment Is The Material: Slice of life
New England fishing town. She knew no one there, stories are about what’s happening right now,
and hadn’t been out in the wider world her entire in the moment. It’s an examination of daily life.
life so everything was unfamiliar and strange. Where those moments might serve as details to
She befriended a local and offered to do odd further a narrative in other genres, in slice of life
jobs around the property in exchange for a place the moment itself is the point. In a roleplaying
adventure, this can be translated by considering
to stay. This led to a job at the woman’s shop,
a Character’s job or role. The stuff they do on a
where she began to meet more locals. She settled daily basis is what we look at.
into her life there, and my adventures were all
Lack of Direction: Slice of life stories can
about her becoming entangled in other people’s
be short on plot, or lack them entirely. There
daily lives. doesn’t have to be a goal to be achieved. In solo
She was still very powerful, but she used her roleplaying, this can be reflected in Threads that
abilities in small ways to help the people around her. are about what Characters are doing instead of
She was careful to make sure no one detected her goals that need to be achieved (see “Arbitrary
abilities, which encouraged her to keep her miracles Threads” on page 51).
as ordinary as possible. Most of what she did Epic Conflict Is Mostly Absent: While slice of
appeared as happy accidents and lucky coincidences. life can deal with problems, they are everyday
I’m no expert in manga slice of life literature, problems and not the kind of conflict our
but I think I stumbled into a slice of life trope Characters usually deal with in a roleplaying
adventure. Think inconveiences and emotionally
with that adventure. I’ve seen numerous stories
disrupting problems rather than life and death or
about powerful or unusual characters who live
epic quests.
a regular, ordinary life. It could be a demi-god
Confined Settings, Like Schools: Schools are a
who wants to experience what it is to be human
common slice of life setting. Recurring Characters
so assumes the shape of a high school student. Or abound, most are of the same age and stage
maybe the character has an unusual background, of life, and the setting is nicely contained and
an enhanced warrior who no longer has a war to limited. Other confined areas also work well, like a
fight so must adapt to a mundane job. mountaintop village or a pocket dimension.
There’s something appealing about a powerful Low Concept: Low concept stories place less
Character who doesn’t use their powers. Their emphasis on the setting and more on the
strangeness makes the story a fish out of water Characters’ lives. The concept for the narrative
narrative, and we get to watch as they adapt to an lacks definition on purpose because the point
ordinary world and experience things we may take isn’t about defining a world but observing the
for granted, making it new and exciting. people in it. By contrast, high concept stories are
driven by defined settings and events, which is
how roleplaying adventures usually play out.



Other Characters TAKING NOTES

Non-Player Characters are important in any
adventure. They are the antagonists, companions, You can print and use the Character Keywords
and encounters that drive our stories. sheet on the next page to help keep track of NPCs
In a slice of life adventure they take on even in a slice of life adventure.
more importance. These types of games are Use the “Notes” section to record any important
entirely driven by our PC’s interactions with interpretations you make about the Character
NPCs. One way to think of it is that NPCs are that could be important later. Try to keep it all
the adventure. simple, however; the Character’s role in the slice
of life adventure should be clear.
NPC’s our Characters interact with should feel
real, with motivations and personalities. They For instance, in a fantasy adventure about
have drives and wants and lives of their own. shipwreck survivors on a deserted island, you
might have an NPC with the following keywords:
I like to keep slice of life style adventures
Protector, Lost, Wealth, Honest, and Attack.
lightweight. I think the genre as a whole
lends itself to low-impact adventures with a You might interpret this to mean a survivor who
was royalty, but after a month of being trapped
minimum of bookkeeping. This can be extended
on the island, cut off from his wealth and power,
to creating NPCs as well. To make them he felt lost. He found new purpose in caring about
meaningful, but simple to manage, you can the other survivors. He’s appointed himself their
define them with keywords. protector. He prizes honesty and transparency,
since everyone has to work together. When
danger presents itself, he is quick to take the
CHARACTERS BY KEYWORDS offensive and attack to defend his people.
Defining Characters by Keywords involves
That could be summed up like this:
rolling a number of words off of Mythic’s
Meaning Tables. Choose any tables you like
that you think would be appropriate. Instead of Lord Hansden Dresdal
rolling word pairs, as usual, start with rolling
just one word off the table. If you’re using the
Protector Lost Wealth
Honest Attack
Actions or Descriptions tables, choose which of
the two tables to roll from. Do this until you
have anywhere from 3 to 5 words. These are the
Character’s Keywords.
These Keywords define this NPC, and can
be combined in any way that makes sense when Lost his wealth, new purpose
needed. No matter what situation the NPC is in, is to protect. Values honesty.
you can use the Keywords as a guide to interpret
what they do or say.
Will fight to protect.
A Player Character in a slice of life cyberpunk city. The Player wants this story to be about the
adventure is a retired bounty hunter living simply people the PC encounters, living hardscrabble on
in the nooks and crannies of a vast and uncaring the streets and bars and shadowy back alleys.














A new NPC is introduced in a Scene where the PC Niko is a monk and a bookmaker. He’s quiet, and tends a
is visiting an Inhaler Salon, a smokey den where garden that he lets few see. Establishing some details about
people rest and breathe deeply of healing gases. a Character, with the help of their Keywords, helps them
to naturally find their place in a slice of life adventure. We
To define this new Character, the Player rolls on know just enough about Niko to help interpret how he
should act and what he might say.
the Character Appearance table and gets Eyewear.
Shifting to Character Conversation for a hint
at how they talk, they roll Bizarre. The Player
then rolls on Character Identity and gets Villain.
Wanting one more word, the Player rolls on
Actions Table 2 and gets Chaos.
This NPC’s keywords are this: Eyewear, Bizarre,
Villain, and Chaos.
The Player interprets this to mean the NPC is a
member of a local gang. He comes into the salon
to escape the chaotic life outside, a moment to
literally take a breath. He’s a skinny, wiry guy who
always wears thick goggles. He speaks in rapid
tones using a bizarre dialect and slang that the PC
hasn’t heard before.
During conversations this NPC may be prone
to strange, nonsensical statements and chaotic
behavior patterns. They are unpredictable, but
always interesting.
companions urgings not to.
Since this is a slice of life adventure, the
GUIDED BY KEYWORDS narrative is about the survivors making a life on
Regardless of the table a Keyword is rolled on, the island. They form a village. Dresdal often
you can use them to interpret the actions of a mediates arguments between others, looking for
Character in any situation. common ground (protector, honest), he is often
For instance, on the previous page we meet direct in conversation though tactful (honest), he
Lord Hansden Dresdal. He’s shipwrecked on is cognizent of their supplies and is careful not
an island along with a group of other survivors. to waste anything (lost, wealth), he is terrible at
Knowing his keywords, a Player can interpret a directions and often gets lost (lost), while he’s
wide range of actions from him. eager to help he tends to approach problems
For instance, Dresdal and a small group bluntly and aggressively (attack).
wander off to explore and come back. The Player Dresdal’s keywords are being used in different
determines that the NPC is hesitant to reveal what ways, depending on the Context. “Lost” applied
they found. However, since one of his keywords both to his lost wealth, and to literally getting lost.
is “honest”, the Player decides that Dresdal tells “Honest” defines how he handles interpersonal
the others what was discovered even against his conflicts and also his style of speaking.




A slice of life adventure is about people’s stories
and their lives. In an adventure where your PC They tell a story. Roll
visits a remote outpost on a distant planet, you on “Telling A Tale” plus
encounter the people making a home there. You a Meaning Table and
might meet the Water Filtration Engineer, Sansa, interpret the results.
and find out she came out here to start a new
life. The leader of the colony is Tamson. She They tell one story, then
was inspired to live this kind of life because of a EXCEPTIONAL immediately follow it up with
mentor. Everyone loves Derek, the colony chef YES another one. The two stories
and pantry keeper. He makes the best cakes this are related in some way.
side of the Milky Way, and he loves to recount his
They don’t tell their story
glory days as an explorer.
right now, but if you do
Gleaning Characters’ stories and history helps NO
something meaningful
bring their lives into a slice of life adventure. for them they will.
It humanizes them and gives them dimension,
bringing them to life. They aren’t telling their
An easy way to get to an NPC’s story is to ask EXCEPTIONAL story right now, and
it as a Fate Question: “Do they tell their story?” NO there’s nothing you can
This could be asked soon after your PC meets do to encourage them.
an NPC. It shouldn’t take much for a Character
to tell their tale, so the Odds should usually be Generate the Event
very good. RANDOM and incorporate it as
EVENT additional material to
interpret for the story.
Telling A Tale
To help with determining the story they tell, A result of No means they don’t tell their story
you can roll on the “Telling A Tale” table for the now, but will if the PC performs an action. You
focus of their story, and add a couple of words can determine what the action is, but it should
from an appropriate Meaning Table, such as relate to the NPC in some way.
Actions or Character Conversation. For instance, a PC is trying to get a story out
Use these results to interpret a personal story of Lord Dresdal, but Mythic says No. The PC
they relate about themselves. It can be something tells Dresdal something personal about themself.
simple, like why they chose their profession. It Since “honesty” is one of Dresdal’s keywords, the
might be a formative experience from their past, Player decides this moment of personal revelation
like how they survived an accident. Whatever the is enough of an action that it invokes Dresdal’s
tale is, it should be personal to them. appreciation for honesty. He opens up and tells his
A result of Exceptional Yes means they tell two own story.
stories, so repeat the process for another tale. A result of Exceptional No means they aren’t



D100 A TALE OF ... D100 A TALE OF ...

1-3 Their philosophy about life 50-52 How they learned a valuable lesson

Getting something valuable How they made restitution

4-6 53-55
and unexpected for a mistake

7-9 How their life suddenly changed 56-58 When someone helped them

10-12 Overcoming a personal obstacle 59-61 How they once saved the day

13-14 A secret they are willing to tell 62-64 How they accomplished something

15-17 Friendship 65-67 Something artistic they created

18-20 Their childhood 68-70 A great adventure they once took

21-23 How they met their love 71-73 What they used to do before this

24-26 Family 74-76 How they came to be in this place

An opportunity to do what When they had to do

27-29 77-79
they really wanted to do something difficult

30-32 Starting a new life 80-82 How they overcame adversity

33-35 Something they regret 83-85 When they helped someone else

An unusual talent they have

36-37 86-88 Why they chose their career
and why they have it

38-40 Someone they lost 89-91 Why they are so good at something

41-43 A long distance trip 92-94 How someone once mentored them

44-46 A career or work difficulty 95-97 How they solved a problem

47-49 When expectation met reality 98-100 What their education was like



talking right now, and there’s nothing you can do

that will get them to share. You can try again later.
A Random Event can be interpreted as CONVERSATION
additional information about their story.
Adventures about people and their lives are
going to have a lot of conversations in them. Like
In a slice of life adventure set in a small fantasy discovering someone’s story, you can roll Meaning
village, the mage PC goes to Niko the monk to words for inspiration about what someone says
have a book of spells made. While there, the PC and interpret a conversation from that. This can
talks with Niko. be used to determine what an NPC says when you
The Player wants to see if Niko tells a personal encounter them, how they respond to what you
story, so asks the Fate Question, “Do they tell their say and do, and how they answer questions.
story?” Niko is quiet, so the Player gives this Odds Since converation is more central to a slice of
of 50/50. life adventure, you can use the Conversation Focus
Table to help narrow down what an NPC says.
Mythic says No. Roll on the Conversation Focus Table to
determine the general gist of what the NPC is
The PC thanks Niko for working on the book,
saying, then roll a pair of Meaning words from
then spends the day in the woods looking for
the Actions Meaning Table (or another one, if you
spiders. Casting a spell, the PC is able to make
think it fits better) and interpret all of that into
a spool of thread from spider webs. The resulting
what the NPC says.
thread is very fine and strong.
You can roll on the table once during a
They take this back to Niko the next day and give conversation to create a general tone for the
it to him as a gift. The Player decides that since entire conversation. For instance, rolling “Seems
Niko is a book maker, he’ll find this fine thread to puzzled or confused” means they will be confused
be very valuable and he’s grateful. This is enough throughout the conversation.
to fulfill the condition of doing something for the Or, you could roll again for each response you
NPC. He now tells his story. expect throughout the conversation. This will
require more rolling, but can give you a more
The Player rolls on “Telling A Tale” and gets varied conversation.
“What they used to do before this”. The Action
Meaning Table gives Increase and Portal.
The PC asks Niko why book making was so
Niko says he used to be a stonemason. He built attractive to him.
walls and doorways. He grew up learning this
trade from his father. After helping to build a To determine how Niko responds, the Player rolls
library, he became fascinated with the bindings of on the Conversation Focus Table and gets “Wants
the books. He quit as a stone worker and learned to end this conversation.” Action words rolled are
the craft of book binding, which he’s continued to Succeed and Portal.
do to this day. The Player interprets it this way:
“I was very good at stonework, at making doors
and archways. I could have been quite successful



and renowned at it. But ... I am sorry, I do not

CONVERSATION FOCUS TABLE wish to speak about it.”
ROLL RESULT Later in the adventure, the PC asks another
villager about Nikos past. Rolling for a response,
1-12 Agrees
the Player gets “Describes a difficulty”, with
Action words of Observe and Environment. The
13-20 Disagrees
Player makes this interpretation:
21-28 Asks you a question “Niko was very good at stonework, so much so
that the other apprentices became jealous. One
29-32 Argues sabotaged his work, making a wall fall. He was
blamed and was told to leave.”
33-43 Explains
Continuing the conversation, the PC asks how
44-47 Directs you to someone else Niko had come to make books in this village.
Rolling, the Player gets “Asks you to do something”
48-51 Gets emotional about this with words of Relinquish and Emotion. The
Player makes this interpretation:
52-55 Asks you to do something
“I suggest you talk with Niko about that, he should
56-59 Offers to do something for you really tell you himself. If you ask enough he’ll tell
you, I think it helps him to speak about it.”
60-63 Wants to end this conversation

64-67 Seems puzzled or confused

68-71 Knows what you’re talking about

72-75 Seems nervous to talk
An adventure about everyday life is personal.
76-82 Eager to talk Even when there are things going on ... like
being stranded on an island, the Characters
83-86 Tells a story are angelic creatures, the PC is a retired world
conqueror, everything takes place on a spaceship
87-93 Describes a difficulty doomed to fall into a sun ... the adventure isn’t
really about the most dramatic things, but about
94-97 They want to help the people involved.
How do the angelic beings spend their days,
98-100 They want something from you how has the conqueror downscaled his life, what
kind of society have the residents of the ship set
up for themselves in their final days?



Scene Expectations expectation is that this is a slice of life adventure

about everyday issues. The Player is looking for
And Fate Questions something simpler and homier.
You might ask, “Does the customer offer a way
Much of the tone from a slice of life adventure
to resolve this?” A Yes answer might lead to a roll
can be acquired from the expectations you bring
on a Meaning Table to see what they suggest.
to the table. What kinds of Scenes do you expect
Maybe they challenge you to play a chess like
to happen? What Fate Questions do you ask?
game with them in the public square; if he wins
Promoting an adventure about the everyday
he pays nothing for the meat, and if you win he’ll
means asking questions about the everyday.
pay double. A No answer might mean he leaves in
a huff, an unhappy customer.
For instance, a slice of life adventure about
a town of goblins, where your PC is a goblin
shopkeeper, focuses on the daily life of the village
and your job running the store. Expected Scenes
might include dealing with customers who come
through your door, traveling to pick up supplies,
hanging out at the tavern after work, and visiting
friends in town.
All of those are things you expect to happen in
the daily life of your goblin shopkeep. By keeping
in mind that you want this to be a slice of life
adventure, you can make your Scene expectations
be about the everyday.

This extends to the kind of Fate Questions
you ask as well. If you’re running a Scene where
your PC is dealing with customers, you might
determine that a customer has a problem. A roll
on the Conversation Focus Table says they are
arguining, and you determine that they’re mad
because you only gave them half as much roast
wyvern as they had paid for.
This might make you think to ask a Fate
Question about where this argument goes from
here. You could ask, “Does it get violent?” That
feels a little outside the bounds of what we’re
looking for. Maybe in a regular adventure we’d
expect a throwdown or bloodshed, but our



This focus on the everyday extends to the Since slice of life adventures aren’t especially goal
Threads List. What kind of goals would our oriented or event driven they can be open ended;
goblin shopkeeper have? The Threads List might they don’t need a definite conclusion.
look like this: If you’re running a slice of life adventure, it’s the
Let’s sell some stuff! kind of game you can pop into any time you want,
play for a bit to see what’s going on there, then
Find unusual items to sell
put on a shelf for a while. You could keep the
Have a beer adventure going for as long as you want because
Check in on Grumshar the Hermit you aren’t looking for a conclusion.
These are far from the epic goals you might
If this is more of a slice of life interlude between
have in a regular adventure! Everything revolves regular adventuring, you can stop it at any time
around your PC’s daily life and job. “Let’s sell and have your PC resume their regular quests.
some stuff!” could lead to interactions with You could keep separate Threads and Characters
customers. “Find unusual items to sell” might lead Lists, one for their usual adventuring life and a
to a trip to a neighboring village to check out a set for their down time. The down time games
potion maker. “Have a beer” could lead to a casual could be with a slice of life emphasis. Play as
Scene where a friend drops by encouraging you to many Scenes of that as you like. It’s easy to exit at
any time because you’ll rarely be in the middle of
close shop early and have a drink with him.
anything that needs to be finished up.
This mentality can go beyond your PC, into
the everyday elements of the setting to encourage A lot of Threads you add to a slice of life adventure
won’t have ends, either. For instance, “Let’s sell
more interaction. For instance, the Player may add
some stuff!” for our goblin merchant describes his
these Threads: daily life. There’s no end goal to that.
Fulfill unusual request
If you generate a Random Event with a Focus of
Visit from adventurer friend “Close A Thread”, and it’s one of those Threads,
Village festival you can either ignore the result and treat it like
“Current Context” instead, or close the Thread and
Getting Arbitrary explain why in the adventure. Maybe our goblin
merchant has to close up shop because they got
In a lot of solo Mythic adventures, the another opportunity they can’t resist persuing.
Characters List is chock full of activity, while
the Threads List is usually much shorter. This is
where your goals, big and small, go and usually a a big festival in a few days. You don’t want to
PC is only after a couple of things at a time. participate in it, but the goblin organizer, Delza, is
With a slice of life focus, however, you can trying to get 100% merchant participation.
fill that Threads List up with just about any The Player may add “Avoid Delza” to the
arbitrary thing you can think of when you do Threads List.
end of Scene Bookkeeping. Things like this may not be the kinds of
For instance, a Scene produces a Random Event goals you normally think about when playing
where you find out the village is going to throw an adventure. Steering clear of an annoyingly



persistent event organizer is more the kind of

SLICE OF LIFE IDEAS thing you might roleplay in the course of a larger
adventure. In a slice of life game, however, these
Work duties and difficulties are the kind of details we’re looking for.
Daily tasks and mundane chores
People Problems And
The daily life of friends and family
Everyday Conflicts
Obligations to friends and family Slice of life, everyday adventures can include
conflict, but serious, life and death conflict should
Hobbies and interests
be de-emphasized. The conflict that exists should
be between people or about everyday things. For
Community events and lore
instance, the PC’s conflict with Delza; he just
Shared environment activites, such as doesn’t want to be part of her festival, while she’s
what might take place at a school dedicated to making sure he is.
Everyday conflicts don’t have to be between
Adjusting to life changes people, they can also arise between the Character
and a situation or life.
Local customs and traditions A situational conflict may be something like
a high level occult investigator stuck teaching
Preparing and eating food remedial magic at a school. How does the
Character adjust to this drastic change of lifestyle?
Local points of interest and Check out the “Slice Of Life Ideas” table for
what people do there suggestions on elements to form Threads and
Expected Scenes, and ask Fate Questions about.
People telling their stories

Romance and relationships
One issue you may encounter with a slice of life
Organizing an event and engaging in it adventure is running out of directions to drive it.
You may take a day in the life of your Character,
Mundane demands others place on you asking Fate Questions about their work, but if
that doesn’t generate interesting results you may
Overcoming an everyday fear feel stuck with what to do next.
In that case, it’s time to look for something to
Everyday accomplishments, like landing react to.
a new job or moving to a new place Maybe it’s best to think of a slice of life
adventure in one of two ways. You’re either in
The humorous and absurd in daily life exploration mode, or reaction mode. When
exploring, your PC is poking around in their
Doing things with friends



everyday life, exploring what’s going on. How well of her garden. It’s very strange, because the spell
is the goblin merchant doing at avoiding Delza, works everywhere but there. What’s going on?
are there any unruly customers today, what does
your friend want to talk about over beer? And now we have a mystery to solve. We have
In reaction mode, something happens that something to react to. Dealing with the magical
requires a response from your PC. On the way to dead spot in the garden could go on for many
the tavern they run into a neighbor who inquires Scenes, and lead to the adventure branching into
about magical ingrdients they’d like to order. A more directions.
family member unexpectedly tells you about a Think about where your energy is in the
problem that you’d like to help solve. adventure. If you’re curious, then explore.
Lead the adventure with your questions and
Bring On The Interrupts expectations. If you feel tapped out and are less
curious, then generate an event to react to, which
An easy way to bring on a reaction is to have the will lead you back into fresh exploration.
next Scene be an automatic Interrupt. Don’t roll
to test the Scene, just generate a Random Event to
form an Interrupt Scene and go from there.
Given the open ended, loose nature of slice CHAOTIC CONSIDERATIONS
of life adventures, you could throw a time jump
in that helps make the Interrupt Scene feel more Mythic’s Chaos Factor may have to be reigned
appropriate. For instance, maybe our fantasy in for a slice of life adventure. Large chunks of
games about everyday life can take place with
village mage has had some Scenes about getting
little to no conflict. That leads to Scenes where
their workshop well stocked. You play out some your PC’s control, or lack thereof, isn’t really an
Scenes involving Niko and commissioning a book issue. More often than not, the Chaos Factor
to be bound. would probably decline after a slice of life Scene.
Now you’re out of ideas. You’re ready to stop These style of adventures might lack the active
exploring and to start reacting. Moving the push and pull that normaly shifts the Chaos
adventure forward with an Interrupt might look Factor around.
like this: My suggestion is to take a different approach to
setting the Chaos Factor.
A few weeks have gone by with the mage enjoying If a Scene is peaceful, or otherwise feels status
their new workshop and spellbook. It’s time for an quo, then make the Chaos Factor 5. If the Scene
Interrupt Scene to react to. was active with lots going on, then set it to 6. If
the Scene was unusually quiet, then set it to 4.
Rolling on the Event Focus Table gives me This keeps the Chaos Factor from 4 to 6, avoiding
Ambiguous Event. The Actions Meaning Table extremes. It also shifts the emphasis from
results in Repulse and Location. Character control to situational activity.

I make this interpretation: Another option is to always keep the Chaos

Factor at 5 during a slice of life adventure. If
While preparing a very easy spell in the newly this is a slice of life interlude between regular
restocked laboratory, the PC discovers that the spell adventuring, keep track of where the Chaos
doesn’t work when cast in one particular corner Factor was previously and when you resume your
regular travels set it back to that value.



One more consideration to think about with
a slice of life adventure is limiting the location of
the game to a single spot. This helps to give all
of the Characters in it something they instantly
have in common, and the identity of the location
itself will suggest adventure ideas.
For instance, lots of slice of life stories take
place in schools. The Characters are all in a
similar position in life, there are school related
considerations to react to, and it provides a large
and ready pool of possible Characters to interact
Other locations might be a workplace, the
Character’s home, a dojo where they live and
train, or any location that’s large enough to have
a small population but contained enough to have
a singular identity.


This Big Example is about Belmont “The
Red”, a guard for a village of forest dwellers
known as the Dekki. So far in this adventure,
Belmont got into an argument with another
guard named Parthent, so he’s feeling a little
down at the moment.
Belmont had been traveling between villages
when he heard a rustling in the bush. Seeing
antlers, he feared it was a Sneck. A darn nasty
Sneck, the bane of his people. Or so he imagined,
he had never actually seen one before.
Belmont fled in fear back to his village.
He hopped into the first treetop outpost he
spotted as he neared home, and told his fellow
guard about the encounter. Parthent chided him
for running so quickly instead of finding out



what it was. Hence, the argument. Capo listens to Belmont’s brief tale as he spoons out
The Player decides for the next Scene, Belmont soup from a cauldron into bowls for each of them.
is going to visit his trainer and mentor, Capo Aldo, Settling into a seat in his cramped but cozy hut, he
to ask him about the creature he had glimpsed. says, “The antlers you describe could not be that
Capo had been introduced earlier in the of a Sneck. I will tell you what, young Belmont.
adventure, so the Player had already generated Fetch your red cloak tomorrow morning and we
Keywords for him. will go together to that place. Maybe we can find
tracks. Maybe we can find your beast.”
Capo Aldo Belmont’s eyes widen. He had not considered Capo
would want to take him back there.
Home Poor Heroic
Responsible The conversation develops to a point where
the Player feels Capo may tell a story. Asking the
Fate Question, “Do they tell their story?” Mythic
says Yes.
A former hero of the Dekki, Rolling on the Telling A Tale Table gives
“How someone once mentored him.” That seems
Capo lives a hermetic especially appropriate for this situation. The
existence in the woods. Action Meaning Table says Ruin and Building.
The Player makes this interpretation:
Belmont visits Capo, who is a former warrior
living now as a hermit. Since one of his Keywords Talking of tomorrow’s adventure, Capo gets a light
is “Responsible”, the Player determines that Capo in his eyes. He begins to tell Belmont about his own
agrees to see his young student right away. trainer, a great Dekki who knew the woods deeply.
Belmont tells him about what he saw.
For Capo’s response, the Player rolls on the When Capo was about Belmont’s age, his trainer
Conversation Focus Table and gets “Offers to do brought him on a forest quest as well. They visited
something for you”. The Action Meaning Table ancient ruins, said to have once belonged to a lost
gives Start and Location. The Player interprets it tribe of Dekki. Capo had never seen anything like it.
this way: Now he wanted to do the same for Belmont, to go
on a quest together into the forest. They may not
find ruins, but perhaps they will at least discover
THANKS! a strange new creature together, or have a good
time trying.
Inspiration for this Big Example came from Word
Mill Games Patreon members: Roosevelt Cooper,
Bill, Butch Lebo, Tim Chapman, HasturFan,
Keith Malinowski, and Robin Goodfellow.
Thanks to all of you for your ideas and creative
input! I mixed a bunch of the concepts together,
so it was a group effort!



Hunted by the soldiers of a local king Escape from
for a crime you did not commit, you Forest critters
1-15 soldiers
have fled deep into the wilderness Settlements
and become hopelessly lost. Find safety
Travelers from Kozen Crest

Following a map to treasure, you’ve Forest critters

16-30 realized two things: the map is a fake, and Find safety Settlements
you are now lost in the Kozen Mountains. Travelers from Kozen Crest

You are following leads about a dungeon,

crammed with treasure, located high in Find Kozen Crest Forest critters
31-40 the Kozen Mountains. You are making Find clues of Settlements
your way through the woods, looking the dungeon Travelers from Kozen Crest
for the hamlet of Kozen Crest.

For safety and comfort, you are

traveling with a group of merchants Kozen Crest merchants
and farmers from Kozen Crest. They Get to Kozen
41-60 Forest critters
are heading through the woods, Crest
returning home, and that’s as good Settlements
a place as any to be right now.

Forest critters
Wherever you were, you got ahold
of a magic object that instantly Settlements
61-70 Find safety
transported you to the forest of the The magic object
Kozen Mountains. You are now lost.
Travelers from Kozen Crest

You were kidnapped by a mage and you

wake up in this unfamiliar forest. He Figure out what
left you a note that reads, “Find it and the mage wants Forest critters
71-85 return it to me. You have been cursed, if Fulfill the Settlements
you seek to escape Kozen before finding mage’s quest The mage
what I seek, you will be transported Find safety
back until you complete the quest.”

You require a treasure to help Forest critters

86-100 a friend, and you heard riches Find Kozen Crest Settlements
are hidden in Kozen Crest. Travelers from Kozen Crest

Generate the Scene Context by rolling You continue to wander in the

1d100 on The Crypts Of Kozen Crest First Kozen Mountains wilderness.
Scene table, on the previous page.
Since this is the first Scene of the adventure ALTERED SCENE
this Scene is not tested, it starts as Expected.
Your wanderings are over, you find Kozen
FATE QUESTIONS TO ASK Crest Village. Go to Expected Scene 3, but
don’t test it; it happens as Expected.
• Use the First Scene Context to come up
wth meaningful Questions. For instance, if INTERRUPT SCENE
you are hunted by soldiers, you may ask,
“Are the soldiers close on my heels?” Roll a Random Event to find out how the
Scene begins. Unless this Interrupt brings
• You can use this as an opportunity to fill in you directly to Kozen Crest, try Expected
backstory, such as asking Questions about Scene 2 again for the next Scene.
how you came to be in this situation.
• “Do I have an encounter?” Yes answers can FATE QUESTIONS TO ASK
be resolved by generating a Random Event.
• Use Context to come up wth
MEANING TO DISCOVER meaningful Questions.
• “Do I have an encounter?” Yes answers can
• If you want the wilderness to have a be resolved by generating a Random Event.
distinctive look, consider rolling on the
Description or Forest Descriptors tables. MEANING TO DISCOVER
• If you encounter NPCs, you can use the
Character oriented Meaning Tables to generate If you encounter NPCs, you can use the
descriptions, identities, personalities, etc. Character oriented Meaning Tables to generate
descriptions, identities, personalities, etc.

Add the Threads and Characters elements to

your Lists before you start playing this Scene.

Arrive at the Village of Kozen Crest Explore the village.


You continue to wander in the Kozen Move on to Expected Scene 5. Don’t test
Mountains wilderness. When done with this it, the Expected Scene happens.
Altered Scene, try Expected Scene 3 again.
Roll a Random Event to find out how the
Roll a Random Event to find out how the Scene begins. Treat this as something
Scene begins. Unless this Interrupt brings happening in the village while you explore.
you directly to Kozen Crest, try Expected After this Interrupt Scene is done, repeat
Scene 3 again for the next Scene. testing Expected Scene 4 again.


• Use Context to come up wth Use Context to come up wth

meaningful Fate Questions. meaningful Fate Questions.
• Questions such as “Is there a tavern
nearby?” or “Does anybody stop me to ask
my business there?” are good ways to build
Use the City Descriptors, Descriptions,
encounters and get into the life of the village.
and Actions Meaning Tables to generate
details like buildings and activities you
come across. You can use Fate Questions
to gather more information if you
Establish the initial look and feel of the village by
interact with any of these elements.
using Meaning Tables such as City Descriptors.
If nothing much is happening in this Scene with
See “Arrival” on page 8 for information. your Fate Question results, then generate a
Random Event to make something happen.
Getting an Interrupt when testing this Scene
is the same as generating another Random
Event. Treat each Interrupt as a new event
happening. You can’t move on to Scene 5 until
you’ve had an Expected or Altered Scene 4.

This Scene is about learning of the dungeon. Preparing for an adventure in the dungeon,
If you have a good idea how and where this acquiring everything you need.
could happen, then use that expectation
for this Scene. If not, then start the Scene ALTERED SCENE
just knowing that here is when you learn
of the dungeon and use Fate Questions Treat this as the expected preparation
and Discover Meaning to find out how. Scene, except you can’t find everything
you need in a single Scene. You’ll have
ALTERED SCENE to do the Scene again to finish.

You continue exploring the village. INTERRUPT SCENE

When this Scene is done, repeat
testing Expected Scene 5 again. Roll a Random Event to find out how the Scene
begins. Treat this as something that happens to
INTERRUPT SCENE interrupt your preparations. After this Interrupt
Scene is done, repeat Expected Scene 6.
Roll a Random Event to find out how the Scene
begins. Treat this as something happening in FATE QUESTIONS TO ASK
the village. After this Interrupt Scene is done,
repeat testing Expected Scene 5 again. “Do they have the thing I’m looking for?” Only
ask this Question for unusual items. Anything
FATE QUESTIONS TO ASK you absolutely need will automatically be found.

Depending on how reliable the source of MEANING TO DISCOVER

information, ask Fate Questions about the
dungeon to learn more about it. However, Use Meaning Tables as necessary to help
don’t gather too much information and spoil with collecting stuff. For instance, you could
surprises. Limit it to learning no more than roll on the Objects table for random things
3 facts that can be used for Context later. a merchant might offer that they think you
need but you hadn’t thought to ask for.
Use Meaning Tables as appropriate to help
fill in any details in this Scene you need. Preparation may also mean taking the time you
need to memorize spells, for clerics to pray to
CONTEXT & NOTES their deity, for alchemists to brew a potion, etc.
If you don’t need to prepare, then skip this
Roll on the Name Of The Kozen Crest Scene and jump ahead to Expected Scene 7.
Dungeon Table on the next page for
a basic summary of the place.

Leaving the dungeon and heading

back to the village.


On your way out, you encounter a monster in

the dungeon. Treat this as a Kozen Monster
Region Sheet Element that occurs somewhere
along the path toward the exit. When you finish
this Altered Scene, test Expected Scene 8 again.


On your way out, something happens.

Generate a Random Event. It takes place
somewhere along the path toward the
exit. When you finish this Interrupt
Scene, test Expected Scene 8 again.


“Do I run into any trouble on the way out?”

Yes is a Kozen Monster Encounter. Resolve this
before returning to the village. Exceptional
Yes means you trip a trap that hadn’t triggered
earlier. Resolve this before returning to the
village. No means you get back to the village
without incident, and Exceptional No means
you run into Kozen villages along the way who
give you a ride in their cart back to the village.
They also render any aid you may need.


• Consider as expected Context that

once you get back to the village, you
recieve any assistance you require
such as medical aid, food, etc. Ask
Fate Questions or Discover Meaning to
generate reactions from the villagers
based on what you did in the dungeon.
• Once outside the dungeon, switch back to the
original set of Threads and Characters Lists.

... where death and

1-7 The ancient crypts of ... ... Brizas the lich, ...
ruin await.

... and the fabled

8-14 The lost halls of ... ... the restless dead, ...
blade of Gruyan.

The abandoned ... the burial site of a

15-21 ... the Dwarf King, ...
barracks of ... king’s treasure.

... Delas, Goddess ... and the Fountain

22-28 The cursed temple of ...
Of The Lost, ... of Endless Worlds.

The underground ... the mad Mage Edward ... and the Three Trials
fortress of ... Strangehands, ... of Worthiness.

The haunted ... laden with traps

36-42 ... the dead mage Arkus, ...
catacombs of ... for the unwary.

... the Kozen fire ... where They rest until

43-48 The lost city of ...
elementals, ... it is time to rise again.

The tragic demense of Lady ... The Shadow That ... where the Crown of
Whitaker, destroyed by ... Consumes, ... Conjuring is hidden.

The Hall of Dream, ... alien and terrible ... where the Sepulchre
home of ... things, ... of Saint Byras rests.

... where illusion

62-68 The crumbled castle of ... ... dark cultists, ...
becomes reality.

... where a terrible secret

69-74 The underground keep of ... ... Infernal Evil, ...
waits to be discovered.

75-81 The frozen cavern of ... ... the Spider Queen, ... ... a tale of tragedy and loss.

The pits of the old

82-87 ... the Argus family, ... ... and a land frozen in time.
city, home of ...

... where an unholy

88-94 The ruined palace of ... ... the vampire lord, ...
alliance schemes.

95-100 The watery depths of ... ... the restless dead, ... ... and the Well of Chaos.
1 Alcoves 51 Loud 1 Above 51 Mage 1 Active 51 Ladder
2 Ancient 52 Magical 2 Acid 52 Magical 2 Armor 52 Lantern
3 Armory 53 Marble 3 Adventurer 53 Mechanical 3 Artistic 53 Large
4 Barracks 54 Messy 4 Aggressive 54 Mechanism 4 Barrel 54 Lethal
5 Beautiful 55 Misty 5 Ambush 55 Message 5 Beautiful 55 Liquid
6 Bedroom 56 Mundane 6 Animal 56 Monster 6 Bed 56 Loud
7 Bizarre 57 Overgrown 7 Animated 57 Moving 7 Bizarre 57 Magic
8 Blocked 58 Painted 8 Armed 58 Multiple 8 Blood 58 Map
9 Bright 59 Path 9 Attack 59 Music 9 Bones 59 Mask
10 Burnt 60 Pool 10 Beautiful 60 Mysterious 10 Book 60 Mechanical
11 Carvings 61 Prison 11 Below 61 Obscured 11 Bottle 61 Mirror
12 Chamber 62 Quiet 12 Blast 62 Paralysis 12 Boxes 62 Moving
13 Clean 63 River 13 Calm 63 Patrol 13 Cage 63 Multiple
14 Cobwebs 64 Rock 14 Collapse 64 Pit 14 Candles 64 Mushrooms
15 Cold 65 Royal 15 Colorful 65 Poison 15 Chains 65 Mysterious
16 Collapsed 66 Rubble 16 Combative 66 Powerful 16 Chair 66 Natural
17 Colorful 67 Ruined 17 Creepy 67 Rats 17 Chest 67 Nest
18 Columns 68 Runes 18 Cultist 68 Ray 18 Clothing 68 Note
19 Cramped 69 Scary 19 Damaging 69 Ritual 19 Clue 69 Orb
20 Creepy 70 Shaking 20 Dangerous 70 Rotating 20 Cold 70 Ornamental
21 Crumbling 71 Shifting 21 Dark 71 Screams 21 Colorful 71 Painting
22 Crypt 72 Shrine 22 Darts 72 Shadows 22 Communication 72 Plants
23 Crystal 73 Simple 23 Echoes 73 Silent 23 Consumable 73 Pottery
24 Damaged 74 Slippery 24 Energy 74 Slime 24 Container 74 Powerful
25 Dangerous 75 Slope 25 Entangling 75 Sounds 25 Corpse 75 Prized
26 Dark 76 Small 26 Equipped 76 Spear 26 Crown 76 Resource
27 Dining 77 Smelly 27 Explosion 77 Spell 27 Curtains 77 Ring
28 Dirty 78 Smoke 28 Falling 78 Spider 28 Dagger 78 Rope
29 Door 79 Stairs 29 Fast 79 Spike 29 Dais 79 Rug
30 Drafty 80 Stalactites 30 Ferocious 80 Spirit 30 Damaged 80 Ruined
31 Dripping 81 Steam 31 Fire 81 Spray 31 Dangerous 81 Runes
32 Enormous 82 Stinks 32 Floating 82 Stealthy 32 Debris 82 Sand
33 Flooded 83 Stonework 33 Foe 83 Strange 33 Decorations 83 Sarcophagus
34 Frightening 84 Storeroom 34 Footsteps 84 Strong 34 Domestic 84 Scroll
35 Furnished 85 Strange 35 Freeze 85 Stun 35 Enormous 85 Shield
36 Garden 86 Temple 36 Frightening 86 Suspended 36 Equipment 86 Skull
37 Gated 87 Threatening 37 Fumes 87 Teleporter 37 Fountain 87 Statue
38 Graveyard 88 Throne 38 Ghost 88 Thieving 38 Fragile 88 Strange
39 Hieroglyphs 89 Tile 39 Glowing 89 Threatening 39 Fragrant 89 Sword
40 Hole 90 Trail 40 Greeting 90 Trap 40 Frightening 90 Symbol
41 Hot 91 Tunnel 41 Group 91 Triggered 41 Fungus 91 Tapestry
42 Huge 92 Unstable 42 Harmful 92 Undead 42 Furniture 92 Throne
43 Icy 93 Vaulted 43 Helpful 93 Villager 43 Gold 93 Tool
44 Kitchen 94 Vines 44 Hole 94 Villain 44 Guidance 94 Torch
45 Laboratory 95 Warm 45 Humanoid 95 Violent 45 Harmful 95 Treasure
46 Lair 96 Water 46 Insects 96 Vocal 46 Helmet 96 Valuable
47 Large 97 Waterfall 47 Large 97 Voices 47 Helpful 97 Vault
48 Ledge 98 Windy 48 Lava 98 Warning 48 Important 98 Wand
49 Library 99 Workshop 49 Light 99 Whispers 49 Information 99 Weapon
50 Light 100Wrecked 50 Loud 100Wind 50 Journal 100Well
1 Aggressive 51 Loud 1 Acid 51 Lethal 1 Aggressive 51 Fire
2 Agile 52 Mammalian 2 Ambush 52 Light 2 Allies 52 Floor
3 Air 53 Mandibles 3 Animate 53 Limited 3 Ambush 53 Frightening
4 Alien 54 Mechanical 4 Armor 54 Magic 4 Animals 54 Harm
5 Amorphous 55 Metallic 5 Attach 55 Mental 5 Animate 55 Heat
6 Animal 56 Multiple 6 Attack 56 Move 6 Antagonize 56 Heavy
7 Aquatic 57 Muscled 7 Attract 57 Multiple 7 Aromatic 57 Helpless
8 Armored 58 Mutant 8 Bite 58 Nature 8 Art 58 Horrible
9 Avian 59 Natural 9 Block 59 Normal 9 Attach 59 Illusion
10 Beast 60 Nature 10 Blunt 60 Open 10 Attention 60 Imprison
11 Beautiful 61 Nightmarish 11 Break 61 Others 11 Attract 61 Lethal
12 Bony 62 Object 12 Breath 62 Paralyze 12 Balance 62 Loud
13 Carapace 63 Passive 13 Carry 63 Poison 13 Beautiful 63 Lure
14 Chatty 64 Plant 14 Change 64 Power 14 Bestow 64 Magic
15 Clawed 65 Reptilian 15 Climb 65 Protection 15 Betray 65 Mechanical
16 Clothed 66 Rooted 16 Cold 66 Proximity 16 Bizarre 66 Mental
17 Cold 67 Rough 17 Common 67 Pursue 17 Blades 67 Messy
18 Color 68 Shifting 18 Communicate 68 Ranged 18 Break 68 Monster
19 Composite 69 Silent 19 Conceal 69 Ray 19 Ceiling 69 Natural
20 Constructed 70 Simple 20 Contact 70 Rechargeable 20 Change 70 Object
21 Crawling 71 Slender 21 Control 71 Regenerate 21 Choice 71 Odd
22 Decayed 72 Slow 22 Create 72 Resistance 22 Climb 72 Old
23 Defensive 73 Small 23 Damage 73 Self-Sufficient 23 Cloud 73 Pain
24 Dripping 74 Solitary 24 Dark 74 Senses 24 Cold 74 Plants
25 Element 75 Spider-like 25 Deceive 75 Skill 25 Colorful 75 Portal
26 Equipped 76 Spiked 26 Decrease 76 Sleep 26 Combative 76 Possessions
27 Extra 77 Steaming 27 Defense 77 Speed 27 Communicate 77 Prison
28 Fangs 78 Sticky 28 Detect 78 Spells 28 Confuse 78 Projectile
29 Feral 79 Stinger 29 Disrupt 79 Spy 29 Constrain 79 Riddle
30 Filthy 80 Stinks 30 Distract 80 Stab 30 Control 80 Scary
31 Fire 81 Strange 31 Drain 81 Stealth 31 Create 81 Simple
32 Friendly 82 Strong 32 Element 82 Stop 32 Creepy 82 Sounds
33 Fungal 83 Supernatural 33 Energy 83 Strange 33 Crush 83 Stab
34 Furry 84 Tail 34 Enhanced 84 Stun 34 Damaged 84 Stop
35 Gaunt 85 Tentacled 35 Entangle 85 Substance 35 Danger 85 Strange
36 Glowing 86 Tongue 36 Environment 86 Summon 36 Dark 86 Strangle
37 Group 87 Toothy 37 Extra 87 Suppress 37 Deceive 87 Suppress
38 Growling 88 Transparent 38 Fear 88 Swim 38 Delay 88 Take
39 Guarding 89 Tree-like 39 Fight 89 Take 39 Deprive 89 Toxin
40 Horns 90 Twisted 40 Fire 90 Telepathy 40 Disrupt 90 Transform
41 Humanoid 91 Undead 41 Fly 91 Touch 41 Divide 91 Transport
42 Inscribed 92 Unnatural 42 Grapple 92 Transform 42 Door 92 Treasure
43 Insect-like 93 Warm 43 Harm 93 Travel 43 Drop 93 Trials
44 Insubstantial 94 Wary 44 Heal 94 Trick 44 Duplicate 94 Trigger
45 Intelligent 95 Weak 45 Hide 95 Uncommon 45 Elaborate 95 Unleash
46 Intimidating 96 Weapon 46 Illusion 96 Vision 46 Enemies 96 Wall
47 Large 97 Wings 47 Imitate 97 Vulnerable 47 Energy 97 Warning
48 Levitating 98 Wooden 48 Immune 98 Weak 48 Fall 98 Water
49 Limited 99 Wormish 49 Increase 99 Weaken 49 Fear 99 Weapon
50 Liquid 100Wounded 50 Infectious 100Weapon 50 Fight 100Wound
1 Access 51 Intellect 1 Alcohol 51 Journal
2 Active 52 Knowledge 2 Armor 52 Key
3 Amusing 53 Large 3 Arrows 53 Lamp
4 Anxious 54 Lethal 4 Art 54 Lantern
5 Art 55 Lock 5 Axe 55 Leather
6 Assist 56 Lure 6 Bag 56 Letter
7 Attain 57 Maze 7 Barrell 57 Mace
8 Balance 58 Mechanical 8 Book 58 Magic
9 Barrier 59 Message 9 Boots 59 Manacles
10 Beautiful 60 Missing 10 Bow 60 Mandolin
11 Bizarre 61 Move 11 Bowl 61 Map
12 Brave 62 Multiple 12 Box 62 Mask
13 Careful 63 Mundane 13 Bracelet 63 Masterwork
14 Caution 64 Mysterious 14 Broken 64 Mechanical
15 Change 65 Normal 15 Brooch 65 Message
16 Choice 66 Object 16 Candles 66 Mirror
17 Code 67 Obscured 17 Cape 67 Multiple
18 Colorful 68 Official 18 Chalice 68 Necklace
19 Combination 69 Old 19 Chest 69 Orb
20 Communicate 70 Open 20 Cloak 70 Painting
21 Competition 71 Oppose 21 Clock 71 Pearl
22 Complete 72 Pattern 22 Clothes 72 Pelt
23 Controls 73 Personal 23 Coal 73 Pile
24 Countdown 74 Physical 24 Coins 74 Pot
25 Damaged 75 Portal 25 Common 75 Potion
26 Danger 76 Power 26 Copper 76 Quality
27 Delicate 77 Precision 27 Crate 77 Quill
28 Disarm 78 Problem 28 Crown 78 Ring
29 Dismantle 79 Question 29 Cushion 79 Rope
30 Disrupt 80 Release 30 Dagger 80 Rubies
31 Elements 81 Repair 31 Damaged 81 Saphires
32 Enemy 82 Resolve 32 Diamonds 82 Scroll
33 Energy 83 Reward 33 Document 83 Shield
34 Environment 84 Riddle 34 Figurine 84 Silver
35 Extravagant 85 Risk 35 Fine 85 Spear
36 Fear 86 Simple 36 Flask 86 Staff
37 Frantic 87 Skill 37 Furniture 87 Strange
38 Free 88 Solve 38 Gauntlet 88 Sword
39 Frightening 89 Speak 39 Gems 89 Symbol
40 Game 90 Start 40 Gloves 90 Tapestry
41 Goal 91 Stop 41 Glowing 91 Tarnished
42 Harm 92 Strange 42 Goblet 92 Torch
43 Historical 93 Struggle 43 Gold 93 Unusual
44 Imitate 94 Technology 44 Hammer 94 Valuable
45 Information 95 Tension 45 Harp 95 Vase
46 Innocent 96 Threatening 46 Hat 96 Vial
47 Inquire 97 Timed 47 Helmet 97 Wand
48 Inscription 98 Water 48 Horn 98 Weapon
49 Inside 99 Weapon 49 Idol 99 Whip
50 Inspect 100Words 50 Jewlery 100Wine
1 Animal 51 Imitate 1 Animal 51 Heal
2 Animate 52 Increase 2 Animate 52 Helpful
3 Area 53 Information 3 Assist 53 Ice
4 Armor 54 Inhibit 4 Attack 54 Illusion
5 Assist 55 Instant 5 Attract 55 Imbue
6 Attack 56 Jewelry 6 Bestow 56 Immunity
7 Attract 57 Lethal 7 Bizarre 57 Imprison
8 Benefit 58 Life 8 Block 58 Information
9 Bestow 59 Light 9 Break 59 Inspect
10 Block 60 Limited 10 Bright 60 Life
11 Book 61 Liquid 11 Burn 61 Light
12 Change 62 Mental 12 Change 62 Limitation
13 Clothing 63 Monster 13 Cloud 63 Liquid
14 Cloud 64 Multi 14 Cold 64 Loud
15 Cold 65 Nature 15 Communicate 65 Manipulation
16 Communication 66 Object 16 Conceal 66 Mind
17 Container 67 Orb 17 Conjure 67 Nature
18 Control 68 Others 18 Control 68 Object
19 Create 69 Physical 19 Counteract 69 Others
20 Curse 70 Plants 20 Create 70 Pain
21 Damage 71 Poison 21 Creature 71 Physical
22 Death 72 Potion 22 Curse 72 Plant
23 Deceit 73 Power 23 Damage 73 Poison
24 Decrease 74 Ranged 24 Dark 74 Portal
25 Defense 75 Resistance 25 Death 75 Powerful
26 Destroy 76 Restore 26 Deceive 76 Protect
27 Detect 77 Ring 27 Decrease 77 Radius
28 Dimensions 78 Rope 28 Defense 78 Ranged
29 Elements 79 Rune 29 Destroy 79 Resistance
30 Emotion 80 Safety 30 Detect 80 Restore
31 Energy 81 Scroll 31 Diminish 81 Self
32 Enhance 82 Self 32 Disease 82 Senses
33 Environment 83 Senses 33 Dominate 83 Shield
34 Escape 84 Skill 34 Duplicate 84 Soul
35 Evil 85 Special 35 Earth 85 Strange
36 Explode 86 Speed 36 Elements 86 Strength
37 Fear 87 Spell 37 Emotion 87 Stun
38 Fire 88 Staff 38 Enemies 88 Summon
39 Flight 89 Strange 39 Energy 89 Time
40 Food 90 Summon 40 Enhance 90 Transform
41 Gem 91 Sword 41 Environment 91 Trap
42 Good 92 Tool 42 Expose 92 Travel
43 Group 93 Transform 43 Fire 93 Trigger
44 Harm 94 Trap 44 Fix 94 Uncertain
45 Heal 95 Travel 45 Food 95 Undead
46 Health 96 Useful 46 Free 96 Wall
47 Helpful 97 Utility 47 Group 97 Water
48 Illness 98 Wand 48 Guide 98 Weak
49 Illusion 99 Water 49 Hamper 99 Weapon
50 Imbue 100Weapon 50 Harm 100Weather

1 Mundane
Expected None None

2 Mundane
Expected None Random

3 Random
Random Monster None

4 Mundane
Random Trap/Puzzle Expected

5 Context
Expected Random None

6 Random
Random Monster Random

7 Context Context
Expected None Expected

8 Mundane Random
Expected Monster Random

9 Context
Random Expected None

10 Mundane Mundane
Expected Trap/Puzzle Expected
Progress Points

11 Context
Expected Random Special

12 Kozen
Random Monster Random

13 Context Mundane
Expected None Expected

14 Context
Expected Special Treasure

15 Random
Special Monster None

16 Special
Random Trap/Puzzle Item (U)

17 Special
Place (U) Random None

18 Context Special
Expected Villain (U) Random

19 Context Context
Complete Expected Expected

20 Context Kozen
Expected Monster Treasure
Progress Points

YES The value is what you expected. The challenge is what you expected.

EXCEPTIONAL The value is higher than you The challenge is a little harder
YES expected, by about 25%. than you expected.

The value is lower than you The challenge is a little easier

expected, by about 25%. than you expected.

EXCEPTIONAL The value is much lower than The challenge is much easier
NO you expected, by about 50%. than you expected.

RANDOM There is a special condition associated with this statistic or challenge.

EVENT Roll a Random Event with a Focus of Current Context.


PIT TRAP: You’ve come across a pit Yes, roll on the Puzzle
trap that springs as you walk across YES
Reward Table.
1-25 it. Determine if your PC notices
the trap, or otherwise avoids it. If EXCEPTIONAL Yes, roll twice on the
not, they fall in and take damage. YES Puzzle Reward table.
RANDOM TRAP: You activate a No, nothing happens.
trap. Roll on the Dungeon Traps NO You can try again with
Meaning Table for inspiration a different solution.
for what the trap does.
The solution is incorrect,
PUZZLE: You’ve discovered a and a trap is sprung.
puzzle. See “Solving Puzzles”. Roll on the Dungeon
Traps Meaning Table for
inspiration for what the trap
PUZZLE SOLVING ODDS does. The puzzle cannot
be solved at this point.
The Event is related to the
Brilliant, if I do say so myself. Likely puzzle, triggered by your
attempt to solve it. Generate
Not bad, but it feels off. 50/50 the Random Event with a
Focus of Current Context.
I have no idea, total guess. Very Unlikely

Yes, roll on the Search YOU FOUND SOMETHING: This

YES may be a simple item or valuable.
Discovery Table.
1-45 For inspiration or to randomize
Yes, roll twice on the the find, roll on the Treasure
Search Discovery Table. Meaning Table on page 35.

No, there is nothing TREASURE: You found something

NO 46-60
to be found. valuable. Roll on the Treasure Table.

The item you’re searching SURPRISE!: You found a lurking,

is trapped. Roll on the hiding creature that attacks. Treat
EXCEPTIONAL this the same as a Kozen Creature
Dungeon Traps Meaning
NO result on the Region Sheet. If there
Table for inspiration for 61-75
what the trap does. is no possibility of a creature hiding
in the space you are searching, then
Your search has triggered it comes upon you as a wandering
RANDOM monster while you are searching.
this Random Event. Roll with
a Focus of Current Context.
If you are searching for something
76-90 in the dungeon, you find something
“IS THERE TREASURE?” that will help. Ask Fate Questions or
Discover Meaning to find out what.
Yes, roll on the
YES looking for something special in
Treasure Table.
91-100 the dungeon, you find it here.
If you aren’t, then treat this as
EXCEPTIONAL Yes, roll twice on the
Useful Stuff Or Information.
YES Treasure Table.

NO No, there is no treasure.

There’s no treasure,
but there’s bad luck. LEVEL OF CHALLENGE ODDS
The next monster you
defeat automatically A tough monster in its lair Neary Certain
has no treasure.
A minor monster in its lair Likely
Roll a Random Event.
It happens while you
EVENT Any monster out of its lair 50/50
search for Treasure.

SAFE TRAVEL: This allows you A FEW COINS: A handful of

travel back to an Area of the 1-15 coins. Not worth much, but
dungeon you’ve already been, it might buy you a meal.
you choose where. Interpret
this as a tunnel, teleporter, or BAG OF COINS: A bag of coins.
whatever is appropriate. This is enough to buy a horse.


portal to the next Area. Generate very valuable gems.
it as normal, but add Treasure
to whatever else is there. JEWELRY: Jewelry made of fine
36-45 metal, encrusted with precious
USEFUL STUFF OR INFORMATION: stones, and clearly worth something.
If you are searching for something
in the dungeon, the puzzle rewards A MAGICAL ITEM: Roll on the
you with something that will help. Magic Items Meaning Table to
Ask Fate Questions or Discover 46-50 determine what the item is, and,
Meaning to find out what. if necessary, the Spell Effects
table to determine what it does.
TRAPPED: The puzzle is a trap
with no answer. Roll on the A POTION: You can’t tell what
Dungeon Traps Meaning Table for it does until you drink it. Roll on
inspiration for what the trap does. the Spell Effects Meaning Table
to interpret what happens.
TREASURE: The puzzle delivers a
reward. Roll on the Treasure Table.
may be a simple item or valuable.
56-85 For inspiration or to randomize
the find, roll on the Treasure
Meaning Table on page 35.


looking for something special in this
dungeon, then you’ve found it. This is
it! If you aren’t looking for anything,
or you’ve already found it, then
treat this as You Found Something.

SUPERSIZE: Roll in the Category again (if you

roll Special, treat it as Mundane Expected).
1-10 Interpret the generated Element as greater than
expected. For instance, it’s bigger, stronger,
more damaging, more numerous, etc.

LESS THAN: Roll in the Category again (if you roll

Special, treat it as Mundane Expected). Interpret the
generated Element as less than expected. For instance,
it’s smaller, weaker, less damaging, less numerous, etc.

THIS IS BAD: Roll in the Category again (if you roll

Special, treat it as Mundane Expected). Interpret the
generated Element as bad for the Player Character.
For instance, it’s dangerous or poses an obstacle.

THIS IS GOOD: Roll in the Category again (if

you roll Special, treat it as Mundane Expected).
Interpret the generated Element as good for the
Player Character. For instance, it’s helpful.

MULTI-ELEMENT: Roll twice in this Category

36-50 (if you roll Special, treat it as Mundane
Expected) and include both in this Area.

EXIT: This Area contains an exit from the dungeon,

51-55 if possible. If this result doesn’t make sense in this
Area, treat this Element as Mundane Expected.

DELVE FURTHER: Instead of adding 1 Progress

56-70 Point for this Category, add 3. Otherwise
treat this result as Mundane Expected.

COMMON GROUND: Eliminate 3 Progress

71-85 Points for this Category. Otherwise treat
this result as Mundane Expected.

86-100 RANDOM: Treat this like a Random Element.










They tell a story. Roll 1-12 Agrees

on “Telling A Tale” plus
YES 13-20 Disagrees
a Meaning Table and
interpret the results.
21-28 Asks you a question
They tell one story, then
EXCEPTIONAL immediately follow it up with 29-32 Argues
YES another one. The two stories
are related in some way. 33-43 Explains

They don’t tell their story 44-47 Directs you to someone else
right now, but if you do
NO 48-51 Gets emotional about this
something meaningful
for them they will.
52-55 Asks you to do something
They aren’t telling their
EXCEPTIONAL story right now, and 56-59 Offers to do something for you
NO there’s nothing you can
do to encourage them. 60-63 Wants to end this conversation

Generate the Event 64-67 Seems puzzled or confused

RANDOM and incorporate it as
EVENT additional material to 68-71 Knows what you’re talking about
interpret for the story.
72-75 Seems nervous to talk

76-82 Eager to talk

83-86 Tells a story

87-93 Describes a difficulty

94-97 They want to help

98-100 They want something from you

D100 A TALE OF ... D100 A TALE OF ...

1-3 Their philosophy about life 50-52 How they learned a valuable lesson

Getting something valuable How they made restitution

4-6 53-55
and unexpected for a mistake

7-9 How their life suddenly changed 56-58 When someone helped them

10-12 Overcoming a personal obstacle 59-61 How they once saved the day

13-14 A secret they are willing to tell 62-64 How they accomplished something

15-17 Friendship 65-67 Something artistic they created

18-20 Their childhood 68-70 A great adventure they once took

21-23 How they met their love 71-73 What they used to do before this

24-26 Family 74-76 How they came to be in this place

An opportunity to do what When they had to do

27-29 77-79
they really wanted to do something difficult

30-32 Starting a new life 80-82 How they overcame adversity

33-35 Something they regret 83-85 When they helped someone else

An unusual talent they have

36-37 86-88 Why they chose their career
and why they have it

38-40 Someone they lost 89-91 Why they are so good at something

41-43 A long distance trip 92-94 How someone once mentored them

44-46 A career or work difficulty 95-97 How they solved a problem

47-49 When expectation met reality 98-100 What their education was like
1: Abandon 21: Communicate 41: Escape 61: Misuse 81: Ruin
2: Accompany 22: Conceal 42: Expose 62: Move 82: Separate
3: Activate 23: Continue 43: Fail 63: Neglect 83: Start
4: Agree 24: Control 44: Fight 64: Observe 84: Stop
5: Ambush 25: Create 45: Flee 65: Open 85: Strange
6: Arrive 26: Deceive 46: Free 66: Oppose 86: Struggle
7: Assist 27: Decrease 47: Guide 67: Overthrow 87: Succeed
8: Attack 28: Defend 48: Harm 68: Praise 88: Support
9: Attain 29: Delay 49: Heal 69: Proceed 89: Suppress
10: Bargain 30: Deny 50: Hinder 70: Protect 90: Take
11: Befriend 31: Depart 51: Imitate 71: Punish 91: Threaten
12: Bestow 32: Deposit 52: Imprison 72: Pursue 92: Transform
13: Betray 33: Destroy 53: Increase 73: Recruit 93: Trap
14: Block 34: Dispute 54: Indulge 74: Refuse 94: Travel
15: Break 35: Disrupt 55: Inform 75: Release 95: Triumph
16: Carry 36: Distrust 56: Inquire 76: Relinquish 96: Truce
17: Celebrate 37: Divide 57: Inspect 77: Repair 97: Trust
18: Change 38: Drop 58: Invade 78: Repulse 98: Use
19: Close 39: Easy 59: Leave 79: Return 99: Usurp
20: Combine 40: Energize 60: Lure 80: Reward 100: Waste

1: Advantage 21: Disadvantage 41: Hope 61: Object 81: Representative
2: Adversity 22: Distraction 42: Idea 62: Obscurity 82: Riches
3: Agreement 23: Elements 43: Illness 63: Official 83: Safety
4: Animal 24: Emotion 44: Illusion 64: Opposition 84: Strength
5: Attention 25: Enemy 45: Individual 65: Outside 85: Success
6: Balance 26: Energy 46: Information 66: Pain 86: Suffering
7: Battle 27: Environment 47: Innocent 67: Path 87: Surprise
8: Benefits 28: Expectation 48: Intellect 68: Peace 88: Tactic
9: Building 29: Exterior 49: Interior 69: People 89: Technology
10: Burden 30: Extravagance 50: Investment 70: Personal 90: Tension
11: Bureaucracy 31: Failure 51: Leadership 71: Physical 91: Time
12: Business 32: Fame 52: Legal 72: Plot 92: Trial
13: Chaos 33: Fear 53: Location 73: Portal 93: Value
14: Comfort 34: Freedom 54: Military 74: Possession 94: Vehicle
15: Completion 35: Friend 55: Misfortune 75: Poverty 95: Victory
16: Conflict 36: Goal 56: Mundane 76: Power 96: Vulnerability
17: Cooperation 37: Group 57: Nature 77: Prison 97: Weapon
18: Danger 38: Health 58: Needs 78: Project 98: Weather
19: Defense 39: Hindrance 59: News 79: Protection 99: Work
20: Depletion 40: Home 60: Normal 80: Reassurance 100: Wound
1: Adventurously 21: Defiantly 41: Generously 61: Loudly 81: Playfully
2: Aggressively 22: Deliberately 42: Gently 62: Lovingly 82: Politely
3: Anxiously 23: Delicately 43: Gladly 63: Loyally 83: Positively
4: Awkwardly 24: Delightfully 44: Gracefully 64: Majestically 84: Powerfully
5: Beautifully 25: Dimly 45: Gratefully 65: Meaningfully 85: Quaintly
6: Bleakly 26: Efficiently 46: Happily 66: Mechanically 86: Quarrelsomely
7: Boldly 27: Emotionally 47: Hastily 67: Mildly 87: Quietly
8: Bravely 28: Energetically 48: Healthily 68: Miserably 88: Roughly
9: Busily 29: Enormously 49: Helpfully 69: Mockingly 89: Rudely
10: Calmly 30: Enthusiastically 50: Helplessly 70: Mysteriously 90: Ruthlessly
11: Carefully 31: Excitedly 51: Hopelessly 71: Naturally 91: Slowly
12: Carelessly 32: Fearfully 52: Innocently 72: Neatly 92: Softly
13: Cautiously 33: Ferociously 53: Intensely 73: Nicely 93: Strangely
14: Ceaselessly 34: Fiercely 54: Interestingly 74: Oddly 94: Swiftly
15: Cheerfully 35: Foolishly 55: Irritatingly 75: Offensively 95: Threateningly
16: Combatively 36: Fortunately 56: Joyfully 76: Officially 96: Timidly
17: Coolly 37: Frantically 57: Kindly 77: Partially 97: Very
18: Crazily 38: Freely 58: Lazily 78: Passively 98: Violently
19: Curiously 39: Frighteningly 59: Lightly 79: Peacefully 99: Wildly
20: Dangerously 40: Fully 60: Loosely 80: Perfectly 100: Yieldingly

1: Abnormal 21: Dry 41: Hard 61: Mature 81: Remarkable
2: Amusing 22: Dull 42: Harsh 62: Messy 82: Rotten
3: Artificial 23: Empty 43: Healthy 63: Mighty 83: Rough
4: Average 24: Enormous 44: Heavy 64: Military 84: Ruined
5: Beautiful 25: Extraordinary 45: Historical 65: Modern 85: Rustic
6: Bizarre 26: Extravagant 46: Horrible 66: Mundane 86: Scary
7: Boring 27: Faded 47: Important 67: Mysterious 87: Shocking
8: Bright 28: Familiar 48: Interesting 68: Natural 88: Simple
9: Broken 29: Fancy 49: Juvenile 69: Normal 89: Small
10: Clean 30: Feeble 50: Lacking 70: Odd 90: Smooth
11: Cold 31: Feminine 51: Large 71: Old 91: Soft
12: Colorful 32: Festive 52: Lavish 72: Pale 92: Strong
13: Colorless 33: Flawless 53: Lean 73: Peaceful 93: Stylish
14: Creepy 34: Forlorn 54: Less 74: Petite 94: Unpleasant
15: Cute 35: Fragile 55: Lethal 75: Plain 95: Valuable
16: Damaged 36: Fragrant 56: Lively 76: Poor 96: Vibrant
17: Dark 37: Fresh 57: Lonely 77: Powerful 97: Warm
18: Defeated 38: Full 58: Lovely 78: Quaint 98: Watery
19: Dirty 39: Glorious 59: Magnificent 79: Rare 99: Weak
20: Disagreeable 40: Graceful 60: Masculine 80: Reassuring 100: Young
1: Abandoned 51: Lively 1: Accompanied 51: Important 1: Active 51: Information
2: Active 52: Lonely 2: Active 52: Inactive 2: Artistic 52: Intriguing
3: Artistic 53: Long 3: Aggressive 53: Influential 3: Average 53: Large
4: Atmosphere 54: Loud 4: Ambush 54: Innocent 4: Beautiful 54: Lethal
5: Beautiful 55: Meaningful 5: Animal 55: Intense 5: Bizarre 55: Light
6: Bleak 56: Messy 6: Anxious 56: Knowledgable 6: Bright 56: Liquid
7: Bright 57: Mobile 7: Armed 57: Large 7: Clothing 57: Loud
8: Business 58: Modern 8: Beautiful 58: Lonely 8: Clue 58: Majestic
9: Calm 59: Mundane 9: Bold 59: Loud 9: Cold 59: Meaningful
10: Charming 60: Mysterious 10: Busy 60: Loyal 10: Colorful 60: Mechanical
11: Clean 61: Natural 11: Calm 61: Masculine 11: Communication 61: Modern
12: Cluttered 62: New 12: Careless 62: Mighty 12: Complicated 62: Moving
13: Cold 63: Occupied 13: Casual 63: Miserable 13: Confusing 63: Multiple
14: Colorful 64: Odd 14: Cautious 64: Multiple 14: Consumable 64: Mundane
15: Colorless 65: Official 15: Classy 65: Mundane 15: Container 65: Mysterious
16: Confusing 66: Old 16: Colorful 66: Mysterious 16: Creepy 66: Natural
17: Cramped 67: Open 17: Combative 67: Natural 17: Crude 67: New
18: Creepy 68: Peaceful 18: Crazy 68: Odd 18: Cute 68: Odd
19: Crude 69: Personal 19: Creepy 69: Official 19: Damaged 69: Official
20: Cute 70: Plain 20: Curious 70: Old 20: Dangerous 70: Old
21: Damaged 71: Portal 21: Dangerous 71: Passive 21: Deactivated 71: Ornamental
22: Dangerous 72: Protected 22: Deceitful 72: Peaceful 22: Deliberate 72: Ornate
23: Dark 73: Protection 23: Defeated 73: Playful 23: Delightful 73: Personal
24: Delightful 74: Purposeful 24: Defiant 74: Powerful 24: Desired 74: Powerful
25: Dirty 75: Quiet 25: Delightful 75: Professional 25: Domestic 75: Prized
26: Domestic 76: Reassuring 26: Emotional 76: Protected 26: Empty 76: Protection
27: Empty 77: Remote 27: Energetic 77: Protecting 27: Energy 77: Rare
28: Enclosed 78: Resourceful 28: Equipped 78: Questioning 28: Enormous 78: Ready
29: Enormous 79: Ruined 29: Excited 79: Quiet 29: Equipment 79: Reassuring
30: Entrance 80: Rustic 30: Expected 80: Reassuring 30: Expected 80: Resource
31: Exclusive 81: Safe 31: Familiar 81: Resourceful 31: Expended 81: Ruined
32: Exposed 82: Services 32: Fast 82: Seeking 32: Extravagant 82: Small
33: Extravagant 83: Simple 33: Feeble 83: Skilled 33: Faded 83: Soft
34: Familiar 84: Small 34: Feminine 84: Slow 34: Familiar 84: Solitary
35: Fancy 85: Spacious 35: Ferocious 85: Small 35: Fancy 85: Stolen
36: Festive 86: Storage 36: Foe 86: Stealthy 36: Flora 86: Strange
37: Foreboding 87: Strange 37: Foolish 87: Strange 37: Fortunate 87: Stylish
38: Fortunate 88: Stylish 38: Fortunate 88: Strong 38: Fragile 88: Threatening
39: Fragrant 89: Suspicious 39: Fragrant 89: Tall 39: Fragrant 89: Tool
40: Frantic 90: Tall 40: Frantic 90: Thieving 40: Frightening 90: Travel
41: Frightening 91: Threatening 41: Friend 91: Threatening 41: Garbage 91: Unexpected
42: Full 92: Tranquil 42: Frightened 92: Triumphant 42: Guidance 92: Unpleasant
43: Harmful 93: Unexpected 43: Frightening 93: Unexpected 43: Hard 93: Unusual
44: Helpful 94: Unpleasant 44: Generous 94: Unnatural 44: Harmful 94: Useful
45: Horrible 95: Unusual 45: Glad 95: Unusual 45: Healing 95: Useless
46: Important 96: Useful 46: Happy 96: Violent 46: Heavy 96: Valuable
47: Impressive 97: Warm 47: Harmful 97: Vocal 47: Helpful 97: Warm
48: Inactive 98: Warning 48: Helpful 98: Weak 48: Horrible 98: Weapon
49: Intense 99: Watery 49: Helpless 99: Wild 49: Important 99: Wet
50: Intriguing 100: Welcoming 50: Hurt 100: Young 50: Inactive 100: Worn


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