Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis
Finite Element Analysis
Alexandria University
Department of Mathematics, Capital University of Science and Technology Islamabad, 44000 Islamabad, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics and Social Sciences, Sukkur Institute of Business Administration, 65200 Sukkur, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics, College of Science Al-Zulfi, Majmaah University, Al-Majmaah 11952, Saudi Arabia
Center of Research, Faculty of Engineering, Future University in Egypt New Cairo 11835, Egypt
KEYWORDS Abstract This article aims to numerically compute the magnetic induced flow in the framework of
Micropolar; higher order continuum through its implementation using FreeFem++. The flow through a rect-
Magnetic induction; angular channel is assumed laminar, incompressible and under constant applied pressure. External
Rectangular channel; magnetic field is applied through the boundary of the channel. To compute the physical response
Finite element method; theory of micropolar continuum is taken into consideration and governing dynamics is described
FreeFem++ in the form of coupled partial differential equations in velocity, induction and microrotation field
variables along with associated boundary conditions. Sparse linear system is thus obtained with
the application of finite element method. The resulting system is then solved by sparse solver avail-
able in unsymmetric multifrontal package (UMFPACK) through FreeFem++. The variational
form of the model is presented and implemented in FreeFem++. Pertinent to physical significance
different parameters i.e., magnetic Reynolds number, Hartmann number, micropolar coupling con-
stant, micropolar parameter are studied and results are shown through simulations and graphs.It is
observed that with an increase in micropolar coupling parameter the magnetic induction as well as
the microrotational velocity of particles decreases in the medium. The maximum magnitude of
microrotational velocities is observed near walls of the channel. The microrotational spin in the
channel flow slows down due to an increase in induced magnetic field. Moreover, it is found that
direct solver for the asymmetric sparse linear system arise in this case does not lead to stable solu-
tion. This instability in the solution arises when the Hartmann number in simulations increases than
a value of 1.5. Therefore, iterative solver based on generalized minimal residual method (GMRES)
should be adopted to weed out the instabilities due to fine scale oscillations of translational as well
as microrotational motions of the fluid particles in case of large Hartmann number.
Ó 2023 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (I. Khan).
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
1110-0168 Ó 2023 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
56 M.S. Khan et al.
1. Introduction verse magnetic field with suction. Desoukya et al. [30] studied
an incompressible micropolar fluid flow through a rectangular
Due to wide applications of magnetic induced flows, numerical channel with both slip and convective boundary conditions by
investigation of magnetohydrodynamics has recently gained a using a finite different numerical scheme. In their investigation,
significant attention. To mention few of them, include techno- the effects of magnetic parameter along with different other
logical applications related to electric generators, electromag- dimensionless parameters are discussed. Alizadeh et al. [31]
netic pumps and fusion reactors [1]. In the electromagnetic studied the effects of magnetic field in micropolar nanoflow
processing of materials [2] a number of devices are also gov- through a channel with penetrable walls by application of
erned by magnetohydrodynamics. To get an understanding Duan–Rach method. Ismail et al. [32] investigated micropolar
on the behavior of such flows most of the studies have been fluid flow through the rectangular channel using finite differ-
presented in literature in the framework of classical continuum ence scheme. They studied the effects of induced magnetic field
mechanics. and slip boundary conditions on the magnetic induction and
In literature very few studies are found to deal such phe- microrotational velocities. In literature very few studies are
nomenon in non-classical setting using finite element tech- found to deal such phenomenon in non-classical setting using
niques [3–5] (and references therein). The theory of non- finite element techniques [3–5] (and references therein). The
classical continuum is a well established theory [6–8] which theory of non-classical continuum is a well established theory
incorporates independent micromotions of the fluid particles. [6–8] which incorporates independent micromotions of the
Bitla and Iyengar [9] studied the pulsuating flow of an incom- fluid particles. Bitla and Iyengar [9] studied the pulsuating flow
pressible micropolar conducting fluid between to permeable of an incompressible micropolar conducting fluid between to
beds. They analyzed the flow dynamics using Beavers-Joseph permeable beds. They analyzed the flow dynamics using
slip boundary conditions. Deo and Maurya [10] investigated Beavers-Joseph slip boundary conditions. Deo and Maurya
the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) of micropolar flow over [10] investigated the magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) of
cylindrical porous medium confining an impermeable surface. micropolar flow over cylindrical porous medium confining an
Shamshuddin et al. [11] investigated micropolar flow through a impermeable surface. Srnivasacharya et al. [21] analyzed the
channel in mixed convection conditions. They explored numer- MHD flow of incompressible fluid in steady state conditions.
ically the effect of Sherwood, Nusselt, thermal Peclet number They studied the hall and ion slip parameters and found their
and Reynolds number and vortex viscosity on the flow dynam- effects on microrotational velocities within the medium.
ics field variables. Humane et al. [12] investigated magneto- Ayano et al. [22] investigated the MHD flow of mixed convec-
micropolar fluid flow inside a porous device with applications tive micropolar fluid flowing through a rectangular channel. In
to nanofluids and their thermal efficiency. On the thermal effi- their analysis, the walls of duct were considered isothermal
ciency and energy optimization a study has been carried out by within the presence of transversal magnetic field. Evcin et al.
Salawu et al. [13] using magnetized non-Newtonian liquids [23] applied finite element approach to study MHD flows
with applications to air industry. Among the other applica- through a rectangular channel. Kumbinarasaiah and Raghu-
tions of the model in present consideration are the research natha [24] studied the micropolar rotating flow through a por-
directions as in the articles [14–20]. These applications shows ous channel in a two dimensional setting. They used Laguerre
the practical utilization of the presented model in this paper. wavelet Parseval frame method in their analysis. Reddy et al.
Srnivasacharya et al. [21] analyzed the MHD flow of incom- [25] discussed the numerical solution of unsteady MHD
pressible fluid in steady state conditions. They studied the hall micropolar fluid though a slendering surface in a three dimen-
and ion slip parameters and found their effects on microrota- sional setting. El-Aziz et al. [26] analyzed the viscous dissipa-
tional velocities within the medium. Ayano et al. [22] investi- tion response on time independent mixed convective
gated the MHD flow of mixed convective micropolar fluid micropolar fluid flow. The flow was assumed over a stretched
flowing through a rectangular channel. In their analysis, the surface assisted and opposed by buoyancy force. Kumar et al.
walls of duct were considered isothermal within the presence [27] studied magnetic induced micropolar fluid flow sand-
of transversal magnetic field. Evcin et al. [23] applied finite ele- wiched between two Newtonian fluid through a porous chan-
ment approach to study MHD flows through a rectangular nel. Gupta et al. [28] discussed the finite element simulations
channel. Kumbinarasaiah and Raghunatha [24] studied the of mixed convective micropolar flow in magnetic induced med-
micropolar rotating flow through a porous channel in a two ium with convective surface boundary conditions. Murthy
dimensional setting. They used Laguerre wavelet Parseval et al. [29] analyzed micropolar flow over a rectangular channel
frame method in their analysis. Reddy et al. [25] discussed following a transverse magnetic field with suction. Desoukya
the numerical solution of unsteady MHD micropolar fluid et al. [30] studied an incompressible micropolar fluid flow
though a slendering surface in a three dimensional setting. through a rectangular channel with both slip and convective
El-Aziz et al. [26] analyzed the viscous dissipation response boundary conditions by using a finite different numerical
on time independent mixed convective micropolar fluid flow. scheme. In their investigation, the effects of magnetic parame-
The flow was assumed over a stretched surface assisted and ter along with different other dimensionless parameters are dis-
opposed by buoyancy force. Kumar et al. [27] studied mag- cussed. Alizadeh et al. [31] studied the effects of magnetic field
netic induced micropolar fluid flow sandwiched between two in micropolar nanoflow through a channel with penetrable
Newtonian fluid through a porous channel. Gupta et al. [28] walls by application of Duan–Rach method. Ismail et al. [32]
discussed the finite element simulations of mixed convective investigated micropolar fluid flow through the rectangular
micropolar flow in magnetic induced medium with convective channel using finite difference scheme. They studied the effects
surface boundary conditions. Murthy et al. [29] analyzed of induced magnetic field and slip boundary conditions on the
micropolar flow over a rectangular channel following a trans- magnetic induction and microrotational velocities.
Finite element based direct and iterative approach to investigate a magneto-micropolar flow through a rectangular channel 57
uz ¼ a ; at y ¼ 0 and y ¼ b; ð12Þ
Fig. 3 Velocity contours with varying values of the micropolar coupling constant (N).
Finite element based direct and iterative approach to investigate a magneto-micropolar flow through a rectangular channel 59
This Section presents the variational form of the magnetic H1 ðXÞ :¼ f 2 L2 ðXÞ; @ j f 2 L2 ðXÞ ðj 2 f1; . . . ; ngÞ ;
induced micropolar model described in previous section. In
order to solve the system in Eqns. (14)–(17) along with associ- here n is the dimension of the problem, with the L2 norm
ated boundary conditions in Eq. (19), numerical procedure !1=2
based on finite elements is applied. In this connection, the 2
jjfjj2 :¼ jjfjj2 þ jj@ j fjj2 :
physical domain X is descretized into a number of triangular j¼1
finite elements where each elemental domain is represented
by Ki ; i ¼ 1; 2; . . . ; ne. Here ne stands for total number of ele- Above, P2 is the set of polynomials of R2 of degree 6 2. The
ments in the descretized domain such as Xh weak formulation of the four-field variable problem in Eqns.
ne (14)–(17) is thus stated as
Xh ¼ Ki ; Find fu; B; w1 ; w2 g 2 fUh Bh Wh Wh g such that
i¼1 Z Z
ðRe Pl Þ u~dX þ ru r~
where the descretization is perfomed suchat that the following X 1N X
property holds Z Z
N @x2 @x1 Ha2 @B
þ u~ þ u~
Ki \ Kj ¼ £; for i – j: 1 N X @X @Y Rm X @X
Define the finite element functional spaces ¼ 0; 8~
u 2 Uh ð20Þ
n o
2 2
fUh ; Wh g ¼ ðu; wÞ 2 H10 ðXÞ H10 ðXÞ j 8 K 2 Xh ujK 2 P2 ; wjK 2 P2 ;
@u ~ 1
BdX þ DB B~ dX ¼ 0; 8 Be 2 Bh ð21Þ
X @X Rm X
Fig. 4 Magnetic induction contours for varying values of the micropolar coupling constant (N).
60 M.S. Khan et al.
2N @x1 @ x ~1 1 ~1
@x1 @ x 1 sectional domain of the duct against large values of the
dX þ dX
2m2 X @Y @Y l2 X @X @X 2 micropolar constant as compared to the one by small values.
Z Z Figs. 4a–4d show the effect of the micropolar coupling con-
~ 1 dX þ x1 x
x ~ 1 dX stant on the magnetic induction field contours. It is seen that
X @Y X
2 Z increase in the micropolar coupling constant increases the
2m l2 ð2 NÞ @x2 @ x ~1 magnetic field induction in the medium. Moreover, the maxi-
þ dX
2m2 l2 X @Y @X mum values of the magnetic induction are oriented to appear
¼ 0; 8w~1 2 Wh ð22Þ towards the center of the duct as the micropolar coupling con-
2N @x2 @ x ~2 1 ~2
@x2 @ x 1
dX þ dX
X @x @X X @Y @Y
2 2
2m l 2
~ 2 dX þ x2 x
x ~ 2 dX
X @X X
2 Z
2m l2 ð2 NÞ @x1 @ x ~2
þ dX
X @Y @X
2 2
2m l
¼ 0; 8w~1 2 Wh : ð23Þ
Subjected to the boundary conditions in Eq. (19).
stant get increased. Figs. 5a–5d show the effect of Hartmann it is observed that with increased value of the Hartmann num-
number on the numerical solutions of x-component of the ber the micro-rotational velocities get decrease. Figs. 6a–6c
microrotation field. It is found that the resulting system of lin- exhibit the micropolar coupling parameter effect on the mag-
ear equations through FEM does not leads to converge solu- netic induction and micro-rotational field variables. Varying
tion by sparse linear solver UMFPAC when Ha P 1:5. values of the micropolar parameter i.e. N ¼ 0:1; 0:3; 0:5 and
However the numerical solution of the problem converges by 0:7, are taken into account in these calculations. The field vari-
the application of an iterative solver based on GMRES [36]. ables are plotted for the one half of at the center line of the
It can be seen that the microrotation field fluctuations channel’s cross section. This is so because the behavior of
decreases with increase in the Hartmann number. Moreover, the field variables here found similar in the other half of the
Fig. 6 Profiles for varying values of the micropolar coupling constant (N). (a) Magnetic field, (b) x-component of the microrotational
velocity, (c) y-component of the microrotational velocity.
62 M.S. Khan et al.
domain. It can be seen that the magnetic field induction Figs. 7a–7c show the effect of Hartmann number on the mag-
decreases as the micropolar coupling constant is increased. netic induction profiles and microrotation profiles at the center
The effect of micropolar constant on the microrotational fields line of the channel’s cross-section. The Hartmann number is
along the center line of the channel’s cross-section is observed. increased to a value of 20. It is observed that with increase
It is found that with increase in micropolar coupling constant in the Hartmann number the magnetic field induction
the x-component of the microrotational velocities decreases. decreases along the width of the cross-section. The microrota-
The y-component of the microrotational velocity at the center tional velocities of the particles also get decrease in magnitude
line of the channel’s cross-section also decreases in magnitude as the Hartmann number is increased. This shows that increase
with an increase in the micropolar coupling parameter. in the induced magnetic field slows down the motion of the
Fig. 7 Profiles for varying values of the Hartmann number (Ha). (a) Magnetic field, (b) x-component of the microrotational velocity, (c)
y-component of the microrotational velocity.
Finite element based direct and iterative approach to investigate a magneto-micropolar flow through a rectangular channel 63
Fig. 8 Microrotation velocity profiles for varying values of the coupling constant (l2 ). (a) x-component of the microrotational velocity,
(b) y-component of the microrotational velocity.
particles within the medium and our this observation is in near wall of the duct. Whereas, fluid particles get zero micro-
accordance to the observation of Srnivasacharya and Shiferaw rotatinoal velocities at center of the duct. This is due to the fact
[21]. Fig. 8a and 8b show the effect of micropolar parameter l2 that fluid particles experience counter rotations from both
on the microrotational velocity profiles. It is found that with sides of the medium at the center position in the domain and
increase in the micropolar parameter l2 the microrotational thus experience zero microrotation.
velocities decreases in magnitude. This is significantly due to
the resistance to the independent micromotions of the particles
that micropolar parameter induces to the micropolar flow in 5. Conclusion
both the direction across the channel width. Fig. 9 exhibits
the influence of magnetic Reynolds number on the magnetic This study aims to numerically investigate the magnetic
field induction profiles and microrotational velocity profiles. induced flow through a rectangular duct in the framework of
It can be seen through Fig. 9a that the magnetic field induction higher order continuum thoery. The governing dynamics
increases with the increase in the magnetic Reynolds number. described by velocity, induction and microrotational fields
The microrotational velocities of the particles also increases are prescribed in the form of boundary value problem in
with an increase in the value of magnetic Reynolds number PDEs. Variational formulation of the governing PDEs is cal-
as can be seen through Figs. 9b and 9c. Interestingly, the max- culated and a multiphysics finite element solver FreeFem+
imum values of the microrotational velocities are observed + is adopted to for computer implementation. The sparse lin-
between the center line and wall of the rectangular duct. ear system generated by FEM is solved with the application of
Fig. 10 shows the microrotational velocity profiles for varying direct as well as iterative solver based on GMRES. It is inter-
values of the Reynolds number. In the Figs. 10a and 10b, it is esting to note that for Hartmann number Ha P 1:5 solution
observed that an increase in the Reynolds number leads to an by direct solver does not leads to stable solution, but the appli-
increase in the microrotational velocities of the particles. The cation of iterative solver GMRES leads to stable solution. The
maximum magnitude of microrotationl velocities are observed main findings of this investigation are summarized as follows:
64 M.S. Khan et al.
Fig. 9 Magnetic and micropolar profiles for varying values of the magnetic Reynold’s number (Rm ). (a) Magnetic field, (b) x-component
of the microrotational velocity, (c) y-component of the microrotational velocity.
The direct solver UMFPAC availabe in FreeFem++ does The microrotational velocities in the medium are decreased
not leads to stable solution for the case when Ha P 1:5 for in magnitude with an increase in the micropolar coupling
the presented model problem. parameter.
Solving the sparse linear system by GMRES weed out the It is found that an increase in induced magnetic field slows
instabilities induced due to large induced magnetic field down microrotational spin in the duct flow. This observa-
and microrotations. tion is in accordance with the findings of Srnivasacharya
The translational velocity is found to be more concentrated and Shiferaw [21].
at the center of the cross-section of the duct for large values The maximum magnitude of the microrotational velocities
of the micropolar coupling parameter. is observed near the walls of the rectangular duct.
The magnetic field induction decreases as the micropolar The magnetic Reynolds number assist in increasing the
coupling parameter (l2 ) is increased. Whereas, it increases magnetic field intensity and microrotational velocities in
as the micropolar constant (N) is increased. the duct flow.
Finite element based direct and iterative approach to investigate a magneto-micropolar flow through a rectangular channel 65
Fig. 10 Microrotational velocity profiles for varying values of the Reynold’s number (Re). (a) x-component of the microrotational
velocity, (b) y-component of the microrotational velocity.
The micropolar parameter l2 induce resistance to the micro- geometries will be employed to compute the behavior of such
rotational velocities in the medium. flows within micropolar continuum with the application of
The magnetic field induction profiles over cross-sectional these developed stabilized finite element procedures.
width of the channel decreases with an increase in Hart-
mann number. Declaration of Competing Interest
The microrotational velocities of the particles get decrease
with an increase in the Hartmann number. The authors declare that they have no known competing
The microrotational velocities of the particles increases financial interests or personal relationships that could have
within the channel as the Reynolds number is increased. appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
The magnitude of the microrotational velocities is maxi-
mum near the wall of the channel. Whereas, it attains zero Acknowledgment
velocity at the center of the channel’s width. This is neces-
sarily due to counter rotational effect of particles at center The authors extend their appreciation to the deputyship for
of the channel. Research & Innovation, Ministry of Education in Saudi Ara-
bia for funding this research work through the project number
Application of finite element method leads to the resulting (IFP-2020–149).
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