Notes (1156-1222)
Notes (1156-1222)
Notes (1156-1222)
times of peace and of war, civilian authority is Article 3. Ignorance of the law excuses no one
always supreme over the military from compliance therewith. (2)
- Ignorantia legis non exusat
Section 4.
The prime duty of the Government is to serve Must be taken in conjunction with Article 2
and protect the people. The Government may call
upon the people to defend the State and, in the Article 2.
fulfillment thereof, all citizens may be required, Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following
under conditions provided by law, to render the completion of their publication in the Official
personal, military or civil service. Gazette, unless it is otherwise provided.
Section 17. publish to inform the citizens regarding the law that
The State shall give priority to education, was formed.
science and technology, arts, culture, and
sports to foster patriotism and nationalism, [OBLIGATIONS & CONTRACTS]
accelerate social progress, and promote total
human liberation and development. Republic Act No. 386 “An Act to Ordain &
Institute the Civil Code of the Philippines”
Section 13.
The State recognizes the vital role of the youth
Civil Code of the Philippines
in nation;
Took effect August 30, 1950 (72 years old)
building and shall promote and protect their
Jorge Bocobo, Francisco Capistrano, Arturo
physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social
2270 provisions – comlaw 284
It shall inculcate in the youth patriotism and
Three Branches of Government
nationalism, and encourage their involvement in
public and civic affairs
Art. VI, Section 1. The legislative power shall be
vested in the congress of the Philippines which
How many laws has the Philippines enacted?
shall consist of a
11,953 republic acts (as of July 7, 2023)
24 Senates,
2,035 presidential decrees
House of Representatives
889 batas pambansa
300 Congressmen
nearly 15,000 pieces of legislation
250 District Representatives,
Civil Code
Article 7. EXECUTIVE
Administrative or executive acts, orders and Art. VII, Section 1.
regulations shall be valid only when they are not Shall be vested in the President of the Philippines
contrary to the laws or the constitution. (5a) Section 5.
shall take the oath before they enter the office
BIR, Tax Code.
Cannot issue a revenue regulation that violates JUDICIARY
the law or the constitution *elaborate* Art VIII, Section 1.
Vested in ONE SUPREME COURT, and in such
Article 8.
lower courts as may be established by law. 15
Judicial Decisions applying or interpreting the
laws or the Constitution shall form a part of the
legal system of the Philippines. (n) Judicial Power. Includes the duty of the courts of
justice to settle actual controversies involving rights
Judicial Decision (by the supreme court) convert to which are legally demandable or enforceable
Law; a senator or congress initiate or sponsor a bill
that covers up the context
there’s no specific law that governs it.
what binds the parties to the obligation; source ARTICLE 1159. “Obligations arising from contracts
of obligation have the force of law between contracting parties
and should be complied with in good faith.”
Source #3 Quasi-Contracts:
ARTICLE 1157. Obligations arise from Two Types.
(1) Law 1158
(2) Contracts 1159 1. Negotiorum gestio (Voluntary Management)
(3) Quasi-Contracts; 1160
Article 2144.
(4) Acts or Omissions punished by law 1161
(5) Quasi-delicts 1162 Whoever voluntarily takes charge of the agency
or management of the business or property of
another, without any power from the latter, is
Source #1 Law: obliged to continue the same until the termination of
in order for a law to give rise to an obligation, the affair and its incidents, or to require the person
we must be able to point to a specific law as
concerned to substitute him, if the owner is in a
the basis of obligation (as used in the Civil
position to do so.
the only way for a law to create an obligation is 2. Solutio Indebiti (Unjust Enrichment)
that the obligation must be specifically
mentioned in order for them to be demandable. Article 2154.
If something is received when there is no right to
ARTICLE 1158. “Obligations derived from law are demand it, and it was duly delivered through
not presumed. Only those expressively mistake, the obligation to return it arises.
determined in this code or in special laws are
demandable, and shall be regulated by the ARTICLE 1160. “Obligations derived from quasi-
precepts of the law which establishes them; and as contracts shall be subject to the provisions of
to what had not been foreseen, by the provisions of Chapter 1, Title XVII, of this Book”
this Book.”
a quasi-delict and is governed by the provisions of ARTICLE 1164. The Creditor has a right to the
this chapter. fruits of a thing from the time the obligation to
deliver it arises. However, he shall acquire no real
Negligence. right over it until the same has been delivered to
Defined as the failure to observe for the protection him. (1095)
of the interests of another person.
ARTICLE 1162. Obligations derived from quasi-
delicts shall be governed by the provisions of 3. deliver the thing
Chapter 2, Title XVII of this Book, and by special - the Creditor cannot use force if the Debtor refuses
laws. to deliver the thing?
1. Actual Delivery (Latin name for delivery- ARTICLE 1167. If a person obliged to do
Tradition) something fails to do it, the same shall be executed
2. Constructive Delivery at his cost.
not exactly delivery but is equivalent to delivery
This same rule shall be observed if he does it in
a. Traditio Simbolica contravention of the tenor of the obligation.
Delivery the keys of the place where the Furthermore, it may be decreed that what has been
movable is stored or kept poorly done be undone.
1190 – shall return to each other what they 1. Thing lost without the debtor’s fault –
receive. obligation is extinguished
2. Thing lost with debtor’s fault – debtor liable for
Potestative, Casual, Impossible, Illegal, Reciprocal
Article 1182
Lost = out of commerce, perish
1. Potestative (1182)
a. Depends on the sole will of the debtor- Void 3. Thing deteriorates without debtor’s fault –
b. Depends on the third person – Valid creditor bears deterioration
Outside the influence of both creditor and
debtor 4. Thing deteriorates with debtor’s fault – liable for
damages or creditor can cancel obligation +
2. Casual (1182) damages
If happening of a condition depends on chance
– Valid 5. Thing improve by nature – Creditor get benefit
3. Impossible (1183)
Condition and obligation are considered void Resolutory Condition. Article 1190. Incase of loss,
deterioration or improvement of the thing, the provisions
4. Illegal (1183) which, with respect to the debtor, are laid down in the
Condition and obligation are considered void preceding article shall be applied to the party who is
bound to return.
5. Reciprocal Obligation (1191) Reciprocal Obligation (1191)
Creditors and debtors of each other
No delay unless one party ready to comply with - The power to rescind (cancel)
his obligation - May choose between the fulfillment and the
rescission of the obligation
Rights before condition happens (1188)
- The injured party may choose between
Before condition is fulfilled: (1) Fulfillment
(2) Rescission w/ damages (cancelation)
Right of Creditor Preserve Rights
Right of Debtor Recover payment by mistake 1169 on delay
In reciprocal obligations, neither party incurs in
Retroactive Effect of Conditional Obligations delay if the other does not comply or is not ready to
(1187) comply in a proper manner with what is incumbent
upon him
the effects of a conditional obligation to give,
retroact to the day of the constitution of the
obligation. What if both parties are guilty of breach (1192)
- The liability of the first infractor shall be
In obligations to do and not to do, the courts
equitably tempered by the courts.
shall determine, in each case, the retroactive effect
of the condition that has been complied with
- If can’t be determined, the same shall be
- Obligations to delivers the fruits deemed extinguished, each shall bear his
own damages.
While waiting for the condition to happen - Obligations for whose fulfillment a day certain
has been fixed, shall be demandable only
when that day comes.
Can the presumption be overturned? Yes, by proof (2) If one prestation is lost
that the Creditor reserved his right or did not Creditor to choose from any remaining
abandon his right to collect the April 30 installment prestation or lost prestation + damages
Article 1205. When the choice has been Exceptions (Obligation is Solidary)
expressly given to the creditor, the obligation shall
cease to be alternative from the day when the 1. When law says it is solidary
selection has been communicated to the debtor. 2. When the contract says it is solidary
3. When nature of obligation requires solidarity solidum; solidaria’ “I promise to pay” signed
by two or more persons
Presumption of Joint Obligation
When does solidarity exist by law?
Article 1208. credit or debit shall be presumed to
be divided into as many shares as there are (1) 1824. All partners are liable solidarity with
creditors or debtors. the partnership for everything
JOINT OBLIGATIONS (2) 1911. Principal is solidarity liable with the
- Each credit or debit divided into as many agent if the former allowed the latter to
shares as there are D or C act as though he had full powers.
- Each credit or debit considered separate from
each other (3) 1915. If two or more persons have
JOINT not Divisible (see 1224) appointed an agent for a common
Effects of Joint Obligation
(4) 94. Family Code – if the community property
- Creditor can only ask for payment of own is insufficient
share from a Joint Debtor
- Debtor will only pay own share to a JC (5) 121. Family Code – conjugal partnership is
- “To each, his own”
Creditor Side
How much can they demand as payment MAY NOT DO
- It may exist although D and C are not bound in (3) Solidary C cannot transfer or assign right
the same manner/terms/conditions (1211) to a third person without consent of the
other solidary Cs (1213)
Other names for Joint or Solidary (4) The debtor may pay any one of the solidary
creditors; but if any demand, judicial or
(1) JOINT extrajudicial, has been made by one them,
- Pro rata; proportionately; mancomunada’ “we payment should be made to him (1214)
promise to pay” signed by two or more
(5) The creditor may proceed against any one
(2) SOLIDARY of the solidary debtors or some or all.
- Jointly and/or severally; individually and/or
collectively; together and/or separately; in
The demand made against one of them RULES ON LOSS OF THING DUE IN SOLIDARY
shall not be an obstacle to those which may OBLIGATION
subsequently be directed against the others,
so long as the debt has not been fully Situation Effect
Thing is lost without Obligation is
collected. (1216)
fault of any SD extinguished
- Basis of bond between solidary Cs: mutual Prestation becomes Obligation is
trust and confidence impossible extinguished
Thing is lost due to All SD is liable to C +
fault of any SDs damages + interest
SDs can go after
negligent SD
Thing is lost due to Obligation is
fortuitous event extinguished
PAYMENT BY SOLIDAY DEBTOR Thing is lost due to All SD liable to C +
fortuitous event after damages + interest
Rule: one SD has incurred SDs can go after
If one SD pays obligation, obligation considered delay Delaying SD
extinguished SD to proceed against other SDs for
Reimbursement (1215,1217) DEFENSES BY SOLIDARY DEBTOR
SC remits (forgives/waives) share of one SD. 2. Those personal to SD: insanity, minority,
incapacity, mistake, violence
(1) Payment happened after remission: 3. Those personal to other SDs: insanity,
SD no longer liable to reimburse paying SD minority, incapacity, mistake, violence with
respect to co-SD
(2) Payment happened before remission
SD still liable to reimburse paying SD (1219)