Mass Ow and Tangential Momentum Accomodation in Silicon Micromachined Channels
Mass Ow and Tangential Momentum Accomodation in Silicon Micromachined Channels
Mass Ow and Tangential Momentum Accomodation in Silicon Micromachined Channels
251 611
3 authors, including:
Kenneth S Breuer
Brown University
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1. Introduction
The emergence of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) as an important tech-
nology has raised a variety of new scientific questions related to the application of
conventional tools of analysis to the unfamiliar world of micron-sized fluidic sys-
tems. Due to their small size, the surface area to volume ratio in MEMS can be
large and thus surface effects, such as viscous interactions and surface chemistry,
become relatively more important than is typically true in a larger-scale device. As
an example of this scaling one can consider micromachined accelerometers, which
are typically composed of a vibrating proof mass suspended a few microns from a
stationary substrate. With such small clearances, viscous (squeeze-film) damping in
the small gap is typically quite high, dominating the performance of the device. In
order to minimize the damping, the gap is often vented using perforations in the
proof mass, or packaged in vacuum. Despite these steps, viscous damping still limits
device performance and is often poorly predicted using conventional continuum and
crude non-continuum analysis (such as a pressure-dependent effective viscosity). One
explanation for the lack of agreement between experiment and prediction is often that
some kind of ‘new physics’ might be required to explain experimental observations
for such micron-sized systems.
One source of such ‘new physics’ is the possibility that, at such small scales, non-
continuum effects become important to the fluid–surface interactions, including the
presence of slip flow and incomplete momentum and energy accommodation between
30 E. B. Arkilic, K. S. Breuer and M. A. Schmidt
the gas and the substrate. The latter possibility is a reasonable suspicion given that
the surface of MEMS is often a highly polished crystal face of the silicon substrate
and such ordered surfaces are known to exhibit sub-unity accommodation (e.g. Seidl
& Steinheil 1974). The purpose of this paper is to explore the basis for incomplete
accommodation in MEMS devices.
1.1. Models for slip flow
Slip flow, which represents a rarefied gas phenomenon in which the common no-slip
boundary condition breaks down at scales commensurate with the mean free path
of the gas, is commonly described by the Maxwellian (Maxwell 1879) boundary
condition for the fluid velocity, u, at a solid surface (y = 0):
2 − σ ∂u
u(y = 0) = λ , (1.1)
σ ∂y y=0
where λ is the mean free path of the gas. The constant σ is the tangential mo-
mentum accommodation coefficient (TMAC) which can vary from zero (specular
accommodation) to one (complete, or diffuse accommodation). Although Maxwell’s
original formulation used a slightly different argument, the most intuitive description
of the TMAC is that it represents the average streamwise (or tangential) momentum
exchange between impinging gas molecules and the solid surface:
ur − ui
σ= , (1.2)
Uw − ui
where ui is the average incident streamwise velocity, ur is the average reflected
streamwise velocity and Uw is the streamwise velocity of the solid surface. For most
gas–surface interactions at macroscopic (engineering) conditions, σ = 1, is the most
appropriate choice.
Many researchers have measured the TMAC under a variety of conditions (for
example Seidl & Steinheil 1974; Thomas & Lord 1974; Nakarjakov et al. 1995).
For the most part, the test conditions have been at high vacuum, and have used
molecular beams impinging on carefully prepared substrates. Very few, if any results
are available at atmospheric conditions and using ‘as-prepared’ materials. Although
the TMAC should not be affected by operating pressure or incidence angle, the
surface conditions (level of absorbed materials and surface roughness, etc.) can affect
the TMAC and for this reason, a study of MEMS surfaces at ‘standard’ conditions
is of interest.
1.2. Microchannel flows
In recent years, the high-Knudsen-number regime has become accessible to experi-
ments at atmospheric conditions by using microfabricated flow channels. Pfahler et al.
(1991) and subsequently Harley et al. (1995) presented some of the first analytic and
experimental work on rarefied microchannel flows and demonstrated the existence
of slip flows in microchannels by observing an increase in the mass flow through
the channel over what would be predicted using continuum (non-slip) calculations.
However, the fabricated channels did not possess well-controlled surface structure
(the channel was made by the bonding of dry-etched silicon and glass). In addition,
they used a single-tank accumulation technique to measure the mass flow which is
susceptible to thermal fluctuations and thus restricted their measurements to relatively
large mass flows (this is discussed in more detail in § 3.1). Pong et al. (1994) presented
results from experiments on microchannels, fabricated using surface micromachining
Tangential momentum accommodation in microchannels 31
techniques with integrated pressure transducers, and reported pressure distributions
measured along the length of the channel. Subsequent experiments by Shih et al.
(1996) presented mass flow measurements and pressure distributions which were not
in agreement with any theory. However, some questions remain about the dimensional
tolerances of their microchannels (which are fabricated by surface micromachining
techniques) and the accuracy of the mass flow measurement technique, which, like
that of Harley et al. (1995), was a single-tank accumulation technique and is thus very
sensitive to thermal fluctuations for these low mass flow regimes. Arkilic & Breuer
(1993) and Arkilic, Schmidt & Breuer (1997b) explored, using a simple analysis, the
effects of rarefaction and variable density in long microchannels, matching both the
experimental data of Harley et al. (1995) and the measured pressure distributions of
Pong et al. (1994).
Experimental results were also presented by Arkilic, Schmidt & Breuer (1994,
1997b). In this work, the flow rate of helium through carefully fabricated microchan-
nels was measured and it was demonstrated that, as predicted, rarefaction was present
in the microchannel flow. In addition, the theory of Arkilic et al. (1997b) was vali-
dated at these low flow rates. Although this series of experiments indicated excellent
agreement with theory, the extraction of the TMAC requires an even more sensitive
and more extensive series of measurements. It is this that forms the focus of the
present paper.
Finally, it is worth noting that numerical approaches to rarefied flows in mi-
crochannels have also been explored using both slip-flow Navier–Stokes equations
with higher-order boundary conditions (Beskok & Karniadakis 1999) as well as di-
rect simulation Monte Carlo techniques (Piekos & Breuer 1995, 1996; Beskok &
Karniadakis 1993, 1999 and most recently Cai et al. 1999). Such approaches have
confirmed experimental and analytical results, although they still need the TMAC as
an empirical input.
2. Background theory
A theoretical model for slip flow in long channels was reported by Arkilic et al.
(1997b). The key assumptions and results are reported here for completeness and
convenience. In this model, the gas is assumed to be isothermal and represented by
the ideal gas equation of state. The compressible Navier–Stokes equations are solved
32 E. B. Arkilic, K. S. Breuer and M. A. Schmidt
with a Maxwellian slip boundary condition which has the non-dimensional form
2 − σ dũ
ũ|w = K , (2.1)
σ dỹ w
where P is the inlet-to-outlet pressure ratio, Pi /Po , and the subscripts i and o refer to
inlet (x = 0; x̃ ≡ x/L = 0) and outlet (x = L; x̃ ≡ x/L = 1) conditions respectively.
The mass flow is also found from the zeroth-order solution:
H 3 W Po2 2 2−σ
ṁ = P − 1 + 12 Ko (P − 1) , (2.3)
24µLRT σ
where µ is the fluid viscosity, T the temperature and R the gas constant. L and W
are the channel length and width respectively. Note that, for a given inlet and outlet
pressure condition, the rarefaction acts to increase the observed mass flow and that as
the pressure ratio decreases, the effect of slip makes a more significant contribution
to the total mass flow. Also, as the outlet pressure increases for a given inlet pressure,
or as the characteristic dimension increases, the rarefaction contribution diminishes.
With the exception of the TMAC, all variables in the expression for the mass flow
(equation (2.3)) are known or are measurable and we can thus use this expression to
determine the TMAC from mass flow–pressure characteristics of the microchannel.
2.1. Determination of TMAC
We can use and extend this analytic result to determine the TMAC for a given fluid–
surface interaction. Making an analogy to Ohm’s law where the differential pressure
applied across the channel (∆P ) is analogous to the potential and the mass flow is
analogous to the current, the flow conductance, C, can be defined by
ṁ H 3W H 3W 2 − σ
C= = P̄ + Ko Po , (2.4)
∆P 12µLRT 2µLRT σ
where ∆P = Pi − Po is the differential pressure across the channel. The conductance
can be written as
C = AP̄ + B, (2.5)
Tangential momentum accommodation in microchannels 33
H 3W
A= , (2.6)
H 3W 2 − σ
B= Ko Po (2.7)
2µLRT σ
are constants, and P̄ = (Pi + Po )/2 is the average of the inlet and outlet pressures
(from here on referred to as the mean pressure).† Note that A is independent of the
One could extrapolate this line to P̄ = 0 to determine the intercept, B, and thus
derive the TMAC. However, this is problematic, since it relies heavily on data in the
free-molecular flow regime, where the theory becomes more and more tenuous. A
preferable alternative is to normalize the measured mass flow by (Pi2 − Po2 ):
ṁ H 3W H 3W 2 − σ 1
= + Ko Po , (2.8)
Pi2 − Po
2 24µLRT 4µLRT σ P̄
ṁ A B1
= + , (2.9)
− Po2 2 2 P̄
where A and B are defined above. If the measured mass flow (weighted by the inverse
of the difference between the squares of the inlet and outlet pressures, ṁ/(Pi2 − Po2 ))
is plotted versus inverse mean pressure 2/(Pi + Po ), then the intercept of this line
(which corresponds to the continuum limit) is independent of the TMAC while the
slope of the line can be used to extract the TMAC. This weighting of the data
provides a more attractive method of extracting the TMAC and is similar to the
temperature jump (TJ) method which is used to derive experimental values for the
energy accommodation coefficient (Goodman & Wachman 1876).
Silicon wafer
Wafer bond is used to complete
the structure
Gas flow
53.5 microns
51.0 microns
(a) The channels are long enough (7500 microns) such that entrance effects are
negligible and can be safely ignored (L/H > 5000). In addition, the theory, which
relies on a small channel height-to-length ratio is clearly valid.
(b) The channels are wide, with an aspect ratio (W /H) of approximately 40.
Since three-dimensional effects are proportional to the inverse of the aspect ratio
squared (White 1991), we can safely assume two-dimensional flow (also assumed in
the analysis).
(c) The oxide layer that defines the channel height is very uniform over the channel
length. This is a characteristic of thermal oxidation of silicon and one which can
be easily confirmed during the channel fabrication process, prior to wafer bonding.
This property is one of the reasons that this processing route was adopted for these
Tangential momentum accommodation in microchannels 35
(d) The top and bottom surface of the channel are identical and are composed of
polished silicon crystal with a thin layer of ‘native’ oxide (oxide that grows naturally
on a silicon surface exposed to ambient air). This surface is very smooth, uniform
and, as with the channel height, can be well characterized before the wafer-bonding
step. This feature is in contrast to channels used by both Harley et al. (1995) and
Pong et al. (1994). Harley et al. (1995) used a plasma-etched silicon channel with a
glass capping layer. This resulted in a somewhat rough lower surface and dissimilar
materials on the lower and upper surface. Pong et al. (1994) used a dissolved sacrificial
layer of PSG to define their channel. Although they did not report surface roughness,
it is likely to be higher than that of polished silicon. In their case, the lower surface
was silicon while the upper surface was formed by a silicon nitride membrane.
(e) The surfaces that form the channel are very thick (approximately 500 microns)
and will not bend under the large pressures that are required to drive the flow
through the channel. This ensures that the channel geometry is invariant with flow
pressure. Although this has similar structural integrity to the channels used by Harley
et al. (1995), the microchannels used by Pong et al. (1994) used a thin (1.2 micron)
silicon nitride membrane to define the upper surface. This has the drawback that it
is susceptible to deformation and rupture under the high pressures required to drive
a flow through the long channel.
Table 1 summarizes the channel geometry as measured prior to the bonding step.
Reference tank
Flow tank
Copper block
selector 1 Two-way
selector 2
transducer Pressure
Vacuum High-
Vacuum pump ballast pressure
Figure 3. Schematic of mass flow measurement system. Adapted from Arkilic et al. (1998).
Figure 4. Data and least-squares fit (which is used to derive a value for the TMAC) for a
representative set of argon flow experiments exhausting to an outlet pressure of 13 kPa. Two data
points at each pressure represent measurements acquired on ramping the inlet pressure up and then
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Viscosity (Pa s)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
(× 10–5) (c)
Viscosity (Pa s)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Figure 5. Empirical viscosity vs. outlet Knudsen number (a) Working gas: argon (data from two
different channels). (b) Working gas: nitrogen. (c) Working gas: carbon dioxide. A second series of
data was taken at one Knudsen number (K = 0.032) to assess repeatability.
possible reason for this extended validity might be due to the fact that the Knudsen
number along most of the channel remains quite low (due to the high pressure along
the length of the channel) and thus, even at relatively high exit Knudsen number
conditions, most of the fluid in the channel sees conditions that are well within the
strict definition of slip flow. In addition, the channel geometry is so simple that many
of the correction terms that should come in at higher order (for example, from the
Burnett equations) are not present due to the geometric simplicity of the long channel
geometry. Thus, although we should place a limit of K < 0.1, the model might well
hold for values of the Knudsen number far higher.
0.8 0.8
0.4 0.4
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Ko Ko
Figure 6. TMAC values as a function of outlet Knudsen number. (a) Argon: data from two distinct
microchannels are presented (Series I and II). (b) Nitrogen. (c) Carbon dioxide: second a series of
five measurements was made at Ko = 0.032 after observing the anomalous values of µe in order to
check data consistency and repeatability.
in figure 4 and the figures are derived from the same data used to extract the
experimentally determined viscosity, shown in figure 5.
There are two striking features of these results. First, for the majority of the tests,
there is a significant deviation from unity of the TMAC value, with most of the values
ranging between 0.75 and 0.85. Secondly, the value of the TMAC derived from the
data is more or less constant with outlet Knudsen number. For the carbon dioxide
data at low Knudsen number, the values of the TMAC shown are greater than one.
However, these data should be discounted based on the anomalous values of µe
corresponding to these conditions. The TMAC based on the second series of carbon-
dioxide experiments (five experiments at the same outlet condition of K = 0.032)
indicate sub-unity values of TMAC and are consistent with, though lower than, the
values of TMAC derived from the first series of experiments.
Another interesting observation from figure 6(b) is an apparent increase in the
TMAC as the outlet Knudsen number approaches zero. At this stage, we are unable
to determine whether there is any physical reason for this change (such as channel
‘aging’) or whether this is simply a statistical quirk or an artifact of the experimental
procedure. It is worth noting that (in all cases) the data were collected starting at
high Knudsen number, and progressing to lower values of K. In addition, for this
case, the channel was ‘pristine’ at the start of the experimental series. This might
suggest that the TMAC increases slightly as the channel ages. However, at this stage
the relevance of this observation is still not clear and will hopefully be addressed in
future experiments.
Tangential momentum accommodation in microchannels 41
(× 1010)
Mass flow (kg s–1)
1 2 3 4 5
Pressure ratio
Figure 7. Mass flow versus pressure for argon with outlet Knudsen number of 0.053: ——, the
continuum solution (K = 0); · · · · · ·, the analytic solution for rarefied flow with complete accommo-
dation (K = 0.053, σ = 1); - - - - -, the analytic solution for rarefied flow, incomplete accommodation,
using the value of TMAC derived from the experimental data (k = 0.053, σ = 0.8); x, experimental
measurements and their size represents the uncertainty in the experimental measurements using the
current configuration.
As a final step, it is useful to take the value of the TMAC derived using the
above procedures and to plot the dimensional mass flow against the applied pressure,
compared with the corresponding theoretical prediction. This is shown in figure 7 for
the case of argon, flowing at Ko = 0.053 and using σ = 0.8. The close agreement is
evident, confirming both the accuracy of the experiments and the good applicability
of the low Knudsen number theory to this flow regime. The relevance of the sub-
unity accommodation can be seen by comparing the dotted and dashed lines which
correspond to complete and incomplete accommodation respectively.
6. Concluding remarks
The results presented here clearly show a sub-unity accommodation coefficient
for prime silicon substrates. The TMAC is (as expected) independent of pressure,
reinforcing the credibility of these results. What is particularly intriguing about
these results is that they are achieved at relatively standard operating conditions
for MEMS and that the surfaces and gases used are not by any means unusual (in
comparison, for example, with some of the previous TMAC measurements in which
the surfaces were painstakingly prepared and isolated from contamination). Thus,
one would expect that these phenomena are observed in standard MEMS devices and
that such sub-unity accommodation should be accounted for in modelling of viscous
A word should be added on the difficulty of such measurements. The mass flows
in MEMS are so small and so sensitive to small variations in geometry, temperature,
etc. that very careful measurements are required to differentiate between slip, TMAC
42 E. B. Arkilic, K. S. Breuer and M. A. Schmidt
and other extraneous effects. In the present work, this necessitated very carefully
controlled device fabrication, and the development of a mass flow measurement
system that was previously not available. With this system now in place, we anticipate
extending such studies to include different gas–surface combinations and the effects
of surface roughness and adsorbants such as moisture or chemical contaminants.
We are most grateful for the financial support of NSF, DARPA, AFOSR and
Physical Science Incorporated who, at various times and at various levels, make
the work possible. We should also like to acknowledge Harold Wachman and Isaac
Greber who both contributed valuable suggestions and insight. Some of the data
reported in this paper was presented at the Rarefied Gas Dynamics Symposium,
Beijing, China (Arkilic, Schmidt & Breuer 1997a).
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